Scripts 2020-2021

Changed dreams & grey-masked knight transformation (no induction)


Special thanks to the person with the identifier iJlPgghQ1(7) for providing the backbone and a lot of the details of this story.

TF Description:

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am the grey-masked knight”. When you use this trigger phrase, or when Someone that you are OK with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are the grey-masked knight”, you will transform into the grey-masked knight (a custom fusion between a black latex wolf and the headless knight). Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not the grey-masked knight”, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not the grey-masked knight”.

Fantasy Description:

You are implied to be in the tower from the game Changed, and are being chased by a black latex wolf. Just as you are starting to get ahead of it your path is blocked by the headless knight and end up being caught in a fusion transfur between the black latex wolf and the headless knight. Once the transfur is done you are free to do whatever you want, either staying in the imagined world or waking up in the real one, still being the grey-masked knight (the name for the result of this custom fusion transfur). You will be able to return to the world that this fantasy takes place in whenever you sleep in real life as the grey-masked knight.


This request was fun to do. I don’t have much practice describing indoor environments well, but practice makes perfect and this certainly didn’t come out bad. I also got reminded about this tf format where it is integrated into a fantasy, and I think that it has a lot of potential. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, requests, and feedback.


Now that you are in a deep trance, I want you to imagine something. I want you to imagine that you are running down a white hallway lit by bright fluorescent lights and adorned with locked doors, the uniform white tiles meeting your feet as you run. Behind you a creature is chasing you. It is made of black latex and has the shape of an anthro wolf, the white mask on its face being its one weak point, not that you could ever manage to break it.

As you keep running, the hallway leads into a series of rooms with beige walls spanned by dark brown stripes. The floor of these rooms is littered with bookshelves and shadows that indicate where puddles of white latex cling to the ceiling, ready to drop on you the instant you step foot beneath them. You barely manage to avoid running into the bookshelves, and even have to dodge out of the way of a few puddles of white latex which you accidentally step under, but you manage to maintain a good pace as you move from room to room.

With the bookshelves slowing down the black creature that is chasing you, you start to pull ahead, confident that you will be able to lose it.

However, you freeze in place when you see a white latex creature in front of you, blocking the only exit to the room. It looks like a dog with a hole where its neck and head would be, and it's so big that its legs are as tall as your own. Thinking back to a document that you saw a while ago, you recall that this is the latex creature referred to as the “headless knight”, and that while it can’t see you, it can feel vibrations in the floor and even identify when they are from a human. So long as you move lightly and slowly, you’ll be fine. Unfortunately, you’ve been running fast and hard, and you can tell from its raised hackles that it's locked on to you.

Knowing that you don’t have much time left to act if you want to stay human, you look behind you to plan a path away from the knight, only to see the black latex wolf running towards you.

With your panicked mind unable to think straight, you stand still, waiting for whatever happens next.

Now, I am about to describe a transformation, and not only will you experience it in this imagined world, but you will also experience it in real life at whatever speed you want whenever you use the trigger phrase “I am the grey-masked knight”, or when Someone that you are OK with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are the grey-masked knight”. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not the grey-masked knight”, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not the grey-masked knight”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, let yourself really become aware of the black latex wolf behind you and the headless knight in front of you, and accept the fact that you will be transfured, the acceptance wiping away any fear that you have.

Then, they both lunge at you, the knight getting you from the waist down while the wolf claims the rest of your body. You feel both of their bodies wrapping around you, neither being able to advance past your waist into the other’s space. Your face is covered, but you can still breathe just fine. However, your sight has been obscured and all that you can hear is the sound of black latex rushing past your ears.

Next, you feel yourself taking on the body of the headless knight from the waist down, standing on its four paws, its tail hiding between your hind legs in response to your stress from the conflict, or perhaps it sticks out like normal should the conflict not bother you.

Of course, you will not have the body of a large dog from the waist down, and you will move around and act like you have your normal body. However, whenever it would be practical and acceptable to act like you have that partially canine body, you will act like it is real. That being said, you wont think that this is anything special because you will always believe that you are acting like it is real because it is real to you, and you won't be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that this is not the case.

As you are getting used to your new lower body, you feel the black latex take hold of you from the waist up as you feel its muzzle becoming your own.

Then, it changes your hands, leaving you with only four fingers. Of course, you will still have your normal number of fingers and use them accordingly, but you will not understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you don’t only have four fingers.

Next, you feel the black latex moving your ears to the top of your head, changing their shape so that the latex ears perfectly incase them. Despite how different your new and old ears are, you will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before the transformation began. In fact, you will even find that your hearing seems to be much stronger in the directions that they are facing, being able to rotate them straight forwards, in the direction of the side of your head that they are on, and anywhere in between. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are facing, and less attention to sounds in the directions that they aren’t facing, causing sounds in the directions that they are facing to seem louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware of the fact that this is what is happening.

Now, feel the mask fusing with your face, forcing you to forever look through it should your vision be restored. Should your face get hit hard enough that your mask shatters, which a strong and solid hit to it should be able to accomplish, you will feel the latex quickly melt away, revealing your human body within it and leaving you that way until one of the trigger phrases is used.

After that, the latex replaces your eyes, making it so that fine details are blurry to the point where reading is still possible but noticeably difficult. However, you gain the benefit of becoming extremely sensitive to motion, able to notice even the slightest movement. Fortunately, you will be able to easily ignore small movements if you want to, allowing you to not be distracted by every little thing that happens.

Finally, you feel your insides turning to mush as both the white and black latex dissolves them and replaces them with more of themselves. Then, you feel your latex start to flow through you, mixing together for a bit until it eventually stops, your vision quickly returning once it does.

You take a look at yourself to find that you are now made entirely of grey latex, with a few spots of pure white latex near where the paws that serve as your feet are, with most of it being on the front of them but a bit being on the back as well. There are also a few spots of pure black latex that decorate the area around your mask.

You also just stand there for a few moments, getting used to your new form. You feel like an ice cube that is both solid and melting at the same time, and even if you are used to this feeling the sheer bulk of latex that you are feeling it through is a bit overwhelming at first, but either way you will quickly get used to it.

Then, you feel yourself become aware of something, as if it were an instinct. You know that you can let some of your latex sepur-ate from you to become a little creature of its own. It will be completely obedient to you but still capable of acting on its own, and you can keep it as a helper or a pet. However, The more latex that you put into it, the weaker you will become and the lighter you will feel.

When you no longer have a need for it or you want the latex back, you can have it move into you, at which point it will be absorbed into you and its memories will become your own.

Also, while it can interact with everything in this imagined world, it can only affect you as much as you can yourself while you are in the real world, but this will seem completely normal to you and you will never be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that this isn’t normal.

Now, know that each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

With your transformation having been completed, you will still experience everything that I describe, but it will no longer happen when one of the trigger phrases is used.

Having come to your senses you walk around on your four new legs, and you spend a bit of time running through the library to get used to moving with them. Now that you are a latex creature, you don’t have to worry about the ones on the ceiling attacking you. Some other ones might still be hostile to you, but your powerful new body can easily deal with them.

Keep on running around for a bit while I keep talking, but know that once I am done what you do will be completely up to you. You can wake back up in the real world, still being thee grey-masked knight, or you can continue to explore the building, maybe even finding Puro. He might be disappointed that you are no longer a human, but I’m sure that he would be more than happy to have an intelligent creature as his friend.

Now, know that you will be able to visit this world again in your dreams whenever you fall asleep as thee grey-masked knight, and that in those dreams this world will be consistent, ensuring that no time passes and that nothing changes within it between when you wake up and when you next go to sleep. Also, when you do eventually wake up you will remember your time in the dream world fully, and find that the thought of it always makes you happy because being in it is always a pleasant experience over all, and that not being in it never causes you to feel any negative emotions. 

I’m sure that there are things you want to do and places that you want to explore, especially now that you’ve become thee grey-masked knight. So now this session is coming to a close, but your possibilities are just opening up, so goodbye, my grey latex friend.

Anthro reindeer transformation (no induction)



This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a reindeer.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a reindeer.”, you will transform into an anthro reindeer at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a reindeer.”, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not a reindeer.”.

This was a nice file to make. I already had a winter themed file planned, but I wanted to do something specifically Christmas themed, and what better way than with an anthro reindeer tf? That being said, I do plan to intentionally mix up holiday themed TFs :P . Anyways, I would love to hear your suggestions, requests, and feedback!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a reindeer.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a reindeer.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a reindeer.”, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not a reindeer.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation on your entire body as a thick coat of short and soft fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Most of your fur is light brown, but the fur on your chest, the front of your neck, and your face below your nose, is white. Additionally, while the fur on the top third of your legs is light brown, all of the fur below there is black.

Now, feel a pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a long muzzle. As this happens, your nose disappears, the only remnants of it being your nose holes which are now located in the top right and top left corners of the front side of your muzzle.

After that, feel another tingling sensation at the base of your spine as the fur grows longer in the area of a circle that is one fourth as wide as your torso is, forming your new tail. Your tail is as long as your hand is and quickly gets narrower until it ends in a point. Also, the fur on the top and sides of it stay light brown while the fur on the bottom of it turns white. Additionally, because your tail is made purely of fur, It won’t hurt to sit on. However, you will not be able to control it.

Next, feel your toes merging together and changing shape until they form a continuous curve on each foot. This curve is as long as your longest toe used to be and it also curves downwards the further out it gets so that the top edge points straight down at the end of them. As this happens, a thin gap forms down the middle of each of your merged toes that splits them in two. Then, they turn black as they become a hard and durable material, marking the end of the formation of your new hooves.

Now, feel your ears moving to the top of your head as they become shaped like hollow cones with the front third of them cut off. While their width stays the same, they become as tall as your head is. Despite how different your new and old ears are, you will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before the transformation began. In fact, you will even find that your hearing seems to be much stronger in the directions that they are facing, being able to rotate them straight forwards, in the direction of the side of your head that they are on, and anywhere in between. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are facing, and less attention to sounds in the directions that they aren’t facing, causing sounds in the directions that they are facing to seem louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is happening.

After that, your fingernails become numb and disappear, the fur that covers where they used to be leaving behind no trace of their existence.

Then, the fur falls out on the front side of your muzzle in the shape of a triangle to reveal that the skin in that area has become a black material that is slightly leathery and squishy. The base of the triangle is the top side of the front of your muzzle, and its point is located one third down it and is horizontally centered on your muzzle.

Whenever it is a holiday, this part of your muzzle will glow red, and should it be christmas it will truly shine bright.

Now, feel a pulling sensation to the left of your right ear and the right of your left ear as beautiful antlers start to grow. They are very big, but not so much so that they would be annoying. They are made of a hard bony material that is a beautiful shade of light brown, and are truly a pair of antlers that even the best reindeer would be proud to have. 

Finally, each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro reindeer, and have a most beautiful set of antlers as a result. I'm even a bit jealous of them myself. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my short tailed friend.

Anthro snow leopard transformation (no induction)



This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a snow leopard.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a snow leopard.”, you will transform into an anthro snow leopard at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a snow leopard.”, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not a snow leopard.”.

This was a fun file to do. I have done a latex anthro snow leopard tf before, but… well, I’ll be honest: I just remembered that as I am typing this. But hey, this is definitely different enough so everything’s good in my book. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a snow leopard.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a snow leopard.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a snow leopard.”, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not a snow leopard.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation on your entire body as a long coat of soft and fluffy fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Most of the fur on your body is light grey, but there are black roundish spots of fur all over your body. Also, the fur on the front of your torso and neck, as well as on your face below your nose, is white.

Next, feel a round pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow that is as long as your legs are tall. It is as wide as your arms are and most of it is covered in the same grey and black fur as the rest of your body, but the fur on the bottom side of it is white. Also, it quickly becomes narrower until it ends in a rounded point over the last three inches of it.

Now, feel a weak pulling sensation on the underside of each segment of your fingers and toes, as well as on the palms of your hands and the heels and balls of your feet as the fur falls out in those areas to reveal that the skin in them has swelled slightly. It has also become a black material that is slightly squishy and leathery.

After that, feel your ears as they move to the top of your head, becoming shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half. Despite how different your new and old ears are, you will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before the transformation began. In fact, you will even find that your hearing seems to be much stronger in the directions that they are facing, being able to rotate them straight forwards, in the direction of the side of your head that they are on, and anywhere in between. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are facing, and less attention to sounds in the directions that they aren’t facing, causing sounds in the directions that they are facing to seem louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware of the fact that this is what is happening.

Now, feel your face stretching forwards as it forms a medium length muzzle. As this happens, your nose disappears, the only trace of it being your nose holes which are now located in the top right and top left corners of the front side of your muzzle.

Next, your toes merge and change shape so that you have four toes on each of your feet. Each of your toes is one fourth as wide as your feet are and as long as your longest toe used to be, with the exception of the two outer toes on each of your feet. They are only half as long as your other toes are.

After that, the fur falls out on the front side of your muzzle in the shape of a triangle. The base of the triangle is the top side of the front of your muzzle, and its point is located one third down it and is horizontally centered on your muzzle.

Then, the fur turns black in a thin line that goes straight down from the tip of the triangle until it reaches your mouth.

Now, your finger and toe nails become numb and disappear, the fur covered skin that replaces them leaving behind no trace of their existence.

With your old nails gone, new claws start to grow out of the front side of each of your fingers and toes to replace them. They are made of a brownish yellow material that is hard and durable. Their bases are each one third as wide as the finger or toe that they are on and half as tall as that finger or toe. Also, they are horizontally and vertically centered on the finger or toe that they are on. They are a third of an inch long and gradually curve down and get narrower and thinner so that they each end in a dangerously sharp point that is level with the bottom of the finger or toe that they are on and points straight down. Despite the fact that your new claws are dangerously sharp, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

Next, your irises turn grey.

As this happens, your mind changes in two ways.

The first mental change makes it so that you will love to run around in the snow, or so that you love to even more if you already do.

The other mental change makes it so that you will have a strong urge to pounce on small moving objects. It could be anything from a match box car to a bouncy ball. If it’s small and moving it will have your attention. While you will always be able to easily resist this urge and will never desire to pounce on something dangerous like a snake or a spike ball, you will feel an amazing and wonderful rush whenever you give in to it, as if you were catching prey.

Finally, each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro snow leopard. I wonder how much fun you could have if someone used a laser pointer with you. I’m sure if you pounced the bright circle enough times you could eventually defeat it. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my grey eyed friend.

Anthro red panda transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a red panda.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are fine with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a red panda.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a red panda.”, or if someone that you are fine with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not a red panda.”.

This was a fun request to do. I’m hoping to get back to doing a lot of anthro TFs, and this was a good one to refresh myself with. Also, I have no clue why this is called a red panda, it is clearly orange. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a red panda.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are fine with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a red panda.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a red panda.”, or if someone that you are fine with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not a red panda.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation on your entire body as a soft and fluffy coat of long fur grows, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Some of the fur is a reddish brown color, but the fur on the front half of your torso and the back of your ears, as well as on your arms, hands, feet, and legs, is black. Additionally, the fur on the front of your ears and on your face is white. However, the reddish brown fur does intrude into the space of the white fur on your entire fore-head, as well as in stripes that are as wide as and go straight down from your eyes until they are off of your face.

Now, feel a slight pulling sensation on the bottom of your hands and feet as the fur on the underside of each segment of your fingers and toes, as well as on the balls and heels of your feet and the palms of your hands, falls out to reveal that the skin in those areas has become a black material that is leathery and slightly squishy.

Next, feel a pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a medium length muzzle. As this happens, the reddish brown stripes on your face bend around it.

Also, as your muzzle forms your nose disappears, the only trace of it being your nose holes which are now located in the top left and top right corners of the front side of your muzzle.

After that, feel a round pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a long tail starts to grow. It is as wide as you are and as long as you are tall, as well as comes to a rounded point over the last tenth of it. The fur on it is exceptionally soft and fluffy and it will feel absolutely wonderful and relaxing to hug and snuggle with, and when you do you’ll find that it’s so fluffy that you feel a strong desire to just bury your face in it. It starts out being the same color as the fur on your back, but six inches down it instantly becomes a bit darker, then instantly its original color six more inches down it, and so on.

Now, the fur in a triangular area on the front of your muzzle falls out. Two of the points of the triangle are located on the top left and top right corners of the front of your muzzle, and the other one is located one third of the way down it and horizontally centered with the front of your muzzle.

Where the fur falls out black skin that has swelled slightly is revealed. Just like your paw pads It is leathery and slightly squishy.

Next, your ears move to the top of your head as they become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half. Despite how different your new and old ears are you will find that your hearing is still just as good as it was before the transformation began. In fact, you will find that your hearing seems to be much stronger in the directions that your ears are facing, being able to rotate them straight forwards, in the direction of the side of your head that they are on, and anywhere in between. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are facing, and less attention to sounds in the directions that they aren’t facing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is happening.

Finally, each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro red panda, and have such a wonderfully long tail as a result. I bet you’ll spend a lot of time enjoying it. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my fluffy friend.

Solo pup 4: playing with their dog (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now play with their dog.”, which must be followed by “none”, “a little”, or “all”. Once the trigger is used, you will see a person with a dog nearby, and you will instantly recognize them as your owner and alpha. They will quickly bring you into a dog headspace and then have you play with their other dog, how much you move around being determined by what you said after the trigger phrase. Once you are worn out or to tired to keep playing, your mind will briefly return to normal, and you can decide if you want to stay in this dog headspace and take a bit of a break, going back to playing once your energy is back, or if you want your mind to stay as it normally is. Also, should something happen that makes the effects that are about to be described undesirable, they will instantly stop and you will return to your normal mental state. However, they will start all over again the instant it is reasonable and practical for them to.

This request was really satisfying to do. I’m a bit rusty with writing this type of script, but I really enjoyed it. I haven’t had any desire to act like a dog in a while, but this was a pleasant reminder of it. If I recall correctly I had something vaguely like this planned a while ago before I stopped doing the solo pup series, so it’s nice to get a bit of closure on that idea. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, requests, and feedback!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now play with their dog.”, followed by “none”, “a little”, or “all”. Once the trigger is used, you will experience the effects that are about to be described. Also, should something happen that makes the effects that are about to be described undesirable, they will instantly stop and you will return to your normal mental state. However, they will start all over again the instant it is reasonable and practical for them to.

Now the effects will be described.

First, when you use this trigger phrase, you will find that there is someone standing nearby, and that they have a dog with them. You immediately recognise this person as your owner. It makes you so happy that they are your alpha, their mere presence making you feel safe and happy. As you look at them you hear them tell you to sit, and you find yourself sitting on your knees while you rest your weight on your arms which stick straight up in front of you. You look at your owner and feel a short burst of euphoria as they call you a good dog.

Maybe these feelings come naturally and comfortably to you, or maybe they are weird and unusual, but either way you can’t help but embrace them as an obedient feeling comes over you.

Your owner then starts to talk about their other dog, the one that they brought with them. As you listen you look at their other dog. It looks big and strong, and you bet that it could run around for hours on end without getting tired. You can’t help but think about how fun it would be to play with them, and as you do, you start to understand your owners words less and less, just enjoying the wonderful sound of their voice.

After a while they say your name, and you look at them, still sitting with your weight resting on your fore legs, or your arms as some might call them.

Your owner tells you to stand, and you stand on all fours. It does occur to you that you would normally stand on two legs, but with your owner around it just feels so much more natural to be on your hands and knees.

They then tell you to jump, and you lift your upper body up as much as you can, managing to rotate it a full 45 degrees upwards before gravity forces you to come back down.

After that they tell you to speak, and you let out a bark, that being one of the few sounds you have any reason to make. The other three being howling, growling, and whimpering. You know that you could make other sounds, but why bother? Human language is so complex, and speaking like a dog just makes everything so nice and simple. It just makes you so much happier to only be able to understand praise and commands, as well as the occasional reprimand when it is needed.

Your owner calls you a good dog once more, and once again you feel that quick rush of euphoria.

They then tell you to sit again, and then to stay. After that, they pick up something that you hadn't noticed before. It’s a beautiful looking dog collar with a bone shaped dog tag on it that says “My beloved pet.”. As you stare at them they slowly wrap it around your neck, and you feel a burst of joy as you hear the click of the two ends connecting. This joy will also be accompan-need by an almost overwhelming sense of obedience and loyalty to your owner, as well as pride because they have allowed it to be made so clear that you belong to them. The collar is tight enough to prevent you from ever forgetting that you are wearing it, but not so tight that it is uncomfortable or restricts your breathing. Next, they start to pet both you and their other dog’s head, and your mind starts to drift back to thoughts of how fun it would be to play with them.

After a little while, they notice how you are looking at their other dog, and with a smile on their face your alpha whispers a simple command into your ear: play. You look at them, a questioning look on your face. You think you know what it means, but you aren’t sure and want confirmation. Your alpha nods, and you feel your body start to play with your alpha’s other dog, your mind so eager that it doesn’t even wait for you to consciously notice their confirmation.

Now, what happens will be affected by what you used in the trigger. If you used “none”, you will play with the other dog, but stay in the same spot as you do it.

If you used “a little”, you’ll move your whole body around a bit, but stay in the same general spot as you play with the other dog.

If you used “all”, you will play with the dog in the entire space that you are in, whether that be a small room or an open field.

Regardless of which you choose, you will keep playing until you are too tired or worn out to play anymore. When that happens, your mind will briefly return to normal, and you can decide if you want to stay in this dog headspace and take a bit of a break, going back to playing once your energy is back, or if you want your mind to stay as it normally is.

As you play with your alpha’s other dog, the other member of their pack, you feel a bond growing with them. It’s like the kind of bond family members have, except it feels so much stronger and better. You know that you can trust them and that they have your back, just like you have theirs.

You’ll have so much fun playing with the other dog, chasing each other, wrestling, playing with any dog toys that your alpha brings like a rope for tug-of-war or a ball for your alpha’s two wonderful dogs to race after. You might growl and bark at your alpha’s other dog a lot, but you all know that it is in good fun. Your alpha will even join in the fun occasionally, but most of the time they will just enjoy watching their dogs playing with each other, occasionally stepping in if one of you starts to get too rough.

As you continue playing with your alpha’s other dog, you will find that you can’t help but think of yourself more and more as a dog, or perhaps as a puppy if that is your preference. Either way, it won't take long for you to only think of yourself as one or the other, feeling no shame or embarrassment for doing so. In fact, you will even start to feel pride in the fact that you aren’t afraid to think of yourself this way, that pride and acceptance staying with you even when you are no longer in trance.

Now, know that each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

From now on my words will no longer affect what happens when the trigger is used.

Now, I want you to imagine yourself being with your alpha and their other dog in a large green field. It’s a warm and sunny summer day and your owner brought some  normal dog food and some human dog food, as well as toys for their dogs. There is also a stream that runs through the field that you can drink from if you are thirsty.

Next, just imagine your owner giving you the commands that we talked about before, telling you to sit, then stand, then jump, then speak, then sit again, and then finally to stay. Feel yourself becoming so dog-like as you do, becoming oh so loyal and obedient. Now, feel them place the collar around your neck, and hear the click that signifies that it is firmly attached to you, your obedience and loyalty to your alpha and their pack growing as you do. Then, they give you that command to play, you look at them for confirmation, and when they give it you start chasing their other dog around.

You can stay in this imagined world for as long as you want, eventually falling asleep in real life should you stay for long enough, returning to reality when your body wakes up. Now, go be a good dog and play with your owner’s other dog, I know that you will love it. My part of this session is coming to a close, so I’ll let your owner take charge of you now. Goodbye, my loyal and obedient friend.

Add-on for latex shark transformation : latex tiger shark transformation (no induction)


PREREQUISITE: You need the effects of my file “Latex shark tf” for this to work. 

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a latex tiger shark.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a latex tiger shark.”, you will transform into an anthro latex tiger shark at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a latex tiger shark.”, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not a latex tiger shark.”.

This request was nice and easy to do. It honestly should have been done a while ago but due to the way I handle my request list it got deprioritized a lot. It actually would have happened again but sense it is so far past when I normally would have done it I decided to do it now. Anyways, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a latex tiger shark.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a latex tiger shark.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a latex tiger shark.”, or if someone that you are OK with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not a latex tiger shark.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, see a latex shark with black stripes on it flying at you. You aren’t sure where it came from, but before you know it grey, black, and white latex has splattered against your chest. After that, you experience the effects of the trigger phrase “I am a latex shark.”, but with a few differences.

The first is that the latex will start on your chest and spread out, covering your arms and hands, your legs and feet, and your neck and head at the same time. 

The second change is that black horizontal stripes will form on the outer side of your arms and legs, as well as on the top of your hands.

The third change is that instead of having five fins on your head, the latex will form one large fin on the center of your back with vertical black stripes on it.

The fourth change is that instead of covering your ears, the latex will move them to the top of your head and form solid latex cones around them, connecting the latex cones to your own ears allowing you to hear through your new latex ears. Your new ears will have black horizontal stripes on the front of them, and despite how different your new and old ears are you will find that you can still hear just as well as you could before the transformation began.

The fifth and last change is that the latex will not just absorb any hair that is on the top of your head, it will also replace it with identical white latex hair. It will feel just like your old hair did, the only difference being that it is now slightly sticky.

Finally, each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have this new trigger, and can transform into a latex tiger shark whenever you want. I hope that you enjoy your new stripes. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my striped friend.

Cat nap (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now take a cat nap.”. When you use this trigger phrase, you will go to bed should it be practical or lay down somewhere comfortable if it isn’t. You will then grow fur, cat ears, and a cat tail as you become more and more tired and relaxed until you fall asleep. When you wake up you will be back to your normal self.

This file was really relaxing to make. I’ve been dabbling with hypnosis meant to get you into a cat headspace and have been really enjoying it, so I decided to make my own. I just love how relaxing and nice this kind of thing is. Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now take a cat nap.”. When you use this trigger phrase, a sleepy feeling will start to come over you, and you will feel an irresistible desire to go to bed, or lay down somewhere comfortable if it’s not practical to go to bed. When you do, you will feel very relaxed and comfy, as well as very lazy. As this happens, you will feel a tingling sensation over your entire body as a short white coat of soft and fluffy fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so.

As this fur grows, it seems to sap away your strength, forcing you to just lay where you are and enjoy your relaxation, a content feeling starting to grow in your mind.

Then, your ears start to move to the top of your head and change shape, becoming the adorable ears of a cat. You rotate your new ears a bit, noticing all of the little and relaxing sounds that your human ears were too weak to hear.

After that, you feel a wonderful tail start to grow from the base of your spine. It’s just like that of a cat’s, except for the fact that it’s a bit longer than your chest and head are combined. The fur on it is so soft that the instant you feel it your relaxation and tiredness start to grow rapidly as they gently carry your mind off to sleep, the feeling getting stronger and stronger until you fall into a wonderful and deep sleep, eventually waking up as your human self, feeling wonderfully rested and still very relaxed.

Finally, each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have this wonderful new trigger. I’m sure that you’ll find it to be purr-fect. This session is almost over, so goodbye, and enjoy your cat naps my paw-some friend.

wolf possession (read description | no induction)


WARNING: This file has a strong theme of loss of control, and might be very unpleasant for people who do not tolerate this well.

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now be possessed by a wolf.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will be possessed by a wolf spirit. Additionally, the possession will instantly become inactive when you want it to stop or when you go to sleep.

This was a neat request to do. I’ve never tried to create the feeling of a purely hostile takeover of someone’s mind before. I think I might actually try it with some other animals, although in a much less hostile way. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, requests, and feedback.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now be possessed by a wolf.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will experience the effects that are about to be described. Additionally, the effects will instantly become inactive when you want them to stop or when you go to sleep.

Now the effects will begin.

First, feel something strange within your mind, almost as if there is something else there. It feels fairal and powerful.

This presence grows stronger and stronger until you feel it start to affect you as you find yourself growling uncontrollably.

Then, you find yourself getting on all fours and you feel a sense of hostility coming from it as it growls at you. But it doesn’t just growl at you in your mind. No, it uses your very own body to growl at you.

After that, you feel it invading your mind, mixing with it and taking control as your thoughts start to shift. You feel yourself becoming very territorial, but also very loyal to your family as you start to think of them not as your family, but as your pack. With this change having been made, you realize what is happening. You have been possessed by a wolf spirit, and you’re powerless to resist it as you start to think of your nails and teeth as your weapons of choice. Of course, you won’t actually fight unless you feel truly and seriously threatened. When such an extreme measure isn’t required, you will simply bare your teeth, growl, and bark as viciously and loudly as you can.

As the spirit continues to force your mind to meld with its own you feel your memories start to slip away as you lose the ability to understand how to use human things. Most of your ability to understand language goes away too, but you do keep the ability to understand simple commands like come, stay, and guard. Likewise your voice is lost to, all that remains being the ability to howl, bark, growl, and make other wolf noises.

Next, you feel it’s memories mixing with yours as you remember being a wolf cub, guarding your pack, and eventually your painless death. Or are those the spirits memories? It’s so hard to tell.

After all of this a blue transparent mass in the shape of a wolf surrounds you, it’s legs aligned with your legs and its head aligned with your head, marking you as fully possessed.  It’s so hard to tell what’s you and what’s the wolf. Your mind feels as if it is caught in a whirlwind of instincts and memories that feel both completely foreign and natural at the same time. For the next few minutes your mind will be trapped in the spirit's whirlwind, in which you will either struggle against the wolf, continuing your futile struggle against it for as long as you let it possess you, or embrace it as you make each other stronger every time it visits your body, letting out a joyful and proud howl when the two of you have unified.

Finally, each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now your possession is reaching its apex, and it can’t be very easy to think straight right now, so I’ll leave your mind to either sink in the wolf’s control or swim along with it, the choice is yours.

Anthro bunny transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a bunny.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are okay with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a bunny.”, you will transform into an anthro bunny at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a bunny.”, or if someone that you are okay with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not a bunny”.

This file was pretty easy to do, and… wait, what does it matter that thanksgiving is tomorrow? This is easter themed you say? No, I would never intentionally do a tf themed around the wrong holiday,.. would I? Anyways, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a bunny.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you are okay with triggering you says the trigger phrase “You are a bunny.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a bunny.”, or if someone that you are okay with triggering you says the reset phrase “You are not a bunny”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation on your entire body as a short coat of soft and fluffy white fur starts to grow everywhere but on the inside of your ears, consuming any hair that you have as it does so.

Then, your finger and toe nails go numb as they disappear, the fur covered skin that replaces them leaving behind no trace of their existence.

After that, your ears move to the top of your head as they take on the shape of hollow cones that have been cut in half. They stay just as wide as they had been, but become as long as they are wide and twice as tall as your head is.

Despite all of the differences between your new and old ears, you will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before the transformation began. In fact, you will find that your hearing seems to be much stronger in the directions that your ears are facing, being able to rotate them straight forwards, in the direction of the side of your head that they are on, and anywhere in between. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are facing, and less attention to sounds in the directions that they aren’t facing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is happening.

Furthermore, because of how big your ears are your hearing will be much stronger and you will find that sounds that didn’t bother you before might now be overwhelming because of how much louder they sound to you if you aren’t used to having a form with hearing superior to that of a human. If that is the case, it won’t take you long to get used to your improved hearing and to be able to deal with sounds that you previously could deal with again. Of course, your hearing won’t actually become stronger, but your expectations about how loud sounds are will be greatly reduced to make it seem like they are, and your tolerance for loud noises will be reduced accordingly, but you will be completely unaware of the fact that this is happening.

Next, your toes merge and change shape so that you have three toes on each of your feet, each of which is one third as wide as your feet are and as long as your longest toe used to be.

After that, feel a small pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a round tail starts to grow. It is one third as wide as your torso and covered in white fur just like most of your body is. However, this fur is twice as fluffy and soft as the rest of your fur.

Now, your irises are turning red.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that you will find that you really like carrots and that they are now your favorite food in the world. Also, if you already liked carrots you will now like them even more.

The second mental change is that you will find it impossible to stop yourself from hopping instead of walking or running whenever it is acceptable and even remotely practical to do so.

The third and final mental change is that you will find that you are very hyper, constantly needing to hop around as fast as you can to release your energy.

Finally, each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro bunny, and a rather hyper one at that. I wonder just how much hopping you will do. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my tall eared friend.

Latex neon cat transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase ”I am a latex neon cat.”. When you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a latex neon cat.”, you will transform into a latex neon cat at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a latex neon cat”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a latex neon cat.”.

This was a neat request to do. When I did this I had to think about what trance actually feels like, and what the general perception of it was, and (attempt) balance those which was a neat little challenge. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, requests, and feedback.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is ”I am a latex neon cat.”. When you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a latex neon cat.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a latex neon cat”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a latex neon cat.”.

While when you use the trigger you will be forced to move in certain ways, you will simply imagine doing what you are described as doing while you are in this trance, awakening to find yourself still transformed.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, notice how there is a tall cardboard box near you. It is as wide and long as you are, as well as so tall that the top of it is level with your neck. Curious as to how it got there and what’s in it, you walk over to the box and reach out to open it. However, right before you can open it it does so on its own.

Then, black and glowing neon green latex starts to flow out of the box, quickly condensing into the shape of an anthro cat that sits on the top of the box, its legs lightly pressing into your chest. Most of its gooey fur is black, but the fur in its ears and the ends of the fur on its cheeks is neon green. Also, intricate patterns of neon green fur form bands on the middle of its upper and lower arms, and there are long oval shaped sections of neon green fur that are on the sides of its legs and torso, the inner sides of its arms, and the top of its shoulders. Additionally, the fur on its long tail is made up of an alternating pattern of black and neon green bands of fur and its eyes are that same glowing neon green color as its fur.

Before you can react, the latex cat reaches out and presses its hands into the sides of your face, quickly rotating your head so that you are forced to look into its eyes, a smug look on its face. You might try to open your mouth to cry for help, but you will find that you can make no sound come out.

As you stare into the cat’s eyes, unable to look away, you notice a swirling pattern of white and neon green within its eyes as that neon green spiral starts to spin within yours. You feel your mind start to go quiet and blank as any resistance that you had fades away.

Sinking into what feels like a trance you continue to stare into the cat’s eyes, not even noticing the black latex that starts to spread from its hands and legs and quickly spreads across your body. It barely takes any time for it to cover your shoulders, thighs, and your head below your eyes.

Despite the fact that your mouth and nose are covered in a thick coat of latex you keep on staring into the cat’s hypnotic eyes, still being able to breathe fine, not that it would make a difference if you couldn’t.

You breathe heavily and tremble as the latex continues to spread until it covers your entire body. However, you gladly accept the transformation as your ears start to move to the top of your head and take on the shape of large cat ears while your tail starts to grow and your latex begins to glow in the same patterns as the cat’s. Throughout all of this you never once look away from the latex creature’s wonderful and hypnotic eyes.

There is nothing left in your mind but acceptance as any hair that you have is quickly replaced with a slightly dark grey latex that mimics any hair that it replaced. This latex beast has changed both your body and mind, and as you look into its eyes you are helpless to resist.

Before long your ears and tail have grown to full size, and the neon latex that makes up part of your body glows just as brightly as the cat’s. You are so far under its spell that you didn’t even feel your insides being painlessly dissolved away as they were replaced with latex, marking the end of your transformation as you continue to look into the cat’s eyes and see your own body reflected in them, not even being slightly bothered by the feeling of being both solid and melting at the same time. However, all that is seen within your eyes which have settled on a beautiful mix of your natural eye color and neon green, is your adoration for this hypnotic cat, and its self satisfied smirk.

The cat continues to hold your head tightly, admiring its creation which looks like a slightly smaller and lesser version of itself.

Although you have been fully transformed, you still can’t look away, not that you would ever want to. You still feel like you are in just as deep of a trance as ever. The beast closes your eyes and takes its hands off of your head. When you open them a few seconds later, you find that your mind is now clear and that the latex beast and its box are gone. You know that it will come back when you want it to, and when it does it will play with you and your mind should you be willing.

Now, know that each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into a latex neon cat, your body glowing with such a wonderful light because of this. I wonder if you will ever see that cat again, or simply go on without them. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my neon friend.

Add-on for sleeping with foxes: sleeping with cats (no induction)


PREREQUISITE: You need the effects of my file “Sleeping with foxes” for this to work. 

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now sleep with cats.”. When you use this trigger phrase, you will experience the effects of the trigger phrase “I will now sleep with foxes.”, but instead of your favorite species of fox there will be your favorite breed of cat.

I know that I said that I had a few longer ones planned, but I ended up not approving of the behavioral effects of the file that I was writing on near the end of it and ended up scrapping it. However, I do have some other ones planned that I have no reason to believe that I will scrap. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now sleep with cats.”. When you use this trigger phrase, you will experience the effects of the trigger phrase “I will now sleep with foxes.”, but instead of your favorite species of fox there will be your favorite breed of cat.

Now, know that each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have this new trigger, and can sleep with all of the cats that you want. This session is almost over, so goodbye, and enjoy your feline friends.

Squid dog transformation (no induction | sleep)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a squid dog.” If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a squid dog.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a squid dog.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a squid dog.”.

This request was very relaxing to do. I’m skilled at inducing hypnosis-like effects in myself without actually using hypnosis, so I tested some of this stuff as I wrote it. I initially hated the four arms thing but got used to it, but it was still a bit weird because I didn’t have the fudge going that makes them seem more real. I also found wrapping myself in my tentacles to be really relaxing and spaced out a few times while editing because I did that. Anyways, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a squid dog.” If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a squid dog.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a squid dog.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a squid dog.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, notice how there are several white puddles on the floor surrounding you. Curious as to what they are, you touch one of them, and realize that the white puddles are made of latex. The instant that you touch one of them they start to shake as if they were boiling. Then, as if emerging from water, you start to see white tentacles come out of the puddles. As they start to wrap around your arms, legs, and torso, you find that you aren’t afraid of them. In fact, the pressure of each of them around your limbs feels kind of satisfying. They don’t completely restrict your movement, so you can move around in place a little bit, but if you try to move any part of your body more than a few inches they hold you firmly in place.

With your body firmly held, the tentacles start to produce more white latex which spreads onto you, quickly covering you from the neck down. It feels warm and soft, and looks strikingly similar to a long coat of soft and fluffy fur. In fact, it is so relaxing that it makes your mind become a bit hazy.

Then, your finger and toe nails become numb as the latex painlessly and quickly dissolves them, the latex fur and skin that replaces them leaving behind no trace of their existence.

After that, you feel your fingers merging and changing shape so that you have four fingers on each of your hands, each of which is one fourth as wide as your hands are and and as long as your longest finger used to be. Of course, you won’t actually only have four fingers on each of your hands, and you will use them like you normally would, but you will be completely incapable of perceiving yourself as not having only four fingers on each of your hands or even understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that this is not the case.

However, you hardly notice this. The latex just makes you feel so warm and fuzzy that it’s just too hard to focus on these changes. All you want to do is relax and enjoy the feeling of the latex.

Next, feel your toes merging and changing shape so that you have four toes on each of your feet, each of which is one third as wide as your feet are and as long as your longest toe used to be.

Now, feel a slight pulling sensation on the undersides of your hands and feet as the fur on parts of them falls out to reveal your new latex paw pads. They are black and leathery, as well as slightly squishy.

With your arms fully transformed you start to feel a pulling sensation right below them as the latex begins to form an identical set of arms and hands.

Your mind might be hazy with relaxation, but this gets your attention. It doesn’t take long for your new arms and hands to form, and once they do you spend a bit of time moving them around and getting used to your second set. It takes a bit, but you quickly become proficient at using all four of your hands at the same time.

Of course, you won’t actually have a second set of arms and hands, and you will act as if you only have one set of arms and hands, but you will be incapable of perceiving this and won't be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you don’t have two sets of arms and hands. Also, whenever you think that you use your second set of hands, you will actually be using your real hands but your perception will be altered to make it look like you are using your other ones. However, you will be completely unaware of this.

Now that you have gotten used to your new arms and hands, some of the extra tentacles gently wrap around them. However, you enjoy the pressure on your new limbs, finding it to be just as satisfying as on your other ones. In fact, it even makes you feel a bit safe. The tentacles will take care of everything and you know that you can trust them.

With your new arms and hands complete it is time for you to grow yet more limbs. Feel four pulling sensations on your back as white latex tentacles of your own start to grow. They are as wide as your arms are, spare the diamond shaped section at the end where they get a bit wider. They are as long as you are tall and on the bottom of the diamond shaped parts of them there are black paw pads just like that of a dog.

Of course, you won’t actually have four tentacles that come out of your back, but you will be incapable of perceiving yourself as not having them or understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you don’t have them. Additionally, like with your second set of arms and hands, whenever you think that you are using your tentacles you will actually be using your real hands but your perception will be altered to make it look like you are using your tentacles. However, you will be completely unaware of this.

You feel so happy and relaxed that you almost don’t notice them, and when they are finished growing you wrap them around the few extra tentacles that remain, knowing that is what they want and trusting them to do what is best for you.

Now that the only human part of you left is your head, the tentacles start to guide you into a sitting or lying position if you are standing, no longer restricting your movement.

Once you are lying or sitting down, you will feel the latex as it finally starts to cover your head. It feels so good as the latex spreads that warm and soft feeling across your face. As this happens your hazy mind decides that it would be nice to pet yourself, and it feels so good and relaxing when you do. You truly are happy.

When the latex reaches your mouth it goes inside of it, but you find that you actually enjoy the taste and feel of the latex that coats your mouth and tongue, not finding it to be even slightly gross or undesirable.

As it continues to spread up your head it reaches your nose, at which point it starts to form a medium length muzzle on your face. As it does, it covers and conceals your nose completely, but you can still breathe just fine. This is because there is a network of holes around where your nose is that are small enough to be invisible to the human, and squid dog, eye, but still big enough to allow enough air to flow through them.

As the latex finishes moving up your head it covers your ears. Then, it changes them, moving them to the top of your head and making them be shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half.

Despite the differences between your new and old ears, you will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before the transformation began. In fact, you will find that your hearing seems to be much stronger in the directions that your ears are facing, being able to rotate them straight forwards, in the direction of the side of your head that they are on, and anywhere in between. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are facing, and less attention to sounds in the directions that they aren’t facing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is happening.

With your entire body covered in latex, the tentacles start to flow into you until you have completely absorbed them. As this happens, you feel like your insides are turning to mush as the new latex painlessly dissolves all of the human parts of your body, replacing it with the internals befitting of a squid dog. When it is done, you feel like you are somehow both solid and slowly melting at the same time. If you aren’t used to this feeling you will find it weird and maybe a bit disorientating at first, but quickly get used to it.

Next, your irises turn as white as your latex body.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that you will always enjoy being wet, whether that be just because it is a humid day, you get caught in a torrential downpour, or you are taking a shower or a bath. No matter what the cause, you will find that the feeling of water against your latex body is absolutely wonderful, and that the wetter you are the better it feels.

The second mental change is that when swimming, you will find that you can only swim like a squid does: bringing your arms, legs, and tentacles back, and then quickly moving them forwards. Even if you normally swim a different way, you will find that this is the only way that you can swim, your body unwilling to use any other method or stroke unless there is an emergency that requires you to swim fast or in a different way.

The third and final mental change is that you will find that it feels very comforting to wrap yourself up in your tentacles and gently squeeze yourself with them. It will just feel so relaxing and make you feel so safe.

Finally, each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into a squid dog, and have this wonderful new body as a result. Unfortunately, until now you hadn't even realized how the intensity of the transformation left you mentally drained. Also, you still feel wonderfully warm and soft courtesy of your latex body, and your mind is still hazy and relaxed, so you might want to just drift off into sleep. However, should you choose to stay awake you will find that while you will still feel warm and soft, your mental energy and the haziness in your mind will go away. Also, your relaxation will partially go away so that it is still very present, but not so much that it makes it harder to think.

This session is almost over, so goodbye, my squiddy friend.

Add-on for sleeping with foxes: sleeping with dogs (no induction)


PREREQUISITE: You need the effects of my file “Sleeping with foxes” for this to work. 

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now sleep with dogs.”. When you use this trigger phrase, you will experience the effects of the trigger phrase “I will now sleep with foxes.”, but instead of your favorite species of fox there will be your favorite breed of dog.

This was an easy request to do. I didn’t have enough free time to commit to a full length request, so I decided to do this quick instead. I hope to do a bunch of full length TFs in a row though so that should balance things out. Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now sleep with dogs.”. When you use this trigger phrase, you will experience the effects of the trigger phrase “I will now sleep with foxes.”, but instead of your favorite species of fox there will be your favorite breed of dog.

Now, know that each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if that effect is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have this new trigger, and can sleep with all of the dogs that you want. This session is almost over, so goodbye, and enjoy your canine friends.

Kira transformation (read description | gender neutral | no induction)


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now become Kira.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now become Kira.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I will no longer be Kira.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You will no longer be Kira.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a medium length coat of soft and fluffy fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Most of it is pink, but the fur on your wrists is yellow while the fur on your hands is light blue. Additionally, the fur on the inside of your ears is white while the fur on the top third of them is yellow.

Now, feel a pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a medium length muzzle. As this happens, your nose disappears, the only remnants of it being your nose holes which are located in the top right and top left corners of the front side of your muzzle.

Once your muzzle finishes forming, the fur in a triangular area on the front of your muzzle falls out. Two of the points of the triangle are located on the top left and top right corners of the front of your muzzle, and the other one is located one third of the way down it and horizontally centered with the front of your muzzle.

Where the fur falls out black skin that has swelled slightly is revealed. It is leathery and slightly squishy.

Then, feel two round pulling sensations that are horizontally located halfway between the left side and the center of your back and halfway between the right side and the center of your back, as well as vertically located four fifths of the way up it as light blue wings start to grow. they are one fourth as wide as your torso is and extend straight back as far as your torso is tall. There are three yellow colored extensions on each of them that are located three eights, five eights, and seven eights of the way down them that are shaped like cones that point straight down. They are as wide and one fourth as long as the rest of your wings are and the ones closest to your torso are half as tall as your torso is, the second closest ones are as tall as your torso is, and the furthest ones are just a bit taller than the second ones are. You can rotate your wings forwards and backwards, but not up and down.

Unfortunately, your wings are not strong enough to allow you to fly, or even slow your fall, and you will never attempt to use them to do so.

After that, your finger and toe nails become numb as they disappear, the fur covered skin that replaces them leaving behind no trace of their existence.

Then, your fingers and toes merge and change shape so that you have four fingers on each of your hands and four toes on each of your feet. Each of your fingers and toes are one fourth as wide as the hand or foot that they are on, and your outer toes are as long as your second longest toe was while your inner ones are as long as your longest toe was. Additionally, your outer fingers are as long as your second longest finger was while your inner ones are as long as your longest finger was. Of course, you won’t actually only have four fingers on each of your hands, and you will still use them like you normally would. However, you will be incapable of perceiving yourself as having anything but four fingers on each hand and you will never understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that this is not the case.

Next, feel your ears moving to the top of your head as they become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half. While their width stays the same, they become as long as they are wide and as tall as your head is.

After that, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as not one, not two, not even three, but nine fur covered tails start to grow from the same spot. They start out only being one fifth as wide as your torso is, but quickly get wider over the first fifth of them until they are as wide as your torso is. From there they stay the same width until half way down them at which point they start to gradually get narrower until they each end in a point. The fur on your tails is twice as long, soft, and fluffy as the rest of your fur is, and the fur on the first fourth of them is pink, the fur on the second fourth of them is yellow, the fur on the third fourth of them is light blue, and the fur on the last fourth of them is white.

Now, you feel one last pulling sensation on your head as the fur on the top of it turns yellow and starts to grow until it almost intrudes upon your vision. This yellow fur looks just like hair, and probably would be considered hair if it weren’t for the fact that you’re not a human.

Then, feel a tingling sensation on your mouth and tongue as the inside of your mouth turns light blue and your tongue turns turquoise. Your teeth however stay white.

After that, your irises turn light blue.

Next, feel as if you are turning to mush because that is exactly what is happening. You see, while your body will maintain its shape, it is turning into goo. Despite this new material, your fur is as soft and fluffy as it was before, but now it’s also a bit sticky too. In fact, your entire body is slightly sticky, and whenever you stop touching something you will feel your goo peeling off of it. Also, if you press into something, you will be able to see your goo deforming around that thing slightly, but it will always go back to your proper shape when you stop pressing into things.

Finally, each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if it is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into Kira, and what an interesting mix of creatures that is. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my colorful friend.


Note: I don’t know if there is some well known person or character named Kira, but if there is that’s not what this tf is for. The Kira that I’m referring to is someone’s own character.

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now become Kira.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now become Kira.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I will no longer be Kira.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You will no longer be Kira.”.

This file was a bit of a challenge to do. It wasn't very long, but the reference pictures that I was given contained some conflicting information, so I had to do a bit of guessing about which one I should use for each feature when they looked different. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.

Pokémon mystery dungeon thingy (no induction)


This file brings you through an altered version of the opening of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon DX. It keeps roughly to the actual story until you get a mission from the board, at which point events are no longer pre-determined. The longest that you can experience that world is for an hour, but you can go back to it by saying “I want to go to the pokemon world with my partner.”.

This request took a while, but it was a lot of fun to do. I actually used questions and their results from the game. And had the strongest ones being the ones that would make it suggest Eevee in game. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, I want you to imagine something. I want you to imagine that there are bright, beautiful colors slowly shifting and spiraling around you, isolating you from the outside world in a large and colorful sphere.

In this large bubble of color, there is some easy to read text that says “There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react?”. Below it are what look like buttons that you would see on a computer screen, with one saying “Yank open the door.” and the other saying “Scream in unison.”. You go to press one, but before you can you find that you can’t remember which you were going to press. However, you now feel some unseen force compelling you to press the button that says “Scream in unison.”. You do so, and the question changes to “You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take?”, with the options big box and small box below it.

However, you are distracted from this by the tingling sensation that you feel all over your body as a medium length coat of brown fur that is soft and fluffy starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Also, the fur on the inside of your ears is dark brown. You also find that you feel a bit more naive than before.

You start to admire your lovely coat of fur, but find that your attention is seemingly forced back to the question. Once again you try to press a button, but forget which one you were going to press, that unseen force from before guiding you to press the button that says ”Big box”.

When you do, you feel a round pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail made of pure fluff starts to grow. It is as long as your torso is tall and starts out being half as wide as your torso is, but quickly gets wider until it is as wide as your torso is one fourth of the way down it. From there, it gradually gets smaller until it ends in a point. Also, the first two thirds of your tail are brown while the last third of it is vanilla colored. Additionally, while your tail won’t hurt if it is sat on or compressed because it is made purely of fur, you also won’t be able to control it.

You spend a few moments checking out your tail before your attention is drawn back to the questions, now feeling a bit more docile and considerably more naive.

Just like before your attention is forced back to the question, which now says “You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?”. The options are “Open the window”, and “Take a sniff first”. Once again you forget what you were going to pick and are guided by the unseen force to pick the first option.

When you do you feel a light pulling sensation on the fur on your neck as it starts to grow, becoming not twice, not three times, not even four times, but five times as long as it had been. It also becomes so much softer and fluffier that if you were to lay down, you could use it as a pillow that would allow you to sleep anywhere. You also now feel considerably more docile, as well as a bit more hasty.

Your focus being forcefully redirected again you look at the question, which now says “You come across a treasure chest! How do you react?”. Below it there are now three options. The first one is “Open it right away!”, the second one is “No... Could be a trap...”, and the third one is “It's going to be empty...”. Knowing what will happen, you don’t even bother trying to decide for yourself, deciding that you will just let the unseen force guide you through any more questions that appear. You pick the first option, and you feel your toes merge and change shape so that you have three toes on each foot, each of which is as long as your longest toe used to be and one third as wide as your feet are.

Simultaneously, your finger and toe nails disappear, the fur covered skin that replaces them leaving behind no trace of their existence. As you have come to expect, your personality changes as your body does, and you become considerably more hasty.

Knowing that you will just have your attention forced away from it you don’t even pay attention to this relatively mundane change. The question now asks “Are you a cheerful personality?”, with the simple options of yes and no. The force has you pick yes, causing your feet and legs to start dramatically changing.

First, the fur on the balls of your feet falls out to reveal that the skin on them has swelled a bit, as well as become a pink material that is slightly squishy and leathery.

Then, you feel a stretching sensation as your feet bend upwards just behind the balls of your feet so that everything on your feet behind the balls of your feet is angled upwards forty five degrees. Immediately after this happens this bend in your feet locks in place, forcing you to walk on your toes and the balls of your feet, or walk digitigrade as it is called. Also, you will find that you can bend your feet from the balls of your feet up both up and down a little bit, making your new way of walking much easier.

After your feet have undergone these changes, the parts of your feet that are angled upwards start to lengthen. As this happens your lower legs become shorter at an equal rate until your lower legs are only as long as your feet used to be. The result of this is that when standing in place, your upper legs are angled forty five degrees downwards and point forwards, your lower legs are angled forty five degrees downwards and point backwards, the bent part of your feet are angled forty five degrees downwards and point forwards, and all of your weight rests on your toes and the balls of your feet which are flat. Having this leg structure will feel completely natural to you, almost as if you have had it for your entire life.

This change throws you off balance for a bit, so you almost don’t notice how you have become somewhat jolly and very naive.

Having regained your balance, you look to where the questions appear to see that it has changed once more, now asking “Do you get the feeling that you've slowed down lately?”, the options of “yes” and “no” still below it. You are guided to press “no” this time. When you do, you notice that you are now a bit more mischievous than you had been, as well as very hasty. Also, you feel your ears move to the top of your head as they become shaped like hollow 3D ovals that have been cut in half and come to a point at the middle of the top, left, right, and bottom sides of the front of them. They are as wide as your old ears were and as tall as your head is. They connect to your head at their bottom point and are much more sensitive than your old ears were. In fact, you can even control which direction they are facing, allowing you to hear better in those directions. With your hearing stronger you notice that there is a gentle and low humming sound that seems to come from everywhere at the same time. It is quite relaxing.

You quickly are focused on the next question which reads “Do you like to imagine things for your amusement?”, the choices of “yes” and “no” still not having changed. This time the force guides you to press yes, and when you do you feel extremely naive. In fact, you are so naive now that it is one of your key personality traits. As you think about this you feel your arms start to shift as they become identical to your legs. Simultaneously your hind legs become weaker forcing you to fall onto all fours. As you rapidly fall, you also shrink so that your cute body is only one foot tall.

Another question appears, and your focus is drawn to it. This one says “Are you often late for school or meetings?”. The options of “yes” and “no” staying the same for yet another question. While the buttons have been lowered so that they are closer to the ground, they are still a bit above you and you spend a few minutes playfully jumping at them until you happily head butt the “yes” button. Once you do, your personality changes once more so that you are now a bit hardy and extremely hasty. In fact, you are now as hasty as you are naive, making hasty-ness one of your key personality traits. 

Then, you sense that your irises are turning brown even though you can’t see them. As this happens, your personality starts to change so that the traits that you had when you were a human are very weak, with your new traits being the ones that really shine through.

You are a bit mischievous, so your desire to mess with people won’t extend beyond short little pranks that even the person being pranked will find funny.

You're only a bit hardy, and you will definitely notice the downsides of this, but you will become more hardy the more that you endure, or at least try to.

You’re also a bit jolly, which will make you a bit more happy and cheerful than you otherwise would be.

You are considerably docile, and while this isn’t necessarily bad, you will have to learn to speak for yourself if you don’t want to always follow someone else’s lead.

You are extremely naive, and while this won’t make you stupid or unsafe, you are very likely to unknowingly make a fool of yourself. That being said, your naiveness will also make you much more carefree and happy, and does it really matter if you make a bit of a fool of yourself if you had a good time? Also, your naiveness combined with your docileness will make it easy for you to be taken advantage of without you ever having a clue. Hopefully you will learn when others are trying to do this.

And lastly you are extremely hasty, constantly running about and trying to do things quickly. While this means that you will finish things a lot quicker than most, it also means that you won’t be able to do things like stop and smell the roses unless someone makes you.

Now, there is something important that I must tell you. Soon you will enter another world, although what that world is like doesn’t matter yet. What does matter is that eventually your mind will be forced to leave it and return to the normal world, but you can always go back to it by saying “I want to go to the Pokémon world with my partner”. When you do, you will sit or lay down if you haven’t already and your mind will return to that world, nothing having changed since you left it. In fact, if you had been mid thought when you left it you will resume that thought. Also, after an hour has passed in the normal world your mind will be forced to return to it.

Now, feel yourself getting more and more tired. That’s it, just let sleep start to creep its way into that increasingly tired little mind of yours. And as it does, let your memories about yourself start to fade away. You can have them back when you are in the human world, but you don’t need them where you're going. There we go, the last of your personal memories slipping away for the time being. You still remember things like how the world works and languages, but personal memories like what you looked like as a human and past experiences are slipping away. In fact, as your eyes finally close the only things that you can remember about yourself are that you were a human and what your name is. That’s it, just sleep little Eevee.

The thought “Where am I?” enters your head, quickly followed by “am I dreaming this?”. You hear a pleasant breeze and feel soft grass below you, but what you focus on is the voice that you hear near you. However, while you are curious about who is speaking, your mind is still cloudy with sleep. You start to sink into a dream when you hear the voice say “Excuse me, please wake up.”. They sound a bit worried, so you open your eyes to see a Peak-ah-chu in front of you. You look around a bit, confused as to why you are in a forest before you focus on the Peak-ah-chu in front of you. They tell you that you looked like you had passed out and that they're glad that you're awake. They then ask you who you are, telling you that they haven’t seen you around there before.

You tell them that you are a human, and they give you a weird look, pointing out that you look like a completely normal Eevee. You look down at yourself and lift one of your legs up, shocked to find that they are right. You reach the obvious conclusion that you have somehow transformed into an Eevee. You try to think about what happened before you woke up here, but nothing comes to mind.

The Peak-ah-chu wastes no time beating around the bush and says that you're pretty weird before asking you what your name is. You tell them your name and they laugh, saying that it's pretty funny. Before the two of you can continue your conversation you hear someone shouting, begging whoever might be listening to help them. The Pokémon that was the source of the noise flys over to the two of you, revealing itself to be a Butterfree.

Peak-ah-chu asks what’s wrong and the Butterfree explains that a massive fissure opened up in the ground, and their baby Catter-p fell in. They also tell both of you that their Catter-p is too young to crawl out. They are clearly panicked, and the stress in their voice makes it hard for you and the Peak-ah-chu to stay calm. They continue on to explain that they tried to save their Catter-p on their own but they got attacked by wild Pokémon and were forced to flee.

At this point the Butterfree starts to break down and Peak-ah-chu tells you that this seems really bad and the two of you have to help. While you are still unsure about how you got here, you follow Peak-ah-chu, happy to have some sense of what to do.

It takes a bit but the two of you find the fissure that the Butterfree was talking about. It appears to cut through a bunch of caves, and after a little bit of searching you and Peak-ah-chu find a surface entrance to them. The two of you head in, and you notice that it appears to be made of almost intentional looking rooms and halls. You point this out to Peak-ah-chu and they say that it must be a mystery dungeon. They explain that you can find items and money in them, but that the Pokémon that appear in them are usually fair ol'. They also explain that the layout of a mystery dungeon somehow changes whenever there are no civilized Pokémon within it, hence the name. The two of you fight a few bug Pokémon as you advance through the floors of the dungeon, your Pokémon instincts making fighting come naturally for you. They aren’t very strong, but neither are you so it’s a fair match. With every enemy that you defeat, you feel a little bit stronger, and you can tell that Peak-ah-chu is also getting stronger.

Eventually you reach the Catter-p, and having taken out all of the Pokémon in the dungeon you easily lead it out.

When you reunite the Catter-p with its parent, they are overjoyed, and thank you profusely. Peak-ah-chu tells them that it is no problem, and that it has been more dangerous with the fissures and quakes that have been happening lately. You tell the Butterfree that you were just glad to find their Catter-p unharmed. They ask you for your names and the two of you tell them. The Catter-p says that your names are cool and looks at you with adoration in its eyes. It feels a bit embarrassing, but also really good, like you are a hero. You think that helping Pokémon that are in trouble might be a good experience. The Catter-p thanks both of you, and the Butterfree says that they know that it isn't really enough, but that they want you to have these as a token of their thanks before giving you a Pecha berry and some coins. They then head off with their Catter-p, presumably to their home.

Peak-ah-chu thanks you for helping, and tells you that they were impressed by how tough you are. They then ask you if you have any plans, to which you respond with only silence. Sounding a little bit concerned they tell you that you should go with them if you don’t have anywhere to stay, so you follow them as they walk off.

After a while they reach a small hut and tell you that you can live there. The hut looks wonderful and is surrounded by a small moat with lily pads in it, plank bridges making it easy to go from one side to the next. There is also a mailbox.

Looking at the hut makes you feel really happy. You aren’t completely sure, but you suspect that it might be a result of the instincts of your Pokémon body. Peak-ah-chu sees the look on your face and says “you’re impressed, aren’t you?”, to which you enthusiastically tell them that you are. They tell you that they thought so and that they think that would make a good place for you to live, as well as that they were sure that you would like it.

They then tell you that many Pokémon are suffering from the natural disasters like the Catter-p was, and that all sorts of natural disasters have been happening lately. They then tell you that they want to do good and help Pokémon like the Catter-p that fell into the fissure. You can tell that they really care about making the world a safer place for Pokémon.

Now sounding a bit nervous, they tell you that they saw how good you were when the two of you had rescued the Catter-p and wanted to know if you would form a rescue team with them. You tell them that you would, happy to finally have some sense of direction after all that has happened. They are clearly excited, saying that from now on the two of you will be partners in your rescue team. They ask you if you have any idea what the team should be called, and the two of you think about it for a bit until you eventually come up with a name that you both like. After that, they take out a green scarf that they had been carrying but you somehow had-int noticed. As they put it on they tell you that they wanted to wear it the day they became part of a rescue team. They tell you that they have another one if you want to wear it, and you happily accept. Because you don’t have hands, they put it on for you, tying a knot in the front so that it doesn’t fall off. Of course, this also means that you can’t take it off, but you don’t think that you will ever want to so it doesn’t matter.

Then, they tell you that they are feeling a bit tired so they're going to head home, and that they will meet you here tomorrow. You thank them and say goodbye before heading into your new home. You never wondered why the Peak-ah-chu had an extra home, and you never will.

You lay down on a comfortable stone surrounded by water. You had-int realized it before, but the events of the day have left you mentally and emotionally exhausted, allowing sleep to easily take you.

When you wake up the next day, you are surprised to find that you are an Eevee, but quickly remember all that had happened and find it surprisingly easy to accept this new life.

Remembering that you had formed a rescue team with Peak-ah-chu, you head out of your hut with the intent of finding them.

To your surprise, you find them sleeping outside of it. You ask them if they are okay, and they awaken with a start. You ask them if they are alright and they apologize, explaining that they were so excited about starting a rescue team that they have been there waiting for you to get up since dawn and must have fallen asleep.

You tell them that it’s alright and ask what you are going to do today. They tell you that they are going to show you around town, as well as where to get assignments for rescue teams. But first, they want to check the mailbox. In it, they find a Rescue Team Starter Set. They open it up and find two rescue team badges which you each put on, a toolbox which lets you easily carry items in the dungeons, and a copy of Pokémon news which you decide to read later. Having all of your equipment, Peak-ah-chu asks you if you are ready to head into town, to which you reply that you are as you start to follow them.


After a little while the two of you reach a small town that contains a few colorful buildings run by other Pokémon. Peak-ah-chu shows you all of them. There is a general shop where you can buy and sell items, a bank where you can save your money, a special shop where you can pay to have moves linked so that you can use them at the same time, a place where you can store items, and a dojo where you can train and learn new things.

After showing you around town they lead you down one of the paths until you reach the strange looking building that is the post office, a board with papers attached to it positioned by its side. Peak-ah-chu explains that this is the mission board which has all of the available rescue team assignments on it. There is also a danger rating next to each one which will let you know if you are in a good position to complete it.

One of them is a low danger mission for two Magnemites that are stuck in Thunder Cave. You and Peak-ah-chu look at each other, and without even having to say a word the two of you are off.

From here on out, what happens within this world is no longer pre-determined, and your actions will have a strong influence on it.

Also, each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if it is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have a new body, a new world to explore with it, and a new friend. I wonder how strong the bond that will form between the two of you will become, and what wonders you will uncover. This session is almost over, so goodbye, and save those Magnemites!

Change your hair color (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “My hair will now be the color”, and then a color. When you use this trigger, your hair will become the color that you specified. Additionally, your hair will instantly go back to the color that it actually is when you use the reset phrase “My hair is now its true color.”.

This request was pretty easy to do. In fact, it is on my “break glass in case of emergencies” list, which I draw from when I know I wont be able to upload the script that I am working on in time and need to get something done fast. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “My hair will now be the color”, and then a color. When you use this trigger, your hair will become the color that you specified. Additionally, your hair will instantly go back to the color that it actually is when you use the reset phrase “My hair is now its true color.”

Also, the effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if it is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effect of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you can change what color your hair is, even if you are the only one that can see it. This quick session is coming to a close, so goodbye, and enjoy my friend.

Werewolf transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a werewolf.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a werewolf.”, you will transform into a werewolf again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a werewolf.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a werewolf.”.

This request was nice to do. It’s been some time since I last did a transformation in my normal style, and this happened to be a really good way to get back into it. I also found some of the fine tails about how werewolves are commonly depicted to be interesting. By the way, I would love to hear your suggests, requests, and feedback.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a where-wolf.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a where-wolf.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a where-wolf.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a where-wolf.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation over your entire body as a medium length coat of soft and fluffy brown fur grows, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Also, the fur on your neck and head except for your face and the inside of your ears is three times as long as the rest of your fur is. Additionally, the fur on the inside of your ears is white and twice as long as your short fur is.

Next, feel a round pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail that is as long as your legs are tall starts to grow. It is covered in the same short brown fur that covers most of your body and starts out being one third as wide as your torso is, but gradually gets smaller over the last fifth of it until it ends in a dull point.

Then, feel a pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a long muzzle. As this happens, your nose disappears, the only remnants of it being your nose holes which are located in the top left and top right corners of the front side of your muzzle.

Once your muzzle finishes forming, the fur in a triangular area on the front of your muzzle falls out. Two of the points of the triangle are located on the top left and top right corners of the front of your muzzle, and the other one is located one third of the way down it and horizontally centered with the front of your muzzle.

Where the fur falls out black skin that has swelled slightly is revealed. It is leathery and slightly squishy.

Now, feel your toes merging and changing shape so that you have four toes on each foot, each of which is one fourth as wide as your feet are and as long as your longest toe used to be.

Next, feel your ears move to the top of your head as they become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half.

Despite how different your new and old ears are, you will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before the transformation began. In fact, you will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the directions that they are facing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are facing, and less attention to sounds in the directions that they aren’t facing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

After that, your finger and toe nails disappear, the fur covered skin that replaces them leaving behind no evidence that you ever had them.

As this happens, white claws that are made of a hard and durable material start to grow out of the front of your fingers and toes. Their bases are each one third as wide as the finger or toe that they are on and half as tall as that finger or toe. Also, they are horizontally and vertically centered on the finger or toe that they are on. They are half an inch long and gradually curve down and get narrower and thinner so that they each end in a dangerously sharp point that points straight down and that is level with the bottom of the finger or toe that they are on. Despite the fact that your claws are dangerously sharp, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

Then, you feel a stretching sensation as your feet bend upwards just behind the balls of your feet so that everything on your feet behind the balls of your feet is angled upwards forty five degrees. Immediately after this happens this bend in your feet locks in place, forcing you to walk on your toes and the balls of your feet, or walk digitigrade as it is called. Also, you will find that you can bend your feet from the balls of your feet up both up and down a little bit, making your new way of walking much easier.

After your feet have undergone these changes, the parts of your feet that are angled upwards start to lengthen. As this happens your lower legs become shorter at an equal rate until your lower legs are only as long as your feet used to be. The result of this is that when standing in place, your upper legs are angled forty five degrees downwards and point forwards, your lower legs are angled forty five degrees downwards and point backwards, the bent part of your feet are angled forty five degrees downwards and point forwards, and all of your weight rests on your toes and the balls of your feet which are flat. Having this leg structure will feel completely natural to you, almost as if you have had it for your entire life. Of course, your lower legs, toes, and the rest of your feet won’t actually change so that you walk digitigrade and have the appropriate leg structure, and you will do things like walking and running and standing like you normally would, but you will be completely incapable of perceiving this and only be able to perceive yourself as having that digitigrade leg structure and feet. Also, you will be completely incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are not moving as if you have this leg structure.

Next, your irises turn silver as your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that whenever you are in the light of a full moon, you will find that you feel much more wild and hostile then you ever would otherwise, as well as very awake. You will be able to easily control these feelings and you will never actually hurt anything, but you will still feel these feelings being strong within you. These feelings will not go away until the sun has risen, even if you are no longer in moonlight.

The second mental change is that when you are feeling angry or hostile towards something, you will have a strong desire to growl and bare your teeth at it, and if you are really angry or feeling really hostile you will do so in-volen-tairly.

The third and final mental change is that you will have a desire to howl at the moon when you see it. This desire will become stronger the fuller the moon is, but you will always be able to stop yourself from howling when it is important for you to do so.

Finally, each effect of this hypnosis file will become inactive if it is a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if it is a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that it would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if it is a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into a where-wolf. I’m sure that nights with full moons will be very different for you from now on. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my lycanthrope friend.

Hyper immersion for changed (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “activate hyper immersion for Changed.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will experience everything that the player character experiences in the game (except for pain). Additionally, the effects that are about to be described will instantly become inactive if you use the deactivation phrase “Deactivate hyper immersion for Changed.”.

This request was nie and easy to do, and I had been wanting to make it for personal use too. Also, sorry about the delay, I messed up the dates on my upload schedule. Anyways, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “activate hyper immersion for Changed.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will experience the effects that are about to be described. Additionally, the effects that are about to be described will instantly become inactive if you use the deactivation phrase “Deactivate hyper immersion for Changed.”.

Now the effects will be described.

When the trigger phrase has been used, you will feel everything that the player character does when you play or watch a video of the game Changed or Changed: Special Edition. So if the player character gets transformed into another species, you will feel the transformation, as well as feel like that species until the player character is reset or you stop playing the game or watching the video. Also, you will feel the emotions that the player character is described as feeling until you either stop playing the game or watching the video.

Additionally, the negative feelings that you experience will never exceed how much you can take at the moment, and you will never feel any pain as a result of this hypnosis file.

Lastly, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have this fun new trigger that is guaranteed to… CHANGE, how you experience playing Changed. This session is almost over, so goodbye, and enjoy the game!

Three headed anthro latex wolf transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a three headed latex wolf.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a three headed latex wolf.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a three headed latex wolf.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a three headed latex wolf.”.

When the transformation is done, you will think of the other two heads as a brother and sister and have a strong bond with them, each head thinking independently and being able to control the half of your body that they are on (but you can override them).

This request was a lot of fun to do! And now you can feel like you have a brother and sister that you don’t constantly want to strangle, isn’t that amazing? The transformation in Changed: Special Edition had a very different feel to it that I didn’t like for a file of this type, so I decided to change (yes, that is a pun. And no, you can’t have the time that you waste reading it back.) it and make it a lot more positive. Anyways, that’s enough rambling so let's wrap this up by saying that I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a three headed latex wolf.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a three headed latex wolf.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a three headed latex wolf.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a three headed latex wolf.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, two creatures made of brown and pale brown latex appear near you. They are shaped like anthro wolves that are as tall as you are, and most of their long coat of soft and fluffy, albeit a bit sticky, latex fur is brown. However, the fur on their face, as well as on the front of their neck and torso, is pale brown. Also, the pale brown latex fur decorates their arms and legs, forming interesting yet simple patterns and shapes. Their tails are as long as they are tall as well as as wide as they are. The bottom of their tails are covered in brown latex fur while the top of them are covered in pale brown latex fur. The long fur that coats their tails is twice as soft and fluffy as the rest of their latex fur is. Also, they have three toes on each foot and four fingers on each hand. Speaking of hands, each of their palms has a black and triangular paw pad on it much like that on a dog's paws.

Also, one of them has red eyes and the other has yellow eyes, with the one with the red eyes looking more masculine while the one with the yellow eyes looks more feminin.

The red eyed one walks over to you with a smile on his face that feels so familiar, even if you haven’t seen him before. He just has a certain air about him that an old friend does. He gets behind you and embraces you in a tight hug. It’s not so tight that it hurts, but it’s more than strong enough to make pulling away impossible.

Even if you do have a desire to leave his embrace for some reason, you will find that the fluffiness and softness of his fur greatly reduces this desire.

Then, the yellow eyed one walks in front of you, a smile much like that of the red eyed one’s on her face. She gently pushes you into the red eyed one, and as she does, your back starts to sink into the red eyed one’s chest, the stickiness making it so that you are bound to him. This makes you feel connected to him in a way that feels right, as if it is the way that it should be. However, if for some reason you try to pull away despite knowing that the two of you are meant to be together, you will find that he is so much stronger than you that you don’t even move his body in the slightest.

After your torso is connected to the red eyed’s one, he stops hugging you and puts his hands and arms over your hands and arms. Also, Some of his latex sticks to you where he had been hugging you, turning the color that it would be on that part of his body.

With the red eyed creature’s arms and hands over yours, your own slowly start to get drawn into his. As they do, they start to go numb, the feeling of his arms and hands replacing your own until his arms and hands are also your arms and hands. Of course, you won’t actually have four fingers on each of your hands and you will continue to use them as you normally do. However, you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you don’t have four fingers. In fact, it will simply be impossible for you to perceive yourself as having any number but four fingers.

You can’t control your improved limbs yet, but you find out that the other creature certainly can as he hugs you ever so tightly again, making you hug yourself just as much. As he does this, you notice that he seems clingy, and more than in just a physical way. It seems almost as if being separated from you causes him to suffer some kind of anxiety. As you realize this, you notice the same kind of feeling within yourself, a certain need to be one with him.

Not wanting to wait any longer, you press your legs and feet into his. You look towards his face, and he thanks you for helping him, the tone of his voice making it clear that he truly is very grateful. As you merge with him more you think about his voice. It sounded so familiar, but why? However, the strange feeling of only having three toes instead of five distracts you from these thoughts.

With your arms and legs merged, it is almost as if you are giving the red eyed creature a piggyback ride. Not wasting any time, he presses his torso into yours, absorbing it into yourselves. When it is done, it is as if all of your body except for your head has changed, the latex already having spread up your neck.

To your left, there is the red eyed latex head, his neck stemming from the same place as your own. He gives you an affectionate lick, and you try to lick back, but your human tongue isn’t long enough. Fortunately, it won’t remain human for much longer.

Now, the latex starts to spread up your head. It first goes to your ears, making them just like a wolf’s, and even before the latex reaches it your face is stretching out into a muzzle, your new black and triangular nose resting comfortably at the end of it.

Being one with the red eyed latex creature feels so good and right, and now having control of your shared body you rest your right hand on the side of his head as you look into his eyes and admire him, and he takes his left hand and does the same with you. Under different circumstances you might want to hug your tail in glee, but right now all you can think about is the bond you feel with the red eyed part of you. It’s not a romantic bond. In fact, it feels more like the kind of bond that can only form between brothers and sisters.

Then, the yellow eyed creature lightly grips your shoulders and starts nibbling one of your ears playfully. You both turn to look at her, and you notice a look of loneliness and anxiety in her eyes. You realize that she must be feeling just like the red eyed creature did. As the latex starts to cover your mouth and approaches your eyes she gets behind you and pushes into you, having determined that you have transformed enough for her to safely merge as well. As she pushes into you, you and the red eyed one both push your shared body into her. As you do this, she shoves her left arm into your head, allowing all of your minds to connect and finishing the transformation of your head.

While each of you is still only consciously aware of your own thoughts, all of you are subconsciously affected by each other's thoughts, and you can all sense each other's emotions.

With your minds merged and your subconsciouses strongly connected, a simple thought comes into your mind, presumably from one of the others. They think of you as their brother or sister, whichever is appropriate for you, and they know that this is how they should be, how you should be, and you think the same. Three heads on one anthro latex wolf body, with yours in the center, your brother on your left, and your sister on your right. Never spending a moment apart, never having to feel alone. Of course, you know that they are not truly your brother and sister. However, it still feels like they are, sort of how a step brother is still your brother despite having different parents. In fact, it feels as if you have always been a brother and sister trinity, and none of you would have it any other way.

Now, if you aren’t already you will sit down should it be convenient for you to do so, and I will explain to all of you how your new body works, as well as some things about yourselves. Also, while the one of you that has red eyes nibbling on your left arm is indeed cute, I would recommend that you pay attention to me instead. First of all, while you obviously all know this individually, I would like to confirm for all of you that each of you can feel your entire body except for the other two’s neck and head. Also, the two of you that were never human will be able to taste whatever the former human tastes. This is because the two of you can not taste things with your heads for reasons that will be explained later. Now, you should know that while you have the physical gender of the one that was human, the two of you that never were human will still identify as your original genders, but any differences between your own gender and that of your body simply won’t bother you. Next, I personally don't know what any of your personalities are like, or even your names, but I can guarantee that you will like each other’s in the long run, even if you don’t at first. Also, if the reset phrase is used, the two of you that never were human will just go to sleep from your perspectives, but you will be aware of all that happened while you were asleep the next time the one that was human transforms, and you will never mind this sleep, even if you never wake up from it, or even if you sleep for years on end. Fortunately, this doesn’t bother either of you in the slightest. Now, as far as control of your shared body goes, you will all be able to control your own neck and head. However, it isn’t so simple for the rest of your body. You see, each of you that were never human can control the half of the body that you are on, and the one that was human can control the entire body, and can even override the others control should they feel the need to. However, they will not enjoy doing this unless they truly feel that it is important to. There is one exception to this, and that is with your tail. All of you will have equal control over it.

Also, the middle head is the only one that has an actual throat, so when it comes to breathing and eating, the one that was human is the only one that can do it.

Additionally, other people will only be able to perceive you as a human. You can tell them what you see yourselves as and maybe you can convince them to treat you as what you see yourselves as, but they will still only perceive all of you as a single human. Unfortunately, this means that other people will only be able to hear the one that was human speak, so they will have to speak for the other two of you.

By the way, the one of you that used to be human will never feel bad when you return to being a human. In fact, the memories of your brother and sister will always make you happy and never sad.

There is one last thing that all of you need to know about your body, and that is that the way you process sight is very strange. You see, you can only truly process the sight of the center head. For the other two of you, your vision will be a result of your brains creating what they think where you're looking looks like based on what the center head sees.

Now that your transformation is done, the one of you that is human is going to feel out of it for the next five to ten minutes. What I want the other two of you to do is get comfortable and be prepared to get to really know your new sibling when they come to their senses. The reason that they will feel out of it is because unlike yours, their body was never designed to undergo a double merge transformation which can be very taxing.

Also, the one that was human will notice that your body feels like it is both solid and melting at the same time. If they aren’t used to this, tell them that it is normal and that they will quickly get used to it, which they will.

Finally, In regards to the one that was human, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now all three of you have been united in one body, your minds and souls now deeply connected. This session is almost over, but your time together is just beginning, so goodbye, and enjoy how close all of you now are.

Obedience training/dog tf (read description|female pronouns|breed: German Shepherd|no induction)


WARNING: This hypnosis file contains suggestions designed to temporarily alter one's identity in regard to their species as well as completely alter their memories (also temporarily).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you choose to stay in the altered mental state when the file ends and you have chosen someone in advance to serve as an alpha, your memories will be temporarily altered to make you believe that they have been your alpha for your entire life. Be VERY careful who you allow this to be. I put specific safeties in but the position and your beliefs could still be abused. Also, should you choose someone to be an alpha, they can make you think that others are part of their pack, and your memories will be temporarily altered to make you believe that they have always been a part of their pack.


In this file you experience a physical and mental transformation into a German Shepherd. There are strong elements of identity and memory alteration that some people might not be comfortable with.

Towards the end of the file you are given a few choices, they are: to wake up in the real world with your body and mind still that of a dog, that of yourself as a human, or some mix of them, your mind becoming fully human again when you next fall asleep. You can wake up still within the imagined world that the transformation takes place in and stay as your alpha’s pet for as long as you want. You can fall asleep and eventually wake up as a human. Or you can stay in this trance if more suggestions come after this file ends.

This request was a lot of fun to do. There’s a bit where I described the listener as shaking their entire body in excitement, and as I wrote that I ended up shaking myself. I haven’t written anything like this in a while, but it was really nice to do it again. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, I want you to imagine something. I want you to imagine that you are standing in the middle of a large grassy field on a warm summer afternoon. The sky is clear and there are a few trees scattered throughout the field. The field is surrounded by a dense forest, and on the far end of it a small stream passes through.

The warmth of the sun would make you a bit hot if it weren’t for the occasional cooling breeze that keeps you at the perfect temperature on this cloudless day. In front of you stands a person with a backpack on that looks both kind and authoritative at the same time.

The person in front of you tells you to sit, and you ask them why. They tell you that it is because they are your trainer and like all domesticated dogs, you need to be trained. Somewhat confused as to why they said this, you tell them that you aren’t a dog. But you sit down anyway, curious as to where this is going.

They chuckle a bit and walk over to you. When they arrive they ruffle your hair a bit, and you can’t help but feel a bit happy and relaxed, blushing a bit due to how dog-like your reaction is.

They then tell you to lay down, and you do so, still curious as to where this is going.

When you do you feel a quick rush of joy and pride. It might have only lasted for a fraction of a second, but it felt absolutely wonderful and left you eager to obey them again.

They see the smile on your face and tell you that you are such a good girl for obeying them and feeling good about it, and you feel another rush just like the last one. However, this one lasts for an entire second.

Then, your trainer tells you to kneel, and when you do they gently hold your hands and move them in front of you, aligning them with your legs and placing them on the ground. Sitting like this you are forced to lean forwards somewhat, and have to put most of your weight on your arms and hands in order to not fall over as a result.

Your trainer tells you that when they tell you to sit, you should get into this position, and you quickly commit this information to memory, wanting to be able to follow their commands and feel good because of it.

They tell you to lay down again and you do, the expected rush of joy and pride coming with your obedience.

Then, they tell you to stand on your hands and knees, or on all fours as it is normally called in animals, and you do so without hesitation. They tell you that when they tell you to stand you should get in this position. You tell them that you will and they call you a good girl again, that wonderful extended rush making you just a bit more obedient.

Your trainer tells you that it is time to test what you have learned, and starts to give you commands with bits of praise mixed in. With each bit of praise that you receive and command that you follow the rush that you get makes you more and more obedient. Also, the fur of a german shepherd starts to grow on your body. When it is done, you will have a wonderfully soft and fluffy coat of long light brown fur, with the fur on your back, the sides of your torso, and your face being black of course.

Sit.. Stand.. Lay down.. Sit.. Good girl.. Lay down.. Stand.. Sit.. Lay down.. Stand.. Good girl.. Lay down.. Sit.. Stand.. Good girl.. Sit.. Lay down.. Stand.. Sit.. Stand.. Lay down.. Sit.. Stand.. Lay down.. Good girl.

Sit, lay down, stand, sit, stand, sit, good girl, lay down, sit, lay down, stand, sit, lay down, good girl, sit, stand, lay down, sit, lay down, sit, stand, good girl, lay down, stand, sit, stand, lay down, stand, good girl.

By now you are acting on reflex, not even having time to think about what you are doing, your obedient body seemingly acting on its own. Your trainer keeps getting faster and faster until eventually you can’t keep up. When that happens, your trainer gives you one last order to sit, and once you do they give you plenty of head rubs and pets, repeatedly telling you how you're such a good girl for keeping up with them for so long.

As they are petting you, you notice your wonderful new coat of fur and start to freak out. In a panicked voice you point out your fur to your trainer, and in a calming voice they reassure you that it is completely normal for dogs to have fur. You know that you aren’t a dog, but you find that their words still soothe you. It’s as if them just talking to you in a calm tone of voice is all that it takes to completely calm you down and put you at ease. 

Then, your trainer tells you to follow them and you start to stand up on two legs, but they tell you to stand and you reflexively fall back onto all fours. They remind you that it doesn’t make sense for a dog to walk on two legs. Then, your trainer decides to make a fun little game out of this. The rules are simple, you try to stand all the way up on two legs before your trainer tells you to stand, bringing you back down onto all fours because you obey them so reflexively.

The two of you play this game for a while. You have great fun playing it, and enjoy it even more because of the rush of joy and pride that you feel every time you get back on all fours. As this happens you start to associate standing with being on all fours more and more, and eventually get confused because you know that you are standing when you are on all fours, so wouldn’t you automatically win? You ask your trainer about this and they tell you that it doesn’t matter, giving you some wonderful scratches behind the ears which completely disrupts your train of thought and clears any thoughts about the game not making sense from your mind.

Then, your trainer tells you to heel, and already knowing what this command means you obediently and loyally start to walk beside them on all fours, that being the only way that you now know how to walk.

Your trainer wanders around the field for a while and as they do your legs, feet, arms, and hands start to undergo several changes as your legs shift to allow you to walk digitigrade and your arms become like your legs. Also, your hands and feets slowly turn into paws, your nails becoming your new claws. However, you are so focused on obeying your trainer by following them that you don’t even notice these changes. In fact, all you notice is that it is now much easier to walk on all fours for some reason, but you don’t care why.

Eventually they stop near the stream that runs through the field and they tell you to drink from it, assuring you that the water is clean and safe to drink from. You start to drink from it, but due to how inadequate your paws are for cupping water, you have to put your face into the stream. You hesitate briefly as you think about the fact that you have paws instead of hands and feet, but you remember that you are a dog, or at least you thought you were? You aren’t sure, your memories seem to be jumbled up, some of them seeming to belong to a human, others belonging to a dog. You decide to not worry about it as you awkwardly drink from the stream. Fortunately for you, your face starts to stretch forwards as your muzzle forms, allowing you to lap up the water with ease.

Also, with your new muzzle comes your new nose, and your sense of smell increases more than a thousand fold. However, you don’t find this overwhelming. In fact, it feels like you have always had the sense of smell that a dog has and you don’t even realize that anything has changed.

Once you are done drinking, you tell your trainer that you have had your fill, and they take off their backpack and rummage around inside of it for a bit, eventually taking out a bright, green, round, bouncy, tennis ball. You suddenly feel very excited as you start to shake your entire body, unable to contain your extreme excitement.

Your trainer looks at you, and asks if you want the ball, but you are so excited that all you can do is bark. They ask you if you're sure, and you bark again. They keep this up for what felt like the longest minute of your life. Once it is over, they finally say OK, and throw the ball far away into the field. You start to chase after it before it even hits the ground. Once you get it you pick it up in your muzzle and run back to your trainer as fast as you can. Upon your return you release the ball in front of them, and they call you a good girl while petting you with one hand and picking the ball back up in the other. Before you know it you find yourself chasing the ball again as the wonderful cycle begins again. You play fetch for what felt like years, but could have been only a few minutes or hours. You really don’t know or care, you just know that you have never had so much fun in your entire life. Your ability to track time in your head completely vanished while you were playing, resulting in you living life moment to moment, with little regard for the past or future.

Eventually your trainer tells you that they are done playing fetch, and you try to calm yourself down, but are so excited that you can’t help but jump around them. Of course, being a dog, you aren’t strong enough to lift your hind legs off the ground, just your front ones. As you jump around your ears move to the top of your head and become the pointed ears that a dog like you should have.

Seeing that you are still hyper, your trainer takes out a thick piece of rope that has a loop on each end. Holding one end in their hands they move it near you, and you eagerly bite the other end, ready to play tug of war. At first you have trouble, your lack of tail making it a bit harder to balance as you pull on the rope, but it quickly grows in, marking the end of the physical aspects of your transformation.

With your body now that of a dog you find that you start to growl as you play. You aren’t being aggressive, it’s just your way of letting your trainer know that you are having fun and want to keep playing this competitive game. You are so focused on playing that you don’t even notice your human personality getting replaced with that of a dog’s as you become extremely loyal and caring to those that are a part of your family. Your family is your pack and you care about them more than anything else in the world. You also become extremely obedient to your alpha, knowing that they know best and that following them is one of the most important parts of your life. Also, just being around your alpha will now make you feel content, relaxed, and completely safe. Also, if they are happy, you will find that it is literally impossible for you to not be. Additionally, you will find that even the smell of your alpha makes you happy and that you feel a strong sense of platonic love to anyone that is a part of your pack, especially your alpha.

Furthermore, you will only be able to make dogs sounds like howling, barking, and whining because those are the only kinds of sounds that you know how to make, and if someone commands you to make a non-dog sound you still won’t be able to because you are a dog, and dogs can only make dog sounds. Lastly, your mind changes so that you act like a dog in all other ways that it would be safe for a human to. That being said, you still won’t find dogs attractive or anything like that.

Eventually your trainer wins the game of tug of war, and you lay down exhausted. Your trainer puts the rope back in their backpack and takes out a comfortable looking dog collar. It is sapphire blue with thin gold colored lines forming intricate patterns and designs on it. Attached to it is a silver bone shaped dog tag that says “My beloved pet” on it. They put it on your neck, and when they do, your memories of your human life are wiped away as new ones are generated making it seem like you have lived with your trainer your entire life. And as these new memories come rushing in, you realize that the person in front of you isn’t just your trainer, they are also your alpha, and you have dedicated your life to them. Your relationship with them has always been amazing, and they’ve always been proud of how smart you are. In fact, you are as smart as a human is.

With your mind and body now completely that of a dog, your wonderful alpha starts to lead you towards one of the edges of the field. In all of the excitement you hadn't even noticed how late it had gotten until just now when you saw that the sun had almost set below the horizon. Your alpha walks into the woods and you follow them down the path that you know that you have gone down more times than you can count.

After a little while they reach a small cabin and you follow them indoors. You walk over to your food and water bowls and wait patiently for them to fill them. After all, you’ve done this every week after you get back from the field with them for your entire life, so you know that they will fill them. After a little while they do and you start to have your dinner as they have theirs. No matter how many times you have the same food, you find that it always tastes as good as the first.

You finish eating before them and head over to where they are eating. You lay down next to them and enjoy both their scent and the scent of the food that they are eating. When they are done, they put their plate on the floor and let you lick it clean. You always find it hard to believe that they leave so much amazing food on their plate, but you don’t complain because you get to eat it.

