
The Hawaii H.O.M.E. Project

The mission of the Hawaii H.O.M.E. Project is to improve quality and access to health care for individuals in Hawaii experiencing houselessness, while increasing student and physician awareness and understanding of the houseless and their healthcare needs. The project was founded in August of 2005 and currently provides free medical services to sheltered and unsheltered houseless individuals, through multiple weekly student-run free clinics at sites across Oahu. In addition to these clinics, we also utilize our mobile health van for outreach to other unsheltered houseless populations on Oahu and to provide special events for the keiki at the shelters.

Hawaii H.O.M.E. Project is a John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) student-run free clinic staffed by volunteers, including:

Please note: we are intentionally transitioning to the use of the word "houseless" rather than "homeless throughout our organization. While a house can be defined by a physical location, a home is less tangible and can be found anywhere someone feels welcome, included, or loved.