PROJECT SHED - The master plan.


We have annual operating costs of.Insurance £400Membership Mens Shed £40New Member PPE £10
We currently are lucky enough to have free venue use.

2022 Summer.

Start Up Money

CPG (Cambridge Pringle Group) secured a grant of £1000 from West Suffolk Council for Community Restart Fund. This seemed a great time to get Mens Shed off the ground 

See The Need

We attended events in the summer to raise awareness and assess need. 

Set up a website and Facebook group. Email and a PAYG mobile number.

Grant Monies - being spent well 




Meet the Need 

Established a Saturday Group at The Centre Workshops .

Grants applied for WSC / Screwfix

One more tea?

Mobile tool holder for wheelchair user

Mobile bench for wheelchair user

Working 121 with Alzheimer's

PTA Notice board - pre paint

Pallet Workbench (for us)

Taking old tools and making them into toys for kids.

Weekly - what's that tool? 

Pre School "Workbench" - In progress

2022 Autumn

Establish Constitution and membership / Non voting Members / Mini Shedders !


We have annual operating costs of.

Insurance £400

Membership Mens Shed £40

New Member PPE £10


Seek own premises.