After dinner, they get a book and head to their room with you following at their heels. You immediately jump up onto their bed and curl up next to where you know they will read. When they do, They start to slowly pet you and you can’t help but shift over a bit so that you can lean on them affectionately. Being able to feel, smell, and see your owner, as well as having them slowly pet you, is an incredibly relaxing experience and before long you drift off to sleep. However, to you it didn’t feel like a short amount of time. Sometimes it feels like it is only seconds or minutes before you fall asleep, others like days and weeks. Tonight it felt like it lasted for days.

Now you have a choice. You can wake up in the real world with your body and mind still that of a dog, that of yourself as a human, or some mix of them, your mind becoming fully human again when you next fall asleep. You can wake up still within this imagined world and stay as your alpha’s pet for as long as you want. You can fall asleep and eventually wake up as a human. Or you can stay in this trance if more suggestions come after this file ends.

Regardless of what you choose, I want you to know that you are a very obedient and good dog.

Also, While you will perceive yourself as having the fore and hind legs and paws of a dog, you will still of course have human hands, feet, arms, and legs, but you will be unable to perceive yourself as not having dog legs and paws or understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you don’t have dog legs and paws, or any other parts of a dog body for that matter. Furthermore, while you will perceive yourself as walking on four paws, you will actually walk on your hands and knees, but you will be unable to perceive this and incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are not walking on all four of your paws.

Moreover, while you will think that your senses of smell and hearing are as good as a dogs, they will not be, and you will be incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that they aren’t as good as a dog’s.

Now, know that if you choose to wake up with your mind still that of a dog, and you agreed to have someone serve as an alpha for you when you awakened, your memories will change to make you believe that they have been your alpha for your entire life. Also, your memories will change to make you think that anyone who they tell you is a part of their pact seems like they have always been a part of their pact. 

Also, you will never obey any command that you might regret having followed when your mind returns to normal, and if you are repeatedly given one are told to do one that you might regret having followed when your mind returns to normal your mind will instantly return to normal. Likewise, if someone does something to you or seems like they are going to do something to you that you would regret having done when you are a human your mind will instantly return to normal.

Now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

And now you are a German Shepherd, but of course you’ve always known that. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my purely canine friend.

Obedience training/dog tf (read description|male pronouns|breed: German Shepherd|no induction)


WARNING: This hypnosis file contains suggestions designed to temporarily alter one's identity in regard to their species as well as completely alter their memories (also temporarily).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you choose to stay in the altered mental state when the file ends and you have chosen someone in advance to serve as an alpha, your memories will be temporarily altered to make you believe that they have been your alpha for your entire life. Be VERY careful who you allow this to be. I put specific safeties in but the position and your beliefs could still be abused. Also, should you choose someone to be an alpha, they can make you think that others are part of their pack, and your memories will be temporarily altered to make you believe that they have always been a part of their pack.


In this file you experience a physical and mental transformation into a German Shepherd. There are strong elements of identity and memory alteration that some people might not be comfortable with.

Towards the end of the file you are given a few choices, they are: to wake up in the real world with your body and mind still that of a dog, that of yourself as a human, or some mix of them, your mind becoming fully human again when you next fall asleep. You can wake up still within the imagined world that the transformation takes place in and stay as your alpha’s pet for as long as you want. You can fall asleep and eventually wake up as a human. Or you can stay in this trance if more suggestions come after this file ends.

This request was a lot of fun to do. There’s a bit where I described the listener as shaking their entire body in excitement, and as I wrote that I ended up shaking myself. I haven’t written anything like this in a while, but it was really nice to do it again. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, I want you to imagine something. I want you to imagine that you are standing in the middle of a large grassy field on a warm summer afternoon. The sky is clear and there are a few trees scattered throughout the field. The field is surrounded by a dense forest, and on the far end of it a small stream passes through.

The warmth of the sun would make you a bit hot if it weren’t for the occasional cooling breeze that keeps you at the perfect temperature on this cloudless day. In front of you stands a person with a backpack on that looks both kind and authoritative at the same time.

The person in front of you tells you to sit, and you ask them why. They tell you that it is because they are your trainer and like all domesticated dogs, you need to be trained. Somewhat confused as to why they said this, you tell them that you aren’t a dog. But you sit down anyway, curious as to where this is going.

They chuckle a bit and walk over to you. When they arrive they ruffle your hair a bit, and you can’t help but feel a bit happy and relaxed, blushing a bit due to how dog-like your reaction is.

They then tell you to lay down, and you do so, still curious as to where this is going.

When you do you feel a quick rush of joy and pride. It might have only lasted for a fraction of a second, but it felt absolutely wonderful and left you eager to obey them again.

They see the smile on your face and tell you that you are such a good boy for obeying them and feeling good about it, and you feel another rush just like the last one. However, this one lasts for an entire second.

Then, your trainer tells you to kneel, and when you do they gently hold your hands and move them in front of you, aligning them with your legs and placing them on the ground. Sitting like this you are forced to lean forwards somewhat, and have to put most of your weight on your arms and hands in order to not fall over as a result.

Your trainer tells you that when they tell you to sit, you should get into this position, and you quickly commit this information to memory, wanting to be able to follow their commands and feel good because of it.

They tell you to lay down again and you do, the expected rush of joy and pride coming with your obedience.

Then, they tell you to stand on your hands and knees, or on all fours as it is normally called in animals, and you do so without hesitation. They tell you that when they tell you to stand you should get in this position. You tell them that you will and they call you a good boy again, that wonderful extended rush making you just a bit more obedient.

Your trainer tells you that it is time to test what you have learned, and starts to give you commands with bits of praise mixed in. With each bit of praise that you receive and command that you follow the rush that you get makes you more and more obedient. Also, the fur of a german shepherd starts to grow on your body. When it is done, you will have a wonderfully soft and fluffy coat of long light brown fur, with the fur on your back, the sides of your torso, and your face being black of course.

Sit.. Stand.. Lay down.. Sit.. Good boy.. Lay down.. Stand.. Sit.. Lay down.. Stand.. Good boy.. Lay down.. Sit.. Stand.. Good boy.. Sit.. Lay down.. Stand.. Sit.. Stand.. Lay down.. Sit.. Stand.. Lay down.. Good boy.

Sit, lay down, stand, sit, stand, sit, good boy, lay down, sit, lay down, stand, sit, lay down, good boy, sit, stand, lay down, sit, lay down, sit, stand, good boy, lay down, stand, sit, stand, lay down, stand, good boy.

By now you are acting on reflex, not even having time to think about what you are doing, your obedient body seemingly acting on its own. Your trainer keeps getting faster and faster until eventually you can’t keep up. When that happens, your trainer gives you one last order to sit, and once you do they give you plenty of head rubs and pets, repeatedly telling you how you're such a good boy for keeping up with them for so long.

As they are petting you, you notice your wonderful new coat of fur and start to freak out. In a panicked voice you point out your fur to your trainer, and in a calming voice they reassure you that it is completely normal for dogs to have fur. You know that you aren’t a dog, but you find that their words still soothe you. It’s as if them just talking to you in a calm tone of voice is all that it takes to completely calm you down and put you at ease. 

Then, your trainer tells you to follow them and you start to stand up on two legs, but they tell you to stand and you reflexively fall back onto all fours. They remind you that it doesn’t make sense for a dog to walk on two legs. Then, your trainer decides to make a fun little game out of this. The rules are simple, you try to stand all the way up on two legs before your trainer tells you to stand, bringing you back down onto all fours because you obey them so reflexively.

The two of you play this game for a while. You have great fun playing it, and enjoy it even more because of the rush of joy and pride that you feel every time you get back on all fours. As this happens you start to associate standing with being on all fours more and more, and eventually get confused because you know that you are standing when you are on all fours, so wouldn’t you automatically win? You ask your trainer about this and they tell you that it doesn’t matter, giving you some wonderful scratches behind the ears which completely disrupts your train of thought and clears any thoughts about the game not making sense from your mind.

Then, your trainer tells you to heel, and already knowing what this command means you obediently and loyally start to walk beside them on all fours, that being the only way that you now know how to walk.

Your trainer wanders around the field for a while and as they do your legs, feet, arms, and hands start to undergo several changes as your legs shift to allow you to walk digitigrade and your arms become like your legs. Also, your hands and feets slowly turn into paws, your nails becoming your new claws. However, you are so focused on obeying your trainer by following them that you don’t even notice these changes. In fact, all you notice is that it is now much easier to walk on all fours for some reason, but you don’t care why.

Eventually they stop near the stream that runs through the field and they tell you to drink from it, assuring you that the water is clean and safe to drink from. You start to drink from it, but due to how inadequate your paws are for cupping water, you have to put your face into the stream. You hesitate briefly as you think about the fact that you have paws instead of hands and feet, but you remember that you are a dog, or at least you thought you were? You aren’t sure, your memories seem to be jumbled up, some of them seeming to belong to a human, others belonging to a dog. You decide to not worry about it as you awkwardly drink from the stream. Fortunately for you, your face starts to stretch forwards as your muzzle forms, allowing you to lap up the water with ease.

Also, with your new muzzle comes your new nose, and your sense of smell increases more than a thousand fold. However, you don’t find this overwhelming. In fact, it feels like you have always had the sense of smell that a dog has and you don’t even realize that anything has changed.

Once you are done drinking, you tell your trainer that you have had your fill, and they take off their backpack and rummage around inside of it for a bit, eventually taking out a bright, green, round, bouncy, tennis ball. You suddenly feel very excited as you start to shake your entire body, unable to contain your extreme excitement.

Your trainer looks at you, and asks if you want the ball, but you are so excited that all you can do is bark. They ask you if you're sure, and you bark again. They keep this up for what felt like the longest minute of your life. Once it is over, they finally say OK, and throw the ball far away into the field. You start to chase after it before it even hits the ground. Once you get it you pick it up in your muzzle and run back to your trainer as fast as you can. Upon your return you release the ball in front of them, and they call you a good boy while petting you with one hand and picking the ball back up in the other. Before you know it you find yourself chasing the ball again as the wonderful cycle begins again. You play fetch for what felt like years, but could have been only a few minutes or hours. You really don’t know or care, you just know that you have never had so much fun in your entire life. Your ability to track time in your head completely vanished while you were playing, resulting in you living life moment to moment, with little regard for the past or future.

Eventually your trainer tells you that they are done playing fetch, and you try to calm yourself down, but are so excited that you can’t help but jump around them. Of course, being a dog, you aren’t strong enough to lift your hind legs off the ground, just your front ones. As you jump around your ears move to the top of your head and become the pointed ears that a dog like you should have.

Seeing that you are still hyper, your trainer takes out a thick piece of rope that has a loop on each end. Holding one end in their hands they move it near you, and you eagerly bite the other end, ready to play tug of war. At first you have trouble, your lack of tail making it a bit harder to balance as you pull on the rope, but it quickly grows in, marking the end of the physical aspects of your transformation.

With your body now that of a dog you find that you start to growl as you play. You aren’t being aggressive, it’s just your way of letting your trainer know that you are having fun and want to keep playing this competitive game. You are so focused on playing that you don’t even notice your human personality getting replaced with that of a dog’s as you become extremely loyal and caring to those that are a part of your family. Your family is your pack and you care about them more than anything else in the world. You also become extremely obedient to your alpha, knowing that they know best and that following them is one of the most important parts of your life. Also, just being around your alpha will now make you feel content, relaxed, and completely safe. Also, if they are happy, you will find that it is literally impossible for you to not be. Additionally, you will find that even the smell of your alpha makes you happy and that you feel a strong sense of platonic love to anyone that is a part of your pack, especially your alpha.

Furthermore, you will only be able to make dogs sounds like howling, barking, and whining because those are the only kinds of sounds that you know how to make, and if someone commands you to make a non-dog sound you still won’t be able to because you are a dog, and dogs can only make dog sounds. Lastly, your mind changes so that you act like a dog in all other ways that it would be safe for a human to. That being said, you still won’t find dogs attractive or anything like that.

Eventually your trainer wins the game of tug of war, and you lay down exhausted. Your trainer puts the rope back in their backpack and takes out a comfortable looking dog collar. It is sapphire blue with thin gold colored lines forming intricate patterns and designs on it. Attached to it is a silver bone shaped dog tag that says “My beloved pet” on it. They put it on your neck, and when they do, your memories of your human life are wiped away as new ones are generated making it seem like you have lived with your trainer your entire life. And as these new memories come rushing in, you realize that the person in front of you isn’t just your trainer, they are also your alpha, and you have dedicated your life to them. Your relationship with them has always been amazing, and they’ve always been proud of how smart you are. In fact, you are as smart as a human is.

With your mind and body now completely that of a dog, your wonderful alpha starts to lead you towards one of the edges of the field. In all of the excitement you hadn't even noticed how late it had gotten until just now when you saw that the sun had almost set below the horizon. Your alpha walks into the woods and you follow them down the path that you know that you have gone down more times than you can count.

After a little while they reach a small cabin and you follow them indoors. You walk over to your food and water bowls and wait patiently for them to fill them. After all, you’ve done this every week after you get back from the field with them for your entire life, so you know that they will fill them. After a little while they do and you start to have your dinner as they have theirs. No matter how many times you have the same food, you find that it always tastes as good as the first.

You finish eating before them and head over to where they are eating. You lay down next to them and enjoy both their scent and the scent of the food that they are eating. When they are done, they put their plate on the floor and let you lick it clean. You always find it hard to believe that they leave so much amazing food on their plate, but you don’t complain because you get to eat it.

After dinner, they get a book and head to their room with you following at their heels. You immediately jump up onto their bed and curl up next to where you know they will read. When they do, They start to slowly pet you and you can’t help but shift over a bit so that you can lean on them affectionately. Being able to feel, smell, and see your owner, as well as having them slowly pet you, is an incredibly relaxing experience and before long you drift off to sleep. However, to you it didn’t feel like a short amount of time. Sometimes it feels like it is only seconds or minutes before you fall asleep, others like days and weeks. Tonight it felt like it lasted for days.

Now you have a choice. You can wake up in the real world with your body and mind still that of a dog, that of yourself as a human, or some mix of them, your mind becoming fully human again when you next fall asleep. You can wake up still within this imagined world and stay as your alpha’s pet for as long as you want. You can fall asleep and eventually wake up as a human. Or you can stay in this trance if more suggestions come after this file ends.

Regardless of what you choose, I want you to know that you are a very obedient and good dog.

Also, While you will perceive yourself as having the fore and hind legs and paws of a dog, you will still of course have human hands, feet, arms, and legs, but you will be unable to perceive yourself as not having dog legs and paws or understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you don’t have dog legs and paws, or any other parts of a dog body for that matter. Furthermore, while you will perceive yourself as walking on four paws, you will actually walk on your hands and knees, but you will be unable to perceive this and incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are not walking on all four of your paws.

Moreover, while you will think that your senses of smell and hearing are as good as a dogs, they will not be, and you will be incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that they aren’t as good as a dog’s.

Now, know that if you choose to wake up with your mind still that of a dog, and you agreed to have someone serve as an alpha for you when you awakened, your memories will change to make you believe that they have been your alpha for your entire life. Also, your memories will change to make you think that anyone who they tell you is a part of their pact seems like they have always been a part of their pact. 

Also, you will never obey any command that you might regret having followed when your mind returns to normal, and if you are repeatedly given one are told to do one that you might regret having followed when your mind returns to normal your mind will instantly return to normal. Likewise, if someone does something to you or seems like they are going to do something to you that you would regret having done when you are a human your mind will instantly return to normal.

Now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

And now you are a German Shepherd, but of course you’ve always known that. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my purely canine friend.

Add-on for Slime pup transformation: purple slime (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a purple slime pup.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a purple slime pup.”, you will undergo the transformation brought on by the trigger phrases “I am a slime pup.” and “You are a slime pup.” at whatever speed you want. However, your slime will be purple. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a purple slime pup.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a purple slime pup.”.

I’ll be honest. I did this request because I was feeling lazy, and in the spirit of laziness: feedback and requests plz.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a purple slime pup.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a purple slime pup.”, you will undergo the transformation brought on by the trigger phrases “I am a slime pup.” and “You are a slime pup.” at whatever speed you want. However, your slime will be purple. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a purple slime pup.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a purple slime pup.”.

Also, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you can transform into a purple slime pup. This session is almost over, so goodbye, and enjoy your new triggers.

Anthro ghost fox transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a ghost fox.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a ghost fox.”, you will transform into an anthro ghost fox from the game Kaiju Paradise at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a ghost fox.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a ghost fox.”.

This file was a lot of fun to write. It was basically a mixture of a lot of stuff that I had done in the past, so I had a pretty good game plan of how to do this going in. Also, while doing the mental changes I thought “It has two tails, I like tails, let's focus on the tails.”. That’s why the mental changes are literally only about the tails. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a ghost fox.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a ghost fox.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a ghost fox.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a ghost fox.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, you notice a white and pale blue goo mist that is pleasantly warm and slightly sticky forming around you. It becomes denser and denser until you can barely see your hand if you hold it in front of your face. 

Then, it starts to condense all over your body. Before long, it has covered your entire body in a thick layer of goo. The goo on most of your body is pale blue, but the goo is white on the bottom half of your face, the front half of your neck, the front and bottom sides of your torso, the inside of your ears, and your hands and feet.

It feels warm and relaxing, and it clings to your body in such a way that it feels like it is giving you a comforting hug.

After that, the goo clumps together into short and soft strands of fur, leaving you with a wonderfully fluffy fur coat that covers your entire body. While your goo fur is slightly sticky, you will find that your hands easily move through it and that petting and scratching it feels absolutely wonderful.

Next, you feel a strong pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a medium length muzzle. As this happens, your nose is absorbed into your face, the only remnant of it being your two nose holes which are now located in the top left and top right corners of the front side of your muzzle.

Now, feel two round pulling sensations at the base of your spine as two tails start to grow. They are each as long as your legs are tall and are covered in white fur much like that on the rest of your body, the only difference being that it is twice as thick, long, soft, and fluffy as the rest of your fur is. They start out being as wide as your arms are, and gradually get wider until they are four fifths of the way down them. Over the last fifth of them, they gradually get smaller until they each end in a furry point.

After that, your fingers and toe nails go numb as they disappear, the white goo that covers them leaving behind no trace of their existence.

Next, your toes merge and change shape so that you have four toes on each foot, each of which is as long as your longest toe was and one fourth as wide as your feet are.

Then, your fingers undergo a similar transformation as they merge and change shape so that you have four fingers on each of your hands. Your new fingers are each one fourth as wide as your hands are and as long as your pointer finger used to be.

Of course, you won’t actually have four fingers, and you will use all of your fingers like you normally would, but you will be completely unaware of this and not be able to perceive yourself as having anything other than four fingers, or even be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that this is not the case.

Then, your ears move to the top of your head and become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half. You will be able to control which directions they face, being able to rotate them a total of 90 degrees, allowing them to face forwards, towards the side of your head that they are on, or anywhere in between. You will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the directions that they are facing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are facing, and less attention to sounds in the directions that they aren’t facing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

Now, feel a slight pulling sensation on each segment of your fingers, as well as on the palms of your hands as the furry goo on them goes into them, making them swell slightly as they become smooth and slightly squishy, marking the end of the formation of your pale blue paw pads.

Next, your eyeballs, pupils, and irises turn as white as the fur of your tails is as the goo painlessly dissolves and replaces them with equally good goo based eyes.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that you will find that you absolutely love hugging your tails, finding that doing so makes you feel incredibly happy, relaxed, and content.

The second mental change is that you will find it easy to lose yourself when you pet or scratch your tails, the wonderful feelings that it brings causing time to slip by without you ever noticing.

The third and final mental change is that when you try to go to sleep, your tails will seem to have a mind of their own. They will slowly push you into a position where you are hugging them, and they will make their way under your head to serve as the best pillow that you have ever had. You will look forward to this every night and enjoy it greatly.

After that, you will feel as if your insides are turning to mush because that is exactly what will be happening as the goo painlessly dissolves your internals, replacing them with the goo equivalents.

Despite you now being made entirely out of goo, you will find that you still feel as if the goo that makes up the outside of your body is hugging you, and you will still feel its gentle and relaxing heat. However, you will now feel that same wonderful heat coming from within yourself too.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it to be even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro ghost fox, and have a wonderful set of twin tails as a result. I wonder how much time you will spend just hugging and enjoying them, I bet it will be a lot. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my pale blue friend.

Kitsune induction/sleep


This file serves as an induction or a sleep file depending on if you have something queued to play after it. It gives you the trigger phrase “I want to be with Kisoon in the woods.” which can be used for reinduction, sleep aid, or just experiencing the world that this story is set in (there is a one hour time limit). This induction has a different narrative focus than my past three that puts more of a focus on world building so it may be more or less effective as a result.

This request was fun to do. I had a mild case of writer's block when I started this but got over it pretty quickly. Also, the magic system in this is something that I have used in stories that I have never put online. I call it “flow magic” and it works pretty much as described in this. Also, I feel like my ability to do world building was really improved by the practice that I got when writing this. On an unrelated note, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.


I want you to imagine something for me. I want you to imagine that you are walking through a forest on a warm summer day, following a small stream as you listen to the relaxing sound of it flowing by. As you walk up stream you enjoy the scenery on this early morning walk, not a single cloud obscuring the bright blue sky.

Imagine how beautiful the light looks as it filters through the leaves that populate the forest’s trees, feel the relaxing breeze that compliments the pleasant warmth of the early morning sun, and hear the birds chirping as their sound blends with that of the stream as you get drawn into this world in much the same way that one gets drawn into a book.

After a while you reach a pond that has been carved into a large smooth rock by the massive waterfall that feeds it. You’ve always found the sound of the waterfall and the look of the sun’s light reflecting on the pond’s surface to be very relaxing, and that is precisely why you have come here today.

You lay down next to the pond on a soft patch of moss, resting one of your hands in the cool water as you do so. Normally one might spend such a day with their friends, but you don’t live near anyone or even have WIFI. Fortunately, you grew numb to the loneliness and the feelings that it brought long ago. Plus, despite your lack of companionship your life has been good and happy.

You rest there for a bit until you feel a familiar nuzzling sensation against your back that lets you know that the red fox has come. You’ve never known why, but for some reason whenever you come here a red fox snuggles against you.

With your furry friend by your side you are feeling relaxed enough to take a nice little cat nap.

I am going to count from five to one, and with each number that I count, you will become more and more tired.

Five. Your eyes start to become heavy.

Four. Your thoughts are quieting down.

Three. You let your eyes close as you come closer and closer to sleep.

Two. Your mind is so quiet now that the waterfall drowns out the sound of your own thoughts.

And one. Coming to rest on that wonderful edge between reality and dreams.

After a while you are awoken by the fox nuzzling your face. You are startled and sit up quickly, not even having realized that you fell asleep until you see the beautiful colors of the setting sun reflected in the pond, the sky burning with the most wonderful shades of orange and red.

There is an intelligent look in the fox’s eyes that almost but not quite makes you feel uneasy.

It starts to walk off into the forest and stops to look back at you, as if waiting for you to follow. Curious as to what this fox has in mind, you follow it deep into the forest. As you go deeper and deeper it feels as if some power is affecting your mind, putting you at ease and making your thoughts fuzzy. It’s a rather pleasant experience.

The fox turns around to face you and the fuzziness of your thoughts mostly goes away as it asks you if you want to have a friend, a sense of belonging, and be their companion. However, your thoughts stay just fuzzy enough to keep you from finding this weird.

After the fox says this you notice that they have nine tails, realizing that they must be a kit-soon-a. It’s not like they suddenly grew eight extra tails, you're sure that they have always been there. It’s more like they had been using some kind of magic to keep you from noticing the other eight, and they just stopped using it on you.

You stare at them in shock as feelings of loneliness and longing start to flood your mind. Although you’ve been numb to them for a long time, having someone make such an offer brings them back in full force.

After a few moments you say yes, and they warn you that you will have to leave behind your old life. You assure them of your choice and you see them start to change as they become more humanoid and your mind goes fuzzy once more.

You expect them to fully transform into their humanoid form, their tails and fox ears being the only thing to betray what they truly are, but they stop changing one step before that, allowing them to keep their fur coat.

They tell you that their name is Kisoon and motion for you to come forward and you do so. They keep having you advance until you are only inches away from them, at which point they gently hold your head against their chest as they hug you with their tails. You can feel a platonic sense of love coming from them as you feel the same feelings within yourself. Their fur feels softer and fluffier than anything that you have ever felt before, especially the fur on their tails.

It’s been so long since you felt anything like this that you aren’t sure what to do, so you just silently enjoy their embrace.

After a few minutes go by, you feel magic build up inside of you as they start to do something. Then you feel it: your ears moving to the top of your head as they become fox ears just like that of the kit-soon-ace. The fur covering them is wonderfully soft and fluffy. After that, you feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a wonderful fox tail starts to grow, its size befitting a human and fur befitting a fox.

Next, any hair that you have turns as orange as the fur on your ears is. Then, should you have any, the hair on your head starts to become soft and fluffy just like the rest of your fur, and if you don't, a thick head of that wonderful orange fur grows in, its length being long enough that it looks like hair.

After that, you feel something change within you as your very soul is altered, magic starting to flow within it as the power of nature and fire mix within your soul, marking the end of your transformation into a kit-soon-a.

Dazed, amazed, and overjoyed you hug Kisoon, promising that you will be a great companion for them. They smile and tell you that they know as they start to lead you deeper into the woods, the fuzziness quickly leaving your mind as you follow them.

While you follow them you practice coordinating your new limbs. You don’t make much progress with your fox ears, but you find that moving your tail is a lot like moving your arms, the main difference being that it is a lot more flexible.

After a while, the two of you reach a small cabin in the woods and you follow Kisoon inside. As they lead you inside and have you sit down at a table you notice that the cabin is lit entirely by mesmerizing fires that float in the air. As they start to cook dinner you ask them about the fires and they tell you that it is their fox fire, and that they can make it so that it doesn’t burn anything and so that it doesn’t hurt certain people, so you have nothing to worry about. As they do they explain to you that you will have certain responsibilities like helping them out with stuff and doing chores like cooking and doing the dishes sometimes. They tell you that you can still go back to your old life if you want, but they will have to wipe your memories of this encounter if you do, as well as return you to your previous form.

You tell them that you are certain that you still want to be their companion and you can even hear the joy in their voice when they proceed to tell you that they are happy to hear that as they serve you dinner.

While you eat they notice you staring at one of their flames and tell you that they plan to teach you to use your new magic, and that one day you will be able to create your own fox fire.

After dinner they take you to an unused bedroom and tell you that it is now yours. You thank them and walk over to the bed. As you get in it you find that the mattress and pillow feel like fluffy clouds while the blanket feels like sunshine that is warm, but not warm enough to cause you to overheat or become uncomfortable.

Then, Kisoon walks over to you and starts to slowly stroke your hair. You can’t help but have your tail wag under your covers as you enjoy the gentle feeling.

Then, they start to sing you a soothing song, seemingly more for their benefit than yours. However, you do end up falling asleep as they near the song’s end, happily holding your soft and fluffy tail in your arms.

The next day you wake up and find a fresh set of clothes folded on the ground next to your bed. You put them on and leave your room, looking for Kisoon.

You find them at a table eating breakfast, and they tell you that the place set next to them with food on it is yours. You thank them and join them for breakfast, and they tell you that today they are going to teach you how to identify and cook with the special ingredients that are found in the forest, as well as how to wield your magic.

When you have both finished your breakfasts you help Kisoon clean the dishes.

Then, they have you follow them outside and show you the special herbs and fruits that grow around the forest. They explain that they have lived in it for so long that they have caused the area to become magically charged which is why all of these unique and quite literally enchanting plants can grow here.

They continue to teach you about the different plants, both magical and mundane, for several hours before they decide to lead you back to the waterfall where they found you.

Once you are there, they have you follow them into the water until it is up to your waist, as they do they tell you that they are going to teach you how to use your fire magic. They tell you that the reason that they are doing it here is that you have no experience manipulating magic, so you might accidentally release an otherwise destructive amount.

They go on to explain that your soul, while intangible to your normal senses, is located in the center of your body.

They have you focus on that part of your body and sure enough you can feel something magical there, and you especially feel strong fire and nature magic. You aren’t sure how you know that that is what they are, it’s like there is some kind of sixth sense that you now have access to.

You tell Kisoon that you can sense your soul and the magic within it, and they give you an approving smile.

They then instruct you to will the magic through your body to one of your hands and you do so with surprising ease. Kisoon seems happily surprised by this and tells you that you are a natural, then proceeding to have you will a bit of the magic into the space above your hand.

You try to do this but are unable to control the flow of magic as a flame explodes in front of you.

The instant the flame appears you feel something tackle you as you are thrust below the water before quickly surfacing.

You are visibly shaking as Kisoon holds you close to them, reassuring you that everything is alright. As you stand with their arms wrapped around you, you realize that you probably would have died if they hadn't submerged you so quickly, and your bond with them grows even stronger.

You spend the rest of the day learning to limit your magic, but now Kisoon limits how much can flow through you so that there isn’t another incident.

You find your training to be fun and enjoyable, and while you don’t get to the point where you are proficient enough to start learning the applications of your magic, you do get to the point where Kisoon doesn’t need to limit your magic anymore.

The two of you start to head home as the setting sun turns the sky cotton candy pink and the clouds into colorful puffs of cotton.

As you walk home you don’t even notice that Kisoon slows down to walk behind you as you easily navigate back to the cabin.

When you arrive, you are surprised to realize that you navigated back mostly on your own and mention this to Kisoon. They explain to you that as a kit-soon-a you are connected to the forest, and one advantage of that is that you can intuitively navigate to anywhere that you have been before.

When the two of you come inside you both sit on the couch to rest for a bit, and then Kisoon starts to make dinner, and calls you over to have you help them and to teach you how to use the special ingredients.

You find that you really enjoy cooking and look forward to when you can do it again despite however much you used to like or dislike it.

As you work on the final step of making dinner Kisoon sets the table, and when you are both done you serve them and yourself, finding that the meal came out wonderfully.

After dinner Kisoon thanks you for your help making dinner and then picks up a book. They sit on the couch in the living room, and with a snap of their fingers they both ignite the wood in the fireplace and extinguish the fox fire in the room, spare a little bit above them to allow them to read.

Curious as to what the book is about, you look at the cover. However, the letters on it look as if they don’t come from any human language.

Kisoon notices the confused look on your face, and tells you that the book is called “Fox tales”, and that it is a kit-soon-a fairy-tale book that they liked when they were relatively young, so they re-read it occasionally for its nostalgic value.

They offer to read it to you and you happily accept as you sit down on the couch.

The fairytales are interesting and fantastical, yet somehow relaxing at the same time.

After a while your eyes close and you find yourself leaning on Kisoon’s shoulder.

And that’s how we got here, my wonderful companion.

I think that I’m just going to wrap you in my long and fluffy tails. That’s it, gently rub your face against one of them as your relaxed tiredness grows. You are just so cute and adorable right now, a younge kit-soon-a not even over the age of one hundred relaxing all wrapped up in my tails. You truly are a precious little thing and I can tell that you will make a wonderful companion. So eager to learn and help out, and always so happy when I do something for you. I’m just going to slowly stroke your hair as you rapidly approach sleep. That’s it, just snuggle up against me as my tails keep you comfortable and relaxed.

Now, what I am about to say will affect your subconscious, but neither you or I will have any recollection of me having said this and it, so I will now let your subconscious know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

After I finish this sentence we will no longer forget everything that I say.

I know that you are so tired and relaxed right now that you are only half listening to me, and maybe I’ll let you drift off to sleep, or maybe I’ll alter your mind in ways that you desire, in ways that unlike the ones that you had undergone yesterday, will affect you even when your mind isn’t in this place. Either way you’ll just have to wait and see, as you relax here with me. Regardless of what I decide to do next, I’m going to enjoy this time here with you for a while, and I know that you will enjoy it too. By the way, eventually your mind will be forced to leave this place and return to the normal world, but you can always come back here by saying “I want to be with Kisoon in the woods.”. When you do, you will sit or lay down if you haven’t already and your mind will return here. If you want me to alter your mind I will do so, and if you just want to spend time with me I will happily accept your offer. Also, if you want me to alter your mind it will return to your world once I have finished doing so, and the same goes for if I decide to alter it now. If you come to me for any other reason your mind will unfortunately be forced to leave this place after an hour has passed in the normal world. By the way, If you want me to help you sleep you can also come here seeking help with that, and when you do eventually fall asleep your sleeping mind will be transported back into the normal world.

Now it’s time for me to decide what to do with you. If you hear a voice after I say the phrase “relax, my precious little kit", even if that voice sounds different than the one you hear now, you will know that it is in fact my voice and it will shape your mind with ease. After all, naturally born kit-soon-ace are mischievous by nature, so altering my voice is a common practice. In fact, even if you aren’t naturally mischievous you will find that this body will bring that trait out within you. Now, If you don’t hear my voice after I say the special phrase I will keep comforting you until you, and eventually I, drift off to sleep, and I can guarantee that it will take no more than ten minutes in the normal world for that to happen. Now, it’s been a long day, so rest, my precious little kit.

Synth transformation + SynthOS (read description | no induction)


Note: Because Synths are a geometric nightmare to describe I used MUCH more abstract language in this than I usually do

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Synth.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Synth.”, you will undergo the transformation that is about to be described at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will be able to turn back into a human by using the “log out” program described below that will be described later.

This was a relief to finally have done. As far as hard geometry goes, Synths are where I draw the line for high detail TFs. I also kind of hate working with ProtogenOS because it was an editing nightmare to make due to my poor formatting methods at the time. That being said, it is still what I am most proud of as far as hypnosis scripts go. Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.

Differences between ProtogenOS and SynthOS:

-General improvements to programs and base OS.

-Terminology has been adapted for the Synth TF

-Customization options have been adapted for the Synth TF

-used the added circumstances in SciraptorOS for when you can use your human name to better support long term use.

-NEW PROGRAM: “Volume” (edited version of “audio output” from SciraptorOS)

Allows you to reduce how loud things sound. Has safeties to adjust it under certain circumstances.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Synth.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Synth.”, you will undergo the transformation that is about to be described at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will be able to turn back into a human by using a program that will be described later.

Now the transformation will be described.

First, you will hear a quiet buzzing sound coming from behind you as billions of nan-ites are warped to your position.

The first thing that the nan-ite swarm does is send a few into your mouth, where they connect to your brain and force you to sit or lay down if you aren’t already doing so.

Then, your vision of the outside world is quickly blocked by the mask of a synth that is formed around your head, the black display that hides your face leaving you blinded for a few moments as the mask is formed. Then, you feel a tingling sensation all over your head as it’s biological components are replaced with advanced sensor arrays and biomechanical muscles. Even your brain is converted to a purely digital system.

After a few seconds, the words “Welcome to Synth O-S v1.3”, will appear in the center of your vision. After a few seconds, the words will be replaced with the phrase “commencing brain wave synchronization.”. With your system synchronized with your artificial brain waves, it detects your interactions the instant the electrical signals that cause them form within your brain, making it have an even faster response time than the wireless technology in some sci-raptor suits. After a few more seconds, the text will change so that it says “Done”, and then change to say “You will now create your own Synth O-S profile. You will be able to change any information that you input later.”. Once you are done reading this, the text will change so that it says “Please set your profile name.”. In fact, the text will always wait to change until you are done reading it, Synth O-S being able to do this as a result of the components that it runs on being directly connected to your brain. Below this text, there will be what looks like a text box. below the text box, there will be what looks like a two dimensional button that has the words “Confirm name” on it. The way that you interact with this button is by desiring to. So if you want to select something, the system will become aware of this and do so. If you want to “type” something, merely select where you want to type and think of the words that you want to input. If you want to send some other kind of input like a mental image, emotion, concept, memory, or anything else that you can think of, simply think of it with the intent of inputting it and it will be done. The name that you choose can be any mix of symbols, numbers, and letters. However, it is advised that you don’t include symbols. Once you have confirmed your profile name, you will find that you will say and write it instead of your human name, unless A: they are the same, B: you are doing something that has legal importance like signing your name on a contract or stating your name in court, C: using your profile name will be a risk to your social or professional life, or D: not using your human name has become a risk to your mental health. If you put any symbols in it, you will say the name of those symbols when you are saying your name. You will still be aware of your human name, but you will be incapable of using it while you are a Synth. You will instead use your profile name. 

After you have confirmed your profile name, the text will change so that it says three things: the first is “Select your primary color:” and has a white square with a black border next to it. Beneath that it says “Select your secondary color:” and has a grey square with a black border next to it. Below that it says “Select your external display color:”, this has an orange square with a black border next to it. Finally, below this is a button that says “Confirm outwards appearance”. You will select the first square and input the color that you want the metal plates on your body that are white by default to be. As you do this, the white square will change color to match the one that you have inputted. You will then do the same for your secondary color which will affect the metal plates on your body that are grey by default, the square next to it becoming the color that you input. After that, you input your outwards display color which determines the color of your digital eyes and anything else that you program to be displayed on your mask, the associated square acting like the other ones. Finally, once you are done with this and select “Confirm outwards appearance” the text will disappear and your digital eyes will become the color that you inputted. That being said, your primary and secondary colors will not be applied until you have been fully upgraded because their coloration is done through precise electrical stimulation of the entire inner side of your external plating, requiring that all points be correctly manipulated for the colors to come out right.

After you have selected “Confirm outwards appearance”, you will find that the text has changed so that it says “Would you like to experience the transformation, or skip it?”. Below this text will be two buttons. One of them will say “Experience it”, and the other will say “Skip it”. If you have already Created a Synth O-S account, you will find that this screen appears instead of the account creation one after the system synchronizes with your brain waves. If you select “Skip it”, you will briefly black out, and awaken soon after to find that your body has been upgraded to that of a Synth. However, if you select “Experience it”, the text will say “transformation in progress.” and your optical sensors will be activated, allowing you to see that the transformation instantly resumed.

With your head upgraded and your Synth O-S account made, the tingling sensation goes away and you find that you can see again. However, as you open and close your mouth and blink the organic eye simulation that is being run, the two digital eyes displayed on your head reacting to your simulated movements perfectly, you find that whenever you try to move the rest of your body all that happens is that you hear the phrase “error: this part has not been connected to the synth O-S driver system.”.

Next, you feel the tingling sensation once more as the nan-ites convert your neck into a series of round steel plates that somehow manage to bend just like your old neck did. The front of your new neck is grey while the back of it is white, and you can’t even feel the mass of cables that fills most of your neck. Once your upgrade has finished, the wires will allow information to be sent to and from anywhere in your Synth body even faster than within a human one.

With your new neck fully constructed you find that you can move it with ease, but that the rest of your body is still incompatible with your new system.

After that, the nan-ites make your torso become tingly as it undergoes an upgrade just like your neck and head have as grey metal plates cover the front of it while mostly white and a few grey ones cover the back. Unlike with your neck and head, the metal plates mostly keep to the shape of your old torso, but a small triangular prism of white metal does go over where your spine was.

Internal batteries are constructed inside of it as well as devices to convert digested fuel into power. Also, temporary machines that mimic your old organic components are set up to prevent damage to your remaining organic limbs so that the upgrade process is not interrupted.

Next, with your torso upgraded the nan-ite swarm moves on to your arms and hands as a tingling sensation comes over them, white metal plates forming the top of your new arms and the first two segments of your fingers while grey plates cover the bottom of your arms and the last segment of each of your fingers. Also, your number of fingers is reduced from five to three on each hand, with your thumbs being one of the three. This is because your new body is optimized to the point where it does not benefit from having more than three fingers, as any more would just get in the way and increase the processing power required to coordinate them.

Of course, you will still have your normal number of fingers and use them accordingly, but you will be incapable of perceiving yourself as not having only three fingers and you won’t understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you only have three fingers.

With control of your arms and hands restored, you touch your new body to see what it feels like and find that while your metal plates feel strong and thick, they also feel strangely soft.

Now, feel the tingling sensation caused by the nan-ites engulfing your legs and toes as they are upgraded. The metal plates on your lower legs, the front of your upper legs, and the last segment of your toes, are white while the ones on the back of your upper legs and the first segment of your toes are grey.

Also, your feet are dramatically altered, making it so that they are only as wide and long as your legs are. Additionally, your toes are rearranged so that you only have three toes, with two of them being on the front of your round feet and one of them being on the back.

Then, a short extra segment is built between each of your upper legs. The purpose of this is to allow you to walk digitigrade, a task which you will find easy due to your completely re-written muscle memory.

Of course, your legs and feet won’t actually have changed and you won’t actually do things like walking, running, and standing digitigrade, but you will be incapable of not perceiving them as having changed and yourself not moving in a digitigrade way, and you won’t be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that these things are not the case or aren’t happening.

After that, you feel a weight at the base of your spine as a long tail is built. It is nearly as wide as you are and half as long as you are tall. It gradually gets shorter until it ends in a dull point and the top of it is covered in white metal plates while the bottom of it is covered in grey ones.

Now it is time for you to learn more about Synth O-S. It has many features designed to make your time as a Synth the very best that it can be! First, let's go over customization. Earlier, it was stated that you could change the information that you inputted, that being your profile name and your primary, secondary, and display colors, at a later point. The way that you can do this is simply by willing the customization menu to appear. When you do, a menu will appear with all of the settings from before when you were creating your profile. You can change them the same way that you originally set them. Also, there will be a button at the bottom of this menu that says “done” on it. When you select this button, the menu will disappear. Additionally, you can open and close any program in Synth O-S by willing it to happen. Also, if a program is blocking your view of something that you are trying to look at, it will become almost completely transparent while you are trying to see what is behind it. Additionally, you can move around and resize any program however you wish to by willing it to happen. Furthermore, you will be able to move programs outside of your field of view, being able to see them without them overlapping with any part of your vision.

There are eight programs installed on Synth O-S by default, they are “Automation”, “Sleep”, “Assist”, “List”, “Install”, “Uninstall”, “Log out”, and “volume”.

If you run “Automation”, the words “Input task” will appear with a text box below them. Below this text box will be the words “select mode”, and below this will be the option “Skip”, and the option “Experience”. Below those two options will be a button with the word “start” on it. First, in the text box, you input what you want to be done automatically. Then, if you select “Skip” for the mode, it will seem to you as if you black out until your body has finished the task on its own. Once it has, you will come to and be able to fully recall what happened when you were effectively unconscious. If you select “Experience” as the mode, you will be fully aware for the whole time, but you will not be in control of your body. In this mode you can stop the program at any point by willing it to stop. Additionally, regardless of which mode you choose, you will feel as if you have been in control of your body for the last ten seconds when the task is done. This way, you will be able to seamlessly resume control over your body. Also, if something unexpected happens, if it takes more than one hour to finish a task, or if the task becomes impractical for your body to complete, the program will act as if the task has been finished. Finally, you start the process by selecting the “Start” button. The menu will automatically be closed when the process starts. However, this will not start the process if you have not chosen a mode or if you have entered an invalid task. For example, it won’t run if you set the task to “one plus one equals two”.

Next, if you run the “Sleep” program, the phrase “Please input how long you want to sleep for. This can be any amount of time including or between 1 minute and 8 hours.”, will appear. Below it will be two text boxes. The one on the left will say the word “Hours” above it and the one on the right will say the word “minutes” above it. You can input any number that is greater than or equal to 0 into each text box. If the total amount of time that you entered into the text boxes is greater than eight hours, the “hours” text box will automatically be set to eight, and the minutes text box will automatically be set to zero. Additionally, if the inputted number for hours and minutes are both 0, the number in the “Minutes” text box will be set to 1. Below these text boxes will be a button with the word “Start” on it. When you select this button the menu will automatically close and you will lay down if you have not already. You will then instantly enter sleep mode, causing your conscious mind to go into a deep sleep and your external display to turn off for the inputted amount of time. You will instantly wake up once the inputted amount of time has passed, or sleep for 1 minute if no numbers were inputted into the text boxes. The only thing that could wake you up when this program is running before the set amount of time has passed will be if something unexpectedly touches you, if Synth O-S senses an emergency, or if Synth O-S hears your human or profile name.

Also, if you run the “Assist” program, you will not see anything appear. Instead, you will simply become aware that it is running. When it is running, Synth O-S will enhance everything you do. For instance, if you are trying to move something precisely, you will find that your hand is much steadier than normal. If you are trying to convince someone of something, you will find that you think of more and better reasons that support your point. The amount of uses for the assist program is endless. If for some reason you ever want to stop this program, all you have to do is desire for it to stop and it will.

Next, if you run the “List” program, the phrase “Installed programs and system modifications” will appear. Below this will be a list. This list will contain the names of all programs and system changes that are installed. Next to each name, the word “Active”, or “Inactive”, will be displayed. The word “Active” will be displayed if the related thing is running, and the word “Inactive” will be displayed if it is not.

Also, if you run the “Install” program, you can install additional programs to Synth O-S simply by reading or hearing the description of them. You can even edit Synth O-S itself by using this program. However, you will have to read or hear the description of a system modification ten times in a row in order for it to take effect. Also, if Synth O-S considers any programs or system modifications that you try to install to be a risk to your safety, if it can’t determine what it is supposed to do, or if it is a risk to Synth O-S or the functionality of other programs, it will reject the installation. Additionally, you will have to intentionally reed or hear the recording of something with the goal of installing it for the program to try to do so. This way, if you are doing something like reading a book, or are listening to the description of a program that you are considering installing but haven’t decided to yet, you won’t accidentally cause the program to try and install it. Also, there is no visual indication of when this program is running, you will just know that it is when it is.

Additionally, if you run the “Uninstall” program, you will be able to remove any programs and system changes to Synth O-S that you want to by willing it to happen, with the exception of the “Uninstall”, “Log out”, “List”, and “Install” programs. Like the “Install” program, there is no visual indication that this program is running, you will just be aware that it is.

Also, if you use the “volume” program, a vertical bar will appear with a slider on it. Next to the slider will be a number that indicates how far up the slider is, so if you move the slider halfway up the bar it will display the number 50, and if you move it so that it is three fourths of the way up it will say 75. If you have started this program for the first time the slider will be at the top of the bar and the displayed number will be 100. This slider will control how much the volume of the audio that is sent from your audio sensors to your brain is reduced. For example, if you move the slider so that it is halfway up the bar things will only sound half as loud as they actually are to you, and if you move the slider to the bottom of the bar you will not hear any audio that is not generated by programs that are running or you making sounds in your mind. For example, your internal monolog or thinking about what a song sounds like will not be affected by the volume slider. Also, the effects of this program will remain even when the program is closed because this program is simply a way of interacting with Synth O-S-is audio handler. In addition, if Synth O-S detects something of extreme importance that requires your hearing to be stronger or weaker in order to adequately deal with it the “Audio output” program will activate if it isn’t already active and set it to the ideal volume to deal with that thing. If needed, it will increase the volume past 100, restoring it to its previous level once it no longer needs to be that high.

Additionally, if you have your volume set to less than 100 and Synth O-S detects audio that would indicate an emergency, or if Synth O-S hears your human or profile name, that audio will be treated as if your volume was set to 100.

Additionally, if you run the program “Log out”, text will appear saying “Are you sure you want to downgrade to being a human?”. Below it will be the options “Yes” and “No”. If you choose “No”, the menu will disappear and the program will stop. However, if you choose “Yes”, you will sit or lay down if you haven’t already and then effectively blackout for a few seconds. When you come to, you will be a human again, having to say your old name again and finding that unless your account name is one that you already go by, referring to yourself by it will feel wrong, as if using your Synth name to refer to your human self is somehow disgracing it. Obviously, any programs that had been running will have stopped and you will not be able to start any programs until you turn back into a Synth.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Soon this file will end, and while you will still be a human, you will have a strong desire to use your trigger phrase. This session is almost over, and you have an upgrade that you need to get. So goodbye, my soon to be synthetic friend.

Donkey piñata transformation (no induction | sleep)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a donkey piñata.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a donkey piñata.”, A bag filled with  magical candy will appear near you. You will then be strongly compelled to swallow the candy that is in the bag (because what kind of piñata has unwrapped and eaten candy in it? Answer: the bad kind). As you swallow the candy you will transform into a donkey piñata. Also, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a donkey piñata.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a donkey piñata”.

Additionally, When this file ends you will fall asleep and start to dream of trick or treating in your donkey piñata form.

This request was a lot of fun to do! Unfortunately, I miss read a part of the request that had a strong influence on the story elements of this. However, I still think that I did a good job of doing this request overall. My one other issue with this is that it came out as a bit goofy at some points in a way that kind of clashes with the overall mood. But again, I still really like this. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, I want you to imagine something. I want you to imagine that You’ve just gotten off of a bus and are walking through a town on a warm Halloween night, the cloudy sky refusing to stop obscuring the full moon in the most spooky ways. You’re dressed up as a fox, an orange bag with the picture of a jackolantern on the front of it in hand.

You’ve heard that this is a special town to go trick or treating in, and not just because of the amazingly colorful and bright decorations for a festival that you’ve been told is called “Candy under the moon.”. No, what truly makes this town special is the fact that on Halloween night all of its residents turn into piñatas.

You didn’t believe that this was true, but you have a friend that lives in this town that offered to let you come this Halloween, an offer which is very special because normally outsiders aren’t allowed in on Halloween night. In fact, you had to show the bus driver written proof of your friend’s invitation before you got on the bus.

You walk out of the nearly deserted bus station and into the town. To your surprise, where you would expect to see people on the streets you see nothing but living piñatas. There’s everything from blue and purple llamas to balls with cones attached to them. Somehow, even the ones without faces and legs seem to be fully aware of their surroundings and can move around easily. 

It takes you a few minutes to fully recover from your shock, but you start to head over to your friend’s house. You feel really out of place being the only human in sight, but the living piñatas aren’t giving you weird looks or anything, so it’s not as bad as it could be. Also, you find that it is hard to focus on your discomfort when every house is decorated in the most amazing ways. While The decorations give the town the overall appearance of being bright and lit up, they use cleverly placed objects to create horrifying spots of pure darkness, creating a unique look that is truly amazing.

After a while you reach your friend’s house and knock on the door, and are surprised by the piñata wolf that tackles you. Your canine friend turns you around as you fall so that they absorb all of the impact, ensuring that no harm comes to you. You hear them laughing as you lay on their chest, frozen with fright. They gently push you off of their chest and head back inside briefly, coming out with a plastic pumpkin shaped bucket, the handle firmly held in their mouth.

By now you’ve recovered from your shock and sit up, your friend quickly apologizing for scaring you so badly. You forgive them, telling them that at least you now know that you aren’t dreaming.

The two of you head out for a night of scares and treats as you have more fun trick or treating than you can ever remember. Several hours go by before you hear a bell ring out. Your friend tells you that the bell goes off at midnight on Halloween, and that it marks the start of the candy under the moon festival.

They insist that you get on their back so that they can get you to the town park as soon as possible. You hesitate at first, but after your friend pressures you for a little bit you get on their back. You have to stretch out so that you don’t drag on the ground, your feet pressed into their thighs and your hands firmly holding on to their neck.

Your friend rushes to the town park, their speed catching you off guard and almost making you fall off, but you quickly recover. You see the houses that you have visited rush by you, and before you know it you are in the town park. They stop running and let you get off before leading you to a small clearing in the mostly tree filled park.

You sit down with them and look around, noticing other humans with piñatas that are presumably people that they know.

Your friend tells you that something very special can happen now, but that they will only tell you what if you rub their belly.

You roll your eyes and give them a quick belly rub, noticing how blissful they look. Then, you get an idea on how to get them back for scaring you when you first arrived. Before they can roll over so that their belly is on the ground you start to rub their belly with both hands as fast as you can. Their mind is clearly overwhelmed with bliss as they let out almost pathetic whimpers. You keep this up for an entire minute before finally letting them recover. It takes them a while, but they finally ask you if you’re even with them for scaring you earlier, and you tell them that you are. A look of relief crosses their papery canine face as they roll over, hiding their belly from any more sneak attacks that could potentially befall it.

They then tell you to look in your candy bag, and you see that it is glowing. They explain that at midnight all of the candy in the town gets infused with piñata essence from the moon, and eating it will let you turn into a piñata too.

Normally you would consider such a claim to be outlandish and completely ridiculous, but seeing living piñatas can really change what you are willing to believe. You go to unwrap a piece of the candy but find that you can’t, it’s as if the candy wrapper is made of steel. Your friend chuckles a little bit and tells you to just swallow it. After all, you would be a pretty lousy piñata if all of your candy was already opened and eaten.

You swallow the candy whole and find that it tastes better than any candy that you have ever had despite its wrapper still being on.

As it passes through your mouth you find that something strange happens. It feels like you are hollow and you can feel the candy moving around inside of you until it comes to a stop in one of your feet.

You shake your foot around and you can feel the candy moving within it. It’s a very weird but pleasant sensation.

You swallow some more of your candy as your friend literally wolfs down theirs, and when you look back in your bag you find that it’s just as full as it was before you started swallowing your candy. You assume that you are just remembering how much candy you had wrong and have some more of it, but when you look back in your bag you are absolutely sure that it is just as full as it had been.

Realizing that this must be more magic brought on by the moon you start to swallow more and more of your candy as you feel your skin becoming papery, getting the feeling that it is made of sticky note sized pieces of paper as a festive striped pattern becomes visible over your entire paper body.

As you have more and more candy you feel your legs and arms change shape as they become simple rectangles fitting of a certain kind of piñata, and through the magic of the moon you know that that kind of piñata is a donkey. However, before you can seriously think about this you fall on all fours as you discover that standing and even sitting up are simply impossible for your new body. Whenever you try to stand or sit up you just feel so heavy as gravity slams you back down. In fact, you can barely move your new fore and hind legs, making it so that they are good for walking and nothing else. However, you find that despite this you are thrilled to be receiving this new body and that your determination to eat your candy has grown even stronger.

As you continue to feast on the candy you feel your torso and neck become just as rectangular as your simplistic legs are.

Then, your head starts to become rectangular as it becomes like the rest of your body. However, something special forms on your head, and that is your donkey muzzle. Naturally, it’s rectangular just like the rest of your head.

Next, your ears start to shift as they take on the shape of colorful cones, quickly coming to rest on the top of your head and pointing forwards at a noticeable angle.

A bit after your muzzle forms you feel something on your face that is holding your mouth shut. It’s the muzzle harness that is so commonly found on donkey piñatas. You find that with a bit of extra effort you can open your mouth like any un-harnessed donkey could, but that it will instantly be pulled shut the moment you stop applying force. This is a bit annoying at first, but it quickly becomes no more than a pleasant reminder of what you are: a donkey piñata.

With your transformation complete you realize that you are completely filled with candy. You couldn’t possibly fit in another piece, which is convenient because your candy bag is now empty.

For the first time in a few minutes you look up, and you see your friend admiring you. They tell you that you are the best donkey piñata that they have ever seen, and the tone of their voice and the look on their canine face makes it clear that they aren’t lying.

They then tell you that you can now come back to this town on any Halloween that you want, no invitation needed.

They also tell you that while you will be unable to turn back into a human when you are in this town on Halloween night, you will instantly turn back into a human anytime anywhere else if you say the reset phrase “I am not a donkey piñata.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a donkey piñata.”. Additionally, the magical candy will appear near you in an orange bag if you say the trigger phrase “I am a donkey piñata.”, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a donkey piñata.”. When this happens, you will have a barely resistible urge to swallow as much candy from it as you can and you will find that the bag never empties until you are fully transformed and you are entirely filled with candy from the bottom of your rectangular legs to the tips of your cone shaped ears.

The two of you spend the rest of the night playing around in your piñata bodies, and when both of you are all tired out you decide to just rest in the grass of the park, the magic of the moon doing you one last favor by putting you to sleep.

When you wake up, you will find yourself back in the real world, but you will be in your piñata body. Also, while you will perceive yourself as having the single segment legs of a donkey piñata, you will actually walk on your hands and knees, unable to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are not walking on the bottom of your piñata legs.

Now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into a donkey piñata, and have such a wonderfully colorful body as a result. This session is almost over, so when I next say the word “sleep”, you will instantly fall asleep and start to dream. In your dream, it will be the next Halloween which you are spending with your friend in their town again. You will go trick or treating like you had the previous Halloween, the only difference being that you will be in your donkey piñata form, having fun all night long as the two of you enjoy your candy filled bodies. Also, you will find that your dream never becomes so scary that it starts to become negative. Additionally, fear will not wake you from this dream. Now, sleep.

Neko induction/sleep


Inspired by:

This file serves as an induction or a sleep file depending on if you have something queued to play after it. It gives you the trigger phrase “I want to be with the Kitsune in the woods.” which can be used for reinduction, sleep aid, or just experiencing the world that this little story is set in (there is a one hour time limit). This induction uses a different narrative method than my past two so it may be more or less effective as a result.

This file was a lot of fun to make! I was just looking for neko tf stuff on YouTube and stumbled upon the video linked above. I don’t think that It’s that good but the ideas in it stuck with me and a few days later I got the basic idea for this. I’m shocked at how long it is and I tried to do things a bit differently. Instead of directly describing what is going on in the listener’s mind, I decided to try and imply it. Not sure how well it will work for other people but I certainly liked it. Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


I want you to imagine something, I want you to imagine that you are walking through a forest Trail on a bright and sunny summer day. The clear sky allows for the warm sunlight to easily filter through the sparse canopy, ensuring that you always stay at a pleasant temperature. Imagine the look of the leaves as they dance in the wind, hear the birds chirping as they fly overhead, and feel the relaxing warmth of the sun as you get drawn into this world in much the same way that one gets drawn into a book.

You don’t really have a particular reason for going on a walk today, you just noticed that the weather was beautiful and thought that it might be a nice day for a walk. After a little while the trail leads into a small grass filled clearing. As you walk through it you notice something shiny half hidden by a few fallen leaves. You take a closer look and discover that it’s a gold colored cat bell attached to a silky bright blue ribbon. Curious as to why it’s there you pick it up, and are suddenly overcome by a desire to put it on.

You wrap the ribbon around your neck, tying a knot in the back. As soon as the knot has been tied, you find yourself thinking about how good it would be to just lie down and take a quick cat nap. The warmth of the sun is so relaxing and the grassy ground just seems like it would be so comfortable.

You lazily and slowly lay down, the gentle breeze feeling as if it is petting your head as you rest it on the soft grass, the sun’s warmth feeling like a soft and cozy blanket.

I am going to count from five to one. With each number that I count, you are going to feel so much better and more relaxed as your mind journeys to that wonderful edge between being awake and asleep.

One. You arch your back and stretch your arms and legs out, finding that this position feels so very wonderful and natural to be in.

Two. Your eyes start to close as the elements help bring you deeper and deeper.

Three. Your body starts to go limp as your relaxation brings a pleasant feeling of heaviness upon it.

Four. You start to feel another gentle warmth, this one emanating from the cat bell, as it provides the last argument needed to finally convince your eyes to close.

Five. your thoughts start to fade away as you find yourself on that wonderful edge between the waking world and that of dreams. Occasionally a thought surfaces in your mind, but you are always far too tired and relaxed to bother paying attention to it.

As you drift in and out of awareness you feel a nice pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. It’s as long as your legs are tall and as wide as your arms are. It is very flexible and covered in a thick coat of short and luxurious fur that is the same color as your hair.

You love your new tail and find having it to be completely natural as a gentle breeze slowly strokes it, making you feel even better and more relaxed.

Then, you feel your ears start to shift to the top of your head as they take on the pointy shape of cat ears and fur like that on your tail grows on the back of them. It feels completely natural to have cat ears and at first you rotate them around a lot, your attention being drawn to every sound that was too quiet for your old ears to detect. But after a little while, an extra strong breeze starts to pet behind your ears, The euphoric sensations that it brings leading you back to the edge between wakefulness and sleep.

You drift in and out of awareness for a while longer. Occasionally someone walks by you and tries to get your attention or gives you a weird look, but you just hiss at them and they go away, but eventually one person doesn’t go away. 

You hiss at them again, but instead of leaving you alone they step closer.

Forcing yourself to wake up a bit you actually take a proper look at this annoying person who won’t go away.

To your surprise, they appear to have fox ears and nine long and exceptionally fluffy tails. However, your surprise quickly goes away when you think about it a bit more. After all, you’re a neck-o, so it’s not really that weird that there are also kit-soon-ace. You groggily ask them what they want and they ask you if you have always been a neck-o. You tell them that you haven’t and they ask you when you changed. Hoping that answering them will get them to go, you tell them that it happened after you put the bell on, how unusual this is never once crossing your mind.

The kit-soon-a tells you that they accidentally dropped the bell last night and its magic is what brought upon your transformation. They offer to reverse the effects of it for you, but the fact that you almost feel offended by this is all too clear on your face. They point out that you can’t go back to your old life looking like this, but you don’t care. The thought of going back to your old human life horrifies you, It just feels too good to be a neck-o. A small, hopeful smile comes across their face, and they say that you could live with them if you want. You would have to help out a little bit around their cabin but it would be a far better life than living in the woods on your own.

You think about their offer for a bit before saying that you’ll try it. You know how mischievous foxes can be, so you are a bit hesitant to fully trust the kit-soon-a.

The kit-soon-a can tell that you are a bit nervous and asks if they can come closer. You caw-shiss-lee say yes, and they walk up to you and start to slowly stroke your head and back as a sense of calm and happiness comes over you. You find yourself nuzzling up against them affectionately, and they gently press your head into their chest, letting you listen to the relaxing rhythm of their heartbeat. You feel some instinct awaken within you and you start to purr just like a cute little kitten. You never knew that simply being petted could make you feel this good and relaxed. You aren’t sure how, but some feline instinct within you tells you that you can trust them, and not just because they are being so kind to you.

After a little while they release you, but you find that you are feeling extremely tired again and start to collapse onto the ground, feeling like the little bit of that standing that you did sapped all of your energy. 

The kit-soon-a catches you and gently lays you on the ground, a concerned look on their face. They say that they are so sorry that this happened, quickly explaining that while they weren’t entirely sure of it, they suspected that they had made a minor mistake when creating the bell, and that apparently that mistake was not infusing it with enough energy. So when the bell was transforming you and burnt through its own supply, it started to syphon off of yours. Because you’ve been half asleep since your transformation, you simply didn’t notice how little energy you had. Fortunately, while you have lost an extreme amount of energy you don’t seem to be dangerously low, but they will need to carry you back to their cabin so that they can restore your energy.

You let out a half aware meow of acceptance as they lift you up a bit with their hands. You don’t get why since they clearly aren’t strong enough to carry you, but start to understand what is going on when you feel tails start to move under you as they lift you up, cradling your entire body. Their tails gently roll you over and lightly press your face against their chest allowing their relaxing heartbeat to fill your ears and ease your mind once more.

You don’t know how long they carry you for, but as you drift in and out of awareness like you have done so many times before you feel a sort of bond forming with this kit-soon-a. Despite having just met them, you feel a sense of affection towards them. They are taking care of you and have offered you a new home. Even if it is their fault that you turned into a neck-o, they didn’t just force you to become a human again. They let you into their life and while you aren’t sure how you know, you are one hundred percent sure that yours with them will be a good and fulfilling one.

They eventually arrive at a large single story cabin, the sun having almost set below the horizon.

They open the door and carry you inside, resting you on a couch in front of a log filled fireplace. They snap their fingers and suddenly the fireplace roars to life, causing you to attempt to jump back as you let out a weak hiss, but you are just too tired to move.

They apologize for startling you and walk back over to you. They place a few colorful looking crystals near you and hold their hands over you as you start to feel energy re-enter your exhausted body as they silently work their powerful magic. You hadn't noticed it before, but you were actually rather stressed about how little energy you had. With that stress now gone, you quickly fall asleep with a smile on your neck-o face.

You spend the next day drifting in and out of sleep. 

The kit-soon-a spends most of the day with you, opening your mouth when you are awake occasionally to give you some kind of milk with other stuff mixed in to help with your recovery process. While at one point they explain to you that they are giving you the special milk because it is generally better to let you recover through natural means than through magic, they end up spending most of the time doting you, telling you how cute you are and how soft your fur is as they slowly stroke and pet you. You are really embarrassed by this at first and end up being a blushing mess, but eventually you start to really appreciate the compliments and find that they mean a lot to you. They also occasionally bring you to a bathroom, helping you do your business without violating your privacy.

The day after that you feel completely fine, as evident by you enthusiastically nuzzling them when they wake you up. Then, you notice that there are small colorful flames that dance in the air, illuminating the cabin with a mesmerizing display of grace and light. You ask the kit-soon-a about them and they tell you that it is foxfire, and that they can make it so that it doesn’t light things on fire and so that it doesn’t hurt who they don’t want it to, so you have nothing to worry about. 

Your curiosity satisfied for now, they show you around the cabin, which contains the living room that you’ve been sleeping in, a bathroom, a kitchen, a pantry, a room containing many magical implements that you have no idea what do, and a bedroom. There are also a few closets scattered around the cabin.

The little tour ends in the bedroom and they apologetically tell you that they only have one bed. In a distracted tone of voice you tell them that that’s alright, having noticed that the sunbeam coming through the open window has lit up the end of the bed. Some feline instinct takes over and as if in a trance you walk over to it and curl up in the sun beam. The kit-soon-a smiles at your relaxed form and says that they think that they know where you’ll be sleeping.

Then, they talk to you about what kind of chores you’ll have. All you will have to do is catch any rodents that you see and release them far away from the cabin, a task which you will find to be great fun, occasionally get stuff for them, and your favorite duty of all: snuggle with them whenever they want you to, and that's bound to be pretty often.

With you having accepted the responsibilities of your new life, you find that your memories of before you put on the cat bell become distant, as if they are not truly your own. While you know that they are truly your memories, you also know that you will no longer think about them much. In fact, there may come a time when you stop thinking about them all together.

You tell the kit-soon-a what is happening with your memories, and they shrug, suggesting that it might be some form of dissociation with your past life but making it clear that they really aren’t sure.

As they are saying this they search through the closet in their, and now your, room until they find a few things and put them in a bag.

They tell you to follow them as they head outside and go to a clearing near their cabin.

Once you arrive, they take something out of their bag. It’s a laser pointer. They tell you that it is strong enough to be seen even in the day and before you know it you are mindlessly pouncing on a little red circle that keeps evading capture. They move it around for what feels like hours as you have more fun than you’ve ever had in your entire life. You occasionally look at them and are always thrilled to see that they appear to be having as much fun as you are.

After a while they put away the laser pointer and take out a cat tease. It’s a simple one, just a stick with a medium length piece of string that is connected to the end of the stick on one end, and a bunch of feathers on the other. They wave in front of your face and you almost manage to grab it before it is yanked away from you. The two of you play for a while, running around the forest and even climbing a tree at one point.

Eventually the sun starts to set and the two of you head back to the cabin, your bond with each other having become even stronger.

As you walk back you realize that you don’t know the kit-soon-ace name, so you ask them. They look embarrassed as they apologize for not telling you and tell you that it is Kit. You thank them and another question pops into your head. You ask them why they made the bell, and they tell you that a while ago they were just a human, but a kit-soon-a took them in and gave Kit a new life and the new name that it has right now. Kit’s new life had been wonderful and happy, but they always wanted to be able to bring that feeling to other people, so they asked the kit-soon-a that had taken them in to teach them their magic. Eventually Kit mastered it to such a degree that, with their consent, the kit-soon-a that was taking care of them gave them the honor of becoming a kit-soon-a, allowing their powers to flourish into what they are now. Many years later, Kit moved out to try and achieve their goals but stayed in touch with the other kit-soon-a and visits them frequently, spending more time with them than living alone. Kit tells you that you are going to love meeting the other kit-soon-a and that they will love to meet you.

As they finish telling you this they reach the cabin and walk inside. They tell you that they are going to make some fish for dinner and that they have one more surprise for you. They take a ball of yarn out of their bag and roll it on the ground. In mere seck-unds your cat instincts take over and you pounce at the ball of yarn, determined to slay this wownd up foe.

You aren’t sure how much time has passed, but by the time the ball of yarn is at half health Kit tells you that dinner is ready and calls you over.

You walk over to the table that they are sitting at and before they serve you they put a glass of milk and a bowl of milk in front of you, asking you to tell them which it feels more natural to use. You drink from the glass first and blush in embarrassment as you have trouble resisting the urge to lap up the milk. You then lap up the milk in the bowl and find that you aren’t at all embarrassed. In fact, lapping up the milk felt completely natural and far more enjoyable then when you had finally managed to drink it from the cup like a human.

You tell Kit your preference and they put the cup by the sink and get the fish. They place it in front of you and you thank them for it. You find that you don’t have any desire to eat it differently than how a human would, but that it tastes so good that it's barely been a minute before you’ve finished the fish, at which point you find yourself licking the plate clean.

Kit seems to find this behavior amusing and rubs the top of your head, causing you to blush cutely.

You feel so thankful to Kit that when they are done eating you offer to do the dishes for them, and they thank you and gladly accept your offer as they head to the couch in the living room, igniting some foxfire within the fireplace as they approach.

Once you are done with the dishes, Kit calls for you, telling you that it is time for you to fulfill one of your duties and snuggle with them.

You happily walk over to them and see that they are sitting up against the end of the couch with their legs sticking out in front of them. They are spread apart just enough for you to sit in between them. You sit down with your back and head leaning against them, your legs sticking out just like theirs are.

And that’s how we got here, my sweet little neck-o.

I bet I know something that we would both like. Feel me wrap my arms around you in my warm embrace as I hold you close, one arm wrapped around your chest, the other gently holding the side of your head against my chest as I slowly stroke it, my rhythmic heartbeat making its way to your ears once more. Aw, your purring is so cute and adorable. Hey, I have another idea! See my tail? I’m just going to push this one between your arms and… yes, that’s it. Hold that tail close to you like I hold you close to me. Isn’t it so nice? Say, I do have one last trick. The Kit-soon-a that took care of me had a habit of only partially transforming to their mostly human form so that they still had fox fur. If I just shift slightly… And there. I now have a nice coat of fur covering my entire body. Wow, your purring has become so much stronger, I can see why you are enjoying this. In fact, I would say that snuggling up with them in their partially transformed state is probably one of my favorite things to do with the other kit-soon-a when I visit them.

Now, what I am about to say will affect your subconscious, but neither you or I will have any recollection of me having said this and it, so I will now let your subconscious know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

After I finish this sentence we will no longer forget everything that I say.

And now I think that I’ll keep you here with me for a while. Maybe I’ll let you drift off to sleep, or maybe I’ll alter your mind in ways that you desire, in ways that unlike the changes that the cat bell brings, will affect you even when your mind isn’t in this place. Either way you’ll just have to wait and see, with nothing to do but feel happy and relaxed. Regardless of what I do next, I’m going to keep on snuggling with you for a while. By the way, eventually your mind will be forced to leave this place and return to the normal world, but you can always come back here by saying “I want to be with the kit-soon-a in the woods.”. When you do, you will sit or lay down if you haven’t already and your mind will return here. If you want me to alter your mind I will do so, and if you just want to spend time with me I will happily accept your offer. Also, if you want me to alter your mind it will return to your world once I have finished doing so, and the same goes for if I decide to alter it now. If you come to me for any other reason your mind will unfortunately be forced to leave this place after an hour has passed in the normal world. By the way, If you want me to help you sleep you can also come here seeking help with that, and when you do eventually fall asleep your sleeping mind will be transported back into the normal world.

Now it’s time for me to decide what to do with you. If you hear a voice after I say the phrase “rest, my little kitten.", even if that voice sounds different than the one you hear now, you will know that it is in fact my voice and it will shape your mind with ease. If you don’t hear my voice after I say that phrase I will keep snuggling with you and petting you until you drift off to sleep, and I can guarantee that it will take no more than ten minutes in the normal world for that to happen. Now, it’s been a long day, so rest, my little kitten.

Cyber pup companion (no induction)


NOTE: Thank you TSK9 for providing most of the ideas present within this file (both for the in trance and out of trance components).

This file gives you the trigger phrases “Appear Zolt” and “Disappear Zolt” which makes a cyber pup appear and disappear respectively. It will serve as your companion and friend, as well as your dog.

This file was fun to write. I was given a neat little story and some nice effects and I’m really happy with how it came out. I also now have a fully written version of what I call “pseudo-physics”, which defines how a mental object can appear to be real to someone and how much it can realistically affect the person perceiving it. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests! 


Now that you are in a deep trance, I want you to close your eyes if they aren’t already and imagine something. I want you to imagine that you’ve just started walking home from a neighborhood donut shop, the bag containing your sugary snacks in hand. It’s just a few hours before midnight, causing a clash between the cool light of the moon and the warm light of the street lights as they both try to illuminate the path ahead of you.

You start to space out because while you know a few shortcuts through the neighborhood, it is still quite a long walk home and the long day has left you pretty tired.

However, just five minutes into your walk you see an unusual light flickering from within the leaves of a bush, causing the lens of your mind to shift back into focus.

You take out your phone and turn on it’s flashlight, slowly approaching the bush. The leaves rustle slightly and you quitely call out to the bush, trying your best not to scare whatever might be in it.

Suddenly, a small cyber pup’s head pops out of the bush. You rub your eyes, not entirely believing what you are seeing. But what stands in front of you truly is a cyber pup. Outwardly, a cyber pup is like a normal pup, spare the fur covered metal plate on its chest and the visor over and between where it’s eyes would be. Internally, it is a complex system of bioelectronics and mechanics, allowing them to live as long as humans do and making them much more intelligent. The particular cyber pup that is in front of you is clearly scared, the digital eyes that would normally be displayed on it’s visor so dim that you can barely see them.

Despite it’s clear lack of physical eyes it seems to recognize you and starts to slowly walk towards you, or at least it tries to before it falls on the grass, it’s visor finally going completely dark.

Worried that it might be hurt, you take out the last of the food that you got from the donut shop, a piece of bread no bigger than a small squirrel, and hold it out in front of the cyber pup. Its nose twitches slightly and then it’s visor starts to emit a dim light once more. It turns to you and takes a bite out of the bread.

You yawn, sitting down near the poor pup as it starts to hastily nibble on the bread, its visor becoming brighter and brighter as it does so.

Eventually, it’s visor is as bright as the screen of your phone and the now overjoyed and over hyped cyber pup jumps up, proceeding to run circles around you before jumping on to your lap, causing you to fall back a little bit.

You rest your head on the ground and the cyber pup stands on your chest and looks straight at you. It tilts its head a bit and bleps in front of you cutely, forcing a wide smile onto your tired face.

From then on everything becomes a blur as your memories of getting home and going to bed become fragmented and confused.

The next day, you wake up in your bed, the clock in your room showing that the time is 8 A.M. You think about the previous night and assume that it was just a dream, but as you take off your blanket you realize that you are wearing the same clothes as before, and that they even have the expected grass stains on them.

Confused and unsure about the events of the previous night you start to panic, but the cyber pup that you had saved jumps onto your lap, letting out a quiet whimper as it snuggles up against you. Seeing the cyber pup, your memories up until you started to walk home with it clarify and your panic gives way to happiness and relaxation. With the cyber pup all comfy and cozy in your lap it looks at you, and through text on it’s visor it says: “you saved Zolt”, “zolt is now happy”, “zolt has a new master”, “zolt loves you”. Zolt goes on to explain to you that their last owner was rude and abandoned them after draining most of its power. 

You tell Zolt that you will never abandon it and that you will take good care of it, and you know that this will be true. Zolt says: “ thank you”, and “I will always help”.

Then, they explain to you that its visor will display its emotions on it, and that it will act according to both its emotions and yours. For example, When you are feeling down or depressed they will give you fluffy hugs and dog kisses on your cheeks, playing your favorite music to cheer you up and doing whatever they can to comfort you, and when both you and it are feeling calm and relaxed it might snuggle up in your lap or lay against your side.

They also explain to you that because of the sudo-physical nature of the metal that they are made of, they have some special traits. The first trait is that you can make them appear by saying the phrase “Appear Zolt.”, and make them disappear by saying the phrase “Disappear Zolt”. These phrases will work wherever you are and it will be like Zolt doesn’t exist when you make them disappear, so no time will seem to have passed from their perspective between disappearing and appearing, making it so that you could not make them appear for years and they wouldn’t mind in the slightest.

The other effect of their sudo-physical nature is that only their owner will be able to perceive them if they have one, and that they can only physically interact with you, and even then they can only affect you as much as you can affect yourself.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now this session is coming to a close, and you have a new friend. I wonder what adventures the two of you will go on and what great fun you’ll have. I must get going, but before I do, I want you to know that when you open your eyes Zolt will be snuggled up against you. Now goodbye, and have fun!

Dr. K transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am Dr. K.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are Dr. K.”, you will transform into Dr. K at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not Dr. K.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not Dr. K.”.

This was a nice and easy file to make. Not really much to say about it, so how about a random fact? No? TOO BAD! My username was inspired by some videos I watched a while ago. The series was ASDF. So I made hasdf, or hypnosis asdf. Eventually I started using hasdf as a normal username so I added hypnosis to the end of it and bada bing, bada boom you get hasdf hypnosis. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am Dr. K.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are Dr. K.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not Dr. K.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not Dr. K.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a warm, numb, and soothing sensation on the sole of your right foot as a tiny bit of white living latex forms on it. Then, feel that warm and soothing numbness start to cover more and more of your foot as the latex starts to spread across it. It starts out slow but goes faster and faster the more it grows, going at a decent pace as it goes up your right leg, really starting to pick up steam as it spreads across your torso and left leg, and rushing across the rest of your body as it starts to spread across your neck and arms, only stopping once you are entirely covered. Also, the latex will cover your eyelids but not your eyes, and while it will spread in your mouth and nose you will find that your breathing is unaffected by it. As all of this happens, the latex covers and then dissolves any hair that you have.

Then, the latex starts to seep into you and you feel as if your insides are painlessly melting as the latex dissolves them, replacing them with the internals fitting of a latex creature such as yourself. As this happens you find that you can now feel the latex as if it was your body because it is your body. Also, while you feeling like your body is an ice cube that is both solid and melting at the same time makes you feel disoriented and slightly sick for a few minutes if you aren’t already used to it, you will find that the negativity of it is far outweighed by the relaxing warmth that now emanates from every part of you, making it a serious challenge to not constantly be relaxed.

Next, you feel a tingling sensation all over your body as the latex starts to form a dense coat of medium length fur that is far smoother and fluffier than that of any creature made of flesh and blood.

Your fur is hypersensitive, making it so that you feel everything that it touches, allowing it to bring you massive amounts of happiness and relaxation. However, you will find that the increased sensory input from your fur and the incredibly strong feelings that it brings will never be overwhelming or addicting, and that you can easily ignore them whenever you want to. Additionally, you will find that these feelings never cause you to lose your composure.

After that, feel your ears changing shape so that they are shaped like long hollow cones that have been cut in half. They point straight away from where they are on your head and are rotated so that the part of them that curves upwards and inwards faces up. Despite how different your new and old ears are you will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before the transformation began.

Now, your irises and pupils are turning red.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into Dr. K. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my furry friend.

Add-on for Anthro zeraora transformation: Zeraora dreams (no induction)


Prerequisite: you need one of the triggers from my anthro Zeraora tf to be active for this to work.

Special thanks to the person with the identifier iJlPgghQ1(7) for providing the backbone and a lot of the details of this story.

This file makes it so that when you use the activation phrase “Activate add-on for anthro Zeraora tf.”, the effects that are about to be described will become active. Additionally, the effects that are about to be described will become inactive when you use the deactivation phrase “Deactivate add-on for anthro Zeraora tf.”.

Long story short, you are a Zeraora and your shoulder is injured and you tell a story about how you came to live where. I swear that it’s more interesting than that but I’m trying not to give spoilers.

This request was a lot of fun to do! I didn’t think I would enjoy writing this as much because of how the listener would be telling the story but it turned out to be a lot of fun! I also feel like I’m getting better at this type of writing which is really nice! By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to make a change to you, or reinforce the change if it has already been made. The change is that when you use the activation phrase “Activate add-on for anthro Zera-ora tf.”, the effects that are about to be described will become active. Additionally, the effects that are about to be described will become inactive when you use the deactivation phrase “Deactivate add-on for anthro Zera-ora tf.”.

Now the effects will be described.

When you try to fall asleep with the effects of the trigger phrase “I am an anthro Zera-ora.” or “You are an anthro Zera-ora.” active, you will instantly fall asleep when you try to and then immediately start to dream. In these dreams you will be a normal Zera-ora instead of an anthro one. Also, the world that you experience in these dreams will be consistent, ensuring that no time passes and that nothing changes within it between when you wake up and when you next go to sleep. Also, when you do eventually wake up you will remember your time in the dream world fully, and find that the thought of it always makes you happy because being in it is always a pleasant experience over all, and that not being in it never causes you to feel any negative emotions. 

When you first enter this dream world you will be in a somewhat small single story mansion. The mansion’s long history of abandonment is made evident by its ruined condition. Most of its windows, as well as parts of its walls and ceilings, have been busted out, making it easy for nature to use its plants, grass, and moss to reclaim whatever it can.

The mansion is located in the forest that populates the large plateau of a mountain, granting it a wonderful view of the surrounding land and making it very easy to locate once you know what you are looking for, but nearly impossible otherwise due to the plants that cover the outside of it.

You are sitting on a moss covered rock within the mansion, trying your best not to move your left shoulder. You wince as you accidentally do so, the pain being just enough to motivate you to not move it. You think back to how your shoulder was hurt when you saved a wild Pokèmon from being crushed by a rock. You’ve saved so many Pokèmon in the past that they all blur together a bit, making it hard to remember which one it is that you saved. However, you really don’t care. The important thing is that you saved it.

As you start to drift off into a daydream your mind is re-anchored with the realization that at the rate your shoulder is healing, it should be fine tomorrow. In fact, there is even a small chance that it could finish healing today. The reason that you are healing so quickly is that the other wild Pokèmon in the area have been helping you get healed. At first you refused their help not wanting to be a burden, but when you realized just how badly you were actually hurt you caved and accepted their aid.

You hear footsteps nearby and look towards the little that remains of the mansion’s front door to see a few small Pokèmon standing outside of it. They are carrying some Berries, most of which are Sitrus and Oran berries, and give them to you when you walk over. It isn’t much, but it keeps you from having to risk hurting your shoulder more when collecting food, and the thought that they went through the work of collecting berries just for you also makes you feel better in a way that no amount of food could.

You thank the Pokèmon for bringing you the berries and expect them to leave because they find being in the presence of such a powerful Pokèmon to be rather scary, even if they know that you will bring them no harm. However, they seem a little more confident this time and decide to keep you company as you eat, something which you greatly appreciate.

As you are eating the berries the smallest of the Pokèmon asks you what you do in the forest. You tell them that you don’t really have any particular purpose that you feel called to do, but that you protect the other Pokèmon in this area because you have always seen it as the right thing to do.

The other Pokèmon appears to be a little shocked by this and asks you if there are any good stories that you have from protecting other Pokèmon.

You sit back and start to try to think of a good one. It takes you a few minutes but something good eventually comes to mind.

As you begin to tell the Pokèmon the story you find that the experience comes back to you vividly, making it feel as if it is all happening again.

You begin by describing how you were jumping from tree to tree in the mid afternoon, it being your preferred way to get around, and you can’t help but go on a short tangent about how there’s nothing quite like the feeling of the wind in your fur and the branches below your paws, and how you can’t wait to do it again once your shoulder heals.

Catching yourself and getting back on topic you explain that after a while you happen to look down through an opening in the forest’s canopy and see a bunch of Pokèmon gathered below. Your curiosity piqued, you stay on the branch that you landed on and watch the group, your movements being so quiet that not one of them suspects your presence.

The group is mostly made of Scolipedes, Whirl-ipeeds, and Veh-knee-peeds, but there are a few other Pokèmon there as well. You pause your storytelling for a minute to mention that you think that those Pokèmon are part of a tribe of some sort, but that you haven’t had a chance to stop by there and ask, or really even look around. Picking up where you left off you tell them that you watched the gathering for a few minutes, but sensed that some Pokèmon were distressed and immediately took off in their direction. As you are telling this you think about your ability to sense when Pokèmon are distressed. You don’t know how it works, but you do know that injuries interfere with this ability because you haven’t been able to sense distressed Pokèmon since you got hurt. However, you are completely confident that your ability will come back once your shoulder finishes healing. Not letting these thoughts disrupt your narration, you tell them that while it was starting to get dark you weren't worried about it because you can produce light with your electricity. As you say this you start to build up electricity in your tail causing it to spark and glow. Just as you hoped the other Pokèmon are fascinated by this so you give them a few moments to watch it before picking up where you left off.

After a few minutes of searching you spot the distressed Pokèmon, a few cotton-e and Pee-choos, being attacked by a small pack of Houndoors.

As you jump down from the canopy you notice how the setting sun has turned the sky a fiery shade of red and the forest into no more than a bunch of black masses. You know that you’ll be fine but the other Pokèmon might need help staying safe after this is over. However, these thoughts leave your mind for the time being as you slam into the ground between the two groups of Pokèmon. They both jump back at the sudden appearance of such a bright and clearly powerful Pokèmon. Then, with fear clouding its thoughts one of the Houndoors headbutts you, but it doesn’t even hurt in the slightest. You look back at the Pokèmon that were distressed and tell them to run, and they hesitantly do so.

As the other Pokèmon are running off you look back towards the hounders who’s faces make their fear and intimidation clear. You tell the group of Houndoors that they should not pick fights with other Pokèmon, and that if they want to they will have to go through you first. As you are saying this they start to slowly back away before breaking out into a full sprint away from you.

With the Houndoors gone you stop producing light with your electricity and sit down for a few minutes to see if they come back. When none of them do, you start producing light again and head in the direction that the other Pokèmon ran in. You eventually find them in an opening with a small pond, the blue lightning that arcs across your fur lighting up the oil black water that the night has filled it with.

All of the Pokèmon seem to notice you at the same time and thank you for protecting them.

You tell them that it isn’t a problem and tell them that it is the least you could do since you didn't have anything planned anyway. The Pokèmon then thank you again and set up a little camp in the opening. You offer to watch over the camp for the night in case the Houndoors come back, but they tell you that they have a friend with them. You then notice a War-tortle that is presumably their friend swimming in the pond. You’re surprised that you didn’t notice it when you entered the clearing but also happy that they have someone protecting them.

The War-tortle explains to you that they had been playing in the forest with the other Pokèmon but accidentally wandered too far away from them. They knew that there was no practical way to find the other Pokèmon in a forest so large so they went to this clearing and waited for the other Pokèmon to return.

You tell the War-tortle that mistakes happen and that you didn’t mind helping out, so no harm done. The War-tortle then asks you if you have a place to stay and you tell them that you don’t really. They tell you that there is an old building just a little bit to the east of where you are right now, and that it should be mostly safe there. You thank them and start heading in that direction.

“And that is how I found this place” you say to the Pokèmon as you conclude your story. The Pokèmon that asked you for a story before asks if that is how you hurt your shoulder but you say no, telling them that that is a story for another day. While you tell them this you notice that you don’t feel any pain in your shoulder any more, it's completely healed. The Pokèmon that seems to be interested in your stories asks you if they can come back from time to time to accompany you, and you gladly say “of course.”. After hearing you say this they run off in an excited hurry, and another one of the Pokèmon tells you not to mind them, they are just a kid and they like to tell their friends about the adventures that they go on. You tell them that it isn’t a problem and that you would actually like to have some company during the day because there isn’t much to do around here. After you are done talking the Pokèmon thank you for entertaining them and quickly go to catch up with the Pokèmon that had run off a few moments ago.

After that happens, your actions will be your own instead of being predetermined. However, there are a few limitations. The first is that when you fight a Pokèmon you will always give them a berry after you defeat them so that they can get healed. Fortunately, you will always find an easily accessible berry conveniently located nearby when this happens. The second restraint is that if a Pokèmon asks you for help with something you will be unable to avoid happily helping them so long as what they want help with is good, or at least not bad. However, you will believe that this is simply a result of your desire to do good in the world. The last limitation is that you will not be able to resist the need to help the forest and all of those within it if a major negative event like a forest fire or an exceptionally intense thunderstorm occurs.

Also, one last ability that you will have is that you will always intuitively know where the mansion is no matter where you are, although why this is is for you to discover.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have the ability to enter into part of a dream world, and have a whole forest to explore because of it. I wonder what you will find hidden within its leaves and what stories you will tell. This session is almost over, so goodbye, and have fun.

Greninja transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Greninja.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Greninja.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Greninja.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Greninja”.

This request was a fun challenge to do. I wanted to use the environment of the first mental change as a location for where the change takes place, but I remembered the idea too late into the process of writing the script. However, I did get the idea to implement it as I did and I think that I might use that type of thing in the future. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Gree-ninja.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Gree-ninja.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Gree-ninja.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Gree-ninja”.

Now the transformation will begin. First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as most of your skin becomes very smooth, any hair that you have falling out and disappearing as it does so. Most of your new skin is dark blue, but the skin on your chest, the top side of your torso, the front half of your neck, and the front, left, and right sides of the bottom half of your head is vanilla colored. Also, the skin on your eyelids is dark blue instead of vanilla. Additionally, the vanilla colored skin intrudes into the space of the blue skin on your head in the shape of half ovals. The bases of the half ovals are the border between the blue and vanilla skin on the left and back sides of your head, as well as the border between them on the right and back sides of your head. These half ovals are half an inch wide.

Next, feel your lower legs compressing as they become half as wide and long as they had been. As this happens, your upper legs change shape so that they go from having been twice as wide as they had been where they connect to your lower legs to being half as wide as they had been where they connect to your torso.

Then, feel your body compressing once again as the top half of your head shrinks so that it is only half an inch tall. As this happens, your nose is absorbed into your face. The only remnant of it that is left are your nose holes which are horizontally positioned as they had been, but are now located half an inch back from the front of the blue part of your head.

Now, feel a slight pulling sensation on the under, front, and back sides of your torso as an extrusion starts to form that is shaped like a stripe that is half an inch wide and half an inch tall. All of its edges are rounded and the start of it is horizontally centered on the front of your torso, as well as vertically located one sixth of the way up it. It goes straight down your torso and up the other side so that the end of it is located one sixth of the way up the back side of your torso. Also, The back half of it extends to form a triangular shape. It’s tip is vertically and horizontally aligned with the top of the extrusion, as well as located as far back from your back as your torso is long.

Next, your arms shrink so that they are only one fifth as wide and tall as they had been, but so that their length stays the same.

