
This is were you can find the scripts that I write. If I forget to update this page, please let me know on Discord.

Audio files: I will not be posting the audio files here. At least, not yet anyway. If you want to make the audio files*, copy the script and download  Any Text to Voice if you haven't already (it's free). Next, run the program and paste the text into the text box. After that either click "Speak" to listen to it in the program or "Save as audio" to save it as a file (mp3 by default).

Note: sometimes incorrect spelling and/or grammar is a result of me optimizing the scripts for TTS.

*scripts written before 9/9/2020 used the website It's changed a lot since I last used it, so I'm not really sure how good it is at this point.

Videos:  If you want to see the video version of a script, please go to my YouTube channel hasdf hypnosis.