It is the responsibility of all Committee Members to:


It is important that all Management Committee Members fully understand the

individual roles and responsibility of the nominated positions in order to manage

effectively and efficiently.


The Chairman will be required to dedicate a significant amount of time and may

undertake many tasks during their term of office.

The main tasks required of a Chairman are:

• Chair Committee meetings.

• Oversee and co-ordinate Shed activities and administration.

• Ensure the Committee performs set duties.

• Ensure all tasks necessary for the smooth running of the Shed are performed

and/or appropriately delegated.

• Maintain a thorough knowledge of the Constitution & Rules of the Association, the

Incorporations Act and other Shed requirements.

• Plan and co-ordinate the year’s activities following consultation with other

Committee members.

• Be familiar with budgeting.


To ensure:

• Positive promotion of the Shed, member participation and achievements at the

highest possible level

• That the Shed is run efficiently administratively, financially and socially.


• Demonstrate leadership and an example to all members.

• Encourage participation by members in activities, fundraising and shed projects.

• Ensure Committee Members fulfill their responsibilities.

• Preside at all meetings and will have a casting vote.

• Ensure that meetings are productive and results focused.

• Ensure that the Secretary completes the proper entry of minutes and the handling

of the Association's affairs as instructed by meetings.

• Represent “The Shed” at external functions.

• Report activities of the portfolio to the membership at the Annual General Meeting.


• Reports to the members and Management Committee.

• Acts or ensures his delegate acts in the best interests of “The Shed” at relevant

external activities and meetings.

• Supports all Committee Members in the execution of their roles.


• Is accountable to the members and the Management Committee.


The Vice Chairman will be required to act as Chairman when the Chairman is either

unavailable to carry out his duties or has delegated these duties. Therefore the Vice

Chair will be required to dedicate a significant amount of time to the Shed and may have

to undertake many tasks during their term of office.

Tasks that will be carried out by the Vice Chairman include:

• Chair committee meetings as required.

• Assist with oversight and coordination of Shed activities and administration

• Assist with ensuring that all tasks necessary for the smooth running of the

Shed are performed and/or appropriately delegated

• Maintain a thorough knowledge of the Constitution & Rules of the Association,

the Incorporations Act and other Shed requirements.


To ensure:

• Positive promotion of the Shed, member participation and achievements at the

highest possible level

• That the Shed is run efficiently administratively, financially and socially.


• Demonstrate leadership and example to all members

• Encourage participation by members in activities, fundraising and shed Sheds


• Reports to the members and Management Committee.

• Supports all Committee Members in the execution of their roles.


• Is accountable to the Chairman and Management Committee.


This position requires the skills and diligence to ensure correct and accurate financial

records are maintained and is crucial to the efficient running of “The Shed”.

The Six Commandments of the Ethical Treasurer

1. Do not lend money, under any circumstance, to other Associations or individuals

within “The Shed”.

2. Do not use financial funds as a personal expense account.

3. Do not allow “The Shed” to fall into a serious and unnecessary financial position -

attempt to match expenditure with income.

4. Always obtain a receipt or invoice to substantiate expenditure.

5. Always provide receipts to those who give the Shed money, for any reason.

6. Always keep the financial records of “The Shed” up to date.

Key responsibilities include:

• A thorough understanding of financial procedures.

• The deposit of all monies received, as soon as possible.

• Signatory for cheques.

• Preparation of annual budgets.

• Preparing comprehensive financial reports for committee meetings, general

meetings and as requested by the committee.

• Creation and maintenance of financial records throughout the term of office.

• Organisation of Annual Audit of financial records. (A legislative requirement for

incorporated bodies.)


To ensure that a financial management and reporting system is put in place and

operational so the committee has an accurate understanding of the financial status

of “The Shed” at all times.


• Prepare budgets, in consultation with the committee, to reflect income and

expenditure of “The Shed” for presentation at the first meeting after the Annual

General Meeting. The budget should include an interim payment plan for any

outstanding debt and a cash flow plan for the ensuing year.

• Approve any expenditure by “The Shed”.

• Maintain and oversee petty cash.

• Ensure Committee members do not exceed authority ceilings for financial

expenditure without reference to the Committee.

• Attend to general banking activities.

• Maintain appropriate accounts of all income and expenditure.

• Report monthly to the Management Committee.

• Present all accounts for payment for approval and prioritise payment of


• Make details of all accounts available to the Management Committee and

members as provided in the Act.

• Oversee and seek reports of all other accounts held by “The Shed”.

• Ensure all legal reporting/taxation commitments are met by “The Shed”.

• Ensure “The Shed” finances are correctly audited.

• Report activities of the portfolio to the membership at the Annual General



• Reports to the Chairman and Management Committee

• Liaises with all Creditors and Debtors.


• The Treasurer is accountable to the Chairman and Management Committee.

• The Treasurer will seek ratification from the Committee of a budget, including

debt reduction and thereafter will have the authority to act within the limits of

the budget and strategy approved.

• The Treasurer will provide a monthly financial report to the Management




To provide the records of Shed membership and implement strategies for the well

being of members.


• Maintain all member details in the membership data base.

• Manage all documentation associated with application, membership, Skills

Audit and other necessary documentation.

• Ensure that all new members undertake the induction processes.

• Implement strategies to ensure the welfare and well being of members.


• Reports to and liaises with the Chairman and Management Committee while

respecting the confidentiality of members welfare matters.


• Accountable to the Chairman and Management Committee.

• Provide a report to the Management Committee on any aspect of the Shed

Membership or Members Welfare at appropriate times.


The role of the Secretary is primarily administrative. Responsibilities may include:

• Prepare and document all meetings

• Prepare and distribute a Notice of Meetings (including date, time and location)

to committee members

• Prepare and distribute the Agenda following consultation with other committee


• Check Minutes of the last meeting and ensure all committee members have

the opportunity to read through them prior to their proposed adoption and

• Advertise the appropriate meeting (AGM or General Meeting) to members.

At the Meeting

• Ensure the Club constitution, all correspondence and other relevant documents

are brought to the meeting

• Take Minutes – include those present, apologies for absence and all motions

tabled - as accurately and specifically as possible –e.g. who tabled the motion,

seconder and result of vote. Attention should be paid to where reimbursements

for committee members and items of expenditure are concerned.

Between Meetings

• Ensure the Minutes of the meeting are typed and circulated to committee

members and relevant others.

• Collect and distribute, as appropriate, all mail (both post and electronic).

• Attend to correspondence.


• Maintenance of equipment register in the absence of a delegated officer

• Maintenance of the calendar of events

• Maintenance of an accurate and up to date register of all financial members in

the absence of a delegated officer.


To ensure that appropriate administrative support is provided to the Chairman and

Management Committee of the Shed.


• Establish a meeting schedule for the Management Committee for the current


• Provide secretarial support to the committee

• Maintain an accurate copy of the Constitution and Rules.

• Provide administrative support to the committee in ensuring all relevant

association responsibilities are dealt with appropriately.

• Maintain a complete record of all activities of the Shed.

• Be familiar with the policies and procedures of the Shed, relevant associations

and any other body that has governance to give advice to the Chairman and

Committee as required.

• Prepare minutes of all Committee Meetings and distribute in accordance with

the Constitution & Rules of the Association.

• Receive all correspondence directed to “The Shed”.

• Prepare and send correspondence in accordance with the direction of the

Chairman and committee.

• Co-ordinate all committee reports.


• Reports to the Chairman and Management Committee.

• Liaises with the Chairman as and when required.


• The Secretary is accountable to the Chairman and Management Committee.