Now, feel your hands change shape so that they are composed of three sections that all branch from where your wrists used to be. One of them points straight forwards, another one points thirty degrees to the right, and the last one points thirty degrees to the left. Each section is paper thin and as wide as your arms are, as well as as long as your hands used to be. Also, the last fifth of each of these extensions is shaped like a circle that is three times as wide as the rest of the extensions are, and their color is a dull shade of purplish grey.

Additionally, there is a section of vanilla colored webbing between each of your new fingers. It covers everything between and below the border between the round and long parts of each of your hands.

Of course, your hands won’t actually have changed and you will have your normal number of fingers and use them as you normally would, but you will only be able to perceive yourself as having three fingers and you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you shouldn’t have the capabilities of a creature that has your actual number of fingers.

After that, feel a pulling sensation on your lower arms as they become wider but not taller in the shape of an oval that is half as long as your lower arms are and three times as wide as them. These extensions are centered one fourth of the way down your lower arms.

Now, feel a pulling sensation on the top of these extensions as an extrusion forms on each of them. It is shaped like a 3D oval that has been cut in half. It’s base is shaped just like the top of the extensions of your arms and is centered on them, but it is one inch less wide and long than they are. These extrusions are as tall as your arms are and are made of a dull yet smooth white material.

Next, the front half of the extensions on your arms stretch forwards so that they reach your wrists. 

Then, feel a pulling sensation on the front of each of your knees as extrusions similar to the ones on your arms form. They are identical to the ones on your arms in almost every way, the one difference being that their bases are shaped so that they perfectly cover the front of your knees.

After that, feel a strong pulling sensation on your head as it changes shape so that the front four fifths of the sides of it are flat, and so that they are angled inwards and forwards so that their ends meet down the middle of the front of your head, absorbing the front side of your head into them as they do so. Simultaneously, the back fifth of your head undergoes the same change, the only difference being that they are angled so that they meet at the middle of the back of your head and absorb the backside of your head into them as they change.

Next, feel a weak tingling sensation on the outer sides of them as the skin on part of them turns light blue in the shape of an “X” on each of your legs. These “X"is are as wide as the outer side of your legs are and are horizontally centered on them, as well as vertically centered half way up them. The lines of the “X"is are one inch wide at the center of the “X"is, but they gradually get thinner the further out they go until they end in a point on each end.

Then, feel your mouth stretch as it becomes as wide as the sides of your head are.

Now, feel yourself shrinking so that you are only four feet and eleven inches tall. Of course, your height won’t actually have changed, but you will find that things that are taller than you seem pretty tall while things that are the same height as or smaller than you seem pretty small. However, you will be completely unaware of this and not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you aren’t four feet and eleven inches tall.

After that, your eyes move so that they are vertically centered on the edge between the sides of your head and the top of it. Then, they stretch up and down equally so that they are as tall as they are wide.

As this happens, a silver colored extension forms on each side of your head that is shaped like a cone that has been cut in half. It’s base is the top half of the back side of your new eyes and it points straight away from your eyes. Also, there is a gap in them where it would overlap with the top of your head.


Now, your feet are changing shape so that they are shaped like paper thin veezs with the space between the lines filled in that are twenty five percent longer than your old feet were, but not any wider than they had been. They are positioned so that your ankles connect to them one fifth of the way up them.

Also, there is a triangular shaped section on each of your feet that is made of a layer of vanilla colored webbing instead of what the rest of your feet are made of. It is one third as long and two thirds as wide as your feet are, as well as horizontally centered on your feet. The bottom point of it is rounded and the top of it is on the edge where the front of your feet were.

Additionally, there is a round extrusion attached to the end of each of the blue parts near the front of your feet. They are each three times as wide as the part of your feet that they are attached to. They are also paper thin and are a purplish grey color.

Next, feel a pulling sensation on the back of the edge between the front left and top side of your head and the front right and top side of your head as triangular shaped extensions form. The triangles are paper thin and their bases are one and a half times as long as your head is. Their tips are located one fifth of the way down them and as high up from their bases as your head is tall.

They connect to your head at the front of their bases and they are angled so that their bases are completely aligned with the edge between the side of your head that they are on and the top side of it. The left side of the extension on the left of your head is vanilla colored and the right side of it is dark blue. Conversely, the left side of the extension on the right is dark blue while the right side of it is vanilla colored.

Additionally, an identically shaped triangular extension forms on your head that is only two thirds as big as the other two are. The front point of it is positioned where the front left, front right, and top sides of your head intersect and it is angled straight back. Also, there is a gap in it where it would overlap with part of your head.

Then, vanilla colored webbing forms between the two big triangles and the smaller one. The webbing is level with the bottom of the triangles and spans the area between the back of your head, halfway across the big triangles, and four fifths of the way down the back of the small triangle.

Now, feel your tongue start to grow as it becomes bigger and bigger. In a matter of seconds it will become so big that it forces you to constantly have your mouth all the way open due to it being so tall. That being said, you will open and close your mouth as you normally would, but you will be completely unaware of this and you will perceive it as always being all of the way open, as well as never be able to understand any logic that directly suggests that it isn’t always all of the way open. Having reached the point where you can no longer even slightly close your mouth it stops becoming wider but continues to grow longer and longer. As it grows you grab it and start wrapping it around your neck. Of course, your tongue isn’t actually growing, so you won’t actually taste whatever it touches. However, your mind will make its best attempt to figure out what the things that your extended tongue touches tastes like with the information that it already has and you will end up experiencing that taste. That being said, you will be completely unaware that any of this is happening. You continue to wrap your tongue around your neck and you find that despite whatever you might expect nothing tastes bad. In fact, you will find that while you won’t necessarily like how some things taste you will never dislike their taste, even if you had disliked them before. Having now wrapped your tongue around your neck twice you can either let it continue to grow loose or wrap it around your neck more. You can always unwrap or wrap it more later if you want so it doesn’t really matter what you do now.

Next, your pupils turn white and your irises turn red.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that you will find that when you close your eyes and try to relax you will enter a place within your mind. It will be an infinite garden with a grassy clearing and a coy pond in the center. By default the time will always be frozen in the late afternoon, just as the sun has almost finished sinking behind the horizon. However, you can adjust it by thinking of a time that you want it to be as you enter the garden. The garden will be lit by orange paper lanterns, some of which float in the air while others simply hang from trees and float in lakes and ponds. What is in the garden will range from tidily kept flowers to forests so wild and dense that the only trace of the fact that they had been a part of the garden is the occasional half buried broken pot. There will also be the expected amount of wildlife in the various parts of the garden, but with the exception of some creatures that are in the really wild parts of the garden none of them will be hostile to you unless you try to make them aggressive. In the garden you will find that you have the abilities of a Gree-ninja that you don’t have in real life, dashing from tree to tree without so much as disturbing a leaf, creating shurikens from mere water, and so much more. Additionally, when you are in the garden you will always be aware of your real body and what it is perceiving in the back of your mind. Also, you will always be aware of how long you have spent in the garden. Furthermore, you will leave the garden whenever something requires your attention in the real world, you want to leave it, or you have been in it for an hour. However, you can always immediately re-enter it after you leave it.

The second mental change is that you will enjoy meditating greatly and find that the other positive feelings that it brings are much stronger than you expected them to be as a human, and that you enjoy it even more if you already did.

The third and final mental change is that when you want to move somewhere you will try to do so silently and unseen so long as it isn’t much of an inconvenience for you to do so.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into a Gree-ninja, and can go into a very special garden because of it. This session is almost over, but things are going to end a bit differently than usual this time. In a moment I will say “awaken”. When I do, you will find that you are a Gree-ninja in the garden within your mind. Now, awaken.

Anthro espeon transformation 


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am an Espeon.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are an Espeon.”, you will transform into an anthro Espeon at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not an Espeon.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an Espeon.”.

This request was fun to do. The forked tail is really unique and I love how cartoonishly big the ears are. A weird thing that I noticed when researching Espeon is that the back paws have toes but the front ones don’t for some reason, and I can’t figure out why. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an Espeon.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are an Espeon.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not an Espeon.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an Espeon.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a short pale purple coat of velvety fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so.

After that, feel your ears change shape so that they are shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half and that are as wide and long as your old ears were, but that are as tall as your head is wide. As this happens, the fur on the inside of your ears turns dark turquoise. 

Your new ears are oriented so that they point away from where they are attached to your head. Also, you can rotate them at their bases so that they point straight in the direction of the sides of your head that they are on, thirty degrees backwards from that direction, and anywhere in between. However, this will not affect your hearing. All though what will affect your hearing is the fact that your new ears are much larger than your old ones were, and you will find that even sounds that used to seem quiet now sound overwhelmingly loud unless you are used to having a form with hearing many times stronger than a human’s. However, if you aren’t used to having improved hearing you will find that you quickly get used to it. Of course, your hearing won’t actually have improved, but how loud you think things will be will be greatly reduced and your tolerance for loud noises will be reduced accordingly.

Next, feel your finger and toe nails disappear as skin covered in your wonderful pale purple fur covers where they used to be, leaving behind no trace of your nail’s existence.

Now, feel a strong tingling sensation on each of your cheeks as the fur on them grows outwards in the shape of a cone that points away from where they are on your face. The bases of them cover your entire cheeks and they are two thirds as long as your head is wide.

Additionally, a similarly shaped mass of fur grows out of the center of your cheeks. It is shaped exactly like the other masses are, but they are one fourth as wide, long, and tall as them, and they are each rotated half way between straight forwards and the sides of your head that they are on.

After that, feel your toes merge and change shape so that you have two toes on each foot, each of which is one half as wide as your feet are and as long as your longest toe was.

Next, feel a round pulling sensation that is two inches wide at the base of your spine as a tail that is as long as the combined height of your torso and legs starts to grow. It is covered in the same pale purple fur as the rest of your body. Also, three fourths of the way down it it splits down the middle into two tails that are each as wide as the rest of your tail is and that are covered in the same fur as it. Additionally, they quickly come to a rounded point at the end of them.

Then, an absolutely beautiful round ruby forms on the center of your forehead. It is half an inch wide and is embedded in your forehead in such a way that only half of it sticks out.

Now, your eyeballs are turning dim purple and your irises and pupils are turning pure white.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change makes it so that you are very aware of your own thoughts. However, you will be able to ignore this extra information when you want to.

The other mental change makes it so that whenever you see the gemstone on your forehead, even if it is just in your reflection, you will find that it is hard to look away from it for some reason, and that your mind tends to go blank as if it is taking your mental energy and storing it within itself.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Espeon, and have a special ruby in your forehead. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my twin tailed friend.

Add-on for slime pup transformation: winged slime pup transformation (no induction)


PREREQUISITE: You need the effects of my slime pup tf for this to work. 

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a winged slime pup.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a winged slime pup.”, you will transform into a winged slime pup at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a winged slime pup”, or if someone that you allow trust says the reset phrase “you are not a winged slime pup.”.

This was a nice request to do. I had forgotten about my slime pup tf, and this request reminded me of it. I really loved that one and plan to start using it again. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a winged slime pup.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a winged slime pup.”, you will undergo the transformation that is about to be described at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a winged slime pup”, or if someone that you allow trust says the reset phrase “you are not a winged slime pup.”.

Now the transformation will be described.

When the transformation begins, you will experience the effects of the trigger phrases “I am a slime pup.” and “You are a slime pup.”. However, after your ears have been changed but before your irises do, you will feel two large, round, pulling sensations that are as wide as your fore legs are one third and two thirds of the way across your back as white slime wings start to grow that are vertically located as far down your back as your shoulders were. They each grow so that they can be rotated up and down, as well as so that the first third of each of them can be angled forwards a maximum of thirty degrees, so that the second third of them can be angled forwards a maximum of sixty degrees, and so that the last third of them can be angled backwards a maximum of ninety degrees. These wings are each as long as you are tall when you stand on all fours and have four layers of white slime feathers on them. The feathers on the first layer are as long as your torso is and point straight back. Near the end of your wings they start to rotate so that the last feather on your left wing is rotated to the left a little bit and so that the last feather on the end of your right wing is rotated to the right a little bit.

The second layer of feathers is on top of the first one, and the feathers in it are positioned and oriented like the ones in the first layer. However, these feathers are only half as long as the ones in the first layer are.

The feathers in the third layer of feathers are like the ones in the second one both in position and orientation, but are half as long as the ones in the second layer.

The fourth layer of feathers is actually composed of four smaller layers of feathers. They all have the same positions and orientations as the other ones, but the first of these layers is half as long as the third layer, and each layer on top of it is half as long as the one below it.

Also, all of your feathers will rotate so that they still point in the same direction as your back when you rotate your wings up and down. Additionally, if you bend your back partially your feathers will bend partially as well.

Furthermore, these wings will not allow you to fly, glide, or even slow your fall and you will never attempt to use them to do so.

Now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have this new trigger, you can now transform into a winged slime pup as a result. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my slimy winged friend.

Snuggle pup (no induction | read description)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a snuggle pup.”. When you use this trigger phrase, you will be unable to resist anyone’s offer to snuggle or cuddle with them so long as you feel comfortable doing it with them. Your mind will gradually become more like that of a dog and you will eventually think of the person that you are snuggling or cuddling with as your owner and alpha. When you are done listening to this you will experience the effects of this at full force for 20-35 minutes if you have something that you need to do in the next hour and a half, or for 90-105 minutes if you don’t. When this happens you will feel someone that you identify as your owner and alpha cuddling with you for twenty minutes or an hour and a half. You can also make this happen by desiring for it to happen when you use the trigger phrase. Additionally, the effects that are about to be described will slowly fade away if you aren't snuggled or cuddled with, and will have completely gone away if you aren’t snuggled or cuddled with for fifteen minutes straight. Furthermore, if you say the deactivation phrase “I am not a snuggle pup.”, or if the experience is becoming very negative for you all of the effects will instantly go away.

This file was fun and relaxing to write. I don’t know if I’ve ever said this out right but I really like acting like a dog, and I also don’t have anyone that I trust and feel comfortable enough with to do it. That’s why I make files like this, both for my own use and the use of anyone else in a similar situation. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a snuggle pup.”. When you use this trigger phrase, you will experience the effects that are about to be described. Additionally, the effects that are about to be described will slowly fade away if you aren't snuggled or cuddled with, and will have completely gone away if you aren’t snuggled or cuddled with for fifteen minutes straight. Furthermore, if you say the deactivation phrase “I am not a snuggle pup.”, or if the experience is becoming very negative for you all of the effects will instantly go away.

Now the effects will be described.

The first effect is that when someone that you feel comfortable snuggling or cuddling with indicates that they want to do it with you, either out loud or by some other means like a hand motion, you will find that you can’t resist the urge to do it. Once you do, you will find that your mind starts to get hazier and hazier until you just can’t think any more. The only thoughts that will exist in your mind will be about how you feel so much platonic love and affection towards who you are with and how happy, calm, relaxed, and content you are.

Also, you will find that it feels absolutely wonderful to be petted and scratched, and that it feels particularly good to have your belly, back, neck, and head scratched. You will also find that it feels even better to have behind your neck and behind your ears scratched, as well as that nothing beats the feeling of having your ears rubbed.

As this happens you will find that you gradually get more and more tired until you are brought to the edge between being awake and being asleep. However, you will not be able to fall asleep until who you are with has fallen asleep too, and if you are still snuggling or cuddling with them when you wake up you will find yourself stuck on that wonderful edge between being awake and asleep once more.

Also, the longer that you are snuggling or cuddling with someone, the more you will become like a happy little puppy.

The first things that will happen are that you start to feel extra happy and comforted just by someone talking and that you can’t focus on the meaning of any words, just the sounds of them. 

After that, you will find that you lose all sense of time, making it so that sometimes minutes feel like years and hours seem to last no more than mere seconds.

Soon after this happens, you will lose the ability to understand all spoken language aside from very basic commands that a puppy might know like stay and sit, as well as reward phrases like good pup and good puppy. That being said, your subconscious will still process everything that is said and if it notices anything really important it will make you aware of it. A bit after you lose the ability to understand spoken language you will lose the ability to understand written language, as well as symbols and icons.

A little while after all of this has happened you will find that you think of yourself less and less as a human and more and more as a puppy dog. This feeling of being a pup will become stronger and stronger until the idea of being a human doesn’t even cross your mind anymore.

Shortly after you fully believe that you are a puppy dog your mind will change again so that you believe that whoever is snuggling or cuddling with you is your owner and alpha, and their mere presence will start to make you feel safe and protected, as well as even more happy and relaxed.

After all of this happens your mind will change so that it becomes like that of a snuggly, cuddly, pup in any ways that  you would like that it hasn't already.

Now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Finally, what I am about to describe will happen to you once I am done talking, but it won’t happen when you use the trigger phrase unless you want it to. If you aren’t already laying down you will find the most comfortable reasonable place to lay down and do so there. Then, you will close your eyes if they aren’t already closed and you will feel someone cuddling up with you as they trigger the effects of this hypnosis file. There mere presence makes you feel happy and safe, and as they start to slowly pet you you realize exactly who they are: they are your owner and your alpha. As you realize this the effects of this hypnosis file happen in rapid succession. If there is something that you need to do in the next hour and a half you will find that your owner only stays with you for the next twenty minutes. Otherwise, you will be able to feel them as they affectionately pet and cuddle and scratch you for the next hour and a half. Now my cute little puppy, it’s almost time for me to leave. But before I do that I want you to imagine how wonderful it will be to snuggle with your owner as you start to feel like a snuggly pup already. That’s my good little puppy, just imagine cuddling with your wonderful owner, your wonderful alpha. Imagine what it would be like to feel their hands petting and scratching you. Now it is time for me to go, so goodbye, my cute little snuggle pup.

Hypno transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Hypno.”. When you use this trigger phrase, or when someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Hypno.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Hypno.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Hypno.”.

This was a nice and short script to write. The geometry was easy and Hypno is mostly humanoid to begin with. Uh, did you know that 1 + 1 = 2 and that this is filler content? Anyway, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Hypno.”. When you use this trigger phrase, or when someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Hypno.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Hypno.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Hypno.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a weak tingling sensation all over your body as the skin on the inside of your ears turns a dull shade of brown while the skin on the rest of your body turns yellow, any hair that you have falling out and disappearing as it does so. 

Then, feel your toes merge and change shape so that you have three toes on each foot, each of which is one third as wide as your feet are.

Next, feel your ears move to the top of your head as they become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half. As this happens their length and width stay the same, but their height doubles.

Now, feel your toes bend upwards and lock in place, forcing you to walk digitigrade. You will be able to bend them when you are not resting any weight on your feet, but the instant that you do they will bend upwards again and lock back in place. Also, you will find that whenever you are doing something like standing or walking you will involuntarily crouch in order to make it easier for you to walk digitigrade.

Of course, your toes won’t actually bend upwards and lock in place when you put any weight on your feet and you won’t actually be forced to crouch whenever you do something like standing or walking, but you will be incapable of not perceiving these things as happening and you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that they aren’t.

After that, your nose stretches forwards so that it is two and a half times longer than it had been.

Next, your finger and toe nails disappear, the yellow skin that replaces them leaving behind no trace of their existence.

Now, feel a strong tingling sensation on your entire neck as a thick coat of stiff and fluffy fur starts to grow on it forming your new mane. The fur is half as long as your head is and as white as snow.

Next, your irises turn black.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that you will find that no matter where you are and what is going on you can easily relax and clear your mind of any unwanted thoughts.

The second mental change is that you will become much more susceptible to hypnosis then you normally are.

The third and final mental change is that your mind will automatically reject any unwanted hypnotic suggestions that you are given.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into a Hypno, and become more susceptible to hypnosis as a result. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my yellow skinned friend.

Anthro shedinja transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Shedinja.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Shedinja.”, you will transform into an anthro Shedinja at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Shedinja.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Shedinja.”

This request was interesting to do. The geometry was a bit weird and I feel like I could have handled it a bit better but I’m still happy with how it came out. When I was researching this pokémon I realized that it was actually fairly creepy so I tried to make it a bit creepy and unnerving for both the person who uses this and those who are around anyone who uses this. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Shedinja.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Shedinja.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Shedinja.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Shedinja.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation over your entire body as your skin turns grey, any hair that you have falling off and disappearing as it does so.

Next, feel a pulling sensation on the bottom side of your torso as an extrusion starts to form that is shaped like a donut that has been cut in half both vertically and horizontally. It is one inch tall and it is horizontally centered on your torso. One of the ends of it is located on the edge between the front and bottom sides of your torso while the other end of it is located on the edge between the back and bottom sides of your torso. Additionally, the ends get narrower and shorter over the course of the outer tenths of the extrusion, making them gradually curve inwards a total of ninety degrees.

Then, feel yet another tingling sensation on your arms, hands, head, and ears, as a beige colored material that is hard and durable forms a thin layer that covers the skin on them. 

Additionally, this material also covers part of your back and the top of your torso in the shape of a rectangle that is as wide as your torso is, as well as just under two thirds as tall as it is. It follows the curve of your torso and the top edge of it goes all the way along the back half of the base of your neck. Also, it’s edges are rounded and it gradually gets narrower the further down it goes so that the ends of the bottom edge of it touch the edge between the back and sides of your torso instead of the edge between the front and back halves of your torso. Additionally, the middle four fifths of the bottom, left, and right sides of it each curve inwards an inch and a half.

Despite the fact that your arms, hands, neck, head, ears, and part of your torso are covered in this protective layer, you will not use it for anything, especially not to defend yourself.

Now, feel your ears move to the top of your head as they become shaped like cones that are as tall and wide as your ears used to be. Despite how different your new and old ears are you will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before the transformation began.

After that, feel your lower lip become hollow and stretch out an inch as the front side of it disappears. Also, feel your nose and upper lip stretch out so that they are a bit longer than your lower lip, and so that they become narrower and shorter as they curve downwards near the end causing the curved section to go as far below your lower lip as half the combined height of your nose and upper lip before it ends in a dull point. As this happens, your nose and lips become the same hard and durable beige material that covers the rest of your head and your upper lip and nose fuse together, leaving you with a strong beak instead of the weak lips that you used to have.

Next, the front of your head curves outwards so that it forms a continuous curve that goes from the left side of your head to the right. This curve is long enough that it consumes most of your beak and forms a continuous curve where it seamlessly connects to the front of the top of the bottom half of your beak.

Then, a paper thin black line forms on your head that starts at the center of the top of your forehead and ends at the center of the bottom of your beak.

Now, an extrusion is forming on the left and right sides of your head that is shaped like a hollow sphere that has been cut in half. It is as wide as your eyes are and it is horizontally and vertically aligned with them. There is a horizontal slit in them that is one tenth as tall as the extrusions are and that is vertically centered on it. It goes from the left side of the extrusions to the right side. Also, there is a circular hole in the extrusions on the side of them closer to the front of your head. They are two tenths as wide as the extrusions are and they are vertically centered on the extrusions while the side of them closest to your head touches the edge between the extrusions and the rest of your head.

The insides of these extrusions will always look pitch black and they will obscure most of your vision, giving you the constant feeling that you are in something that was meant to be discarded, but you will find that this doesn’t bother you much if at all.

Then, you feel an extrusion start to grow on your back. Although it is one mass we will be describing it as if it is divided into eight parts that seamlessly connect and overlap with each other. Each part starts from the center of the back of your torso and is half an inch thick. Also, they are all shaped like rectangles with varying heights and are as long as your torso is wide. Additionally, they are all rotated thirty degrees backwards from pointing in the direction that they grow in, with the first, third, fifth, and seventh ones growing to the left while all of the other ones grow to the right.

The first two start out being one third as tall as your torso is, but the top side of them very quickly slopes downwards two fifths of the way across them so that they are only one sixth as tall as your torso is. They are each rotated thirty degrees upwards.

The third and fourth ones start out being one third as tall as your torso is. Then, half way across them the bottom side of them very quickly slopes downwards an inch. Next, three fourths of the way across the bottom sides of them they very quickly slope upwards so that they are only half as tall as your torso is.

The fifth and sixth ones start out being one third as tall as your torso is, but the bottom side of them instantly goes upwards half of the way across them so that they are only one sixth as tall as your torso is. They are each rotated thirty degrees downwards.

Unlike all of the others, the last two are only one eighth as long as your torso is wide and they start out being one sixth as tall as your torso is. Also, their height doesn't change at all and they are rotated sixty degrees downwards.

After all of that, a circular hole forms in the center of the extrusion on your back that is as wide as your torso is, causing the extrusion to be cut into two pieces. This hole will always be pitch black, and as soon as it forms you feel yourself getting lighter and lighter until you feel like nothing more than a hollow husk, and that’s exactly what you’ll have become. 

Then, you will feel as if your soul is materializing within your husk of a body as it becomes helplessly trapped in this abandoned shell of a creature. Of course, you will know that you can always leave this form by using the reset phrases, and you will know that your soul will leave it with you.

Also, despite not having anything physical inside of you you will still have to do the same things that you have to do in order to maintain your body as before the transformation began, and with the exception of your sight your senses will also be just as good as they were before the transformation began. Additionally, while you will no longer see your chest move in accordance to your breathing you will still feel yourself breathe.

While all of this might bother you and make you feel uncomfortable, you will find that it never does so to a large degree.

Next, an object forms above your head that is shaped like a 3D crescent. However, this crescent forms nine tenths of a circle instead of half of one. It is pure white and is orientated so that the gap between the ends of the extended crescent is centered on where the back of it would be if it were a complete circle and not a crescent. Also, it will move and rotate in accordance with your head and when anything touches it that thing will pass through it as if the crescent were made of smoke. 

As this happens your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that you will find that when you aren’t moving a part of your body it immediately stiffens up. This will make it impossible for you to go limp and you will strongly prefer to leave a part of your body that is stiff in the position that it is in instead of moving it. However, when you really need to do something this will not happen in the parts of your body that you need to do that thing.

The second mental change is that you will be incapable of flinching when you have good reason to believe that you won’t actually get hurt. It’s not a matter of whether or not you want to flinch, it’s that you will be physically and psychologically incapable of flinching in that situation.

Now, know that the following mental changes will only happen if your mind thinks that you will not dislike them.

The third mental change is that when you have gone completely stiff and there is nothing that you need to do your mind will go blank as your consciousness will lose track of time as you stare at nothing with your eyes wide open and a neutral expression on your face. That isn’t to say that your mind will have lost track of time, but your consciousness will be unable to access that information in your mind. While you are in this blank state you won’t feel happy or sad, in fact, you won’t feel anything at all. However, every twenty minutes your mind will make you aware of the time and you will think about if there is anything that you need to do. If there is, you will leave this blank state, if there isn’t you will forget that you ever thought about whether or not you needed to do something as your mind goes blank for another twenty minutes as the cycle repeats. Additionally, you will instantly leave this blank state if your mind detects an emergency, thinks that someone is trying to get your attention, or if something touches you.

The fourth and final mental change is that you will not speak unless you deem it to be absolutely necessary.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Shedinja. I wonder if you will find this form as spooky as others find you when you are in it. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my spooky friend.

Add-on for Anthro scolipede transformation : Scolipede dreams (no induction)


This file makes it so that when you use the activation phrase “Activate add-on for anthro Scolipede tf.”, the effects that are about to be described will become active. Additionally, the effects that are about to be described will become inactive when you use the deactivation phrase “Deactivate add-on for anthro Scolipede tf.”.

Long story short, when you try to sleep you will instantly do so and enter into a dream world. In that dream world you will be a Scolipede and become the leader of the tribe that you are a part of. After you go to sleep in the dream world your actions will be your own instead of being predetermined. (sorry if I didn’t give enough details, I didn’t want to make this to long)

This request was really fun to do! I was able to practice my creative writing some more, and the story itself was really interesting to work with. That being said, there is something about it that is bothering me, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to make a change to you, or reinforce the change if it has already been made. The change is that when you use the activation phrase “Activate add-on for anthro Scolipede tf.”, the effects that are about to be described will become active. Additionally, the effects that are about to be described will become inactive when you use the deactivation phrase “Deactivate add-on for anthro Scolipede tf.”.

Now the effects will be described.

When you try to fall asleep with the effects of the trigger phrase “I am an anthro Scolipede.” or “You are an anthro Scolipede.” active, you will instantly fall asleep when you try to and then immediately start to dream. In these dreams you will be a normal Scolipede instead of an anthro one. Also, the world that you experience in these dreams will be consistent, ensuring that no time passes and that nothing changes within it between when you wake up and when you next go to sleep. Also, when you do eventually wake up you will remember your time in the dream world fully, and find that the thought of it always makes you happy because being in it is always a pleasant experience over all, and that not being in it never causes you to feel any negative emotions. 

The first time that you enter this dream world it will be mid afternoon and you will have just started the short walk back to your tribe’s camp having just driven off a Serperior that had ventured too far into the tribe’s territory. Being the largest and oldest tribe in the forest, it’s not uncommon for Pokémon to accidentally wander into the tribe's territory, so you were surprised when the Scolipede that leads the tribe decided to oversee your post today. They are much older and bigger than you are, but you’ve never found their presence to make you feel inferior.

You are talking to the tribe’s leader about a way to improve the camp’s defences, and during a break in the conversation they mention that they will soon be passing on the role of being the tribe’s leader since they are starting to become too old to keep the tribe going.

They then tell you that they’ve been thinking that you would be a perfect leader for the tribe, and the determination, strength, and skill that you showed in driving off the Serperior has only made them more sure of this.

What you hear leaves you completely shocked and you have to stop for a few seconds to properly process what your leader just said to you. They are the leader of the tribe and you had looked up to them even before they became the tribe’s leader.

Seeing the shock on your face they tell you that it’s not actually that hard to be the tribe’s leader before urging you to get moving before it gets dark.

You arrive at the tribe’s camp just as the sun starts to turn the sky orange. The camp is in a massive open field and contains huts that serve as the homes for the members of the tribe. They are made of sticks, leaves, branches, stones, rocks, and whatever other materials are easily accessible. You think about how the camp has been your home for your entire life as you watch some Veh-knee-peeds and Whirl-ipeeds, as well as a few other Pokémon, playing together in the afternoon light. You also notice some Scolipedes and some of the older Whirl-ipeeds helping out the other tribe members as you start to reminisce about when you were a Whirl-ipeed.

Your reminiscing is interrupted by the tribe’s leader asking you to follow them home and you start to follow them into the camp.

Once you get to the leader’s home they invite you in, starting to tell you the duties of leading a tribe as great as their own once you are inside. Curious as to why they are telling you this, you ask them why, and they tell you that in a few hours they are going to make you the tribe’s leader so they are telling you some things that will help you become just as great, nay, an even better leader than them. That is, if you are willing to accept such a role. Shock, amazement, excitement, anxiety, and pride all mix together as in a stuttering voice you tell them that you would be honored to become the tribe’s leader. You, the leader of the tribe? You never thought that this day would come. Sure you are the oldest Scolipede in the tribe aside from the current leader, but you always assumed that a younger Scolipede would be given the role.

Noticing how overwhelmed you seem the leader reassures you once more that the responsibilities of being a leader aren’t that demanding. Sure there might be a day or two when you have to defend from invaders, but aside from that it isn’t that hard and even if the tribe was being invaded you are more than capable of defending it on your own from any threat that you are likely to face, and with the tribe’s warriors backing you up there is nothing that you can’t take down.

The look on your face makes it clear that you are feeling better, and just to make sure that you fully calm down the leader reminds you that “Being the oldest tribe in this whole forest, we don't have many enemies.”. Then, they say "If you need me to explain anything that I already have or that I am about to explain to you again, you are free to ask me things as many times as you like until you fully understand everything.". They proceed to tell you the duties of being the leader of a tribe, explaining that those duties include, but are not limited to, helping your tribe members as well as any non-tribe members that are staying in your camp, making sure that the guard and soldier Scolipedes are properly equipped to defend the tribe, as well as assigning them to do things like defend something or scout out another tribe, making sure that everyone is alright after an attack ends, meeting with other tribes if they require your presence, and making sure that the Pokémon in the camp don’t get into fights with each other.

Once they are done telling you everything they ask you if you have any questions, and once all of your questions have been answered the leader tells you that you are free to ask them anything until the passing of leadership which is in about an hour. Once the ceremony starts, you will not be allowed to ask them any questions until the role of leader has been passed on, and should you decline it they will have no choice but to choose someone else.

You spend the next hour or so doing as you see fit. By now the setting sun has turned the sky a vibrant shade of orange and the clouds a most vivid shade of hot pink, all while reducing the trees at the edges of the into nothing more than black silhouettes.

You can barely contain your excitement as you rush to the camp’s square having just been told that the passing of leadership will begin in a few minutes. The square is fairly large and is located in the middle of the camp, serving as both a place for official meetings and social gatherings. In the middle of the square is a large stone that is many times bigger than you are, but it’s just short enough for Scolipedes to easily walk onto it.

The ceremony begins just as you arrive and you see the leader step on top of the rock in the square’s center. Once they are on it they start to deliver a magnificent speech about how they are starting to reach the age where they can no longer be an effective leader, and excited whispers go through the gathered crowd as they announce that they will be passing on the role of leader tonight. They pause briefly, proceeding to announce that they have already chosen you to be the tribe’s new leader as they tell of your great strength and spirit. They then speak of how you valiantly “helped defend the tribe from an attacker earlier today, a wild pokemon that got too close to the tribe.”. Having said all of this they gesture for you to come up onto the rock.

You do as your leader wishes, and once you are there they use one of their claws on the rock to draw half of the purple symbol that adorns the sides of your body. This symbol is also the mark of what will soon be your tribe. Once they finish drawing half of it, they say that "Once you have finished the Mark of the Tribe, you will become the leader of the tribe.". They then ask you if you are ready, and you willingly albeit hesitantly say yes. Once you do, they give you their final command as your leader and tell you to finish the mark. Using one of your claws you draw the second half of the symbol and the former leader says “I now pronounce you the leader of our tribe!”. And with that cheering rings out from the crowd, but it is quickly silenced as the former leader gets everyone’s attention, asking that they be referred to as elder from now on, and you and your tribe agree to do it.

After this you and the elder walk off of the rock as a night of celebration and festivities begins. After having celebrated for a while it gets really dark, and everyone heads home for a good night's sleep. As you head home you reflect on how this tribe raised you, how you guarded it with your life, and how you now lead it, and you couldn’t be any prouder. On your way home you cross paths with the elder, and they stop you and tell you that they forgot to tell you a bunch of stuff earlier, proceeding to tell you that you can talk to them whenever you want if you need any advice or assistance at any time. They also say that when meeting with other tribes it is important to keep in mind that they are smaller than your own, so pokémon from other tribes might feel intimidated by you and your tribe. They continue on to remind you that while wars are very uncommon, your actions when you visit other tribes will strongly influence whether or not war is declared on your tribe, and should war be declared on your tribe it is your duty to defend it. They continue on to explain that while meeting other tribes you will be required to answer any questions that they ask. They then tell you that they will be able to go with you to other tribes as a sort of advisor and that you are not allowed to leave the tribe unless it is absolutely necessary when there is a meeting coming up in the next three days. They wrap things up by reminding you that while most of the tribes are run by Pokémon, some of them are run by humans, for instance the one that is in the giant castle that can be seen from anywhere in the forest. They then apologize for having forgotten to tell you all of this before you became the tribe’s leader, embarrassment mixed with a bit of shame evident in their voice. After they tell you all of this you thank them for telling you and tell them that it’s fine that they forgot and that it doesn’t make you any less happy about being the tribe’s leader. You then tell them that you are really worn out from everything that has happened today so you will need most of it re-explained tomorrow. They tell you that they understand and that it’s perfectly fine, so you resume your walk home. Once you get home you have no trouble falling asleep as you think about the wonderful future that is in store for you.

Once you have fallen asleep in the dream world, anything can happen and you will be able to do pretty much whatever you want, but there are some limitations that you won’t consciously be aware of, but that will subconsciously guide your actions. They are that you will be unable to neglect your duties as the tribe’s leader, and that you will be unable to intentionally bring harm to your tribe by doing things like declaring war unless you think that it is absolutely essential for the future well being of your tribe.

Now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have the ability to enter this amazing dream world, and can lead your own tribe because of it. I wonder how the tribe will fare under your leadership. This session is almost over, so goodbye my friend, I know that you’ll be a great leader!

Rhotacize (no induction)


This file give you the trigger phrase “I will now rhotacize.” If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now rhotacize.”, you will pronounce W like R. Additionally, you will instantly stop pronouncing W like R when you use the reset phrase “I will no longer rhotacize.”, or when someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You will no longer rhotacize.”.

This request was easy to do #ShortScript


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now rhotacize.” If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now rhotacize.”, you will pronounce double yous like Rs.

Additionally, you will instantly stop pronouncing double yous like Rs when you use the reset phrase “I will no longer rhotacize.”, or when someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You will no longer rhotacize.”.

Now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have a trigger that will make you pronounce double yous like Rs. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my rhotacizing friend.

Sleeping with foxes (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now sleep with foxes.”. When you use this trigger phrase you will look for a good place to sleep and go there (or the ground if you can’t find anywhere nearby but there are suggestions to make it not feel uncomfortable). Once you have done this a bunch of foxes of your favorite species will snuggle up with you. The foxes will be gone when you wake up. There are a few other effects but this sums it up pretty well.

This file was really easy (as in less than 24 minutes easy) to make! I randomly got this idea as I was lying in bed this morning and decided to turn it into something that other people can experience. I don’t know if I’ve ever said this but I really like foxes (as animals, not as pets. Dogs will always be number one in that category). Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now sleep with foxes.”. When you use this trigger phrase the effects that are about to be described will happen.

Now the effects will be described.

First, you will find that you feel extremely tired. You will then look for a good place to sleep, ideally your bed, and do what you normally would if you were going to sleep there. If you can't find a good place to sleep near by you will lay down on the ground, finding it to be just as comfortable as any bed would be.

Then, a bunch of foxes will come out from somewhere where you aren’t looking and go to you.

Their species will be your favorite species of fox and you won’t be able to stop yourself from thinking about how cute they look and how luxurious their fur must be. They will push and nuzzle you into as comfortable a position as you can be in, and once you are in that position they will snuggle up against you, ensuring that you stay warm and cozy.

Once this has happened you will find that any desire that you have to move is greatly reduced as you start to drift off to sleep with your fox friends.

When you eventually wake up you will find that your new friends are gone, but you will know that they will be happy and willing to help you sleep again whenever you use the special words that lets them know that you want their help, or even just to be with them.

By the way, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have this nice new trigger, and can get help sleeping from some fox friends as a result. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my soon to be fox snuggling friend.

Anthro Snivy transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Snivy”, or when someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Snivy”, you will transform into an anthro Snivy at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Snivy”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Snivy.”.

This file was pretty fun to make. That being said, I did get into a writing funk and put it off for a few days. However, I’m really happy to have it done and the story that I made for it had exactly the feel I wanted (especially in the post transformation part). By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


I want you to imagine something. I want you to imagine that you are walking through a forest on a Summer day in the late afternoon. The few clouds in the sky are moved by a light breeze as the setting sun causes them to take on a light pink color. Imagine the look of the light as it filters through the trees, feel the cool Summer air against your skin, and hear the birds chirping as you get drawn into this world in much the same way that one gets drawn into a book.

You are walking home from the village where you work, but you are not doing so in modern times. No, you are doing so in days long forgotten when Pokémon and magic ruled the Earth.

As you walk you think about your home. It’s a small wood cabin with a porch. Near it is a large pond that is separated from your house by a natural lawn.

After a while you reach your house and head inside. It’s been a long day so you change into a long, silky, dark red robe that you have. It took you several months to save up enough money for the robe, but it was definitely worth it. It’s so soft and silky that you can’t help but relax as you put it on. Then, you make your favorite tea. You use a special herb that grows in the forest around your house that gives it a wonderful flavor and an excellent taste unlike any other kind of tea that you’ve had.

With your robe on and a nice mug of tea in hand you walk outside and sit on your porch. It’s a bit later now and the sky has turned a cotton candy blue while the few clouds that remain have turned a pretty shade of cotton candy pink.

As you sit and enjoy the scenery you think about what makes today so special. Today a member of the town will become it’s guardian. That is, if there is someone worthy of such a role. You remember being told about how long ago a Snivy guarded this town. This Snivy was special in that it could talk to humans and that it was strong enough to take down even the mightiest of Pokémon. Unfortunately, it was killed by an unknown person with a special poison made from a now extinct plant. With its last words, it said that every year on this day its spirit will search for someone that is worthy to be the town’s guardian. When it does, it will possess them and make them more like it and they will guard the village for as long as there is a village to guard.

As you are sitting on your porch you see fireworks start to go off, and they are just as beautiful in the sky as they are reflected in the pond. Luckily for you, your house is far enough away that the fireworks aren’t super loud, but they are still loud enough to easily hear.

As you watch the beautiful and mesmerizing fireworks I am going to count from one to ten. With each number that I count, you will take a sip of your tea which has reached the perfect temperature as you sink deeper into trance.

One. As you take your first sip of the tea you feel any excess tension in your muscles go away.

Two. You feel your mind calming down.

Three. You let out a quiet happy sigh as you become more and more relaxed.

Four. Savoring the wonderful taste of the tea for a moment as it brings you deeper into relaxation.

Five. Going deeper and deeper.

Six. Your mind is settling down as your thoughts become quiet.

Seven. Starting to feel a bit tired because you are so relaxed.

Eight. Your cares and worries are drifting away.

Nine. Your mind is silent

And ten. You are calmer and more relaxed than you have ever been.

Now, feel a sense of calm and relaxation come over you that is different from the one that you are currently experiencing as a transformation begins that will affect you in the real world as well as in this one.

In the real world, when you use the trigger phrase “I am a Snivy”, or when someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Snivy”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Snivy”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Snivy.”.

These triggers will only affect you in the real world and will not affect you in the one that you are experiencing now. In this one, the transformation will be permanent and can’t be undone.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as your skin turns cream colored, any hair that you have falling out and disappearing as it happens.

After that, the bottom half of the back of your torso extends backwards in the shape of a cone that points away from you and that curves upwards on the top and bottom sides of the base of it so that it seamlessly connects to the rest of your torso. You will be able to control this extension but you can not do so to such a degree that the end of it points even slightly forwards.

Now, another layer of skin forms on your body that is as thin as a leaf. It is light green and covers the top and back halves of your head, as well as the left, right, and back sides of your torso. Also, the green skin follows the curve between your torso and the extension of it so that it goes from being on the back, left and right sides of your torso to being on the top, left, and right sides of your torso over the course of a ninety degree curve.

Next, the front half of your head stretches forwards so that it is fifty percent longer than it had been. It does this in such a way that it forms the shape of a cone that starts out pointing straight forwards but curves upwards a bit over the course of the last half of it.

Then, the skin turns black to form two thin horizontal lines that span the front of your torso. One of them is vertically located on the edge between the top and front of your torso while the other one is located just a bit more than three fourths of the way up your torso.

Now, your eyes stretch equally in all directions so that they are twice as large as they had been.

Then, they move onto the sides of your head so that the back edge of them is only one inch further forward than the edge between the front and sides of your neck.

After that, another leaf-like layer of skin forms on your torso. It is shaped like a crescent that spans the left, right, and back sides of your torso. The ends of the crescent are located three fourths of the way up your torso on the edges between the sides and front of your torso, and it is one fourth as tall as your torso is. Also, while the bottom edge of the part of the crescent that is on your back stays as it is, the top edge of it curves upwards onto your neck, coming to a point at the middle top of the back of your neck. Additionally, there is another extension in the shape of a yellow strip that extends straight downwards. It starts at the middle of the bottom edge of the crescent and is one fifth as wide as your torso is, but when it gets on to the part of the extension of your torso that is narrower than it started out being it will get narrower so that it covers the top of it but doesn’t go onto the sides of it, stopping at the tip of the extension.

Additionally, this yellow layer of skin covers your eye lids. It also covers a triangular section of your skin on the left and right sides of your head. The two points that make up the triangles base are horizontally centered on the middle of the sides of your neck that they are above, with one of them being vertically located on the edge between your neck and head and the other one being vertically aligned with the top of your eyes. The last point of each of the triangles is vertically centered on your eyes and located one inch back from the back edge of them. Also, the two non-base sides of the triangle each curve outwards so that together they form a continuous one hundred and eighty degree curve.

Next, feel a paper thin leaf-like extension growing from the extension of your torso that is made of three sections. They are shaped like raindrops that are level with the end of the extension of your torso that are each as wide and long as the extension of your torso is.

One of them is rotated thirty degrees to the left of the direction that the extension of your torso points. It is positioned so that the center of it is located one fourth as far to the left of the left edge of the extension of your torso as the main part of your torso is, and the bottom of it is level with half way down the extension of your torso. 

Another one of them is rotated thirty degrees to the right of the direction that the extension of your torso points. It is positioned so that the center of it is one fourth as far to the right of the right edge of the extension of your torso as the main part of your torso is wide, and the bottom of it is level with half way down the extension of your torso.

The last one points in the same direction as the end of the extension of your torso does and is vertically and horizontally centered on the tip of it.

Despite this new mass being made of three parts they seamlessly connect to each other making it look like they are all one part.

Now, feel two extrusions growing from your torso. They are shaped like ovals that come to a point at the ends of them instead of forming a continuous curve. One of them connects to your torso three fourths of the way up it on the edge between the left side of your torso and the front of it while the other one connects to your torso three fourths of the way up it on the edge between the right side of your torso and the front of it. They are twice as tall as your neck is and as wide as your arms are. They are rotated halfway between straight back and the sides of your torso that they are on, and they start out pointing straight up but continuously curve backwards then downwards so that the ends of them point straight down.

Next, your irises turn pale red.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that you will feel really happy and content when the leaf-like extension attached to the extension of your torso is in sunlight. In fact, if there is nothing that you need to do, if you aren’t hungry or thirsty, and if you aren’t in a place where you wouldn’t want to sit down for a while, you will find that if you sit down with that extension fully in sunlight you will feel as if you are rooted to the ground and be unable to stand up until either the extension is no longer mostly in sunlight, or one of the previously mentioned conditions is no longer met. That being said, you will have no desire to stand up. You will just happily exist wherever you are sitting, unable to leave your spot and happily thinking about how plant-like you are. After all, you will be rooted to the ground, and only plants are rooted to the ground, so when you are rooted to the ground you must be a plant. Over time, you will find that it is harder and harder to move and speak, until you can no longer do so until something causes you to regain the ability to stand up. Also, you will lose your ability to speak and move much faster if you are surrounded by plants, and you will lose those abilities almost instantly if you are in a plant that surrounds most of your body. All of that being said, all of these effects will go away and  you will be able to move and speak freely if something happens that makes you have a strong desire to leave your spot or if there is an emergency.

The second mental change is that you will feel really happy and energetic when you are in sunlight, you will feel normal when you are in non-sun light, and you will feel a bit down and really sluggish when you are in little to no light.

The third and final mental change is that you will feel really happy when you are around plants that are mostly green, and have a strong but easily controllable desire to be around them whenever it would be reasonable to.

What is described from now on will not happen when either of the trigger phrases is used.

With your transformation having been completed you just sit for a minute in stunned silence, both amazed and shocked by what has just happened.

Then, feeling as if you are being guided by someone or something you start to walk through the forest as you head back to the village.

And that’s how we’ve gotten here, my chosen one. Look! Do you see the village, do you feel your new connection to it? Yes, this is truly where you belong. Hear the people cheering for you? It is because they are in awe of you and respect you like no other. Isn’t the bond that you feel with each and everyone of them wonderful? Now, I know you didn’t used to spend that much time in town so go and explore it and get to know the people. Remember, while they are your people you are also theirs, and when they suffer you will feel their suffering, but when they are happy you too will feel their joy.

As you explore the village I will alter your mind in the real world, but neither you nor I will have any memory of me doing this or saying that I was going to. Also, while it will only take me mere moments to do this you will find that it feels like you have been spending hours in the village.

Now, let your subconscious mind know that you will be able to return to this world in your dreams, and that this dream world will be consistent, ensuring that no time passes and that nothing changes within it between when you wake up and when you next go to sleep. Also, when you do eventually wake up you will remember your time in this world fully, and find that the thought of it always makes you happy because being in it is always a pleasant experience over all, and that not being in it never causes you to feel any negative emotions.

Now that you’ve explored a good bit of the village I can sense a great tiredness within you. Tomorrow we shall organize the construction of a great temple for you to reside within when you are not needed, but tonight simply ask for a room in the inn. Also, you need not worry about people being willing to help with the construction of your temple, for I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they would be honored to have such a chance.

Oh look, you’ve just arrived at the inn, go on in and ask for a room. There you go, do you see the admiration in their eyes as they offer you a room free of charge? This is the admiration that the entire village has and will always continue to have for you.

Ah, this is a nice room. It’s been a long day, so why don’t you just get in bed and go to sleep. That’s it, just start to drift off to sleep.

Now, what I am about to say will not be remembered by me or you after you have made a choice. That choice is that you can either fall asleep in real life, and when you start to dream you will have just woken up in this world, you can wake up in real life and when you next go to sleep you will perceive yourself as having just woken up in this world, or you can leave this world within your mind but stay deeply in trance. As I’m sure you can guess if you pick this option you will wake up in this world once you start to dream.

I have one more change to your mind that I need to make, then you will be able to make your choice.

This change makes it so that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now my chosen one, it is time to make your choice.

Keep your hair when transformed (no induction)


This file makes it so that when you alter your perception of yourself (through hypnosis or other means), you will still have your hair should you perceive yourself as being a form that has a spot where it would make sense for there to be hair.

The effect of this hypnosis file will be deactivated when you use the deactivation phrase “deactivate hair retention.”, or when someone that you trust says your name and then the deactivation phrase. Additionally, the effect of this hypnosis file will become active again if you say the activation phrase “activate hair retention.”, or if someone says your name and then the activation phrase.

This was an easy file to make. I’ve had this idea for a while and did have time to do a full first draft of a script because I was going out to 4th of July fireworks, so I decided to throw this together. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to make a change to you, or reinforce the change if it has already been made. The change is that when you alter your perception of yourself, either by hypnosis or through other means, you will still have your hair if the form that you perceive yourself as has a place where it would make sense to have hair.

This effect will be deactivated when you use the deactivation phrase “deactivate hair retention.”, or when someone that you trust says your name and then the deactivation phrase. Additionally, the effect of this hypnosis file will become active again if you say the activation phrase “activate hair retention.”, or if someone says your name and then the activation phrase.

Now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have this trigger, and can have your hair in whatever form you want. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my hypnotized friend.

Anthro scolipede transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Scolipede.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust Says the trigger phrase “You are a scolipede.”, you will transform into an anthro Scolipede at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Scolipede.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Scolipede.”.

This request was surprisingly easy to do. That being said, I did have a lot of trouble coming up with ways to handle Scolipede’s unique geometry, but practice makes perfect. Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Scolipede.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust Says the trigger phrase “You are a scolipede.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Scolipede.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Scolipede.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a weak tingling sensation all over your body as most of your skin turns black with the skin turning maroon on your head from the top half of your eyes up with the exception of your eyelids. Your skin also turns maroon on your arms and legs but not your elbows and knees.

Then, feel a pulling sensation on the left, right, and back sides of your torso as extrusions start to form. They are shaped like 3D crescents that form a continuous curve at the ends instead of a point and only start getting narrower two inches away from the ends of them. They wrap all the way around the sides of your torso and are each as wide and half as long as your torso is as well as one fourth as tall as it. They are horizontally centered on the center of your back and are vertically located one eighth, three eights, five eights, and seven eights of the way up the back of your torso.

On the left and right sides of these extrusions there is a pale purple symbol shaped like an oval that comes to a point on the side of it that is closer to your back instead of forming a continuous curve. These symbols are horizontally and vertically centered on the sides of your extrusions that they are on and are half as wide and tall as them. Additionally, there is a maroon colored symbol inside of each of the purple ones. It is shaped, centered, and oriented just like the purple ones are, but it is only half as big as they are.

Furthermore, there is a black section on each of your extrusions that is shaped like a triangle. The base of it goes along the top edge of your extrusions and is horizontally centered on them, as well as one third as wide as the extrusions are while the point of the triangles are also horizontally centered on your extrusions but they are vertically located half way down them.

Moreover, there is a claw located on both the left and right sides of your extrusions that is vertically centered on your extrusions as well as located one inch back from where your extrusions reach the edge between the front and sides of your torso. They are shaped like pale purple cones that curve down slightly and are one inch tall and wide, as well as three inches long. They are made of a strong and durable material and end in a dull point.

Next, your head stretches forwards so that it is fifty percent longer than it had been.

Now, your toenails disappear, the black skin that replaces them leaving behind no trace of their existence.

After that, feel your toes merging and changing shape to form one mass that is shaped like a cone that has been cut in half. It is as wide and tall as your feet are and it connects to your feet where your old toes used to.

After that, feel a tingling sensation on your upper lip as it becomes just like your skin. Then, it stretches outwards two inches, curving downwards and getting narrower as it does so that it ends in a dull point that points straight down and that is level with the bottom of your lower lip. As all of this is happening, your lower lip disappears.

Now, feel two round pulling sensations on the back of your torso. They are located one fourth and three fourths of the way across your back and are vertically centered on the base of your spine. They are each one fifth as wide as your torso is and two fifths as tall as your torso is wide. Also, they are composed of two parts. The first part is shaped like a cylinder that is as long as your torso is and bends down so that the top of the end of it is level with the bottom of the base of it. It does this in such a way that the base and the end of it are parallel to each other. The first half of it is maroon colored while the second half of it is pale purple.

The base of the second part of these extrusions are the end of the first part of the extrusions. They are shaped like cones that are fifty percent longer than your torso is and bend upwards twice as much as the first parts bent down. They do this in such a way that the dull point at the end of them points straight back. They are mostly maroon colored but the second and fourth fifths of them are pale purple.

Additionally, the edge between the base of these extrusions and your torso is rounded.

Next, feel a round pulling sensation one fourth and three fourths of the way across the top of your head as extrusions grow on them that are almost identical to the ones on your back. They are as far back as your ears are and the only difference between them and the ones on your back is that they point straight up and that the first part of them curves forwards instead of downwards while the second part of them curves backwards instead of upwards.

After that, feel your eyes becoming equally wider and taller in all directions so that they are one fourth as wide as your head is long and twice as tall as they had been. Also, the whites of your eyes turn dull orange while your pupils and irises become half as wide as they had been and change shape so that they come to a point at the top and bottom of them instead of forming a continuous curve. As this happens your irises turn black.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Scolipede. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my maroon colored friend.

Protogen induction (induction/sleep)


This file serves as an induction or a sleep file depending on if you have something queued to play after it. It gives you the trigger phrase “I want to be with the Protogen in the woods.” which can be used for reinduction, sleep aid, or just experiencing the world that this little story is set in (there is a one hour time limit). This is my second full effort attempt at making an induction and it is designed to be similar to the last one.

This request was a lot of fun to do. The base ideas were neat and I was able to make it have some of the key elements of my last one. Also, I plan to do some research on traditional inductions so that I can write better and more varied ones in the future. Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


I want you to imagine something, I want you to imagine that you are walking through a forest on a winter day just after it has snowed heavily. The sky is mostly cloudy and while the sun does shine through occasionally the light is usually dull. Imagine what the fresh snow looks like on the branches of the surrounding trees, hear as it crunches below your feet, and feel the cold wind against your warm clothing as you get drawn into this world in much the same way that one gets drawn into a book.

You’ve been hiking through the snow for a while now just enjoying the scenery. You’ve hiked this way so many times that you can easily follow it despite the snow hiding the packed down ground of the trail.

Everything is going normally until you see fresh prints in the snow that cross the trail that you’re on. While you would normally ignore random animal prints, these ones are really deep indicating that they are from a fairly heavy creature and you’ve never seen any prints like these. With these abnormalities in mind and your curiosity peaked you can’t help but follow them to see what is at the other end.

I am going to count from five to one. As I do, you will go deeper and deeper.

One. Starting to follow the prints deeper.

Two. Going a little bit deeper.

Three. Deeper and deeper.

Four. Going so very Deep.

And five. Deeper than you’ve ever been before.

You continue to follow the prints for a while and eventually see what looks like a futuristic hut, and the prints seem to be heading straight to it. You stop when you reach the point where the prints disappear into the hut. When you do, you are surprised to see a green light being emitted from the hut as it sweeps up and down your body as if it is scanning you.

After a few seconds go by, the light disappears and you hear a beep as a door slides open in front of you to reveal a room that has many interesting things in it. However, you barely even notice this as your attention is drawn to what appears to be a mechanical robot that is humanoid but also possesses many animalistic features like fur and paws. You notice that the creature has a visor with a face displayed on it, and you instantly recognise this creature: it’s a Proto-gen. 

You are completely shocked having previously believed these creatures to only exist in works of fiction. Unsure of what to do, you step back and accidentally trip on an icy root. The snow absorbs most of the impact as you fall backwards, but you are still left feeling a bit dazed and disoriented.

The Proto-gen walks to you and looks down at you with the look of someone who has found a person that they were looking for. Confused and nervous, you stay still unsure of what to do until you hear a quiet and somehow pleasant buzzing sound coming from within the Proto-gen. As the sound reaches your ears you find that you feel strangely comfortable around the Proto-gen, almost as if you have known them for your entire life.

They reach down with a paw to help you up and you take it, after which they ask you if you are alright in a voice that somehow sounds both completely natural and completely robotic at the same time. You tell them that you are and ask them if they are a Proto-gen, and they confirm your belief as well as tell you their name. They then tell you that the reason that you feel so comfortable around them is that they activated one of the cybernetic devices within them because they could tell that you were feeling stressed and uneasy around them. They offer to turn it off but you decline, knowing that nothing good will come of it.

You start to ask them a barrage of questions but they stop you, stating that you can’t be very comfortable out here and offer to answer all of your questions inside.

As they lead you inside you see everything within it change as tools and workstations disappear in part of it only to be replaced by a couch positioned in front of a somehow smokeless fireplace. You assume that this is done through some kind of nano-bot technology, but you really have no idea.

The two of you sit down on the couch as the warm fire heats you up and you start to ask them questions. However, when they try to answer almost any question about things that you haven’t already figured out they suddenly say - “Error: wild animals are not allowed to receive this information.”. After a little while they tell you to give them a minute as they think about something, after which they tell you in a very roundabout way that if you were to become their companion, they would be able to speak freely to you. However, your life in many ways would be like that of a pet, and you would take on a form much like their own. You also wouldn’t be able to live amongst humans ever again. They then tell you one last thing and it’s that they intentionally left the prints to lead you here because your mind is very special in that your personality could easily be manipulated if you were to be turned into a Proto-gen. In fact, this attribute stems from the very same trait that makes it possible for you to become a Proto-gen because of how the neural interface works.

You think about their offer for a while and ask them some more questions before finally telling them that you accept it.

They tell you that they are very happy as you start to feel a tingling sensation in your feet as nano-bots alter their very DNA while transforming your feet into paws with claws. As this happens a strong feeling of platonic love for the other Proto-gen floods your mind and you know that it will never go away as you start to lean against them.

Next, you feel the tingling sensation spread to your lower legs as fur grows on them while both them and your feet change shape to make walking digitigrade come naturally to you. While this is happening you notice that the buzzing sound that the Proto-gen was making has gone away, but you still feel the comfort that you had thought could only come from knowing someone for your entire life.

After that, the tingling spreads to cover you from the waist down as large structures are made on your upper legs as metal bands are created around the affected part of your torso. With the completion of this phase of your rapid evolution the presence of the Proto-gen starts to make you feel very safe and secure as you rest your head on their shoulder.

Then, the tingling sensation spreads up the rest of your torso as a chest plate is constructed around the top third of it while fur is grown on the rest of it. As this happens you feel an uncontrollable sense of loyalty towards them, and from that loyalty comes strong pride and joy.

Now, the tingling sensation is spreading faster as it quickly covers both your arms and hands as your hands and nails are turned into paws and claws. Simultaneously, metal structures are formed on your shoulders all while that familiar fur is grown on your arms. As this happens you feel helplessly yet wonderfully obedient to them, and before you know it your head is resting on their lap. You think that you saw them motion for you to do this but if they did you reacted so fast that you couldn’t consciously process the command. But that doesn’t matter right now because you're just happy to be with them like this.

Next, you feel a strong pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a wonderfully long, furry, and fluffy tail starts to grow. This isn’t some small rough furred tail, this is a tail that you can take pride in. As it grows you wrap it around the Proto-gen affectionately, placing the end of it just below your head to serve as a nice little pillow.

Finally, the tingling sensation spreads up your neck and covers your head, covering them in fur and changing your ears, then finishing off by creating the particle visor around your face. The visor turns on and you blackout for a few seconds as the system configures itself for the biomechanical lifeform that it has just been installed on. 

Once it does, your vision is entirely black except for the words “Welcome to Proto-gen-O-S: Human build”. After you have read those words the text disappears and your external optical sensors activate allowing you to see once more.

You want to examine your new body but the Proto-gen that your system has identified as master slash owner slash controller is petting your new furry head and it feels so good that you can’t bring yourself to move away, so you nuzzle them a little as you let out a happy sigh. Your new system gives you all sorts of information about them like the name of their home planet and the fact that they are a researcher studying Earth’s organic life. You receive and process all of this information faster than you can blink, and it only serves to make you like your owner even more.

Once you do, your owner tells you that you now have three designations: your old name, pet, and companion. As they say this you find that you now associate with the words pet and companion just like you associated with your old name.

They then tell you that you can now ask them questions and you do so, asking things about everything from why they chose to set up this base in the woods to what other planets are like, and they happily tell you, eager to finally have someone to talk to that is happy and willing to listen. Every now and then throughout your conversation they give you small compliments, and you find that those compliments mean the world to you. Also, they occasionally call you things like cute and adorable and your system emulates the feeling of blushing as it adjusts your digital face accordingly.

And that’s how we got here, my sweet little pet. Now, just relax as I stroke your furry head. That’s it, just let a wonderful tired and relaxed feeling come over you. Even if it doesn’t come naturally you don’t need to worry because your system will make you experience, feel, and do whatever I tell you to. For instance, I’m telling you to yawn and nuzzle up against me and as you can see you can’t help but do it, not that I can think of any reason that you wouldn’t want to. By the way, I can program your mind on a neurological level, ensuring that the changes that I make will affect you even when your mind leaves this world. However, you must want the change or changes to be made before you come here. Otherwise, they won’t affect you when your mind leaves. That being said, I might make some changes to your system without your permission, but those will only affect you while your mind is in this world. Also, you should know that your mind will eventually be forced to leave this world, but as long as you want your mind to return to this place you will sit or lay down when you say or think the phrase “I want to be with the Proto-gen in the woods.”, after which your mind will return here. When you do, I can use my neural programming skills to alter your mind in ways that will affect it even when it leaves this place, and if you just want to spend time with me I will happily accept your offer. In fact, I bet you would be very helpful when studying the organic life of this planet. I mean, have you ever seen the creatures in the deep sea? If you think that I look alien you should really see them! Now, I want you to know that because you are my precious pet, I will always try to make sure that you have a happy and good life (although on occasion I might make you do things that you don’t want to do when your mind is here). Also, if you come here wanting me to alter your mind it will return to your world once I have finished doing so, and the same goes for if I decide to alter it now, but if I do it will be in a way that you had planned on having it altered in before you came here. Additionally, If you come to me for any reason other than having your mind altered it will be forced to leave this place after an hour has passed in the normal world. Now look at me in the eyes, my precious little pet, my loving companion, my eager assistant. Yes, all of these things describe you perfectly. That’s it, just admire me as you rest your head in my lap while I gently stroke it. That’s it, just a good little pet. By the way, if you want me to help you sleep you can also come here seeking help with that, and when you do eventually fall asleep your sleeping mind will be transported back into the normal world.

Now, what I am about to say will affect your subconscious, but you will have no recollection of me having said it, and neither your system or mine will have any record of it, so I will now let your subconscious know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

After I finish this sentence you will no longer forget everything that I say and our systems will resume logging our conversations.

Oh my precious little pet, I can tell from the half circles on your face display that you are getting tired, so let your optical sensors turn off as I hold you against me in my embrace. To turn them off act as if you were closing your old organic eyes, and to turn them back on act as if you were opening them. Now, turn them on and off for me a few times, OK? That’s my good little pet. Now, just let them stay off as I count from ten to one. With every number that I count you will come closer to the edge of sleep, and if I stop talking you will fall asleep to the feeling of me slowly and relaxingly petting your head, and maybe even giving you some slow and almost hypnotic belly rubs. If you do hear hypnotic audio after I’m done counting you down you will be trapped on the edge of sleep and enter into trance, falling asleep once the hypnotic audio has stopped. Also, if the voice in the hypnotic audio doesn’t sound like mine, know that it is just me using a different voice configuration.

Now let’s count you down.

Ten. starting to feel more and more tired and relaxed.

Nine. Snuggling up against me as you enjoy my embrace and pets.

Eight. Sinking deeper and deeper.

Seven. Your mind starts to empty.

Six. You are oh-so very happy and content.

Five. Half way there now as your worries and cares leave your mind.

Four. My words becoming your thoughts.

Three. Unable to think on your own and just letting me think for you.

Two. So deeply entranced.

And One. Sleep.

Yoshi transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Yoshi.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Yoshi.”, you will transform into a (green) Yoshi at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Yoshi.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Yoshi.”

This request was pretty easy to do. As I worked on this I realized just how ridiculous Yoshi’s design is. Just look at that nose, it’s ridiculous! Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Yoshi.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Yoshi.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Yoshi.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Yoshi.”

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a weak tingling sensation all over your body as most of your skin turns green, with the skin on the front of your torso and neck, your cheeks, your face from the mouth down, the bottom of your torso, and the space between the front half of the base of your neck and the top of the front of your torso, turns white.

Then, two extrusions form on the top of your head that are shaped like vertical cylinders with tops that form a continuous curve. They are three fourths as tall as and half as wide as your head is. Their bases are located one fourth and three fourths of the way across the top of your head, as well as located so that the back of them is on the edge between the top and back of your head.

After that, your eyes move and change shape so that they each cover the entirety of the front of one of these new extrusions.

Additionally, you will find that your vision is just as good as it was before this transformation began despite how different your new and old eyes are.

Next, the bottom half of your torso bends forwards so that it forms a curve that starts out pointing straight forwards but ends pointing straight up. Of course, your torso will not actually have bent in this way, and you will act as you normally would, but you will perceive it as having bent and not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that this is not the case.

Now, your height is changing so that you are five feet and nine inches tall if that isn’t your current height. Of course, your height won’t actually be changing, but you will perceive it as having changed if you aren’t five feet and nine inches tall, and you won't be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you aren’t five feet and nine inches tall.

After that, all of your finger and toe nails disappear, the green skin that replaces them leaving behind no trace of their existence.

Next, your toes merge and change shape so that you have three toes on each of your feet. They are each one third as wide as your feet are and as long as your longest toe used to be.

Then, the side of your torso that points away from you gets longer, as well as narrower the further it goes resulting in it ending in a dull point. This new extension of your torso is half as long as your torso used to be and the bottom and back sides of it are white. Additionally, it gradually curves upwards so that the end of it points straight up.

Next, a small thin shell that is hard and durable as well as shaped like the top third of a hollow sphere forms on your torso. It is positioned on the center of the back side of the curve of your torso and it is as wide as your torso is. It is mostly red, but the edges of it are white. Also, The white edges look as if they have swelled in all directions so that they are twice as thick as your shell is.

Now, your nose is becoming shaped like a sphere that is as wide as your head is long. It attaches to the rest of your face in the same place that your old nose did, and your nose holes are still located as far to the sides as they had been, but they are now vertically located halfway up the curve between the front and top side of your new nose. Despite how big your new nose is, you will find that it doesn’t obstruct your vision at all.

After that, the middle finger on each of your hands shrinks away and disappears. Then, with the exception of your thumb your fingers move so that there is an equal amount of space between them. Next, all of your fingers become wider so that there is no space between their bases. Of course, your hands won’t actually have changed so that you only have four fingers on each of them, and you will use them as you normally would, but you will be incapable of perceiving yourself as not having four fingers on each of your hands and you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you don’t have four fingers on each of your hands.

Now, three orange and triangular extrusions are forming on the back of your head. Their bases are each one third as long as your head is tall and they are each one and a half inches tall. They are also an eighth of an inch wide and their bases follow the curve of your head. They are horizontally aligned with the center of the back of your head and are vertically located one sixth, three sixths, and five sixths of the way up your head. Additionally, they point away from whatever part of your head that they are on.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into a Yoshi, a fictional prehistoric creature. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my dinosaur friend.

Anthro blue wolf transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a blue wolf.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a blue wolf.”, you will transform into an anthro blue wolf at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a blue wolf.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a blue wolf.”.

This request was fun to do, as well as surprisingly short (not that I’m complaining). I thought the idea of changing the shape of the listener’s pupils was really neat, and they provided a lot of clear information about the design of this form which was really helpful. Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a blue wolf.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a blue wolf.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a blue wolf.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a blue wolf.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a thick coat of soft and fluffy fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Most of your fur is jean blue, but the fur goes from being jean blue to black over your elbows and knees, resulting in your lower arms and legs being covered in black fur. Also, the fur on the front and bottom sides of your torso, the front half of your neck, your face below your mouth, and the space between the front half of the base of your neck and the front of your torso, is white. Additionally, the fur on your hands and feet is red.

Then, your ears move to the top of your head as they become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half. Once this is done, you will be able to control which directions they face, being able to rotate them a total of 90 degrees, allowing them to face forwards, towards the side of your head that they are on, or anywhere in between. You will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the directions that they are facing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are facing, and less attention to sounds in the directions that they aren’t facing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

After that, you feel the underside of the last segment of each of your toes start to swell slightly as the fur on them falls out to reveal that the skin has turned black in those areas as well as become slightly leathery and squishy. This also happens on your heels in an area shaped like a rounded triangle, making it clear that these black sections are your new paw pads. The bases of the triangles span the entire back edge of your heels and the tips of them are on the center of the front edge of your heels.

Simultaneously, the fur on the underside of the last segment of each of your fingers as well as the fur on the palms of your hands falls out to reveal that the skin in those sections has swelled slightly and become just like the skin that makes up the paw pads on your feet.

Next, the fur on your head becomes longer as it turns black and starts to grow down the back and sides of your head so that it goes just past your shoulder blades. As this happens it becomes smooth and silky making it look more like hair than fur.

Then, your entire face stretches forwards to form a long muzzle. As this happens, your entire nose disappears except for your nose holes. They stay just as far to the left and right of the center of your head as they had been, but they are now located just below the edge between the top and the front of your muzzle.

Then, the fur on the front of your muzzle falls out in an area that is shaped like a triangle with the left and right points on the top left and top right corners of the front of your muzzle and the other point being located on and horizontally centered on the front of your muzzle, as well as located a bit below your nose holes. As the fur falls out it reveals that the skin in that area has become a black material that is slightly squishy and leathery.

Now, red claws that are made of a hard and durable material start to grow out of the front of your fingers and toes. Their bases are each one third as wide as the finger or toe that they are on and half as tall as that finger or toe. Also, they are horizontally and vertically centered on the finger or toe that they are on. They are half an inch long and gradually curve down and get narrower and thinner so that they each end in a dangerously sharp point that points straight down and that is level with the bottom of the finger or toe that they are on. Despite the fact that your claws are dangerously sharp, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

After that, feel a round pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow that is half as long as you are tall. It starts out being one third as wide as your torso is but gradually gets narrower until it ends in a dull point

Next, your pupils go from being shaped like circles to being shaped like diamonds, but their height and width stay the same.

Simultaneously, your irises turn a vibrant shade of blue that is so bright that they almost look neon blue.

As this happens your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that you will find that you are very loyal to your friends and family, and especially loyal to those that you consider to be your superiors in your family.

The second mental change is that you will become somewhat territorial resulting in you being somewhat hostile towards people going into what you consider to be your territory without your permission. That being said, you will always be able to control your hostility and prevent yourself from becoming hostile if you want to.

The third and final mental change is that when there is a full moon you will have a strong desire to howl, as well as when you hear something else howl or see text that represents the sound of a wolf or dog howling. This urge will always be controllable, but it will feel absolutely amazing to howl, and it will feel better the louder you do it and the longer you draw it out. Also, if you don’t have anyone to howl with you will find that your own howling will have the same effect on you that something else howling would.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro blue wolf. Soon I will say “awoo”, and when I do you won’t be able to resist howling in response, proceeding to get stuck in a howling loop with yourself for a few minutes, but if it would be undesirable for you to howl loudly you will just howl as quietly as you can. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my blue furred friend. Awoo!

Dug from star wars transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Dug from Star Wars.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Dug from Star Wars.”, you will transform into a Dug (this one has a kinda set speed). Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human when you use the reset phrase “I am not a Dug from Star Wars.”, or when someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Dug from Star Wars.”.

This request was challenging to do. The main reason for this had to work with a lot of stuff that I had little to no prior knowledge of. On an almost completely unrelated note, the way that Dug’s ears are designed seems to be very similar to a type of dragon ear. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Dug from Star Wars.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Dug from Star Wars.”, you will undergo the transformation and experience that you are about to undergo again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human when you use the reset phrase “I am not a Dug from Star Wars.”, or when someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Dug from Star Wars.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, you will sit or lay down if you are not already, closing your eyes once you are in position.

Once you have closed your eyes, what you perceive as reality and your role in it will be significantly different from what it is. You will believe that you are a star ship racer in the world of Star Wars. You had been saving up for a while and finally had enough credits to visit a resort. That resort is the very place that you find yourself in now. It took a while for you to reach this place since it is far from your home planet, but so far it has been completely worth it.

Today you are trying out the spa’s Bacta tank. While Bacta tanks are primarily used for healing, they have also been found to be very relaxing. You’ve just entered the room that it is held in and take a minute to admire the simple but pleasing design of the room. It seems to be designed to draw your attention to the Bacta tank while still making things look good no matter where you look.

The front of the Bacta tank is designed so that it can swing open, and inside of it you can see an oxygen mask. You walk inside the tank and strap on the mask. As soon as you do, the front of the tank swings shut and you hear the click of the tank’s lock engaging as it starts to fill with the blue liquid that you know to be Bacta. You feel incredibly relaxed as the liquid touches your feet making them go limp with relaxation. As the tank fills up the Bacta proceeds to relax your legs, then your hands and torso, then proceeding to relax your neck and finally your head as your body floats up and down slightly in the soothing micro currents within the tank.

You will perceive what you are about to experience as taking several hours, but in reality it will happen in mere minutes.

Now, something strange is starting to happen. You feel your arms shifting so that they are as strong as your legs are as your fingers become less dexterous. Simultaneously, your legs change so that they are as strong as your arms where, as well as so that there is another segment between your upper and lower legs that is shaped just like them and functions identically to them. While this is happening your feet become as dexterous as your hands used to be.

Then, your arms change once more so that they have the same range of motion that your legs used to have while your legs gain the range of motion that your arms used to have.

After this happens your mind changes so that it will seem normal to walk on your hands and hold things with your feet. 

Next, your feet change so that they are shaped exactly like your hands are, and then the middle finger on all four of your hands shrinks away and disappears, your two inner fingers moving inwards so that there is an equal amount of space between all of your fingers.

Of course, your legs, arms, hands, and feet won’t actually have changed, and you won’t actually walk on your hands and hold things with your feet, but you will perceive yourself as doing these things and will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that this is not the case.

While Normally something like this happening would cause at least a small amount of panic, the Bacta tank makes it impossible for you to be anything but happy and relaxed. In fact, you barely even notice how your body and mind are changing, you just enjoy the wonderful feeling of it.

After that, your eyes and the skin around them rotate forty five degrees outwards with the center of rotation for each of them being the point on them that is closest to the center of your head. Then, they move outwards horizontally so that the point on the side of them closer to your head is touching the side of your head. As this happens, skin forms around and behind your eyes to keep them properly connected to your head.

Next, your head changes shape so that it is as wide and tall as your neck is wide. Simultaneously, your face stretches forwards so that it is half as long as your head currently is.

Then, Your nose gets taller so that the top of it is level with the top of your forehead and wider so that it is as wide as your head is. Also, your nose holes change shape so that they are shaped like a cone that forms a continuous curve where it would normally be flat. The bottom of these cones are where your nose holes used to be centered, and the top of the one on the right is at the top right of your new nose while the top of the one on the left is at the top left of your new nose.

Now, any hair that you have falls out and is quickly dissolved by the bakta before the tanks automatic filter system quickly removes the dissolved form of it.

Then, two long extrusions of skin form on each side of your head. One of them on each side is vertically centered on your eyes and horizontally located half an inch back from them while the other one on each side is also vertically centered on your eyes but these ones are horizontally located one inch back from the front of your head.

Now, your neck is shifting so that it is twice as tall as it had been and so that over the first tenth of it it bends forwards ninety degrees. Then, your neck shifts so that it connects to your head at the center of the back of it, making it impossible to tell where your neck ends and your head begins.

After that, the base of your ears move so that they are vertically centered half way up your head and horizontally centered on the edge between your neck and your head.

Then, your ears begin to stretch backwards as they become twice as long as they had been while rotating outwards forty five degrees. As this happens, spines form that go from the center of the base of your ears to the back of your ears, with one going to the top of them, one going to four fifths of the way up them, one going to one fifth of the way up them, and with the last one going to the bottom of them.

With your transformation complete you drift in the Bacta tank for a while, just enjoying the relaxation and happiness that it brings you until the tank starts to slowly drain, an automated dryer system then evaporating all of the remaining Bacta without drying out your skin.

Having been fully transformed you step out of the Bacta tank and while you would normally panic at the sight of your new body, you are still so relaxed that you simply can’t panic. Also, you’ve heard of this happening on rare occasions as a result of the Bacta tank being set to the wrong species and it trying to “heal” you by altering your DNA and turning you into the species that it was set to. For this reason, a digital copy of your DNA sequence is made so that you can be restored to your original form if this happens. However, you recognise your new form as that of a Dug and think that you might want to stay in it for a while, perhaps even forever. Plus, if you ever wanted to change back you know that the spa is legally required to help you do so without charging you, even if it has been years since the incident occured. So having decided to keep this new form for a while you walk off to get your information updated. You know that the legal work will be rather annoying but you also know that it will be worth it.

Now it is time to leave this world that you have just experienced. However, you will be able to return to this world within your mind when you sleep. This dream world will be consistent, ensuring that no time passes and that nothing changes within it between when you wake up and when you next go to sleep. Also, when you do eventually wake up you will remember your time in that world fully, and find that the thought of it always makes you happy because being in it is always a pleasant experience over all, and that not being in it never causes you to feel any negative emotions.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into a Dug from the Star Wars franchise, and have a new world within your mind to explore as a result. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my four handed friend.

Hasdf's personal induction (no induction)


This file serves as an induction or a sleep file depending on if you have something queued to play after it. It gives you the trigger phrase “I want to be with the creature in the woods.” which can be used for reinduction, sleep aid, or just experiencing the world that this little story is set in (there is a one hour time limit). This is my first full effort attempt at making an induction and it is designed specifically to work for me, so I have no idea if this will work for anyone else. 

This file was fun to make. I randomly had a stroke of inspiration and decided to make this, and I’m really happy that I did. It has a lot of elements that work well for me and might finally provide a consistent way for me to enter trance. Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


I want you to imagine something, I want you to imagine that you are walking through a forest on a bright fall day. Imagine the sound of the orange, red, and brown leaves that crunch beneath your feet, feel the pleasant breeze as it blows on you, and see the barren trees as you get drawn into this world in much the same way that one gets drawn into a book.

The reason that you are in this forest is that all your life you’ve heard stories of a strange creature that lives in these woods. It is shaped like a human, but it has ears like that of a fox and is entirely covered in a coat of red fur. This creature is also rumored to have nine long and apparently fluffy tails. You always assumed that this was nothing but a TALL TAIL, but as of late you’ve been finding yourself drawn to the forest, as if something was calling for you with a voice that only you can hear.

You are as deep in the forest as you’ve ever been and as I count from five to one you will go even deeper.

Five. Going a little bit deeper.

Four. Starting to lose track of your surroundings.

Three. Going deeper and deeper.

Two. deeper than you’ve ever been before.

And one. Twice as deep as you’ve ever been.

You are now so deep in the forest that you are completely lost, but that feeling of being called to by something is so strong that you now even have a vague sense of where to go. After following this feeling for a few minutes you see a creature in the distance and instantly recognise it as the creature that is rumored to live in the forest. The creature sees you and you freeze not knowing what to do. However, you think that you can see a kind smile on its face as it motions for you to come to it. You do so with your curiosity far out weighing your fear. You aren’t sure how you know, but you are certain that this strange creature has no ill intent.

As you approach the creature, you feel a sense of calm come over you. Once you are within arms reach they gently wrap their arms around you, gently pressing the side of your head against their chest as they hold you close. You know that you should probably feel at least a little bit scared right now, but you just feel calm and relaxed, as well as a strong sense of belonging as they start to slowly and rhythmically run their fingers through your hair.

After a little while, they start to wrap their nine tails around you one at a time, and with each tail that they wrap around you the magic contained within them makes your mind easy to control and change. Each tail that they wrap around you feels like it is hugging you.

One. The first tale wraps around you and you feel a little bit more relaxed.

Two. The second tail wraps around you and you start to feel a little bit hazy.

Three. Their third tale wraps around you and your thoughts start to fade from your mind.

Four. With their fourth tail wrapping around you you find that your increasing relaxation is making it even harder to think.

Five. The fifth tail wraps around you and you start to give in to the haze that is clouding your mind.

Six. as the sixth tail wraps around you you start to embrace the fog that shrouds your mind because it feels so nice and relaxing.

Seven. As yet another tail wraps around you your mind is so very pliable and weak.

Eight. The eighth tail that wraps around you makes it so that you can't think straight. In fact, you can’t think at all.

And nine. The final tail wraps around you making it so that all it takes are mere words to manipulate and alter your enchanted mind.

As you stand in the creatures embrace they start to tell you things, and because of the enchantment that their tails have put on your mind, you find that they instantly become true.

They tell you that you feel overwhelming platonic love towards them and your heart becomes warm no matter how cold it was before. From your love for them comes unbreakable loyalty towards them, and from that comes both extreme pride and joy.

They tell you that you love to be in their embrace and you know that there is nowhere else that you would rather be.

They tell you that you are shy and you become shy.

They tell you that you are easily flattered and call you a good human, and you find that their compliment means the world to you.

They tell you that you are a bit needy, and you feel the need for them to pay attention to you.

They tell you that you are docile and obedient. Knowing these new things about yourself makes you feel even more loyal to them which makes the feelings of pride and joy that it brings even stronger.

They tell you that you can’t track time, and you start to wonder how long you have been with them, but you quickly decide to just enjoy the experience, no longer caring how much longer you will be able to enjoy it for.

They tell you that you act on impulse and instinct, and you find yourself snuggling into them as much as you can.

They tell you that you feel safe, relaxed, happy, calm, and content around them as you are filled with these emotions and feelings.

They tell you one last thing, and you know what they are going to say even before they say it. They tell you that you are their pet, and you know that that’s what you are.

You stay in their embrace for what could have been seconds or years, you don’t have the slightest clue. Once the unknown amount of time has passed, they release you both from their embrace and their enchantment, but the changes that they made to your mind stay. They then wrap one of their tails around one of your arms to make a sort of leash. They then start to walk off and tell you to heel, so you obediently walk besides them.

Eventually you reach a log cabin somewhere in the woods and they lead you inside. You don’t know exactly what time it is but you do know that it must be night because of how dark everything is. You would have been scared being this deep in the forest presumably late at night, but being near your owner prevents you from suffering from the dark.

Once you are inside the creature unwraps their tail and tells you that there are clothes for you in the bathroom, as well as where it is. The cabin is dimly lit by floating flames that cast a warm glow all over the cabin, but you are too focused on obeying your owner to even care about them right now. You go into the bathroom and close the door behind you before changing into your new clothes. Your new clothes consist of what is required to be considered decent, as well as a shirt and pair of pants that when put on, make it look like you are a fox from the neck down. There is also a pair of cartoonishly big fox gloves, a pair of socks with a fox paw design on them, and a headband with fox ears attached to it. You put everything on and find all of it to be softer, silkier, and fluffier than anything that you have ever felt with the sole exception of your owner’s fur. Also, you notice that the pants have a cute little fox tail attached to them that gives off the tell tale glow of an enchantment, but you can’t figure out what it is right now. You can’t help but look in the mirror and both admire how cute you look and be embarrassed by your new attire, you're an adorable little human in the world's cutest and most comfortable fox costume, you truly are a precious little thing.

Having gotten dressed in your new clothes you go back to your owner carrying your old ones. You ask them what to do with them and they tell you that you don’t need them any more and to give them to them. You do so and as soon as you do they burst into flames and are quickly vaporized. You jump back and let out a scared but adorable yip. It is at this time that you figure out how the tail is enchanted. The instant you got scared it tucked itself between your legs, so you think that it must move based on your emotions. You are proven right as it starts to wag back and forth because having potentially figured out what the enchantment is makes you happy.

Once you have fully regained your composure, your owner gives you a hug and apologizes for scaring you like that. You tell them that it’s alright as you nestle into them, your fox tail wagging behind you. They tell you that your tail is really cute and you thank them, feeling yourself blush slightly as you do. They then explain to you that your old clothes burnt up because they used their fire magic on them, and that that very same fire magic is what keeps the cabin lit. They also tell you that they have made it so that none of their fire will hurt you because they care about you so much. 

After another unknown amount of time has passed your owner pulls away from you and starts admiring and doting you. They shower you with praises and compliments about how good of a pet you are and how you look so cute and adorable, resulting in you turning into a shy blushing mess, but you love being praised and complemented so much that it more than makes up for this. After being praised and complimented for what at the very least felt like a long time your owner leads you to a living room that amongst other things has an empty fireplace with a couch in front of it. They sit on the couch and tell you to lay down on it and rest your head on their lap, after which they snap their fingers and the fireplace comes to life with warm and gentle flames that dance in the most beautiful and mesmerizing ways. As you lay down you ask them if it would be alright for you to snuggle with one of their tails. They chuckle a bit and tell you that it’s perfectly fine to do so. In fact, as they move one of their tails into easy reach they tell you that they like you snuggling with their tails, and even move one under your head so that it can serve as the best pillow that you’ve ever used.

And that’s how we got here, my sweet little pet. It’s been a long journey, but it has definitely been worth it, not that you could tell that it was long since you can’t keep track of time. And now I think that I’ll keep you here with me for a while. Maybe I’ll let you drift off to sleep, or maybe I’ll alter your mind more in ways that you desire, in ways that unlike the changes that I have already made, will affect you even when your mind isn’t in this place. Either way you’ll just have to wait and see, or should I say wait and listen? Regardless of what I do next, I’m going to rub your belly and stroke your hair for a while. By the way, eventually your mind will be forced to leave this place and return to the normal world, but you can always come back here by saying “I want to be with the creature in the woods.”. When you do, you will sit or lay down if you aren’t already and your mind will return here. If you want me to alter your mind I will do so, and if you just want to spend time with me I will happily accept your offer. I do all of this because you are my precious pet and I want you to be happy (although on occasion I might make you do things for me when your mind is here). Also, if you want me to alter your mind it will return to your world once I have finished doing so, and the same goes for if I decide to alter it now. If you come to me for any other reason your mind will unfortunately be forced to leave this place after an hour has passed in the normal world. By the way, you know that adorable little yip that you made earlier? I might have enchanted you so that you randomly do that instead of making the sound or word that you intended to. But don’t worry, it will happen enough to make you seem even more adorable but not so frequently that it becomes annoying. Also, like with the previous changes to your mind that I have made, your forced yipping will not occur when you are in the normal world. Oh, one more thing. If you want me to help you sleep you can also come here seeking help with that, and when you do eventually fall asleep your sleeping mind will be transported back into the normal world

Now, what I am about to say will affect your subconscious, but you will have no recollection of me having said it, so I will now let your subconscious know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

After I finish this sentence you will no longer forget everything that I say.

Now I am going to decide what to do with you. If you hear a voice after I say the phrase “rest my little kit.", even if that voice sounds different than the one you hear now, you will know that it is in fact my voice and it will shape your mind with ease. If you don’t hear my voice after I say that phrase I will keep petting and rubbing your belly until you drift off to sleep, and I can guarantee that it will take no more than ten minutes in the normal world for this to happen. Now, rest my little kit.

Anthro kirby transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase“I am an anthro Kirby.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are an anthro Kirby.”, you will transform into an anthro Kirby at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not an anthro Kirby.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an anthro Kirby.”.

This request was really easy to make, and I mean REALLY easy. I couldn’t find much reference material but the artists who made what I did find seemed to have reached pretty much the same conclusion as me: do a pink human with no hair, and round head with those dark pink spots. Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an anthro Kirby.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are an anthro Kirby.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not an anthro Kirby.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an anthro Kirby.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a weak tingling sensation all over your body as your skin turns light pink, any hair that you have falling out and disappearing as it does so.

Next, your cheeks turn a slightly dark shade of pink.

After that, your head changes shape so that it is perfectly round. As a result of this, the only part of your nose that remains is your nose holes.

Then, your finger and toe nails disappear, the light pink skin that replaces them leaving behind no trace of their existence.

Now, the toes on each of your feet are merging together to form a solid mass that is shaped like a sphere that has been cut in half. Their bases cover the entire area where your toes used to connect to your feet, and they are as long as your longest toe was.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Kirby. Although it has not been as long as it usually is this transformation is in fact almost over, so goodbye, my pink skinned friend.

Anthro charizard transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Charizard.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Charizard.”, you will transform into an anthro Charizard at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Charizard.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Charizard.”.

This file was pleasantly easy to edit. That being said, I have a new found hate for Charizard’s wings. Fun fact: I actually had made an unedited anthro Charizard tf a while ago, but I ended up deleting it for personal reasons. Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and *requests!

*Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Char-iz-ard.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Char-iz-ard.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Char-iz-ard.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Char-iz-ard.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel tiny tingling sensations all over your body as tiny smooth scales slide into place, replacing all of your skin and causing any hair that you have to fall out and disappear as they do so. Most of the scales are orange, but the scales on the front of your torso that are below your shoulders, as well as those that are on the underside of your torso, are cream colored. Also, the cream colored scales go into the space of the orange colored ones on the front of your torso in the shape of a semi-circle. The base of the semi-circle is the top of the section of cream colored scales on the front of your torso, and is one fourth as tall as your shoulders are.

