Scripts 2024

Antrho cobra transformation


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a cobra”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are okay with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a cobra”, you will transform into an anthro cobra at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a cobra”, or if someone that you are okay with resetting you says the reset phrase “You are not a cobra”.

This was an interesting request to do. It’s a bit on the shorter side and the induction could have been better, but overall I’m reasonably happy with it. One big thing was that I figured out how to deal with the brief moments where my mic stops working (I’m looking into that) so audio quality should improve. That being said, what I haven’t figured out how to fix is my mic being so quiet that I have to increase the recording volume in editing by 20 dB, hence the ventilation sounding so loud in the recording. Anyways, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.


It's anyone's guess when this will be transcribed

Kitsune plushy transformation


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a kitsune plushy”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are okay with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a kitsune plushy”, you will transform into a kitsune plushy at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you have been transformed for an hour, use the reset phrase “I am not a kitsune plushy”, or if someone that you are okay with resetting you says the reset phrase “You are not a kitsune plushy”.

This was a really fun file to do. I tested out the idea with a bunch of people, and they all seemed to really like it which got me excited to make this. Unlike in my last few files where I recorded them in short segments, I recorded most of this file in two large sections. One that focused mostly on the induction, and the other only being the transformation. I think it worked out pretty well, and let me get into the same flow I get into during a live session which is pretty good. By the way, I would really appreciate any feedback, suggestions, and requests that you have.


It's anyone's guess when this will be transcribed

Dragon pool toy transformation


Thank you to the person who made this request (no name or contact was given) for writing a very detailed description of the transformation. A lot of the language in this is taken directly from the writing in their request.

Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a dragon pool toy”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are okay with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a dragon pool toy”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a dragon pool toy”, or if someone that you are ok with resetting you says the reset phrase “you are not a dragon pool toy”.

This was an interesting request to do. Normally I wouldn’t do a pool toy transformation on account of them generally weirding me out when in a hypnotic context, but the way it was described in this request made me feel comfortable doing this one. It had what I can best describe as a child-like happiness to it, but I’m not sure that I did a great job capturing that in the file. Also, I tried to use a new method about a fourth of the way through to try and make my starting volume for each clip more consistent. In case you watch the unedited version in the extra content playlist (it should be up in an hour at most), that method is me exhaling approximately the same amount at the start of each take. I think it helped, but either because of it or for unrelated reasons I was plagued by very loud mouth sounds. Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


It's anyone's guess when this will be transcribed

Hypnotic Adventure: Magic Is Awesome


This hypnotic adventure is a result of me putting together multiple parts of a hypnotic session that I like to do variants of with people. I don’t want to spoil it because I think it’s really cool, but suffice to say that there’s a lot of magic involved and there are no post hypnotic suggestions.

This file represents everything that I love about the idea of magic. It’s powerful and amazing and without limit. I only showed a selection of things in this, but I have some magic typed specific things on the back burner that I’m thinking about to sort of demonstrate this idea more. I have another session that I did with someone of a similar style, but the parts were for a very different sequence so I couldn’t fit them into this. Maybe I’ll make that into its own file as well.

This session is what I affectionately refer to as “Fantasy 1”. I was originally going to call this file that too, but I decided that I wanted it to have a clickable title because I’m proud of this (the file itself, not the editing of it) and want people to check out. All in all I’m really happy with the title, but it will always be Fantasy 1 to me.

The induction for this was originally going to take place in a city because there’s good sensory imagery there and I could easily bring in and isolate senses to help with the pacing of the draw in, but I couldn’t think of a good way to get from there to the start of the body of the file. In the end, I’m pretty happy with how the induction turned out, and I think it does a much better job setting the mood and feel of the file then a city would have.

Thanks for reading all of this! I don’t have anything to give you other than my gratitude, but I really appreciate you taking the time to read it.


It's anyone's guess when this will be transcribed

Fantasy induction


This induction brings you through a brief fantasy that is designed to simply get you relaxed.

This was an interesting file to make. It’s part of a larger file that I hope to upload soon, but I think it works well as a standalone. I noticed some things that I need to improve on when recording, specifically making sure I start each recording like I ended the last. This was also my first time working with DaVinci Resolve, so that took some getting used to. However, it was more than worth it because it is better than ShotCut in literally every way. Coming up with exactly what to say was also interesting because there are some parts that are different in the induction version since it's meant to be self-contained as opposed to the full version that this is made for.


It's anyone's guess when this will be transcribed