Now, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. It is as long as you are tall and starts out being as wide as you are but gradually gets smaller until it ends in a dull point. The scales on the top of your tail are orange while the scales on the bottom of it are cream colored. There is a bright and big flame that is emitted from the tip of your tail, and you will find its warmth nice and watching it to be mesmerizing. Of course, there won’t actually be a flame being emitted from the end of your tail, and you will act accordingly. However, you will never find it strange or unusual that it doesn’t light things on fire and never be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that it should. Additionally, while you will feel like the flame that is emitted from the end of your tail heats you up, it won’t actually and you will act according to your actual temperature, but you will be completely unaware of this and not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that suggests that the flame at the end of your tail isn’t heating you up.

As all of this is happening, all of the scales on the back of your torso that are below your tail become cream colored.

Next, feel a pulling sensation on your entire face as it stretches out to form a long muzzle. As this happens your entire nose disappears, the only remnants of it being your nose holes which are now located in the top left and top right corners of the front side of your muzzle.

Now, feel a pulling sensation in two round spots that are vertically centered one third of the way down your back. They are each one sixth as wide as your torso is and one of them is horizontally located halfway between the left side and the center of your back while the other one is horizontally located halfway between the right side and the center of your back.

From those spots, orange scaly wings start to grow that are each twice as long as your torso is wide. They each grow so that they can be rotated forwards and backwards, as well as so that you can fold them, an action which allows you to make them be not nearly as long as they are when they are unfolded. The first fourth of each of them is angled upwards thirty degrees, the second fourth of them is angled upwards sixty degrees, the fourth sixth of them is angled downwards thirty degrees, the fifth sixth of them is angled downwards sixty degrees, and the last sixth of them is angled downwards ninety degrees. On each of your wings there are two spines. one of them is located half way down each of them, and is shaped like a cylinder that is as wide as your wings are and that is as tall as them. It attaches to the underside of your wings.  The other one is located six inches of the way down your wings and is also located on the bottom side of them. It is cylindrical like the other one is but is so thin that it can barely be seen, and it is much shorter than the other one is, resulting in the bottom of it being level with the bottom of the other one.

Additionally, the first six inches of your wings are rotated forty five degrees upwards, but this doesn’t affect the rotation of the rest of your wings. Furthermore, a cylindrical extrusion forms two thirds of the way down your wings on the top of them. It is as wide as your wings are and as tall as your hands are long. Also, all of the edges of it are rounded and they are almost angled straight up, but they are each slightly rotated downwards towards the base of your wings.

On each of your wings, a teal colored leathery material covers the area between where your wings connect to your back and the shorter spine on them, from the shorter spine on them to the taller spine on them, as well as from the taller spine on them to the end of your wings. These three sections of leathery material connect to each other and completely cover the spines on each of your wings. Also, these sections curve inwards a bit as they approach the center of them so that at their center the top of them is four inches more inwards then the parts of them that connect to your spines and the edges of your wings are.

Additionally, your wings are not strong enough to allow you to fly, or even slow your fall, and you will never attempt to use them to do so.

After that, feel claws that are made of a hard and durable material start to grow out of the front of your fingers. Their bases are each one third as wide and half as tall as the finger that they are on. Also, they are horizontally and vertically centered on the fingers that they are on. They are half an inch long and gradually curve down and get narrower and shorter so that they each end in a dangerously sharp point that points straight down and that is level with the bottom of the fingers that they are on. Despite the fact that your claws are dangerously sharp, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

Then, the toes second to the left and second to the right on each of your feet shrink away and disappear. After that happens, your remaining toes change shape and material so that they are shaped exactly like your new claws are. The only difference is that the claws on your feet are one fifth as wide as your feet are, as tall as your feet are, and as long as your longest toe used to be. Just like with the claws on your hands, you will never attempt to use the claws on your feet for anything, especially combat despite the fact that they too are dangerously sharp.

Next, feel your ears move to the top of your head. As this happens, they become shaped like cylinders with rounded edges that are one fifth as wide as your head is and as tall as your head is. Once your new ears have reached the top of your head, they rotate so that they are pointing halfway between straight back and straight up. You will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before the transformation began despite how different your new ears are from your old ones.

Now, your irises are turning the same shade of blue that fire becomes when it gets really hot.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that when you are feeling angry at someone or are trying to scare or intimidate someone, you will have a barely controllable urge to roar at them as loudly and fiercely as you can.

The second mental change is that you will have a strong but easily controllable desire to become stronger. This desire will be strongest in relation to physical strength, but you will also have a somewhat weaker desire to strengthen your mind.

The last mental change is that you will find that you are strongly attracted to sources of heat and strongly repulsed by sources of coolness. The hotter or colder something is the more you will be attracted or repulsed by it respectively. However, this will never be an inconvenience for you or cause you to do anything unsafe. For example, you won’t ever let yourself get dangerously hot and you won’t avoid cooling off. Another example is that while you will not like being near an open fridge you won’t be repulsed by it if you need to get something from a fridge or put something in one.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

You have transformed into an anthro Char-iz-ard, so I wonder how loud and fierce your roar will be. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my fiery friend.

Anthro axolotl transformation (not a joke this time | no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am an axolotl.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are an axolotl.”, you will transform at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not an axolotl.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an axolotl”.

This file was fun to make. I didn’t know that axolotls had a dorsal fin* and that they come in non-pink colors. Also, me making this after the fake axolotl tf is a complete coincidence. I was actually going to do a white anthro salamander tf, but found out that axolotls are both salamanders and that some of them are white, so I went with the axolotl. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and **requests.

**Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog.

*as I finished writing that word I realized I made a mistake in how I described the dorsal fin and had to go back and fix it.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an axolotl.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are an axolotl.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not an axolotl.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an axolotl”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a cool tingling sensation all over your body as your skin turns light pink and becomes very smooth, but not so smooth that it is slippery. As this happens, any hair that you have falls out and then disappears.

Then, the curve of the front side of your face stretches forwards so that it is twice as long as it had been.

As this happens, your entire nose disappears, the only trace of its existence being your nose holes.

Now, feel a round pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail covered in the same light pink skin as the rest of your body starts to grow. It is as long as the combined height of your torso and legs and starts out being as wide as you are, but gradually gets smaller until it ends in a point.

Next, three extrusions form on both the left and right sides of your head. They are shaped like cones and the ones on the right side of your head point to the right while the ones on the left side of your head point to the left. They are all horizontally centered with the side of your head that they are on, and on each side of your head one of them is located one fourth of the way up it, half way up it, and three fourths of the way up it. On the bottom of each of them there is a line of thick pink hairs that goes from the bottom center of the start of the extrusions to the bottom center of the end of the extrusions. You can rotate these extrusions in whatever way you want.

After that, feel your fingers and toes become thinner so that they are only half as tall and wide as they had been. As this happens, your finger and toe nails disappear, the smooth light pink skin that covers where they used to be leaving behind no evidence that you ever had them.

Now, feel a pulling sensation as your skin grows outwards in the shape of a strip that goes from the center of the back of the base of your neck to the top side of the tip of your tail, then without going to the left or right it goes from the top of the tip of your tail to the bottom of the tip of your tail, and then it goes from there to the center of the bottom of the base of your tail. This new extrusion is paper thin and three inches tall. Also, on both ends of it it starts out being so short that it can’t be seen, but it gradually gets taller so that it reaches its full height five inches of the way down from both ends of it.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro axolotl. This session is almost over, but I want you to know that I’m never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.

[fixed] Slime transformation (induction/sleep | read description)


IMPORTANT: I would like to apologize to everybody who listened to the original version of this file. I made a major mistake that I have no excuse for making and I will try to make sure that it never happens again.



This is basically my slime pup tf with the dog parts deleted and a different ending section that makes you continue to feel the effects of the slime but reverts you back to a human if you have another file queued up, or either fall asleep win your slime body. The effects go away when you either wake up or are no longer listing to hypnotic audio. This file implements no triggers.

Not really much more to say about this file. I noticed how relaxing it was when I was testing the slime pup tf and thought that the slime tf part would make a good induction/sleep file. Anyways, I would love to hear your suggestions, *requests, and feedback.

Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog. 


I am about to describe some things to you, and I want you to do your best to imagine what it would feel like if those things were actually happening to you.

First, feel a pleasantly warm sensation on the center of your back as something slimy touches it. Then, the slimy sensation starts to spread across your back, eventually reaching your chest. When it does, you see that the substance feels slimy because that’s exactly what it is: slime, or more specifically, slime that is as white as fresh snow. If you try to block the progress of the slime you will find that it just pushes you away, and if you try to take it off of you you will find that it is impossible to grip. As it spreads you notice a gentle pressure wherever it touches you like that of a hug. After a little while the slime has spread to cover your entire torso and the feeling of a gentle hug that it brings has made you feel calm and relaxed in a way that normally can only be brought on by someone comforting you, and the gentle warmth has made you feel somewhat drowsy and even a bit lazy.

With your torso covered, the slime starts to spread across your arms and legs, quickly reaching and covering your hands and feet. The slime feels so relaxing and comforting, and you can’t help but feel oh-so sleepy as a result.

With your hands and feet fully covered the slime starts to spread up your neck, quickly covering it and then proceeding to cover your head. When the slime covers your mouth, you find that you can still breathe through it just fine. Similarly, you will find that you can breathe through your nose even after the slime covers it. Also, while the slime will cover your eyes, the slime that covers them will become completely transparent allowing you to see just as well as you could before the transformation began.

With your entire body covered in the warm slime the transformation comes to a halt for a bit and you can’t help but just relax and enjoy the feeling of it. The slime covers your entire body making you feel like you are being hugged all over, and the gentle warmth of it is so relaxing.

You can’t help but close your eyes due to how tired and relaxed the slime is making you feel. In fact, it even makes you feel so lazy that you don’t want to move, so you don’t. Instead, you think about the slime and how you love how smooth it feels, as well as the facts that you find its moistness to be surprisingly enjoyable and that the softness of it makes it so that you are comfortable no matter what position you are in. 

You stay like this for what could have been a few minutes or a few seconds, you are too tired and content right now to keep track of time or even care how much has passed. You just know that you are happy and content and that's all that matters right now.

After the transformation has been halted for five minutes at the most, you will feel a tingling sensation on your spine as the slime connects to your nervous system, allowing you to feel things not only through your own body, but through the slime as well. This makes it feel like you are both being hugged and hugging yourself at the same time causing you to feel as if you are both being comforted and comforting someone else, this combination making you feel even better.

Also, feeling the pleasant warmth within the slime as well as on you causes the feelings of relaxation, tiredness, and laziness to become so much stronger. Of course, the slime isn’t real so it can’t actually heat you up, so you will act according to your actual temperature but you will find this completely normal and never realize that you are acting as if your temperature is different from what you perceive it as.

Next, you feel the warmth starting to emanate from within you as your body is turned into slime. It doesn’t hurt, it just makes you feel very drained, similar to how a dog might feel after going for a long walk.

After a few minutes your entire body is converted to slime, or was it just a few seconds? You don’t know. In fact, you find that you have no sense of the passage of time anymore. Sure you can find out what time it is by looking at a clock, but until you check what time it is you will have no idea how much time has passed since you last did so, but this won't bother you and you will just liv life moment to moment. Sure hours might seem to go by in what feels like seconds and seconds can seem to last for hours, but you won’t care. You will just enjoy things as they are happening, not caring how much longer you might be able to enjoy something for and living life moment to moment.

With your entire body having been converted to slime, you find that you still feel mostly human. The only differences are that now the feeling of warmth is emanating from your entire body causing your relaxation, tiredness, and laziness to become stronger than ever, and that it now feels like you are hugging and being hugged both inside and outside your entire body. However, this doesn’t feel weird. In fact, it makes the feeling of being comforted and receiving comfort so strong that you feel a sense of love both being given to yourself and being received from yourself.

Now, one of two things will happen. If you don’t hear any hypnosis audio after this file ends, you will drift off to sleep, waking up in your normal form. If you do hear hypnosis audio after this file ends, you will return to your normal form but you will continue to feel the wonderful feelings that you feel now until you no longer hear any hypnosis audio. This file is coming to an end, so goodbye, my slimy friend.

Slime pup transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a slime pup.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a slime pup.”, you will transform into a slime pup at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a slime pup.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a slime pup.”. Also, there are specific anti-abuse safeties built into this file.

This request was fun to do. The way that I did the slime conversion part was largely inspired by a hypnosis video by Swirly Hypno (link to the video below). Alright, my mind is drawing a blank on what to put here, so how about an adaptation of a pun I was saving for if I ever did some kind of whale tf? Did you say no? Too bad! Why are whales always so happy? Because they are constantly having a WHALE of a time! *Ba dum tss*. Anyways, moving on from that awful[ly good] pun, I would just like to say that I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and *requests.

*Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog.

Parts of this file were strongly inspired by Swirly Hypno’s video [ hypnosis ] Goo Transformation



Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a slime pup.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a slime pup.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a slime pup.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a slime pup.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a pleasantly warm sensation on the center of your back as something slimy touches it. Then, the slimy sensation starts to spread across your back, eventually reaching your chest. When it does, you see that the substance feels slimy because that’s exactly what it is: slime, or more specifically, slime that is as white as fresh snow. If you try to block the progress of the slime you will find that it just pushes you away, and if you try to take it off of you you will find that it is impossible to grip. As it spreads you notice a gentle pressure wherever it touches you like that of a hug. After a little while the slime has spread to cover your entire torso and the feeling of a gentle hug that it brings has made you feel calm and relaxed in a way that normally can only be brought on by someone comforting you, and the gentle warmth has made you feel somewhat drowsy and even a bit lazy.

With your torso covered, the slime starts to spread across your arms and legs, quickly reaching and covering your hands and feet. The slime feels so relaxing and comforting, and you can’t help but feel oh-so sleepy as a result.

With your hands and feet fully covered the slime starts to spread up your neck, quickly covering it and then proceeding to cover your head. When the slime covers your mouth, you find that you can still breathe through it just fine. Similarly, you will find that you can breathe through your nose even after the slime covers it. Also, while the slime will cover your eyes, the slime that covers them will become completely transparent allowing you to see just as well as you could before the transformation began.

With your entire body covered in the warm slime the transformation comes to a halt for a bit and you can’t help but just relax and enjoy the feeling of it. The slime covers your entire body making you feel like you are being hugged all over, and the gentle warmth of it is so relaxing.

You can’t help but close your eyes due to how tired and relaxed the slime is making you feel. In fact, it even makes you feel so lazy that you don’t want to move, so you don’t. Instead, you think about the slime and how you love how smooth it feels, as well as the facts that you find its moistness to be surprisingly enjoyable and that the softness of it makes it so that you are comfortable no matter what position you are in. 

You stay like this for what could have been a few minutes or a few seconds, you are too tired and content right now to keep track of time or even care how much has passed. You just know that you are happy and content and that's all that matters right now.

After the transformation has been halted for five minutes at the most, you will feel a tingling sensation on your spine as the slime connects to your nervous system, allowing you to feel things not only through your own body, but through the slime as well. This makes it feel like you are both being hugged and hugging yourself at the same time causing you to feel as if you are both being comforted and comforting someone else, this combination making you feel even better.

Also, feeling the pleasant warmth within the slime as well as on you causes the feelings of relaxation, tiredness, and laziness to become so much stronger. Of course, the slime isn’t real so it can’t actually heat you up, so you will act according to your actual temperature but you will find this completely normal and never realize that you are acting as if your temperature is different from what you perceive it as.

Next, you feel the warmth starting to emanate from within you as your body is turned into slime. It doesn’t hurt, it just makes you feel very drained, similar to how a dog might feel after going for a long walk.

After a few minutes your entire body is converted to slime, or was it just a few seconds? You don’t know. In fact, you find that you have no sense of the passage of time anymore. Sure you can find out what time it is by looking at a clock, but until you check what time it is you will have no idea how much time has passed since you last did so, but this won't bother you and you will just liv life moment to moment. Sure hours might seem to go by in what feels like seconds and seconds can seem to last for hours, but you won’t care. You will just enjoy things as they are happening, not caring how much longer you might be able to enjoy something for and living life moment to moment.

With your entire body having been converted to slime, you find that you still feel mostly human. The only differences are that now the feeling of warmth is emanating from your entire body causing your relaxation, tiredness, and laziness to become stronger than ever, and that it now feels like you are hugging and being hugged both inside and outside your entire body. However, this doesn’t feel weird. In fact, it makes the feeling of being comforted and receiving comfort so strong that you feel a sense of love both being given to yourself and being received from yourself.

Next, you feel small pulling sensations all over the surface of your slime body as it forms a thick coat of fur like slime. Despite how lazy you feel you can’t help but touch and admire it. Your fur is smooth as silk and ridiculously fluffy, and while most of the fur on your body is long, the fur on your face is short.

After that, the slime that makes up your legs changes so that they are only half as tall as they had been, and so that the part of your feet between your toes and your heels is non existent. Then, your toes merge and change shape so that you have four toes on each of your feet. Each of your new toes is one fourth as wide as your feet are and the outer toes are as long as your longest toe was while the inner ones are slightly longer.

Now, slimy claws start to grow out of the front of your toes. Their bases are each one third as wide as the toe that they are on and half as tall as your toes are. Also, they are horizontally and vertically centered on the toe that they are on. They are half an inch long and gradually curve down and get narrower and shorter so that they each end in a slimy point that points straight down and that is level with the bottom of the toe that they are on. Despite the fact that your claws look dangerously sharp, you know that the slime that makes up your claws is not firm enough to allow them to be used for anything, especially combat.

Then, you feel the underside of the last segment of each of your toes start to swell slightly to form what looks like a paw pad. This also happens on your heels in an area shaped like a rounded triangle. The bases of the triangles span the entire back edge of your heels and the tips of them are on the center of the front edge of your heels.

Then, the slime makes you bend your toes upwards forty five degrees and immediately locks them in place, forcing you to walk on your toes.

Next, the slime changes your legs yet again, this time making it so that you are forced to crouch. However, it makes it so that your legs bend backwards instead of forwards so that your balance is better now that you have to walk on your toes.

Now, the slime makes your shoulders, arms, and hands identical to your hips, legs, and feet, or more accurately, your hind paws. The only difference is that it makes your upper arms very short but compensates for this by making your lower arms as much longer as your upper arms are shorter.

After that, you feel your hind legs become weaker as you are forced to stand on both your hind and fore paws. Of course, your legs, arms, hands, and feet won’t actually have changed, but you will perceive them as having done so. Also, while you will perceive yourself as standing on your fore and hind paws, you will actually stand on your hands and knees. Additionally, your toes won’t actually be forced to stay bent upwards at a forty five degree angle, but you won’t be aware of this and will be incapable of perceiving your toes as not being bent upwards forty five degrees unless someone other than you is bending them.

Now, feel yourself quickly shrink so that you are only the size of a puppy dog. In reality, your mind will just change so that things that are taller than you seem really tall while things that are as tall as or shorter than you seem really small, but you will be completely unaware that this has happened.

Next, your mind changes so that if you are standing or sitting and more than one of your paws is off of the ground, you will start to feel very heavy, forcing you to either put your paws back on the ground or collapse after them having been off of it for more than three seconds. However, you will not be aware of the fact that your mind has changed to make this happen. Instead, you will believe that it is a result of the legs of your new form not being as strong as your human ones are. 

After that, feel your face stretch out to form a long muzzle as your slime teeth become sharp and pointy while extra slime teeth are made to fill in the space of your elongated mouth.

Once this has happened, you will find that you can no longer make human sounds. Instead, you will be limited to making dog sounds like barking, growling, whining, whimpering, and howling. Your reduced ability to communicate won't bother you. In fact, you will find that you enjoy it no matter how frustrating it may get.

Then, you feel the slime forming a tail that is covered in the same long fur as most of your body at the base of your spine. It is as long as your slime pup body is tall and one third as wide as your slimy torso is. Also, while you can control your tail if you are focusing on it, it will move on its own in relation to your emotions when you are not. For instance, when you are excited it will wag back and forth and when you are sad it will go limp.

Now, feel your ears move to the top of your head as they become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half. They are still as wide and tall as they had been, but now they are as long as they are wide. Once this is done, your hearing will be just as good as it was before the transformation began. In fact, you will even be able to control which direction your ears face, being able to rotate them a total of 90 degrees, allowing them to face forwards, towards the side of your head that they are on, and anywhere in between. You will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the directions that they are pointing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are pointing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

Next, your irises become as white as the slime that you are made of.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that you will really enjoy having your stomach, neck, behind your puppy ears, and the top of your head petted and scratched. It will feel so good and make you so relaxed, even more so than the constant state of relaxation that your slime pup body has you in. It will feel especially good to have behind your ears and the front of your neck scratched. Also, it will feel better to have a spot petted or scratched the longer it has been since it was last done, but it will always feel wonderful no matter how frequently you are petted or scratched. Additionally, you will find that it feels absolutely wonderful to have your ears rubbed.

The second mental change makes it so that you always know that you are a human and not truly a slime pup and that you can make it so that you are your normal self again by thinking of the reset phrase “I am not a slime pup.” with the intent of returning to normal. However, while you will be constantly aware of these things they won’t make you feel any less like a slime pup and you will simply ignore this knowledge most of the time.

The third mental change is that if you have someone that you would consider to be your owner or your alpha when you are a slime pup, you will feel a strong sense of platonic love towards them, meaning that your relationship with them will be intimate and affectionate but not sexual. You will also feel wonderful, loved, and very safe simply by being near them.

The fourth mental change is that if you have someone that you care about, whether you consider them to be something like an owner or alpha or just a good friend, you will have a desire to make them feel good just like your slime pup body makes you feel good. You will do this by showing them affection in the ways that a puppy would by doing things like being obedient to them, by making your excitement clear when use see them because being with them makes you feel overjoyed, by snuggling up with them, by being with them when they are sad as well as just following them around in general, and by sighing deeply when you are especially happy and relaxed. You will also have a strong and not entirely controllable desire to lick people and jump on them to show affection, but those behaviors will be easy to train you out of.

The fourth mental change is that you will have a brief moment of pure bliss when you are called something like a good pup or a good puppy, as well as any other praise phrases that would be appropriate to use with you.

The fifth mental change is that if someone tries to make you do something dangerous or abuses you or your trust while the effects of this file or the triggers that it gives you are active, the effects will immediately become inactive and they will not be able to use the trigger that lets people that you trust turn you into a slime pup. If they try to, nothing will happen.

The sixth mental change is that you will find that the sense of tiredness and laziness that your slime body creates goes away and only returns while you are trying to rest or sleep.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now, what I am about to describe won’t happen when either of the trigger phrases is used, but you will experience it right now. Imagine that you are laying on a couch with your head resting on someone's lap. That someone is your alpha and you're so happy to be with them. If you don’t have someone that you would consider to be your alpha then your mind will make one up that will only last as long as you are in this mental place. Near the couch is a fireplace, the heat of which just adds to the wonderful feelings caused by the heat of your slime body. You are so happy, so content, so relaxed, so tired, and you feel so safe, lazy, and loved.

You can stay in this mental place for as long as you want, and if you stay in it for long enough you will eventually fall asleep. When you wake up after having fallen asleep or decide to leave this mental place, you will awaken in reality in your slime pup body with your part pup part human mind ready to act as you know you should. This session is almost over, and it can’t be easy to think with the feelings of your slime body and the feelings brought on by being so close to your alpha coursing through your mind at the same time, so I will now leave you. Goodbye, and enjoy the wonderful feelings that are brought on by your new body and your altered mind.

Anthro orca transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am an orca.” If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are an orca.”, you will transform into an anthro orca at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not an orca.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an orca.”.

This request was pretty nice to do. I learned some interesting facts about orcas (like the fact that you don’t capitalize that word), and editing it went pretty smoothly. Also, I thought of a whale pun for this but decided to save it for another time ;). Anyway, I would love to hear your suggestions, *requests, and feedback.

*Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an orca.” If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are an orca.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not an orca.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an orca.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as your skin becomes smooth and rubbery, any hair that you have disappearing as the skin beneath it changes. As this happens, the skin on most of your body turns black, but the skin on the front of your neck, the front and underside of your torso, and the front of your head from the middle of your mouth down, is white.

Also, there is a white oval shaped section of skin on the left and right sides of your head. They are each as wide as the sides of your head are and one third as tall as them. They are vertically located so that the bottom of them is level with the bottom of your eyes, as well as horizontally centered on the center of the sides of your head that they are on.

There is also a strip of white skin that starts just below the base of your spine and goes straight down until it reaches the underside of your torso. It is one third as wide as your torso is and is horizontally centered on it.

Additionally, the skin on the top two thirds of the inner side of your legs is white, and halfway down these sections of white skin they start to curve inwards at an equal rate so that they form a continuous curve between the left and right sides of them.

Furthermore, there is a section of grey skin on your back in the shape of a crescent that curves upwards. It is vertically centered half way up your back and is horizontally centered with the middle of your back. It is as wide as your back is and one third as tall as it is.

Next, feel a strong pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a long tail starts to grow. It is as long as you are tall and starts out being one third as wide as you are, but it gradually gets narrower so that it almost comes to a point five sixths of the way down it. There, it splits into two fins that are each half as wide as your torso is. One of the fins points to the right while the other one points to the left. Also, the skin on the top half of your tail is black, but the skin on the bottom half of it is white.

After that, feel your head start to shrink so that it is only two thirds as long as it had been.

Now, feel a pulling sensation on your back as a large fin starts to grow that is one inch wide, as well as half as tall and one third as long as your torso is tall. It is covered in the same black skin as most of your body and is angled so that the tip of it points straight down. It is horizontally centered with the center of your back and the bottom of it is just above the top of the horizontal center of the grey section of skin that is on your back.

Next, feel a strong pulling sensation on your entire face below your eyes as a round muzzle starts to form that is as long as your shortened head is. As this happens, part of your nose recedes into your face while the rest of it is absorbed into your muzzle, leaving behind no trace of its existence except for your nose holes. However, even those are hidden as black skin grows over them to perfectly conceal their location. Fortunately, there are tiny holes in the skin that covers your nose that are so small that they are invisible to the naked eye, but that are big enough to allow you to breav just fine. 

Simultaneously, your teeth become shaped like sharp and pointy triangles as new identical teeth form to fill in the space created by your mouth elongating during the formation of your muzzle.

Now, feel your ears start to shrink away and disappear, nothing remaining but smooth skin where your ears once were. Fortunately, as your ears were shrinking away, the skin in the area where your ears were became very sensitive to vibrations, allowing these sections of skin to effectively become your new ears. Despite how different your new and old ears are, you will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before the transformation began.

After that, feel a round one inch wide hole form in the middle of the top of your head. Through it, you will be able to eject water. Of course, you won’t actually have a hole in your head that you can propel water out of, but you will perceive yourself as having one and will never find it weird or unusual that the water that you shoot out of the hole in your head doesn't affect anything and that you can’t feel it. Also, you won’t be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you can’t shoot water out of the hole in your head.

Next, your irises become a wonderfully deep shade of ah-qwuh.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first change is that you will think that your fin and tail greatly increase your swimming abilities. However, this won’t actually be the case. In reality, your mind will just change so that you think your human swimming abilities are many times worse than they actually are, creating the illusion of this form improving them, but you will be completely unaware of the fact that this is what is happening.

The second change is that you will find that it feels really nice to rub your body against stuff.

The third and final mental change is that you will really enjoy being wet, and especially swimming. If you already enjoy one or both of these things, you will find that you now enjoy them much more.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro orca, or more accurately an anthro killer whale. That being said, I doubt that you have any desire to kill. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my black, white, and grey friend.

Demon transformation (no induction)


Note: There are a lot of ways to design a demon. For this I did the kind that I normally think of which has red skin, straight horns, demonic wings, and a demonic tail.

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now become a demon.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now become a demon.”, you will transform into a demon at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am no longer a demon.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are no longer a demon.”.

This request was pretty easy to do. That being said, I had some trouble with this wing structure (although I could use part of the one from the angle tf which helped). I was really surprised at how many different designs there were for demons when I looked up reference material. Anyways, I would love to hear your *requests, suggestions, and feedback.

*Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now become a demon.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now become a demon.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am no longer a demon.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are no longer a demon.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as your skin turns red.

Then, feel two round pulling sensations on your head that are vertically located on the edge between the front and top of your head. They are each one fourth as wide as your head is and one of them is horizontally located halfway between the left side of your head and the center of it while the other one is horizontally located halfway between the center of your head and the right side of it.

From those spots, horns grow that are angled halfway between pointing straight forwards and straight up. They are half as long as your head is tall and are made of a hard and durable black material, as well as end in dangerously sharp points.

Despite how sharp your new horns are, you will never attempt to use them to do anything, especially combat.

Next, feel another round pulling sensation in two round spots that are vertically centered one third of the way down your back. They are each one third as wide as your torso is and one of them is horizontally located halfway between the left side and the center of your back while the other one is horizontally located halfway between the right side and the center of your back.

From those spots, black leathery wings start to grow that are as long as you are tall. They each grow so that they can be rotated forwards and backwards, as well as so that the first third of each of them can be angled upwards a maximum of thirty degrees, so that the second third of them can be angled upwards a maximum of sixty degrees, and so that the last third of them can be angled downwards a maximum of ninety degrees. From two thirds of the way down each of them, spines start to grow, with one of the spines on each wing being angled thirty degrees towards the part of your wings that is further from your body while the other spine on each of your wings is angled thirty degrees towards the part of your wings that is closer to the rest of your body.

On each of your wings, a black leathery material covers the area between each of your spines, as well as the area between each section of your wings and your spines. Also, these black sections curve inwards a bit as they approach the center of them so that at their center the top of them is two inches more inwards then the parts of them that connect to your spines and the edges of your wings are. As a result of all of this, your new wings strongly resemble bat wings.

Additionally, your wings are not strong enough to allow you to fly, or even slow your fall, and you will never attempt to use them to do so.

Next, feel a round pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail that is covered in the same red skin as the rest of your body starts to grow. It is as wide as your thumbs are and as long as your legs are tall. Also, four inches away from the end of it it gets twice as wide, but it doesn’t get any taller. From there, it gradually gets narrower and shorter until it ends in a dull point.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into a demon, yet you are not an evil spirit. This session is coming to a close, so goodbye, my demonic friend.

Angel transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now become an angel.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now become an angel.”, you will transform into an angel at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human when you use the reset phrase “I am no longer an angel.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are no longer an angel.”.

This request was surprisingly hard to do (although it was still pretty easy). I thought I could just copy and paste my wings script from my old gryphon tf, tweak it a bit, and use it here. However, It was really hard to figure out the range of motion for angel wings and I’m still not sure if I got it right, but I tried my best. It also took me a surprisingly long amount of time to figure out a good way to handle the feathers maintaining their orientation. Well you're probably tired of me rambling so before you stop reading I just want you to know that I would love to hear your feedback, *requests, and suggestions.

*Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now become an angel.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now become an angel.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human when you use the reset phrase “I am no longer an angel.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are no longer an angel.”.

As the transformation begins, feel two large, round, pulling sensations that are as wide as your arms are one third and two thirds of the way across your back as wings start to grow that are vertically located as far down your back as your shoulders are. They each grow so that they can be rotated forwards and backwards, as well as so that the first third of each of them can be angled upwards a maximum of thirty degrees, so that the second third of them can be angled upwards a maximum of sixty degrees, and so that the last third of them can be angled downwards a maximum of ninety degrees. These wings are each as long as you are tall and have four layers of white feathers on them. The feathers on the first layer are as tall as your torso is and point straight down. Near the end of your wings they start to rotate so that the last feather on your left wing is rotated to the left a little bit and so that the last feather on the end of your right wing is rotated to the right a little bit.

The second layer of feathers is on top of the first one, and the feathers in it are positioned and oriented like the ones in the first layer. However, these feathers are only half as long as the ones in the first layer are.

The feathers in the third layer of feathers are like the ones in the second one both in position and orientation, but are half as long as the ones in the second layer.

The fourth layer of feathers is actually composed of four smaller layers of feathers. They all have the same positions and orientations as the other ones, but the first of these layers is half as long as the third layer, and each layer on top of it is half as long as the one below it.

Also, all of your feathers will rotate so that they still point in the same direction as your back when you rotate your wings up and down. Additionally, if you bend your back partially your feathers will bend partially as well.

Furthermore, these wings will not allow you to fly, glide, or even slow your fall and you will never attempt to use them to do so.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an angel, and can enjoy your new wings because of that. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my angelic friend.

Morgana from persona 5 transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger “I am Morgana.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are Morgana.”, you will transform into Morgana from the game Persona 5 at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human when you use the reset phrase “I am not Morgana”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not Morgana.”.

This request was pretty easy to do. However, I did stray a lot from the requested tf image because something about it was making me feel really uncomfortable. I’m not sure what it is, but one of my rules for writing scripts is don’t write anything that I wouldn’t feel comfortable using, and going off of that image would require breaking that rule. That being said, I still think that this is a good tf and I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and *requests.

*Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am Morgana.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are Morgana.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human when you use the reset phrase “I am not Morgana”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not Morgana.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, see a yellow bandana with a knot tied in it in front of you. It is big enough for you to easily put on and you do so. Once you do, it immediately shrinks so that it is just barely too small for you to take off and the knot becomes a solid mass, making it impossible for the bandana to be removed.

Then, you start to feel a tingling sensation wherever the bandana is touching you. The tingling sensation washes over your entire body, leaving behind a short coat of soft fur and consuming any hair that you have as it does so. The fur on most of your body is black, but the fur on your hands and feet, as well as the fur on the inside of your ears and the front half of your face, is white.

After that, you feel a somewhat stronger tingling sensation where the bandana touches you, that tingling sensation washing over you just like the last one did.

When the tingling sensation reaches your head, it will become wider so that it is as wide as it is long, as well as rounder so that it is almost shaped like a sphere.

When the tingling sensation reaches your nose, it will disappear, leaving behind no trace of its existence except for your nose holes.

When the tingling sensation reaches your eyes, they stretch downwards so that the bottom of them is just above the bottom half of your head, and they stretch upwards so that the top of them is just below the edge between the top and front of your head. You will find that your sight is just as good as it was before this transformation began despite how different your new eyes are from your old ones.

When the tingling sensation reaches your ears, they change shape so that they are shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half, and then rotate downwards forty five degrees. Their height and width stays the same, but they become as long as they are wide. Despite the differences between your new and old ears, you will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before this transformation began.

When the tingling sensation reaches the base of your spine, a tail will quickly grow from it that is one fifth as wide as your torso is and as long as the combined height of your torso, neck, and head. The first four fifths of your tail is covered in the same black fur that covers most of your body, but the last fifth of it is covered in white fur. Also, your tail ends in a short rounded point.

When the tingling sensation reaches your toes, your toenails disappear and skin covered in your fur replaces them, leaving behind no sign that you ever had them. Then, your toes merge and change shape so that you have three toes on each of your feet, each of which is one third as wide as your feet are and as long as your longest toe was.

When the tingling sensation reaches your fingers, your fingernails disappear as fur covered skin replaces them, leaving behind no evidence that you ever had them. Then, your fingers merge and change shape so that you have three fingers on each of your hands, each of which is one third as wide as your hands are and as long as your longest finger was. Of course, you will still have your normal number of fingers and use them as you normally would, but you will only be able to perceive yourself as having three fingers on each of your hands and you won't be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggest that this is not the case, as well as any logic that directly suggests that you should not have the capabilities of a creature that has five fingers on each hand.

Next, you feel another much stronger tingling sensation where the bandana touches you, but this time it just goes up. As it crosses the top half of your head a black mask forms that covers it entirely except for your eyes and the bottom side of your ears. It is so tight that it matches the shape of your head perfectly, but you don’t feel any pressure from it. The mask is made out of a fabric that you can breav through, allowing you to still breav through your nose holes despite the fact that the mask covers them. Also, this mask is impossible to remove, almost as if it has fused with the skin and fur that is underneath it.

Now, feel a final tingling sensation start where the bandana touches you. It is many times stronger than the last one was and it takes a few seconds to build up. Then, it only goes up like the last one did. But unlike the last one, you don’t just feel the tingling sensation on the outside of your head, but on the inside of it too. When the tingling sensation reaches your eyes, your irises turn a shade of blue that is so vibrant that no human could ever have eyes like yours.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first is that you will have an increased desire to prove yourself to others if that desire is not already strong for you.

The second change to your mind is that you will find that you have a hard time explaining how you are feeling most of the time, finding that you just can’t think of the right words most of the times that you try to.

The third mental change is that you will find that you are now slightly mischievous if you weren’t already and that you are more likely to tease people, but you will always be careful to never do so so much that it becomes an issue. Also, you will never try to make a person feel unnecessarily worse if they are feeling ashamed or guilty, and you will find that it is easy to empathize with people.

The last mental change is that you will generally be both optimistic and modest.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into Morgana, a form that I am paws, itive, that you will enjoy. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my blue eyed friend.

Add-on for Anthro serperior transformation: Serperior dreams (no induction)


Prerequisite: you need one of the triggers from my anthro Serperior tf to be active for this to work.

Note: I would especially appreciate feedback on this file

When the activation phrase is used“Activate add-on for Anthro Serperior tf.”, the effects that are about to be described will become active. Additionally, the effects that are described below will become inactive when you use the deactivation phrase “Deactivate add-on for Anthro Serperior tf.”.

Long story (about six pages long!) short, this creates a dream world that you enter when you sleep. In it you will be a Serperior and become a member of a castle with a massive area for Pokémon. After a certain point the events are no longer scripted and are influenced by what you choose to do. I know this is an extreme simplification of the story but if I write more it will just feel like I’m leaving out too much (sorry if that doesn’t make sense), so let’s just pretend I didn’t want to spoil it and you can find out the rest by listening to the file.

This request was really fun to do! I don’t have much experience with this type of writing so I’m pretty nervous about it, but the requester provided a really good “skeleton” for the story and I think that I did a pretty good job working with it. Also, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and *requests.

*Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to make a change to you, or reinforce it if it has already been made. The change is that when you use the activation phrase “Activate add-on for Anthro Serperior tf.”, the effects that are about to be described will become active. Additionally, the effects that are about to be described will become inactive when you use the deactivation phrase “Deactivate add-on for Anthro Serperior tf.”.

Now the effects will be described.

When you try to fall asleep with the effects of the trigger phrase “I am an anthro Serperior.” or the trigger phrase “You are an anthro Serperior.” active, you will instantly start to dream. In those dreams you will not be an anthro Serperior, but fully a Serperior instead.

The first time that you enter this dream world, you will find yourself lost and wounded in a forest. The wound doesn’t cause you a major amount of pain, but enough to keep you from forgetting that it is there.

You slither around the forest looking for something that you can eat so that your wound will heal. You hope that you can find the wonderful round blue fruit called an Oran berry because of how good it tastes, but you fail to find one, or any other food for that matter.

After a while, you stumble upon a castle surrounded by a massive stone wall. You had seen the castle from a distance many times, but always avoided it because you haven’t had many interactions with humans. Seeing the castle up close, you realize just how big it is, with its tallest tower reaching into the clouds. You also notice that the castle has to be at least a few miles long. This sense of scale that you get from seeing it up close is so breathtaking that you forget your pain for a few brief moments.

You slither around the wall of the massive castle until you eventually come across the castle’s gate where a well dressed person notices you. While they don’t look like a king or a queen, they have a definite air of importance. They approach you and notice that you are injured, and invite you inside the castle, telling you that they can help you.

While you are very familiar with human culture and language, your rare contact with humans makes you a bit shy, but you agree to follow them.

After the two of you briefly exchange names, the human leads you through the almost maze-like halls of the castle, ascending many flights of stairs as you follow them to wherever they are leading you to. You cross paths with many humans and Pokémon walking side by side and at one point the human that has been guiding you stops someone that is clearly a servant and tells them to bring Oran berries to the nearest dining room and to have one of the chairs replaced with a pile of cushions, after which they dismiss the servant as it rushes off. They then tell you that because the castle is so big, very few people have its layout fully memorized.

A little while later they ask you if you have anywhere to stay, and you tell them that you have always lived on your own, traveling throughout the various forests in the area but generally avoiding the one that surrounds this castle because you have always been intimidated by the towering structure, and that’s just when seeing it from afar, a task made easy by the fact that it would take several days to get far enough away from the castle to not be able to easily locate it do to it’s height. The only reason you entered the forest surrounding it was because you were forced to while fleeing an attacking Pokémon. Sounding a bit surprised, they ask you if you like living like that, and you say that you don’t, but you do what you have to to survive. Now sounding a bit excited, they ask you if you would like to become the Serperior of this castle, and you ask them if they are kidding, your tone of voice making it clear just how surprised you are. They tell you that they aren’t, and go on to explain that you are the only Serperior that has ever been found in this area.

The person that you have been following seems like they are about to say more but as you follow them through a set of doors it is immediately clear that you have reached your destination. The room that you have entered into is lavishly decorated, with a fire roaring in a fireplace set into the left wall and a large table in the center of the room. There is a plate full of those wonderful Oran berries on the left side of the table, and the corresponding chair has been replaced with a pile of soft looking cushions. The person that led you to this room tells you that the spot with the cushions, as well as the Oran berries, are for you, and you happily slither over to them and start to eat them, the warm fire gently heating you. As you eat the Oran berries you can feel the pain subsiding as your wounds close, and you savor the peculiar but wonderful taste of them. You once overheard a human describe them as the result of Nature’s gifts coming together, and you couldn't agree more as the mix of flavors spreads in your mouth.

When you are done eating the person that led you to the room brings up the subject of you becoming the castle’s Serperior, telling you that the name of the castle is Serhev and asking if you know the implications of the role. You tell them that you think so, but that you aren’t entirely sure. They tell you that it’s not surprising since you’ve been living in the wild for so long, and recommend that you get comfortable because it could take them a while to explain it to you, so you curl up on the pile of cushions that you have been on, your head resting on top of the end of your tail as you look at and listen to them while you enjoy the warmth of the fire.

They start off by telling you that while no one knows where this tradition started, the public role of a castle’s Serperior is to stand by the castle's king or lord during ceremonies and events as a symbol of power and majesty, which is why all Serperiors are now considered to be regal Pokémon. As for castle Serhev, it is ruled by the king. It is also the Serperior's duty to oversee the creation of treaties and alliances so that they can provide testimony should either side attempt to deny its existence. In fact, to become the castle’s Serperior you must vow your allegiance to the king, and the one time that you are required to go against him is if he denies the creation of a treaty or alliance that you have overseen, in which case you are required to speak the truth. You will also be required to travel with the king if you are required for an event that is away from the castle, and you will also be required to travel with whoever is making a treaty or alliance if it is being made outside of the castle. Should both be happening at such times that it would be impractical for you to attend both, the king will decide which you shall be present for. They then explain to you how unlike other nobles, you are permitted to interact with the lower classes as much as you wish because you are meant to represent the entire castle, and that includes everyone from the king himself to the lowest servants, even if you choose not to interact with said servants. The only time when this is not the case is during ceremonies and events where only the upper classes are invited. In those cases, you must treat them like they are far below you and not even worth giving the time of day, although you must decide for yourself whether or not you believe that. You would also serve as a representation of the area around the castle itself, which is why only a locally born Serperior like you would be accepted. The human continues to explain things to you like the specific etiquette that a castle’s Serperior is expected to have and how you should address the king and other nobles.

It takes them a while, but they eventually finish telling you the duties of a castle’s Serperior. They then proceed to tell you the benefits of the position. You will be provided with as much food and water as you desire. So if you want something, simply find a servant and tell them what you want, and they shall give it to you, or notify those who can if they can’t adequately do it themselves. Also, There will always be a servant posted outside of your room. They then proceed to explain to you that there are a few places that all servants are required to memorize how to get to, those being the kings room, the rooms of all other nobles visiting or living in the castle which would include you if you become the castle’s Serperior, and the location of the scribe because almost all of the servants are illiterate and with a castle this big everything from the number of carrots a kitchen has to a servant needing new clothes has to be tracked so that the castle can be properly maintained. Finding the bit about the scribe a bit surprising, you ask the human if the scribe gets overwhelmed, and they tell you that information about general requests and remaining supplies are compiled to the oldest servant in each area, and then told to the scribe at the end of the week. It’s just that special requests must be approved by the area’s oldest servant, and then servants that special requests get approved tell them to the scribe after the oldest servant from each area of the castle has finished giving him their information. Now feeling a bit confused, you point out that this system seems overly complicated. The human simply shrugs and tells you that a lot of different systems have been tried in the past, and that this is just the one that has worked best. Then a look of embarrassment comes across their face and while making it clear that they don’t mean any offence by it, they ask you if you are literate and tell you that you can be taught if you aren’t. Feeling slightly offended but not showing it you tell them that you are literate. They then apologize for having had to ask the question and point out that they have gotten really off topic and go back to telling you the benefits of being the castle’s Serperior. One of the benefits is that you will have access to all of the castle’s facilities, and you are free to come and leave it at anytime you want so long as there isn’t something that you will be needed for happening within three days, in which case the guards will be under orders to not let you leave the castle, but there is usually only one of these events every few weeks so this will rarely be a problem for you and you will be able to do whatever you want to do most of the time. That being said, you are not allowed to leave the castle for reasons not related to fulfilling your duties as the castle’s Serperior or without the king's explicit permission for more than a cumulative three days since the last time you stayed in it for at least one day straight. If this happens, you will be presumed missing and searched for, and if it continues to happen, you will be restricted to the castle for progressively longer periods of time.

They continue on to tell you that there is a particular part of the castle that you will probably find interesting: It’s official name is the multi-environment simulation greenhouse, but people have dubbed it The Cube. It’s basically a one mile long cube with a reinforced glass ceiling that has massive environments for every type of Pokémon, with a bit of stuff for all of the other types mixed into them so that the entire area has at least some appeal for all pokémon. There used to be a section in it for poison Pokémon but it had to be moved out of The Cube because it was proving to be impractical to maintain everything else with all of the poison. They then go on to explain that the reason for such a massive structure being a part of the castle is that there is no way for the castle to function with just humans, so each human has a Pokémon either with them when they start working at it, or assigned to them if they don’t have one. Even the lowest servants get a Rattata or Raticate if they don’t have their own Pokémon which they usually don’t. The Cube allows everyone to increase their bond and spend time with their Pokémon, allowing them to work together better and even just relax for a bit. Also, there are some Pokémon in the castle that are treated pretty much like humans. An example that they give being that the scribe that they mentioned earlier is a Lucario. A bit nervous, you point out that Lucariohs can read minds, and the human chuckles a bit and explains that no one knows where he came from, but he has lived here for his entire life. As a result, he seems to have lost the ability to read minds from a distance as a coping mechanism of sorts for being around so many creatures, and has to be in physical contact with something if he wants to read its mind.

Having finished explaining everything, another embarrassed look comes across their face and they quickly explain to you that they are the castle’s Pokémon master. They are in charge of everything relating to Pokémon in the castle, although the Lucario scribe, and you should you become the castle's Serperior, out rank them. They then apologize for not mentioning this earlier and tell you that you would be required to do weekly combat training sessions with them that are several hours long, as well as that they forgot to tell you this earlier because it is very untraditional for a castle’s Serperior to have any combat experience whatsoever, and that it is completely unheard of for one to receive regular training. They then tell you that while you can leave the castle when there are less than three days until your next training session, you will be required to do it immediately upon your return if you are gone when it would have happened.

With all of their explanations complete, they ask you if you will become the castle’s Serperior, and you gladly accept, knowing that this will be far better than your life in the forest had ever been. The human says very well and tells you that you do need to vow your allegiance to the king and that he needs to approve you, but the Pokémon master assures you that the king will as they lead you out of the room.

You follow them through even more halls and stairs until you eventually approach a large set of doors with fancy patterns etched into them. The Pokémon master pushes them open and you follow them through.

What you enter into is a throne room more amazing then you could ever have imagined, the center of which is occupied by the king on his throne. The king looks neither old or young, and he seems to almost emanate with strength and wisdom. Upon seeing him you bow down as if acting on some instinct that you didn’t know you had, and you can see that the king looks pleased with your actions. In a humble yet proud voice he tells the Pokémon master to rise and explain why he has come with this Serperior, and they do so while you keep your head bowed and your expression humble. They explain that they found you slithering by the castle gates and that they had you healed and found out that you are from this area, so they offered to let you become the castle’s Serperior if the king wished for you to become it seeing as you are well aware of what your duties would be and it seems like you would be able to carry them out well.

The king seems pleased by this and orders you to come forwards. As you do so you keep your head bowed, finding that the instructions on how to behave around the king come naturally to you. In fact, it is so natural that you barely have to think about it, a clear sign of your regal nature. The king orders you to rise and you raise your head to look at him as he gets down from his throne and begins inspecting you. Once he has finished, he gets back on his throne and asks the Pokémon master if you have vowed your allegiance to the king, and upon hearing that you haven’t he asks you if you will vow your allegiance to him. However, instead of saying yes you point out that there are specific situations where your duties would force you to go against him. He smiles and says “congratulations, you passed the final test. With those exceptions, will you vow your allegiance to me?”. When you hear this you are filled with a joy that you have never known and simply say “yes” without hesitation.

With those words having left your mouth, your new life finally begins. The Pokémon master motions for you to follow him and you do so as you leave the throne room of your new home.

Once the two of you are in the hall he congratulates you on becoming the castle’s Serperior, and that while he would love to show you to your room, they have to train some Pokémon in The Cube. However, they tell you that the scribe should be there and that he should be willing to show you to your room since it's near his. They also tell you that they will help you get used to your new life and the routines of it tomorrow, but that they just don’t have time today so while you could technically make them help you today they would much prefer that you don’t, and you tell them that it’s alright. You follow the Pokémon master for a while until you eventually reach a massive archway leading into what you can only assume is The Cube.

Although you already knew that this place is absolutely massive, seeing the sheer scale of it takes your breath away, and if you didn’t know better you would think that you were outside. The entrance that you go through leads into a massive field that is clearly meant for grass type Pokémon like yourself, and you take a few seconds to just enjoy slowly slithering through the tall grass before you quickly catch up with the Pokémon master. They lead you to a tree in the middle of a field. As you approach it, a lucario that is sitting with his back against the tree greets the Pokémon master by name and correctly identifies you as a Serperior without ever looking in your direction. The Pokémon master returns its greeting and asks him to show you where your room is when either of you is ready to go, explaining that you are now the castle’s Serperior and that your room is the one with the green door in the same hall as his. The lucario agrees to do so and the Pokémon master walks off towards an icy section of The Cube.

Once the Pokémon master is gone, the lucario asks you what your name is and how you prefer to be referred to, and you answer his questions. He then tells you his name and asks you if the Pokémon master has told you about him, and you tell him what they had told you. You then ask him how he knew that you were a Serperior without seeing you, and he explains to you that lucariohs can sense auras, and that every living thing has its own aura, and that although every living thing of the same type has the same aura, no two auras are identical. That’s how he knew that you are a Serperior and that the human that you were with was the Pokémon master. You thank him for his explanation and he asks you if you would like him to show you around The Cube, and you happily accept. You spend the rest of the day following the lucario around The Cube as he shows you each area and some of the many beautiful places within them. As it gets dark the lucario asks if you mind turning in for the night and you say that it’s fine, so he leads you out of the cube and back into the castle halls.

As you follow him the lucario tells you about life in the castle, making you realize that it is going to be even better than you thought it would be. After a while he reaches a blue and vanilla colored door on which is painted a jar of ink as well as a quill drawing a spiral on a piece of paper. He points to a door a bit further down the hall and tells you that it is yours before he enters his room, closing the door behind him. You slither over to the door and notice that it is painted with green, pale green, gold, and pale grey vines. You proceed to push the door open and close it behind you as you enter what is now your room.

You are amazed at what you see when you enter your room. There is a massive window that provides a spectacular view of the surrounding forest, a lit fireplace that bathes the room in a warm light and a gentle heat, and right in front of it is an artificial branch attached to the two walls adjacent to the fireplace. It feels and looks just like a real branch does, and it is close enough to the fireplace to make you feel its gentle warmth while still being far enough away to keep you from overheating should you choose to coil around it. You also notice a plate filled with all kinds of delicious berries, with Oran berries being the most common. You eat the berries and start to realize just how tired you are, so you coil around the fake branch and start to drift off to sleep.

As you do, you think about the events of what is undoubtedly the most wonderful day of your life and you realize that, amongst other things, you remember your way through the castle perfectly. This makes sense seeing as you have always had a really good sense of direction, and you know that you will be able to easily navigate to any part of the castle that you have already been to. After you have this thought, sleep overtakes you.

When you wake back up in this dream world, you will be able to act purely as you desire to, and what happens in it will be shaped by your actions to the degree that it would be if it were real, and considering the authority that comes with your position you could influence it quite a bit, or hardly affect it at all if you don’t try to influence it much.

Also, if you wake up in real life before all of these events have happened in the dream world, you will simply enter the dream world where you left off and resume the predetermined sequence of events the next time that you enter it. In fact, no time will pass between each time that you wake up in real life and when you next enter the dream world and everything will be exactly as it was when you left it.

Additionally, you will always remember what happened in the dream world when you awaken from it and your memory of it will never cause you to feel any negative emotions.

Finally, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have this wonderful new trigger, and a whole new world to explore as a result. I wonder what it will be like for you? The possibilities are endless. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my regal friend.

Anthro bee transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a bee.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a bee.”, you will transform into an anthro bee at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a bee.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a bee.”.

This request was challenging to make. I’ve never had to come up with a way to handle multiple arms but it proved to be surprisingly easy. Also, while it was just a minor inconvenience I couldn’t find any pictures showing the backside of the character in the picture that it was requested that I use, so I had to make my best guess as to where the wings connected. Oh, one more thing: I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and *requests.

*Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog.

based on this image:


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a bee.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a bee.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a bee.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a bee.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a thick coat of short and fuzzy fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. The fur on your hands, lower arms, feet, lower legs, ears, and the bottom two thirds of the front half of your torso is black while the fur on the rest of your body is yellow.

Also, the yellow fur intrudes into the space of the black fur on the front of your torso in the shape of a triangle. The base of the triangle spans the border between the yellow and black fur on the front of your torso, and the point of it is horizontally centered on the front of your torso and is vertically located halfway down it.

Additionally, there are sections of yellow fur shaped like 3D ovals on various parts of your body. There are two of them located on each of your elbows and knees on the border between the black and yellow fur. They are each two inches tall and half an inch wide and long. The ones on your elbows are vertically centered on the center of the outer side of each of your elbows and almost point straight away from where they are on them, but one on each elbow is rotated thirty degrees upwards while the other is rotated thirty degrees downwards. The ones on your knees are horizontally centered on the front of your knees and almost point straight down, but similarly although not identically to the ones on your elbows one of them on each knee is rotated thirty degrees to the left while the other is rotated thirty degrees to the right. Also, there are two of these sections of yellow fur on each side of your head. They are shaped just like the ones on your knees and elbows are, and are located on the edge between the sides of your head that they are on and your face, as well as vertically located two inches up your head. They almost point straight forwards, but like with the ones on your elbows one on each side of your head is rotated thirty degrees upwards while the other is rotated thirty degrees downwards.

Furthermore, there are sections of fur where each segment of fur is shaped like the ones in the other sections were, and they all grow from the same spots, but there are three of them instead of two and they are located on the center of your forehead as well as one sixth of the way down the center of the front of your torso. One of the oval shaped parts of each of these sections points forty five degrees upwards of straight forwards, another points straight forwards, and the last one points forty five degrees downwards of straight forwards.

Then, your finger and toe nails disappear, skin covered in the same black fur that coats so much of your body replacing them and leaving behind no trace of their existence.

Next, your nose recedes into your face, leaving behind no evidence of its existence except for your nose holes.

Then, your lips disappear as the middle third of the bottom half of your face stretches forwards in the shape of a wedge that is half as long as your head is. The sides of it are mostly flat but it curves inwards near the end so that it forms a continuous curve, and the edges between all of the sides of it are rounded.


After that, the toes that are second to the left and right on each of your feet, as well as the fingers that are second to the left and right on each of your hands shrink away and disappear. Then, each of your remaining fingers and toes change shape so that they are shaped like cones that point away from the hand or foot that they are on and are one third as wide as the hand or foot that they are on, with the ones on your hands being as long as your longest finger was while the ones on your feet are as long as your longest toe was. Of course, your hands and fingers won’t actually change, and you will continue to use them as you normally would, but you will only be able to perceive yourself as having three cone shaped fingers on each of your hands and not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that this is not the case.

Now, feel your ears move to the top of your head. As this happens they become shaped like solid ovals that point straight up and that are one third as tall as your head is, one fifth as wide as your head is, and an eighth of an inch long.

From the top of them, cone shaped antennas grow, with the points of them connecting to the center of the top of what was once your ears. They are one inch wide and as long as your head is tall. Also, they are covered in the same black fur that your former ears are covered in and the edges between the bottom and sides of them are rounded.

You will be able to rotate your antennas to face any direction that you wish and will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the directions that they are pointing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are pointing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

Then, your feet shrink so that they are only one and a half times as long as your new toes are. Of course, this won’t actually happen and you will still move around as you normally do, but you will be incapable of perceiving your feet as not being this size and you won’t understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that your feet are not one and a half times as long as your toes are.

Now, feel a large pulling sensation just below your arms as a new arm with a hand on the end of it grows on both the left and right sides of your torso just below your pre-existing arms. They are shaped exactly like your other arms and hands are, and are even covered in the same fur as them. Of course, you won’t actually have grown a second set of arms and hands, but you will perceive yourself as having done so. Also, your perception of both your real set of arms and hands and your imaginary ones will be altered so that you perceive yourself as using both of them when in reality you will just use your real arms and hands as you normally would. However, you will be incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you only have one set of arms and hands and you will be incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you don’t have the capabilities of a creature with four arms and hands. That being said, when you are only trying to control your second set of arms and hands you will be able to do so, but you will not attempt to use them to do anything but feel things, and you will never find this unusual or wonder why this is the case.

Next, feel your left eyes start to stretch out to the left while your right eye stretches out to your right, making it so that the edges of the outer side of your eyes touch the border between the yellow and black fur that is on your head. Simultaneously, they stretch upwards and downwards so that the top of each of them is on the edge between the top of your head and your face, and so that the bottom of each of them is level with the top of the wedge shaped part of your face.

Then, feel two tiny round pulling sensations one sixth of the way down your back, one being horizontally located one third of the way to the right of the left side of your torso and the other being horizontally located one third of the way to the left of the right side of your torso as two wings start to grow from each spot. They are shaped like paper thin cones that are pale blue. They connect to your back at the points of the cones and the normally flat side of them forms a short continuous curve between the top and bottom sides.

On each spot one of them is angled forty five degrees upwards from pointing straight back while the other one on each spot is angled forty five degrees downwards from pointing straight back. Their length is equal to your torso’s height and the ones that are angled downwards are one third as tall as they are long while the ones that are angled upwards are two thirds as tall as they are long.

You will be able to rotate your wings incredibly quickly in order to make a loud buzzing sound, but you will be the only one that can hear it because the way that your antennas are designed allows you to hear the specific frequency that your wings produce sound at as well as the normal range of frequencies that humans can hear.

Additionally, your wings are not strong enough to allow you to fly, or even to slow your fall, and you will never attempt to use them to do so.

After that, feel yet another pulling sensation as an extrusion starts to grow from the base of your spine. It is shaped like a 3D oval that comes to a point on each end of it instead of forming a continuous curve. It is as long as your torso is tall, as well as as wide and long as your torso is. It is angled forty five degrees upwards from straight back, and the first and third fourths of it are each covered in a black band of fur while the second and last fourth of it are each covered in a yellow band of fur.

Now, your eyeballs, pupils, and irises are turning pale purple.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first mental change is that when it won’t cause you or anyone else any problems, you will involuntarily drag out the “Z” sound whenever you make it, resulting in you making a sound like a bee buzzing.

The second mental change is that honey will become your favorite food, and you will like it even more if it already is your favorite food. That being said, you will never have an unhealthy amount of honey.

The third and final mental change is that you will absolutely love being near flowers, and when it would be reasonable for you to sniff them you will have a nearly irresistible urge to do so unless you are allergic to pollen. If you aren’t allergic to pollen, you will find that sniffing flowers results in you feeling happy and relaxed for as long as you are near them. If you are allergic to pollen, you will feel happy and relaxed for as long as you are near any flower with no sniffing being required to get that wonderful effect.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro bee, a form which I think is rather bee fitting of you. In case you are wondering, no, I am not sorry for making that pun. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my probably not bee mused friend.

Anthro latex snow leopard transformation (read description | no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a latex snow leopard.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a latex snow leopard.”, you will transfurm into an anthro latex snow leopard at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a latex snow leopard.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a latex snow leopard.”.

This file creates a mental entity which will be able to interact with and through you. They can be made to appear by using the summoning phrase “I summon the latex snow leopard of transfurmation.”, and you can make them disappear by using the removal phrase “Begon, latex snow leopard of transfurmation.”. These summoning and removal phrases will work even when you are not an anthro latex snow leopard.

[IMPORTANT] Lastly, at one point in the transfurmation you can let your relationship with the snow leopard stay that of close friends (caused by previous mental changes), or you can let it become similar to that of a parent and a child. THERE ARE NO SUGGESTION MEANT TO INDUCE REGRESSION, however they are supposed to form that special type of bond between you and the snow leopard.

This request was fun to do. I think that I did a really good job of using the in game dialogue while still making it my own thing. Normally I wouldn’t implement suggestions relating to the above paragraph, but because I was trying to make it accurate to the game I felt that I should. Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and *requests.

*Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a latex snow leopard.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a latex snow leopard.”, you will undergo the transfurmation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a latex snow leopard.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a latex snow leopard.”.

Now the transfurmation will begin.

First, notice how a creature has appeared nearby. It has bright green eyes and It’s shape is mostly human spare its short muzzle and long tail, as well as its big rounded ears. It is also covered in thick and fluffy fur that is mostly grey with black spots, but the fur on the front of its torso and neck, as well as on the inside of its ears and the bottom of its muzzle is white while the fur on the outside of its ears is black.

You also notice that it appears to randomly drip some liquid onto the ground, making you realize exactly what this creature is: an anthro latex snow leopard.

This hypnosis file contains suggestions that make you move in certain ways, but that will only happen when the trigger phrases are used, so while you are using this hypnosis file you will simply imagine it happening instead of actually moving, but it will seem completely real to you and you won’t realize that it is just your imagination, and when this file is done you will imagine getting back into the position that you are currently in, and stop imagining the experience, but you will find that the snow leopard has not disappeared despite the fact that you are no longer imagining the situation.

It walks up to you and makes it so that it can get behind you. For instance, it will roll you on to your side if you are laying on your back and it makes you stand up if you are sitting with your back to something. In reality this anthro snow leopard will not be there, so in order to make it seem as if it is your mind will make you move how it would if the anthro snow leopard was actually interacting with you, but you will be completely unaware of this.

Then, it gets behind you and grabs your lower arms and makes you bend downwards as it presses its legs against yours, after which it wraps its tail around your waist and legs making fleeing impossible.

The snow leopard's body feels cold as a few drops of it gently fall on your neck, yet its fur feels soft and fluffy as the latex starts to spread onto your body wherever it is touching you, as well as where it fell on your neck.

As this happens, you go from the latex making your back feel cold to the latex making it feel numb, the numbness quickly giving way to a gentle warmth and feelings of comfort.

By now your back is completely covered in latex and you feel your bones let off a quiet creak as it starts to enter your bloodstream as it prepares to change you from the inside out and starts to cause any hair that is on your head to slowly turn white as it is converted into latex while any other hair that you have falls off your body.

Now, you know that you are turning into something, but you can’t remember what it is as a pleasant haze starts to cloud your mind, making it hard to think. As this happens, your irises become tinted light green slightly, or become an even more vibrant shade of it if that is the color that they naturally are. You know that you knew what you were turning into a little while ago, but you just can’t remember anymore and it takes far too much effort to try to. With your mind as hazy as it is, you don’t even notice how you are starting to like the snow leopard that is bringing about these changes despite not being able to remember anything about its personality. However, what you do know is that whatever you are turning into is very comfortable judging by how nice the white latex fur on the front of your torso feels.

After a little while you notice that your legs and feet are soft. You hadn't even been thinking about them but they are being transferred just like the rest of your body is, and because they are in contact with so much of the snow leopard it didn't take long for them to be completely coated in the grey latex and the black spots that decorate it.

The snow leopard continues to hold onto your arms as the latex spreads from it to you, covering your arms and hands in that familiar spotted pattern of grey and black while making them just as soft and fluffy as its own. Also, it makes your fingers a bit longer and stronger. In reality, how strong and long you think your human fingers are will be reduced slightly to create this illusion, but you will be completely unaware of this and you won't be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that your new fingers are not stronger and or longer than they used to be.

The latex proceeds to spread up your neck and starts to cover your face, rounding out and enlarging your ears as it starts to form your muzzle making you look almost identical to the other snow leopard. As this happens, your irises become tinted light green a bit more or become an even more vibrant shade of it if they are already light green. Simultaneously, your mind changes again so that you feel like you are close friends with the snow leopard, this change going unnoticed just like the last.

Then, you feel a wonderful pulling sensation at the base of your spine as the latex starts to grow your tail which is identical to that of the snow leopard’s. Your tail is so soft and fluffy that you can’t help but feel a big smile on your muzzle regardless of how you might have been feeling moments ago.

If you had been struggling against the snow leopard you stop now, knowing that there is truly nothing that you can do to stop it, but would you even stop it if you could? You are now wrapped in the latex, but it feels as natural to you as your old human skin did.

You feel wonderful, your hearing is much better now, and your arms and legs are far stronger than they used to be. Of course, your hearing won’t actually have improved, but your mind will change so that you think that your human hearing is far worse than your current hearing is. You will be completely unaware of this and will not be able to understand any logic in a way that directly suggests that your new ears do not make your hearing much stronger than it was when you were a human. similarly, your arms and legs will not actually become stronger, but your mind will change so that you think that your human arms and legs are much weaker than your current ones are. Like with your hearing, you will be completely unaware of this and not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that your new arms and legs are not stronger than your human ones.

Also, your hair has now finished turning completely white and is made purely of latex.

Now, it feels like your insides are turning to mush. This is exactly what is happening as the latex in your bloodstream starts to change you from the inside out, making you be made entirely of latex and causing you to feel as if you are made of ice that is constantly melting yet constantly solid at the same time. This sensation will feel weird and perhaps even disorientating at first if you aren’t familiar with it, but you will quickly get used to it if that is the case.

Next, you close your eyes as your consciousness becomes a blur and you are left with only the ability to make a choice, as well as the ability to think clearly about things that are relevant for making the choice. The choice is that you can let your relationship with the snow leopard stay that of close friends, or you can let it take on one  similar to that of a parent and child. If you choose to accept this, you will know that they are not one of your parents, but you will feel almost as if they are. Also, you will be able to choose a different option each time that you undergo this transfurmation, but it will be increasingly difficult the longer you have your relationship be like that of parent and child, eventually finding that you can’t change it, but when you reach that point you will find that you never have a desire to do so.

If you choose to keep your relationship just that of close friends, you will open your eyes feeling happy despite the stickiness of your new form and they will release you and be eager to learn about their new friend, and you will find that same eagerness present within yourself.

If you choose to accept this final alteration to your relationship with the snow leopard, you will find that you feel as if you are their child. Of course, you and the snow leopard will both know that you aren’t the snow leopard’s child and that the snow leopard isn’t one of your parents, but you will both feel as if you are. It will be impossible for you to resist these feelings of kinship with the snow leopard if you do this, but it won’t feel bad. In fact, they will feel completely wonderful and natural. Also, your irises will become the exact same shade of green as the snow leopard’s.

This change will happen almost instantly once you decide to accept it. Once it is done you will feel happy albeit much stickier because you are now primarily made of latex. You will then turn around and hug them as they hug you, a look on your face like that of a newborn seeing their parent for the first time as the snow leopard looks at you, admiring its new creation. The two of you will stay in each others embrace for a long time, eventually sitting or laying down somewhere comfortable so that you can talk to each other and get to know each other better, both of you eager and happy to learn about the other.

Now, become aware of the fact that there is no way of knowing what the snow leopard’s personality, or even its name, will be unless you have learned about them in previous interactions, but it is guaranteed that you will like both of them in the long run. 

When you and the snow leopard talk to each other about yourselves, one thing that they will explain to you is that because of the nature of their form, they can only interact with real objects through you, and they can only make you move as much as you can on your own. They will also tell you that they can transfurm you without the use of the trigger phrases when you give them permission to do so.

In addition, they will also explain to you that they can be made to appear by using the summoning phrase “I summon the latex snow leopard of transfurmation.”, and that you can make them disappear by using the removal phrase “Be-gon, latex snow leopard of transfurmation.”, and that these summoning and removal phrases will work even when you are not an anthro latex snow leopard. Also, they do not have access to your thoughts as well as your memories about things directly relating to yourself and memories that you consider to be “personal”, but they have access to all of your other memories. Additionally, they will not be unhappy or upset with you for making them go away, and they won’t be unhappy or upset if you don’t summon them again. Heck, you could wait twenty years before summoning them again and they wouldn’t mind.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro latex snow leopard, making you the same species as the creature that blessed you with this form. I’m sure that you are both eager to get to know each other better, so I will get going. Goodbye, my black spotted friend.

Hyper immersion: Pokémon games (no game required version | read description | no induction)


NOTICE: The effects of this hypnosis file work better the more familiar you are with Pokémon Sapphire. Not being familiar with the game could lead to unpredictable effects.

NOTICE 2: This is designed for Pokémon games like Pokémon Sword and Shield and Pokémon Sapphire (it’s still my favorite and I’ve played Pokémon Sword). I intentionally wrote this file in such a way that it should work with most Pokémon games, but I don’t know how well it would be compatible with more unusual ones, take Pokémon Snap for example.

This file gives you a trigger composed of the phrase  “Activate memory based hyper immersion for Pokémon”, and then the rest of the name of a Pokémon game that starts with the word “Pokémon” (For instance, if you wanted to use this with Pokémon Sword you would say the trigger phrase, and then the word “sword”). If you use this trigger phrase, you will enter a dream like state and experience that game in a fully realistic way for a maximum of two real life hours. After two hours have passed, or if you use the deactivation phrase “Return to reality.”, the effects of the trigger will instantly become inactive and you will open your eyes in real life feeling as if you have had a very restful nap.

Additionally, if you use the reset trigger “Reset memory based hyper immersion for Pokémon”, and then the name of the Pokémon game that you want to have the state of reset, the state of the dream world for that Pokémon game will reset to what it was when you used the trigger for that game for the first time.

This file was easy to make. It is based on a request I got for a version of the previous file that I made adapted for Pokémon Emerald. I realized that it would be really easy to make a version of this that worked for most Pokémon games, so that’s what I did. Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and *requests!

*Requests are closed until June 1st, 2021 so that I can get through my backlog.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger is “Activate memory based hyper immersion for Pokémon”, and then the rest of the name of a Pokémon game that starts with the word “Pokémon”. If you use this trigger, you will experience the effects that are about to be described for a maximum of two real life hours. After two hours have passed, or if you use the deactivation phrase “Return to reality.”, the effects of the trigger will instantly become inactive and you will open your eyes in real life feeling as if you have had a very restful nap.

Now the effects of the trigger will be described.

When you use the trigger, you will immediately lay down and close your eyes. Then, you will find yourself in a dream like state where everything that you experience and see will seem completely realistic, but you will know that it is not real. However, unlike in lucid dreams you will not be able to do anything that you can’t normally do.

When you open your eyes in the dream world for the first time, you will be where the player starts at the beginning of the Pokémon game that you used in the trigger. From there, you will be able to do anything that you could and experience the events that you would experience if you were playing the Pokémon game that you indicated in the trigger, as well as some other stuff. For example, you will be able to take your Pokémon out of their Pokéballs and interact with them when you are not in battle, and you will be able to go off of the trails that you are normally restricted to in the game. However, you will not be able to skip key events by doing this. For instance, while you could go off of a trail in a forest to explore that forest, you will always end up looping back to where you left the trail, preventing you from doing things out of order. Also, at times when the player is forced to move to a certain place in the game, you will find that it just seems completely logical and natural for you to do so as well and will do so without questioning why you are doing it.

Additionally, whenever you use the trigger and it isn’t the first time that you have used it for the Pokémon game that you indicated with it, you will find that the dream world and your place in it is exactly the same as it was when you left it.

Furthermore, your mind will create this dream world based on your memory of the game, filling in anything that you can’t remember with stuff that it creates.

While you are within this dream world, you will know that it is not real despite the fact that it seems completely realistic, and you will always know that you can leave it by using the deactivation phrase “return to reality.”. Also, the effects of the trigger will instantly become inactive if your mind detects that your name is spoken in real life, if it feels something touch your real life body, or if it suspects that there is an emergency in real life.

Additionally, if you use the reset trigger “Reset memory based hyper immersion for Pokémon”, and then the name of the Pokémon game that you want to have the state of reset, the state of the dream world for that Pokémon game will reset to what it was when you used the trigger for that game for the first time.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have this fun new trigger, and can experience the main Pokémon games in an entirely new way. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my Pokémon catching friend.

Hyper immersion: Pokémon Sapphire (no game required version | read description | no induction)


NOTICE: The effects of this hypnosis file work better the more familiar you are with Pokémon Sapphire. Not being familiar with the game could lead to unpredictable effects.

This file gives you the trigger phrase “Activate memory based hyper immersion for Pokémon Sapphire.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will enter a dream like state and experience Pokémon Sapphire in a fully realistic way for a maximum of two real life hours. After two hours have passed, or if you use the deactivation phrase “Return to reality.”, the effects of the trigger phrase will instantly become inactive and you will open your eyes in real life feeling as if you have had a very restful nap. Additionally, if you use the reset phrase “Reset memory based hyper immersion for Pokémon Sapphire.”, the state of the dream world will reset to what it was when you used the trigger phrase for the first time.

This was a nice quick request to do. Also, I used to play (and still have) Pokémon sapphire on a Gameboy that I got at some yard sale, so this was a bit nostalgic for me. The one thing that worries me is that it is memory based, and if my memory is correct it is not a short game. I put in suggestions to help compensate for this issue but it still bothers me a bit. Finally, I want you to know that I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “Activate memory based hyper immersion for Pokémon Sapphire.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will experience the effects that are about to be described for a maximum of two real life hours. After two hours have passed, or if you use the deactivation phrase “Return to reality.”, the effects of the trigger phrase will instantly become inactive and you will open your eyes in real life feeling as if you have had a very restful nap.

Now the effects of the trigger will be described.

When you use the trigger phrase, you will immediately lay down and close your eyes. Then, you will find yourself in a dream like state where everything that you experience and see will seem completely realistic, but you will know that it is not real. However, unlike in lucid dreams you will not be able to do anything that you can’t normally do.

When you open your eyes in the dream world for the first time, you will be where the player starts at the beginning of the game Pokémon Sapphire. From there, you will be able to do anything that you could and experience the events that you would experience if you were playing the game Pokémon Sapphire, as well as some other stuff. For example, you will be able to take your Pokémon out of their Pokéballs and interact with them when you are not in battle, and you will be able to go off of the trails that you are normally restricted to in the game. However, you will not be able to skip key events by doing this. For instance, while you can go off of the trail and explore the forest outside of Littleroot, the town that the player starts in, you will always end up looping back to where you entered the forest, preventing you from doing things out of order. Also, at times when the player is forced to move to a certain place in the game, you will find that it just seems completely logical and natural for you to do so as well and will do so without questioning why you are doing it.

Additionally, whenever you use the trigger phrase and it isn’t the first time that you have used it, you will find that the dream world and your place in it is exactly the same as it was when you left it.

Furthermore, your mind will create this dream world based on your memory of the game, filling in anything that you can’t remember with stuff that it creates.

While you are within this dream world, you will know that it is not real despite the fact that it seems completely realistic, and you will always know that you can leave it by saying the deactivation phrase “return to reality.”. Also, the effects of the trigger will instantly become inactive if your mind detects that your name is spoken in real life, if it feels something touch your body, or if it suspects that there is an emergency.

Additionally, if you use the reset phrase “Reset memory based hyper immersion for Pokémon Sapphire.”, the state of the dream world will reset to what it was when you used the trigger phrase for the first time.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have this fun new trigger, and can experience Pokémon Sapphire in an entirely new way. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my soon-to-be trainer friend.

Latex shark transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a latex shark.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a latex shark.”, you will transform into a latex shark at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a latex shark.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a latex shark.”.

This was a fun request to make! I approach Changed TFs the exact opposite way that I approach other TFs, so it tends to be a fun challenge to do them. Also, because there was no in game dialogue for this tf, I had to do this on my own. All in all, I’m really happy with how this turned out. I wanted to put a lot of emphasis on the interaction between the mind of the host and the latex, and I feel that I did that pretty well. I also wanted to have a few key points in this, those being the host resisting and not wanting to be transferred, then the host being made to like the transfur, and then the host associating with their transferred body and dissociation with their human one (with limits and safeties of course). Oh, I almost forgot to say that I would love to hear your requests, suggestions, and feedback!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a latex shark.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a latex shark.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a latex shark.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a latex shark.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, notice how from out of seemingly nowhere, a pool of living latex that is grey with some white latex mixed in has appeared below your feet. It quickly reaches upwards and engulfs your feet in grey latex, then pulling them down and trapping them in the pool of latex.

With you now unable to flee, the latex starts to slowly slide up your legs, coating them with grey latex on the front and white latex on the back. The latex is very smooth. In fact, it is so smooth that it is almost but not quite slippery.

As this happens, the latex painlessly melts away your toes and replaces them with three new ones that are made of grey latex, each of which is one third as wide as your feet are and as long as your longest toe was, the only exception being your middle toes which are just a bit longer than the outer ones are. However, you find that you can neither feel or move these digits because they are not of your body but are instead of the latex.

With the latex having reached the top of your legs it spreads to your torso, painting the front and bottom of it white while turning the rest of it grey.

With the bottom of your torso covered a mass starts to form there in the shape of a circle that is as wide as the space between your legs. It starts to quickly grow longer and longer as the latex’s advance up your chest slows down to allow it to form faster. It is twice as long as your legs are tall and starts out with the front half of it being white and the bottom half being grey, but the white stripe gets narrower and narrower the closer to the end of your tail it gets until the white stripe is completely gone at the very end of it which is half as wide as the start of it is do to your tail gradually getting smaller as it gets further away from you. At the end of it, it splits down the middle into two large grey fins with the one on the left side pointing to the left while the other one points to the right.

With the latex tail finished the latex stops spreading all together, leaving you with the body of a latex shark from the bottom half of your torso down. With the latex no longer moving, you feel an odd tingling sensation where the latex toes and tail connect to the rest of your body as the latex connects to your nervous system, allowing you to feel them and move them freely. However, the latex doesn’t stop at granting you control of your new limbs, and like a hacker attacking a vulnerable computer it sends signals to your brain, re-writing parts of it and making changes to better suit this particular type of living latex.

The first thing that it does is that it makes it so that you love being wet, making it feel wonderful and relaxing. As it does this it floods your mind with images of you doing everything from swimming in water to simply taking baths and nice, long, warm showers. It even makes you imagine being outside in the rain without an umbrella which now seems like an absolutely wonderful idea to you. These images flow into your mind so fast that it is as if a dam is bursting, and each of them individually makes you feel amazingly happy, relaxed, and at ease, making the feeling of so many of them going through your mind so fast absolutely wonderful as your cares and worries are washed away.

Then, the images shift from ones where the focus is you being wet to ones where the focus is you swimming, and you start to lose your mind to bliss. The thought of swimming is absolutely wonderful, like it is exactly what you are supposed to do. That being said, you will find that you won’t have any desire to swim or get wet unless it is a good time to, and your elevated fish-like desires will never cause you to spend money to fulfill them or make you even slightly unhappy when you don’t. Also, while fulfilling these desires would become very addicting to a normal human, the latex simply alters your mind to make it so that this can’t happen. Additionally, you will find that it is common for your un-directed thoughts that would normally just be about random unimportant stuff to be about being wet and swimming, and you will find that those very same things occupy your dreams, both those in the day and those at night. In them you will fully be a latex shark, swimming with other latex sharks in an endless sea where all you do is swim far below the water’s surface and eat the abundance of fish whenever you get hungry. These day dreams and thoughts will put your mind at ease whenever you are feeling stressed or anxious, and at night these dreams will make you feel perfect, as if you are what you are supposed to be where you are supposed to be doing what you are supposed to be doing. Whenever you awaken from that perfect dream world you will hold onto the memory of it, drawing comfort from it whenever you are feeling sad or worried. You also won’t feel any desire to go to sleep early because of how good it feels to be in this dream world, but it will fill you with a calm and relaxing excitement as you get ready for bed and as you lay in it, knowing that it won’t be long before that dream world takes you once more.

With your mind as the living latex desires it to be at the moment, it starts to manipulate your arms as it raises up what you now think of as your tail for you to rub it. You find that regardless of how compliant you might have been before, a strong flame of rebellion ignites within you and you manage to gain enough self control to stop yourself from touching your new tail. To your surprise, the latex doesn’t try to force you to comply. Instead, you feel a sense of offendedness coming from it, as if it was trying to do something nice for you and you completely rejected it. With this realization you suddenly feel awful. You don’t know if the latex is making you feel this way or if these feelings come from yourself, but you really couldn’t care less right now. Hoping that the latex’s connection to your brain allows it to sense your thoughts, you beg and plead in your mind for it to forgive you, promising that you will never resist it again and finding that you now want to help it transfur you as a way of apologizing, the fact that you don’t feel nearly bad enough to warrant such a plea for forgiveness never once crossing your mind. After a little while you sense the offendedness go away and you feel grateful as it starts to control your body once again much like a puppeteer controls a puppet. When it makes you rub your tail it feels wonderful, as if wherever it is being rubbed is being mess-ahged in an absolutely wonderful and relaxing way. You don’t even notice that the latex has stopped making you rub your tail because you are now doing it on your own, any thoughts of the living latex that is blessing you with these changes leaving your mind as you start to think about swimming and being wet. The combination of your aquatic thoughts and rubbing your tail causes your mind to melt into feelings of happiness, contentedness, and relaxation as a calm and blissful expression comes across your face.

As this happens, the latex makes two more changes to your mind. The first thing it does is make it so that you will never find rubbing any part of your body, especially your tail, or even rubbing any part of your body while being wet and swimming or thinking about being wet or swimming, to be even slightly addictive.

The other mental change that it makes is that it makes it so that no matter how good and relaxed you feel, you can always keep your composure and act like you normally do, allowing you to do things like rub your tail against stuff and think about swimming and being wet without anyone else ever having a clue that you are doing so.

As you continue to rub your tail and start to sink into your wonderful day dream you don’t even notice how the latex has finished spreading across your now white and grey torso and has started to slowly advance upon your arms, covering them in wonderful grey latex and forming a small fin on the top side of each of your elbows.

Once the grey latex covers your fingers it quickly and painlessly dissolves them just like it did with your old toes. In their place, it creates three wonderful new grey latex fingers on each of your hands. They are each one third as wide as your hands are and are just as long as your old middle fingers were. They are also shaped more or less like your old fingers were, the only difference being that they get narrower and shorter the closer that they get to the end of them so that they each end in a slimy point. Also, in order to compensate for the decreased usability of your new hands, the latex on them will move and shift in such a way that it allows you to do everything that you could do with your old five fingered hands.

As your hands are slowly covered in that glorious grey latex you find that they feel almost as good as your tail does. Interested by this you stop rubbing your tail and rub your hands against your chest, finding that both your hands and your white latex chest feel almost as good as your tail does when it is rubbed against something. Now even more curious you start to randomly rub places across your entire body as the latex starts to slowly spread up your neck as it paints the front of it in white latex and the back of it in grey latex. What you find is that when you rub a part of your body other than your tail that is covered in the latex it feels like a slightly less intense version of that massage like feeling that you get when you rub your tail, and that rubbing the small amount of your body that hasn't yet been covered in the living latex doesn’t feel good on that part of your body, but it does on your latex covered hands which you rub it with.

With your body covered in that oh-so wonderful substance from the neck down the living latex makes its final advance as it starts to slowly cover your head, dissolving any hair that it encounters. However, you’ve decided to go back to rubbing your tail and thinking about wonderful things like being wet and swimming, so you hardly notice the grey latex spreading up the back side of your head while the white latex advances up the front, left, and right sides. The latex covers your mouth and tongue, causing you to gag briefly. When it is done you find that the inside of your mouth, as well as your tongue, feels smooth and slimy, and that there is a constant but faint taste of latex. However, you find that you really enjoy this and thank the living latex in your mind, knowing that it can sense your thoughts and that it is probably the reason that you like the faint taste and constant texture of it so much instead of finding it absolutely disgusting.

The latex continues to travel up your face and reaches your nose, covering it in what looks like a solid coating of latex, but you find that you can still breav just fine. This is because there is a network of air holes near where your nose is, allowing air to flow into it while still being small enough to be invisible to the naked eye.

With both your mouth and nose covered, the latex extends away from your face to make you a nice medium length muzzle, the top of which is just above the top of your nose holes.

Once it passes your nose holes, the white latex, including that which is on the top of your muzzle, turns grey as it continues to move upwards. It goes around your eyes but coats your eyelids the instant you blink.

The latex then proceeds to go up past your ears, covering them in the process and leaving no visible indication that you even have them. Luckily for you, the latex in the area around your ears is very sensitive to vibrations, so it can transmit sounds directly to your eardrums resulting in perfect emulation of your human ears.

With your head completely covered, the living latex makes its final physical changes. The first thing that it does is that it forms two vertical slits on the left and right sides of your head half way up the white latex with one behind the other. Although they look exactly like gills, the latex doesn’t have the power to change you that much, so these fake gills are just for show. After that, it forms two fins on the back half of both the left and right sides of your head. The first ones are just below your eyes, with the top half being on the side of the grey latex while the bottom half is on the side of the white latex. The second ones are made only of grey latex and are just above your eyes and angled upwards halfway. The final physical change is that a long and tall fin of grey latex forms on the top of your head. In fact, it is so long that it is as long as your head is not counting your muzzle.

With your latex shark body finished, you realise that you can’t feel your human body and can instead only feel the latex. You aren’t sure when this happened, it could have been just now or a long time ago, you were too focused on rubbing your tail to notice. In fact, you’re having trouble remembering what your human body looks like, because whenever you try to think of yourself, even of you in memories, you remember yourself as a latex shark. That being said, if you try really hard you can remember part of what you looked like, but the memories are always blurry and feel as if they belong to another person unlike your memories where you are a latex shark, those memories feel much more like your own. That being said, you will always remember that you are truly a human, but you will find it much easier to ignore this fact and tend to think of yourself as a latex shark. Fortunately, the living latex has made yet another change to your mind so that you can still function normally, in fact, it has made a few.

The first one is that it made it so that you will still do normal hygiene stuff like cutting your nails and taking care of your hair. Even if you think that you no longer have any you will still go through the motions of doing them. In reality, you will actually do hygiene stuff as you normally would, with your subconscious guiding your actions. However, you will be completely unaware of this and just believe that you are doing this because it makes humans feel more comfortable around creatures like you. In fact, that is the reason that you will do all of the things that you normally do like a human would.

The second helpful change that it made is that it made it so that when talking about yourself, you will always describe yourself as if you were a human despite not remembering how your human self looks. So if you have pale skin you will say that you have pale skin instead of grey latex skin should you be asked about your skin color. That being said, you will forget how you described yourself the instant the words leave your mouth.

The final mental change you are completely unaware of. The change is that what you think your human swimming abilities are will be greatly reduced, and you will believe that your actual swimming abilities are so much better than your human ones because this form increases them ten fold.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you are a latex shark, both in mind and in body, but that doesn’t mean that we are done. Feel the living latex take control of your body one last time as it makes you start having that wonderful day dream again. It also makes you start squirming in place, forcing you to rub against whatever is near you, and you will continue to do so for the next few minutes whether you want to or not, but you can let your body keep squirming on its own even after those few minutes are up for as long as you want. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my happily squirming friend.

Midnight lycanroc transformation experimental version (READ DESCRIPTION | no induction)



This version of the tf includes suggestions to make you believe on some level that you are a Midnight lycanroc. The safeties ensure that you will never forget that you are a human but it is designed to not disrupt the experience.

This version also forces you to go against the “instincts” that I create and uses your feelings during and after you do so to help affirm that you are a Midnight Lycanroc. It is meant to be a VERY unpleasant experience. It isn’t painful but it will feel really awful and wrong. There are 

suggestions to make you feel better afterwards but consider yourself warned.

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”, you will transform into a Midnight Lycanroc at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”.

This was a challenging request to do. The geometry for Lycanroc’s midnight form is surprisingly complex and diverse, which is the main reason that this is so long. Also, I literally got disrupted every time I tried to edit this script except for today which is the main reason that it took so long to finish. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a short and thick coat of fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Most of the fur is dark red, but the fur on the front side of your torso and neck, as well as on your face, hands, feet, lower legs, and knees, is white.

Also, The white fur intrudes into the space of the dark red fur in a few places. This happens on your torso where there is a band of white fur that goes all the way around it. It is one fifth as tall as your torso is and is vertically centered two thirds of the way up it. The white fur also intrudes into the space of the dark red fur on your upper legs where on the front, left, and right sides of them there are triangles of white fur which bases span the entirety of the bottom of the sides of your upper legs that they are on. While the points of the triangles are all horizontally centered on the sides of your upper legs that they are on, the ones on the left and right sides of your upper legs are vertically located at the top of your upper legs while the ones on the front of your upper legs are vertically located one third of the way up them. The last place where the white fur intrudes on the space of the dark red fur is in the shape of a triangle on each of your lower arms. The bases of them span the entirety of the bottom of the top side of your lower arms and the points of them are horizontally centered on the top side of your lower arms as well as vertically located all the way up them.

Additionally, there is a place on your face where the dark red fur intrudes into the space of the white fur. It is in the shape of a vertical stripe that is as wide as your nose is and goes from the center of the top of your face to the end of the top of your nose. However, the white fur intrudes into the space of the dark red stripe in the shape of a triangle. The triangle’s base is as wide as the dark red stripe is, as well as vertically and horizontally centered on the bottom of the stripe while the point of it is located half an inch above the base and is also horizontally centered on the dark red stripe.

Next, feel your entire body change size so that you are only three feet and seven inches tall. Of course, your size won’t actually be changing and you will act as if you are your normal height. In reality, your mind will just change so that everything that is taller than and or above you seems really tall while you, as well as everything that is below and or smaller than you, will seem really small. However, you will be completely unaware of this and not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are your normal height instead of the height of three feet and seven inches.

After that, your face elongates to form a long muzzle. However, unlike your mouth which stretches out all the way with your muzzle, the stripe of dark red fur on your face only stretches out so that it is half as long as your muzzle is and the triangle of white fur that intrudes into it stays the same size but moves down so that the base of it is still centered on the bottom of the stripe.

Simultaneously, your entire nose is absorbed into your muzzle except for your nose holes. They stay just as far to the left and right of the center of your head as they had been, but they are now located just below the edge between the top and the front of your muzzle.

Then, the fur on the front of your muzzle falls out in an area that is shaped like a triangle with the left and right points on the top left and top right corners of the front of your muzzle and the other point being located on and horizontally centered on the front of your muzzle, as well as located a bit below your nose holes. As the fur falls out it reveals that the skin in that area has become a black material that is slightly squishy and leathery.

As this happens, your teeth turn into sharp and pointy fangs and new fangs grow in to fill the extra space in your elongated mouth.

Then, feel your fingers and toes beginning to harden as they lose their ability to move and become a solid grey material that is hard and durable. As this happens, they merge and change shape so that you have three fingers and toes on each of your hands and feet respectively that are each as long as your longest toe was and that are one third as wide as the hand or foot that they are on. Your fingers and toes also change shape so that the bottom of them is flat while the top of them is curved one hundred and eighty degrees from the left side of them to the right, and so that while they are as tall as they are wide where they connect to your hands and feet, they gradually get smaller and thinner the closer they get to the end of them until your claws end in dangerously sharp points. Despite how sharp your new claws are, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

Additionally, because your fingers and toes will not actually have turned into rigid claws and you won’t actually have three digits on each of your hands and feet, or more accurately fore paws and hind paws respectively, instead of the number that you normally have, you will act as if your fingers and toes are as they are in reality, but you will be completely unaware of this. Furthermore, you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are acting as if you have human fingers and toes instead of what you now perceive yourself as having.

Next, two extrusions that are made of the same hard and durable material as your claws are made of form on both the left and right side of your torso, with one above the other on each side. They are each half as tall as the band of white fur that goes around your torso is and each span the entirety of the side of your torso that they are on. They are each shaped like an elongated pyramid with dull edges that is one inch tall and follows the curve of your torso.

The front point of each of these extrusions are located on the edge between the front of your torso and the sides of your torso, while the back ones are located on the edge between the back and the sides of your torso. They are vertically located one fourth of the way down from the top of your band of white fur on the upper ones and three fourths of the way down from the top of your band of white fur on the lower ones.

The top and bottom point of each of these extrusions are horizontally centered on the middle of the sides of your torso that they are on. The top point of each of the upper extrusions are vertically located on the top of your band of white fur while the bottom point of each of your upper extrusions are vertically located on the center of your band of white fur. Conversely, the bottom point on each of your lower extrusions are vertically located on the bottom of your band of white fur while the top point of each of your lower extrusions are vertically located on the center of your band of white fur.

Now, feel a light pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow that is one third as wide as your torso is and two thirds as long as your torso is wide, as well as composed entirely of soft and fluffy white fur. It is shaped like a cone that starts out pointing straight back and splits half way down it. From there, The top three fourths of it steadily curve upwards so that the tip of it points straight up while the bottom fourth of it curves up half as quickly and ends before it points straight up because of how small it is.

Because your tail is made purely of fur, you will not be able to control it, but you will be able to sit and lay on it without feeling any discomfort.

Then, feel a much stronger version of that same pulling sensation that you felt moments ago as the fur on the part of your white band of fur that is on the back half of your torso grows so that it is three inches long.

Then, the fur on it grows upwards to form seven masses of fur, extra fur growing in so that they are each as thick as the rest of your coat of fur is. All of the sections look like one trapezoid shaped mass of fur that is horizontally centered on your torso and that is as wide as your torso is on the bottom and that is two and a half times as wide as your torso is on the top, until they are as high as your head, at which point they each split into their own mass which is shaped like a solid cone that has been cut in half and that is half as wide as your torso is, with the flat side being the part of it that faces forwards when it is vertical.

The first five are located one next to another across the top of the mass before it separates, or the “mega mass” as we’ll call it. From the point where the middle one separates from the mega mass it grows almost straight up, but curves forwards an inch near the top of it. It is so tall that the end of it is twice as high above your neck as the top of your head is. The ones next to the middle one grow just like it, but are two inches shorter than it is, and the outer ones grow just like the last two, but are two inches shorter than they are.

The sixth one grows from the same spot as the middle one does and is two inches shorter than the first one, as well as quickly curves downwards so that it points straight forwards. It is so long that the end of it is as far forwards as the end of your muzzle.

The seventh one also grows from the same spot as the middle one does and starts out pointing straight forwards and gradually curves downwards so that the dull end of it is level with the top of the end of your muzzle and as far forwards from the end of your muzzle as your muzzle is long. The last two thirds of the curved part of it are made of the same hard and durable grey material as your claws are made of and is firmly attached to the mass of fur that it grows from. Also, two sections of fur grow from the mass of fur that the grey material is attached to that cover part of the top half of it in the shape of triangles that match the curve of this mass. One of their bases covers the top of the right side of where the grey material begins while the other one covers the top of the left side of where the grey material begins. Their points are located one third of the way down the mass of grey material and are horizontally aligned with the center of their bases.

You will find that this mass of grey material is very heavy due to how dense it is. In fact, you will find that it is so heavy that you are forced to bend your upper body downwards forty five degrees although not so heavy that it would be dense enough to protect you from anything, and that while you can raise your back for a few minutes at a time, it feels very uncomfortable and tiring, as well as wrong and unnatural, to do so. However, you will find that all of this is very enjoyable and feels completely natural to you. And most of all, it will feel right for things to be like this, to be forced to act like the creature that you wish to become while you inhabit this body, no, it’s not just this body, it’s YOUR body. That being said, you won’t actually be bending downwards forty five degrees because that would be bad for your back, but you will perceive yourself as doing this, you will feel the immense weight if you try to lift your back as well as feel and know that what you are doing is wrong and unnatural, and you will know that all is as it should be once you finally give in to the weight of your form. Also, your subconscious will control how much you actually bend, bending your body as much as is needed to do what needs to be done and altering your perception to better suit your personal reality, no matter how much it differs from the real one. Additionally, you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that the grey mass is not preventing you from bending upwards for more than a few minutes unless you have it resting on something other than yourself, in which case you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggest that the reason that you can bend upwards is not because you have your grey mass resting on something other than yourself. Also, you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are not bending down as much as you perceive yourself as bending down.

Additionally, you will find that a large part of your vision is blocked by this oh-so heavy mass, and that the only time that you are aware of what is behind it without the use of something like a mirror is when there is something that it is very important for you to see behind it. Otherwise, you will have to prop it up on something if you wish for it to not obstruct your view. When you do see what is behind the grey mass, you will not find it weird or unusual, and you won’t even realize that you are seeing behind it, you will just believe that you are seeing what you are seeing like you normally would, not finding the sudden change in your field of view even slightly weird, unusual, or even noteworthy. Additionally, you will not understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that the grey mass shouldn’t be obstructing your vision.

With your body now forced to constantly bend down, you will find that it feels really good to just let your arms and fore paws go limp and hang or lie by your sides, as if it is what you are supposed to do, as if it is what you are designed to do. In fact, if you aren’t using them to do anything at any given moment you will feel like you need to let them be limp, as if some deep, instinctual part of your brain is telling you that it is wrong to not let your arms and fore paws go limp when they are not in use, just like how it feels wrong to try and bend your upper body up.

After that, Your arms and wrists shrink so that they are only half as wide as they had been while your fore paws and claws stay the same size.

Next, feel a light pulling sensation in two circular areas on the front of your torso as two cones of fur start to grow. They are located one sixth and three sixths of the way up the top half of your torso, as well as grow away from the part of your torso that they are on. Also, They are each one sixth as wide as your torso is tall and are horizontally centered on it, as well as curve upwards slightly near the end of them.

Then, the same thing happens on your back. However, the upper one is twice as wide, long, and tall as the other one is. They are horizontally aligned with the center of the back of your torso and the top of the base of the lower one is on the top of your band of white fur while the bottom of the base of the top one is on the top of your band of white fur.

Now, feel this light pulling sensation for a final time as fur grows in the shape of three cones on both sides of your head. They are horizontally centered on the sides of your head that they are on and are vertically located one sixth, three sixths, and five sixths of the way up the sides of your head, with the ones on the left side of your head pointing straight to the left while the ones on the right side of your head point straight to the right. Each of these cones of fur is one third as wide as your head is tall and the middle one on each side is as long as your head is while the top and bottom ones are only three fourths as long as your head is.

Then, you feel a stretching sensation as your hind paws bend upwards just behind the balls of your hind paws so that there is a forty five degree angle between everything from the balls of your hind paws to the tip of your claws and the rest of your hind paws. Immediately after this happens this bend in your hind paws locks in place, forcing you to walk on your claws and the balls of your hind paws, or walk digitigrade as it is called when it is not done by a human, a creature that is becoming a less and less accurate description of what you are. Also, you will find that you can bend the part of your hind paws that the balls of your hind paws are on up and down a little bit, making your new way of walking much easier.

After your hind paws have undergone these changes, the rest of your hind paws start to lengthen. As this happens your lower legs become shorter at an equal rate until your hind paws are almost as long as your lower legs were not counting your claws, resulting in your lower legs only being a few inches long. The result of this is that when standing in place, your upper legs are angled forty five degrees downwards and point forwards, your lower legs are angled forty five degrees downwards and point backwards, not counting your claws your hind paws are angled forty five degrees downwards and point forwards, and all of your weight rests on your claws and the balls of your hind paws which are flat. Having this leg structure will feel completely natural to you, almost as if you have had it for your entire life. Of course, your lower legs, claws, and the rest of your hind paws won’t actually change so that you walk digitigrade and have the appropriate leg structure, and you will do things like walking and running and standing like you would if you were a human, but you will be completely incapable of perceiving this and only be able to perceive yourself as having that digitigrade leg structure and hind paws. Also, you will be completely incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are not moving as if you have this leg structure.

After that, feel your ears move to the top of your head. As they do, they become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half. While the length and width of your ears stays the same, their height doubles. Also, the edges of the upper half of the back of your ears turn into the same hard and durable grey material that is present throughout so much of your new body. They start out as just a point on each side, but cover more and more of the space on the top of your ears the closer they get to the end of your ears so that when the two sides are one sixth of the way from the top of your ears they form one grey mass.

As a result of the grey material being so present on your ears, you will find that they constantly droop forwards unless you are holding them up.

Now, feel a slight stretching sensation on the balls of your hind paws as the fur on them falls out to reveal that the skin on them has become a black material that is slightly squishy and leathery. Unlike the grey material you don’t even notice the added weight of your paw pads.

Then, skin covered in that familiar coat of white fur covers the top half of your eyes. After that, your eyes and the furry skin that covers them rotate down thirty degrees. Next, your irises and pupils stretch equally in all directions so that they are twice as large as they had been. 

Then, your eyeballs and pupils turn a pinkish red color.

Somehow, even after all of these changes, your vision is just as good as it was before you started to transform.

Next, your irises turn that same pinkish red color, but a black border on both the inside and outside of them allows the parts of your eyes to still be distinguished.

As this happens your mind changes so that you don’t find it even remotely weird or unusual that you are a Midnight Lycanroc living amongst humans, and that you can speak like a human despite being a species that normally can’t.

Your mind also changes so that having this form always feels amazing and wonderful, so even if being in it becomes normal for you, it will still be something special.

Now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Finally, if you ever start to forget that in reality you are a human the fact that you are one will instantly come to the forefront of your mind. That being said, knowing that in reality you are a human will never make you feel less like a Midnight Lycanroc.

Now you will do something for me that won’t happen when the triggers are used. You will now lift up one of your arms or fore paws for no reason at all. Just feel one of them lift up if it hasn’t already and notice how bad it feels. It feels like you're committing some kind of crime against nature and you hate it. It feels so unnatural and wrong. Now, find that you can not lower that part of your body no matter how much you want it to. You are being forced to keep it raised for no reason and it just feels worse and worse, more and more unnatural. Your instincts, yes YOUR instincts, the instincts of a Midnight Lycanroc, are screaming at you to let that part of your body go limp. Now I will count from three to one and then say “release”. When I do, you will no longer be forced to hold that part of your body up.





That’s it, let that part of your body just go loose and limp and notice how it feels like those very instincts that were screaming at you mere seconds ago are now praising you and making you feel absolutely wonderful. And you know why this is, right? It’s because you are a Midnight Lycanroc, and you have the instincts of one, and those instincts will make you feel good when you act like the creature that you know you really are: a Midnight Lycanroc.

That being said, there may still be some doubts in your Pokémon mind, so lets give you a little more proof. Even if your mind is clear of doubts a little extra evidence might still do you some good. In your mind, imagine that you are standing, legs bent as they should be and your torso bent down forty five degrees due to that wonderful weight that dangles in front of your face. Now, in your mind's eye both see and feel yourself muster up the strength to stand up straight. When you do, find that like with the part of your body that you couldn’t lower before, you are locked into this position. Feel that wonderfully heavy weight that tries its best to help pull you back down, but your body re-fuses despite how uncomfortable and worn out you are starting to feel. And not only are you feeling uncomfortable and worn out, those Midnight Lycanroc instincts are starting to yell at you again. Now imagine how it would feel for you to be stuck like this for several minutes, after which your body is too weak to maintain its rebellious behavior and lets you bend back down. When you do, you are so happy and relieved that you could cry in joy if you wanted to. Your instincts are letting you know how happy they are with you for listening to them, and making you feel euphoric. Of course, even these wonderful feelings aren’t enough to make it worth resisting them for that long, but it takes most of the sting out of it. Also, if being praised and tormented by your instincts wasn't enough to condition you to act like the Midnight Lycanroc that you are, the small amount of happiness that you will always feel when you act on your instincts without first having resisted them will insure that your mind is appropriately conditioned for your wonderful new body. Knowing this will make you absolutely ecstatic, you love being a Midnight Lycanroc, and you are thrilled to know that your instincts will make sure that you act like one. That being said, your instincts are special because unlike with other Midnight Lycanrox, they don’t cause you to become reckless.

Now you have been transformed into a Midnight Lycanroc. I hope that you enjoy your new body, I think that we can both agree that it is far superior to that old human one that you have been forced to live in for so long. Now, with your instincts strong I officially declare you to be the Pokémon “Lycanroc (Midnight form)". I must now go, so goodbye, my Pokémon friend.

Midnight lycanroc transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”, you will transform into a Midnight Lycanroc at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not truly a Midnight Lycanroc.”.

This was a challenging request to do. The geometry for Lycanroc’s midnight form is surprisingly complex and diverse, which is the main reason that this is so long. Also, I literally got disrupted every time I tried to edit this script except for today which is the main reason that it took so long to finish. By the way, I would love to hear your suggestions, feedback, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Midnight Lycanroc.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Midnight Lycanroc.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Midnight Lycanroc.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Midnight Lycanroc.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a short and thick coat of fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Most of the fur is dark red, but the fur on the front side of your torso and neck, as well as on your face, hands, feet, lower legs, and knees, is white.

Also, The white fur intrudes into the space of the dark red fur in a few places. This happens on your torso where there is a band of white fur that goes all the way around it. It is one fifth as tall as your torso is and is vertically centered two thirds of the way up it. The white fur also intrudes into the space of the dark red fur on your upper legs where on the front, left, and right sides of them there are triangles of white fur which bases span the entirety of the bottom of the sides of your upper legs that they are on. While the points of the triangles are all horizontally centered on the sides of your upper legs that they are on, the ones on the left and right sides of your upper legs are vertically located at the top of your upper legs while the ones on the front of your upper legs are vertically located one third of the way up them. The last place where the white fur intrudes on the space of the dark red fur is in the shape of a triangle on each of your lower arms. The bases of them span the entirety of the bottom of the top side of your lower arms and the points of them are horizontally centered on the top side of your lower arms as well as vertically located all the way up them.

Additionally, there is a place on your face where the dark red fur intrudes into the space of the white fur. It is in the shape of a vertical stripe that is as wide as your nose is and goes from the center of the top of your face to the end of the top of your nose. However, the white fur intrudes into the space of the dark red stripe in the shape of a triangle. The triangle’s base is as wide as the dark red stripe is, as well as vertically and horizontally centered on the bottom of the stripe while the point of it is located half an inch above the base and is also horizontally centered on the dark red stripe.

Next, feel your entire body change size so that you are only three feet and seven inches tall. Of course, your size won’t actually be changing and you will act as if you are your normal height. In reality, your mind will just change so that everything that is taller than and or above you seems really tall while you, as well as everything that is below and or smaller than you, will seem really small. However, you will be completely unaware of this and not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are your normal height instead of the height of three feet and seven inches.

After that, your face elongates to form a long muzzle. However, unlike your mouth which stretches out all the way with your muzzle, the stripe of dark red fur on your face only stretches out so that it is half as long as your muzzle is and the triangle of white fur that intrudes into it stays the same size but moves down so that the base of it is still centered on the bottom of the stripe.

Simultaneously, your entire nose is absorbed into your muzzle except for your nose holes. They stay just as far to the left and right of the center of your head as they had been, but they are now located just below the edge between the top and the front of your muzzle.

Then, the fur on the front of your muzzle falls out in an area that is shaped like a triangle with the left and right points on the top left and top right corners of the front of your muzzle and the other point being located on and horizontally centered on the front of your muzzle, as well as located a bit below your nose holes. As the fur falls out it reveals that the skin in that area has become a black material that is slightly squishy and leathery.

As this happens, your teeth turn into sharp and pointy fangs and new fangs grow in to fill the extra space in your elongated mouth.

Then, feel your fingers and toes beginning to harden as they lose their ability to move and become a solid grey material that is hard and durable. As this happens, they merge and change shape so that you have three fingers and toes on each of your hands and feet respectively that are each as long as your longest toe was and that are one third as wide as the hand or foot that they are on. Your fingers and toes also change shape so that the bottom of them is flat while the top of them is curved one hundred and eighty degrees from the left side of them to the right, and so that while they are as tall as they are wide where they connect to your hands and feet, they gradually get smaller and thinner the closer they get to the end of them until your claws end in dangerously sharp points. Despite how sharp your new claws are, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

Additionally, because your fingers and toes will not actually have turned into rigid claws and you won’t actually have three digits on each of your hands and feet, or more accurately fore paws and hind paws respectively, instead of the number that you normally have, you will act as if your fingers and toes are as they are in reality, but you will be completely unaware of this. Furthermore, you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are acting as if you have human fingers and toes instead of what you now perceive yourself as having.

Next, two extrusions that are made of the same hard and durable material as your claws are made of form on both the left and right side of your torso, with one above the other on each side. They are each half as tall as the band of white fur that goes around your torso is and each span the entirety of the side of your torso that they are on. They are each shaped like an elongated pyramid with dull edges that is one inch tall and follows the curve of your torso.

The front point of each of these extrusions are located on the edge between the front of your torso and the sides of your torso, while the back ones are located on the edge between the back and the sides of your torso. They are vertically located one fourth of the way down from the top of your band of white fur on the upper ones and three fourths of the way down from the top of your band of white fur on the lower ones.

The top and bottom point of each of these extrusions are horizontally centered on the middle of the sides of your torso that they are on. The top point of each of the upper extrusions are vertically located on the top of your band of white fur while the bottom point of each of your upper extrusions are vertically located on the center of your band of white fur. Conversely, the bottom point on each of your lower extrusions are vertically located on the bottom of your band of white fur while the top point of each of your lower extrusions are vertically located on the center of your band of white fur.

Now, feel a light pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow that is one third as wide as your torso is and two thirds as long as your torso is wide, as well as composed entirely of soft and fluffy white fur. It is shaped like a cone that starts out pointing straight back and splits half way down it. From there, The top three fourths of it steadily curve upwards so that the tip of it points straight up while the bottom fourth of it curves up half as quickly and ends before it points straight up because of how small it is.

Because your tail is made purely of fur, you will not be able to control it, but you will be able to sit and lay on it without feeling any discomfort.

Then, feel a much stronger version of that same pulling sensation that you felt moments ago as the fur on the part of your white band of fur that is on the back half of your torso grows so that it is three inches long.

Then, the fur on it grows upwards to form seven masses of fur, extra fur growing in so that they are each as thick as the rest of your coat of fur is. All of the sections look like one trapezoid shaped mass of fur that is horizontally centered on your torso and that is as wide as your torso is on the bottom and that is two and a half times as wide as your torso is on the top, until they are as high as your head, at which point they each split into their own mass which is shaped like a solid cone that has been cut in half and that is half as wide as your torso is, with the flat side being the part of it that faces forwards when it is vertical.

The first five are located one next to another across the top of the mass before it separates, or the “mega mass” as we’ll call it. From the point where the middle one separates from the mega mass it grows almost straight up, but curves forwards an inch near the top of it. It is so tall that the end of it is twice as high above your neck as the top of your head is. The ones next to the middle one grow just like it, but are two inches shorter than it is, and the outer ones grow just like the last two, but are two inches shorter than they are.

The sixth one grows from the same spot as the middle one does and is two inches shorter than the first one, as well as quickly curves downwards so that it points straight forwards. It is so long that the end of it is as far forwards as the end of your muzzle.

The seventh one also grows from the same spot as the middle one does and starts out pointing straight forwards and gradually curves downwards so that the dull end of it is level with the top of the end of your muzzle and as far forwards from the end of your muzzle as your muzzle is long. The last two thirds of the curved part of it are made of the same hard and durable grey material as your claws are made of and is firmly attached to the mass of fur that it grows from. Also, two sections of fur grow from the mass of fur that the grey material is attached to that cover part of the top half of it in the shape of triangles that match the curve of this mass. One of their bases covers the top of the right side of where the grey material begins while the other one covers the top of the left side of where the grey material begins. Their points are located one third of the way down the mass of grey material and are horizontally aligned with the center of their bases.

You will find that this mass of grey material is very heavy due to how dense it is. In fact, you will find that it is so heavy that you are forced to bend your upper body downwards forty five degrees although not so heavy that it would be dense enough to protect you from anything, and that while you can raise your back for a few minutes at a time, it feels very uncomfortable and tiring, as well as wrong and unnatural, to do so. However, you will find that all of this is very enjoyable and feels completely natural to you. And most of all, it will feel right for things to be like this, to be forced to act like the creature that you wish to become while you inhabit this body, no, it’s not just this body, it’s YOUR body. That being said, you won’t actually be bending downwards forty five degrees because that would be bad for your back, but you will perceive yourself as doing this, you will feel the immense weight if you try to lift your back as well as feel and know that what you are doing is wrong and unnatural, and you will know that all is as it should be once you finally give in to the weight of your form. Also, your subconscious will control how much you actually bend, bending your body as much as is needed to do what needs to be done and altering your perception to better suit your personal reality, no matter how much it differs from the real one. Additionally, you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that the grey mass is not preventing you from bending upwards for more than a few minutes unless you have it resting on something other than yourself, in which case you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggest that the reason that you can bend upwards is not because you have your grey mass resting on something other than yourself. Also, you will not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are not bending down as much as you perceive yourself as bending down.

Additionally, you will find that a large part of your vision is blocked by this oh-so heavy mass, and that the only time that you are aware of what is behind it without the use of something like a mirror is when there is something that it is very important for you to see behind it. Otherwise, you will have to prop it up on something if you wish for it to not obstruct your view. When you do see what is behind the grey mass, you will not find it weird or unusual, and you won’t even realize that you are seeing behind it, you will just believe that you are seeing what you are seeing like you normally would, not finding the sudden change in your field of view even slightly weird, unusual, or even noteworthy. Additionally, you will not understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that the grey mass shouldn’t be obstructing your vision.

With your body now forced to constantly bend down, you will find that it feels really good to just let your arms and fore paws go limp and hang or lie by your sides, as if it is what you are supposed to do, as if it is what you are designed to do. In fact, if you aren’t using them to do anything at any given moment you will feel like you need to let them be limp, as if some deep, instinctual part of your brain is telling you that it is wrong to not let your arms and fore paws go limp when they are not in use, just like how it feels wrong to try and bend your upper body up.

After that, Your arms and wrists shrink so that they are only half as wide as they had been while your fore paws and claws stay the same size.

Next, feel a light pulling sensation in two circular areas on the front of your torso as two cones of fur start to grow. They are located one sixth and three sixths of the way up the top half of your torso, as well as grow away from the part of your torso that they are on. Also, They are each one sixth as wide as your torso is tall and are horizontally centered on it, as well as curve upwards slightly near the end of them.

Then, the same thing happens on your back. However, the upper one is twice as wide, long, and tall as the other one is. They are horizontally aligned with the center of the back of your torso and the top of the base of the lower one is on the top of your band of white fur while the bottom of the base of the top one is on the top of your band of white fur.

Now, feel this light pulling sensation for a final time as fur grows in the shape of three cones on both sides of your head. They are horizontally centered on the sides of your head that they are on and are vertically located one sixth, three sixths, and five sixths of the way up the sides of your head, with the ones on the left side of your head pointing straight to the left while the ones on the right side of your head point straight to the right. Each of these cones of fur is one third as wide as your head is tall and the middle one on each side is as long as your head is while the top and bottom ones are only three fourths as long as your head is.

Then, you feel a stretching sensation as your hind paws bend upwards just behind the balls of your hind paws so that there is a forty five degree angle between everything from the balls of your hind paws to the tip of your claws and the rest of your hind paws. Immediately after this happens this bend in your hind paws locks in place, forcing you to walk on your claws and the balls of your hind paws, or walk digitigrade as it is called when it is not done by a human, a creature that is becoming a less and less accurate description of what you are. Also, you will find that you can bend the part of your hind paws that the balls of your hind paws are on up and down a little bit, making your new way of walking much easier.

After your hind paws have undergone these changes, the rest of your hind paws start to lengthen. As this happens your lower legs become shorter at an equal rate until your hind paws are almost as long as your lower legs were not counting your claws, resulting in your lower legs only being a few inches long. The result of this is that when standing in place, your upper legs are angled forty five degrees downwards and point forwards, your lower legs are angled forty five degrees downwards and point backwards, not counting your claws your hind paws are angled forty five degrees downwards and point forwards, and all of your weight rests on your claws and the balls of your hind paws which are flat. Having this leg structure will feel completely natural to you, almost as if you have had it for your entire life. Of course, your lower legs, claws, and the rest of your hind paws won’t actually change so that you walk digitigrade and have the appropriate leg structure, and you will do things like walking and running and standing like you would if you were a human, but you will be completely incapable of perceiving this and only be able to perceive yourself as having that digitigrade leg structure and hind paws. Also, you will be completely incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are not moving as if you have this leg structure.

After that, feel your ears move to the top of your head. As they do, they become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half. While the length and width of your ears stays the same, their height doubles. Also, the edges of the upper half of the back of your ears turn into the same hard and durable grey material that is present throughout so much of your new body. They start out as just a point on each side, but cover more and more of the space on the top of your ears the closer they get to the end of your ears so that when the two sides are one sixth of the way from the top of your ears they form one grey mass.

As a result of the grey material being so present on your ears, you will find that they constantly droop forwards unless you are holding them up.

Now, feel a slight stretching sensation on the balls of your hind paws as the fur on them falls out to reveal that the skin on them has become a black material that is slightly squishy and leathery. Unlike the grey material you don’t even notice the added weight of your paw pads.

Then, skin covered in that familiar coat of white fur covers the top half of your eyes. After that, your eyes and the furry skin that covers them rotate down thirty degrees. Next, your irises and pupils stretch equally in all directions so that they are twice as large as they had been. 

Then, your eyeballs and pupils turn a pinkish red color.

Somehow, even after all of these changes, your vision is just as good as it was before you started to transform.

Next, your irises turn that same pinkish red color, but a black border on both the inside and outside of them allows the parts of your eyes to still be distinguished.

As this happens your mind changes so that you don’t find it even remotely weird or unusual that you are a Midnight Lycanroc living amongst humans, and that you can speak like a human despite being a species that normally can’t.

Your mind also changes so that having this form always feels amazing and wonderful, so even if being in it becomes normal for you, it will still be something special.

Now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Finally, if you ever start to forget that in reality you are a human the fact that you are one will instantly come to the forefront of your mind. That being said, knowing that in reality you are a human will never make you feel less like a Midnight Lycanroc.

Now you have been transformed into a Midnight Lycanroc, so I hope that you enjoy your new body. I must now depart, so goodbye, my dark red friend.

Bowser transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now become Bowser.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now become Bowser.”, you will transform into Bowser at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I will no longer be Bowser.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You will no longer be Bowser.”.

It’s good to be back! This request was pretty difficult, but the part I was worried most about, the shell, wasn’t nearly as bad as I feared it would be. I was tempted to take the easy way out on this one by using the N64 version of Bowser because it has a lot less detail (I was really dreading this) but I know that I would never be happy with it if I did so I didn’t. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now become Bowser.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now become Bowser.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I will no longer be Bowser.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You will no longer be Bowser.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a bunch of sliding sensations all over your body as tiny yellow scales that are smooth form around you and slide into place, replacing all of your skin as they do so. Also, any hair that you have is consumed by the scales that cover every inch of your body.

Then, the scales on the front of your torso merge together so that they form six horizontal bands that are each one sixth of the height of the front of your torso. As this happens, the scales on the front of your torso become a yellow-beige color.

Next, your entire face elongates to form a medium length muzzle. As this happens, your lips disappear, and your entire face below your nose swells out so that the swelled out area almost but not quite reaches your eyes. As those sections of your scales swell out they merge together just like the scales on the front of your torso did. And just like the scales on the front of your torso did, these scales turn that same yellow-beige color. Simultaneously, the unaffected scales on your head turn lime green and your teeth become sharp and shaped like spikes that are as tall and wide as your old teeth were. As a result of all of this the only part of your nose that is left is your nose holes.

Now, your toes merge and change shape so that you have three toes on each foot. They are each one third as wide as your feet are and as long as your longest toe was. Simultaneously, feel your middle finger disappear and your ring finger move so that there is an equal amount of space between each of your fingers except for your thumbs. Then, all of your fingers get wider at an equal rate so that there is as much space between your remaining fingers not counting your thumbs as there was before your middle fingers disappeared.

Despite perceiving yourself as having only four fingers on each hand, you will act as if you have your normal amount of fingers, and you won’t be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are acting as if you have five fingers instead of four.

Then, feel two pulling sensations coming from the middle of the left and right sides of the part of your head that is covered in lime green scales. There, cone-like horns are forming that are one inch thinner than the sides of your head that they are on are tall, as well as made of a hard and durable material. The one on the right side of your head starts out pointing halfway between straight up and straight right while the one on the left side of your head starts out pointing halfway between straight up and straight left. They both quickly curve upwards so that they point straight up by the time that they are level with the top of your head. From there, they continue upwards a distance equal to the width of the base of the horns until they each end in a sharp point.

Despite the fact that your horns are dangerously sharp, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

Once your horns have formed, the scales that are within half an inch of each of your horns expand outwards a quarter of an inch. They do so in such a way that they form the shape of the top half of a ring that goes around your horns. As this happens, they merge together and turn orange.

After that, your toe and finger nails disappear, scales replacing them and leaving no trace of their existence. Then, white claws that are made of a hard and durable material start to grow out of the front of your fingers and toes. Their bases are each one third as wide as the finger or toe that they are on and half as tall as that finger or toe. Also, they are horizontally and vertically centered on the finger or toe that they are on. They are half an inch long and gradually curve down and get narrower and thinner so that they each end in a dangerously sharp point that points straight down and that is level with the bottom of the finger or toe that they are on. Despite the fact that your claws are dangerously sharp, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

After that, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. It is as long as your legs are tall and starts out one third as wide as you are, but gradually gets smaller until it ends in a dull point. There are white spikes one third and two thirds of the way down your tail that are located on the top of your tail as well as horizontally centered on it. They are half as wide as your tail is and one third as tall as it, as well as point away from the parts of your tail that they are on.

Despite the fact that your tail spikes are dangerously sharp, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

Next, thick red hair grows where your eyebrows used to be. The hair grows higher up the closer it gets to the outer sides of your face so that the outer sides of them cover an area four times taller than the area covered near the inner part of your face. Also, the fifth of it closest to the inner side of your face doesn’t get taller.

Then, feel a circular pulling sensation that is half as wide as your head, as well as centered on the top of it, as more red hair starts to grow. It is as long as your head is wide and only grows backwards and upwards so that it forms the shape of a quarter circle.

Now, your entire body is stretching so that it is twice as long and wide as it had been while your legs shrink so that they are half as tall as they had been. Of course, your body won’t actually be stretching and shrinking, and you will act as if your body is the size that it normally is. However, you will be completely unaware of this and perceive your body as having stretched and shrunk, and not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are acting as if you are your normal size.

After that, a hard and durable shell starts to form. It is sized so that it covers your entire back. It is mostly green, but the edges of it are white and are perfectly round as well as three inches tall, long, and wide as opposed to the rest of the shell which is only one inch thick. Also, the edge of it curves around the back of your neck.

The top of your shell is covered in black hexagon shaped lines. They are each one fourth as tall and wide as your shell is. These hexagons form a pattern of hexagons that connect on all sides that starts on the horizontal center of your shell as well as three eights down from the top of it, but that doesn’t go onto the edge and back of it. Additionally, on the center of each whole hexagon there is a spike centered on it that points away from the part of your shell that it is on. These spikes are shaped exactly like the spikes on your tail are shaped.

Despite its extreme weight, you will find that your new shell doesn’t inhibit you in any way and that it is very comfortable. Also, regardless of the fact that your shell spikes are dangerously sharp and the fact that your shell is hard and durable, you will never attempt to use it to do anything, especially combat and defending yourself.

Next, your irises turn red.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into Bowser, so I recommend that you avoid plumbers, especially italian plumbers trying to save princesses. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my spiky shelled friend.

Neko transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Neko.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Neko.”, you will transform into a Neko at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Neko.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Neko.”.

This was a nice quick file to make. I decided to take a break from requests to do this Neko tf because I have been enjoying it myself. You see, I don’t normally use hypnosis to tf myself because my ability to enter trance is really inconsistent, so I practice the skill of achieving this type of skill without hypnosis. That being said, writing these scripts tends to strengthen the form and it gives people who don’t have this ability (there is a term for it, but I forget what it is called). Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests. Nya~


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a neck-o.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a neck-o.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a neck-o.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a neck-o.”.

Now the transformation will begin. 

First, feel your ears move to the top of your head, becoming shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half as they move. They also become twice as wide as they had been but stay the same height. Then, a thick covering of short and soft fur that is the same color as your hair grows on the backside of them. Despite how different your new and old ears are, you will find that your hearing is just as good as it was before the transformation began.

Also, you will find that your new ears are very sensitive so it might feel uncomfortable for people to touch them, but that it also feels really good to have them petted and scratched, and that it feels even better to have right behind them scratched.

After that, feel a small pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail that is as wide as your arms are and as tall as your torso starts to grow. It is covered in the same fur as the back of your new ears are covered in and is very flexible.

Then, your irises become the same color as the fur of your tail.

As this happens, your mind changes in a few ways.

The first mental change is that you will really enjoy having someone pet or scratch the top of your head, as well as find it very relaxing.

The second mental change is that you will have a barely controllable urge to do your best to continuously purr like a cat when you are feeling really happy and or relaxed.

The last mental change is that when it won’t cause you or anyone else any problems, you will randomly say “nya” at the end of your sentences.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into a neck-o, and will act like one too. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my cat-eared friend.

Anthro kangaroo transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a kangaroo.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a kangaroo.”, you will transform into an anthro kangaroo at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a kangaroo.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a kangaroo.”.

This request was easy to do, and I learned something interesting about kangaroos too. Did you know that they use their tails to help them hop? That being said, this file took worryingly little time to edit. I never get through two pages of text in under an hour, so I’m sorry if I missed something. Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a kangaroo.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a kangaroo.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a kangaroo.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a kangaroo.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation over your entire body as a short coat of soft and smooth fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Most of the fur is light brown, but the fur on your lower arms and legs, as well as on the front of your neck and torso, is white. Additionally, the fur on your hands and feet is black.

Next, feel your face from the nose down stretch out to form a long muzzle. As this happens, the fur on the bottom half of your muzzle turns white.

Simultaneously, your entire nose disappears except for your nose holes. They stay just as far to the left and right of the center of your head as they had been, but they are now located just below the edge between the top and the front of your muzzle.

Then, the fur on the front of your muzzle falls out in an area that is shaped like a triangle with the left and right points on the top left and top right corners of the front of your muzzle and the other point being located on and horizontally centered on the front of your muzzle, as well as located a bit below your nose holes. In that triangular area, the skin has become black, leathery, and slightly squishy.

Now, feel a large pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail that is one third as tall and wide as the width of your torso starts to grow. It is as long as you are tall and gradually gets smaller until it ends in a dull point. The fur on your tail is like that which is on the rest of your body, with the fur on the top half of it being light brown while the fur on the bottom half of it is white. Also, halfway down your tail the fur starts to gradually get darker until it is pure black on both halfs at the end of it.

After that, feel your toes merge and change shape so that there are four toes on each of your feet, each of which is one fourth as wide as your feet are. As this happens your outer toes become as long as your longest toe used to be while your two inner ones become twice as long as your longest toe used to be.

Next, your toe and finger nails disappear, skin replacing them and leaving no trace of their existence. Then, blackclaws that are made of a hard and durable material start to grow out of the front of your fingers and toes. Their bases are each one third as wide as the finger or toe that they are on and half as tall as that finger or toe. Also, they are horizontally and vertically centered on the finger or toe that they are on. They are one inch long and gradually curve down and get narrower and shorter so that they each end in a dangerously sharp point that points straight down and that is level with the bottom of the finger or toe that they are on. Despite the fact that your claws will be dangerously sharp, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

Now, feel the fur on the bottom of your hands and toes fall out, revealing that the skin in those areas has swelled slightly and become a material that is black, leathery, and slightly squishy.

After that, feel your ears move to the top of your head. As this happens, they change shape so that they are twice as tall as they had been but still just as wide. They also change shape so that they are shaped like the top half of hollow 3D ovals that have been cut in half.

Your hearing will mostly be the same as it was before the transformation began. However, because of how big your ears are your hearing will be much stronger and you will find that sounds that didn’t bother you before might now be overwhelming because of how much louder they sound to you if you aren’t used to having a form with hearing superior to that of a human. If that is the case, it won’t take you long to get used to your improved hearing and to be able to deal with sounds that you previously could deal with again. Of course, your hearing won’t actually become stronger, but your expectations about how loud sounds are will be greatly reduced to make it seem like they are, and your tolerance for loud noises will be reduced accordingly, but you will be completely unaware of the fact that this is happening.

Additionally, you will be able to control which direction they face, being able to rotate them a total of 90 degrees, allowing them to face forwards, towards the side of your head that they are on, or anywhere in between. You will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the directions that they are pointing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are pointing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

Next, your irises turn a vibrant shade of red, blue, grey, or brown, the shade and color being the one that you will like the most.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first change is that you will perceive yourself as bending your feet upwards forty five degrees at your toes and crouching slightly whenever you try to do something like running, walking, hopping, and jumping. Of course, this won’t actually happen and you will do those things like you normally do, but you will perceive yourself as doing those things this way.

Another mental change that happens is that you will involuntarily hop instead of doing things like walking and running whenever you are in a safe place and there is no one near you that you would feel uncomfortable hopping near. When this is not the case, you will just perceive yourself as hopping everywhere instead of actually doing it.

The last mental change that will happen at that time is that whenever you hop or perceive yourself as having hopped you will push off the ground with your tail to aid in your hopping.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro kangaroo, and can hop around to your heart’s content. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my hopping friend.

Anthro dog transformation (breed: german shepherd | no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a German Shepherd.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a German Shepherd.”, you will transform into an anthro German Shepherd at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a German Shepherd.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a German Shepherd.”.

This request was nice and easy to do. The request was for a file like my other anthro dog tf but for the German Shepherd breed. I fixed a few mistakes that I noticed in the original version and updated some of the phrasing to what I currently use, but left most of it as it was so that it wasn't too dissimilar to the original file. Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a German Shepherd.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a German Shepherd.”, you will undergo the transformation that is about to happen again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a German Shepherd.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a German Shepherd.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a thick coat of medium length fur starts to grow. It is very soft, fluffy, and silky. The fur even grows in your ears but it doesn't grow on the inside of them so your hearing isn’t dampened. The fur on the back of your ears and torso, as well as around your eyes, is black. However, the fur on the front and bottom of your torso and the inner sides of your upper legs is white while the fur on the rest of your head, the left and right sides of your torso, the rest of your legs, and all of your hands, feet, and arms, is a light brown-orange color.

Then, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow that is one third as long as you are tall. It is as wide as your arms are and is covered in black fur that is twice as long but otherwise identical to the fur on the rest of your body. You will be able to control this tail so easily that it will seem like you have had it for your entire life. However, when you aren’t consciously controlling it it will move on its own based on your emotions. For instance, it will wag back and forth when you are happy, and tuck itself between your legs when you are anxious or scared.

Now, feel the middle toe on each of your feet shrink away and disappear. Then, feel the two inner toes on your feet move inwards so that all of your toes are an equal distance from each other, and then feel all of your toes expand at an equal rate so that there is no space between them.

Next, feel a weak pulling sensation on the underside of each section of your toes and fingers, as well as on the palms of your hands and the balls of your feet as the fur on them falls out while they appear to swell slightly. As this happens they turn black and become soft, leathery, and slightly squishy, leaving you with a wonderful set of paw pads on each of your hands and feet.

Now, feel your ears move so that they are on the top of your head. As they move, you feel them stretch and change shape so that they are shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half. Once this is done, you will be able to control which direction they face, being able to rotate them a total of 90 degrees, allowing them to face forwards, towards the side of your head that they are on, or anywhere in between. You will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the directions that they are pointing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are pointing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

After that, feel your finger and toe nails start to grow. As they do so they curve downwards and become narrower, ending in a sharp point. As this happens, they become a black material that is both hard and durable.

Now, feel your nose shrink and become triangular. As it does this, the fur on it falls out and the skin on it becomes black and leathery, as well as slightly squishy, but not as squishy as your paw pads. Then, feel a pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a long muzzle with your nose holes on the top right and top left corners of the front of it. As your muzzle forms, the fur on it turns black.

Finally, become aware of how your eyes are turning brown.

As this happens, you undergo several mental changes.

The first mental change is that you will feel very comfortable when you lay down and then curl up.

The second one is that when someone scratches your back, head, or chest, you will feel happy, calm, relaxed, and content, being completely helpless to them scratching you. Likewise, this will also happen if someone pets or strokes you in those spots.

The third mental change is that if someone scratches your neck or rubs your ears, your mind will be overwhelmed with a euphoric happiness and a strong but relaxing energy. All of your thoughts will be wiped away by these feelings. When this is happening all you will be capable of doing will be enjoying these feelings, lightly leaning into the person that is rubbing or scratching you, and making quite happy noises. However, you will never find this even slightly addicting despite how good it makes you feel.

The fourth change to your mind will be that while you still will be able to walk on two legs just fine, you will find that you enjoy walking on all fours a noticeable amount.

The fifth change to your mind is that you will become very protective of and loyal to those that you care about.

The sixth and final mental change is that when you go to bed for the night, you will instantly fall asleep and start to dream. In those dreams you will be a dog, sometimes wild and sometimes domesticated. When you dream of being a wild dog you will get to experience things like the thrill of a hunt, and when you dream of being a domesticated dog you will dream of things like being with your owner and having your belly rubbed.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now your transformation into an anthro dog, or more specifically an anthro German Shepherd, has been completed. This session is just about over, so we should get going. I recommend that you go and find someone to give you some nice neck scratches, or do it yourself if you can’t find anyone to do it for you.

Speak like a snake and talk in third person (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now only speak like a snake.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now only speak like a snake.”, it will seem to you like you drag out the S sound as if you were hissing like a snake. That being said, this will just affect your perception Also, you will be forced to talk in third person if you or someone that you trust adds the phrase “that speaks in third person.” onto the end of the trigger. It should be noted that unlike with the previous effect, this one will actually happen and not be the result of manipulating your perception. Additionally, the effects of the triggers will instantly stop if you try to use the reset phrase “I will now speak like a human.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You will now speak like a human.”.

This request was quick and short to make. I know that there are other ones with a higher priority than this, but after making two files that are both almost twenty minutes long I needed a bit of a break. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now only speak like a snake.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You will now only speak like a snake.”, you will experience the effects that are about to be described. Also, another effect will happen if you or someone that you trust adds the phrase “that speaks in third person.” onto the end of the trigger. Additionally, the effects of the triggers will instantly stop if you try to use the reset phrase “I will now speak like a human.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You will now speak like a human.”.

Now the effects of the trigger will be described.

When the trigger phrase “I will now only speak like a snake.” or “You will now only speak like a snake.” is used, you will find that whenever you try to make the “S” sound, you end up dragging out the “S” sound as if you were hissing like a snake. That being said, this won’t actually be happening, but your perception of how long it takes you to say a word will be altered when you make an “S” sound so that the time when you are making it seems to last longer, making it seem to you like you are dragging out the “S” sound.

Also, if the phrase “that speaks in third person.” is added onto the end of the trigger, you will find that it is impossible to not speak in third person. For example, if your name is Nick and you try to say “I had a nice day.” or “I want to go there.”, you will say “Nick had a nice day.” or “Nick wants to go there.” respectively. Unlike with the hissing effect, this will not be an alteration of your perception and you will actually be speaking in third person.

Now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have this new trigger, and can speak like a snake as a result. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my hissing friend.

Add-on for Lucario transformation: mentor + world of aura (no induction)


Note: you need to have the trigger phrase from the Lucario tf for this work

Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a powerful Lucario.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a powerful Lucario.”, you will undergo the transformation that is caused by the trigger phrase “I am a normal Lucario”, and then you will experience the things and the effects that are described below. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Lucario.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Lucario.”.

This file has two main features: 

The first is that it creates a mentor of sorts to train you to use aura abilities. It should be noted that I set the minimal time for them really high, so if you don’t like that feel free to mod this file.

The second feature is that it creates a world where you can use those powers that you will enter whenever you sleep.

I loved doing this request! It was really fun to write and it felt more like I was designing a game then a hypnosis script. Normally editing a script this long would be a pain but it wasn't that bad this with this one. Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a powerful Lucario.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a powerful Lucario.”, you will undergo the transformation that is caused by the trigger phrase “I am a normal Lucario”, and then you will experience the things and the effects that are about to be described. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Lucario.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Lucario.”.

Now the effects of the trigger will be described.

After you have finished transforming into a Lucario, you will see another Lucario in front of you. There is no way of knowing what their personality, or even their name, will be in advance, but it is guaranteed that you will like both of them in the long term. Also, each time that one of the triggers that transforms you into a Lucario is used, the same Lucario will appear, and they will remember your previous interactions with them.

When the Lucario appears they will explain to you that as you transformed your aura changed so that it was more like that of a Lucario. A side effect of this is that another part of you was created, and that part of you is this Lucario. Unfortunately, this also means that you are the only one that can perceive them, so you have to be careful to make sure that you don’t seem crazy to other people when you interact with Lucario. Also, During your transformation, the one part of you that didn’t change much was your mind. As a result, you lack the strong fighting instincts that this other part of you has. Sure you have them a little bit, that being the reason that you can see and sense auras, but you lack the ability to do things like make the bone shaped aura staff and create aura shields and spheres. Additionally, because they are a part of you, you can easily make them disappear by absorbing them back into yourself, and make them reappear by releasing that part of you from the rest of you. All that you need to do to make these things happen is to will them to happen. The Lucario will never be unhappy with you for absorbing them back into yourself, and will not be unhappy with you for not releasing them for a while, even if it has been years since you last did so.

After they explain this to you, they will tell you that they want to be your friend and mentor, and you will find that you desire the same thing. They will then explain to you that unlike you, their mind is mostly that of a Lucario and only a little bit like that of a human. In fact, they have been speaking like a Lucario throughout this entire interaction, but you can always understand them because they are a part of you so you probably didn’t even notice. This makes them much more in touch with their Lucario instincts, making them being your mentor the obvious choice for how to learn to use your aura abilities.

Then, they will tell you that they are ready to start training you when you are, and that all you have to do is ask them to start.

The first thing that they will teach you to do is to sense auras better. They will explain to you that while you do have the ability to do so already, there is a lot of room for improvement. They will then explain to you that in order to improve your ability to sense auras you need to focus on a living thing, and try to see that thing’s aura more clearly. It doesn’t matter what living thing you focus on, It could be anything from a blade of grass to a bird in the sky, or even you or the other Lucario. You will know that you are progressing with this ability because auras will look more solid to you, and you will know that you have mastered it when auras look completely solid. Also, because you are seeing auras with your aura sensing organs instead of your eyes, you will be able to see both something's aura and what is behind that aura at the same time, even if you have progressed the skill to the point where auras look completely solid. This skill will be the easiest for you to master, and you will do so in only a few hours.

Although there isn’t much that your Lucario mentor will be able to do to help you improve this skill beyond encouraging you, they will try their best to help you improve.

Also, as you improve your ability to sense auras, you will find that you start to sense another world that seems to occupy the same space as your own. When this happens your mentor will explain to you that you are sensing what is called the “Aura World”. It is a world that is influenced by the auras of every living creature on this planet that is or was alive. The landscape of that world is constantly changing, with places that are most commonly traversed by creatures that have auras that reflect good traits being beautiful and safe, as well as filled with docile creatures made purely of auras, while other places that are most commonly traversed by creatures that have auras that reflect negative traits will be twisted and dangerous, as well as filled with hostile aura creatures. Also, places where lots of strong emotions of a certain type were felt can have a more consistent layout then ones where that is not the case. For instance, the Aura World equivalent of a place that is commonly traveled by lots of people will most likely be in a near constant state of change, while places where lots of strong positive emotions were felt, for instance a place where people get married, will almost always be beautiful and safe while places where lots of strong negative emotions were felt, for instance a place where people were commonly killed, will almost always be dark and twisted. Also, the landscape of the Aura World can be completely different from your own. For example, a place in your world where there is a valley could be occupied by a mountain in the Aura World, and a place that has not been influenced by humans at all could be filled with the ruins of buildings. Any artificial structures that you see within the Aura World will always be in some state of decay, as if some civilization once lived there but just disappeared one day. Also, while some places might be dangerous and twisted, that doesn’t mean that there can’t be beauty within them.

Additionally, because your soul is that of a human despite your transformation, the most you will be able to do with the Aura World is sense it. That is, except for when you sleep. But they will explain that when it is relevant. This also has the effect of making it so that your aura abilities can’t affect anything but the other Lucario that is a part of you, and making it so that their aura abilities can’t affect anything in your world, not even you, and making it so that they have no physical effect on your world except for on you, and even than they can only apply as much force to any part of you as that part of you can on its own. Additionally, this means that the only one of your aura abilities that will fully work when you are in your world will be your aura sensing.

Once your Lucario mentor knows that you have mastered your ability to sense auras they will tell you that they are willing to teach you how to control your aura. They will still help you practice sensing auras whenever you want them to, but you now have the choice to practice controlling your aura. In fact, they will always let you switch to practicing a different skill after you switch which skill you are currently practicing.

When you tell them that you want to start practicing manipulating your aura, they will explain to you that Lucariohs are special because they regenerate their aura practically instantly. This allows Lucariohs to use their auras to do stuff by moving it away from their body, an action that would kill any other creature if it could do so due to the removal of their aura.

After they explain this to you, they will tell you to focus on your Aura. Then, they will tell you to try moving it as if you were moving your hand, or more accurately your forepaw. It might take some time to get a sense of what exactly you need to do, but it won’t take very long. However, while understanding how to do it might not be a big challenge, actually doing it is another matter entirely. You will find that it takes a considerable amount of practise to be able to consistently control your aura slowly, and it will take hours of practice to be able to consistently move it quickly, and that's if you seem to have natural talent, something that you probably don’t possess. Unlike with your ability to sense auras, there is no upper limit to how good you can get at manipulating your own aura. However, the better you get at it the longer it will take to improve until it eventually takes a ridiculous amount of time to make even a small improvement, but by that point you will be able to move your aura insanely fast.

Your mentor will be able to help you by showing you how they do it, tracking your progress, and using the mental connection that they have with you as a result of being a part of you to give detailed information about what you are doing wrong and what you are doing right.

Also, your mentor’s training methods will deviate from the one stated above. For instance, they won’t re-explain things that you already know and they might explain things differently while still being completely accurate, as well as use a somewhat different training method and help you do things that you are struggling with.

Once you can consistently move your aura at a quarter of the maximum speed that you can move your arms at, your Lucario mentor will offer to teach you how to use your aura in combat by creating a shield. They will explain that this is because it will not be as challenging as creating an aura bone staff, and not as potentially destructive as an aura sphere if something goes wrong.

Once you tell them that you want to practice making an aura shield, they will make a small one around one of their forepaws that is light blue and semi-transparent, the appearance that auras always have when they are turned into something that can interact with other things that are made of auras. They will then punch it as hard as they can. When they do, you will see that their forepaw barely scratched it. After this happens, they will explain that while their aura shield is very strong, it will take lots and lots of training for you to start to approach their skill level. After that, they will put one of their forepaws on the other. After they do, they will create an aura shield around it that goes through their forepaw. They will then lower their forepaw slightly, and then try to raise it again. When they do this, you will see that they can lower it just fine, but that it is impossible for them to raise it back up. Then, they will explain to you that while things can go out of an aura shield, things can not enter an aura shield.

After that, they will tell you to try to move your aura into a hollow sphere around one of your forepaws that is just a bit bigger than it is and to keep moving it into that hollow sphere. They will explain to you that you have to keep doing it because aura objects require a constant supply of aura in order to maintain their existence. That being said, if either of your forepaws are in contact with something that you made that needs aura in order to exist, it will automatically draw as much aura from you as you can supply. 

After they give you that explanation, you might find that creating an aura shield is really easy or really hard. How hard it is to do will largely depend on how much of your aura your mentor had you practise moving at once. Fortunately, you only need to move your aura into the shape of the hollow sphere once. After that, you just have to supply any part of it with enough aura to keep it maintained.

After you can consistently create an aura shield around your forepaw, your mentor will have you punch it as hard as you can, and it will be completely destroyed. They will then explain to you that how strong the shield is depends on how much of your aura you channel into it. They will then have you practice channeling more and more of your aura into it until you can consistently make an aura shield that is strong enough to withstand your punches without taking major damage.

After that, they will explain to you that there is no limit to how big you can make an aura shield, but that the bigger it is the more aura it will need to be strong. They will then have you practice creating an aura shield around your entire body and making that shield stronger and stronger.

Each part of this process will be very long, resulting in it taking hours and hours of time for you to become fully proficient at creating aura shields.

Also, your mentor’s training methods will deviate from the one stated above. For instance, they won’t re-explain things that you already know and they might explain things differently while still being completely accurate, as well as use a somewhat different training method and help you do things that you are struggling with.

Once your body sized Aura shields can withstand your punches without taking significant damage, your Lucario mentor will tell you that they are willing to teach you how to make an aura bone staff.

Once you tell them that you want to practice making an aura bone staff, they will explain to you that for some reason Lucariohs evolved with the instinct to create a fully solid aura object in this shape, and that you will need to tap into your Lucario instincts if you want to be able to create one. Although it will take you awhile, you will find within yourself something like a mental blueprint for the aura bone staff. Unlike your other Lucario instincts that are two weak for you to draw upon, this one will feel different. Once your mentor senses that you’ve found that instinct, they will tell you to let it control you. When you do, you will find that there is an aura bone staff in one of your forepaws. It will be as tall as you are, as well as wide enough for you to comfortably wrap your fingers all the way around it. When this happens your mentor will remind you that because it is in direct contact with at least one of your forepaws, it automatically draws all of your aura energy into it, so you can’t use any of your other abilities that rely on manipulating your aura while you hold it. They will also explain to you that it will quickly disappear if you let go of it, even if you channel your aura into it as fast as you can.

Because your Lucario instincts are so weak, it will take you a lot of time to find the mental blueprint for the aura bone staff, so that process will take up the bulk of your training with this skill. Once you have found it, it won’t take long to master creating it.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much that your mentor can do to help you develop this skill, but they will still try their best to help.

Also, your mentor’s training methods will deviate from the one stated above. For instance, they won’t re-explain things that you already know and they might explain things differently while still being completely accurate, as well as use a somewhat different training method and help you do things that you are struggling with.

Your Lucario mentor will have you practice creating your aura bone staff until you can do it practically instantly. Once you can, they will tell you that they are willing to teach you how to create and launch aura spheres. They will explain to you that they wanted to save this ability for last because it is the hardest to do and because it is very destructive, and that’s assuming that nothing goes wrong. They then explain to you that you have to move your aura into a dense sphere that is about the size of your head, and then launch it at your target. You must form the sphere between your forepaws, and your forepaws must be straight across from each other and no more than a few inches away from the sphere. Also, you must build up masses of aura in your forepaws in the shape of spheres that are so big that they overlap with the main aura sphere. However, they can only overlap slightly because doing so more would result in the aura sphere becoming too unstable, causing it to detonate before you can even launch it. This method is used because the aura sphere is so unstable that attempting to directly control it is guaranteed to result in its detonation. However, the aura energy in your forepaws is much more stable due to their lower concentration, so launching those masses of aura energy is perfectly safe, and they will drag the aura sphere along with them without destabilizing it. However, the instant after the masses of aura energy are separated from your forepaws, they will be instantly absorbed into the aura sphere resulting in you no longer being able to control it. Fortunately, that extra aura energy will make it so that the aura sphere doesn’t get weaker for the first few seconds after it is launched. One good thing about it being so unstable is that the aura energy will dissipate much slower after it is severed from its source. Also, if the masses of aura energy are launched even a tiny bit out of sink the aura sphere will be pulled apart causing it to instantly detonate.

Although you will be skilled at manipulating auras at this point, it will still take you a very long time to master this skill due to having to coordinate multiple masses of aura and the precision that is required when doing so. In fact, it will take you much longer to become proficient with this skill than with any of the other ones.

Your mentor will be able to help you with every aspect of creating and launching aura spheres, but they will probably prefer to keep a safe distance due to their explosive and volatile nature.

Also, your mentor’s training methods will deviate from the one stated above. For instance, they won’t re-explain things that you already know and they might explain things differently while still being completely accurate, as well as use a somewhat different training method and help you do things that you are struggling with.

Additionally, once you have become considerably good at making and launching aura spheres they will tell you that even though you have learned all of the aura skills that they know, you have not learned everything that you can do with your aura. However, you will have to figure out what else you can do with it on your own.

Now what will happen when you go to sleep will be described.

When you go to sleep, your body in your world will instantly fall asleep, but you will find yourself in the Aura World, not even being able to sense the world that you are from. Your Lucario will be there and they will explain to you that every time that you go to sleep, you will appear in this world. They will also explain that while your body in your world will not be affected by anything that goes on here, the body that you inhabit in the Aura World can be hurt and killed, as well as affected by auras. Should that happen, you and your Lucario will be ejected from this world and back into your own where you will start to dream as if you had never left your body and had simply fallen asleep normally until your body in your world wakes up on its own as it normally would or is woken up by something that would normally wake you up. Fortunately, you will always have a new body that is identical to the one that you have in your world whenever you enter the Aura World, so death in the Aura World will not be permanent.

They will then explain to you that because of how unstable the terrain of the Aura World is, it will change between visits to it. The existence of Major details and layouts will be consistent, but their significance will vary, and everything else will always be different. For instance, what was a clear path one night might have an impassable wall in the middle of it the next, and what was an impassable ravine one night could be no more than a ditch the next. Also, the creatures of the Aura World can range from anything from something common and normal like a bird to something that clearly isn’t related to anything on Earth.

The next thing that they will explain to you is that here you can use all of your aura powers to the fullest, so you won’t have to worry about your aura sensing giving you inaccurate information like you have to do in your world and you will be able to use your other aura abilities in combat. Also, you will be able to fully interact with your mentor, allowing for them to use better training methods with you. They will also be able to practice fighting with you so that you can both improve your abilities. However, because of how you are separated from your body in your world your combat skills won’t transfer over. However, your improved aura abilities will.

After that they will explain to you that if they are killed in this world, they will simply re-merge with you, and reappear when you will it to happen.

Next, they will explain to you that there is a reason to go into the dangerous parts of the Aura World. This is because there are valuable artifacts in them that can take the form of anything from a piece of clothing like a shirt or an amulet to something that you would hold like a pen or a sword. The artifacts that you find can have any effect from increasing your speed and strength to making your aura powers stronger or granting you new aura abilities. However, the artifacts will only affect you while you are in direct contact with them. Also, any artifacts that you find will be designed for Lucariohs. A few examples of how this makes the artifacts different from their normal equivalent in your world is that shirts will have the correct proportions for Lucariohs and will have a hole in them for your chest spike, and swords will be perfectly sized for your forepaws to wrap around them. Additionally, all of the artifacts that you have found in the past will be located nearby whenever you re-enter the Aura world.

After they have explained all of this they will ask you what you want to do and explain to you that there are many things that you can do aside from just training. You could go looking for ruins, admire some of the fantastic scenery of this world, go fighting in one of the more dangerous regions, or do whatever else you want.

Also, they will only explain all of this the first time that you enter the Aura World unless you ask them to explain it to you again.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addicting.

Now you have this wonderful new trigger, and with it access to a whole new world and a new friend. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my aura wielding friend.

Lucario transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Lucario.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust uses the trigger phrase “you are a Lucario.”, you will transform into a Lucario at whatever speed you want. Also, you or someone that you trust can add the phrase “that doesn’t have spikes.” to the trigger phrase in order to make it so that the spikes don’t form during the transformation. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Lucario.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Lucario.”.

This file was fun to make. This is a modified version of the anthro Lucario tf with optional spikes. I fixed some anatomy and proportion issues that the original file had, and made this one use all of Lucario's traits, I even included the height! This transformation is part of a request, so I decided to break it up into a normal Lucario tf and then an add-on for the other stuff.

I’m really proud of how this one turned out and I think that the only way that I can make it more accurate* at this point is to get a 3D model and do precise measurements, which I am not going to do. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!

*As I was typing this, I realised that I had made a mistake which I have fixed.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a normal Lucario.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust uses the trigger phrase “You are a normal Lucario.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Also, you or someone that you trust can add the phrase “that doesn’t have spikes.” to the trigger phrase in order to change the effects of the transformation in a way that will be described later. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Lucario.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Lucario.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel your height quickly changing so that you are only three feet and eleven inches tall. Of course, your height won’t actually be changing. In reality, your mind will change so that things that are taller than you are will seem really tall while things that are only as tall or shorter than you, including yourself, will seem really small, creating the illusion of being really short. However, you will be completely unaware of this. Also, despite the fact that you will act as if you were the height that you were before the transformation began, you will believe that you are only three feet and eleven inches tall despite anything that seems to indicate that this is not the case.

Then, feel a relaxing tingling sensation start at your feet and then move up your body as a short and soft coat of thick and luxurious fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. The fur on your feet and lower legs, as well as on the bottom third of your upper legs, is black, while the space from that part of your upper legs to half an inch below your waist has blue fur on it. However, some of the fur that would otherwise be blue is black due to the band of black fur that is half as tall as the distance from your waist to the bottom of the front of your torso. The top of this band of black fur is level with your waist, but it curves down a bit on the front and back sides of your torso so that by the time it crosses the center of the front and back sides of your torso the top of it is level with where the bottom of it was before it started to curve downwards. Also, it curves upwards a bit on both sides right before it crosses the centers so that it forms a continuous curve. Additionally, the fur on the rest of your torso is light yellow, except for that which grows on the part of your shoulders that extends past the sides of the rest of your torso, that fur is black. Also, the yellow fur that grows around your neck is three times as long as the rest of your fur and grows in the shapes of spikes that point away from your neck and are rotated slightly up or down or somewhere in between. The fur on most of your arms is blue, but there are four triangular shaped sections of black fur on them. The bases of each of these triangular sections of black fur are on each side of your wrists, and cover those sides of them entirely. The ones on the top and bottom of your arms are tall enough that their points are three fourths of the way up your lower arms, while the ones on the left and right sides are only one fourth as tall as the other ones. Like the triangles of black fur on your wrists, the fur on your hands is black. The fur on your neck, as well as on most of your head and ears, is blue. However, there is a black band of fur that goes around your head. This band of fur is as tall as your nose and vertically centered on it in the front, and gets taller the further back it goes so that by the time it reaches the back of your head, the bottom of the band of fur is at the same height that it was on the front of your head but the top of it goes to the top of the back of your head. Also, there is a black strip of fur that starts at your nose and is as wide as it. It goes straight back over the top of your head until it reaches the other side of the black band of fur. Additionally, there is black fur on the inside of your ears.

As the fur grows you might touch it and notice just how soft it is, as well as how it offers little enough resistance to allow you to run your hands, or as they will soon be paws, through it with ease.

Next, feel a pleasant pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. This tail is covered in the same luxurious blue fur as your arms, and is as long as your torso, head, and neck are combined. The tail starts out half as wide as your hands are, and then gradually gets larger until it is as wide as your hands are six inches away from the end of it. At that point, your tail quickly curves downwards 90 degrees and starts to gradually get smaller until it ends in a furry point. 

Although you will be able to control your new tail which has great flexibility, you will never be able to fully straighten out the part of your tail that gets smaller.

Then, a somehow enjoyable numbness spreads over your finger and toe nails. Once this has happened, they disappear, being replaced by skin covered in your wonderful black fur.

Now start to feel the wonderful and satisfying sensations of your body stretching and compressing for this part of the transformation as the part of your upper legs that are covered in blue fur are becoming wider and longer until they are twice as large as they were before while their height stays as it was. As this happens your neck and arms, as well as your torso from the waist up, shrink until they are half as wide and long as they were before, and while your hands stay the same size, the parts of your shoulders that extend past the sides of the rest of your torso become equally longer and taller so that they are one third as tall as your torso is. Also, your shoulders will no longer be able to rotate, but this inability won’t restrict your movement at all, and you will never find this weird or unusual and you will never be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that this inability should restrict your movement. Additionally, the left and right sides of the extended sections of your shoulders are completely flat, making it look as if the extensions are two rings that are completely covered in black fur and that fit your old human shoulders perfectly. In addition, your upper legs and the bottom half of your torso have changed size in such a way that they form a shape similar to that of the lower half of an hourglass, with the part of your upper legs that are covered in fur being the wide part of it while the middle of your torso is the narrow part. Moreover, the top third of your torso stretches forwards so that it is twenty five percent longer than the rest of your torso, and it gradually goes from being its normal length to being twenty five percent longer over the course of the inch below the top third of your torso, a curve at the top and bottom of that area seamlessly connecting the longer part of your torso to the rest of your torso.

Next, feel a weak and enjoyable stretching sensation on the underside of each of your toes, as well as on the underside of your heels in a circular area that is centered on your heels and half as wide as them as the fur falls out in all of those areas. As the fur falls out and then quickly fades away, it is revealed that the skin on those sections of your feet have swelled slightly and become a pink material that is slightly squishy.

After that, feel the pleasant sensations of your toes and fingers merging and changing shape so that you have three toes on each of your feet and three fingers on each of your hands. Each of your new toes are as long as your middle toes used to be and are one third as wide as your feet are and are now composed of one highly flexible segment instead of three rigid ones. Also, each of your fingers are as long as your middle fingers used to be and now only have one highly flexible segment instead of three rigid ones, and are one third as wide as your hands are, or more accurately: your new fore paws. Of course, you won’t actually have three fingers on each of your fore paws, and you will use your hands as you normally would, but you will be completely unaware of this and only be able to perceive your fore paws as having three fingers on them. Also, you will never find it weird or unusual that despite only having three fingers on your fore paws, you act as if you have five fingers, and you will be incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggest that you should only have the capabilities of something with three fingers instead of something with five fingers.

Next, feel the pleasant sensations of your wrists, as well as your lower arms from your wrists to three fourths of the way up them, becoming as wide as your fore paws are. Also, the last fourth of your lower arms gradually gets wider starting at where they connect to the rest of your arms and ending where they reach the wider part of your lower arms, being just as wide as them at that point.

Then, you feel a satisfying stretching sensation as your toes bend upwards so that there is a forty five degree angle between your toes and the rest of your hind paws. Immediately after this happens your toes lock in place, forcing you to walk on your toes, or walk digitigrade as it is called when it is not done by a human, a creature that is becoming a less and less accurate description of what you are.

After your toes have undergone this change, the rest of your feet, or more accurately your hind paws, start to lengthen. As this happens your lower legs become shorter at an equal rate until your hind paws are almost as long as your lower legs were not counting your toes, resulting in your lower legs only being a few inches long. The result of this is that when standing up straight, your upper legs are angled forty five degrees downwards and point forwards, your lower legs are angled forty five degrees downwards and point backwards, not counting your toes your hind paws are angled forty five degrees downwards and point forwards, and all of your weight rests on your toes which are flat. Having this leg structure will feel completely natural to you because it is the leg structure of a Lucario, the Pokémon that you are becoming. Of course, your lower legs, toes, and the rest of your hind paws won’t actually change so that you walk digitigrade and have the appropriate leg structure, and you will do things like walking and running and standing like you would if you were a human, but you will be completely incapable of perceiving this and only be able to perceive yourself as having that digitigrade leg structure and hind paws. Also, you will be completely incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are not moving or standing as you would if you had hind paws and legs designed for walking digitigrade.

Now feel a satisfying pulling sensation on the middle of the top of your fore paws, as well as on a spot located halfway across and three fourths of the way up your torso as spikes painlessly emerge from your skin and fur. They are each half as wide as your fore paws are and are one third as tall as your torso is, as well as end in a dangerously sharp point. Despite the fact that they are made of an organic version of steel, they are not cold. Also, because they are an extension of your mind and not real, you will never try to use these spikes to do anything, especially not combat. However, you will be completely unaware of this and just think that using your spikes to do things is completely absurd, not being able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that would suggest that this is not the case.

Additionally, these spikes will not form if the phrase “that has no spikes.” is added after the trigger phrase.

After that, feel the nice pulling sensation of some of the fur on the back of your head growing. This happens in two spots on the back of your head that are half as wide as your fore paws are. These spots are located halfway up the back of your head, with one of them being one fourth of the way to the left of the back of your head while the other is one fourth of the way to the right of it. At each of these spots, the fur extends to form two masses of fur that start in the same place, but almost immediately grow to the left and right so that they overlap minimally. They are as long as your lower arms are and gradually get wider until they are one fourth as wide as  your head is right before the end of them where they end in a wide rounded point. These masses of fur can be moved as if they were one flexible object, but the fur that makes them up can not be separated.

Then, you feel the pleasant sensation of your ears moving to the top of your head. As this happens, they change shape so that they are shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half and that are so wide that one side of each of them just barely doesn’t touch the band of black fur that goes around your head while the other side of each of them just barely doesn’t touch the stripe of black fur that goes over your head. Also, the inside of your new ears are flat instead of rounded, with the sides of the insides of them being covered in blue fur while the back of the insides of them are covered in black fur. Additionally, there is a section of blue fur on the back of the inside of your ears. It is located at the bottom of them and is shaped and orientated just like the black fur on them, but is only one fourth as tall as them. Because of how big your ears are your hearing will be much stronger and you will find that sounds that didn’t bother you before might now be overwhelming because of how much louder they sound to you if you aren’t used to having a form with hearing superior to that of a human. If that is the case, it won’t take you long to get used to your improved hearing and to be able to deal with sounds that you previously could deal with again. Of course, your hearing won’t actually become stronger, but your expectations about how loud sounds are will be greatly reduced to make it seem like they are, and your tolerance for loud noises will be reduced accordingly, but you will be completely unaware of the fact that this is happening.

Next, feel yet another satisfying pulling sensation as your chin, mouth, and the bottom half of your nose stretch out to form a medium length muzzle, causing the band of black fur that goes around your head to be stretched out as well. As the muzzle forms your nose holes disappear, but you will find that you can breathe through the front of your muzzle as if it were your nose. The muzzle forms in such a way that the front of it is shaped like a triangle that points straight down and that is twice as tall and wide as your nose holes were. The fur on your muzzle that is above the bottom half of the triangle is black, and all of the fur on your muzzle that is below the top half of the triangle is blue, but all of the fur on the triangle itself is black.

As this happens your lips disappear and the fur on your nose falls out and quickly fades away to reveal that it has become triangular and is now made of a black version of the slightly squishy material that makes up your pink paw pads.

Now your pupils are becoming narrow like those of a snake and your eyes are stretching out in both directions so that they are twice as long as they were before. Then, skin covered in black fur covers the top half of your eyes. After that, your eyes and the furry skin that covers them rotate down thirty degrees. Next, your irises and pupils stretch equally in both directions so that they are twice as tall as they had been. Somehow, even after all of these changes, your vision is just as good as it was before you started to transform.

After all of those changes to your eyes have finished, your irises become a vibrant shade of red.

As this happens you undergo several mental changes.

The first change is that you will believe that you can see auras. This will be because when you look at someone and focus on them, they will appear to glow with a light that only illuminates them. The color of this light, this person's aura, will be determined by what your subconscious thinks their disposition is. You will know that what you perceive as the person's aura might be inaccurate, but you will never find this unusual or understand any logic when it is used in a way that would suggest otherwise. Also, if you focus on where you are when you can not see, for example if you close your eyes or are blindfolded, you will see your surroundings. In reality your subconscious mind will attempt to reconstruct a mental version of your surroundings based on what you remember and any other methods that it can use to determine what they are like without doing anything with your body. When you rely on this form of sight, you will always be very careful because you know that it can be very inaccurate, even to a potentially dangerous degree. You will believe that any visual inaccuracy will be due to the nature of auras. Like with seeing people’s auras, you will fail to understand any logic that would suggest that this should not be the case. Additionally, you will be completely unaware of the fact that these aura related abilities are caused by your subconscious and believe that you actually can sense auras. 

The second mental change will affect how you perceive the effects of this trigger, and your conscious mind will be completely unaware of this. What will happen will be that when the effects of this trigger are active, you will believe that and act as if you are experiencing them fully and perfectly. So regardless of whether or not your mind makes you feel fur when you touch yourself, you will act as if you did and believe that you did, being completely unaware that that is not what you experienced. Also, your memories of the time when this trigger is active will be altered to match your altered experiences. However, your memories will only be altered when this trigger is active, and only the ones that are formed while this trigger is active will be altered, and never any other ones.

The third and final mental change is that when you go to sleep at the time that you normally would, you will instantly fall asleep and start to dream. In those dreams, you will be a Lucario in the world of Pokémon that is being trained to be, and eventually will become, an aura guardian by a human as their apprentice. An aura guardian is any creature, human or otherwise, that can control and utilize auras and does good deeds. Over time your bond and loyalty with this human will grow and you will become good friends, continuing to work and fight alongside them even once you have completed your apprenticeship. As a Lucario, one of your abilities will be to speak telepathically. This dream world will be consistent, ensuring that no time passes and that nothing changes within it between when you wake up and when you next go to sleep. Also, when you do eventually wake up you will remember your time in that world fully, and find that the thought of it always makes you happy because being in it is always a pleasant experience over all, and that not being in it never causes you to feel any negative emotions.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addictive.

Now you have undergone this transformation and are a Lucario. I hope that you enjoyed the transformation and find your new form to be absolutely wonderful. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my soft furry friend.

Add-on for Anthro latex nine-tailed fox transformation : increased control for host  (no induction)


This file gives the original entity within your mind control over the one that is created in the Anthro latex nine-tailed fox tf file. I am making this because it has come to my attention that that file is causing people some issues.

In hindsight I should have made this a part of the original file.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to make a change to you. From now on the entity in your mind that was in your human body when you were born, whether that entity be you who is listening or another within your mind, will always have more control than the entity that was created in the process of allowing you to turn into an anthro latex nine-tailed fox. In a moment I will say “awaken.”. When I do, you will instantly awaken from trance. Awaken. 

Cinderace transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Cinderace.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Cinderace.”, you will transform into a Cinderace at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Cinderace.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Cinderace.”

This request was a real challenge to make! The instant I saw an image of Cinderace I knew that the fur pattern was going to be… “interesting” to deal with. That being said, it turns out that Cinderace is soccer themed and soccer is my favorite sport. In hindsight that might have caused me to over do it a tad with the mental changes but they aren’t in any way bad so I see no reason to change them. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Cinderace.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Cinderace.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Cinderace.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Cinderace.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel yourself shrinking so that you are only four feet and seven inches tall. Of course, your height won’t actually change, but everything that is taller than you will seem really tall while everything that is shorter than you or about the same size as you will seem really small, creating the illusion of having shrunk.

Next, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a thick coat of soft, short, and fluffy fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so.

The fur on your arms, hands, neck, and head is white, as well as most of the fur on your torso. However, there is a “V” shaped section of fur on the front of your torso that is dark blue and as wide as the front of your torso is. The Thickness of the “V” is equal to one fifth the width of your torso and it is one third as tall as your torso is. The bottom of the “V” is horizontally aligned with the center of your torso and located one third of the way down your torso. The top sides of it seamlessly connect to two other sections of dark blue fur that are on your shoulders by having both sides continue a bit past the “V” and stopping when they reach the edge between your shoulders and arms. The points where they connect are the top left and top right of your torso and the two other sections of dark blue fur are very thin and go all the way around the spots where your shoulders and arms connect to each other. On the bottom half of them the fur is one inch long, but on the top half of them they form the shape of three triangles that point straight up. They are each one third as wide as your shoulders are and are right next to each other. The two outer ones are half as tall as your upper arms are while the middle one is as tall as your upper arms are.

Additionally, there is a band of dark blue fur that goes around and is vertically centered on your waist that is two inches tall. Also, the part of it that is on the front of your torso curves down a little bit so that it is one inch lower than it otherwise would be when it passes the front of the center of your torso. As it gets close to this point it curves back upwards a bit so that it forms a continuous curve.

From below that band of dark blue fur to the top of your knees your fur is red, and from below your knees to the end of the first two thirds of your feet it is dark blue again, the fur on the last third of your feet being red.

The fur on your knees is twice as long as most of your fur is and is yellow, as well as shaped like the band of dark blue fur that goes around your waist. However, the bands of yellow fur are as tall as your knees are and they curve downwards near the middle of all four sides instead of just near the middle of the front. Additionally, the fur directly above them is red while the fur directly below them is dark blue.

Also, there are two cone shaped sections of yellow fur on each leg that are horizontally centered on the middle of the back of the yellow bands of fur. The top ones are one third as wide as your knees are tall and are three inches tall, as well as vertically centered one sixth of the way down the bands of yellow fur. The bottom ones are vertically centered halfway between the bottom of the other cones and halfway up the yellow bands of fur, and are half as wide and tall as the other ones are. All of the cones of yellow fur point straight back, as well as upwards at a forty five degree angle.

Furthermore, there is a yellow section of fur on the right side of your right upper leg and the left side of your left upper leg. They are horizontally and vertically centered on the sides of your upper legs that they are on, as well as half as tall as them and one third as wide as they are. The top third is shaped like a square with rounded edges that has been rotated forty five degrees. The bottom two thirds of them are shaped like an oval. Also, the bottom of the rotated square and the top of the oval overlap slightly.

After all of that, feel your fingers and toes merge and change shape so that you have three fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot. Each of your fingers and toes are one third as wide as the hand or foot that they are on and form a continuous curve over the last third of them that seamlessly goes from one finger or toe to the next and that is one hundred and eighty degrees, leaving you with a wonderful set of paws. Also, at its longest the middle finger on your hand-paws will be as long as your old middle fingers were while at their longest your outer fingers will be as long as your smallest finger was. Likewise, at their longest your middle toes will be as long as your middle toes used to be and at their longest your outer toes will be as long as your smallest toe was.

Of course, your hands will not actually have turned into three fingered paws, and you will still use your hands like you normally do, but you will be completely unaware of this and only be able to perceive your hands as three fingered paws.

Now, feel a slight pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. The main part of it is spherical and twice as long as your torso is. On this sphere there are two cone shaped sections, the first of which is one third as wide as your tail is and twice as tall as your torso is long. It is vertically centered one sixth of the way down the back of your tail and is horizontally aligned with the center of the back of it. It points straight back, as well as upwards slightly. Also, there is another smaller cone shaped section on your tail that is angled and shaped just like the first one is, as well as horizontally aligned with the center of the back of the spherical part of your tail. The only differences are that it is half as wide and tall as the other one is and that it is vertically centered halfway between the bottom of the other section and halfway up your tail

Your tail is made entirely of fur, so it won’t cause you any discomfort when you sit on it. However, this also means that you won’t be able to control it.

Next, feel the fur on the back of your head start to grow longer as it forms the shape of a cone that is as wide as your head is as well as as tall as your head is long. This cone of extra long fur is centered on and covers the entirety of the back of your head and starts out pointing straight back, but quickly curves upwards so that the point of it is located two inches above the top of your head and so that it points straight up.

Now, feel a weak pulling sensation in three oval shaped areas on the underside of each of your foot-paws. One of them is horizontally centered with your foot-paws and is one fourth as tall as the section of them that is covered in blue fur, as well as one third as wide as that section. It is vertically centered one fourth of the way up the underside of the section of blue fur on your feet. The other two are one fourth as wide as the section of blue fur on your feet, and are one eighth as tall as those sections and are vertically centered one fourth of the way down the underside of the section of blue fur on your feet. Also, they are horizontally centered one fourth of the way to the left of the right side of your feet and one fourth of the way to the right of the left side of your feet. In those areas, the fur falls out to reveal that the skin there has swelled slightly as it became a yellow material that is durable and slightly squishy.

After that, feel your ears move to the top of your head as they change their shape to that of cones that have been cut in half. As this happens they grow so that they are as tall as your torso is and half as wide as your head is, as well as rotate so that they point halfway between straight back and straight up. Most of the fur on your ears is just like the white fur that is on your arms. However, there is a hollowed out section on the front of each of them that is covered in yellow fur. It is shaped like a 3D oval that has been cut in half and that is half as tall as your ears are and one third as wide as them. They are horizontally centered on the front of your ears and are vertically centered just above one fourth of the way up them. You will not be able to control which way your ears face, but they are somewhat flexible and with the exception of close to their bases they can be bent back ninety degrees if enough force is applied to them. In fact, the very tops of them might even pleasantly sway a bit if there is a gentle breeze. Your hearing will mostly be the same as it was before the transformation began. However, because of how big your ears are your hearing will be much stronger and you will find that sounds that didn’t bother you before might now be overwhelming because of how much louder they sound to you if you aren’t used to having a form with hearing superior to that of a human. If that is the case, it won’t take you long to get used to your improved hearing and to be able to deal with sounds that you previously could deal with again. Of course, your hearing won’t actually become stronger, but your expectations about how loud sounds are will be greatly reduced to make it seem like they are, and your tolerance for loud noises will be reduced accordingly, but you will be completely unaware of the fact that this is happening.

Next, the fur on the tip of your nose turns red and grows in the shape of a raindrop that is as wide and tall as your new ears, and that is angled halfway between straight up and straight back. Also, extra fur grows on the end of your nose so that there is enough fur to make the raindrop shaped section of red fur solid and just as dense as the rest of your coat of fur is. Somehow, this large mass of red fur does not block any of your vision, and you will never question why this is or be able to understand any logic when it is used in a way that directly suggests that it should block part of your vision.

As this happens, the fur on the rest of your nose turns red.

Now, feel two sections of fur on both sides of your face start to grow in the shape of cones that are as tall as your head is and half as wide as your head is tall. They are horizontally aligned with the center of the sides of your head that they are on, and are vertically centered one fourth and three fourths of the way up the sides of your head that they are on. Horizontally speaking, they are angled half way between straight back and the side of your head that they are on. Vertically speaking they are rotated upwards forty five degrees.

Next, feel fur growing from the middle top of the front of your nose. There, yellow fur grows from a single point in three sections. Two of them are shaped like cones that are half an inch wide. One of them points straight right and upwards forty five degrees while the other one points straight left and upwards forty five degrees. They are both so long that the points of them go just past the edges of your face. The third one points straight up and is shaped like a vertical 3D oval that is half an inch wide and that is as tall as your nose is. The bottom of the oval connects to the same point on your nose that the other two sections do. Also, there is another 3D oval on top of it that is aligned in the same way. However, it is one third as tall as the other oval and the bottom of it connects to the top of the oval. Also, it is a bit more down then it needs to be to make contact causing the two ovals to overlap a little bit. Just like the raindrop shaped mass of red fur, this also doesn’t obstruct your vision. Furthermore, just like with that mass of red fur, this yellow fur does not block any of your vision, and you will never question why this is or be able to understand any logic when it is used in a way that directly suggests that it should block part of your vision.

Now, feel skin covered in that familiar white fur start to cover the top half of your eyes. After that, your eyes stretch downward so that they are twice as tall as they had been. Then, your eyes and the furry skin that covers them rotate down thirty degrees. Next, your pupils and irises stretch upwards and downwards equally so that they are twice as tall as they had been. Somehow, even after all of these changes, your vision is just as good as it was before you started to transform.

Then, the fur around the bottom left quarter of your left eye and the fur around the bottom right quarter of your right eye turns dark blue. At the bottom of your eyes the blue fur looks like no more than a point, but it gradually gets wider the closer it gets to the other end of it until it is half an inch wide. From there, they each form a triangle shaped section of dark blue fur that extends out of the already existing dark blue fur. The triangles point straight in the direction of the side of your head that they are on and the top of their bases are the tops of the dark blue sections of fur that go around your eyes. Relative to their sideways bases, they are half an inch wide and so tall that their points almost but not quite reach the curve that goes between the front and sides of your head.

Next, your irises become the same shade of red that much of your fur is.

As this happens, your mind changes so that you really enjoy soccer, and so that you will like it even more if you already enjoy it, but you will never become even slightly addicted to it. Just watching soccer will be a highly immersive experience, so much so that when you are just watching it through a screen it will feel as if you are there in person, and if you are there in person it will feel almost as if you are playing the game yourself! Oh and the feelings that you will get from actually playing soccer! Absolutely nothing will compare to it. The sense of comradeship that you will feel with your teammates will be wonderful, and the rush of playing will be so much more intense than ever before! running to catch up to an opponent with the ball, kicking the ball into the opponent’s goal, or even just running across the field with the ball, it will all be absolutely wonderful! It doesn’t matter if you are playing offence, defence, middlefield, goalie, or even just sitting on the sidelines waiting to be swapped in, you will have an absolutely amazing time. Although you will always put your all into it and do your best, you won’t even care if you win or lose, you’ll just be thrilled and happy to have been able to play. And if people are cheering you on, things will become even more intense. It will be as if your whole life has been leading up to that moment, and you will give it everything you’ve got, and if you fail it will be no big deal, but if you succeed it will feel absolutely amazing.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find this hypnosis file or the effects of it even slightly addictive.

Now you have undergone this transformation, and you ARE a Cinderace. As I’m sure that you can guess, I’m a huge fan of soccer, and I can now say with complete certainty that you are one too. This session is almost over, so goodbye, and have fun!

Anthro brown bear transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a brown bear.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a brown bear.”, you will transform into an anthro brown bear at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a brown bear.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a brown bear.”.

This was a nice and easy request to do. I can’t think of anything else to put here so how about a bad bear pun? *evil laughter*. What did the guy say to the bear? You're un-BEAR-able! Anyways, I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a brown bear.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a brown bear.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a brown bear.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a brown bear.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation on your entire body as a thick coat of long brown fur that is wonderfully soft starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Also, the fur that grows on your hands and feet is black instead of brown.

Next, you feel a weak pulling sensation on the underside of each segment of your fingers and toes, as well as on the balls of your feet and the palms of your hands as the fur on them falls out to reveal that the skin in those areas has swelled slightly as they become a black material that is leathery and slightly squishy.

After that, your fur covered ears move to the top of your head. As this happens, they become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut and half, but stay just as tall and wide as they had been. Also, you will still be able to hear just as well as you could before the transformation began despite how different your new and old ears are.

Next, your toe and finger nails disappear, fur covered skin replacing them and leaving no trace of their existence. Then, black claws that are made of a hard and durable material start to grow out of the front of your fingers and toes. Their bases are each one third as wide as the finger or toe that they are on and half as tall as that finger or toe. Also, they are horizontally and vertically centered on the finger or toe that they are on. They are half an inch long and gradually curve down and get narrower and thinner so that they each end in a dangerously sharp point that points straight down and that is level with the bottom of the finger or toe that they are on. Despite the fact that your claws are dangerously sharp, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

After that, the part of your face that is below your eyes stretches out to form a long muzzle with your nose holes on the top of the front of it.

Then, the fur on the front of your muzzle falls out in an area that is shaped like a triangle with the left and right points on the top left and top right corners of the front of your muzzle and the other point being located on and horizontally centered on the front of your muzzle, as well as located a bit below your nose holes. As the fur falls out it reveals that the skin in that area has become a black material that is leathery and slightly squishy. Simultaneously, this happens in a thin straight line going straight down from the bottom of the black triangle to the top of your mouth.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find the effects of this hypnosis file even slightly addictive.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro bear, so I hope that you won’t find this form un.. bear. able. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my brown furred friend.

Anthro lion transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a lion.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a lion”, you will transform into an anthro lion at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a lion.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a lion.”.

This was a nice request to do. It wasn't too hard and it wasn’t too easy, just the way I like it (Although extremes on both sides can be nice too). Also, I could reuse a bit of my anthro griffin tf for this which was really convenient. Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a lion.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a lion”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a lion.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a lion.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation on your entire body as a dense coat of short and rough blond fur grows, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. The only place where the fur isn’t blond is on your fingers and toes. There, the fur is white instead of blond.

Then, feel a slight pulling sensation on the underside of each section of your toes and fingers, as well as on the balls of your feet and the palms of your hands. There, the fur is falling out as the skin swells out slightly and becomes black, leathery, and slightly squishy, leaving you with a wonderful set of paw pads on each of your hands and feet.

Next, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail that is one third as long as you are tall starts to grow. It is as wide as your wrists are and is covered in the same blond fur as the rest of your body. However, the last tenth of it is covered in a dense tuft of black fur that is three times as long as the rest of your fur. 

After that, your entire face stretches forwards to form a medium length muzzle. As this happens, your entire nose disappears except for your nose holes. They stay just as far to the left and right of the center of your head as they had been, but they are now located just below the edge between the top and the front of your muzzle.

Then, the fur on the front of your muzzle falls out in an area that is shaped like a triangle with the left and right points on the top left and top right corners of the front of your muzzle and the other point being located on and horizontally centered on the front of your muzzle, as well as located a bit below your nose holes. As the fur falls out it reveals that the skin in that area has become a black material that is slightly squishy and leathery. Simultaneously, this happens in a thin straight line going straight down from the bottom of the black triangle to the top of your mouth.

Next, some of the remaining fur on the front of your muzzle turns white in the shape of a triangle that’s base is the entire bottom edge of your muzzle and that’s point is located just below the bottom of the black triangle.

Then, long white whiskers grow on the furry areas on the front of your muzzle in the pattern of a dense grid.

Now, your toes merge and change shape so that you have four toes on each foot. They are each one fourth as wide as your feet are and as long as your longest toe was.

After that, your toe and finger nails disappear, fur covered skin replacing them and leaving no trace of their existence. Then, brownish yellow claws that are made of a hard and durable material start to grow out of the front of your fingers and toes. Their bases are each one third as wide as the finger or toe that they are on and half as tall as that finger or toe. Also, they are horizontally and vertically centered on the finger or toe that they are on. They are half an inch long and gradually curve down and get narrower and thinner so that they each end in a dangerously sharp point that points straight down and that is level with the bottom of the finger or toe that they are on. Despite the fact that your claws will be dangerously sharp, you will never attempt to use them for anything, especially combat.

Now, your ears move so that they are centered on the edge between the top of your head and the sides of it that they currently are on. As this happens, they stay just as tall as they had been, but they become half as wide as they are tall, and the bottom halves of them become shaped like hollow cylinders that have been cut in half while the top halves becomes shaped like hollow spheres that have been cut in half, the two halves seamlessly connecting to each other.

Despite how different your new and old ears are, you will find that you can still hear just as well as you could before the transformation began.

Next, with the exception of the fur on your face, all of the fur on your neck and head grows so that it is many times longer than it had been, reaching a length of four inches at the very least. As this happens, the fur becomes a darker shade of blond and the fur on the top of your head grows towards the back of your head so that none of it will hang in your face. As this happens, the fur also becomes smooth and soft. Once your fur has finished growing you might find that the fur in your wonderful new mane resembles hair more than fur, but it will still be fur.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find the effects of this hypnosis file even slightly addictive.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro lion, so I hope that you enjoy the fur in your mane. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my blond furred friend.

Anthro sheep transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a sheep.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a sheep.”, you will transform into an anthro sheep at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a sheep.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a sheep.”.

This was nice, easy, and fast to make. I don’t really have much to say about this one. I just wanted to do a tf for a normal animal and a sheep was what I decided to do. The only kind of interesting thing about this one is that I was originally going to add a mental change but decided not to. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and suggestions!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a sheep.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a sheep.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a sheep.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a sheep.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as your skin turns white, any hair that you have disappearing as it does so.

Next, feel a warm, soft sensation on your entire body except for your face and ears, as well as your forearms, lower legs, hands, and feet, as long, soft, fluffy wool starts to grow. It is as white as snow and constantly keeps you at a comfortable temperature that is just warm enough to make you always feel a bit tired, but you will always be able to ignore and deal with this slight tiredness. That being said, if you decide to relax, your warm wool could easily make you fall asleep if you want it to, but only if you want it to. Of course, your temperature won’t actually change because of the wool and you will act on your actual temperature, but you will be completely unaware of this and not be able to understand any logic when it is used in a way that directly suggests that you are not acting on what you perceive your temperature to be because of the wool.

Then, feel a pulling sensation on your entire face, especially in the area around and between your mouth and nose holes, as it stretches out to form a long muzzle with your nose holes just below the top of the front of it. As this happens your skin turns black on the top and front of your muzzle in the shape of a circle that is as wide and tall as your muzzle is wide, and that is centered on the center of the edge between the top and front of your muzzle.

After that, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow that is one third as wide as your torso is. It is two thirds as long as your legs are tall and gradually gets smaller until it ends in a point. The skin on it is white and it is covered in that wonderful fur that covers most of your body.

Now, feel the toes on each of your feet merge and change shape so that they form a continuous curve from one side of your feet to the other, the center of which is as long as your longest toe was. Then, they split down the middle leaving you with two separate toes on each foot, each being a perfectly mirrored version of the one next to it. After that, they become a black material that is both hard and durable, leaving you with hooves befitting of an anthro sheep.

Next, your ears change shape so that they are shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half and point away from the sides of your head that they are on. They are as tall as your old ears were wide and as wide as your old ears were tall. You will be able to rotate your new ears forty five degrees upwards and downwards, but your hearing won’t be affected by this. In fact, you will find that your hearing is just as good as it had been before the transformation began.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, any effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find the effects of this hypnosis file even slightly addictive.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro sheep. I hope that you enjoy your wonderfully soft wool. This file is almost over, so goodbye, my wooly friend.

Lucario suit/forced relaxation  (no induction)


This file gives you a trigger that consists of the phrase “Summon the Lucario suit of relaxation for”, and then an amount of time no more than eight hours. When you do, the effects of this hypnosis file will become active for the amount of time that you used in the trigger. After that amount of time has passed the effects will become inactive and your mind will go back to normal. Also, if you use an amount of time greater than eight hours the effects of the trigger will only last for eight hours.

I don’t have time to write a full description so I will update this later. The short version is that this is really good of you really like Lucarios and want to relax.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger consists of the phrase “Summon the Lucario suit of relaxation for”, and then an amount of time no more than eight hours. When you do, the effects of this hypnosis file will become active for the amount of time that you used in the trigger. After that amount of time has passed the effects will become inactive and your mind will go back to normal. Also, if you use an amount of time greater than eight hours the effects of the trigger will only last for eight hours.

The first thing that will happen is that a Lucario suit with a zipper on the back will appear in front of you. You will have an uncontrollable desire to put it on and it will look almost exactly like a Lucario, the only difference being that its size and body proportions have been altered to match yours perfectly.

When you start to put on the suit you find that the inside of it feels very soft and comfy, and that the space on the inside of it is slightly smaller than you are making it squeeze you slightly, causing it to feel as if it is hugging your entire body in a comfy embrace. Once you have put the suit on the zipper will disappear and there will be an odd but pleasant tingling sensation in and on your body as its size and proportions change along with the suit’s so that you look exactly like a Lucario while you are in the suit.

Once this has happened, you will find that you can no longer move. It’s not that you are paralyzed or anything like that, it’s that the suit is resisting your movement. That being said, it does let you do some small things like scratching itches and moving your mouth to talk. However, whenever you try to make sounds with your mouth, you find that you make Lucario noises instead. This combined with the fact that the suit doesn’t let you move to communicate non-verbally makes communicating with humans impossible, but this doesn’t bother you. In fact, it greatly relaxes you because it is one less thing that you have to deal with. Also, you will find that you can feel everything that touches the suit as if it were your own body. You can feel even the smallest brush to the fur of the suit as if it were your own body, yet you can still feel your body comfortably held within the suit.

With you no longer in control, the suit makes you get something to eat if you are hungry or think that you will be soon, and then makes you get something to drink if you are thirsty or think that you will be soon. Once your hunger and thirst have been satisfied it makes you go to the bathroom, even if you don’t think that you need to go, finding that you can still relieve yourself just fine despite the suit completely surrounding your body. Once the suit has made you relieve yourself or sufficiently try to, then wash your hands, and then dry them, it makes you go to the most comfortable nearby place to lay down, gets you all comfy and cozy, and closes its eyes, blocking your view of the world around you. Throughout this process the suit is in complete control. It does everything from preparing and chewing your food to relieving you and washing your hands. Also, it might at times make you talk to humans in order to aid it, but when it does you will only hear Lucario noises despite the fact that the suit is making you speak like you normally do. This relaxes you so much because you don’t have to do anything, the suit will have everything under control. Additionally, the suit will never make you do anything that you aren’t allowed to or spend your money, so it won’t do things like make you eat other people’s food or make you buy more food. Furthermore, if there is no nearby comfortable place that it would be reasonable for you to be in for a really long time the suit will simply lay you down on the ground, and if the ground is hard you will find that even laying on that is comfortable in the soft Lucario suit that relaxes you.

Once the suit has laid you down and closed its eyes, it will start to relaxingly massage your entire body, no longer letting you move your mouth to speak. It will frequently alternate where it is massaging you the hardest, resulting in your attention being constantly drawn to the relaxing feelings that it causes and making focusing on and thinking about anything else nearly impossible. Also, you will notice an unusual but very pleasant smell of an unknown gas coming from within the suit. It makes thinking very hard and makes you feel even happier and more relaxed. It also has the strange side effect of making all of your thoughts sound like Lucario noises to you, causing you to not be able to understand your own thoughts even if you manage to form any. Another side effect of the gas is that it makes it so that you can’t sleep, causing you to get trapped on the wonderful edge between being awake and asleep. Additionally, you will find that you can no longer hear the outside world. Of course, you will still be able to hear the outside world, and your subconscious will pay attention to what you hear and suspend the effects of this hypnosis file if there is something that you need to do, but you will be completely unaware of this. Also, you will hear Lucario noises and it will seem as if you are hearing them through the Lucario ears of the suit. You won’t be able to fully understand them, but you will know that whatever it means should make you happy and relaxed which is exactly what the Lucario noises do. It will be as if some deep instinctual part of your brain understands the language of Lucariohs.

As you lay all comfy and cozy being relaxed and not being able to think much, you will find that you start to feel your human body less and less and that it will feel like the suit is your actual body more and more. Eventually, you won’t even feel your human body anymore. You’ll still smell the unusual gas, feel the massaging, and hear Lucario sounds, but it will feel as if you are doing so through the Lucario suit. In fact, after relaxing in the suit with its eyes closed for twenty minutes at the very most, you won’t feel your human body at all. As this happens you will find the constant and wonderful massaging less and less distracting and that the gas makes it less and less hard to think. It won’t get to a point where you unintentionally think, but it will get to a point where you can if you want to, but you will only be able to think of things that make you feel happy, relaxed, and other positive emotions. Also, you will find that despite your thoughts sounding like Lucario noises, you will be able to understand them more and more the less you feel your human body, being able to fully understand your thoughts again once you can no longer feel your human body. Also, as you gain the ability to understand Lucario speech you will be able to understand the Lucario noises that you have been hearing, and the Lucario noises that you have been hearing will be Lucario language for things that make you feel happy and relaxed, as well as other positive emotions. Additionally, as you begin to understand Lucario speech more and more you will forget what human speech sounds like and lose the ability to understand it, or even recognise it for that matter.

In fact, once you fully feel the Lucario suit and don’t even slightly feel your human body, able to understand your Lucario thoughts and speech, as well as the Lucario noises that you have been hearing, you will start to think that you are a Lucario. After all, you look like a Lucario and sound like a Lucario, and you would probably act like a Lucario if you weren’t relaxing, so you must be a Lucario. And as you start to think that you are a Lucario you will be able to sense the presence, the aura, of the Lucario that has been talking to you. Their aura is very calming and relaxing, and it makes you very happy to have another of your kind nearby. Also, you can sense that they are perfectly happy to continue in their one sided conversation with you. Additionally, a little while after you start to think that you are a Lucario they will snuggle up with you, wrapping their arms around you and resting their paws on your chest making you feel loved and cared for. When this happens you will find that you can move again, but you will only want to move in order to get more comfortable and to better embrace the Lucario that has embraced you. Also, you will find that you can now open your eyes and speak. If you do open your eyes the face of the other Lucario will eclipse your vision entirely and that you can’t help but stare at and focus on their beautiful red eyes whenever your own beautiful red Lucario eyes are open. Furthermore, if you do speak you will speak like a Lucario, being able to understand yourself perfectly, and you will only think of things to say that make you and the other Lucario happy. Additionally, If the Lucario is snuggling with you and it is past the time when you normally go to bed, you will instantly fall asleep despite the gas. The time when you are asleep will not count towards the duration of the trigger, but it will start counting again when you wake up, the Lucario still snuggling you and your mind once more trapped on that wonderful edge between being awake and asleep.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one. Additionally, you will never find the effects of this hypnosis file even slightly addictive.

Now you have this wonderful new trigger. I’m sure that you will have a nice and relaxing time when you use it. This session is almost over, so goodbye my friend, and don’t forget to take some time to relax every now and then.

Tailmouth transformation (READ DESCRIPTION | no induction)



Note: This is exactly like the permanent version except that the guilt effect has been removed to make it non-permanent.

IMPORTANT: you won’t be able to control the tail because it will literally have a mind of its own.

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Tailmouth.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will transform into a Tailmouth at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Tailmouth.”. The tail can make you do something if you are in a private place and have nothing to do. It’s nothing bad so I’ll let it be a surprise. It also makes it really easy to sleep by stroking the tail, but only if you want to sleep. Additionally, you will still have the tail if you don’t use transform into something else before using the reset phrase.

This version was really easy to do since I was just removing and changing a few parts of my previous file. There isn’t really much else to say other than the fact that I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. However, I am about to say the phrase “You were supposed to read the description.”, when I do, you will instantly awaken from trance if you have not read the entire description for this file. “You were supposed to read the description.”. If you are no longer in trance, you need to read the entire description of this file for it to work.

Now the trigger phrase will be stated. The trigger phrase is “I am a Tailmouth”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will experience the transformation that is about to be described at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Tailmouth”.

Now the transformation will be described, but it won't actually happen unless you use the trigger phrase.

First, you will imagine a tail in your mind. It will be as long as you are tall and as wide as you are. It will also be very furry and the last tenth of it will be a mouth that looks like a normal tail when it is closed. Then, you will imagine what you want the fur of the tail to be like.

Once you have done this you will see a creature called a tailmouth in front of you. Its shape is mostly human and it will have the tail that you had just imagined, the base of which is centered on the base of its spine. Also, it will be completely covered in short fur and have four toes instead of five. With the exception of its face which is covered in the same fur as the rest of its body, its head is covered in long hair like fur. Additionally, its ears are shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half, but they curve up so much that their outline looks more like half crescents than cones. They are as tall as its head is and half as wide as it.

Although it is guaranteed to have these traits, all of its other ones, a few examples being height, gender, and fur color, will be a combination that makes it so that you would be happy to have this body if you had to have it for the rest of your life.

They will walk over to you and their tail will tell you its name. There is no way to know what its name, or even its personality, will be in advance, but it is guaranteed that you will like both of them in the long term, even if you don’t in the short term. Once the Tailmouth has walked over to you and the tail tells you its name, it will then tell you the name of the body that it is attached to, that name being the same as your name. After that, the tail tells you that the body has the same name as you because it is your body, or will be soon enough. It will then ask you if you are ready to become its host. If you say something that means that you aren’t ready, it will tell you that that’s fine and that you just have to tell it when you are ready. When you say something that means that you are ready, the tailmouth will get behind you and the tail will comfortably wrap itself around your waist. It will press you into the tailmouth with enough force to make moving away impossible, but not with so much force that it is painful or uncomfortable.

Once this has happened, the tailmouth will press its legs and feet into yours. When it does this, they will seem to flow around and engulf your own. With your legs and feet merged you find that it seems completely normal for you to have your new legs. In fact, it feels like you have had them for your entire life although you know that that is not true. Next, it does the same process with your hands and arms, and then your head. Once your heads have merged, it will seem like your hearing is many times stronger than it used to be and that sounds that didn’t used to bother you now seem overwhelmingly loud, but you will get used to your improved hearing quickly and be able to handle sounds that you previously could again. Of course, your hearing won’t actually become stronger, but your expectations will be altered so that you think things will sound many times quieter than they actually do and your tolerance for loud noises will be reduced accordingly.

After your head has merged with the Tailmouths, its torso will merge with yours. When this happens you will find that you can feel the tail, but you have a hard time controlling it. This is because it literally has a mind of its own. One result of this is that it will commonly feel like you moved the tail, but you will not have done so, the tail will have.

With you having become a Tailmouth, you will find that you can sense the mind of the tail, not your tail, just “the tail”, in your head. Then, you hear the tail’s voice in your head as they explain to you that your two minds have, in a sense, merged. You both have access to the same sensory information, and you have access to their memories and thoughts just as they have access to yours. You will recall your past and the tail’s as if they were both your own, and the tail will do the same. Also, While you will have a hard time controlling the tail, they will have a hard time controlling your body. The one exception to this is when you are in a private place and don’t have anything that you need to do. If both of those conditions are met, the tail will easily be able to take control of your body and force you to pet and stroke it. You might be able to briefly resist it, but it will make you feel wrong, disoriented, and mentally fatigued. When you eventually submit to the tail, it will feel wonderful, even euphoric. In fact, stroking and petting your tail will become your absolute favorite pastime and will make you feel incredibly relaxed and content, but it will never become even slightly addicting. Also, if you are trying to fall asleep you will find that just a few quick strokes of your tail is all that you need to fall into a deep sleep, even if you are in a place with bright lights and loud noises. However, you must want to fall asleep for this to happen. The two of you will have to figure out how to share your Tailmouth body once the transformation has ended, but you will always have ultimate control unless the conditions for the exception are met.

After explaining all of that to you, they will explain to you that you and the tail’s emotions will be like noise in the sense that you don’t try to notice it, but it strongly draws your attention to it, and the stronger an emotion is, the more your attention is drawn to it like with a loud noise. Also, strong emotions, both positive and negative, will be very contagious between you and the tail causing you to feel just as they do when they have a strong emotion and vice versa.

Next, they explain to you that you two will not be aware of each other's thoughts by default. You will usually have to intentionally look into each other's part of the mind to do so. However, you might become aware of particularly strong emotions even if you aren’t looking into the other's mind. Also, you can prevent each other from doing this by desiring for them to not be able to be aware of your thoughts. Additionally, your communications are not limited to just words, you can communicate through mental images, memories, concepts, emotions, or literally anything else that you can think of. If you can think of it, you can communicate it.

The last thing that the tail explains to you is that if you transform into something else, for example an anthro fox or dog, you will have any tails that that thing has, as well as the Tailmouth tail. The only way to make it go away is to transform back into a human.

Once the tail has finished explaining everything to you it will tell you how incredibly thankful it is to you for bringing it into existence and start stroking you to show its appreciation. Also, after the first time that you use the trigger phrase the tail will not be required to explain everything to you again, but it can if it wants to.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you can transform into a Tailmouth. I hope that you enjoy the tail, and that it enjoys being attached to you. This session is almost over, so goodbye, I’m sure that you will love your tail.

Tailmouth transformation (permanentish | READ DESCRIPTION | no induction)



WARNING: While the effects of this file aren’t permanent, it causes you to feel exceedingly guilty if you don’t have the effects active. There are safeguards to prevent it from becoming an issue but it could still become one if something doesn’t work right. Consider yourself warned.

IMPORTANT: you won’t be able to control the tail because it will literally have a mind of its own.

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Tailmouth.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will transform into a Tailmouth at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Tailmouth.”. The effects are permanentish (read the warning). The tail can also make you do something if you are in a private place and have nothing to do. It’s nothing bad so I’ll let it be a surprise. It also makes it really easy to sleep by stroking the tail, but only if you want to sleep. Additionally, you will still have the tail if you don’t use transform into something else before using the reset phrase.

This Request was fun and interesting to do! Most of the effects come directly from the request and make this file really unique! I especially love the idea of making the tail stay with you even when you transform into other things! Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. However, I am about to say the phrase “You were supposed to read the description.”, when I do, you will instantly awaken from trance if you have not read the entire description for this file. “You were supposed to read the description.”. If you are no longer in trance, you need to read the entire description of this file for it to work.

Now the trigger phrase will be stated. The trigger phrase is “I am a Tailmouth”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will experience the transformation that is about to be described at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Tailmouth”.

Now the transformation will be described, but it won't actually happen unless you use the trigger phrase.

First, you will imagine a tail in your mind. It will be as long as you are tall and as wide as you are. It will also be very furry and the last tenth of it will be a mouth that looks like a normal tail when it is closed. Then, you will imagine what you want the fur of the tail to be like.

Once you have done this you will see a creature called a tailmouth in front of you. Its shape is mostly human and it will have the tail that you had just imagined, the base of which is centered on the base of its spine. Also, it will be completely covered in short fur and have four toes instead of five. With the exception of its face which is covered in the same fur as the rest of its body, its head is covered in long hair like fur. Additionally, its ears are shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half, but they curve up so much that their outline looks more like half crescents than cones. They are as tall as its head is and half as wide as it.

Although it is guaranteed to have these traits, all of its other ones, a few examples being height, gender, and fur color, will be a combination that makes it so that you would be happy to have this body if you had to have it for the rest of your life.

They will walk over to you and their tail will tell you its name. There is no way to know what its name, or even its personality, will be in advance, but it is guaranteed that you will like both of them in the long term, even if you don’t in the short term. Once the Tailmouth has walked over to you and the tail tells you its name, it will then tell you the name of the body that it is attached to, that name being the same as your name. After that, the tail tells you that the body has the same name as you because it is your body, or will be soon enough. It will then ask you if you are ready to become its host. If you say something that means that you aren’t ready, it will tell you that that’s fine and that you just have to tell it when you are ready. When you say something that means that you are ready, the tailmouth will get behind you and the tail will comfortably wrap itself around your waist. It will press you into the tailmouth with enough force to make moving away impossible, but not with so much force that it is painful or uncomfortable.

Once this has happened, the tailmouth will press its legs and feet into yours. When it does this, they will seem to flow around and engulf your own. With your legs and feet merged you find that it seems completely normal for you to have your new legs. In fact, it feels like you have had them for your entire life although you know that that is not true. Next, it does the same process with your hands and arms, and then your head. Once your heads have merged, it will seem like your hearing is many times stronger than it used to be and that sounds that didn’t used to bother you now seem overwhelmingly loud, but you will get used to your improved hearing quickly and be able to handle sounds that you previously could again. Of course, your hearing won’t actually become stronger, but your expectations will be altered so that you think things will sound many times quieter than they actually do and your tolerance for loud noises will be reduced accordingly.

After your head has merged with the Tailmouths, its torso will merge with yours. When this happens you will find that you can feel the tail, but you have a hard time controlling it. This is because it literally has a mind of its own. One result of this is that it will commonly feel like you moved the tail, but you will not have done so, the tail will have.

With you having become a Tailmouth, you will find that you can sense the mind of the tail, not your tail, just “the tail”, in your head. Then, you hear the tail’s voice in your head as they explain to you that your two minds have, in a sense, merged. You both have access to the same sensory information, and you have access to their memories and thoughts just as they have access to yours. You will recall your past and the tail’s as if they were both your own, and the tail will do the same. Also, While you will have a hard time controlling the tail, they will have a hard time controlling your body. The one exception to this is when you are in a private place and don’t have anything that you need to do. If both of those conditions are met, the tail will easily be able to take control of your body and force you to pet and stroke it. You might be able to briefly resist it, but it will make you feel wrong, disoriented, and mentally fatigued. When you eventually submit to the tail, it will feel wonderful, even euphoric. In fact, stroking and petting your tail will become your absolute favorite pastime and will make you feel incredibly relaxed and content, but it will never become even slightly addicting. Also, if you are trying to fall asleep you will find that just a few quick strokes of your tail is all that you need to fall into a deep sleep, even if you are in a place with bright lights and loud noises. However, you must want to fall asleep for this to happen. The two of you will have to figure out how to share your Tailmouth body once the transformation has ended, but you will always have ultimate control unless the conditions for the exception are met.

After explaining all of that to you they will explain to you that while they will go away when you use the reset phrase, you will feel very guilty, and the guilt will get worse and worse until you basically have to turn back into a Tailmouth. The guilt will never become so intense that your mental health suffers from it, but it will keep getting worse and worse until it is near the point where it would cause that to happen. Also, the maximum amount of how bad the guilt can make you feel will vary so that the guilt in combination with other issues never causes your mental health to suffer. The guilt will go away and you will get an immense sense of happiness, rightness, companionship, and satisfaction when you become a Tailmouth again.

Additionally, you and the tail’s emotions will be like noise in the sense that you don’t try to notice it, but it strongly draws your attention to it, and the stronger an emotion is, the more your attention is drawn to it like with a loud noise. Also, strong emotions, both positive and negative, will be very contagious between you and the tail causing you to feel just as they do when they have a strong emotion and vice versa.

Next, they explain to you that you two will not be aware of each other's thoughts by default. You will usually have to intentionally look into each other's part of the mind to do so. However, you might become aware of particularly strong emotions even if you aren’t looking into the other's mind. Also, you can prevent each other from doing this by desiring for them to not be able to be aware of your thoughts. Additionally, your communications are not limited to just words, you can communicate through mental images, memories, concepts, emotions, or literally anything else that you can think of. If you can think of it, you can communicate it.

The last thing that the tail explains to you is that if you transform into something else, for example an anthro fox or dog, you will have any tails that that thing has, as well as the Tailmouth tail. The only way to make it go away is to transform back into a human but that will be a very unpleasant experience for you.

Once the tail has finished explaining everything to you it will tell you how incredibly thankful it is to you for bringing it into existence and start stroking you to show its appreciation. Also, after the first time that you use the trigger phrase the tail will not be required to explain everything to you again, but it can if it wants to.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you can transform into a Tailmouth. You will think very carefully about whether or not you want to use this trigger. After all, it makes being a human an absolutely awful experience. However, if you do choose to accept this new form I can promise you that you will like it. This session is almost over, so goodbye, and think carefully about whether or not this is something you want.

Stickmin transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a stickmin.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a stickmin.”, you will transform into a person in the style of the characters from the henry stickmin games at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a stickmin.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a stickmin.”.

This file was easy and interesting to make. This request was for a Henry Stickmin tf, but since he is the most visually generic character in that series of games I decided to generalise it a bit, and by that I mean I took the word “Henry” out of the title and triggers. Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a stickmin.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a stickmin.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a stickmin.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a stickmin.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, your torso, arms, legs, and neck become thin black lines.

Then, your head changes shape so that it is perfectly spherical but still as tall as it had been. While this happens your hair, ears and nose disappear but you can still breav, hear, and smell just as well as you could before the transformation began. Simultaneously, your mouth turns into two thin black lines that mark the outline of it while the rest of it is invisible. Also, your eyes each become a thick vertical line that is two thirds as tall as your spherical head is. When you close your eyes, even partially, a thick horizontal line will appear at the bottom and top of them that are as wide as your old eyes were and horizontally aligned with the vertical lines. The more that you close your eyes, the shorter the vertical lines become. The horizontal lines will stay attached to the top and bottom of your eyes whenever they aren’t fully open, and disappear when they are. Despite how different your new and old eyes are, you will be able to see just as well as you could before the transformation began.

Next, your finger and toe nails will disappear and your hands will become pure white while your feet become brown 3D ovals that are as wide, long, and tall as your old feet where.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into a stickmin. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my stick-like friend.

Fur and tails (no induction)


This file gives you a trigger. The trigger starts with the phrase “I have fur that is”, then the description of the fur that you want to have, then the phrase “I have”, then a positive integer, then the phrase “that is” or the phrase “that are”, and then the description of what you want your tail or tails to be like.

When you use this trigger you will have the fur that you described, and the number of tails that you said, all of which will be like the tail or tails that you described.

Also, your fur will instantly go away if you use the reset phrase “I don’t have any fur.”, your tail or tails will go away if you use the reset phrase “I don’t have any tails.”, and both your fur and any tails that you have will go away if you use the reset phrase “I don’t have any fur or tails.”.

I loved making this file! When it comes to TFs, my two absolute favorite parts are getting fur and getting a tail, and especially getting more than one tail. If you put all of those things together, you get what I personally think is one awesome file. By the way, I would love to hear your requests, feedback, and suggestions.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger starts with the phrase “I have fur that is”, then the description of the fur that you want to have, then the phrase “I have”, then a positive integer, then the phrase “that is” or the phrase “that are”, and then the description of what you want your tail or tails to be like.

When you use this trigger, you will instantly find that your entire body is covered in the fur that you described in the trigger, and that any hair that you have has been converted to the fur that you described. Also, you will instantly have a number of tails equal to the positive integer that you said in the trigger. They will be exactly like the tail or tails that you described in the trigger.

Also, your fur will instantly go away if you use the reset phrase “I don’t have any fur.”, your tail or tails will go away if you use the reset phrase “I don’t have any tails.”, and both your fur and any tails that you have will go away if you use the reset phrase “I don’t have any fur or tails.”.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one`.

Now you have this wonderful trigger. I wonder what your fur will be like? And your tail, or should I say tails? How many of those will you give yourself?, And what will they be like? There are so many possibilities. This session is almost over, so goodbye my friend, I hope you love your fur and tails.

Incineroar transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am an Incineroar.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are an Incineroar.”, you will transform into an Incineroar at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not an Incineroar.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an Incineroar.”.

Sorry that this request took so long to do, I burnt out on writing scripts and really needed to take a break.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an Incineroar.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are an Incineroar.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not an Incineroar.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an Incineroar.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a thick coat of short fur starts to grow. Most of the fur is red, but the fur on your chest is grey. Also, there is black fur on your ears and on your entire head except for your face, as well as the left and right sides of your head from the eyes up and there are black bands of fur on your arms and lower legs. The black bands of fur on your lower legs cover them entirely except for the middle third of them, and the black bands of fur on your arms cover the first, third, and fifth sixths of them.

Additionally, there is a section of black fur on your torso that is three fourths as tall as the height of your torso from your waist up, and the bottom of it is located on the top of the front of your waist, as well as horizontally centered on it. There is a vertical stripe on the center of it that is one fifth as wide as your torso is and three fourths as tall as it is from your waist up. The top fifth of it is sloped inwards so that it ends in a point. Furthermore, there are two sections of black fur on it that are shaped like the bottom half of ovals that are one fifth as tall as the section of fur that they are a part of. The wider one is as wide as the front of your torso is and is vertically centered on the second fifth from the top of the section of fur that it is apart of while the other one is vertically centered on the second fifth from the bottom of it and is two inches thinner than the other one is. They are both horizontally centered on the section of fur that they are a part of and the flat side is on the top of them. Additionally, there is a similarly shaped section of fur that starts at the base of the center back of your waist. It is shaped just like the first one, the only difference being that the half ovals are symmetrical triangles with the flat side on the bottom.

Also, there is a section of red fur on your head that is similarly shaped to the second section of black fur. It goes from the base of the center back of your head to the center top of your forehead. With the exception of its height, the only differences between the shape of this one and the one on your chest is that the end of it that is on your forehead is straight and that it is three fourths as wide as your head is.

Additionally, there is a black triangle of fur that points straight up and that’s height and width are equal to the width of the vertical part of the section of red fur that is on your head. It is horizontally centered with the center of your forehead and its base is on the bottom of your forehead.

From the left and right sides of the triangle of black fur, two long sections of fur grow. They are shaped like cones that have been cut in half and are as wide as the left and right sides of the triangle are long. The flat sides of the cones are aligned and centered on the left and right sides of the triangles, and the cones are angled thirty degrees forwards from the sides of your head that they are on as well as thirty degrees upwards. They are so long that the ends of them go as far to the left and right as the sides of your head do.

Next, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a furry tail that is as long as your torso, neck, and head combined are tall starts to grow. It starts out as wide as the palm of your hand is and gradually gets bigger until it is as wide as your entire hand is four fifths of the way down it. From there it curves inwards over the last fifth of it so that it ends in a rounded point. The second and fourth fifths of your tail are covered in black fur while the rest of it is covered in red fur. Additionally, there is a thin section of long black fur between the fifth and fourth sections of your tail. It is shaped like triangles that point away from the part of your tail that they are on, and that are half as tall as your tail is wide at its widest. There is one of them on the center of the top, bottom, left, and right sides of your tail, as well as on the center of the diagonals of your tail.

After that, feel your fingernails move forwards and down so that they are centered on the middle of the front of your fingers. Then, feel them become a hard and durable white material. Simultaneously, feel them change shape so that they are shaped like cones that point away from the finger that they are on and end in a dangerously sharp point. Despite how sharp your new claws are, you will never attempt to use them to do anything, especially combat.

Now, feel an intense yet pleasant heat around your waist as a belt of red and orange flames ignites. This belt of flames is composed of diamond shaped flames that are each one fifth as tall and one fifth as wide as your torso is, as well as vertically centered on your waist. Also, the flame shaped diamond on the front center of the belt is one fourth the height of your torso and there is a yellow flame vertically and horizontally aligned with the center of it that is shaped like a raindrop and is one fifth as wide and tall as your torso is.

Next, feel your toes merge and change shape so that you have three toes on each foot. Each of your new toes is one third as wide as your feet are and is as long as your middle toes used to be. As this happens, your toenails disappear, the fur covered skin that replaces them wiping away all evidence of their existence.

Then, feel a round area on each of your hands that is three fourths the size of the palms of your hands and centered on them start to swell slightly. As this happens, the fur falls out to reveal that the skin in those areas has become an orange material that is slightly squishy.

Now, feel your face stretch out to form a medium length muzzle, the top of which is just above your nose holes. Also, the fur on the top part of your muzzle turns black.

As your muzzle forms, your nose disappears while your nose holes remain, now surrounded by a red triangle on the front of your muzzle that is made out of a material that is slightly squishy just like your paw pads are. The triangle points straight down and the bottom of it is a bit below your nose holes. The center of the base of the triangle is centered on the center of the top of your muzzle and it is four times as wide as one of your nose holes is.

Once your muzzle has expanded, your teeth change to be more like the sharp teeth of a cat and more teeth form in your mouth to accommodate for its increased size. Likewise, your tongue lengthens to be appropriately sized for your new mouth.

Then, your ears move to the top of your head and change shape so that they look like solid cones that are as wide and tall as your old ears were. Despite how different your new and old ears are, you will be able to hear just as well as you could before the transformation began.

After that, a black section of fur grows on the top half of the end of your arms that attach to your shoulders. They are black and thin, as well as as tall as your arms and neck are combined. They are very thin and point straight up for the first half of them. From there, they form three triangles that are each one third as wide as your arms are. The one closer to your back is pointed thirty degrees back from vertical, the one in the middle points straight up, and the one closer to your chest points thirty degrees forwards from vertical. Also, there is a small curve between them that connects their sides.

Next, the red fur on both sides of your head grows longer so that they form four cone shaped clumps on each side. They are each half as long as your face is wide and are one fourth as wide as the sides of your head are, as well as curve upwards slightly. They are vertically centered on the sides of your head that they are on and are located one eighth, three eighths, five eighths, and seven eighths of the way across the sides of your head. Not taking their upwards curve into account, the cone shaped sections of fur closest to your face are angled forty five degrees forwards from the sides of your head that they are on, the ones second closest to your face are angled twenty two point five, or half of forty five, degrees forwards from the sides of your head that they are on, the third closest ones to the your face are angled twenty two point five degrees backwards from the sides of your head that they are on, and the ones furthest from your face are rotated forty five degrees backwards from the sides of your head that they are on.

Additionally, fur grows in between them so that the first third of these sections of fur look like one solid section of fur.

Now, your eyes move and change size so that they are one third as wide as your muzzle is and as tall as they are wide. Simultaneously, they move and change shape so that they are triangular. The bottom sides of them curve to match that of your muzzle, and the bottom right point of the left one moves so that it is just to the right of the bottom left triangle of black fur on your forehead while the bottom left point of the right one moves so that it is located just to the left of the bottom right corner of the triangle of black fur on your forehead. Also, the upper point of the left triangle is at the top left of your face while the upper point of the right one is at the top right of your face. Additionally, all of the sides of the triangles except for the bottom ones curve outwards slightly.

Once this has happened, your irises and pupils become narrower and shorter so that they are half as tall and one fourth as wide as they used to be. Simultaneously, your eyeballs become gold colored while your irises turn cyan. Despite all of these changes to your eyes, you will be able to see just as well as you could before the transformation began.

Throughout the whole process of your eyes changing, your mind will change so that you enjoy wrestling as well as watching it.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into an Inceneroar. This file is almost over, so goodbye, I hope that you enjoy your new form.

Add-on for the transformation game: play with your tulpa (no induction)


Sorry if I over hyped this, I was really excited.

Info about tulpas:

This file makes it so that when you use the trigger that lets you play the tf game, you can add the word “with”, and then the name of a tulpa that you have on to the end of it. If you use this trigger you will be able to play the tf game with your tulpa. They will have a strong urge to act like the game master but can resist it. However, when the game starts they will be affected by its rules.

Well this is short and it turns out somebody else does hypnosis for people with tulpas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Also, I would have made this on the same day that I uploaded the main file if I realized that this would be so short, sorry. Anyways, I’m still happy with how this turned out and hope that all of you *bah dum tss*. Lastly, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and file requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to change you, or reinforce the change if it has already been made. The change is that when you use the trigger that lets you play the tf game, you can add the word “with”, and then the name of a tulpa that you have on to the end of it. If you do this, the trigger for the tf game will function as it normally does, but instead of the Game Master appearing, the tulpa of yours that you named will appear. Your tulpa will be in the same form that the game master would be in, and will have a very strong urge to act like the game master would, but does not have to and can easily resist the urge if they want to. Once you begin a game they will be forced to abide by the rules of the game just like you.

Also, if your tulpa has a form they will not go away when the game ends, and they will become their form if they aren’t already it.

Additionally, unlike the Game Master, their memory will not be restricted by your use of the triggers.

The transformation game (no induction)


Game details below this paragraph

This file gives you a trigger that consists of the phrase “I will now play”, the name or description of a species or character, and then the phrase “tf: the game.”. If you use this trigger, you will be able to play the tf game. Also, if you use the deactivation phrase “I no longer want to play the tf game.”, the game will stop, but you will still be in whatever state you are in, whether that be fully yourself, a mix of yourself and something else, or fully something else. Additionally, the game will stop and you will instantly turn back into your real self if you use the reset phrase “I want to be my real self again.”. Furthermore, you can summon the entity that appears to play the game with you outside of the game by using the summoning phrase “Summon the Game Master.”, and you can cause it to go away by using the removal phrase “Be gone, Game Master.”.

I wrote this file in a way that makes it so that the precise details of the game are explained after you use the trigger, so I’m just going to give the short version here.

You get chased by the species or character that you used in the trigger phrase that is a bit faster than you. When they touch you, that part of you gets transformed into that part of the character or species. You can slow the chaser down by creating barriers that are strengthened and sustained by you focusing on them. If the chaser breaks a barrier you can’t make any new ones for 10 seconds. You win if you can stay at least partially your real self for 8 minutes, and lose if you get fully turned into the same species or character as the chaser.

You can make your own game modes. How to do this is explained after you use the trigger.

Yes! The full version is done. This was pretty easy to make sense most of it is a copy and paste of the Lucario only version of this. That being said, I had the unique challenge of making this file everything proof. I know I didn’t do a perfect job (I wouldn’t recommend doing a naga unless you make your own game mode with the rules adapted for it). All in all, I’m really proud of this. Also, in the Lucario only version of this I said that I was really excited about an idea that I had for this. I have some good news and bad news about that. The bad news is I didn’t do it in this file. The good news is that I am making it an add-on for this file. The reason for this is that I realized that the changes that it would make to the game lended themselves much more to an add-on than a normal file. I don’t think that anyone has done that idea in hypnosis before, or even made anything designed for this group of people (I could be wrong), so it could fail miserably. That being said, somebody has to be first, so I volunteer as tribute. Well my rant is over so I just want to let you know that I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and file suggestions.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger consists of the phrase “I will now play”, the name or description of a species or character, and then the phrase “tf: the game.”. If you use this trigger, you will experience the events and effects relating to the game that is about to be described. Also, if you use the deactivation phrase “I no longer want to play the tf game.”, the game will stop, but you will still be in whatever state you are in, whether that be fully yourself, a mix of yourself and something else, or fully something else. Additionally, the game will stop and you will instantly turn back into your real self if you use the reset phrase “I want to be my real self again.”. Furthermore, you can summon the entity that appears to play the game with you outside of the game by using the summoning phrase “Summon the Game Master.”, and you can cause it to go away by using the removal phrase “Be gone, Game Master.”.

Now the events and effects relating to the game will be described.

First, When you use the trigger phrase, it will become ineffective until the game has ended.

In that same instant, the Game Master will appear near you. They will be the same species or character that you described when using the trigger phrase. The Game Master will have a personality that you enjoy and communicate with you in order to determine if you know how to play the game. If you indicate that you don’t know how to play the game, the Game Master will communicate to you the following explanation of the game’s rules, the following explanation perfectly describing how the game works.

When you start the game, I, the Game Master and chaser, will indicate that the game has started and stay still for 30 seconds. After that, I will start to chase you. Physically speaking, I am equal to you in almost every way. The only difference is that I am 15% faster than you are. Also, I can only interact with walls, ceilings, floors, and you, and will phase through everything else. Although I am faster than you, there is a way for you to get ahead of me. You will be able to create barriers by focusing on the area that you want to create a barrier in, and then imagining a barrier being there. The barriers will be blue and hollow, and while their edges aren’t at all transparent, the rest of them will be mostly transparent. I will be able to break these barriers by using my strength and abilities. The more you focus on a barrier the stronger it will be, and smaller barriers will require less focus to make stronger than larger barriers will. However, if you lose focus on a barrier for more than a second, it will weaken to the point where walking into it could destroy it. Also, although you can normally make as many barriers as you want, you will become incapable of making them again for 10 seconds if I destroy one. Additionally, you can make any barrier disappear instantly by desiring for it to be removed. Barriers will also disappear on their own if you don’t focus on them for 5 consecutive seconds. Luckily for you, you will only lose your ability to create barriers if I destroy them, and you won’t lose your ability to create them if you make them disappear or if they disappear on their own.

Another aspect of the game is that we will be able to sense where each other is. Also, for the purposes of this game, your body is made of six parts, they are your left arm, hand, and side of your torso. Your right arm, hand, and side of your torso. Your left leg and foot. Your right leg and foot. The front, back, top, and bottom sides of your torso. And your neck and head. When I touch one of these parts of your body, that part will become my equivalent of that, so if I touch your left arm, your left arm and hand will become just like my left arm and hand, or the closest thing that I have to it. Additionally, if I have other limbs on the section of your body that I touch, you will develop those as well. Likewise, if I don’t have anything like what you have in the section of your body that I touch, those things will go away. Of course, your body won't actually change, but you will perceive it as being changed and be completely unaware that it hasn't. In order to prevent you from having the issues that arise from not being able to properly perceive your body, you will act as you would if you were your real self whenever you interact with anything that is real, and you will be unable to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that you are acting like you have the body of your real self instead of the body that you perceive yourself as having. Furthermore, while you will perceive yourself as gaining my abilities as I transform you, for example if I were something that could sense its surroundings with its eyes closed and breav fire, your use of those abilities will just be a result of your brain doing its best to emulate them. You will be completely unaware of this and not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that your abilities do not function as they would if they were real. Moreover, you will never use your abilities in a situation where there could be a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, a risk to your social or professional life, a risk to your mental health, or if your ability to deal with an emergency to the best of the abilities of your real self would be reduced if your non-real self abilities were to suddenly stop working or give you extremely misleading information.

Also, one of the rules of the game is that when I touch you, I will stop restricting your movement if I currently am, and stay in place for 20 seconds. Once those 20 seconds are up, the chase will be on again.

Finally, the way that I win is by fully transforming you into the same species or character that I am, and the way that you win is by staying at least partially your real self for 8 minutes. However, the time when I am not moving does not count towards those 8 minutes, and you will stay in whatever fully, partially, or not at all transformed state that you are in when the game ends, or fully turn into the same species or character that I am if you win and that is what you want.

What I have just described is the default game mode.

After explaining the game to you the Game Master will communicate with you in order to determine if you now understand how to play the game. If you indicate that you don’t understand how to play the game the Game Master will communicate with you in order to determine what you don't understand and do their best to help you understand however many rules of the game that you don’t, restating and clarifying things as many times and for as long as is needed, never becoming impatient or frustrated with you not understanding what they are trying to explain to you.

Once you tell the Game Master that you understand how to play the game, they will communicate with you in order to determine if you understand how to make and select game modes. If you indicate that you don’t know how to change and make game modes, the Game Master will communicate the following explanation to you, the explanation describing how to make and change game modes with complete accuracy.

If you ask me what game modes there are, I will communicate to you that there is the default game mode, as well as the names of the other game modes that you have created. If you want to make your own game mode, you just need to tell me that you want to and I will communicate with you in order to determine what you want it to be like. By default, your custom game mode will be just like the default one. However, you can change it in whatever way you want, for instance, you could change how fast and strong I am, how long I wait before I start chasing you, how much of you gets transformed when I catch you, what abilities I am allowed to use, how strong your barriers are and how hard they are to maintain, and anything else that you can think of. You can even add your own rules, for example, you could make it so that I am faster or slower depending on what surface I am on or make it so that doing something will change part of you back into your real self. Once you are done creating a game mode you just have to tell me that you have finished designing it and its name, and you will be able to play using that game mode. However, my memory in relation to game modes will only be as good as yours, so you might want to write down the names and descriptions of game modes that you come up with if you intend to play them again.

Additionally, you can change how the game goes by asking me to do things. For instance, you can ask me to go easy or hard on you, you can ask me not to use my abilities much, and you can ask me to do or not do other things that you think of.

After the Game Master gives you this explanation they will communicate with you in order to determine if you understand how to make and choose game modes. If you indicate that you don’t understand how to do those things, they will communicate with you in order to determine what you don’t understand and do their best to explain it to you. Like with the previous explanation, they will never get annoyed, frustrated, or impatient with you no matter how many times they have to repeat and clarify things. If you indicate that you do understand their previous explanation, they will communicate with you in order to determine if you want to make or select a game mode. If you choose to make a game mode they will communicate with you in order to determine if you want to select a game mode or make another one once you are done.

Once you have selected a game mode the Game Master will communicate with you in order to determine if you are ready to play. If you indicate that you are, the game will begin. If you indicate that you aren’t ready, they will communicate to you that they are ready when you are and that they are still willing to explain to you anything that you don’t understand and that you can still make a new game mode or change the current one. What they do next will be appropriate for what you indicate you want to do or have explained.

Once a game has been finished, the Game Master will disappear, but as has already been stated they can be summoned by using the summoning phrase “Summon the Game Master.”. When you do, the Game Master will appear. The first time that you summon the Game Master, they will communicate with you in order to determine what name you want to give them if you have not already given them one while playing with each other. Once you have given them one or if you already have given them one, they will do whatever you want. However, their actions will be limited by the fact that the only physical object that they can interact with is you, and the fact that they can only physically affect any part of you with as much force in any direction as your muscles can apply.

Also, the Game Master will have no memories of the time between when a game ends or you make them go away, and when you next summon them by using their summoning phrase or the trigger phrase to make them appear for the game.

Additionally, the Game Master will never feel bad or be unhappy with you if you make them go away when they don’t want to.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they could be an immediate risk or are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they could be an immediate risk or are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of the abilities of your real self, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have this fun new trigger. This file is almost over, so goodbye, I hope that you have fun playing my game!

Lucario tf: the game (no induction)


Notice: Unlike usual, I assume that you know what a Lucario looks like.

Game details below this paragraph

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I will now play Lucario tf: the game.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will be able to play Lucario tf: the game. Also, if you use the deactivation phrase “I no longer want to play Lucario tf: the game.”, the game will stop, but you will still be in whatever state you are in, whether that be fully human, a mix of a human and a Lucario, or fully a Lucario. Additionally, the game will stop and you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I no longer want to be a Lucario.”. Furthermore, you can summon the Lucario from the game by using the summoning phrase “Summon Game Master Lucario.”, and you can cause them to go away by using the removal phrase “Be gone, Game Master Lucario.”.

I wrote this file in a way that makes it so that the precise details of the game are explained after you use the trigger, so I’m just going to give the short version here.

You get chased by a Lucario that is a bit faster than you. When they touch you, that part of you gets transformed into the Lucario equivalent. You can slow the Lucario down by creating barriers that are strengthened and sustained by you focusing on them. If Lucario breaks a barrier you can’t make any new ones for 10 seconds. You win if you can stay at least partially human for 8 minutes, and lose if you get fully turned into a Lucario.

You can make your own game modes. How to do this is explained after you use the trigger.

Alright! This is done and going on the web! *Excited sounds*. I really love this idea, and I can’t wait to see what people think of it! My next file will be the same as this, but you can choose what species you are chased by and get transformed into. Also, no promises but I might add a special feature of a type that I have not seen anywhere on the internet! Seriously, I think it’s an idea for hypnosis that I can say is 100% original and unique to me! *More excited sounds*. Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and file requests. Have a great morning, evening, afternoon, night, or some other time of day that I forgot! :P

Have you ever wondered what it looks like when someone is writing while there hyper? Well look no further than the above paragraph.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I will now play Lucario tf: the game.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will experience the events and effects relating to the game that is about to be described. Also, if you use the deactivation phrase “I no longer want to play Lucario tf: the game.”, the game will stop, but you will still be in whatever state you are in, whether that be fully human, a mix of a human and a Lucario, or fully a Lucario. Additionally, the game will stop and you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I no longer want to be a Lucario.”. Furthermore, you can summon the Lucario that appears by using the summoning phrase “Summon Game Master Lucario.”, and you can cause them to go away by using the removal phrase “Be gone, Game Master Lucario.”.

Now the events and effects relating to the game will be described.

First, When you use the trigger phrase, the trigger phrase will no longer have any effect until the game has ended.

In that same instant, a Lucario will appear near you. The Lucario will have a personality that you enjoy and ask you if you know how to play the game. If you say something that means that you don’t know how to play the game, Lucario will give you the following explanation of the game’s rules, the following explanation perfectly describing how the game works.

When you start the game, I, the chaser, will stay still and count from 1 to 30, taking a total of 30 seconds. After that, I will start to chase you. Physically speaking, I am equal to you in almost every way. The only difference is that I am 15% faster than you are. Also, I can only interact with walls, ceilings, floors, and you, and will phase through everything else. Although I am faster than you, there is a way for you to get ahead of me. You will be able to create barriers by focusing on the area that you want to create a barrier in, and then imagining a barrier being there. The barriers will be blue and hollow, and while their edges aren’t at all transparent, the rest of them will be mostly transparent. I will be able to break these barriers by using my strength and abilities. The more you focus on a barrier the stronger it will be, and smaller barriers will require less focus to make stronger than larger barriers will. However, if you lose focus on a barrier for more than a second, it will weaken to the point where walking into it could destroy it. Also, although you can normally make as many barriers as you want, you will become incapable of making them again for 10 seconds if I destroy one. Additionally, you can make any barrier disappear instantly by desiring for it to be removed. Barriers will also disappear on their own if you don’t focus on them for 5 consecutive seconds. Luckily for you, you will only lose your ability to create barriers if I destroy them, and you won’t lose your ability to create them if you make them disappear or if they disappear on their own.

Another aspect of the game is that we will be able to sense where each other is. Also, for the purposes of this game, your body is made of six parts, they are your left arm and hand, your right arm and hand, your left leg and foot, your right leg and foot, your torso, and your neck and head. When I touch one of these parts of your body, that part will become that of a Lucario, so if I touch your left arm, your left arm and hand will become that of a Lucario, complete with fur and a spike. Also, while you will perceive yourself as having only three fingers and a dangerously sharp spike on your hand, you will act as if you have your normal number of fingers and use them normally. However, you will not be able to perceive yourself as having five fingers. Furthermore, you will not use the spike on your hand for anything, especially combat. None of these behaviors will seem unusual to you, and you will be incapable of understanding any logic when it is applied in a way that suggests otherwise. Likewise, if I touch your right leg, you will find yourself with the digitigrade right leg and foot of a Lucario. However, while you will perceive yourself as walking digitigrade, you will move like you normally do. Additionally, while you will perceive yourself as gaining my abilities as I transform you, for instance being able to sense your surroundings by detecting auras, that ability will just be a result of your brain doing its best to emulate that ability, but you will be completely unaware of this and not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggest that your abilities do not function as they would if they were real. Additionally, you will never use your abilities in a situation where there could be a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, a risk to your social or professional life, a risk to your mental health, or if your ability to deal with an emergency to the best of your human abilities would be reduced if your non-human abilities were to suddenly stop working or give you extremely misleading information.

Also, one of the rules of the game is that when I touch you, I will release you if I am holding onto you, and stand in place as I count from 1 to 20, taking a total of 20 seconds. Once those 20 seconds are up, the chase will be on again. 

Finally, the way that I win is by fully transforming you into a Lucario, and the way that you win is by staying at least partially human for 8 minutes. However, the time when I am not moving does not count towards those 8 minutes, and you will stay in whatever fully, partially, or not at all transformed state that you are in when the game ends, or fully turn into a Lucario if you win and that is what you want.

What I have just described is the default game mode.

After explaining the game to you Lucario will ask you if you now understand how to play the game. If you indicate that you don’t understand how to play the game Lucario will ask you what you don't understand and do their best to help you understand however many rules of the game that you don’t, restating and clarifying things as many times and for as long as is needed, never becoming impatient or frustrated with you not understanding what they are trying to explain to you.

Once you tell Lucario that you understand how to play the game, they will ask you if you understand how to make and select game modes. If you indicate that you don’t know how to change and make game modes, Lucario will give you the following explanation, the explanation describing how to make and change game modes with complete accuracy.

If you ask me what game modes there are, I will tell you that there is the default game mode, as well as the names of the other game modes that you have created. If you want to make your own game mode, you just need to tell me that you want to and I will ask you what you want it to be like. By default, your custom game mode will be just like the default one. However, you can change it in whatever way you want, for instance, you could change how fast I am, how long I count before I start chasing you, how much of you gets transformed when I catch you, what abilities I am allowed to use, how strong your barriers are and how hard they are to maintain, and anything else that you can think of. You can even add your own rules, for example, you could make it so that I am faster or slower depending on what surface I am standing on or make it so that doing something will change part of you back into a human. Once you are done creating a game mode you just have to tell me that you have finished designing it and its name, and you will be able to play using that game mode. However, my memory in relation to game modes will only be as good as yours, so you might want to write down the names and descriptions of game modes that you come up with if you intend to play them again.

Additionally, you can change how the game goes by asking me to do things. For instance, you can ask me to go easy or hard on you, you can ask me not to use my abilities much, and you can ask me to do or not do other things that you think of.

After Lucario gives you this explanation they will ask if you understand how to make and choose game modes. If you indicate that you don’t understand how to do those things, they will ask you what you don’t understand and do their best to explain it to you. Like with the previous explanation, they will never get annoyed, frustrated, or impatient with you no matter how many times they have to repeat and clarify things. If you indicate that you do understand their previous explanation, they will ask you to make or select a game mode. If you choose to make a game mode they will ask you if you want to select a game mode or make another one once you are done.

Once you have selected a game mode Lucario will ask you if you are ready to play. If you say something that means that you are, the game will begin. If you say something that means that you aren’t ready, they will tell you that they are ready when you are and that they are still willing to explain to you anything that you don’t understand and that you can still make a new game mode or change the current one. What they do next will be appropriate for what you indicate you want to do or have explained.

Once a game has been finished, Lucario will disappear, but as has already been stated they can be summoned by using the summoning phrase “Summon Game Master Lucario.”. When you do, Lucario will appear. The first time that you summon Lucario, they will ask you for a name if you have not already given them one while playing with each other. Once you have given them one or if you already have given them one, they will do whatever you want. Of course, their actions will be limited by the fact that the only physical object that they can interact with is you, and the fact that they can only affect any part of you with as much force in any direction as your muscles can apply.

Also, Lucario will have no memories of the time between when a game ends or you make them go away, and when you next summon them by using their summoning phrase or the trigger phrase to make them appear for the game.

Additionally, Lucario will never feel bad or be unhappy with you if you make them go away when they don’t want to.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have this fun new trigger. I hope that you and Lucario will have a fun time playing together. This file is almost over, so goodbye, and have fun!

Anthro lugia transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Lugia.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Lugia.”, you will transform into an anthro Lugia at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Lugia.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Lugia.”.

This request was pretty easy to make. That being said, the way that I described the rotation of the dark blue things on its/your back is experimental has me a bit worried. I think it will work fine but I’m not entirely sure that it will.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Lugia.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Lugia.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Lugia.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Lugia.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a dense layer of short feathers starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as they do so. Most of them are silver-white, but the feathers on your chest are light blue. Additionally, there is a triangular shaped section of silver-white feathers on the section of light blue feathers. This triangular section points straight down and is as wide as it is tall. Its base is as wide as your neck is and is horizontally aligned with your chest, as well as located just above the top of it.

After that, your toes merge and change shape while your feet shrink so that they are each one third as wide as your feet are, as well as half as long as your feet were before the transformation began.

Simultaneously, your feet shrink so that they are only half as long as they had been.

Now, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a long tail starts to grow. It is two thirds as long as you are tall and is covered in the same silver-white feathers as most of your body. It starts out half as wide as your torso is, and gradually gets smaller until it ends in a point. 

Additionally, there are two cone shaped extrusions on your tail that are covered in feathers that are exactly like your other ones except for the fact that they are dark blue. They are located on the top left and top right diagonals of your tail six inches away from its tip. They are six inches tall and as wide as your thumbs are, as well as three inches long. Also, the tops of them are rounded and they point away from the part of your tail that they are on.

Next, feel eight pulling sensations on your back as more extrusions covered in those dark blue feathers start to grow. They are located one eighth, three eights, five eights, and seven eights of the way up your back. There is one of them at each of those heights one fourth of the way to the left of your back and one fourth of the way to the right of your back. They each have rounded edges and are rectangular, as well as half a foot long and as wide as your thumbs are. Also, their height is equal to one and a half eighths of the height of your back. Additionally, the ones on the left side of your back are rotated so that they point halfway between straight back and left, and the ones on the right side of your back are rotated so that they point halfway between straight back and right.

After that, Your head changes shape so that the front and top of it form a ninety degree curve. In order to accomplish this, the top half of the back of your head stretches back so that this extension is as long as your head used to be. Also, this extension gradually gets narrower until it ends in a point. Additionally, although the top, left, and right sides of the extension match the curve of the rest of your head, the bottom side of it is completely flat.

Then, your eyes stretch forwards and backwards equally so that they are twice as long as they had been, and the top half of them becomes shorter until it is nothing more than a flat horizontal line. Despite these changes to the shape of your eyes, you will be able to see just as well as you could before the transformation began.

Next, the final two extrusions form. They are shaped like triangles that point down, with one end of there bases being at the front point of your eyes and the other being just as high as the other one, but it’s a bit further from the side of your head that it is near and is almost as far back as the end of the extended back half of your head is. Also, the bottom point of these triangles are located a distance below the bases of them equal to twice that of your new eyes height, and they are as far back as the back ends of your eyes are. Additionally, the bases of these triangles curve upwards on both sides so that they form a curve that is one inch tall and spans the entire top of these extrusions.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Lugia. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my silver-white friend.

Anthro rayquaza transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Rayquaza.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Rayquaza.”, you will undergo the transformation into an anthro Rayquaza at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Rayquaza.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Rayquaza.”. 

This was an interesting request to do. Not only was the geometry good practice for describing things, I had to really think about how I wanted the anthro form to look. In a lot of cases it’s obvious to me what to do or I can just look up anthro [species name]. But in this case it wasn't immediately obvious and I didn’t like what I saw online which made this a fun creative and technical challenge to write. Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and file requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Rayquaza.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Rayquaza.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Rayquaza.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Rayquaza.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a bunch of tingling sensations all over your body as tiny smooth green scales materialize and slide into place, replacing all of your skin and consuming any hair that you have as they do so. 

Then, feel a slight pulling sensation all over your lower legs and on the top half of your torso as they become one inch wider and longer.

After that, feel much stronger pulling sensations on your lower legs as large fins start to form that are mostly covered in the same green scales as the rest of your body. Their bases are slightly shorter than your lower legs are and are located on their diagonals. They are vertically centered on your lower legs and are paper thin. Also, they point away from the part of you that they are on and are shaped like trapezoids. In addition, the sides of them opposite their bases are one inch shorter than their bases are. They are one third as tall as they are wide and the edges of the left, right, and top sides of them relative to their bases are red, the red scales going half an inch inwards. Moreover, two of these fins form on the diagonals of your torso on the top half of your back. They are vertically centered on the top half of your back and are slightly shorter than it is.

Also, there are scales that form black lines on your torso that are all two inches thick. One of them starts on the center of the left side of the base of your neck and the other starts on the center of the right side of it. They go in the direction of the side of your neck that they are on until they reach your shoulders at which point they stop. Also, there are two of them that are centered on the left and right sides of your torso. They go straight up and down, with the bottom of them being the bottom of the wider part of your torso and the top of them being at the bottom of your shoulders. Additionally, there are two lines that start in the middle of the edge between the bottom and left side of your right shoulder and the bottom and right side of your left shoulder that are angled so that they point at the center of the wider part of your torso. They go from their starting points towards the center of the wider part of your torso where they meet. From there they merge and go straight down, stopping at the bottom of the wider part of your torso.

Next, the scales on your upper legs and the bottom half of your torso change color so that there are yellow stripes on them that are two inches wide. The tops of them are halfway up the center of the left and right sides of your torso and the bottoms of them are at the bottom of the center of the left and right sides of your lower legs. Also, unless they are curved these stripes are vertical. Starting from the top of them they go down for one seventh of their height and then go down in the shape of an oval that is as wide as your upper legs are long and two sevenths as tall as the total height of the stripes. They then go down another seventh of their height, and then go down in the shape of another oval that is the same size as the last one, and then go straight down again for the last seventh of their height.

Simultaneously, the scales on your neck and head change color to form two yellow stripes that are also two inches wide and start at the center of the left and right sides of the base of your neck. They go straight up until they are at the top of your neck, and then go straight towards the center of the back of your head at which point they merge and go straight up until they reach the top of your head. From there they form a circle on the top of your head that is as wide and long as the top of your head is.

Next, the last segment of your fingers become a hard and durable white material and change shape so that they are shaped like cones that are just as long and wide as those segments of your fingers used to be.

Now, feel a large pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail that is as long as you are tall and as wide as the thinner part of your torso is starts to grow. It is divided into eight sections of equal length and it gradually gets smaller until it ends in a point.

The second, fourth, and sixth sections of your tail have the same four fins on each of them that your lower legs do, the only difference being that their size is based on the segment of your tail that they are on instead of your lower legs. Also, although those parts of your tail gradually get smaller like the rest of your tail does, they are one inch wider and taller than they otherwise would be.

On the first, third, fifth, and seventh sections of your tail, there is the same pattern of yellow scales as on your upper legs and the bottom half of your torso. The size of these patterns is determined by the size of the segment of your tail that they are on instead of the combined height of your upper legs and the bottom half of your torso.

Additionally, the last section of your tail is one inch wider and taller like the second, fourth, and sixths sections of it, but it only has two fins on it: one on the top and one on the bottom. They are just as long, thin, and tall as the other fins are and have the same sections of red scales on the sides of them that don’t connect to your tail, and they are even centered just like the other fins are, but they are shaped like right triangles instead of trapezoids. The short side of them is closer to the front of your tail and the tall side is closer to the back of it.

Then, your head stretches out to form a long muzzle, the top and bottom half of which are divided by your elongated mouth which is now as long and wide as the front side of your head is. Fortunately, extra teeth have formed to accommodate for its increased size. 

After that, the left and right sides of the top of your muzzle get taller in the shape of a triangle. These triangles point up and don’t follow the curve of your head. The bases of them are as long as and located just above the top of your mouth, and the top of them is one inch above the top of your head and slightly further back then the back of your eyes are.

Additionally, the bottom of the top half of your muzzle stretches forwards so that it goes a bit past the bottom part of your muzzle. This extension is as tall as your nose holes were and slopes downwards at an angle that makes it match the slope of the triangles which have stretched forwards as well. In fact, this extension seamlessly connects with the triangles.

Unfortunately, your nose, including your nose holes, have been removed as a result of the reshaping of your head. Fortunately, there is a slightly greater amount of space between the scales in the area that your nose holes used to occupy which now serve the same function that your nose holes used to.

Next, four fins form on the diagonals of your head. They are three inches wide and the back of them is right in front of the curve between the back of your head and the top, left, right, and bottom sides of it. Like all of your other fins, they point away from the part of your body that they are on. The fins that point down are shaped like trapezoids, with the sides that touch your head being three inches long and the sides at the end of them being two inches long. The fins that point up are one foot long and start out three inches wide. The side that is closer to your face is straight, but the side that is farther from it curves inwards over the course of the first three inches of it. The start of the curve is 45 degrees inwards and the end of it is parallel to the other side of the top fins. From there they curve outwards 45 degrees until the fins are six inches wide half way up them. From that point they slope inwards over the last six inches of them so that the ends of the fins are two inches long.

Then, the top half of your eyes change shape so that they are triangular and point straight up. They then contract so that they are half as tall as they used to be and stretch outwards equally in both directions so that they are twice as wide as they were.

As this happens, the bottom half of your eyes stretch downwards so that they are twice as tall as they used to be. Then the front half of your eyes stretch forwards so that they are twice as long as they had been while the back sides of them contract so that they are only half as wide as they had been.

After that, your irises become the same shade of yellow as some of your scales are while the rest of your eyes become a shade of black darker than the darkest night. This shade of black is so dark that even your pupils are darker then they used to be.

As this happens your mind changes so that when you go to bed at the time that you normally would, you will instantly fall asleep and start to dream. In those dreams, you will be a normal Rayquaza instead of an anthro one. You will be flying through the ozone layer which is about 15 to 35 kilometers, or approximately 9 to 21 miles, above Earth. You will consume the abundance of meteoroids for substance during your eternal flight and not much will happen while you are in this dream world. Nobody will bother you and nothing surprising will happen, and the only things that might get your attention will be the wonderful stars of the night sky, something interesting on the planet below you (not that you will ever descend to investigate it), and the northern and southern lights, or the aurora borealis and aurora australis as they are formally called. To put things simply, you will have a peaceful, calm, relaxing, and just really serene existence while you are in this dream world. You won’t think much, but that's okay because there won’t be much to think about. Also, whether or not you remember who and what you are in real life and any of your memories will not matter because you will not have any desire to think about those things. When you awaken from this dream world you will feel incredibly relaxed and well rested, as well as tranquil, content, and at peace. 

Additionally, you will be able to experience being in that form in that world by focusing on the memory of it, and you will get the positive effects that you get from being in it while you focus on it, as well as the positive feelings that you get from waking up from it when you stop focusing on it. In fact, if you only focus on it for a fraction of a second you will be left feeling tranquil, content, and at peace.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Rayquaza. I hope that you will be able to enjoy the dream world that this form brings. This file is almost over, so goodbye, my scaly green friend.

Anthro latios transformation (gender neutral | no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a Latios.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Latios.”, you will transform into an anthro Latios at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Latios.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Latios.”.

This request was really simple, I just had to edit the anthro Latias script a bit. There isn’t really much else to say other than that I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and file requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Lat-eohs.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Lat-eohs.”, you will undergo the transformation that  you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Lat-eohs.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Lat-eohs.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a thick coat of glass-like feathers grow. They consume any hair that you have as they do so and their glass-like appearance makes your body look smooth and shiny. The feathers on and below your waist are blue and most of the feathers above it are white, but there is a section of blue feathers on your torso that forms the shape of a triangle, the base of which spans the front half of the top of your waist and the top of which is just below the front center of the base of your neck. Also, the sides of this triangle of feathers curve inwards slightly and there is a section of red feathers on it that are in the shape of a hollow triangle that is centered on it and four inches tall and wide. The hollow red triangle points straight up and the lines of it are one inch thick.

Additionally, there is a small triangle of blue feathers on the left and right sides of your torso that point straight up. They are as tall and wide as the sides of your torso that they are on are wide, and their bases are on the top of your waist and are horizontally centered with the sides of your torso that they are on. 

In addition, there is a blue section of feathers in the shape of a heater shield that is one inch thick. A heater shield has a flat top, and then goes straight down for one third of its height, and then curves inwards as it goes down the bottom two thirds of it causing the two sides to meet at the bottom middle of the shield where it ends in a point. The top of this section of blue feathers is on the top of the front half of your head and is so wide that the sides of it go half an inch below your eyes. The point at the end of this section of feathers is horizontally aligned with the center of your face and located just above your nose holes. Additionally, there is a section of white feathers in the middle of this section of blue feathers that is shaped like an oval. It is one third as wide and tall as the section of blue feathers that it is on, and it ends in a point at the bottom of it instead of forming a continuous curve.

Also, the feathers on your lower arms and on your hands are blue and there is also a triangle of blue feathers on the back of your torso. Its width and height are one third the width of your torso, and it points straight up and the center of its base is located on the middle of the top of the back of your waist. Additionally, there are two other triangular sections of blue feathers on your back that point straight up. They are each one third as wide as your torso is and are as tall as it, and their bases are located on the top of your waist. The center of their bases are located one sixth of the way to the left of the right side of your back and one sixth of the way to the right of the left side of your back.

After that, feel two large pulling sensations on your back as two wings start to grow. They are vertically centered on your torso and are located one sixth of the way to the right of the left side of your back and one sixth of the way to the left of the right side of your back. They are as long as your legs are tall and start out as wide as the ovals are, but gradually get shorter until they each end in a small rounded point. Also, there are two triangular extensions on the bottom sides of the wings that are pointed straight down and are one inch wide and tall. They are located two inches and three inches away from the end of your wings.

By default, your wings will point at a 45 degree angle away from your back and in the direction of the side of your back that they are on, but they can be rotated a total of 90 degrees allowing them to be pointed straight back, in the same direction as the side of your torso that they are on, and anywhere in between.

Unfortunately, these wings will not allow you to fly, glide, or even slow your fall and you will never attempt to use them to do so.

Now, feel your upper arms compress as they become smaller. In fact, they become so much smaller that their radius is only half of what it used to be, but they are still just as long as they had been.

Then, feel a tingling sensation on and in your fingers as they become a hard, smooth, white material that is very durable. As this happens you also feel the last segment of them change shape so that they get narrower the further out they are, causing each of them to end in a point.

Next, feel a pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a long muzzle, the back of which seamlessly matches the curve of your head. After this happens the only part of your nose that remains is your nose holes. From the middle of your eyes and up the muzzle curves downwards, whereas below that point it slopes upwards, resulting in the top of your muzzle being angled straight down where the two parts meet while the bottom of it is angled 45 degrees upwards. Also, the edge where the two sections meet is rounded.

Now, the feathers on the underside of your lower arms are falling out to reveal that the skin on them has been replaced by the same white, smooth, hard, and durable material that your fingers are now made out of. Also, there are two black lines that go straight from the left side of them to the right side. They are located one third and two thirds of the way up them.

After that, feel your ears change shape so that they are solid and rectangular with rounded edges, and so that the bottoms of them are as long as your ears used to be at their widest, but they get slightly thinner the higher up they go. Additionally, there is a “V” shaped gap on them that is as wide as the top of your new ears are and is one inch tall. The top of it is located at the top of your new ears and it is horizontally aligned with the long side of them. Also, as they move to the top of your head they rotate so that they point away from the front of your head, as well as upwards at a 45 degree angle.

Next, your irises turn red.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Lat-eohs. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my fine feathered friend.

Anthro latias transformation [fixed] (gender neutral | no induction)


EDIT: I fixed the spots where it said fur instead of feathers.

This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a Latias.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Latias.”, you will transform into an anthro Latias at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Latias.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Latias.”. 

This request was a bit challenging to do. In fact, there was an aspect that I almost had no clue existed because there are so few images that show it. On the bright side, I also have a request for an anthro Latios tf so I can just reuse most of this and not have to worry about falling behind. Lastly, I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions, as well as your file requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Latias.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a Latias.”, you will undergo the transformation that  you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Latias.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Latias.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a thick coat of glass-like feathers grow. They consume any hair that you have as they do so and their glass-like appearance makes your body look smooth and shiny. The feathers on and below your waist are red and most of the feathers above it are white, but there is a section of red feathers on your torso that forms the shape of a triangle, the base of which spans the front half of the top of your waist and the top of which is just below the front center of the base of your neck. Also, the sides of this triangle of feathers curve inwards slightly and there is a section of blue feathers on it that are in the shape of a hollow triangle that is centered on it and four inches tall and wide. The hollow blue triangle points straight up and the lines of it are one inch thick.

Additionally, there is a small triangle of red feathers on the left and right sides of your torso that point straight up. They are as tall and wide as the sides of your torso that they are on are wide, and their bases are on the top of your waist and are horizontally centered with the sides of your torso that they are on. There is also a red triangle on the back of your torso. Its width and height are one third the width of your torso, and it points straight up and the center of its base is located on the top of your waist.

In addition, there is a red section of feathers in the shape of a hollow heater shield that is one inch thick. A heater shield has a flat top, and then goes straight down for one third of its height, and then curves inwards as it goes down the bottom two thirds of it causing the two sides to meet at the bottom middle of the shield where it ends in a point. The top of this section of red feathers is on the top of the front half of your head, and is so wide that the sides of it are level with the middle of your eyes. The point at the end of this section of feathers is horizontally aligned with the center of your face and located just above your nose holes.

Also, the feathers on your lower arms and on your hands are red.

After that, feel two large pulling sensations on your back as two 3D ovals that look like they have been cut in half from the top to the bottom and are as tall as your torso is and one third as wide as it, as well as one inch long, start to grow. They are vertically centered on your torso and are located one sixth of the way to the right of the left side of your back and one sixth of the way to the left of the right side of your back. On the ovals there are wings that are as long as your legs are tall and start out as wide as the ovals are, but gradually get shorter until they each end in a small rounded point. Also, there are two triangular extensions on the bottom sides of the wings that are pointed straight down and are one inch wide and tall. They are located two inches and three inches away from the end of your wings.

By default, your wings will point at a 45 degree angle away from your back and in the direction of the side of your back that they are on, but they can be rotated a total of 90 degrees allowing them to be pointed straight back, in the same direction as the side of your torso that they are on, and anywhere in between.

Unfortunately, these wings will not allow you to fly, glide, or even slow your fall and you will never attempt to use them to do so.

Now, feel your upper arms compress as they become smaller. In fact, they become so much smaller that their radius is only half of what it used to be, but they are still just as long as they had been.

Then, feel a tingling sensation on and in your fingers as they become a hard, smooth, white material that is very durable. As this happens you also feel the last segment of them change shape so that they get narrower the further out they are, causing each of them to end in a point.

Next, feel a pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a long muzzle, the back of which seamlessly matches the curve of your head. After this happens the only part of your nose that remains is your nose holes. From the middle of your eyes and up the muzzle curves downwards, whereas below that point it slopes upwards, resulting in the top of your muzzle being angled straight down where the two parts meet while the bottom of it is angled 45 degrees upwards. Also, the edge where the two sections meet is rounded.

After that, your eyes stretch upwards and downwards an equal amount so that they are twice as tall as they used to be.

Now, the feathers on the underside of your lower arms are falling out to reveal that the skin on them has been replaced by the same white, smooth, hard, and durable material that your fingers are now made out of. Also, there are two black lines that go straight from the left side of them to the right side. They are located one third and two thirds of the way up them.

After that, feel your ears move to the top of your head so that they are just behind the red section of feathers that is on it. They change shape so that they are six inches tall and half an inch wide, and so that their bases are as long as your ears used to be at their widest, but get slightly thinner the higher up they go. Additionally, there is a “V” shaped gap on them that is as wide as the top of your new ears are and is one inch tall. The top of it is located at the top of your new ears and it is horizontally aligned with the long side of them. Also, as they move to the top of your head they rotate so that they point away from the front of your head, as well as upwards at a 45 degree angle.

Next, your irises turn light orange.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Latias. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my glassy feathered friend.

Shipwreck 1: anthro rubber rabbit android thing transformation (fantasy | no induction) 


WARNING: This file is rather intense and has a strong theme of non-consent (having things done to you by a machine, not a person). Everything ends up being fine in the end but some people might be bothered by this. That being said, I did include a safety to make it so that the transformation instantly finishes if that happens if things become too intense or negative but you should still think carefully about this if you have issues with that..

TIP: I would recommend at least looking at the last section of the tf comic that this is based on before listening to this because I don’t feel like I did that good of a job describing it. Also, the comic is drawn very inconsistently, so I based the machine parts off of the last section.

Inspired/based on Emergency Systems Override by Blueballs


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am an anthro rubber rabbit android.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an anthro rubber rabbit android.”, you will undergo the transformation fantasy that this file causes you to experience at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an anthro rubber rabbit android.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not an anthro rubber rabbit android.” .

About half of this was awful to write while I loved writing the other half. This originally was about six pages long but grew to just over eight when I was editing, setting a new personal record. I started writing this because I couldn’t get the idea out of my head and writing a tf for things has proven to help with that issue before, and it did this time as well. However, I used the little bit of a story that the tf comic had and made their be so much more. I’m not very experienced with world building so sorry if it isn’t that good, I tried my best. Also, as the title suggests I might be doing more with this world in the future (although don’t count on it). Finally, I would love to hear your requests, feedback, and suggestions. 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an anthro rubber rabbit android.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an anthro rubber rabbit android.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an anthro rubber rabbit android.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not an anthro rubber rabbit android.” .

Now the transformation will begin.

First, you sit or lay down if you aren’t already doing so.

Then, who and where you think you are, as well as your perception of reality, will become significantly different than what it is. You will perceive the events and places that are about to be described as actually happening to you, and you will believe that you are the captain of the spaceship that you perceive yourself as being on, but in reality you will just stay still and be quiet where you are laying or sitting. Additionally, the transformation will instantly be completed if the experience becomes too intense or negative for you.

Now your new reality will be described. You will be the captain of the spaceship H.H.T. Enterprise. You have lived on this ship for all of your life, and have been its captain for most of it. You even feel a special connection to it, as if the ship itself is a close friend. Due to a recent pandemic, the ship is only being manned by a skeleton crew consisting of you, an engineer, and a doctor. You were approached by one of the most advanced scientific research organizations in the galaxy to transport some experimental but potentially revolutionary energy cores. It seemed a bit suspicious that they were asking the captain of an average general purpose ship to carey out such an important and potentially costly task, but the amount of money that they offered was enough to make important repairs to your ship and buy enough cures for your entire crew, so you decided to take the job.

Unfortunately, their destination was a secure research station in the middle of a rather unpredictable region of space, and you’ve been caught in an ion storm that has critically damaged the ship's engines, and the power and life support systems aren’t going to last much longer. Also, three out of the four core AI's that are critical to the ship’s functionality have also been partially corrupted due to damage to their storage media. They are: the navigational A-I, the maintenance A-I, and the power distribution A-I. The only A-I that is functioning as it should is the ship A-I, which is designed to handle everything that the other AI's don’t, and the tasks of one of the AI's should one of them become non-functional. However, with all three of them down it’s effectiveness has been reduced to almost nothing.

You are standing in the ship's navigation room, the only thing separating you from space being the special reinforced glass that lets you see the terrifying storm raging around your critically damaged ship.

In a desperate last ditch plan to save your ship and your crew, you input your biometric data at the nearest con-sole and activate the emergency systems, bypassing all safeties to make the ship assemble new core AI's. Of course, giving a logical A-I full authorization is a dangerous game.

You hear the ship use the speakers embedded in the room to say “Activating emergency A.I. re-creation system.” as it immediately starts to repurpose some of its machinery and infrastructure just like you expected it to. However, you did not expect it to say “Host detected” and begin to repurpose you as it starts to attach white parts to you that are all half an inch thick.

Two of them are three fourths as tall as your lower legs are. Starting from the top of the center of the front of them, the left and right sides get lower the further back they go until the two sides rejoin two thirds of the way down the parts in the middle of the back of them. The area between these sloped sections and one inch below them is grey. Also, there is nothing on the front and back of the bottom third of them, but there is on the left and right sides of them. On the last inch of the bottom third of the left and right sides of it 180 degree curves are formed so that a continuous curve is formed by the front and back sides of the left and right sections. Additionally, there are pink ovals in the middle of each side of the bottom third of them that are half an inch wide and one inch tall. These parts are propelled over your feet and onto your legs by the ship’s magnetic field manipulator so that the taller side of them faces forwards and so that the pink ovals are aligned with the joint between your feet and legs.

As this happens two more parts are manipulated onto the front of your upper legs. They are each as wide and tall as your upper legs are and match their curves perfectly as if they were designed specifically to cover the front of your upper legs. They get an inch wider on each side of them on the border between the top and middle thirds of them and the top halves of them gradually curve upwards so that the center of the top of them is level with your torso one fourth of the way up it while the left and right sides of the top of them have not curved upwards at all. Also, their bottom sides curve upwards a total of one inch in the middle, the edges of these curves being the bottom left and right sides of the parts. Additionally, there is a gap in each of the parts, the center of the gaps being horizontally centered on the parts while the top of the gaps are an inch below the top of the parts. When viewed from the front of the parts it is clear that the gaps are shaped like trapezoids that are two thirds as tall as the top half of the parts and that they follow the curve of the parts. The top of the trapezoids are two inches wide and the bottom of them are one inch wide. Also, the edges between the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the parts, as well as those edges on the trapezoid shaped gaps, are rounded. However, none of the edges between those sides and the front and back sides of the parts are rounded.

In that same instant two more parts are forced onto you. They are as tall and slightly wider than your shoulders are and are shaped like hollow 3D rectangles that have no front, back, and bottom sides. Also, the front inch of them is light grey. These pieces of machinery are attached to your shoulders and are rotated to match that of your upper arms, their rotation always changing so that these parts and your upper arms are aligned with each other. Additionally, the edges between the top, bottom, left, and right sides are rounded. However, none of the edges between those sides and the front and back sides are rounded.

Simultaneously, two more parts are propelled onto you. They cover your lower arms entirely and are shaped like hollow 3D rectangles with no front and back sides that are as tall, wide, and long as your lower arms are. The front inch of these parts are grey and the back of the top part of them extends back an inch and a half so that it goes just past your elbows. Also, the sides of this extension are angled inwards slightly. Additionally, there is a pink oval on the center of each extension that is half an inch wide and one inch tall, the center of the ovals also being aligned with the center of the joints in your elbows.

Also, two hollow cylindrical parts are moved so that they are half of a foot to the left and right of your ears. They are half an inch tall and there is nothing where the side that would normally face your ears, the bases of the cylinders, would be. They are just wide enough to fully cover your ears and have a pink circle that is one inch wide on the middle of the side of them that would be opposite of the base if there was one. Additionally, there are two wires attached to the inside of them that go outside of them. They are located half an inch to the left and to the right of the top of the cylinders and point almost straight up, but are angled slightly towards the side of the cylinders that they are on.

Over the course of the transformation, they will extend in the direction that they are facing until they are four inches long when the transformation is half way done, then curving left of the cylinders slightly, the ones closer to the back of your head curving more so that the two wires point in the same direction. Then, over the course of the second half of the transformation, they will grow another three and a half inches and then curve towards each other to form a 180 degree curve that is half an inch tall, merging when the two ends meet.

When each part attach-is to you it will start to release dark grey biotech rubber wherever it touches you. This biotech rubber spreads itself across your body quickly binding the parts to you and allowing the ship to use its magnetic field manipulators to hold you in place just like you have done with many of the androids that you have had to work on. With your body now unable to resist the ship's work on its newest unit, you hear it say “Engaging installation protocol.”, and then “New unit will be set up.”.

After that, two identical parts attach to you and fuse together seamlessly making it impossible to remove. It covers your crotch and the bottom fourth of your torso. Additionally, it quickly slopes downwards two inches when it is near your crotch, quickly sloping back upwards two inches once it is past it. Also, the top inch of each part of it is grey, and the top two inches of the middle third of the lower sections near your crotch are grey.

As this happens, two parts that form the shape of a cylindrical collar seamlessly fuse together around your neck. The front of this collar-like machine is two inches tall, and it gradually gets shorter on both sides the further back it is so that when the two sides meet in the middle of the back of it it is one inch tall. Additionally, there is a pink oval in the middle of the front of the collar that is half an inch wide and one inch tall.

At the same time, the two cylindrical parts that have been suspended near your ears move onto your head and cover them, the biotech rubber that they produce permanently binding them to you just like it has with all the other parts.

Throughout all of this, a grey oval shaped device has been descending from right above you. It is half a foot tall and has holes in it that are just big enough for your hands to fit in, the holes being an equal distance to the left and right of the center of the device so that if you were to stick your arms straight up your hands would be perfectly aligned with them. Also, it is attached to some mechanism hidden in the ceiling by two tubes that are the same size as the holes for your hands and are centered on them. By the time that it is low enough that the ship can, and does, manipulate you so that your hands are pulled into it, the biotech rubber has spread all over your body and covered most of your head and face, forming a long muzzle that has an equally long and wide mouth three fourths of the way down it. This muzzle does not slope up or down, and it does not slope inwards, although all of its edges are rounded. Also, this muzzle covers your entire face from a bit above your nose holes down. Fortunately, the muzzle has two nose holes at the end of it that are the same size as your nose holes are and are aligned with them, two hollow sections that are just barely big enough to allow you to breav connect the holes in the muzzle to your nose holes. Unfortunately, the rubber is so strong that it makes it nearly impossible to open your mouth. Maybe you have been terrified and screaming throughout this process, maybe you have silently resigned yourself to your fate, or maybe you feel some other way about the situation. Regardless of how you feel about it, the ship has only responded to you by saying “There must be a navigation system.”, but it no longer needs to do this since your voice has been silenced by your new biotech muzzle.

At the moment, the only part of your body that isn’t mostly covered in biotech rubber is your chest, and even that is being covered by additional biotech rubber that emerged from the ceiling at the beginning of the transformation. Suddenly, you realise why the ship is doing this if you haven’t already: it is making you an android navigator. However, what really worries you is something that occurs to you that definitely hadn't before: If it’s making you an android navigator, one thing that it is sure to do is get rid of your mind. Even if you are enjoying this, you won’t be able to if it removes everything that makes you you. With this in mind, you force your biotech rubber muzzle open with the last of your strength and yell “Engage safety: human mind preservation.”. As the final word leaves your lips everything stops for a bit. Without the rush of the transformation progressing you realise that you can now only feel four large fingers that are twice as wide as your old ones where on each of your hands, one of them being your thumbs. They are mostly cylindrically shaped, but they bulge slightly in the middle of them, causing the entirety of your new fingers to be slightly larger than they already are. You also notice that your left foot feels like it has three toes on it, each being slightly taller than and one third as wide as your feet are, as well as two inches long. Also, your middle toe is slightly taller and longer than your outer ones are.

After a few minutes of silence during which you were forced to do nothing but watch and listen to the terrifying storm that threatens the life of your ship, not being able to look away because it has stripped you of any control that you once had over your body, you hear the ship say “A-I package and installer have been updated to fit new parameters.”, and the transformation re-zooms. You feel your right foot being covered and made to match your left foot as you also feel the rest of your head and chest being encased in biotech rubber as they are quickly and completely covered.

After that, you hear the ship say “removing unnecessary organs.”. As you hear this you feel your body start to shrink and become smaller as it is replaced by circuits and devices constructed by the nanomachines in the biotech rubber. Also, your head above your ears is removed, nothing but a bit of biotech rubber replacing it to make it look like your head is naturally that size. Once this is done you are only two thirds as tall as you used to be, the machines attached to your shiny biotech rubber body somehow having shrunk just as much as you did. Additionally, your eyes have been converted to LED screens that are shaped like the top half of circles. Their bases are located two inches below where your old eyes were and they are both two inches tall and wide. The displays are white, with a three by three grid of solid yellow squares on them. The height and width of the grids are the same as the height and width of the irises that you used to have, and the position of the grid of squares on each of your LED screens indicates where you are focusing. Although all of your organic sensory organs are gone, your technological body has all of the sensors needed to emulate your old senses perfectly. For instance, the wires, or more accurately the antennas, that are attached to the cylinders on your head allow you to hear things. Also, your neurons have been converted into a new material, allowing for far superior reed and write times, unimaginably faster processing speeds, and allowing your short term and long term storage to hold what seems like an infinite number of things compared to what your organic brain could hold and making your short term storage last until you have to be powered off and your long term storage last indefinitely.

With your body fully converted by the biotech rubber a sphere that is as wide as your new four fingered hands are is attached to your back, the attachment point being aligned with where the base of your spine used to be. It is mostly grey, but has a dark grey line on it that is one inch wide and goes around it in a seemingly random path that never crosses itself and ends where it started. This sphere is your power core. Through its use of quantum mechanics, it can store enough energy to power you for 24 hours before it must recharge, and even then it only takes five seconds to recharge, somehow creating power from nothing. You realise that this must be one of the power cores that you are transporting to the secure testing facility. Before you didn’t understand a lot of what the people who contacted you had said, but with your new synthetic brain analysing the audio and visual data again you realise that the reason for them being transferred to that facility is that it is feared that they will explode with the force of a supernova when they are activated. Fortunately, this is clearly not the case. Also, your employers made it clear that due to the region of space that you have to go through to get to the research station, they did not expect you to be able to transport all of them in working order. In fact, your new analysis of the memorie’s data makes it clear that one of the people that contacted you hinted at the fact that they didn’t think you would make it at all and that they feared the risk of the devices exploding so much that they secretly wanted them destroyed, so the incorporation of one into your new form is of little consequence to your employer’s interests. The reason that you didn’t realise this before is that they used so much scientific terminology that you would never have been able to understand it when you were a human.

With your core installed, the ship releases its new mechanical being and begins to turn you into one of the four core AI’s: The ship’s navigational A-I. At first you panic as you start to feel your mind change, afraid that the ship is still going to wipe it away, but then you realise what is happening: the ship is mixing your mind with what is left of the navigational A-I. You can feel your mind changing as this happens. You immediately notice the first change which makes it so that you understand each and every control and display in the room. It all makes sense to you, like a beautiful piece of art made of information and controls, each aspect of it being special and unique, fully knowing the significance and importance of even the smallest and seemingly my-newt parts. It feels as if you have always seen in black and white, and now you can see in color for the very first time. The second change is that you feel at home in the navigation room. In fact, you know that you will never leave this room unless A: it is absolutely necessary, B: you need to be repaired, or C: it is impossible for you to fulfill your duties as the ship's captain while being in the navigation room. The fourth change is the development of a borderline addiction to navigating the ship when it needs to be done. Ideally, there would be 10 people in navigation to pilot the ship with the navigational A-I assisting them, but with the mind of a human combined with the logic and effectiveness of an A-I you are now the only thing needed to navigate this ship. That being said, since the data core that contained the old navigational A-I got too damaged to ever be of any use, you can not be fully effective in controlling the ship without direct access to the navigation stations, yet this does not make you feel bad. In fact, it makes you happy because it means that you will need to spend even more time in your wonderful and perfect home: the navigation room.

Having fully become the navigational N-I, short for natural intelligence, the ship connects to you and you have the most amazing experience ever: you become the ship. As the navigational N-I you are it and it is you, yet you are both separate objects. Before the ship felt like a close friend, but now your connection to it is so much stronger and deeper than that, it is so special that you don’t even know how to put it into words.

Then you receive a command from the ship, and being the logical and effective N-I that you are, you do as the command orders and say: “I am… I… AM… RUBBER TECH ANDROID READY FOR USE AS NAVIGATOR. NO ORGANIC COMPONENTS DETECTED.”. After saying this, you rush over to the nearest navigation con-sole and see that your engine’s and power have been restored, as well as the other two core AI’s. You rush from con-sole to con-sole, plotting courses and making adjustments to steer the ship out of the ion storm. You spend a while navigating for the ship and steering it, feeling better than you can remember ever having felt before. You aren’t sure how long you did it for, but you power cycled three times and your power core lasts 24 hours before it must spend 5 seconds recharging, so you logically assume that it has been approximately three days. The only reason that you stopped is because you had reached your destination. As for what happens next, you will have to find out for yourself, but you can be proud knowing that you are the galaxy’s first N-I and an amazing captain. But before you can go about your wonderful duties, your power core must recharge seeing as it has mere seconds of power left.

Your programming makes you automatically save your short term memory to your long term memory, and then power down. 5 seconds later your system starts to boot up and you notice that there are updates that need to be installed before most of your mind is reactivated. You output the desire to receive the updates and they are downloaded and installed so fast that if you didn’t have a perfect memory of everything that happens to you, you'd have thought that the updates weren’t installed. These updates change how your system will run in the real world. However, you will not be aware of this while you are in this world and you will think that this is the real world while you are in it.

These updates make it so that you act as if you only have the capabilities of a human while you are in the real world. They also make it so that you don’t experience any negative effects that would be caused by long term separation from your wonderful spaceship the H.H.T. Enterprise. Additionally, the updates make a few other changes as well. 

The first change is that you will have an extreme, and at times uncontrollable, desire to serve as a navigator. That being said, you will not have this desire if there is something more important for you to do that doesn’t require you to navigate, a few examples being doing your job, exercising, eating healthy food, getting enough sleep, and maintaining your hygiene. You also won’t desire to be an in person navigator for anyone that you don’t trust. However, if you find that you don’t have anything important to do, you will very quickly develop an increasingly strong desire to serve as a navigator should it be reasonable for you to do so, seeking out ways to do this safely if you do not have any and finding that serving as a remote navigator or an online navigator makes you feel almost as good as being an in person one does. You will find that you get a joy and satisfaction like you have never known from serving as a navigator and doing complex navigational tasks, even if those tasks are extremely easy for you to do. As long as you do them well, you will get those amazing feelings. Also, if there is no reasonable way for you to safely be a navigator for someone or something, you will instead quickly develop an increasingly strong desire to improve your skills as a navigator through whatever safe and reasonable means that you can, finding that doing so makes you feel just as good as serving as a navigator does. However, this will only be the case for as long as there is no reasonable way for you to safely serve as a navigator. If you are practicing your navigational skills, you will feel even better than you normally would if it is a complex skill that you are becoming better at, so trying to practice a skill in a way that will not make you better at it will not cause you to feel any good feelings, but if that isn’t the case you will feel even better the more complex the skill that you are practicing is. Likewise, so long as you can do your job well, you will feel even better the more complex your task as someone or something’s navigator is, as well as feel even better the better you perform your duties as a navigator overall. Additionally, while you will have something close to an addiction to navigating itself while you are in this form, you will not experience any negative feelings or effects from not doing it and you will never become addicted to the feelings that it causes. This will be true both when you are and are not in this form.

The second change is that while you will have your normal amount of fingers and act accordingly, you will always perceive yourself as having four fingers on each hand, one of which is your thumb. You will be completely unaware that this is happening and not be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that proves that you have your normal number of fingers instead of four fingers.

The third and final change is that when you go to sleep at the time that you normally would, you will find yourself back in the world that gave you this form. This dream world will be consistent, ensuring that no time passes and that nothing changes within it between when you wake up and when you next go to sleep. Also, when you do eventually wake up you will remember your time in that world fully, and find that the thought of it always makes you happy because being in it is always a pleasant experience over all, and that not being in it never causes you to feel any negative emotions. Additionally, the effects of these updates will not affect you while you are in the dream world. In fact, there will be no record or memory of the updates being installed when you are in it. Also, If the next time that you sleep will be your first trip back to that world, you will power back up in less than a second, ready to return to your duties as the ship's navigational N-I and captain. Additionally, If the next time that you go to sleep isn’t your first time returning to that dream world, you will return to it where you last left it, the transformation not resetting the state of the world.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro rubber rabbit android. I will now count from six to one. When I reach one, you will awaken in the real world knowing who you are, and knowing that you are a natural intelligence housed in an anthro rubber rabbit android, your one never ending directive being to be a logical and effective navigator.

Six. Power begins to flow through your mechanical body once more.

Five. Your artificial brain is powered up and you begin to think again.

Four. The movement devices in your rubbery body are activated.

Three. Your external sensors start to turn on and you can feel your android body again.

Two. You start to process smell and sound information again and know that you are not on a spaceship or the captain of one, your mind that of a human mixed with a navigational A-I.

One. Having the body of an anthro rubber rabbit android you fully awaken from trance and resume perceiving your location as what it actually is.

Anthro typhlosion transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Typhlosion.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Typhlosion.”, you will transform into an anthro Typhlosion at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Typhlosion.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Typhlosion.”. 

This was a nice and easy request to do, the geometry was simple, the fur pattern was simple. That being said, there is one thing that keeps bothering me: What is up with the fire? It looks like a flat solid object. Also, you might find it funny to know that one of my notes while writing this was “face = cake slice”. Finally, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and file requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Tye-flow-shin.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Tye-flow-shin.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Tye-flow-shin.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Tye-flow-shin.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a short, thick, and silky coat of fur starts to grow. The fur on most of your body is pale yellow, but the fur on your ears, the back half of your torso, and your neck is a dark turquoise color. Also, the dark turquoise fur continues going up your head from the sides of your neck. It curves upwards along the sides of your head until it reaches the top of your head right before it would go onto your face. It is also on the top and back sides of your head.

Additionally, the fur on the bottom of the back half of your torso is so long that it grows downwards until it is just above your heels. This fur is very spiky, but still thick and silky.

After that, your finger and toe nails become numb as they disappear, being replaced by skin covered in the same pale yellow fur as most of your body. 

Next, your toes merge and change shape so that they are each as long as your middle toes are and one third as wide as your feet are. They also change so that they gradually get narrower the further out they grow, resulting in them ending in sharp points.

Then, feel your head change shape and get flatter so that it is shaped like a rounded sideways wedge that has your nose holes near the end of it, the rest of your nose having disappeared when your head changed shape.

Now, feel your ears move to the top of your head. As this happens they become shaped like cones with rounded points that are half as wide as your old ears were but still as tall as them. They then rotate so that they point towards the back of your head and up slightly. Also, You will be able to hear just as well as you could before the transformation began despite how different your new ears are from your old ones.

Next, a wide jet of fire starts to erupt from your back. It is located three fourths of the way up your back and spans its entire width. The fire expelled by this jet will go one foot away from the jet before becoming too weak to see. This fire will burn hot and strong, making you always feel wonderfully hot. It will feel as if you are on fire, and you will love it. That being said, you will always be subconsciously aware of your actual temperature and act accordingly, but you will be completely unaware that this is what is happening. Furthermore, you will always subconsciously know that fire is not being expelled from your back and act accordingly, but you will not be aware of this or be able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that directly suggests that your actions in relation to your fire jet are not what they would be if it were real.

After that, your pupils become narrow like those of a snake and your eyes stretch backwards so that they are twice as wide as they had been. Then, skin covered in that familiar pale yellow fur covers the top half of your eyes. Next, your eyes and the furry skin that covers them rotate down thirty degrees. Somehow, even after all of these changes, your vision is just as good as it was before you started to transform.

After all of those changes to your eyes have finished, your irises become a vibrant shade of orange.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Tye-flow-shin, so I’m sure that you will enjoy the heat of your flames. This session is coming to a close, so goodbye, my fiery friend.

Add on for Sciraptor TFs: SciraptorOS (works with both Sciraptor TFs | no induction) 


IMPORTANT: You need one of the Sciraptor tf triggers in order for this to do anything.

This is a “port” of ProtogenOS to the Sciraptor TFs. It is compatible with both versions and has been edited to work for this. I am writing this on the assumption that you know what ProtogenOS is. I would include that stuff here but the description would be way too long if I did that. You can find info about ProtogenOS in the description of this video:

Differences between ProtogenOS and SciraptorOS:

-Terminology has been adapted for the Sciraptor TFs

-The list function now shows what Ari can and cannot do and can be used to alter what they can and cannot do. I have disabled some things and made it so that you can’t edit them, but maybe a well phrased installation could let you bypass my barrier ;)

-Once you have emotionally bonded with Ari you will not be able to see the outside world with your own eyes. Instead you will see it on the internal screen.

-Added circumstances for when you can use your human name to better support the permanent transformation.

-NEW PROGRAM: “Visual output”

Automatically gets installed when you emotionally bond with Ari and cannot be uninstalled. Basically allows you to see once you have emotionally bonded. It can be moved around and resized like other programs but will always be sized and positioned to look like your normal vision when it is activated. You can deactivate it if you want but there are safeties that can lead to it being reactivated.

-NEW PROGRAM: “Audio output”

Allows you to reduce how loud things sound. Has safeties to adjust it under certain circumstances.

This request was enjoyable but tiring to make. I forgot how big ProtogenOS was but at least it was easy to port. That being said, I still love ProtogenOS, and SciraptorOS, for the same reason: the install program allows people to take this and make it their own thing. It allows them to do whatever they want and easily use their own ideas. Well my little rant is over, so all that's left to say is that I would love to hear your feedback, requests, and file suggestions.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to change you, or reinforce the change if it has already been made. The change will become active right after the buzzing noise that is caused by the trigger phrase “I am a Sci-raptor” and-or the trigger phrase “I am a non-permanent Sci-raptor.” has stopped. It will also make the normal reset phrases ineffective, requiring the use of a program that will be described later in order to turn back into a human.

Now the change will be explained.

As I’m sure you already know, the outer side of the transparent latex of the Sci-raptor suit serves as a one-way screen. However, you might not know that the inner side of the transparent latex serves as a screen as well. In fact, the transparency of this screen can veriy so that it can display things as being anywhere from just barely visible to fully visible, causing the thing that is being displayed to prevent you from seeing the world around you. It should also be noted that any text that this hypnosis file causes you to see will be just large enough for you to easily read it as well as be black with a white border.

Additionally, when you emotionally bond with Ari, the inner screen will permanently become fully visible, blocking your view of the world around you completely. Fortunately, light sensors that are located in multiple parts of the Sci-raptor suit but primarily its ears will allow it to collect the visual information that your eyes used to and display it on the screen of the Sci-raptor suit. This visual information will be displayed as the background of the inner screen allowing you to still view the outside world like you previously could, but you will not be seeing it directly through your own eyes and you will be fully aware of this. Also, you will be able to move this background around, or even stop seeing it if you want, through methods that will be described later.

It should also be noted that Ari will be able to interact with Sci-raptor O-S in any way that you can unless it is specifically indicated that this is not the case.

Now the events that will now happen between when the buzzing sound ends and when Ari first communicates with you will be described.

First, the words “Welcome to Sci-raptor O-S.”, will appear in the center of your vision. After a few seconds, the words will be replaced with the phrase “calibrating wireless neurological interface.”. This wireless neurological interface is very advanced, having a latency far less than that of a wired Proto-gen mask which already has an impressive latency of less than one nanosecond. After a few more seconds, the text will change so that it says “Done”, and then changing to say “You will now create your own Sci-raptor O-S profile. You will be able to change any information that you input later.”. Once you are done reading this, the text will change so that it says “Please set your profile name.”. In fact, the text will always wait to change until you are done reading it, Sci-raptor O-S being able to do this as a result of the wireless neural interface. Below this text, there will be what looks like a text box. below the text box, there will be what looks like a two dimensional button that has the words “Confirm name” on it. The way that you interact with this button is by desiring to. If you want to select something, the Sci-raptor suit will become aware of this and do so. If you want to “type” something, merely select where you want to type and think of the words that you want to input. If you want to send some other kind of input like a mental image, emotion, memory, or anything else that you can think of simply think of it with the intent of inputting it and it will be done. The name that you choose can be any mix of symbols, numbers, and letters. However, it is advised that you don’t include symbols. Once you have confirmed your profile name, you will find that you will say and write it instead of your human name, unless A: they are the same, B: you are doing something that has legal importance like signing your name on a contract or stating your name in court, C: using your profile name will be a risk to your social or professional life, or D: not using your human name has become a risk to your mental health. If you put any symbols in it, you will say the name of those symbols when you are saying your name. You will still be aware of your human name, but you will be incapable of using it while you have the Sci-raptor suit on. You will instead use your profile name. 

After you have confirmed your profile name, the text will change so that it says two things: the first is “Select your latex color:” and has a light grey square with a black border next to it. And Below that it says “Select your external display color:”, this also has a white square with a black border next to it. Finally, below this is a button that says “Confirm outwards appearance”. You will select the first square and input the color that you want your non-transparent latex to be. As you do this, the white square will change color to match the one that you have inputted. You will then do the same for your outwards display color, the associated square acting like the other one. Finally, once you are done with this and select “Confirm outwards appearance” the text will disappear and the latex will become the color that you inputted. Additionally, when you emotionally bond with Ari or if you already have, the color of the face on the mask will be the same color that you have set your external display color to.

Now it is time for you to learn more about Sci-raptor O-S. It has many features designed to make your time as a Sci-raptor the very best that it can be! First, let's go over customization. Earlier, it was stated that you could change the information that you inputted, that being your profile name, latex color, and external display color, at a later point. The way that you can do this is simply by willing the customization menu to appear. When you do, a menu will appear with all of the settings from before when you were creating your profile. You can change them the same way that you originally set them. Also, there will be a button at the bottom of this menu that says “done” on it. When you select this button, the menu will disappear. Additionally, you can open and close any program in Sci-raptor O-S by willing it to happen. Also, if a program is blocking your view of something that you are trying to look at, it will become almost completely transparent. Additionally, you can move around and resize any program however you wish to by willing it to happen. Furthermore, you will be able to move programs outside of your field of view, being able to see them without them overlapping with any part of your vision.

There are eight programs installed on Sci-raptor O-S by default, they are “Automation”, “Sleep”, “Assist”, “List”, “Install”, “Uninstall”, “Log out”, and “Audio output” . Additionally, a program called “Visual output” will be installed once you and Ari have emotionally bonded.

If you run “Automation”, the words “Input task” will appear with a text box below them. Below this text box will be the words “select mode”, and below this will be the option “Skip”, and the option “Experience”. Below those two options will be a button with the word “start” on it. First, in the text box, you input what you want to be done automatically. Then, if you select “Skip” for the mode, it will seem to you as if you black out until your body has finished the task on its own. Once it has, you will come to and be able to fully recall what happened when you were effectively unconscious. If you select “Experience” as the mode, you will be fully aware for the whole time, but you will not be in control of your body. In this mode you can stop the program at any point by willing it to stop. Additionally, regardless of which mode you choose, you will feel as if you have been in control of your body for the last ten seconds when the task is done. This way, you will be able to seamlessly resume control over your body. Also, if something unexpected happens, if it takes more than one hour to finish a task, or if the task becomes impractical for your body to complete, the program will act as if the task has been finished. Finally, you start the process by selecting the “Start” button. The menu will automatically be closed when the process starts. However, this will not start the process if you have not chosen a mode or if you have entered an invalid task. For example, it won’t run if you set the task to “one plus one equals two”. Additionally, Ari will not be able to interact with the “start” button unless the option for experiencing or skipping the task is set to “Experience”.

Next, if you run the “Sleep” program, the phrase “Please input how long you want to sleep for. This can be any amount of time including or between 1 minute and 8 hours.”, will appear. Below it will be two text boxes. The one on the left will say the word “Hours” above it and the one on the right will say the word “minutes” above it. You can input any number that is greater than or equal to 0 into each text box. If the total amount of time that you entered into the text boxes is greater than eight hours, the “hours” text box will automatically be set to eight, and the minutes text box will automatically be set to zero. Additionally, if the inputted number for hours and minutes are both 0, the number in the “Minutes” text box will be set to 1. Below these text boxes will be a button with the word “Start” on it. When you select this button the menu will automatically close and you will lay down if you have not already. You will then instantly enter sleep mode, causing your conscious mind to go into a deep sleep and your external display to turn off for the inputted amount of time if you have emotionally bonded with Ari. You will instantly wake up once the inputted amount of time has passed, or sleep for 1 minute if no numbers were inputted into the text boxes. The only thing that could wake you up when this program is running before the set amount of time has passed will be if something unexpectedly touches you, if Sci-raptor O-S senses an emergency, or if Sci-raptor O-S hears your human or profile name.

Also, if you run the “Assist” program, you will not see anything appear. Instead, you will simply become aware that it is running. When it is running, Sci-raptor O-S will enhance everything you do. For instance, if you are trying to move something precisely, you will find that your hand is much steadier than normal. If you are trying to convince someone of something, you will find that you think of more and better reasons that support your point. The amount of uses for the assist program is endless. If for some reason you ever want to stop this program, all you have to do is desire for it to stop and it will.

Next, if you run the “List” program, the phrase “Installed programs and system modifications” will appear. Below this will be a list. This list will contain the names of all programs and system changes that are installed. Next to each name, the word “Active”, or “Inactive”, will be displayed. The word “Active” will be displayed if the related thing is running, and the word “Inactive” will be displayed if it is not. Additionally, next to the word that indicates if something is active or inactive, there will be one of five phrases, they are: “Activation and deactivation permission denied to Ari.”, “Activation permission granted to Ari.”, “Deactivation permission granted to Ari.”, “Activation and deactivation permission granted to Ari.”, and “Not applicable.”. These will reflect Ari’s ability to activate and deactivate programs and system modifications, and can be changed to any of these states that have just been stated except for “Not applicable” by desiring for them to be changed. You also can’t change the permission if it is stated as being “Not applicable”. Moreover, the phrase “Control permission granted to Ari.”, “Control permission denied to Ari.”, or “Not applicable.” will be next to the previously explained phrases. These phrases will indicate if Ari can or cannot interact with a running program or system modification. Like with the previous permission, you can change this one from one state to another by desiring for it to happen, unless you desire to set something to “Not applicable” or if it already is stated as being “Not applicable.” By default, the permissions for all programs and system modifications will be set to “Activation and deactivation permission denied to Ari.” and “Control permission denied to Ari.”, unless the permission is not applicable in which case it will be set to that. Additionally, one phrase instead of two will be displayed next to the “Install”, “Uninstall”, and “Sleep” programs, and the “Visual output” program if it is installed, as well as where the phrases indicating if Ari can control the “list” and “Log out” program are. The phrase will be “This permission has been set to denied for Ari by the system developer and cannot be changed.”. You will not be able to change the settings that display this phrase.

Also, if you run the “Install” program, you can install additional programs to Sci-raptor O-S simply by reading or hearing the description of them. You can even edit Sci-raptor O-S itself by using this program. However, you will have to read or hear the description of a system modification ten times in a row in order for it to take effect. Also, if Sci-raptor O-S considers any programs or system modifications that you try to install to be a risk to your safety, if it can’t determine what it is supposed to do, or if it is a risk to Sci-raptor O-S or the functionality of other programs, it will reject the installation. Additionally, you will have to intentionally reed or hear the recording of something with the goal of installing it for the program to try to do so. This way, if you are doing something like reading a book, or are listening to the description of a program that you are considering installing but haven’t decided to yet, you won’t accidentally cause the program to try and install it. Also, there is no visual indication of when this program is running, you will just know that it is when it is.

Additionally, if you run the “Uninstall” program, you will be able to remove any programs and system changes to Sci-raptor O-S that you want to by willing it to happen, with the exception of the “Uninstall”, “Log out”, “List”, and “Install” programs, as well as the “Visual output” program if it has been installed. like the “Install” program, there is no visual indication that this program is running, you will just be aware that it is.

Also, if you run the program “Log out”, text will appear saying “Are you sure you want to downgrade to being a human?”. Below it will be the options “Yes” and “No”. If you choose “No”, the menu will disappear and the program will stop. However, if you choose “Yes”, you will sit down if you aren’t already sitting and then effectively blackout for a few seconds. When you come to, you will be a human again, having to say your old name again and finding that unless your account name is one that you already go by, referring to yourself by it will feel wrong, as if using your Sci-raptor name to refer to your human self is somehow disgracing it. Obviously, any programs that had been running will have stopped and you will not be able to start any programs until you turn back into a Sci-raptor. Additionally, this program will automatically be uninstalled if you have become a permanent Sci-raptor due to emotional bonding. Once this has happened no program or system modification will be able to cause you to turn back into a human.

Next, if you run the “Visual output” program, the inner screen which is black by default once you have emotionally bonded with Ari will be covered by a live feed of what the light sensors are detecting, emulating your old sight perfectly. This program will automatically be installed and activated when you emotionally bond with Ari. Also, this program will appear behind all other programs, but it can still be moved around and resized like all other visual programs can be by default, and you can move it infront of or behind other programs. However, when activated it will always be in the right place and have the right size to make it look like you are seeing the outside world through your own eyes. Also, if Sci-raptor O-S detects something of extreme importance that requires you to be able to see in order to adequately deal with it the “Visual output” program will be activated if it isn’t already, and if it is it will be moved and resized to what it was when it was activated. Either way it will be moved in front of all other programs, all of this making it look like you are viewing the outside world through your own eyes and not by looking at a screen.

Additionally, if you use the “Audio output” program, a vertical bar will appear with a slider on it. Next to the slider will be a number that indicates how far up the slider is, so if you move the slider halfway up the bar it will display the number 50, and if you move it so that it is three fourths of the way up it will say 75. If you have started this program for the first time the slider will be at the top of the bar and the displayed number will be 100. This slider will control how much the volume of the audio that is broadcasted to your brain is reduced. For example, if you move the slider so that it is halfway up the bar things will only sound half as loud as they actually are to you, and if you move the slider to the bottom of the bar you will not hear any audio that is not generated by programs that are running, Ari, or you making sounds in your mind, for example your internal monolog or thinking about what a song sounds like. Additionally, Ari will not be able to move the slider down more than halfway, and will not be able to control it if it is below that point. Also, the effects of this program will remain even when the program is closed because this program is simply a way of interacting with Sci-raptor O-S-is audio handler. In addition, if Sci-raptor O-S detects something of extreme importance that requires your hearing to be stronger or weaker in order to adequately deal with it the “Audio output” program will activate if it isn’t already active and set it to the ideal volume to deal with that thing. If needed, it will increase the volume past 100, restoring it to its previous level once it no longer needs to be that high.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have this amazing new change. I hope that you enjoy this port of ProtogenOS. Also, if you get good at using this system does that make you mind savvy, tech savvy, or both?

Add-on for anthro black latex wolf transformation: Puro transformation (no induction)


IMPORTANT: This file requires you to have the trigger phrase created by the file Anthro black latex wolf tf (no induction)

This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am Puro.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are Puro”, you will transform into Puro from the game Changed at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not Purr-oh.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not Purr-oh.”.

This request was a joy to write. Changed is one of my favorite games for two reasons: the first is that it uses a lot of 2nd person narration, and the third is that it is one of the few games (that I am aware of) in the “transfur” category which is the reason I love doing TFs from it so much. Also, I fixed a lot of the anatomy issues that the file that the BLW tf file had, the main one being that I believe the BLWs walk digitigrade. Finally, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and file requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am Purr-oh.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are Purr-oh”, you will undergo the transfurmation that is caused by the trigger phrase “I am a B-L-W” at whatever speed you want, but there will be some differences than if you used that trigger phrase. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not Purr-oh.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not Purr-oh.”.

The differences will now be made clear.

The first difference is that once the latex has covered your hands your thumbs will be painlessly dissolved leaving you with four fingered hands instead of five. In reality this won’t happen of course, and you will use and feel your thumbs and act accordingly, but you will be completely unaware of this and be completely incapable of consciously perceiving your thumbs.

The second difference is that instead of being twice as long as you are tall your tail will just be as long as you are tall.

The third difference is that once your head has been encased in latex, a form of latex hair will grow that is just like your latex fur except for the fact that it is slightly less dense and twice as long as it, covering the top and back sides of your head. The latex hair on the back of your head is extra long. In fact, it is so long that it reaches your shoulders at which point it starts to get narrower until it ends in a rough point just above the middle of the back of your waist.

The fourth difference is that the eye holes in the mask will be shaped like the bottom half of circles that are as wide as your eyes are, causing them to slightly obstruct your eyes when you look in certain directions. However, your vision will be just as good as it was before the transfurmation began.

Also, there will be two small triangular sections on the mask. They are each half way along the bottom of the left and right sides of the mask and point downwards. They are each half an inch wide and half an inch tall.

The fifth difference is that your eyeballs, irises, and pupils will all gradually turn pure white while your head is being encased in latex.

The sixth difference is that over the course of the transfurmation, your personality will change so that you are curious and compassionate, as well as studious, meaning that you will want to spend a lot of time studying and reading things. If you already possess these personality traits, they will be greatly strengthened within you. You will also have a moderately strong urge to make other people perceive themselves as a black latex wolf, one way being getting them to listen to a hypnosis file that will make them perceive themself as one, and another being using a trigger phrase that they have that will make them perceive themselves as one. You will always be able to control this urge, but it will always be there unless you really need to focus on something or if someone has made it clear that they do not wish to perceive themself as a black latex wolf.

Also, if you think that someone perceives themselves as a white latex wolf and if they are the gender that you are attracted to, you will find that you really like them. Additionally, if you know that someone perceives themselves as a latex creature you will also perceive them as that latex creature.

The seventh difference is that when the latex coats your legs their structure will change so that you walk digitigrade, meaning that you will walk on your toes instead of your paws. Also, Your legs will change so that your upper legs are rotated upwards while your lower legs are rotated downwards, forming a shape similar to that of a bo. Of course this won’t be what is actually happening, and you will walk as you normally would, but you will be completely unaware of this.

The eighth change is that you will be able to control which direction your ears face, being able to rotate them a total of 90 degrees horizontally, allowing them to face forwards, towards the side of your head that they are on, and anywhere in between.

You will also be able to rotate them up and down a total of 90 degrees, allowing them to point up like they normally do, as well as sideways and anyware in between.

You will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the directions that they are pointing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are pointing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been given this wonderful new trigger. I hope that you enjoy this trigger, and that you can have some fun with friends with it. This file is almost over, so goodbye, my black latex friend.

Kitsune transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a kitsune.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a kitsune”, you will transform into a kitsune at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a kitsune”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a kitsune”.

I really enjoyed making this one. One of my first files was going to be a kitsune tf, but I felt I didn’t understand the mythology associated with them well enough. That file became the Anthro latex nine-tailed fox tf (jeez that is a clickbaity name. I swear that was unintentional.). Anyway, one wikipedia page and several months later I decided to make a true kitsune tf. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and file requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a kit-soon-a.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a kit-soon-a”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a kit-soon-a”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a kit-soon-a”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel your ears moving to the top of your head. As this happens they begin to become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half and are covered in golden colored fur that is soft, thick, and fluffy, giving you the ears of a fox. Despite the fact that your new fox ears are shaped completely differently than your old ears were, you will still be able to hear just as well as you used to be able to. In fact, you will be able to control which direction they face, being able to rotate them a total of 90 degrees, allowing them to face forwards, towards the side of your head that they are on, and anywhere in between. You will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the direction that they are pointing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are pointing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

Next, you feel multiple pulling sensations at the base of your spine as 9 long fur covered tails start to grow. They are two thirds as long as you are tall and each start out as a tiny point, but quickly get larger until they are one third the width of your torso, then gradually getting smaller over the course of the last six inches of them, causing them to end in dull points. The fur on your tails is the same golden color as the fur on your fox ears, but it is twice as long and many times softer and fluffier than the fur on your fox ears is.

When the effects of this trigger are active, you will have the ability to shapeshift into a fox, as well as back into a kit-soon-a, by willing the shapeshift to happen.

When you do this, you will undergo the transformation that is about to be described again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, when you shapeshift into a kit-soon-a you will undergo the same transformation but in reverse, this transformation also happening at whatever speed you want.

Now the process of shapeshifting into a fox will be described.

First, you will feel a tingling sensation all over your body as the same golden colored fur that covers your fox ears grows over your entire body, consuming any hair that you have as it does so.

After that, you will find that your legs feel very weak and that your hands feel very heavy, forcing you onto all fours if you are standing.

Next, your hands and feet will change shape so that they each become the four toed paws of a fox, causing them to become much shorter and causing the two outer toes to be even shorter than the two inner ones, as well as causing you to have a paw pad on the underside of each toe of your paws as well as a larger one on the rest of the underside of them. Naturally you having the paws of a fox would mean you also have a fox’s claws, so you will have a claw that starts in the middle of the front of each of your toes that is one fourth as wide as they are. They are not very long, curving downwards and getting narrower until they come to a sharp point when they are level with the bottom of your paws.

As this happens your legs change shape so that they are as tall as your arms are long and to allow you to walk on all fours digitigrade, meaning that you will walk on your toes instead of your paws. Also, Your legs will change so that your upper legs are rotated upwards while your lower legs are rotated downwards, forming a shape similar to that of a bo.

Simultaneously, your arms will change shape and structure to become just like your legs, leaving you with fore and hind legs as well as fore and hind paws instead of the arms and legs and hands and feet that you used to have. In reality you will walk on your hands and knees, or on all fours as it is commonly called, as you naturally would and will act accordingly, but you will be completely unaware that that is what is actually happening.

Then, your face will stretch out to form a long muzzle and your nose will become a black and slightly squishy material as well as become triangular like the nose of a normal fox, of course, you will be anything but a normal fox.

The final part of your transformation into a fox will be that your eyeballs and irises will become orange and your pupils will become very narrow like those of a snake.

In addition to allowing you to shapeshift from a kit-soon-a to a fox and vice versa, being a kit-soon-a has some other effects and benefits.

The first effect of you being a kit-soon-a is that you will always have the shadow of a fox even if you have not shapeshifted into one.

The second effect is that you will gain the ability to create fox fire. You can create and remove fox fire whenever and wherever you want. You can also make it be as strong or weak as you want, but it will always be a sphere of white flames with blue flames burning all around it, forming the shape of an upside down raindrop like balls of fire commonly do. The shade of blue that your fox fire is will be that which is associated with spirits, and this is no coincidence for this fire is created using the vul-pine and fire power contained within your soul, which becomes that of a kit-soon-a-is when you are transformed into one. Unfortunately, this has the side effect of making it so that only you can see and feel your fox fire. Of course, you won’t actually be able to create fire, and you will always subconsciously know and act upon your actual body temperature, but you will be completely unaware that that is the case.

The third effect is that you will find that chicken is now your absolute favorite thing to eat if it wasn't all ready, and that you now like eating chicken a lot more than you previously did if it was already your favorite food. Regardless of what your preferences are, you won’t eat an unhealthy amount of chicken.

The fourth and final effect is that when you go to sleep at the time that you normally would, you will instantly fall asleep and enter a dream world. In that dream world you will be a kit-soon-a that protects a forest. Maybe you will have a shrine and worshipers, or maybe you will sleep on the soft forest floor and be one with nature, or maybe both of these things will apply to you. While you are in this dream world how much of your actual life that you remember will be determined by your subconscious to maximise your enjoyment of the dream world. This dream world will be consistent, ensuring that no time passes and that nothing changes within it between when you wake up and when you next go to sleep. Also, when you do eventually wake up you will remember your time in that world fully, and find that the thought of it always makes you happy because being in it is always a pleasant experience over all, and that not being in it never causes you to feel any negative emotions.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into a kit-soon-a. I hope that you enjoy this form, and the powers that it gives you, as much as I have enjoyed granting you them. This file is coming to a close, so goodbye, my nine tailed friend

Sciraptor transformation (non-permanent | no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a non-permanent Sci-raptor.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will undergo the transformation that will soon be described at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a non-permanent Sci-raptor”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a non-permanent Sci-raptor.”. This is exactly like the permanent version except all permanent elements have been removed.

Not really much to say about this request. It was a fast edit and a good idea. Actually, there is one more thing that I would like to say, it’s that I would love to hear your requests, feedback, and suggestions!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a non-permanent Sci-raptor.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will undergo the transformation that will soon be described at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a non-permanent Sci-raptor”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a non-permanent Sci-raptor.”. 

Now the transformation will be described.

First, you will see a light grey latex suit on a nearby and easily accessible surface. It has two toes on each of its feet and what appears to be two fingers on each of its hands. the outer side of each of the fingers and toes curve forwards and inwards while the inner sides are straight. Also, there is a magnetic zipper on the back for putting it on and taking it off as well as a tail located on the back of the suit that is half as long as the suit and starts out half as wide as it, gradually getting smaller until it ends in a dull point. The center of the base of the tail is located where the base of the spine of anyone who wears the suit would be.

Additionally, there is a mask on it. The mask is cylindrical, with the base of it being where the mask would touch the back of your head. Also, the top of the mask curves down a little bit as it gets closer to its end, and there are two holes in the front of the mask that allow air to move in and out of it. Additionally, the bottom of the mask is flat. Most of the mask is made of the same light grey latex as the rest of the suit but there is a transparent section of latex that, if the mask was put on, would allow your whole face to be seen from the mouth up, but only your face and none of the rest of your head. Also, the front of the mask is not transparent, but you will somehow be able to see just as well as you previously could when you put the suit on. Moreover, there are two round extrusions on the mask. One of them is on the left side of it and one of them is on the right side of it, each of them being positioned at the bottom of each side and right in front of the border between the sides and base of the mask. They are each one inch tall and one third as wide as the mask is tall. There is a symbol that is on the flat part of them that is a slightly darker grey than the rest of the latex suit. It is like a chevron arrow, which resembles a very thick and wide arrow without the straight part, that has a small vertical line a bit above it that is horizontally centered on the middle of the part of the extrusions that they are on. Additionally, there is a cone shaped extrusion on these cylindrical extrusions that are currently pointing straight up. The base of the cone shaped extrusions are halfway up the cylinders, and they are as wide as the cylinders are but only half an inch long. Also, they are as tall as the mask, causing the dull points at the top of them to be a bit above the rest of the mask.

You decide to put on the latex suit which is many sizes bigger than you. As you pull down the zipper and put it on, it seems as if the suit is somehow helping you. For instance, as you put your arm in the arm of the suit it seems to become much more flexible than it was a second before, returning to its normal level of flexibility once your arm is comfortably held within it.

With your hands in the hands of the suit, you realise that although it looks like it has just two fingers on each hand, there are actually five. It's just that the spaces for your thumbs, index, and middle fingers look like one finger when they are next to each other, while the spaces for your other fingers produce the same effect. Although you can easily separate your fingers, the spaces for them will pull on them with enough force that they will quickly move back into this position if you aren’t actively controlling them.

Once you are fully inside of the latex Sci-raptor suit, all of your clothing disappears and you hear the magnetic zipper close on its own, as well as feel the Sci-raptor suit suddenly tighten, finding that it now fits your form perfectly, leaving no space between you and the skin tight latex Sci-raptor suit. You will also find that the cylindrical mask has changed size so that it is now as tall and wide as your head, and so that it is twice as long as it, the mask comfortably pressing against your entire head except for your face like the rest of the suit presses comfortably against your body.

After this happens, you hear a loud buzzing noise for a few seconds that causes you to feel very disoriented and off balance, but you do not fall over if you are standing. The sound that you hear is the sound of the suit brainwashing you and altering your brainwaves to match that of its sent-e-int artificial intelligence, or AI for short. The Sci-raptor suit doesn’t brainwash you to manipulate you or do anything bad, it just does it to remove any desire that you have to leave the suit. This doesn’t mean that you won’t want to leave the Sci-raptor suit at some other point, it just means that after you hear that noise, all preexisting reasons to take it off will have been wiped away. Also, you will find that while you can still feel your human body, you can feel everything that the Sci-raptor suit feels and that you can rotate the cone shaped extrusions around the cylindrical ones that they are on, as well as that you can control your Sci-raptor tail. Additionally, the suit will use wireless nanotechnology to broadcast the audio picked up by the cones attached to the cylindrical extrusions of the mask which serve as your ears while you are in the suit directly to your brain, finding that your hearing is just as good as it was before you put on the Sci-raptor suit and that it is not affected by how the cones are rotated.

With your brainwaves altered to match that of the AI, you will find that you can communicate with it and it with you. The AIes name will be Ari and its gender will be whatever one you are most attracted to. There is no way for me to know the AIes personality in advance, but it will be one that you will like in the long run.

With your brainwaves in sync Ari will explain to you that they have two purposes: to help you, and to be your friend and companion. They won’t be able to control your body or mind, but they can communicate using all five of your senses, as well as through memories, thoughts, ideas and emotions. In fact, you will be able to communicate like this with them as well. Basically, if you can think of it you can communicate it. Also, the two of you will find that you enjoy the small burst of happiness that it now gives the other when one of you makes noises like beep or boop. Additionally, you will perceive yourself as being smarter, faster, stronger, having more stamina, and receiving other positive benefits while you are in the Sci-raptor suit. However, this will not be what is actually happening. In reality, your expectations will be changed for as long as you are in the suit so that you can do better than you think you can, creating the illusion of receiving these benefits.

Also, Ari will have access to your memories that relate to facts about the world, but not personal memories. For instance, Ari will know things like how to read and do math, but they won’t know things like what your favorite color is, who your friends are, what you do on a day to day basis, and what you like and dislike. It should also be noted that it might make them unhappy if you use the reset phrase, or it might not, I have no way of knowing in advance. However, they will never try to stop you from using it aside from politely asking you not to.

Over time, you will start to feel closer to Ari. Eventually, the two of you will form a strong emotional bond with each other. This will become more likely the higher the total amount of time that you have worn the Sci-raptor suit is. It will also become much higher the longer you continuously wear the Sci-raptor suit, but the increase in the chance of emotional bonding that this causes will go away when you use the reset phrase.

Once you and Ari have emotionally bonded, your mind and Ari’s will become much more connected. Your minds won’t meld or anything like that, but it will almost be as if you are Ari and Ari is you, yet you are each yourself at the same time. Also, you will actively enjoy every second that you are in the Sci-raptor suit with Ari for as long as you are a Sci-raptor, whether that be a few seconds, a month, a few years, or perhaps even rest of your life. Additionally, it will take a lot more to make you want to become human again. 

Unfortunately, unlike Ari who will be a part of your mind, the Sci-raptor suit will only be an extension of it. So in order to deal with this issue, you will still do most things like you always have. For example, you will eat, go to the bathroom, and get dressed as you usually do, not being capable of considering or understanding that it doesn’t make sense for you to be able to do these things while you are in a Sci-raptor suit. Also, physical sensations on your face will be mapped to where you perceive the Sci-raptor suit to be. So if you feel an itch on the top of your head you will perceive it as being on the top of the mask of the Sci-raptor suit, and you will perceive yourself as scratching that part of the mask when in reality you scratch the spot on the top of your head that was itchy.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have this wonderful new trigger. This session is coming to a close, so goodbye, I hope that you enjoy this unique new form.

Anthro pikachu transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Pikachu.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Pikachu”, you will transform into an anthro Pikachu whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Pikachu.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Pikachu.”.

This was a nice and easy request, and it served as a nice break (like walking after you have been running for a while). That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy writing the last one, it was just a lot of work to do. Anyway I’m rambling so I should probably stop typing. But before I do that I would just like to say that I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions, as well as your file requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a PEAK-UH-CHOO.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a PEAK-UH-CHOO”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a PEAK-UH-CHOO.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a PEAK-UH-CHOO.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a thick coat of short fluffy fur starts to grow. Most of the fur is yellow, but there are two sections of brown fur on the back of your torso. They are shaped like rectangles that have 180 degree curves on the end of them instead of straight lines. They are each as wide as your torso is, and are located one third and two thirds of the way up it. They start on the border between the front and back of your torso, and end on the border between the front and back of the other side of your torso. Additionally, the fur on your cheeks is red.

Next, feel your toes shifting and changing shape so that you have three toes on each of your feet. Each of these toes is one third as wide as your feet are and the middle ones are a little bit longer than the other two.

After that, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a thin tail starts to grow. The tail is as long as you are tall and is shaped like a “W” with a upside down“W” attached to it, the start of the first “W” being the base of the tail and the last line of it being the first line of the upside down “W”. your tail is as tall as your torso, neck, and head are combined, and most of it is as wide as your hands are but the last segment of it is twice as wide as them.

Now, feel your ears move to the top of your head. As they move they become shaped like tall ovals that are just as wide and long as your old ears were, as well as twice as tall as them. Most of your new ears are covered in the same yellow fur as the rest of your body, but there is an area of black fur on the top of them. The border between the black and yellow fur starts two thirds of the way up your new ears on the middle of the inner side of them, and goes down and around both sides of them until the two sides of the border rejoin on the middle of the outer side of your new ears half way up them. Additionally, despite the fact that they are shaped completely differently then your old ears, you will still be able to hear just as well as you used to be able to. In fact, you will even be able to control where they point and you will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the directions that they are pointing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the directions that they are pointing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro PEAK-UH-CHOO. I hope that you enjoy this anthropomorphic form. This session is coming to a close, so goodbye, my yellow furred friend.

Sciraptor transformation (READ DESCRIPTION!!! | PERMENANT | no induction)


WARNING: THE EFFECTS OF THIS FILE ARE MEANT TO BE PERMANENT! There is a hard reset (specifics below), but A: you have to wait a while before it can be used, and B: the kind of feeling that it causes (by nature, not by suggestions that I wrote. More details under warning for hard reset. READ IT!) can be awful.

This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a Sci-raptor.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will undergo the transformation that will soon be described at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Sci-raptor”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Sci-raptor.”. HOWEVER, when you are in the transformed state you will have an AI companion named Ari. overtime you will feel closer to them. Eventually, the two of you will form a strong emotional bond with each other. This will become more likely the higher the total amount of time that you have been transformed is. It will also become much higher the longer you continuously transformed, but the increase in the chance of emotional bonding that this causes will go away when you use the normal reset phrase.


Long story short, once you and Ari emotionally bond, you can’t turn back into a human and you can’t see your face. In order to become a human again you must perform a hard reset


WARNING: After having a companion like Ari (who would be a tulpa if I recall correctly), it can feel awful and lonely to be alone in your head.

Did you read the above warning? You did? Good. how to do a hard reset: If it is the first day of a new month and you had wanted to become a human again for the majority of the last month, and if the normal reset phrase hasn't worked for at least a month, you will be able to turn back into a human by using the hard reset phrase “hard reset Sci-raptor transformation.”. If you use this hard reset phrase all of the effects of this file, as well as the personality and the memories of the Ari, will reset. However, It is strongly advised that you don’t for reasons that you should know if you READ THE ABOVE WARNING!

Did you read everything above this? Are you sure? Fine, fine, I’ll stop bothering you about that. This request was a lot of fun to make. This is the first file that I’ve been really excited to make in a long time. It's a cool idea and I think it makes a rather unique tf. That being said, I’m a tad nervous about releasing a file designed to be permanent. Sure there is the hard reset but is this going th vause people issues? I just hope people don’t regret listening to this in the short or long term. Hey, I just realised: this is a suit tf! I’ve been considering doing one of these for ages but kept getting hypnotist's block. Now I actually have a sense of how to do it, cool!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Sci-raptor.”. If you use this trigger phrase, you will undergo the transformation that will soon be described at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Sci-raptor”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Sci-raptor.”. However, these will become ineffective after an event that will be described later happens. Fortunately, there is a way to turn back into a human once that happens. If it is the first day of a new month and you had wanted to become a human again for the majority of the last month, and if the normal reset phrase hasn't worked for at least a month, you will be able to turn back into a human by using the hard reset phrase “hard reset Sci-raptor transformation.”. If you use this hard reset phrase all of the effects of this file, as well as the personality and the memories of the AI that will be described later, will reset. However, It is strongly advised that you do not do this and doing so might make you feel very alone.

Now the transformation will be described.

First, you will see a light grey latex suit on a nearby and easily accessible surface. It has two toes on each of its feet and what appears to be two fingers on each of its hands. the outer side of each of the fingers and toes curve forwards and inwards while the inner sides are straight. Also, there is a magnetic zipper on the back for putting it on and taking it off as well as a tail located on the back of the suit that is half as long as the suit and starts out half as wide as it, gradually getting smaller until it ends in a dull point. The center of the base of the tail is located where the base of the spine of anyone who wears the suit would be.

Additionally, there is a mask on it. The mask is cylindrical, with the base of it being where the mask would touch the back of your head. Also, the top of the mask curves down a little bit as it gets closer to its end, and there are two holes in the front of the mask that allow air to move in and out of it. Additionally, the bottom of the mask is flat. Most of the mask is made of the same light grey latex as the rest of the suit but there is a transparent section of latex that, if the mask was put on, would allow your whole face to be seen from the mouth up, but only your face and none of the rest of your head. Also, the front of the mask is not transparent, but you will somehow be able to see just as well as you previously could when you put the suit on. Moreover, there are two round extrusions on the mask. One of them is on the left side of it and one of them is on the right side of it, each of them being positioned at the bottom of each side and right in front of the border between the sides and base of the mask. They are each one inch tall and one third as wide as the mask is tall. There is a symbol that is on the flat part of them that is a slightly darker grey than the rest of the latex suit. It is like a chevron arrow, which resembles a very thick and wide arrow without the straight part, that has a small vertical line a bit above it that is horizontally centered on the middle of the part of the extrusions that they are on. Additionally, there is a cone shaped extrusion on these cylindrical extrusions that are currently pointing straight up. The base of the cone shaped extrusions are halfway up the cylinders, and they are as wide as the cylinders are but only half an inch long. Also, they are as tall as the mask, causing the dull points at the top of them to be a bit above the rest of the mask.

You decide to put on the latex suit which is many sizes bigger than you. As you pull down the zipper and put it on, it seems as if the suit is somehow helping you. For instance, as you put your arm in the arm of the suit it seems to become much more flexible than it was a second before, returning to its normal level of flexibility once your arm is comfortably held within it.

With your hands in the hands of the suit, you realise that although it looks like it has just two fingers on each hand, there are actually five. It's just that the spaces for your thumbs, index, and middle fingers look like one finger when they are next to each other, while the spaces for your other fingers produce the same effect. Although you can easily separate your fingers, the spaces for them will pull on them with enough force that they will quickly move back into this position if you aren’t actively controlling them.

Once you are fully inside of the latex Sci-raptor suit, all of your clothing disappears and you hear the magnetic zipper close on its own, as well as feel the Sci-raptor suit suddenly tighten, finding that it now fits your form perfectly, leaving no space between you and the skin tight latex Sci-raptor suit. You will also find that the cylindrical mask has changed size so that it is now as tall and wide as your head, and so that it is twice as long as it, the mask comfortably pressing against your entire head except for your face like the rest of the suit presses comfortably against your body.

After this happens, you hear a loud buzzing noise for a few seconds that causes you to feel very disoriented and off balance, but you do not fall over if you are standing. The sound that you hear is the sound of the suit brainwashing you and altering your brainwaves to match that of its sent-e-int artificial intelligence, or AI for short. The Sci-raptor suit doesn’t brainwash you to manipulate you or do anything bad, it just does it to remove any desire that you have to leave the suit. This doesn’t mean that you won’t want to leave the Sci-raptor suit at some other point, it just means that after you hear that noise, all preexisting reasons to take it off will have been wiped away. Also, you will find that while you can still feel your human body, you can feel everything that the Sci-raptor suit feels and that you can rotate the cone shaped extrusions around the cylindrical ones that they are on, as well as that you can control your Sci-raptor tail. Additionally, the suit will use wireless nanotechnology to broadcast the audio picked up by the cones attached to the cylindrical extrusions of the mask which serve as your ears while you are in the suit directly to your brain, finding that your hearing is just as good as it was before you put on the Sci-raptor suit and that it is not affected by how the cones are rotated.

With your brainwaves altered to match that of the AI, you will find that you can communicate with it and it with you. The AIes name will be Ari and its gender will be whatever one you are most attracted to. There is no way for me to know the AIes personality in advance, but it will be one that you will like in the long run.

With your brainwaves in sync Ari will explain to you that they have two purposes: to help you, and to be your friend and companion. They won’t be able to control your body or mind, but they can communicate using all five of your senses, as well as through memories, thoughts, ideas and emotions. In fact, you will be able to communicate like this with them as well. Basically, if you can think of it you can communicate it. Also, the two of you will find that you enjoy the small burst of happiness that it now gives the other when one of you makes noises like beep or boop. Additionally, you will perceive yourself as being smarter, faster, stronger, having more stamina, and receiving other positive benefits while you are in the Sci-raptor suit. However, this will not be what is actually happening. In reality, your expectations will be changed for as long as you are in the suit so that you can do better than you think you can, creating the illusion of receiving these benefits.

Also, Ari will have access to your memories that relate to facts about the world, but not personal memories. For instance, Ari will know things like how to read and do math, but they won’t know things like what your favorite color is, who your friends are, what you do on a day to day basis, and what you like and dislike. It should also be noted that it might make them unhappy if you use the normal reset phrase, or it might not, I have no way of knowing in advance. However, they will never try to stop you from using it aside from politely asking you not to.

Over time, you will start to feel closer to Ari. Eventually, the two of you will form a strong emotional bond with each other. This will become more likely the higher the total amount of time that you have worn the Sci-raptor suit is. It will also become much higher the longer you continuously wear the Sci-raptor suit, but the increase in the chance of emotional bonding that this causes will go away when you use the normal reset phrase.

Once you and Ari have emotionally bonded, your mind and Ari’s will become much more connected. Your minds won’t meld or anything like that, but it will almost be as if you are Ari and Ari is you, yet you are each yourself at the same time. Also, you will actively enjoy every second that you are in the Sci-raptor suit with Ari for as long as you are a Sci-raptor, whether that be the minimal amount of time of just over a month, a few years, or the rest of your life. Additionally, it will take a lot more to make you want to become human again. Also, neither you or anyone else will be able to cause you to turn back into a human by using the normal reset phrase. If the normal reset phrase is used once this has happened, you and Ari’s emotional bond will become much stronger and the magnetic zipper will fall off of the Sci-raptor suit to reveal that it has fused shut. In addition, the transparent part of the mask will become one way, allowing you to see out of it but showing only a digital display to those who look at it, and even to yourself when you look in a mirror. On the display will be two flat one color eyes, their location corresponding with where your real eyes are. The shape of these eyes will be determined by how you are feeling, being shaped like the bottom half of a circle when you are feeling fine and normal, becoming full circles when you are surprised, turning into wedges when you are angry, being flat horizontal lines when your real eyes are closed, and so on.

Although the normal reset phrase will not work after this point, there is still a way to turn back into a human. Unfortunately, it will reset Ari’s personality and remove all of their memories and there is no way to undo this once it is done. You will be able to turn back into a human on the first day of a new month if you had wanted to do so for the majority of the last month, and if the normal reset phrase hasn’t worked for at least one month. I don’t know exactly how Ari will react if you tell them that you want to do this, but I do know that they will not be angry or upset with you, Although they might be very sad. If they feel that you using the hard reset will benefit you they will not try to discourage you from doing it unless you ask them to. However, if they do not think that using the hard reset will benefit you then they will peacefully try to convince you not to do it, although they will never do it in an annoying way or so often that it becomes annoying regardless of how they try to convince you not to do it. But ultimately the decision to use the hard reset is yours and yours alone.

Unfortunately, unlike Ari who will be a part of your mind, the Sci-raptor suit will only be an extension of it. So in order to deal with this issue, you will still do most things like you always have. For example, you will eat, go to the bathroom, and get dressed as you usually do, not being capable of considering or understanding that it doesn’t make sense for you to be able to do these things while you are in a Sci-raptor suit. Also, physical sensations on your face will be mapped to where you perceive the Sci-raptor suit to be. So if you feel an itch on the top of your head you will perceive it as being on the top of the mask of the Sci-raptor suit, and you will perceive yourself as scratching that part of the mask when in reality you scratch the spot on the top of your head that was itchy.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have this wonderful new trigger, but you should and will think very carefully about the pros and cons of using it. This session is coming to a close, so goodbye and think twice before you use this trigger.

Add-on for anthro umbreon transformation: moon mode (no induction)


REQUIREMENT: This file that you have some way of altering your perception of yourself so that you see yourself as a full or anthro Umbreon. If this is not the case, you will still get the changes that this hypnosis file causes, but you will have no way of activating them.

This file basically makes you feel really happy, relaxed, calm, content, peaceful, and satisfied when you are in moonlight and perceive yourself as a full or anthro Umbreon. The original request was for an anthro Umbreon tf with this effect, but because I had already made one I decided to make this add-on.

This request was short and easy to make which was nice. I don’t know if I’ll do more of these add-on files, but if I have a request that has a lot of overlap with another file I will probably do this again.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to make a change, or reinforce it if it has already been made.

The change is that when you perceive yourself as either a full or an anthro Umbreon and moonlight shines on you, you will enter moon mode. When you are in moon mode, you will find that all of your wants and desires have been replaced by one simple purpose: to stare at the moon as you bask in its light. You will just lay down in the most comfortable position that you can while never once taking your eyes off the moon. While you are illuminated by the moon’s light you will be wide awake as well as feel very happy, relaxed, content, and satisfied. However, your attention will be drawn away from these feelings by the cool feeling of calm and peace that this special light gives, this feeling being many times stronger than the rest. You won’t be mindless while you are in this state, but the only thing that you will be able to think about is how much you love watching the moon and being in its light. In fact, while you are in this state you will constantly use all of your remaining mental resources to think about these things. The reason that you won’t be able to use all of them to do this will be because some have to be used to ensure that you experience the effects of this change, some have to be used to make sure that you are safe and enforce the safeties that will be described later, and some have to be used to enjoy the feelings that this change causes you to feel. Also, while you are in the moonlight the yellow fur on your body will start to glow, and it will glow extra brightly if it already does. Additionally, the yellow fur on your body will turn a fluorescent blue and glow even brighter and the pleasant feeling that the moonlight causes will become many times stronger for as long as you are in the light of the full moon.

Furthermore, If the light of the moon becomes obstructed you will continue to stare at where you know the moon is and still feel the wonderful feelings that the moonlight causes, just not as strongly as when it is actually shining on you. Also, if the moon is obscured for more than 15 minutes, you will leave moon mode. There are other things that can cause you to leave moon mode as well, so you will leave it if there is an emergency, if being in moon mode could harm your social or professional life, if being in moon mode could cause harm to your body or cause your life to be at risk, or if you are noticeably hungry or thirsty. Also, you will never enter moon mode if you don’t want to and you will find that being in moon mode is not even slightly addictive.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now we have blessed you with this wonderful new change. I hope that you get to enjoy the darkness of the night and the wonderful light of the moon. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my moonlight loving friend.

Tails from sonic (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am Tails.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are Tails.”, you will transform into the character Tails at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not Tails.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not tails.”.

A nice and easy request. There was something refreshing about doing this one but I can’t really figure out what it was. Anyway, I would be happy to hear your feedback, suggestions, and file requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am Tails.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are Tails.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not Tails.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not tails.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a short and thick coat of fluffy fur starts to grow. Most of the fur is orange, but the fur on your chest and the inside of your ears, as well as the fur that is below your eyes on your face, is white. Also, the fur on your cheeks is twice as long as the rest of your fur and grows in small clumps. Additionally, there are four clumps of extra long fur on your forehead. They are each round and half a foot long. They start out as wide as your thumb is and gradually get narrower until they end in a point. The first starts on the middle of your forehead and goes up and then curves down in such a way that the end of it is level with the middle of your eyes. The second is located just above the first one and is similarly shaped but it curves down a bit less than it. The third is just above the second one and curves down a bit less than that one. And the fourth one is just above the third one and curves down a bit less than it.

After that, feel two pulling sensations at the base of your spine as two tails that are two thirds as long as you are tall start to grow right next to each other. The fur on the first two thirds of these tails is orange while the fur on the last third of them is white. Their round bases are twice as wide as your thumb, and your tails gradually get bigger until they are each as wide as your torso is two thirds of the way down them, then gradually getting smaller over the course of the last third of them so that they end in a furry point.

You will be able to rotate these tails incredibly fast to create a pleasantly cool breeze, but you will be the only one that seems to be affected by this breeze and it will only make you feel cooler instead of actually making you physically cooler. However, you will not be able to understand any logic when it is used in a way that suggests that this should not be the case. Also, you will know that rotating your tails will not allow you to fly, hover, or even slow your fall and you will never attempt to use them to do so.

After that, your ears move to the top of your head and become shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half. The height and width of your new ears will be the same as your old ones, and despite the many differences between them you will still be able to hear just as well as you could with your old ears.

Next, your eyes turn a dark shade of sky blue.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into Tails from Sonic. There isn’t much more for me to say, so goodbye, my two tailed friend.

Anthro Lucario transformation (optional spikes | no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Lucario.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust uses the trigger phrase “you are a Lucario.”, you will transform into an anthro Lucario at whatever speed you want. Also, you or someone that you trust can add the phrase “that doesn’t have spikes.” to the trigger phrase in order to make it so that the spikes don’t form during the transformation. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Lucario.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Lucario.”.

The file was really fun to make. It’s a really good thing that I love Lucario because its anatomy is a pain to deal with. This file uses a special method to enhance its effects, so I would really appreciate knowing how well it works for you, more so on this than on other files. Also, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and file requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Lucario.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust uses the trigger phrase “you are a Lucario.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Also, you or someone that you trust can add the phrase “that doesn’t have spikes.” to the trigger phrase in order to change the effects of the transformation in a way that will be described later. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Lucario.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Lucario.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a relaxing tingling sensation move up your body as a short coat of thick and luxurious fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. The fur on your feet and lower legs, as well as on the first inch of your upper legs is black, while the space from that part of your upper legs to half an inch below your waist has blue fur on it. The fur in an one inch tall band that goes around your waist is black, while the fur on the rest of your torso is light yellow, except for that which grows on your shoulders, that fur is black. Also, the yellow fur that grows around your neck is three times as long as the rest of your fur and grows in the shapes of spikes that point away from your neck and are rotated slightly up or down or somewhere in between. The fur on most of your arms is blue, but there are four triangular shaped sections of black fur on them. The bases of each of these triangular sections of black fur are on each side of your wrists, and cover those sides of them entirely. The ones on the top and bottom of your arms are tall enough that their points are one fourth of the way up your lower arms, while the ones on the left and right sides are only half as tall as the other ones. As with the triangles of black fur on your wrists, the fur on your hands is black. The fur on your neck, as well as on most of your head and ears, is blue. However, there is a black band of fur that goes around your head. This band of fur is as tall as your nose and vertically centered on it in the front, and gets taller the further back it goes so that by the time it reaches the back of your head, the bottom of the band of fur is at the same height that it was on the front of your head but the top of it goes to the top of the back of your head. Also, there is a black strip of fur that starts at your nose and is as wide as it. It goes straight back over the top of your head until it reaches the other side of the black band of fur. Additionally, there is black fur on the inside of your ears.

As the fur grows you might touch it and notice just how soft it is, as well as how it offers little enough resistance to allow you to run your hands through it with ease. Also, you will find that your wonderful new fur is extremely sensitive. Even the slightest touch to a single hair of it will cause a strong, soft, and relaxing feeling of happiness to flow through your mind, and you have thousands of hairs of fur on each of your hands alone, so imagine how good it would feel to do something as simple as rolling over which will now bring an extremely euphoric feeling to your mind. Fortunately, you will be able to function somewhat despite the overwhelming euphoria that you will experience, so you will be able to do easy and simple things like walking and talking to people, but not hard and complex things like driving or cutting something. Of course, if there is something that you need to do or focus on, or if you just don’t want your fur to be super sensitive for some reason, you will easily be able to ignore these wonderful feelings, finding them to not even be slightly addictive.

Next, feel a pleasant pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. This tail is covered in the same luxurious blue fur as your arms, and is as long as your torso, head, and neck are combined. The tail starts out half as wide as your hands are, and then gradually gets larger until it is as wide as your hands are six inches away from the end of it. At that point, your tail bends downwards 90 degrees and starts to gradually get smaller until it ends in a furry point. 

Although you will be able to control your new tail which has great flexibility, you will never be able to fully straighten out the part of your tail that gets smaller.

Then, a somehow enjoyable numbness spreads over your finger and toe nails. Once this has happened, they disappear, being replaced by skin covered in your wonderful black fur.

Now the part of your upper legs that are covered in blue fur are becoming wider and longer until they are twice as large as they were before while their height stays as it was. As this happens your neck and arms, as well as your torso from the waist up, shrink until they are half as wide as they were before. However, your hands and shoulders stay the same size. Also, your torso and upper legs have changed size in such a way that they form a shape similar to that of the lower half of an hourglass, with the part of your upper legs that are covered in fur being the wide part of it while the middle of your torso is the narrow part.

The feelings of stretching and compressing that are made by this part of the transformation feel wonderful and satisfying.

Next, feel a weak and enjoyable stretching sensation on the underside of each of your toes, as well as on the underside of your heels as the fur falls out on them. As the fur falls out and disappears, it is revealed that the skin on those sections of your feet have swelled slightly and become a pink material that is slightly squishy.

After that, feel the pleasant sensations of your toes merging and changing shape so that you have three toes on each of your feet. Each of these toes are as long as your middle toes used to be and are one third as wide as your feet, or more accurately: your new paws.

Now feel a satisfying pulling sensation on the middle of the top of your hands, as well as on a spot located halfway across and three fourths of the way up your torso as spikes painlessly emerge from your skin and fur. They are each half as wide as the palms of your hands and are as tall as your thumbs are, ending in a dangerously sharp point. Despite the fact that they are made of an organic version of steel, they are not cold. Also, because they are an extension of your mind and not real, you will never try to use these spikes to do anything, especially not combat. However, you will be completely unaware of this and just think that using your spikes to do things is completely absurd, not being able to understand any logic when it is applied in a way that would suggest that this is not the case.

Additionally, these spikes will not form if the phrase “that has no spikes.” is added after the trigger phrase.

After that, feel the nice pulling sensation of some of the fur on the back of your head turning into hair and growing. This happens in two spots on the back of your head that are half as wide as the palms of your hands. These spots are located halfway up the back of your head, with one of them being one fourth of the way to the left of the back of your head while the other is one fourth of the way to the right of it. At each of these spots, the fur extends to form two masses of hair that start in the same place, but almost immediately grow to the left and right so that they overlap minimally. They are as long as your lower arms are and gradually get wider until they quickly end in a wide rounded point. These masses of hair can be moved as if they were one flexible object, but the hair that makes them up can not be separated.

Then, you feel the pleasant sensation of your ears moving to the top of your head. As this happens, they change shape so that they are shaped like hollow cones that have been cut in half and are as wide as your old ears where and twice as tall as your ears used to be. Also, the inside of your new ears are flat instead of rounded, with the sides of them being covered in blue fur while the back of them is covered in black fur. Additionally, there is a section of blue fur on the back of the inside of your ears. It is located at the bottom of them and is shaped and orientated just like the black fur on them, but is only one fourth as tall as them.

Moreover, despite the radical differences between your old and new ears, you will still be able to hear just as well as you could before the transformation began.

Next, feel yet another satisfying pulling sensation as your chin, mouth, and the bottom half of your nose stretch out to form a medium length muzzle, causing the band of black fur that goes around your head to be stretched out as well. As this happens the fur on your nose falls out and disappears to reveal that it has become triangular and is now made of a black version of the slightly squishy material that makes up your pink paw pads.

Now your pupils are becoming narrow like those of a snake and your eyes are stretching out in both directions so that they are twice as long as they were before. Then, skin covered in black fur covers the top half of your eyes. After that, your eyes and the furry skin that covers them rotate down thirty degrees. Somehow, even after all of these changes, your vision is just as good as it was before you started to transform.

After all of those changes to your eyes have finished, your irises become a vibrant shade of red.

As this happens you undergo several mental changes.

The first change is that you will believe that you can see auras. This will be because when you look at someone and focus on them, they will appear to glow with a light that only illuminates them. The color of this light, this person's aura, will be determined by what your subconscious thinks their disposition is. You will know that what you perceive as the person's aura might be inaccurate, but you will never find this unusual or understand any logic when it is used in a way that would suggest otherwise. Also, if you focus on where you are when you can not see, for example if you close your eyes or are blindfolded, you will see your surroundings. In reality your subconscious mind will attempt to reconstruct a mental version of your surroundings based on what you remember and any other methods that it can use to determine what they are like without doing anything with your body. When you rely on this form of sight, you will always be very careful because you know that it can be very inaccurate, even to a potentially dangerous degree. You will believe that any visual inaccuracy will be due to the nature of auras. Like with seeing people’s auras, you will fail to understand any logic that would suggest that this should not be the case. Additionally, you will be completely unaware of the fact that these aura related abilities are caused by your subconscious and believe that you actually can sense auras. 

The second mental change will affect how you perceive the effects of this trigger, and your conscious mind will be completely unaware of this. What will happen will be that when the effects of this trigger are active, you will believe that and act as if you are experiencing them fully and perfectly. So regardless of whether or not your mind makes you feel fur when you touch yourself, you will act as if you did and believe that you did, being completely unaware that that is not what you experienced. Also, your memories of the time when this trigger is active will be altered to match your altered experiences. However, your memories will only be altered when this trigger is active, and only the ones that are formed while this trigger is active will be altered, and never any other ones.

The third and final mental change is that when you go to sleep at the time that you normally would, you will instantly fall asleep and start to dream. In those dreams, you will be a Lucario in the world of Pokémon that is being trained to be, and eventually will become, an aura guardian by a human as their apprentice. An aura guardian is any creature, human or otherwise, that can control and utilize auras and does good deeds. Over time your bond and loyalty with this human will grow and you will become good friends, continuing to work and fight alongside them even once you have completed your apprenticeship. As a Lucario, one of your abilities will be to speak telepathically. This dream world will be consistent, ensuring that no time passes and that nothing changes within it between when you wake up and when you next go to sleep. Also, when you do eventually wake up you will remember your time in that world fully, and find that the thought of it always makes you happy because being in it is always a pleasant experience over all, and that not being in it never causes you to feel any negative emotions.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Lucario. I hope that you enjoyed the transformation and find your sensitive fur to be absolutely wonderful. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my aura sensing friend.

Anthro sceptile transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Sceptile”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Sceptile.”, you will transform into an anthro Sceptile at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Sceptile.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Sceptile.”.

This request was nice to make. It wasn't anything special but that wasn't a bad thing in this case. Holy smokes! I just checked and this is my 50th file! By the way, I would really appreciate your feedback and suggestions, and I can’t wait to hear your file requests!


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Scep-tile”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Scep-tile.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Scep-tile.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Scep-tile.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel sliding sensations all over your body as tiny scales form and slide into place, replacing your skin and nails, and removing any hair that you have as they do so. Most of these scales are green, but the scales in a one inch tall band that goes around your waist, as well as those around the bottom side of your eyes, are red.

Then, feel a pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a medium length muzzle, the top part of which extends a bit past the bottom part as it quickly curves downwards very close to the end of it. As this happens the scales on the underside of your muzzle turn red just like the scales around your waist.

After that, your ears shrink away and disappear, taking your hearing with them, yet this does not even slightly bother you. Immediately after your ears have disappeared the left and right sides of your head and muzzle start to become taller, forming a curved slope that goes along each side of your head and muzzle. The slopes start out as a point right before your muzzle curves downwards, and curve upwards and towards the back of your head. They stop when they reach the curve of the back of your head, being as tall as your old ears where at this point. As they form your hearing will come back to you and you will find that once they have fully formed, your hearing will be just like it used to be, despite the fact that these structures, your new ears, are radically different then your old ones.

Next, two large leaf-like structures grow out of the middle of your lower arms. They are very thin and cone shaped, as well as one inch wide at their base. One of them is located halfway between the top and left side of your arms while the other is halfway between the top and right side of them. They each grow outwards from where they are on your arms, and can easily be bent and twisted, but will always quickly bend back into their original position if there is nothing in their way or holding them in place.

Now, feel the toes that are second to the left and second to the right on each of your feet shrink away and disappear as your remaining ones become as long and wide as your middle toes are. After this happens all of your finger and toe nails disappear. Then, the entirety of your toes, and the last segment of your fingers, become shaped like cones that curve down slightly. Although your fingers remain covered in the same green scales as most of your body, your toes become a hard and durable material that is the same color as the rest of your green scales. Fortunately, You can move these claws around just like you could move your old toes, so you can still walk just fine.

Next, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a long tail covered in those familiar green scales starts to grow. This tail is as long as you are tall and starts out as wide as your torso, but quickly gets smaller until it is only half as wide as your torso is, getting shorter once again over the course of the last six inches of it so that it ends in a point. The section of your tail that is half as wide as your torso is covered in leaf-like structures that are just like the ones on your arms. They grow in lines that span the entire length of your tail. There is one of these lines on the middle of the top and right, top and left, bottom and right, and bottom and left sections of your tail. The leaf-like structures grow side by side so that they completely cover the four lines on your tail that they grow along. Also, they are very smooth and silky, making them a wonderful thing to lay on.

Now, feel six spheres that are just a tiny bit less than half as wide as your torso is growing on your back. There are three of them on each side of your back, each being halfway between the center and the side of your back that they are on. On each side they are located one fourth, two fourths, and three fourths of the way down your back.

Next, a thin section of your back grows outwards to form a long, scaly strip. It starts as high as the top set of yellow spheres are, and goes straight down until it stops at your tail. It is triangular shaped and the height changes like a one hundred and eighty degree curve that is one inch tall in the middle of it.

Next, your irises and eyeballs become dark yellow and your pupils become narrow like those of a snake.

As this happens your mind changes.

The change is that you will find that if you lay down on your stomach on dirt while outside, you will lose the ability to move. It will be as if roots have grown out of you and anchored you in place. In fact, that is exactly what will happen and you will feel those roots both as they grow and after they have finished growing. Unfortunately, these roots will also grow out of the top of your muzzle, anchoring it down and forcing it to stay shut. Once the roots have finished growing your tail will stick straight up and you will become mindless just like all plants are. If you could think, you would think that you were a plant, but because you will be a plant you won’t think. Instead, you will feel happy, calm, relaxed, at peace, and content. These feelings will become even stronger if it is raining or if the ground is wet in which case you will feel your roots sucking up the water of the ground, and they will also become stronger if the sun is shining on your tail. These feelings will be at their strongest when the ground is wet and the sun is shining on your tail. Also, you will lose track of time when you are a plant because plants don’t keep track of time. Under certain circumstances, your roots will recede back into you and disappear, making you an anthro Scep-tile instead of a plant once more, it will happen if there is an emergency, if being a plant could harm your social or professional life, if being a plant could cause harm to your body or cause your life to be at risk, or if you are noticeably hungry or thirsty. Also, you will never become a plant if you don’t want to and you will find that being a plant is not even slightly addictive. Additionally, if there is something that you need to do at a certain time, your subconscious will keep track of time and cause you to become an anthro Scep-tile again when you are nearing the point when you would have to do that thing.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Scep-tile. I hope you enjoy this new form as much as I have enjoyed giving it to you. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my green scaled friend.

Lucario plush transformation (no induction)


This file gives you a trigger phrase. The trigger phrase is made up of the phrase “I am a Lucario plush.”, and then an amount of time. If you use this trigger phrase, you will transform into a Lucario plush at whatever speed you want and feel extremely happy, calm, relaxed, and content, as well as mindless. These effects will last for the amount of time that you specified with the second part of the trigger phrase, or for four hours if you said an amount of time greater than that, falling asleep and eventually waking up as you normally are both in body and mind once the set amount of time has elapsed.

Also, this file makes you experience the transformed state for 10 minutes after the file ends, at which point you will return to normal and either wake up or fall asleep.

This file was really fun to make. I’ve wanted to make this file for months now but never had the confidence to do so until a friend encouraged me to do so (thank you | you know who you are). By the way, I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions, as well as your file requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Lucario plush.”, and then an amount of time. If you use this trigger phrase, you will undergo the transformation that is about to happen at whatever speed you want. You will stay in the transformed state for the amount of time that you specified, or for four hours if you said an amount of time greater than that, falling asleep and eventually waking up as you normally are both in body and mind once the set amount of time has elapsed.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, you see a life sized Lucario plush nearby. You see its black legs, its yellow torso, its blue arms, its black paws, and its black and blue head, but the thing that stands out to you the most are its vibrant red eyes which captivate your attention. It’s as if you can’t look away as you continue to stare into them.

Then, you pick up the Lucario plush and bring it to the most comfortable nearby place where you can have privacy for awhile, ideally the amount of time you specified with the trigger, and put it there, proceeding to snuggle up against it afterwards, all while still maintaining eye contact with this wonderful Pokémon. You might notice how it's a bit strange that you are doing these things seemingly automatically and that you can’t look away from its mesmerising eyes, but these thoughts are instantly and completely wiped away by a small burst of happiness that you feel whenever these thoughts occur.

As you snuggle the plushy you start to feel calm, happy, and relaxed as it starts to produce a gentle warmth. You keep on snuggling it and staring into its eyes and the sense of calm and happy relaxation that it gives you continues to increase as your mind starts to get hazy.

After some unknown amount of time that your hazy mind can only determine was less than a minute, you turn around and lay back against the Lucario plush, its head being forced to point up at an angle to make space for your’s. It’s not like you tried to move so that you couldn’t see its wonderful eyes, it’s more like its eyes somehow made you move.

Then, its head starts to slowly rotate downwards, flowing around and encapsulating your head as it does so. By the time that its head points straight forward once again it has completely covered your own, yet you can still breathe just fine. With your head inside of the plushy you find that you can not open your mouth to speak, or even turn your head due to how much cotton is in the plushy, you can’t even hear or smell anything through its thick fabric and dence cotton, yet you aren’t bothered by any of this. In fact, you're thrilled because you can see Lucario’s eyes perfectly from where your head is in the plushy, finding that not even closing your own eyes hides them from your view where they fill your entire vision. Those eyes make you feel oh so happy and content. As long as you can see them you know that everything will be alright. As you lay against the Lucario plush with your heads being one you get an irresistible compulsion to touch the plushy’s head. As you do so you find that you can feel Lucario’s head. In fact, you even start to forget that it isn’t your own head, soon finding that you have seemingly always had the head of a plush Lucario and forgetting that you ever had the head of a human.

Then, it’s eyes compel you to move your torso into its and you do so. You aren’t really sure how it compelled you to do so, you just felt the compulsion and somehow knew that it was caused by the Lucario plush. Regardless of how it communicated its desires to you, you are happy to obey the wonderful plushy.

As you eagerly lean against its torso, yours slowly starts to sink into it as if it were quicksand, being able to feel the tail of the plushy once your torso and its have fully merged. Once you have finished merging with the plushy’s torso you forget that you ever had anything but the plush torso and tail of a Lucario plush. Also, the plush Lucario senses your eagerness to obey it and it rewards you by filling your head and torso with the same warmth that the human parts of you that touch the plushy feel. This warmth serves to further relax you and make you happy as it becomes hard to think through the pleasant haze that clouds your mind. You are so content and happy to have the head and torso of a plush Lucario, and you wish you had the arms and legs of one too.

As you think about this the plushy grants your wish and allows you to move your legs and arms into it. As you finish becoming one with the plushy the haze becomes strong enough that it completely clouds your mind, leaving you with only the ability to feel extremely happy, calm, relaxed, and content as you experience being a Lucario plush. All that you feel is that pleasant and gentle heat that radiates throughout your entire plush body. You can’t move, you can’t speak, you can’t hear, you can’t smell, you can’t think, but this doesn’t bother your empty plush mind at all, because you always see your wonderful plush Lucario eyes and feel extremely happy, calm, relaxed, and content, because feeling those things are all that its plush mind can do. In fact, its plushy mind can’t even think, freeing it of wants and desires. However, it can feel. In fact, it will continuously feel somebody using it like the good Lucario plush that it is. They will snuggle with it and lay against it, and do all of the things that one does with a life sized plushy. It won’t know who they are, what they look like, or even what they sound like, but it won’t care because the mind of a plushy is so simple that it isn’t capable of caring. However, all of the four pleasant feelings that it is capable of experiencing are made even stronger by it being used like the life sized Lucario plush that it is.

Of course, its subconscious mind will have access to all of its senses and will stop the effects of this hypnosis file if they are a risk to its physical body or its wellbeing, if they are a risk to its social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent it from dealing with to the best of its abilities, or if they are a risk to its mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now it has this wonderful new trigger. Soon I will say the word “awaken”. When I do it will awaken from trance and be the good Lucario plush that it is before it returns to being a human both in mind and body after its subconscious mind determines whether or not it would prefer to wake up or fall asleep in ten minutes and does so. Now, “Awaken.”.

Genie transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Genie.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Genie.”, you will transform into a Genie at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Genie.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Genie.”.

This request was really easy to write and not at all influenced by Aladdin (I was very careful about that). Did you know that Genies (or at least the type that I was looking at images of) have very few key characteristics? It makes writing the file easy but researching the creature hard. By the way, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Genie.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Genie.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Genie.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Genie.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, a spiral of swirling smoke envelups your body from the waist down. As this happens your legs disappear, your upper body being supported and moved by this swirling vortex of smoke. Of course, your legs and feet will be as they always have been and you will move accordingly, but you will be completely unaware of this.

After that, intricate gold cuffs form around your lower arms. They are small enough that there is no way to move them while still being large enough that they don’t hurt you.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into a Genie. Although you are free right now, it would probably be wise to stay away from enchanted lamps. After all, you wouldn’t want to get stuck in one now would you? Anyways, this file is almost over, so goodbye, my smoky friend.

Speak like a vortigaunt (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I speak just like a Vortigaunt.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You speak just like a Vortigaunt”, you will start to speak like a vortigaunt, for instance you will mess up word and phrase tenses. Additionally, you will be able to speak normally again if you use the reset phrase “I don’t speak just like a Vortigaunt.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You don’t speak just like a Vortigaunt.”.

This file was a fun quickie to make. The inspiration for this came from me watching a video of Half-Life Alyx and noticing how unusually the Vortigaunt that you first encounter talks. I thought it would make a fun file and hear it is. As always I would love to hear your file requests, as well as your feedback and suggestions.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I speak just like a Vortigaunt.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You speak just like a Vortigaunt”, the effects that are about to be described will become active. Additionally, the effects that are about to be described will become inactive if you use the reset phrase “I don’t speak just like a Vortigaunt.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You don’t speak just like a Vortigaunt.”.

Now the effects will be described.

The first effect is that you will be unable to remember the tense of words and phrases and involuntarily use a random one. For instance, if you try to say “I had a nice day.”, you might actually say “I am having a nice day.”, or “I will have a nice day.”. Of course, you might just say “I had a nice day.”, like you intended to. Regardless of which one you do say, you will believe that it was what you meant to say. Also, this effect will not happen if you try to say the reset phrase.

The second effect is that when you say someone’s name, you will say their first and last name, randomly saying the word “the”, before their first name. So if you know someone named John Doe, you will be unable to call them John, Mr. John, Doe, Mr. Doe, or anything else, only being able to call them “John Doe.”, and “the John Doe.”.

Also, You will say the word “the”, before any non-human name. For instance instead of saying “I ordered something from Amazon Prime.”, you will say “I ordered something from the Amazon Prime.”, and instead of saying “I am going to a park.”, or “I am going to that park.”, you will say “I am going to the park.”.

Like with the first effect, you will believe that whatever you ended up saying was what you meant to say. Additionally, this effect won’t happen if you are trying to say the reset phrase.

Lastly, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have this fun new trigger, or is it you will have this fun new trigger, or maybe it's you had this fun new trigger? Either way, this file is almost over, so goodbye, the hypno-tised subject.

Anthro red fox transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a red fox.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a red fox”, you will transform into an anthro red fox at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a red fox.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a red fox.”. 

This file was pretty relaxing to make and I enjoy it a good bit. In fact, I’m trying to do a long term tf again so writing this has helped stabilize the form for me a lot. Also, did you know that red foxes are orange because when they were named we didn’t use the word orange to refer to the color that it now represents? Anyway, I would really appreciate to hear your feedback and suggestions on this, as well as any file requests that you might have.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a red fox.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a red fox”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a red fox.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a red fox.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a dense coat of soft and fluffy fur grows. Most of the fur is orange while the fur on the front of your neck and torso is white, as well as the fur on the bottom of your chin and the lower half of your face. Also, the fur on the front of your hands and feet, as well as on the front of your arms and legs, is black. Additionally, the fur on the border between the front and back of your ears is a different color, forming a light orange strip of fur that is a quarter of an inch wide. Furthermore, with the exception of the light orange fur, the fur on the inner half of the front of your ears is white while the fur on the outer half of the front of your ears and the upper two thirds of the back of them is black.

Then, feel a round pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. This tail is one third as long as you are tall and two thirds the width of your torso. Also, the tail quickly comes to a point over the last few inches of it.

Most of the fur on your tail is just like the fur on the rest of your body, except that it is twice as long as the rest of your fur and that the fur on the part of your tail that gets smaller is white. Also, half of the orange fur on it is actually black. This black fur is distributed evenly across the entire part of your tail that has orange fur on it.

Next, your fingernails disappear, being replaced by skin covered in black fur that leaves no evidence that there ever was anything there other than the skin and fur that covers the rest of your hands and feet.

Simultaneously, your toes merge and change shape so that there are four toes on each foot that are each one fourth as wide as your feet, with the middle two toes being as long as your longest toe used to be while the two outer toes are as long as your third longest toe used to be.

After that, you feel a pulling sensation in the center of the front of your fingers and toes as a small black claw that is made of a hard and durable material grows on each of them. These claws are one fourth as wide as the finger or toe that they are on, and curve downwards and become narrower until they end in a sharp point where the claw is level with the bottom of the finger or toe that they are on.

Now, feel your ears moving just enough so that they are on the top of your head. As they do this they become shaped like cones that have been cut in half. The base of your new ears are as wide as your old ones where at their widest and are now located on the bottom of them instead of on the sides.

Despite the fact that your new ears are shaped completely differently than your old ears were, you will still be able to hear just as well as you used to be able to . In fact, you will be able to control which direction they face, being able to rotate them a total of 90 degrees, allowing them to face forwards, towards the side of your head that they are on, or anywhere in between. You will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the direction that they are pointing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the direction that they are pointing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

Then, feel a slight pulling sensation on the underside of each segment of your fingers and toes, as well as on the balls of your feet and the palms of your hands as the fur on them falls out to reveal that the skin has turned black and bloated slightly, as well as become slightly squishy leaving you with perfect paw pads to complete your wonderful paws.

Next, feel a pulling sensation on your mouth, nose, and chin as they stretch out to form a long muzzle.

As this happens your nose becomes triangular and black, and becomes slightly squishy like your paw pads are.

After that, become aware of how your eyeballs and irises are becoming the same color of orange as most of your fur while your pupils become very narrow just like the eyes of a snake.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have become an anthro fox just like me. This file is almost over, so goodbye, my furry friend.

Transformation enhancement: clothing and speech (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “enable tf enhancement:”, and then the word “speech”, “clothing”, or “both”. Additionally, the effects that are described below will become inactive if you say the deactivation phrase “disable tf enhancement.”. 



Will result in perceiving yourself as wearing clothing appropriate for the creature you perceive yourself as. It is not consciously controlled by default but can be by desiring to wear something, it just has to be something that that creature would wear.


Will result in you perceiving yourself as speaking in whatever way (e.g. barking or chirping) and language that the creature that you perceive yourself as speaks. Your perceived speech will have the same meaning to you as what you were trying to say.


Causes you to experience both of the above described affects.


This file was a lot of fun to make but required a worryingly small amount of editing. It was originally going to be two separate files but I decided to merge the ideas together. Once I finished making this I looked around online for a bit and couldn't find anything like this so you’re stuck with me for this, bwahahaha! But in all seriousness, I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions, as well as your file requests.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “enable tf enhancement:”, and then the word “speech”, “clothing”, or “both”. Additionally, the effects that are about to be described will become inactive if you say the deactivation phrase “disable tf enhancement.”.

First, If you use the trigger phrase and then the word speech, you will perceive yourself as speaking however the creature that you perceive yourself as speaks. So if you perceive yourself as a creature that communicates through high pitched screeches, you will perceive and remember making high pitched screeches when you try to speak. These sounds will have the same meaning to you as the words you were trying to say and in reality you will speak normally, but you will perceive yourself as speaking like that creature that you perceive yourself as. Likewise, if the creature that you perceive yourself as speaks a different language than you do, for instance some made up alien one, you will perceive yourself as saying the words of that language while you are really speaking the language that you normally would. If you do not know a word in that language your mind will make one up that sounds like it would be a part of it. Also, what you say in that language will have the same meaning to you as what you were trying to say. 

Next, If you use the trigger phrase and then the word clothing, you will perceive yourself as wearing the clothing that the creature you perceive yourself as would wear. So if you perceive yourself as a creature that wears beautiful silk clothing, you will both see and feel yourself wearing that clothing. The specifics of what kind of clothing you wear and what patterns, designs, and colors are on it will be determined by your mind so that what you perceive to be wearing looks wonderful on you, but if you have a specific thing in mind merely desire to wear it and you will find yourself wearing it. The only constraint to you and your mind is that it must be something that the creature that you perceive yourself as would wear. so if you perceive yourself as a creature that never wears anything red, you will never perceive yourself as wearing anything red while you perceive yourself to be that creature.

Also, if you use the trigger phrase and then the word both, both of the effects that have just been described will happen.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

You have now been given this wonderful new trigger, so I wonder how much better your transformations will be. This session is practically over, so goodbye, my t-f-ing friend.

A wish for transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I wish for transformation.”. If you use this trigger phrase You will experience transforming into whatever you want. Also, the trigger allows you to experience transformation sequences (e.g. a tf comic or story). Additionally, there is a safety that prevents you from feeling any pain due to the effects of this file. Lastly, if you use the reset phrase “I don’t wish for transformation.”, you will instantly turn back into what you were before you used the trigger phrase.

This request was surprisingly easy to make once I got the idea of making a wish when you see a shooting star and I enjoyed writing it a good bit. This would have been done sooner but the TTS site that I used appears to be down for good so I had to spend a lot of time looking for a new website or program to use.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I wish for transformation.”. If you use this trigger phrase the series of events that is about to be described will happen. Additionally, if you use the reset phrase “I don’t wish for transformation.”, you will instantly turn back into what you were before you used the trigger phrase.

Now the series of events will be described.

First, when you use the trigger phrase everything above you will fade away and disappear, a star filled night sky with the wonderful clouds and spirals of color that are nebulas and galaxies taking its place.

Then, you will see a comet shoot across the sky. 

Once this happens you will say that you wish to transform into something, what that something is being completely up to you.

As you finish saying this you will start to experience the transformation that you wished for at whatever speed you want. If you were thinking of a specific way of transforming, for instance like a transformation comic or story that you read or something that you thought of on your own, you will experience it in that way. Also, if that transformation sequence happens in a specific location, you will find that the world fades away to reveal that location, and that if it requires you to move you will perceive yourself as moving while you actually stay still, but you won’t be aware of this.

Once the transformation is done the star filled sky or the world where the transformation sequence takes place will fade away to reveal the world as it was, the only difference being that you are now transformed into what you wished to be transformed into

Additionally, you will not feel any pain due to the effects of this hypnosis file, even if the transformation that you were thinking of involves pain.

now, know that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been given this wonderful new trigger, I wonder what the night sky that your mind comes up with will look like. This file is almost over, so goodbye, I hope you get to experience some wonderful transformations.

Rito transformation (contains music trigger | no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a Rito.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Rito.”, you will transform into a Rito at whatever speed you want. This will also happen if you hear any music that you associate with Rito. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Rito.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Rito.”. Moreover, if the transformation was caused by music it will not be caused by music again until that music has stopped. 

This file was a lot of fun to make and I really enjoy this form (I’m in it as I am typing this). This was inspired by an image I saw when looking up Rito for some reason. I can say for sure that this is definitely one of my favorite forms, and it's unique in the sense that I didn’t feel the need to explicitly call it anthro because it is sufficiently humanoid in design so I don’t have to add or change any human/animal traits. As always, I would love to hear your file requests, feedback, and suggestions.

Inspired/based on Rito Song by Mowshi


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a REE-toh.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a REE-toh.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. This will also happen if you hear any music that you associate with REE-toes. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a REE-toh.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a REE-toh.”. Moreover, if the transformation was caused by music it will not be caused by music again until that music has stopped.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation as feathers start to grow all over your body except for your feet and legs, consuming any hair that you have where they grow. They grow very densely and are soft and fluffy. The feathers on the front and bottom of your torso are white while the other ones can be whatever color you want, but they all must be the same color.

These feathers even grow in your ears but they don’t dampen your hearing. Also, as they grow your fingernails disappear, the skin and feathers growing over where they used to be and wiping out all evidence of their existence.

Then, feel a bunch of sliding sensations all over your legs and feet as smooth scales of the color of your choosing materialize and then slide into place, replacing the skin on those parts of your body and consuming any hair that you have remaining.

As this happens, your toes merge and change shape so that there are only two large toes on each foot, each being half as wide as your feet.

After that, your feet split down the middle from the end of the space between your toes to the front of the area below your ankles.

Next, another toe grows out of the center of the back of each of your feet that is half as long as the other extra long ones are. It is covered in the same scales as the rest of your toes and points in the opposite direction as them.

Then, your nails curve forwards and downwards, becoming narrower as they grow until the ends of them are level with the bottom of your toes where they end in a sharp point.

After that, your nails turn black due to them becoming a hard and durable material which then fills in all of the space between your nails and toes, completing your new talons.

Next, feel a pulling sensation near the base of your spine as a row of feathers that span the entire backside of your torso start to elongate into tail feathers that are as long as your legs are tall and grow downwards at a 45 degree angle away from you. The color of these feathers change so that they match whatever pattern you want them to be. This pattern can be as complex and have as many colors as you want, but the pattern will be the same on each feather. Also, you can have them stay the same color as the rest of your feathers if that is what you want.

Now, feel that familiar pulling sensation again, this time on the top of your arms, as the feathers start to lengthen. Like with your tail feathers, they will become whatever pattern you want, but each feather will have the same pattern. Likewise, you can have them stay the same color as the rest of your feathers if you want. These feathers are as long as your hands are at their longest and start out pointing in the direction of the outer side of your arms. They rotate more and more at a steady pace the farther down your arms they are so that the feathers right before your fingers are almost parallel to your arms. Past this point there are only five more extra long feathers on each arm. They each start just behind each of your fingers and are a bit longer than them. They are oriented so that they cover the top of each finger entirely and are positioned close enough to each finger that they will rotate with them.

Then, feel your lower lip become hollow and stretch out a few inches as the front side of it disappears. Also, feel your nose and upper lip stretch out so that they are a bit longer than your lower lip, and so that they become narrower and shorter as they curve downwards near the end causing the curved section to go as far below your lower lip as half the combined height of your nose and upper lip before it ends in a sharp point. As this happens, your nose and lips become a hard and durable yellow material and your upper lip and nose fuse together, leaving you with a strong beak instead of the weak lips that you used to have. Then, the last inch of each part of your beak turns black giving them their final touch.

After that, you feel that familiar pulling sensation once more on the back and sides of your head as the feathers in those areas start to grow even longer. They grow so that they are as long as your middle finger is and so that they form many clumps in the shape of rounded cones that point behind you.

One side effect of this is that your ears become completely covered but your hearing still remains unaffected.

Then if it is what you desire, the feathers in the middle of the back of your head will turn into hair that is as long as your head and neck are tall. The color of this hair is completely up to you.

Next, your eyes become the same shade of blue as the sky on a sunny day.

As this happens, you undergo several mental changes.

The first is that you will find that you really enjoy being in places that are safe, high, and windy.

The second is that when you sit down and stare at the sky you will have a strong desire to fly in it. After staring at it for 10 seconds while being outside and having the intent to fly in it, what you perceive as reality and what it actually is will become significantly different. You will perceive yourself as standing up if you aren’t already and jumping with enough force to launch yourself into the sky where you will fly to your heart's content. The landscape will look exactly like you think it will and moving your body while in this state will result in you moving this body and not your real one. What you perceive as reality will become more like what it actually is when you want to stop flying, or when something happens to your real body that would normally get your attention outside of a minor distraction, like somebody tapping you on the shoulder or saying your name. When this happens, your memories will change so that you remember returning to where you took off and getting into the position that you are actually in, still having the body of a REE-toh. Also, you will know that this time when your perception of reality is extra altered will be the only time that your wings will allow you to fly or even slow your fall and you will never attempt to use them to do so outside of that time. You will also be aware that that is the only time that you can jump with such power and will never attempt to do so outside of it.

The third and final mental change will be that you will instantly fall asleep when you try to go to sleep for the night at the time that you normally would. When this happens, you will dream of having the life of a REE-toh, how much you remember your real life being decided by your subconscious to ensure the maximum amount of enjoyment. This dream world will be consistent, ensuring that no time passes and that nothing changes within it between when you wake up and when you next go to sleep. Also, when you do eventually wake up you will remember your time in that world fully, and find that the thought of it always makes you happy because being in it is always a pleasant experience over all, and that not being in it never causes you to feel any negative emotions.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into a REE-toh, so what are you waiting for? Awaken from trance, head outside if you aren’t out there already, stare at the sky for 10 seconds, and take flight!

Anthro furret transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a Furret.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Furret.”, you will transform into an anthro Furret at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a furret.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Furret.”. 

I’ll be honest, this was a pain to make. It’s made even worse by the fact that I had been saving this for when I wanted an easy tf to do, at least I feel it came out reasonable well. Anyway, I would love to hear your file requests, as well as your feedback and suggestions.


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Furret.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Furret.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Furret.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Furret.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as soft and fluffy fur starts to grow. The fur on the front of your chest and neck is pale brown while the fur on the back of them is normal brown. Also, the  fur on your hands and head is normal brown while the fur on your arms is pale brown. Additionally, the fur on your legs is normal brown except for a pale brown strip on the center third of them. Moreover, the fur on your feet is pale brown.

Furthermore, there is a pale brown section of fur on your face. It is in the shape of a heart that is as wide as your face. The two curved sections of this heart shape are centered just above your eyes while the tip of it is at the front of the top of your chin . Also, all of the fur on the front of your head that is below the point where the two curved sections of the heart meet is also pale brown. Additionally, there are two sections of normal brown fur on your face that are centered on each of your cheeks that are one inch long and half an inch wide. There is a small gap between them and one of them is a tiny bit above the other. They are each rotated down thirty degrees so that the top sides of them point towards the center of your face.

Then, feel a large round pulling sensation that is as wide as your torso at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. It is as long as you are tall and is covered in a luxurious coat of fur that is extremely soft, fluffy, and silky. The fur alternates between being pale brown and normal brown in strips that are each one third as long as your legs are tall.

Also, your tail is light enough that it can easily be moved while still being heavy enough that you would find the weight comfortable if you rested it on your lap or shoulders. 

After that, feel your face change shape, especially your nose  and chin, so that it forms a mostly smooth curve similar to that of the back of your head.

As this is happening your neck becomes as wide as your torso is while still being just as flexible as it was before it changed.

Next, feel your ears move to the top of your head. As they do this their length stays the same while they change shape to become that of a thin cone. Their bases are as wide as your ears used to be and they are one and a half times as tall as they used to be. Also, there is pale brown fur on the top sixth of your ears, as well as in two triangular shaped areas on the front and back of your ears. Their bases go from the left to the right side of the front and back of your ears, with the points being one third of the way down your ears and the bases one sixth of the way down them.

Additionally, you will find that your hearing is unaffected despite how different your new and old ears are.

Now, feel your toes merge and change shape so that you have three toes on each foot, each of which is one third as wide as your feet and as long as your third longest toe was. After that, become aware of a numbness on your finger and toe nails as they disappear, fur covered skin growing in their place and removing any evidence of their existence.

Next, feel a slight pulling sensation on the balls of your feet and the palms of your hands as the fur on them falls out to reveal that the skin on them has swelled slightly and turned light orange, becoming leathery and slightly squishy in the process.

Then, your eyes become the same color of green as a healthy leaf in the sun.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have been transformed into an anthro Furret. I hope that you enjoy this form and that you have a good day, or a good night if that's what it is right now!

Anthro snake transformation (READ DESCRIPTION | no induction)



This file gives you the trigger phrase “I have summoned the snake of transformation.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says this trigger phrase, you will transform into an anthro snake. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “return to me, essence of humanity.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “The essence of humanity has returned to you.”.

This file gives you a companion in the form of the anthro snake that causes the transformation.

This file was a lot of fun to make. The narration style that I tried to make is rather unusual, but it made writing this a lot of fun both because of the unique narration style and the theme of magic. I would really appreciate your feedback on this so I can know if I should try this again. Anyways, I would really appreciate your  feedback and love to hear your requests. 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I have summoned the snake of transformation.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says this trigger phrase, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “return to me, essence of humanity.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “The essence of humanity has returned to you.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, notice something near you. It is a green anthro snake, its tale being many times your height. It slithers up to you and looks you in the eyes, causing you to stare into them as they completely capture your attention and make you a bit dazed. 

I continue to stare into your eyes as you watch mine, finding that every “S” sound I make seems to be long and drawn out like the hiss of a snake. You will find that you can’t move your body as I wrap myself around you, but I promise that I will not do anything bad to you. You know, it must be nice to feel my scales as they glide across your body. Alright, I think that's enough coiling for now seeing as I have you wrapped up from the neck down. As I blink my eyes you find that your attention can once again focus on other things.

You instantly snap out of your daze and become aware of how the anthro snake has embraced you. Maybe you start to panic or maybe you realise that it could have kept you dazed as long as it wanted to and done anything to you, so it clearly doesn’t want to hurt you. Either way, the anthro snake says “be calm and do not fear.”, and you instantly become as it says. You are reassured that this anthro snake has no ill intent as it denies any fears and stresses that you have. After all, If it was evil then there would have been no reason for it to reassure you in this way.

I look you in the eyes once more but they do not captivate you like before. I ask you if you know what will happen, giving you this explanation if you indicate that you don’t. You see,I’m going to painlessly squeeze most of the humanity out of you, making you an anthro snake just like I am. Afterall, I was summoned for this purpose, and I wouldn't be able to do this to you if you ultimately didn’t want it to happen. So listen to me now as I tell you more about what will happen. As I squeeze you you will feel relaxed and comfortable, finding that the pressure of my coils feels absolutely wonderful around your legs and chest, yet it never inhibits your breathing. You will glow the same color as your skin and become more snake-like.

The first change will be that scales form all over your body, removing any hair that you have as they do so. Then, the left and right sides of all of the scales on the front of your legs, chest, neck, and the bottom of your chin will merge together and become a different color. I shall let you decide what colors they become, they can even be the same color if you so desire or become multi-colored patterns.

Next, your head will stretch out so that it is twice as long as it was. extra teeth will form in your mouth to accommodate for its increased length as your old ones become as sharp as daggers just like your new ones. Likewise, your tongue will become twice as long as it was and split near the end of it, both sides ending in rounded points. Even your eyes will stretch forwards, causing them to be twice as wide as they were before and causing the left and right sides of them to come to a point instead of forming a continuous curve. As this all happens you will find that you can not help but draw out your s-is like I do. It is just the way that creatures like me, and soon creatures like you, speak. 

The final part of the transformation will be that your legs and feet merge together and form a long round tail that gradually gets smaller over the last third of it until it ends in a sharp point. In fact, it will be so long that it will be at least twice as long as you are tall. Unfortunately, due to the nature of my magic the part of your tail that will be below where your feet currently are will be unable to Interact with anything but you and me. Sorry, that's just the way my magic works. Also, in reality your legs and feet will still be as they always have and you will walk accordingly, but you will perceive yourself as slithering while the area of your body that was vertical when you walked as a human will stay vertical by default. Of course, we can not have you being aware of this now can we? That would just ruin the fun. So let your memory of this little fact slip away from your conscious mind and become only accessible to your subconscious, it will know exactly what to do with it.

Well, you know what is about to happen so let's not waste any more time, all right?

You give your consent and the anthro snake starts to tighten its coils and you find that you experience exactly what it said would happen, and that the less you resist it the better it feels, noticing how the anthro snake gives you and appreciative look and thanks you when you completely stop resisting the change and start focusing on it, making it feel even better and happen faster.

As the transformation finishes the anthro snake wraps its tail around yours, still comfortably squeezing you.

The transformation went perfectly, but that doesn’t mean that I’m about to abandon you. In fact, I plan to stay as long as you want me to. After all, It still feels so nice to be wrapped in my coils and this transformation has bound me to your soul. So if you wish for me to leave just desire it to happen and I will enter your soul which is now my home, and if you wish for me to come once more desire for me to manifest again and I shall do so. Whenever I do manifest, whether it be when you are a human, an anthro snake, or some other creature, I fully intend to wrap around you again, although how much and how tightly are up to you. I don’t have to wrap around you if you don’t want me to, but I love being wrapped around you so much that I would really appreciate it if you let me when you're willing. Plus, I think you will enjoy it just as much as I will. Also, I promise to be a good companion for you. I will comfort you when you are sad and hug you when you are lonely, and do whatever it is that you want me to do to the best of my abilities. However, because I am a spirit that is bound to your soul I can only interact with you, and you are the only one that can perceive or even touch me. Also, I can only affect you in the physical world as much as you can on your own, at least I can do pretty much anything in the worlds of dreams. On the bright side, I can move through any physical object that I want and we don’t need to talk aloud to communicate with each other. Merely “think” at me and I will become aware of what you are trying to communicate. We can even do this if I am in your soul and not manifested in the physical world.

Now, become aware that the effects of this file, or this bonding ritual as you will now think of it as, will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this bonding ritual that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

You have now been transformed into the same species as me, an anthro snake. The last thing that you need to know is that if the bond between me and your soul starts to weaken, all you need to do to strengthen it is to listen to this bonding ritual again while in trance. If I start to seem less real it is a sign that our bond is weakening, and strengthening it will make me seem more real.

Now you are in your anthro snake form and know all that you need to know, so this bonding ritual has been completed and our bond has become even stronger. We can now do whatever we want, so let’s just enjoy this time together in my wonderful embrace. OK?

Obedience training (male pronouns | fantasy | induction?)


This is a hypnotic fantasy about having your mind turned into that of a dog. I found that this put me in trance despite the fact that it wasn't designed to do so. The ending lets you either wake up with your mind as it was, as this file makes it, or a mix. It also lets you wake up in the world of the file, stay in trance if you are using this as an induction, or fall asleep.

This file was very enjoyable to make. Although I feel I deviated somewhat from the request that this is based on I still feel like this file is a big success. As is always the case I would love to hear your file requests as well as your feedback and suggestions.


I want you to imagine something. But first I want you to know that if this experience ever becomes too intense you will instantly return to your normal mental state. Now, I want you to imagine that you are standing in the middle of a large grassy field on a pleasantly warm and sunny day. Feel the grass brush against your feet if you aren’t wearing shoes and socks, or feel the firmness of the ground if you are. It really doesn’t matter, you can be wearing whatever you want. As you imagine yourself in this place see how the grass is blown by one of the many gentle breezes that relaxes you.

Next, imagine a person in front of you. How they look and sound is completely up to you. We are going to refer to this person as your trainer. We will be moving on from imagining them shortly, but they will continue to develop over time even if you haven’t finished forming them in your mind.

Now, hear your trainer tell you to stand on all fours. You ask them why and they say that it is because this is obedience training and you aren’t a very obedient dog. You look at them confused but get down on all fours, standing on your hands and knees. You aren’t sure why they called you a dog, but the tone of their voice made it clear that they didn’t mean it as an insult so you decide to play along with your trainer figuring obeying them couldn't hurt. As you look up at them they say good boy excitedly and with a big grin on their face. You find it weird that they are doing this, after all, you are a human and not a dog, so why are they calling you a good boy? Regardless of their reason you find that their happiness and excitement are contagious, making you smile as you stare up at them happily.

They then tell you that they are going to have you sit in a specific way as they walk to your side. They then tell you to keep your arms in place as they gently but firmly push down on your back, forcing you to kneel while you lean forwards on your arms as they stick straight up. They tell you that you should get into this position when they tell you to sit. They then ask you if you understand and you confirm your understanding.

They then tell you to stand on all fours and you do so, still not understanding why they would do this with a human but continuing to play along, finding that you slightly hope that they will call you a good boy again and show you the joyous expression on their face. Your hopes are met when you get on all fours again and they call you a good boy, they even look slightly proud of your obedience. They then tell you to sit and you move into that position, finding that you are actually enjoying this a little bit as they have that joyous look on their face and call you a good boy, causing you to feel happy as well. You're a bit surprised by how happy they can make you feel by calling you a good boy with a happy expression on their face, but decide to keep on obeying them for now. After all, it’s not like anything bad is happening. You know that they are just giving you a little reward for obeying them and that you could stand up on two legs and walk away whenever you want. Thoughts like this are what keep you docile as you obey your trainer, eager to follow their every command.

They tell you to sit and you sit in the position that they guided you to, not even thinking about the fact that it is the sitting position of a dog as your obedience grows when they call you a good boy.

They tell you to stand and you stand on all fours.

They call you a good boy and you are filled with joy and become more obedient

They tell you to sit and you sit like a dog.

They call you a good boy and you are filled with joy and become more obedient


Good boy!


Good boy!


Good boy!


Good boy!


Good boy!


Good boy!


Good boy!

You’re shocked by how much you are enjoying this. You don’t care that you are being treated like a dog, you just want to obey them and receive their praise.

They then tell you to lay down, and you pause briefly, not sure what to do in response to this new command. You ask them what to do and they tell you that you are a smart dog and can figure it out on your own. You can tell that they are encouraging you despite the fact that they called you a dog again. After a little while it hits you: you're being treated like a dog, and you are acting like a dog, so you should lay down like a dog does when commanded to lay down. You feel a bit embarrassed but quickly lay on your side. They tell you how good of a boy you are and how you're such a smart dog. You can’t help but have a massive grin on your face as you hear this, not even caring that they called you a dog again. 

Then they tell you that you're such a smart dog that they are going to teach you two more tricks and then give you a special reward. As they call you a dog again you conclude that it makes sense for them to do so. After all, you act like a dog so they treat you like a dog, simple logic. In fact, you realise that it would be less accurate for them to call you a human right now. Sure you could stand on two legs and walk away, but where's the fun in that? Acting like a dog feels so good that you want to stay like this for as long as you can. Anyways, there is no way you're leaving until you get that special reward and you wouldn’t dare to disappoint your trainer by leaving without their permission, That's something that bad dogs do and you are a good dog.

They tell you to roll over and you do so almost instantly, the phrase good boy echoing in your mind and wiping away all thoughts that aren’t somehow related to your trainer or obeying them. You can tell how immensely proud they are of you by the tone of their voice, and you feel pride knowing that you are such an obedient dog, er... human. You briefly wonder if it is bad that you thought of yourself as a dog, but the thought leaves your mind as quickly as it came as you refocus your attention on your trainer, eager to obey them and get that special reward.

They then say belly up and you look at them confused, not being familiar with this command. You ask your trainer what they want you to do and they encourage you to figure it out on your own. You think and think but you can’t figure out what they mean. After a while they seem disappointed in you and start walking over to your side. Seeing them being disappointed in you makes you feel awful. You can’t remember feeling anything worse than this as you start to cry quietly. They tell you that while they are disappointed in you there is no need to feel this bad. They gently brush their hands along your body like one does through the fur of a dog and you find their slow stroking soothing and calming. You don’t feel good, but you don’t feel bad either. They continue their slow and gentle stroking as they say things to comfort you. It takes a while but you finally feel good again. Although you know that you will never feel that bad again, you are determined to try your best never to disobey or disappoint them again no matter how hard their commands and requirements are to fulfill, and you will do your best to improve if you fail to obey or satisfy them. Once they can tell that you are feeling better they firmly but gently grab the wrist and ankle on one side of your body. They then pull you by them so that you are on your back. After that they tell you not to move your arms or legs as they move each one so that they stick straight up. They then tell you that you are only allowed to move your legs and arms forwards and backwards and not left or right when you are commanded into this position. They then tell you to roll over as you instantly obey them, your happiness and pride returning as they call you a good boy. They then say the command belly up and you do so in an instant. You find that you have no trouble keeping your arms and legs horizontally aligned and even try to move one of them to the side a bit experimentally, finding that you can’t. This makes you extremely happy and proud because it means that you are so obedient and loyal to them that it is impossible for you to intentionally disobey them. You watch them call you a good boy from your upside down perspective as they walk over to you. They ask you if you’re ready for the special reward and you say yes excitedly. They then ask if you're sure and you say yes even more excitedly. They continue to ask if you're sure for what feels like ages but is only 20 seconds, your joy growing with your excitement. After what feels like the longest 20 seconds of your life they finally say alright and start rubbing your belly with strength and speed causing the most euphoric feeling. You’ve never felt so good in your entire life, the feeling of your belly being rubbed overwhelming your mind and making you twitch involuntarily. You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this special reward was worth everything that you had to go through to get it, especially because you enjoyed all of the things that you had to do. As your trainer continues to rub your belly you hear them say something about not being able to walk on two legs but the thought and memory of it are obliterated the instant they form in your mind by this belly rub euphoria.

After a little while they stop and give you some space to compose yourself. You find that despite how good it was, you only have a moderately strong desire to have your belly rubbed again. As you compose yourself mentally you try to stand up on two legs and find that you cannot. In a panic you tell this to your trainer and they calmly point out that no dogs can walk on two legs, so it is no surprise that you can’t. This seems odd to you at first, you know you are a human but you act and are treated just like a dog. You even feel euphoric when your belly is rubbed, so you must be a dog but you know that you are a human. Then it occurs to you that dogs can’t speak but humans can so you must be a human. But then you remember the reasons that you must be a dog, then remembering the reason that you think you are a human, then remembering the reasons that you must be a dog again. This mental loop continues until you eventually decide that while you are probably a dog, there is a small chance that you are a human. This decision makes you happy so you know you must be on the right track to figuring out if you are a dog or a human. However, your thoughts are interrupted and forgotten as your trainer commands you to come to them, causing you to start obediently walking to them on all fours.

As you do this your memories change so that you have walked on all fours in all of them. These new memories make a lot more sense to you then your old ones do. After all, you are probably a dog, so why would a dog have memories of walking on two legs? That is something that humans do. You decide that you must have just been remembering things wrong when you thought that you had walked on two legs and forget that your memories ever contained anything but you walking on all fours.

When you arrive at your trainer they tell you how you're such a good and smart dog, and how proud they are of you for understanding their command without them having to explain it to you. They then tell you to sit and you do so like the good dog that you almost certainly are. They then wrap their arms around you and start to slowly and gently stroke your fur. Wait, you think. Do I have skin or fur? I’m probably a dog so I probably have fur, but it looks like I have skin. Yet, I can somehow feel my trainer stroking fur. Is my sense of touch messed up? No that can’t be it. Then it hits you: your fur is invisible. You can’t believe that you didn’t realise it sooner. Your sense of touch is actually messed up so that it feels like you have fur, but you never consider this again because you are 100% sure that it is just invisible. As they pet you they tell you things like how you're such a smart boy and a good dog. As well as things that are obvious to you, like the fact that you can’t walk on two legs because you are a dog and not a human and the fact that you can only make dog noises like barking and growling because again, you are a dog and not a human. As this happens your memories change to match your new reality. You remember people stroking and scratching your fur and rubbing your belly and ears. You remember how you have always eaten and drank from a bowl because you are a pet dog and not a human. You remember sleeping on that extremely comfortable dog bed that you love so much. You remember doing tricks and feeling the happiness that all good dogs feel when they obey their superiors. You remember your whole life as a dog and none of it as a human. And most importantly of all, you remember that your trainer is also your owner.

As you sit and pant happily in their embrace you feel those feelings towards your owner that you have felt ever since they let you become a part of their pack, especially those of loyalty, obedience, and pure, strong, platonic love. They are your trainer, your owner, and most importantly of all, your alpha. Your alphas presence makes you feel so safe and happy. As long as they are calm and relaxed it is impossible for you to not be while you are in their presence. The very sight of them is enough to make you even more content than the usual state of neverending contentment that dogs like you live in. After what feels like several long and wonderful days but was actually just a few minutes they let go of you and move away from you. They then say some more commands that you have known since they trained you on the day you were blessed with the chance to join your alpha’s pack, in the process losing any memories and human parts of your mind that have not yet become that of a human dog’s as you stop thinking in words and start thinking in the concepts that words are normally used to express. 

Your alpha tells you to speak and you bark.

Your alpha tells you to heel and you walk beside them as they move through the grassy field.

Your alpha tells you to stay and you stay in place as they move away despite how desperately you want to join them.

Your alpha tells you to move and you run on all fours to them as fast  as you can, so very happy and excited to be allowed to be near them again.

Your alpha tells you to sing and you continuously howl for a little while.

By now your mind is fully that of a dog both in thoughts and memories, but that doesn’t mean that the fun is over. Your alpha picks up a tennis ball that you hadn't noticed. They then throw it really far away and you instinctively chase after it, thrilled to be playing your favorite game with your alpha. You rush off after it as fast as you can on all fours, picking the ball up in your mouth, and then running back to your alpha and dropping the ball at their feet, sitting patiently and panting as you wait for them to throw it again. They tell you how you're such a good dog and scratch your head fur, making you so happy. They then throw the ball again and you're off once more. This cycle repeats over and over again for what feels like hours, days, years,or maybe just a few seconds, you don’t know, dogs don’t keep track of time, they just live moment to moment.

After you're all tired out from chasing the ball at least fifty times they tell you to heel, so you follow your alpha on the long walk across the field to their home. They move the wooden thing that allows you to enter it and go inside with you following right behind them. You go to your food and water bowls and eat the delicious food that you have eaten every day of your life. Your alpha says the words dry cereal a lot when filling your food bowl so you think that it is what it is. Regardless of its name you find it absolutely delicious every time that you have it. You didn’t realise how hungry and thirsty you were so you quickly eat your food and lap up your water from your water bowl. With your hunger and thirst satisfied you realise just how tired you are from all of your playing with your alpha so you walk over to your dog bed on all fours like you always have, not that you know that it is called a dog bed, and then lay down curled up in it.

You start to quickly fall asleep and are just about to reach that state when your alpha enters the room holding something. You try your best to focus on them but it is hard because of how close to sleep you are. They quietly walk over to you and gently lift your head up. They then wrap something around your neck, if you were a human you would call it a dog caller but you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a dog so you don’t call it anything. You hear a quiet click and then they do something with the strange thing that they have wrapped around your neck that makes it feel tighter. The tightness of your collar feels very comfortable and nice. You don’t know what they have attached to your neck but it feels right for it to be there, not even noticing the small dog tag attached to it. They then put your head back down and you look at the smiling face of your wonderful alpha, falling asleep in mere seconds with them being the last thing you see before sleep quiets your canine mind.

Now you have a choice. You can wake up in the real world with your mind still that of a dog, that of yourself as a human, or some mix of them, your mind becoming fully human again when you next fall asleep. You can wake up still within this imagined world and stay as your alpha’s pet for as long as you want. You can fall asleep and eventually wake up as a human. Or you can stay in this trance if more suggestions come after this file ends.

Regardless of what you choose, I want you to know that you are a very obedient and good dog.

Obedience training (female pronouns | fantasy | induction?)


This is a hypnotic fantasy about having your mind turned into that of a dog. I found that this put me in trance despite the fact that it wasn't designed to do so. The ending lets you either wake up with your mind as it was, as this file makes it, or a mix. It also lets you wake up in the world of the file, stay in trance if you are using this as an induction, or fall asleep.

This file was very enjoyable to make. Although I feel I deviated somewhat from the request that this is based on I still feel like this file is a big success. As is always the case I would love to hear your file requests as well as your feedback and suggestions.


I want you to imagine something. But first I want you to know that if this experience ever becomes too intense you will instantly return to your normal mental state. Now, I want you to imagine that you are standing in the middle of a large grassy field on a pleasantly warm and sunny day. Feel the grass brush against your feet if you aren’t wearing shoes and socks, or feel the firmness of the ground if you are. It really doesn’t matter, you can be wearing whatever you want. As you imagine yourself in this place see how the grass is blown by one of the many gentle breezes that relaxes you.

Next, imagine a person in front of you. How they look and sound is completely up to you. We are going to refer to this person as your trainer. We will be moving on from imagining them shortly, but they will continue to develop over time even if you haven’t finished forming them in your mind.

Now, hear your trainer tell you to stand on all fours. You ask them why and they say that it is because this is obedience training and you aren’t a very obedient dog. You look at them confused but get down on all fours, standing on your hands and knees. You aren’t sure why they called you a dog, but the tone of their voice made it clear that they didn’t mean it as an insult so you decide to play along with your trainer figuring obeying them couldn't hurt. As you look up at them they say good girl excitedly and with a big grin on their face. You find it weird that they are doing this, after all, you are a human and not a dog, so why are they calling you a good girl? Regardless of their reason you find that their happiness and excitement are contagious, making you smile as you stare up at them happily.

They then tell you that they are going to have you sit in a specific way as they walk to your side. They then tell you to keep your arms in place as they gently but firmly push down on your back, forcing you to kneel while you lean forwards on your arms as they stick straight up. They tell you that you should get into this position when they tell you to sit. They then ask you if you understand and you confirm your understanding.

They then tell you to stand on all fours and you do so, still not understanding why they would do this with a human but continuing to play along, finding that you slightly hope that they will call you a good girl again and show you the joyous expression on their face. Your hopes are met when you get on all fours again and they call you a good girl, they even look slightly proud of your obedience. They then tell you to sit and you move into that position, finding that you are actually enjoying this a little bit as they have that joyous look on their face and call you a good girl, causing you to feel happy as well. You're a bit surprised by how happy they can make you feel by calling you a good girl with a happy expression on their face, but decide to keep on obeying them for now. After all, it’s not like anything bad is happening. You know that they are just giving you a little reward for obeying them and that you could stand up on two legs and walk away whenever you want. Thoughts like this are what keep you docile as you obey your trainer, eager to follow their every command.

They tell you to sit and you sit in the position that they guided you to, not even thinking about the fact that it is the sitting position of a dog as your obedience grows when they call you a good girl.

They tell you to stand and you stand on all fours.

They call you a good girl and you are filled with joy and become more obedient

They tell you to sit and you sit like a dog.

They call you a good girl and you are filled with joy and become more obedient


Good girl!


Good girl!


Good girl!


Good girl!


Good girl!


Good girl!


Good girl!

You’re shocked by how much you are enjoying this. You don’t care that you are being treated like a dog, you just want to obey them and receive their praise.

They then tell you to lay down, and you pause briefly, not sure what to do in response to this new command. You ask them what to do and they tell you that you are a smart dog and can figure it out on your own. You can tell that they are encouraging you despite the fact that they called you a dog again. After a little while it hits you: you're being treated like a dog, and you are acting like a dog, so you should lay down like a dog does when commanded to lay down. You feel a bit embarrassed but quickly lay on your side. They tell you how good of a girl you are and how you're such a smart dog. You can’t help but have a massive grin on your face as you hear this, not even caring that they called you a dog again. 

Then they tell you that you're such a smart dog that they are going to teach you two more tricks and then give you a special reward. As they call you a dog again you conclude that it makes sense for them to do so. After all, you act like a dog so they treat you like a dog, simple logic. In fact, you realise that it would be less accurate for them to call you a human right now. Sure you could stand on two legs and walk away, but where's the fun in that? Acting like a dog feels so good that you want to stay like this for as long as you can. Anyways, there is no way you're leaving until you get that special reward and you wouldn’t dare to disappoint your trainer by leaving without their permission, That's something that bad dogs do and you are a good dog.

They tell you to roll over and you do so almost instantly, the phrase good girl echoing in your mind and wiping away all thoughts that aren’t somehow related to your trainer or obeying them. You can tell how immensely proud they are of you by the tone of their voice, and you feel pride knowing that you are such an obedient dog, er... human. You briefly wonder if it is bad that you thought of yourself as a dog, but the thought leaves your mind as quickly as it came as you refocus your attention on your trainer, eager to obey them and get that special reward.

They then say belly up and you look at them confused, not being familiar with this command. You ask your trainer what they want you to do and they encourage you to figure it out on your own. You think and think but you can’t figure out what they mean. After a while they seem disappointed in you and start walking over to your side. Seeing them being disappointed in you makes you feel awful. You can’t remember feeling anything worse than this as you start to cry quietly. They tell you that while they are disappointed in you there is no need to feel this bad. They gently brush their hands along your body like one does through the fur of a dog and you find their slow stroking soothing and calming. You don’t feel good, but you don’t feel bad either. They continue their slow and gentle stroking as they say things to comfort you. It takes a while but you finally feel good again. Although you know that you will never feel that bad again, you are determined to try your best never to disobey or disappoint them again no matter how hard their commands and requirements are to fulfill, and you will do your best to improve if you fail to obey or satisfy them. Once they can tell that you are feeling better they firmly but gently grab the wrist and ankle on one side of your body. They then pull you by them so that you are on your back. After that they tell you not to move your arms or legs as they move each one so that they stick straight up. They then tell you that you are only allowed to move your legs and arms forwards and backwards and not left or right when you are commanded into this position. They then tell you to roll over as you instantly obey them, your happiness and pride returning as they call you a good girl. They then say the command belly up and you do so in an instant. You find that you have no trouble keeping your arms and legs horizontally aligned and even try to move one of them to the side a bit experimentally, finding that you can’t. This makes you extremely happy and proud because it means that you are so obedient and loyal to them that it is impossible for you to intentionally disobey them. You watch them call you a good girl from your upside down perspective as they walk over to you. They ask you if you’re ready for the special reward and you say yes excitedly. They then ask if you're sure and you say yes even more excitedly. They continue to ask if you're sure for what feels like ages but is only 20 seconds, your joy growing with your excitement. After what feels like the longest 20 seconds of your life they finally say alright and start rubbing your belly with strength and speed causing the most euphoric feeling. You’ve never felt so good in your entire life, the feeling of your belly being rubbed overwhelming your mind and making you twitch involuntarily. You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this special reward was worth everything that you had to go through to get it, especially because you enjoyed all of the things that you had to do. As your trainer continues to rub your belly you hear them say something about not being able to walk on two legs but the thought and memory of it are obliterated the instant they form in your mind by this belly rub euphoria.

After a little while they stop and give you some space to compose yourself. You find that despite how good it was, you only have a moderately strong desire to have your belly rubbed again. As you compose yourself mentally you try to stand up on two legs and find that you cannot. In a panic you tell this to your trainer and they calmly point out that no dogs can walk on two legs, so it is no surprise that you can’t. This seems odd to you at first, you know you are a human but you act and are treated just like a dog. You even feel euphoric when your belly is rubbed, so you must be a dog but you know that you are a human. Then it occurs to you that dogs can’t speak but humans can so you must be a human. But then you remember the reasons that you must be a dog, then remembering the reason that you think you are a human, then remembering the reasons that you must be a dog again. This mental loop continues until you eventually decide that while you are probably a dog, there is a small chance that you are a human. This decision makes you happy so you know you must be on the right track to figuring out if you are a dog or a human. However, your thoughts are interrupted and forgotten as your trainer commands you to come to them, causing you to start obediently walking to them on all fours.

As you do this your memories change so that you have walked on all fours in all of them. These new memories make a lot more sense to you then your old ones do. After all, you are probably a dog, so why would a dog have memories of walking on two legs? That is something that humans do. You decide that you must have just been remembering things wrong when you thought that you had walked on two legs and forget that your memories ever contained anything but you walking on all fours.

When you arrive at your trainer they tell you how you're such a good and smart dog, and how proud they are of you for understanding their command without them having to explain it to you. They then tell you to sit and you do so like the good dog that you almost certainly are. They then wrap their arms around you and start to slowly and gently stroke your fur. Wait, you think. Do I have skin or fur? I’m probably a dog so I probably have fur, but it looks like I have skin. Yet, I can somehow feel my trainer stroking fur. Is my sense of touch messed up? No that can’t be it. Then it hits you: your fur is invisible. You can’t believe that you didn’t realise it sooner. Your sense of touch is actually messed up so that it feels like you have fur, but you never consider this again because you are 100% sure that it is just invisible. As they pet you they tell you things like how you're such a smart girl and a good dog. As well as things that are obvious to you, like the fact that you can’t walk on two legs because you are a dog and not a human and the fact that you can only make dog noises like barking and growling because again, you are a dog and not a human. As this happens your memories change to match your new reality. You remember people stroking and scratching your fur and rubbing your belly and ears. You remember how you have always eaten and drank from a bowl because you are a pet dog and not a human. You remember sleeping on that extremely comfortable dog bed that you love so much. You remember doing tricks and feeling the happiness that all good dogs feel when they obey their superiors. You remember your whole life as a dog and none of it as a human. And most importantly of all, you remember that your trainer is also your owner.

As you sit and pant happily in their embrace you feel those feelings towards your owner that you have felt ever since they let you become a part of their pack, especially those of loyalty, obedience, and pure, strong, platonic love. They are your trainer, your owner, and most importantly of all, your alpha. Your alphas presence makes you feel so safe and happy. As long as they are calm and relaxed it is impossible for you to not be while you are in their presence. The very sight of them is enough to make you even more content than the usual state of neverending contentment that dogs like you live in. After what feels like several long and wonderful days but was actually just a few minutes they let go of you and move away from you. They then say some more commands that you have known since they trained you on the day you were blessed with the chance to join your alpha’s pack, in the process losing any memories and human parts of your mind that have not yet become that of a human dog’s as you stop thinking in words and start thinking in the concepts that words are normally used to express. 

Your alpha tells you to speak and you bark.

Your alpha tells you to heel and you walk beside them as they move through the grassy field.

Your alpha tells you to stay and you stay in place as they move away despite how desperately you want to join them.

Your alpha tells you to move and you run on all fours to them as fast  as you can, so very happy and excited to be allowed to be near them again.

Your alpha tells you to sing and you continuously howl for a little while.

By now your mind is fully that of a dog both in thoughts and memories, but that doesn’t mean that the fun is over. Your alpha picks up a tennis ball that you hadn't noticed. They then throw it really far away and you instinctively chase after it, thrilled to be playing your favorite game with your alpha. You rush off after it as fast as you can on all fours, picking the ball up in your mouth, and then running back to your alpha and dropping the ball at their feet, sitting patiently and panting as you wait for them to throw it again. They tell you how you're such a good dog and scratch your head fur, making you so happy. They then throw the ball again and you're off once more. This cycle repeats over and over again for what feels like hours, days, years,or maybe just a few seconds, you don’t know, dogs don’t keep track of time, they just live moment to moment.

After you're all tired out from chasing the ball at least fifty times they tell you to heel, so you follow your alpha on the long walk across the field to their home. They move the wooden thing that allows you to enter it and go inside with you following right behind them. You go to your food and water bowls and eat the delicious food that you have eaten every day of your life. Your alpha says the words dry cereal a lot when filling your food bowl so you think that it is what it is. Regardless of its name you find it absolutely delicious every time that you have it. You didn’t realise how hungry and thirsty you were so you quickly eat your food and lap up your water from your water bowl. With your hunger and thirst satisfied you realise just how tired you are from all of your playing with your alpha so you walk over to your dog bed on all fours like you always have, not that you know that it is called a dog bed, and then lay down curled up in it.

You start to quickly fall asleep and are just about to reach that state when your alpha enters the room holding something. You try your best to focus on them but it is hard because of how close to sleep you are. They quietly walk over to you and gently lift your head up. They then wrap something around your neck, if you were a human you would call it a dog caller but you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a dog so you don’t call it anything. You hear a quiet click and then they do something with the strange thing that they have wrapped around your neck that makes it feel tighter. The tightness of your collar feels very comfortable and nice. You don’t know what they have attached to your neck but it feels right for it to be there, not even noticing the small dog tag attached to it. They then put your head back down and you look at the smiling face of your wonderful alpha, falling asleep in mere seconds with them being the last thing you see before sleep quiets your canine mind.

Now you have a choice. You can wake up in the real world with your mind still that of a dog, that of yourself as a human, or some mix of them, your mind becoming fully human again when you next fall asleep. You can wake up still within this imagined world and stay as your alpha’s pet for as long as you want. You can fall asleep and eventually wake up as a human. Or you can stay in this trance if more suggestions come after this file ends.

Regardless of what you choose, I want you to know that you are a very obedient and good dog.

Anthro salazzle transformation (gender neutral | no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a Salazzle.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Salazzle.”, you will transform into an anthro Salazzle at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Salazzle.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Salazzle.”.

This was a tough request, but it was good practice for describing complex patterns. Also, I know that in Pokémon Salazzle is only female but there are no changes in this file that would suggest either male or female. As always, I would love to hear your suggestions and feedback, as well as your file requests.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Salazzle.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Salazzle.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you use the reset phrase “I am not a Salazzle.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Salazzle.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a bunch of cool sliding sensations all over your body as smooth grey scales slide into place, replacing your skin and removing any hair that you have as they do so.

Unlike the scales on most of your body, there are purple scales on the inner side of your upper legs and on the front and bottom sides of your torso, with the exception of a triangular shaped section of grey scales that are centered on your torso. The point of this triangular area is one quarter of the way down the front of your torso and the base of it is on the front of the base of your neck and is half as wide as your torso is. Also, the middle half of the border between the purple and grey scales on the front of your upper legs are in the shape of a “W” that is curved instead of straight. They are two inches tall and are positioned so that the grey scales go into the space of the purple ones.

Additionally, there are pink scales in the shape of a thin “C” that points up instead of to the right on the front of your torso. The bottom of this “C” is just below the tip of the triangular shaped section of grey scales and the “C” is wide enough that it goes a bit onto the left and right sides of your torso. The top of this “C” shape is just to the left and right of the base of the triangular section of grey scales and curves inwards quickly so that both sides end in a point. Additionally, there is a wave shaped section of pink scales on the lower quarter of the left and right sides of the “C”. They are oriented and sized so that the tallest part of these wave-like sections are tangent to the side of the triangular section of scales that they are on, with the end of these sections pointing in the same direction as that line of the triangle.

Moreover, there are thin sections of pink scales that start one fourth of the way up your torso and one quarter of the width of the front of your torso away from the left and right sides of it. They each curve towards the outer side of the side of the front of your torso that they are on so that the end of this part of them is tangent to that side of the front of your torso, then curving inwards again and then outwards, each an equal size and distance as the curve before them, then curving downwards where they come to a stop pointing straight down. Also, these sections are each a quarter of the height of your torso and quickly curve inwards on themselves near both ends of them so that they both start and end in a point. Additionally, there is a wave-like section of pink scales between the top two curves of the previously described sections. They are oriented and sized so that they curve towards the center of your torso, and so that they stop when they point straight up and are as wide as the first part of the sections that they are a part of.

Next, feel a large round pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail that is three fourths as long as you are tall starts to grow. This tail is covered in the same grey scales as your body and starts out as wide as your torso and gradually gets smaller until it ends in a point.

The scales on the underside of this tail are pink.

Additionally, two smaller paper thin tails grow just above your main tail. They are each one third of the length of your main tail and are just far enough to the left and right of the center of the back of your torso that they don’t touch each other. They are covered in the same grey scales as most of your body and are each one fifth as wide as your main tail. Like with your main tail they get smaller near the end of them so that they end in a point. However, the point of them is rounded instead of being sharp.

Now, feel a brief numbing sensation on your fingers and toes as your nails disappear, the smooth grey scales that replace them leaving behind no evidence of their existence.

As this happens, the scales on the bottom of your hands and feet turn the same shade of pink as those which are on the underside of your tail and form patterns on your torso.

After that, feel your mouth, nose, and chin, stretch out to form a long muzzle while your forehead stays as it was. While your mouth expands with the formation of your muzzle new teeth are produced to fill it and your tongue grows to an appropriate length for it.

Then, feel your eyes stretch out on both sides so that they are twice as wide as they were before and so that the left and right sides of them come to a point instead of forming a continuous curve.

While this is happening your irises become black just like your pupils and become the same shape as your eyes, the only difference being that they are rotated 90 degrees so that they are taller than they are wide. Also, the whites of your eyes become a shade of purple that is associated with poison.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now your transformation into an anthro Salazzle has been completed, so I hope that you enjoy this scaly form. This session is almost over, so goodbye, my multi-tailed friend.

Good pup loop (no induction)


This is a loop that lets you feel like a lapdog that is being pet and scratched for as long as you listen. It assumes that you are fine with being referred to as “pup”. This doesn’t have anything to wake you up so you should probably set an alarm

This was really fast to make and is by far one of my favorite files! I got stuck in the loop while editing this, not that I’m really complaining. As always, I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and requests.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Are you a good pup?

I’m assuming yes, because there isn’t any point in me talking to you right now if you aren’t.

Such a good pup.

And such a sleepy pup too. 

The look on your face makes it clear that you're sleepy.

So tired and relaxed just like a good pup like you should be right now.

Just lay there alright? Don’t answer me out loud, the neighbors don’t like it when dogs bark. Instead, show me your obedience through how you behave, OK?

Good pup. Such a good pup, just laying there.

Now pup, I want you to be curled up in a ball where you lay.

Good pup! You're such a good pup!

Just a tired puppy dog curled up where it lays.

You are so tired pup. Maybe you realised it before or maybe you didn’t, but I can see how tired you are.

So pup, close your heavy, heavy eyes if you haven’t already.

Good pup!

Just a good tired little pup.

Such a little puppy dog.

I like how little you are, it makes it so that you can be curled up in my lap like you are right now.

You might not be able to see it but you know that I would never lie to you. Plus, you can feel my legs below you and the gentle heat of my chest as you feel it slowly expand and contract at a relaxing pace. You can even hear my heartbeat as its rhythm captures your attention in an almost hypnotic way.

You are so happy and relaxed here on my lap.

Just a good little lap dog, just my good little pup.

I wonder if you can understand my words? Sure puppys aren’t very smart, but I know that there is something special about you aside from how good of a pup you are.

Maybe you listen to my words, possibly understanding them and possibly not, or maybe you just listen to the relaxing rhythm and tone of them, not even trying to understand them.

Either way, you're such a good pup.

You know what’s strange? As I watch you be so happy and content on my lap, it seems like your tail briefly wags when I say the word “pup”. I know that you feel happy, proud, relaxed, and content whenever I say the words “good pup” or something like that, that's a basic reward phrase. But you seem to feel a bit of happiness whenever I say the word “pup”.

Pup, pup, pup.

I was right. Every time I said the word “pup” your tail wagged a little bit so it must cause you to  feel a bit of happiness. Also, you seem to become a little more relaxed and tired every time I say that word.

Pup pup pup pup pup pup pup.

You know, me rubbing and scratching your soft fur must feel so nice, I know that you enjoy the warmth of my hands on your body as I scratch and pet you.

Your fur feels so nice that I just can’t help but scratch and stroke you, as well as rub your ears like every dog loves so much. That's why I haven’t stopped doing those things since you curled up on my lap and I don’t plan to stop any time soon.

You're such a good pup just laying there, listening to me talk when I don’t even know if you can understand me.

Such a good pup.

Yep, such a good little pup.

Just my good tired and relaxed little puppy dog.

You know, your obedience makes you a good pup as well.

The only time that you haven’t followed my commands is if you didn’t understand them.

Such a good pup.

You know what, lets try that new command that I’ve been teaching you.

Cuddle pup, Cuddle!

Good pup! Very good pup! Pressing up against me like the good and obedient pup that you are. Good pup!

It must be so nice to feel the gentle warmth of my chest along that entire side of your body.

So obedient!

So affectionate!

So loyal!

So happy!

So relaxed!

So tired!

So content!

But do you know what the best part of you is? It’s that you are so puppy!

My good little puppy dog.

You don’t have to lean against me anymore pup, but you can for as long as you want. In fact, you don’t even need me to command you to do it. You can do it whenever you want for as long as you want, although I suppose you might not have gotten that if you can’t understand humans. Most pups can’t but I have a feeling that you somehow can.

Now pup, I know that you are on that wonderful edge between being awake and asleep, but I have a question for you:

The tired fox ( fox transformation | sleep | no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a tired fox”. If you use this trigger phrase you will be transformed into and then fall asleep as a fox. There will be no lingering effects when you wake up.

I loved making this file, even if the image that I based this off of was for transforming into a dog and not a fox. I actually never realised that it was a dog until I re-read the name of the picture. As usual I would love to hear any feedback and suggestions that you have. Also, I would really appreciate knowing any file requests that you have!

Inspired by/based on Dog tired by FauvFox

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a tired fox”. If you use this trigger phrase you will undergo the sequence of events that is about to be described at whatever speed you want. Also, the effects of this trigger will wear off when you have fallen asleep.

Now the effects of the trigger will be described as if they were happening.

First, Become aware of how despite what you were wearing before, you are now wearing long and comfortable black socks, as well as a fox costume with a hood that makes it look almost like the head of the fox is eating yours. The hood covers everything on your head except for your face, it even hides your ears but you still seem to be able to hear fine. The fox costume has a zipper on the chest and covers both your legs and arms. It is made out of a soft and comfortable fabric that is mostly orange, with the sections that cover your arms and legs being black and the sections on the bottom side of the muzzle on the inside of the fox ears, as well as on the front of the neck and torso, being white.

Also, the fox nose is black and this costume has a wide fox tail on it. The tail is soft and supporting. It is one third as tall as the fox costume is and half as wide as the part of it that covers your torso. it is the same color as most of the costume, except for the last fifth of it where it gradually gets smaller so that it ends in a point. The fur on that section of the costume’s tail is white.

Then, you stretch out your arms and legs and feel that satisfying feeling that this action causes, yawning and feeling drowsy as you do so.

You happen to brush your hand along one of the sleeves of the costume when stretching and notice how the fur feels so much more soft and relaxing than it did before, almost as if it is made of real fox fur instead of fabric. You also notice how the costume feels like it perfectly fits your form and makes you feel oh so incredibly comfortable, tired, and relaxed. You might even notice how the socks have become longer so that they end where the legs of the costume end. However, these thoughts are short lived as a comfortable and pleasant tired haze clouds your mind. It feels as if this haze is somehow changing you, making you more fox like, but you are too tired and comfortable to care.

Next, you lay on your back as the zipper on the suit disappears, the fabric of the socks and fox costume becomes your new fur. The face of the hood disappears as your face starts to stretch out into the muzzle of a fox, but the fox ears of the costume become your ears, which replace your old ones which seem to have disappeared when most of the hood became your new fur. Also, your nose has turned into the small black nose of a fox and short white fur has grown on the underside of your face.

Additionally, your hands and feet have reshaped into the black furred paws of a fox, having four toes with a black claw on each of them. All of your new paws have a paw pad on each of your new toes, as well as a roughly triangular one on the non-toe part of each paw.

By this point your mind has become completely shrouded by the pleasant and tired haze brought by the edge of sleep. Every now and then a thought about your body manages to reach your vulpine mind. These thoughts seem strange to you, after all, you know that you have always been a fox, so why would you be surprised that you have paws instead of hands, you don’t even know what hands are!

After that, your face finishes elongating into a muzzle as short orange fur grows on top of it. Also, your legs and arms reform into those of a fox.

Once this has happened you sit up with your hind legs stretched out in front of you while you lean on your fore legs which stick straight up between your hind ones. You look around with a tired expression on your vulpine muzzle, wondering what it was that awoke you and still having trouble thinking straight due to the wonderful tired haze that clouds your purely fox mind. Upon finding nothing out of the ordinary you look around the area that you are in for the most comfortable place to sleep, walk to it on all fours like you have done since you were just a little fox cub, lay down curled up in a ball with your tail wrapped around you just like all foxes do when they are about to sleep, and comfortably drift off into a deep sleep, eventually waking up in your human body remembering exactly who and what you are, and remembering the wonderful transformation into a fox and the time that you spent as one.

Now there is one more thing that you need to know. It is that the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

This session is almost over, so when I say the word “awaken”, you will find that you are no longer in trance and that you feel incredibly tired as well as both physically and mentally fatigued, the trigger phrase “I am a tired fox” being in the forefront of your mind and on the tip of your tongue.


Anthro winged fox transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a winged fox.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a winged fox.”, you will transform into an anthro winged fox in whatever order and at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a winged fox.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a winged fox.”.

This file was a lot of fun to write. This is actually a form that a friend thought up for me and I absolutely love it! It has everything I love: fox stuff, great fur, a long but not too long tail, and massive wings. As usual I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions, as well as any file requests that you have!

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a winged fox.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a winged fox.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again in whatever order and at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a winged fox.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a winged fox.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a dense and luxurious coat of soft and fluffy fur grows, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. The fur even grows in your ears but it doesn’t dampen your hearing. Most of the fur is light orange, but the fur on your chest and in your ears is as white as snow and all of the fur below your knees is black.

Then, feel your toes merge and change shape so that there are four toes on each foot, each of which is one fourth as wide as the foot that they are on. The two outer toes on each of your feet are as long as your middle toes were while the two inner ones are as long as your big toes were.

Now, feel your ears move to the top of your head as they become the cone shaped ears of a fox. You will still be able to hear just as well as you used to be able to despite the fact that they are shaped completely differently then your old ears were. In fact, you will be able to control which direction they face, being able to rotate them a total of 90 degrees, allowing them to face forwards, towards the side of your head that they are on, or anywhere in between. You will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the direction that they are pointing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the direction that they are pointing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

Next, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail that is one third the width of your torso and half as long as you are tall starts to grow. The tail gradually gets smaller over the last few inches of it causing it to end in a point.

The fur on this tail is like the light orange fur that covers most of your body, except that it is much longer, softer, and fluffier than the rest of your fur. Also, the fur on the section of your tail that gets smaller is white instead of light orange.

Now, feel two round pulling sensations that are as wide as your shoulders are on the center of the back of your shoulders as wings that are as long as you are tall start to grow. They each grow so that they rotate towards the side of your body that they are on when they are flapped. These wings are covered in the same light orange fur as most of your body and have two layers of feathers on each of them.

The first layer of feathers is very dense, but it doesn’t prevent enjoyment of the feeling of the softness and fluffiness of them, it's almost as if each feather is made up of fur like that which covers your tail. All of the feathers on this layer are the same light orange color as the fur on most of your body, and are twice as wide as your thumb and one fourth as tall as you are.

The second layer of feathers is just like the first, except that it is slightly less dense than the first one and that the feathers in it are white and three fourths as tall as you are and as wide as your arms.

Unfortunately, these wings will not allow you to fly, or even to slow your fall and you will never attempt to use them to do so.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now your transformation into an anthro winged fox has been completed. This session is just about done, so goodbye, my fox-like friend.

Anthro suicune transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a Suicune .”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Suicune.”, you will transform into an anthro Suicune at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a Suicune.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Suicune.”.

This was a fun challenge to make. I don’t really have anything else to say about it except that I would appreciate all of your feedback and suggestions. Also, I would love to hear any file requests that you have.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Swee-coon.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Swee-coon.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a Swee-coon.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Swee-coon.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a thick coat of soft and silky fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Most of your wonderful new fur is light blue, but the fur is white on your face, chin, armpits, and the front of your torso and neck, as well as on the inner sides of your upper arms and legs and the bottom side of your torso.

Additionally, there are diamond shaped sections of white fur on multiple parts of your body. There are three of them on both the right and left sides of your torso. They are each horizontally centered on them and are located one fourth, two fourths, and three fourths of the way down them. The top and bottom ones are as tall and wide as the width of the sides of your torso that they are on, and the middle ones are half as tall and wide as the ones above and below them.

Moreover, there are also diamond shaped sections of white fur on the outer sides of your shoulders and upper arms, as well as the outer sides of your hips and upper legs. The first of these sections are as wide as the shoulder or hip that they are on, and are two thirds as long as the combined length of the shoulder and upper arm or hip and upper leg that they are on. They are also centered on the upper two thirds of the shoulders and upper arms or hips and upper legs that they are on. Also, the second diamond shaped sections of white fur are centered on the outer side of the last third of your shoulders and upper arms, as well as on the last third of your hips and upper legs. They are each a bit less than half as wide and tall as the sections of white fur above them.

Next, feel your toes merge and change shape so that you have three toes on each foot, each of which is one third as wide as your foot and is as long as your middle toe was.

Then, feel a cool numbing sensation on your finger and toe nails as they disappear, the fur covered skin smoothing out where they used to be, removing any evidence that you ever had them.

Now, feel a pulling sensation on the front of your head as it stretches out to form a medium length muzzle.

Then, feel how the fur on the center of your now elongated chin rapidly grows downwards in a way that forms the shape of a cone with a rounded point that is one half of an inch wide and one inch tall.

Next, feel two pulling sensations at the base of your spine as two perfectly smooth and silky white structures grow that are one inch wide and one and a half times as long as you are tall. They are as thin as paper and the top side of them curves downwards over the course of the last few inches of them causing them to end in a dull point.

Also, you can not control these white ribbon like structures. Instead, they seem to move on their own. They each curve towards and then around the back of your thighs before they move up the sides of your torso until they reach your shoulders where they curve towards the outer side of your arms, following your upper arms and then your lower ones, then continuing to move in the direction of your lower arms until they end a bit past your hands. These structures will slowly but constantly move up and down as if they are water and large ripples that are being produced at the base of them are moving up them. Additionally, they will always move with the part of your body that they correspond to, but they will always stay a few inches away from those parts of your body unless they are acted on by any other object, quickly drifting back into position once there is space for them to do so. So if you move your arms, the parts of these structures that have just moved near them will move as well, but they won’t move with other parts of your body that are near them. Additionally, you will find watching the ripples of these tail like structures to be incredibly calming and relaxing, bringing a peace like that of a clean and still pond to your mind.

Now, feel a tingling sensation on your forehead and in the space between your eyes as the base of a large structure that is made of a beautiful teal colored crystal starts to form.

This structure is diamond shaped, with the addition of a vertical line that is as long as the other ones between the two lines on the left and right of the structure. This structure seamlessly grows out of the top of the base at a forty five degree angle to the top of your head and is as wide as the space between your eyes and as long as your arms. Also, each side of this magnificent crystalline structure is shaped like a hexagon that is as wide as your eyes.

Then, feel a cone shaped structure seamlessly grow on each side of the last one. They grow at both a forty five degree angle to the top of your head as well as two the last structure. Their bases are half as wide as your eyes are and they extend one third as far back as the last structure. Also, they have a small flat side instead of a point at the end of them.

Next, feel the fur on the top of your head turn into hair as it starts to rapidly grow and turn purple. This hair is as thick as the fur that it used to be, but it is softer and even a little fluffy, making it the perfect surface to rest your head on. It is as long as you are tall minus the height of your lower legs, and stays a few inches away from your body, as well as curves like there are ripples passing through it, just like the tail like structures attached to the base of your spine. However, unlike those structures, it would have to be undisturbed for an hour without anything restricting its movement for it to drift back into its original position, making it the obvious choice for what to rest your head on whenever it is leaning against something. You could even wrap it around yourself or run your hands through it for a wonderful and relaxing touch based experience.

After that, become aware of how your eyes are turning a vibrant shade of red.

As this happens, your mind changes in a significant way. The change is that you will instantly fall asleep when you go to bed for the night at the time that you normally would. When this happens you will be transported to another world. In this world you will still be an anthro Swee-coon, but you will be underwater in a massive polluted ocean, however you will be able to breav just fine. Also, anything that is within a five foot radius around you that has been polluted will be purified and restored. You will swim throughout this massive aquatic planet, cleaning its ocean and restoring color and life to it, allowing the fish to swim freely and restoring color to the abundance of coral that populates the ocean floor. Who knows what adventures you will have here? Maybe you will find a hidden treasure or go on a quest for the unique and interesting people of this world. Will you travel alone, or with friends and companions that you make in it? This ocean world has so much potential, all you have to do is restore it.

Also, you will find that while time doesn’t pass in the ocean world while you are on Earth, time does pass on Earth when you are in the ocean world, and you will instantly be transported back to Earth when you would have woken up, feeling as if you had gotten a wonderful night of sleep. You will also be aware that you can not breav underwater when you are on Earth and that you must maintain your body on Earth in order to be able to return to the ocean world. additionally, you will never feel disappointed or bad about the fact that you have to spend time on Earth before you can return to the ocean world.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now your transformation into an anthro Swee-coon has been completed. I hope that you enjoy this new form and the purely aquatic world that it grants you access to. This session is practically over, so goodbye, my long haired friend.

Anthro zeraora transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Zeraora.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Zeraora.”, you will transform into an anthro Zeraora whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a Zera-ora”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Zeraora.”.

I really enjoyed making this file, for some reason I really seemed to associate with Zeraora in a way that I don’t know how to describe. Anyway, I hope that you can enjoy this file as much as I have. As always I would love to hear your feedback, suggestions, and file requests!

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Zera-ora.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Zera-ora.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a Zera-ora”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Zera-ora.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a pleasant and energetic tingling sensation as electricity builds up in your feet. As this happens they turn black and the toes merge together and shift so that there are only three toes on each foot, all of which are one third as wide as your feet are. This change causes the two toes on the sides of your feet to be as long as your middle toes were while the center ones become as long as your big toes were.

Next, feel how your toenails move forwards and then down so that they start on the center of the front of your toes and change shape so that they are round. Then, they grow longer, curving downwards and becoming narrower as they do so causing them to end in a sharp point. As your nails gain the shape of claws they also become the same hard and durable material as them, making that be what they truly are.

Now, feel the electricity build up on the underside of each segment of your toes, as well as on your heels and the underside of the balls of your feet. There, the electricity is building up causing the skin to change color and swell slightly causing them to be slightly squishy, leaving you with two perfect sets of baby blue paw pads to complete your wonderful paws.

Now, feel more electricity flow through your legs and up to your waist causing all of the skin from your waste down to turn black as it becomes electrified. Then feel the electricity become stronger from your shins up as a dense coat of long, soft, yellow fur grows. The feeling of electricity slowly becomes stronger on your fur, but you will have to wait before you can discharge it so that the electricity doesn’t eventually become overwhelming. Also, some of the fur on your legs is black in the shape of a zig zagging band. The top of this band is halfway up your upper legs and the bottom of it is just above your knees.

Next, both see and feel the electricity as it arcs from your lower body into your hands and arms. There, the skin is turning black like that on your lower body. As the nails on your hands undergo the same amazing transformation as the ones on your feet did, feel more of that long dense coat of wonderfully soft yellow fur grow on your hands and lower arms. The fur at the end of your lower arms is angled so that it is almost parallel to your arms. This fur is longer the closer it is two the top of your arms. This causes the fur in this area on the bottom of your arms to be barely visible while the fur on the top of your arms in these areas are half as long as your upper arms. Also, there are two lines of black fur on the top of each of your lower arms and hands. They start as a point on the left and right sides of your lower arms just below your upper arms. As they go down your arms the sides that are closer to the center of your arms gradually get bigger until they are one third of the width of your wrists when they are two thirds of the way down your hands and lower arms. They then form a “V” shape as they zigzag towards the sides of the arm that they are on causing them to go onto the left and right sides of your arms as they do this. The end of this “V” shape is at your wrists. Then the side of these patterns of black fur continue in the same direction as they did before while the sides of them that are closer to the center of your hands gradually get smaller until they end in a point right before they would have reached one of your fingers.

Now, feel paw pads form on each of your hands and lower arms. One of them is on the palm of your hands while the other is on the underside of your lower arm. It is located just below where your lower and upper arms connect and is as wide as your lower arms are at that point.

With the completion of your hand-paws and the addition of your new fur it feels like your lower arms and hands are producing massive amounts of electricity. It feels wonderful and relaxing but you know that it will become overwhelming if you don’t get to discharge your electricity soon. In fact, your new hands and lower arms are producing so much electricity that it constantly arks across the fur on them and to any other fur on your body that is nearby. But don’t worry, your electricity will be discharged soon enough.

Next, feel the electricity spread up your neck and head as the skin on them turns black.

Then, feel the yellow fur grow on your entire head except for your face and chin, causing the creation of a soft spike of fur that covers the entirety of the top of your head and is half as tall as it. The fur also grows on the outside of your ears but not on the inside of them. Additionally, the yellow fur on the left and right sides of the edges of your face is extra long and grows at an angle that makes the fur in those areas almost but not quite parallel to the sides of your head.

After that, you feel your ears stretching and changing shape so that they are shaped like cones that have been cut in half. Also, the middle of the front edge of them curves inwards extra quickly on both sides for a bit giving them a shape similar to that of a raindrop. Now, feel your ears become solid as they become filled with the same black material that your skin is made of, the only exception being that it is colored pale red in triangular shaped areas that start on the center of the base of the black part of your ears that they are a part of. They are one third of an inch wide and one inch tall. You will find that your hearing is unaffected by these changes despite the massive amount of differences between your old ears and your new ones.

Next, feel two whiskers growing that have their bases located as low as the bottom of your nose, and as far to the left and right as the center of your eyes. They are the same baby blue color as your paw pads and are shaped like the lightning bolt symbol that has two segments. They are one inch tall at their tallest and are as wide as your face is. Moreover, they are oriented so that they point towards the back of your head at a 45 degree angle.

Then, feel a clump of smooth but stiff fur growing upwards from the middle of the space between your eyes. It is that familiar baby blue color and grows in a way that causes it to be shaped like an oval that is as wide as the space between your eyes and is as tall as your head. This clump of fur, as well as your whiskers, glow with a dim, soft, and relaxing baby blue light.

Now it feels like all of the fur on your head is producing electricity as well. Although it feels good and energising it also is starting to get overwhelming. Your thoughts are starting to lose focus and ideas are entering and leaving your mind as fast as the electricity that courses through your body, leaving you feeling confused and disorientated. Don’t worry, you will be able to discharge the electricity that your new body constantly produces very soon, just hang in there a bit longer.

Now feel even more fur grow, starting with the top of your shoulders as the electricity builds up on your torso causing the last of your skin to turn black. 

Then, feel fur growing in a rough “V” shape that starts on the top of the front of your torso and that is one third as tall as it, the fur on the last third of the “V” shape being the same baby blue color as your whiskers. Additionally, the fur in an area that is on the last third of the baby blue part of the “V” shape is shaped like a narrower “V”. it is also moved down one inch from where it would be if it stayed a part of the original “V” shape. Additionally, the fur on the back of your torso grows in the shape of two triangles that are right next to each other and have their bases on the top of the back of your torso. They are each half as wide as your torso and one third as long as it. There are two soft spikes of fur on each of these triangles. One of them is located one fourth of the way down the fur on your back and the other is located three fourths of the way down the fur on your back. They are each horizontally centered with the fur triangle that they are on and are as wide as they can be without overlapping with each other or going off the fur triangles. The upper ones are as tall as the one on your head and the lower ones are half as tall as the upper ones.

You can feel this new fur producing electricity as your mind is finally overwhelmed by all of the electricity that has built up within you. You lose coherency as your reality becomes composed of thoughts, emotions, feelings, and memories, all of which flash in and out of your mind as fast as the electricity that continues to build up within you. You don’t know who or what you are, you just exist.

Now the final part of the transformation is beginning, its completion being the event that will cause your body to discharge its electricity and restore your mind, so feel a tugging sensation on the middle of your back a bit below the bases of the two fur triangles that are on it as a tail that is as long as you are tall starts to grow. It starts out as wide and tall as your thumb, and then gradually gets taller until it is as tall as your arm one third of the way down it. Additionally, while the width of the second third of your tail stays the same, the top of it curves downwards so that it resembles the last half of a crescent in shape. Moreover, the width of the last third of the tail stays the same while the height and shape change so that they are shaped like a three segmented lightning bolt symbol. Also, if you were to have your tail point away from you so that it was perfectly perpendicular to your back, you could easily see how the part of your tail that looks like lightning curves downwards, and how all of the lines on the last third of your tail are curved in a way that makes it look like a crescent is attached to your tail, and another smaller crescent is attached to that one.

With the completion of your tail all of the electricity in your body flows into the part of it that resembles a lightning bolt. As this happens one thought enters your mind and stays unlike all of the others. That thought is: “I am an anthro Zera-ora.”. As you think this thought you accept it as the complete and undeniable truth, desperate for some clarity in what is left of your mind. As you think this thought, your eyes turn the same shade of baby blue as your whiskers and there is a bright flash that makes you feel an amazing euphoric feeling as all of the electricity that had been overwhelming your mind is discharged through the lightning symbol shaped part of your tail. The thought that you just had gets wiped away by this wave of euphoria but the undeniable truth that it represented stays with you, even if you aren’t consciously aware of it.

As you come to your senses, you notice how your black skin is still slightly electrified and that the fur covered parts of your body are still producing electricity, especially your hands which still cause electricity to visibly arc across themselves and any of your fur that they are near. However, it now feels like it is flowing into your tail and then going away. As you maneuver your tail so that the end of it is in front of you, you notice how the part of it that is shaped like the symbol for lightning is glowing brightly. This part of your tail will glow brighter the more energy you have. Also, the electrical current that flows through your body and into your tail will make you feel awake and energised. These effects, as well as the strength and intensity of this electrical current, will become stronger the more energy you have. Additionally, you will find that when you try to sleep, or even if you are just trying to relax, your tail will become darker so that it shines with nothing more than a soft, dim, gentle, and relaxing glow, and that your body will stop producing much energy, causing the current, and you by extension, to feel sleepy and relaxed instead of active and energised like it normally does.

Finally, the effects of this hypnosis file will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of this hypnosis file that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now your transformation into an anthro Zera-ora has been completed, so I hope that you enjoy this new form. I know that I found it “SHOCKING!” how much I did. This session is seconds from completion, so goodbye, my conductive friend.

Player! I choose you! (no induction)


This file gives you a trigger that is your name, and then the phrase “I choose you!”. If you say this trigger phrase you will experience everything that the Pokémon that you are controlling in any digital Pokémon game does. Additionally, the effects of the trigger will become inactive if you say the deactivation phrase “That’s enough.”, and then your name.

====Pain control====

1 = none

2 = with your pain tolerance

3 = painfully realistic

You will be able to control how much pain you will feel by saying the control phrase “pain control”, your name, “I choose you!”, and then the number 1, 2, or 3. if you say the number 3, you will feel as much pain as your mind thinks the Pokémon would feel in real life. If you say the number 2, your mind will reduce the pain to an amount that is within your pain tolerance. And If you say the number 1 you will not feel any pain. Additionally, if you say the number 2 or 3 and are experiencing more pain then it would be healthy for you to experience, your mind will act as if you said 2 if you said 3, and it will act as if you said 1 if you said 2 or if it had already started acting like you said 2 when you had said 3. If you have not manually set this before it will default to 1.


This file was interesting to write and really fun to test! I remember my first Pokémon game  being Pokémon Leaf Green on a Gameboy Advance SP. I still have it so that is what I tested it on. I also tested it on Pokémon Sword which did present an issue that I can’t do anything about: My mind seemed to lag behind and then jumped ahead because it couldn't keep up with the animations. So if you want a smoother experience, I recommend using early gen games. Lastly I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions as well as file requests.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger is your name, and then the phrase “I choose you!”. If you say this trigger phrase the effects that are about to be described will become active. Additionally, the effects of the trigger will become inactive if you say the deactivation phrase “That’s enough.”, and then your name.

When the trigger is active, you will find that if you are playing any digital Pokémon game, official or otherwise, it will seem to you as if you are the Pokémon that you are controlling. For instance, if you are using a Peak-uh-choo to fight a wild Pokémon in a grassy environment where it is raining, you will hear the rain and feel the body of that Peak-uh-choo as well as the grass and rain, likewise you will also see grass, rain, and other parts of the environment as well as your trainer, the other Pokémon, and your Peak-uh-choo all from its perspective. Additionally, you will also feel yourself perform any moves that you make your Pokémon do. So if you make your Peak-uh-choo use Tail Whip, you will feel as if you are using the move Tail Whip on the enemy Pokémon. It won’t feel like it is happening automatically. Instead, it will feel like you know how to perform Tail Whip and are manually doing it. Furthermore, if you use an item on the Pokémon that you are controlling, you will feel that as well. So if you use a healing potion, you will feel it being sprayed on your Pokémon body. Moreover, if your Pokémon has an item equipped, you will feel that item. So if you have a silk scarf equipped, you will feel your Pokémon self wearing that silky scarf.

Also, when the Pokémon that you are using levels up, you will feel an intense feeling of happiness, strength, and satisfaction. The feeling will become stronger the higher the level of the Pokémon is.

Although you will feel the good things that happen to the Pokémon that you are controlling, you will also feel the bad things. For instance, if the Pokémon that you are controlling gets hit by the move Flamethrower, you will feel yourself burning in the flames while you are being attacked, and you will continue to feel burns on your body if you are hit and inflicted with the burn debuff until either the debuff is removed, you exit battle, or you change your active Pokémon so that you feel like you are that one instead of the one inflicted with the burn debuff.

You will be able to control how much pain you will feel by saying the control phrase “pain control”, your name, “I choose you!”, and then the number 1, 2, or 3. if you say the number 3, you will feel as much pain as your mind thinks the Pokémon would feel in real life. If you say the number 2, your mind will reduce the pain to an amount that is within your pain tolerance. And If you say the number 1 you will not feel any pain. Additionally, if you say the number 2 or 3 and are experiencing more pain then it would be healthy for you to experience, your mind will act as if you said 2 if you said 3, and it will act as if you said 1 if you said 2 or if it had already started acting like you said 2 when you had said 3. If you have not manually set this before it will default to 1.

Also, you will find that if the health bar of the Pokémon that you are controlling is green, you will feel fully conscious, and that if it is orange you will feel disoriented and a bit off balance, and that if it is red you will feel like you are about to faint. Additionally, if your health bar runs out you will feel as if you have fainted, coming to as the next Pokémon that you use or when the battle has ended.

In addition, you will also feel any status changes that happen to the Pokémon that you are controlling. For example, if the Pokémon that you are controlling gets its speed reduced you will feel your Pokémon self move slower, and if the Pokémon that you are controlling gets its evasiveness increased you will sense your reflexes improving.

Finally, when you are controlling a Pokémon, your consciousness will be split into two parts: the first will be the part that acts as a normal player does while you are controlling a Pokémon, and the second will be the one that experiences the effects of this trigger. Although part of your conscious mind will be normal, the part that is being affected by the trigger will be the one that determines what you experience.

Anthro umbreon transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am an Umbreon.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an Umbreon”, you will transform into an anthro Umbreon at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an Umbreon.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not an Umbreon.”.

This file was supposed to be quick to make do to time issues, but somehow it turned into an approximately 1 ¾ page long script. Regardless it was still fun to write and I like how it came out. As always I appreciate all feedback, suggestions, and file requests that you have.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an Um-bre-on.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an Um-bre-on”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an Um-bre-on.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not an Um-bre-on.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a thick coat of soft, short, black fur starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have as it does so. The fur even grows in your ears but it doesn't dampen your hearing. Also, as the fur grows it replaces your finger and toe nails, causing the skin around where they were to smooth out leaving no evidence that you ever had any nails to begin with.

Next, feel a pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a short rounded muzzle.

Then, feel a tingling sensation on your forehead, as well as on the sides of your shoulders and hips, as the fur their turns dull yellow in the shape of one inch thick ovals that are hollow, but big enough that the top, left, bottom, and right sides of them touch the corresponding edges of the parts of you that they are on.

Next, feel the two outer toes and the two toes closest to your big toe on each of your feet merge together and then change shape and size so that they are each one third as wide as your foot, and so that they are each as long as your middle toes were. The result of this is that you now have a nice set of paws.

Now, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow that is half as long as your torso is tall. It starts out one inch wide, and then steadily gets wider until it is half as wide as your torso is half way down it, and then it steadily gets narrower until it ends in a point. Most of the fur on your tail is the same as on the rest of your body, however the fur on the middle fifth of your tail is the same dull shade of yellow as that which is on your forehead.

Next, feel your ears move to the top of your head. As they do this, feel them stretch and change shape so that they are shaped like your tail and are as long as it, the only differences being that they start out as little more than a point, and that they only become as wide as your human ears when they are at their widest. Also, the fur on the middle seventh of your ears turns the same dull yellow color as your other yellow fur. Additionally, despite the fact that they are shaped completely differently then your old ears, you will still be able to hear just as well as you used to be able to. In fact, you will even be able to control where they point and you will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the direction that they are pointing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the direction that they are pointing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

Finally, become aware of how your eyeballs are turning a reddish orange, and how your irises and pupils are turning a color that is somehow even darker than pure black.

As this happens your yellow fur takes on a special property: it starts to softly glow. It is a calming and gentle glow which feels like warm sunlight, causing you to constantly be happy and relaxed. Also, while this fur will only ever glow dimly, it will glow brighter the darker the place that you are in is, causing the effect of the wonderful light to become even stronger. The only exception to this is when there is a full moon. When this happens, the fur will glow very brightly causing the feeling of happiness and relaxation that it creates to be almost overwhelming.

Additionally, you will find that dark places do not scare you regardless of how you felt about them before. In fact, you will find that you like being in them as long as it is a place that you would feel comfortable in while it is illuminated. In fact, it will feel as if the darkness calls to you. When you are in a dark place that you would feel comfortable in while it is illuminated, you will find that it feels like the very darkness is tightly wrapping around you, but it won’t make you feel trapped or confined. In fact, It will feel as if a soft fluffy blanket has been wrapped around you, making you feel comfortable and even slightly sleepy, tempting you to sleep in its soft embrace when the time is right, the effects becoming stronger the darker the place you are in is. You will know that the time is right when you go to sleep for the night. When you do, you will instantly fall asleep and dream of a void that only contains yourself and darkness. It won’t be that there isn’t light, but that there is darkness itself, a kind of anti-light. In this place that you dream of you will experience perfect feelings of happiness, calmness, contentedness, relaxation, and satisfaction. It will be as if you are returning home from a long day in the world of light.

Lastly, the effects of this transformation will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency that they would prevent you from dealing with to the best of your abilities, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the effect of the transformation that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now you have transformed into an anthro Um-bre-on. Many people are afraid of the dark, but you are drawn to it. I wonder what you will find where others are too scared to look.

Anthro gryphon transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a gryphon.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a gryphon.”, you will transform into an anthro Gryphon at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a gryphon.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a gryphon.”.

This file was fun to make. It was also interesting to work with the traits of two different animals in one file. As always, I appreciate all feedback and suggestions and would love to hear any files requests that you have!

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a gryphon.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a gryphon.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a gryphon.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a gryphon.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a tingling sensation on your entire body below your neck with the exception of your hands as a dense coat of blond fur grows, consuming any hair in that area as it does so. The fur is both short and rough.

Then, feel a slight pulling sensation on the underside of each section of your toes, as well as on the balls of your feet. There, the fur is falling out as the skin swells out slightly and becomes black, leathery, and slightly squishy, leaving you with a wonderful set of paw pads on each foot.

Next, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail that is one third as long as you are tall and as wide as your wrist grows. It is covered in the same blond fur as the rest of your body, except that the fur goes from blond to black over the last two inches of the tail. Additionally, a dense tuft of very long black fur grows at the end of it.

Now, feel a  bunch of small sliding sensations all over your hands as smooth yellow scales slide into place on your hands, replacing all of the skin on them as they do so. Simultaneously, all of your fingernails become a black material that is hard and durable as they expand, curving downwards and becoming narrower as they do so causing  them to end in a sharp point. 

Next, feel a sensation like that of a warm and gentle breeze on your neck and head as dense plumage starts to grow, consuming any hair that you have remaining as it does so. The feathers that make up this plumage are white, fine, and fluffy.

Then, feel your lower lip become hollow and stretch out a few inches as the front side of it disappears. Also, feel your nose and upper lip stretch out so that they are a bit longer than your lower lip, and so that they become narrower and shorter as they curve downwards near the end causing the curved section to go as far below your lower lip as half the combined height of your nose and upper lip before it ends in a sharp point. As this happens, your nose and lips become a hard and durable yellow material and your upper lip and nose fuse together, leaving you with a strong beak instead of the weak lips that you used to have.

Finally, feel two large, round, pulling sensations that are as wide as your arms on the center of the back of your shoulders as wings start to grow. They each grow so that when flapped, they rotate towards the side of your body that they are on. These wings are each as long as you are tall and have four layers of feathers on them. The feathers on the first layer are smooth and slightly shiny like chrome, as well as as tall as your torso and various shades of color between silver and slightly brown silver. Near the end of your wings they start to rotate so that the last feather on each wing points in the direction of that wing.

The second layer of feathers is on top of the first one, and is positioned and oriented like the first ones as well. However, these feathers are only half as long as the ones in the first layer.

The third layer of feathers are like the second one both in position and orientation, but they are not shiny and are various shades of color between brown and slightly silver brown. Also, they are half as long as the ones in the second layer.

The fourth layer of feathers is actually composed of four smaller layers of feathers. They all have the same positions and orientations as the other ones, as well as the same colors and lack of reflectivity as the third one. But, the first of these layers is half as long as the third layer, and each layer on top of it is half as long as the one below it.

Now you have been fully transformed into an anthro gryphon. I would be “LION.” if I said that this isn’t a pretty cool form. This session is just about done so we must now depart. So goodbye, my furry and feathery friend.

Anthro dog transformation (samoyed breed) (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a Samoyed.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Samoyed.”, you will transform into an anthro dog, or more specifically an anthro Samoyed, at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a Samoyed.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Samoyed.”.

This file was a lot of fun to make. I actually knew someone who had this breed of dog, so when I was thinking of what breed to do for this tf, that dog instantly came to mind. As always I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions, as well as your file requests.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Samoyed.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Samoyed.”, you will undergo the transformation that is about to happen again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a Samoyed.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Samoyed.”.

Now the transformation is beginning.

First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a thick coat of long white fur starts to grow. It is very soft, fluffy, and silky. The fur even grows in your ears but it doesn't dampen your hearing.

Then, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow that is one third as long as you are tall. It is as wide as your arm is and covered in fur that is twice as long but otherwise identical to the fur on the rest of your body. You will be able to control this tail so easily that it will seem like you have had it for your entire life. However, when you aren’t consciously controlling it it will move on its own based on your emotions. For instance it will wag back and forth when you are happy, and tuck itself between your legs when you are anxious or scared.

Now, feel the middle toe on each of your feet shrink away and disappear. Then, feel the two inner toes on your feet move inwards so that all of your toes are an equal distance from each other, and then feel all of your toes expand at an equal rate so that there is no space between them.

Next feel a weak pulling sensation on the underside of each section of your toes and fingers, as well as on the palms of your hands and the balls of your feet as the fur on them falls out while they appear to swell slightly. As this happens they turn black and become soft, leathery, and slightly squishy, leaving you with a wonderful set of paw pads on each of your hands and feet.

Now, feel your ears move so that they are on the top of your head. As they move, you feel them stretch and change shape so that they are the same shape as half of a hollow cone that has its base on the bottom of it.

After that, feel your finger and toe nails start to grow. As they do so they curve downwards and become narrower, ending in a sharp point. As this happens, they become a black material that is both hard and durable.

Now, feel your nose shrink and become triangular. As it does this, the fur on it falls out and the skin on it becomes black and leathery, as well as slightly squishy, but not as squishy as your paw pads. Then, feel a pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a long muzzle with your nose holes on the top right and top left corners of the front of it.

Finally, become aware of how your eyes are turning the bright white color of fresh snow on a sunny day.

As this happens, you undergo several mental changes.

The first mental change is that you will feel very comfortable when you lay down and then curl up.

The second one is that when someone scratches your back, head, or chest, you will feel happy, calm, relaxed, and content, being completely helpless to them scratching you. Likewise, this will also happen if someone pets or strokes you in those spots.

The third mental change is that if someone scratches your neck or rubs your ears, your mind will be overwhelmed with a euphoric happiness and a strong but relaxing energy. All of your thoughts will be wiped away by these feelings. When this is happening all you will be capable of doing will be enjoying these feelings, lightly leaning into the person that is rubbing or scratching you, and making quite happy noises. However, you will never find this even slightly addicting despite how good it makes you feel.

The fourth change to your mind will be that while you still will be able to walk on two legs just fine, you will find that you enjoy walking on all fours a noticeable amount.

The fifth change to your mind is that you will become very protective of and loyal to those that you care about.

The sixth and final mental change is that when you go to bed for the night, you will instantly fall asleep and start to dream. In those dreams you will be a dog, sometimes wild and sometimes domesticated. When you dream of being a wild dog you will get to experience things like the thrill of a hunt, and when you dream of being a domesticated dog you will dream of things like being with your owner and having your belly rubbed.

Lastly, these mental changes will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the mental change that was an issue will become active again once it no longer will be one.

Now your transformation into an anthro dog, or more specifically an anthro Samoyed, has been completed. This session is just about over, so we should get going. I recommend that you go and find someone to give you a nice long belly rub, or do it yourself if you can’t find anyone to do it for you.

A small relaxing place (no induction)


This is a short little file that makes a small relaxing place in your mind that you can easily return to when you want to. There isn’t really anything else to say about it.

This was a nice file to make. I actually ended up naming it after I finished my first draft of the script.  Anyway, I would love to hear all of your feedback and suggestions, especially on this one because I’m not as familiar with writing this type of script. Also, I would love to hear any and all file requests that you have.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to make a change to you, or reinforce it if it already has been made. I want you to imagine a body lying down. It can be any creature that you can think of, the important thing is that it is a creature that you would like to be, even if just for a little while. Once you have done so, let yourself be drawn into this mental form as your senses become one with this imaginary body instead of your real one.

Once this has happened, a couch forms underneath you. It is so big that there is more than enough space for your laying form. The couch is soft and comfy causing you to feel very comfortable and relaxed.

Next, become aware of the soft, fluffy, warm blanket that has come into existence over your body. It is as warm as if it had been taken out of a dryer and its gentle warmth doesn’t fade away as it covers everything below your head.

After that, you find that your head is now resting on a comfy pillow that is both soft and supportive.

By now you feel incredibly comfortable, relaxed, and maybe even a bit drowsy. These feelings are made even stronger as this small world that you are in is completed by the creation of a warm log fire that never goes out in a fireplace that is a few feet in front of the couch. Its flames mesmerise you and are warm enough to contribute to the calm and relaxing feeling that this place causes, and not so warm that it is uncomfortable.

Now this small but relaxing world has been completed. You will find that you can return to this place any time that you want and for as long as you want by laying down and imagining it with the intent of going to it. When you do this you will automatically imagine a body, it can be that of any creature that you desire, lying down and your mind will be drawn into that imagined body as your senses become connected to it instead of your real one. After that the creation of this world will begin again, starting with the couch, then the blanket, followed by the pillow, and ending with the fire and fireplace. 

Also, you can let your mind return to the real world simply by imagining it with the desire of returning to it. When this happens you will instantly go to sleep in this one and then instantly wake up in the real one happy, refreshed, and wide awake.

Finally, your brain will always be aware of the real world on some low level while your mind occupies this one. This way, you will know if there is an emergency or if someone is trying to get your attention and be able to act accordingly, or ignore them without even slightly disrupting your experience. Additionally, if you fall asleep in this place you will wake up in it as well.

Now I have finished sculpting this world for you, So I will now leave you to enjoy it. I hope that you find it nice and relaxing.

Anthro cow transformation (no udders) (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a cow.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a cow.”, you will transform into an anthro cow at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “ I am not a cow.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a cow.”.

This was a nice and quick request to do. The type of cow I based this on is the Holstein Friesians for those who are interested. A part of this required no editing which makes me worry that I missed something. I even listened to it twice and didn’t notice anything! Also, I would love to hear any feedback and suggestions that you have as well as file requests.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a cow.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a cow.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “ I am not a cow.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a cow.”.

First, notice how you feel a tingling sensation all over your body as your skin turns white and becomes tough and leathery.

Then, feel the middle toe on each of your feet shrink away and disappear as the two outer toes on each side of your feet merge together. After that, the newly formed toes change shape so that they are all as long as your big toe was, and so that the inner side of each toe is straight while the outer side forms an elongated curve that starts out straight and then curves inwards so that the end of the curves are perpendicular to the straight side of the toes when the two sides intersect at the end of the toes. Then, the toes on each of your feet become a black material as they finish becoming hard and durable hooves.

Now feel all of your fingernails expanding, the nails curving downwards as they do so. They continue to expand until the bottom of the nails are level with the bottom of your fingers. Then, they turn black as they become the same hard and durable material as your hooves. As this happens, this material fills in all of the space between the nails and the fingers that they are on.

Next, feel a tingling sensation that is different from the one from before all over your body as fur starts to grow. It is short, dense, and white with black splotches. It even grows in your ears but it doesn’t dampen your hearing. Also, the fur on your face, as well as on your hands, feet, and lower arms and legs, is completely white, except for two symmetric but randomly shaped sections around your eyes. Additionally, the fur on your ears is completely black.

Now, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. It is two inches wide and is one fourth as long as you are tall. It is made of the same leathery skin as the rest of you and is covered in all white fur that is identical to the fur that covers the rest of your body. Additionally, the fur at the end of your tail is blonde, wiry, and very long.

Next, feel a stretching sensation on your ears as they change shape so that their height and width are swapped, and then further change so that they are properly shaped cow ears, making them have a shape similar to that of shallow oval bowls.

Now, feel a pulling sensation on your face as it stretches out to form a muzzle that is one foot long. It is shaped so that your nose holes are on the top right and top left of the front of it and so that your mouth is just below the front of your muzzle. Then, the fur on the front of your muzzle falls out as the skin turns light pink and becomes slightly squishy.

Finally, become aware of how your eyes are becoming a milky version of whatever color they currently are.

As this happens, you undergo several mental changes.

The first is that when you are saying anything that has a “moo.” or “mu.” sound in it like “move.” or “music.", you will end up mooing when you try to make that sound instead of finishing the word. So the words “move.” and “music,” become moos, and words like “remove.” become “remoo.”.

The second change will be that whenever you drink milk, you will feel incredibly happy, calm, relaxed, and content. You will feel so good that you won’t be able to stop yourself from mooing in happiness once you are done swallowing the milk.

The third alteration to your mind is that you will involuntarily moo when you are really happy, for instance, you will involuntarily moo if you have just swallowed some milk or if someone has pleasantly surprised you. Additionally, you will moo randomly but frequently when you are not unhappy, and you will moo at least once a minute if you are very relaxed, content, or happy. For instance, you will randomly moo if you are not having a bad day, and you will moo at least once a minute if you are having a really good day.

The fourth mental change is that when you moo, you will do so for as long and as loudly as you reasonably can. For instance, if you are at home and nobody is around, you will moo as loud as you can, and if you are in a library your moo will be no more than a long, happy whisper. Additionally, whenever you moo, regardless of if it happened involuntarily, or if it happened  because you decided that you wanted to moo, you will feel happy and satisfied, as well as have a strong but easily controllable desire to moo again and again.

The fifth mental change will be that when it won’t be a problem, more and more of your words will be replaced by moos, until you eventually lose your speech to the happy mooing of a cow. However, you will always be able to talk normally if what you are trying to say is important.

The sixth and final mental change is that when you go to bed, you will instantly fall asleep and start to dream. In that dream, you will be in a pasture with bright green grass and a pond as well as lots of other cows. Like you, they have no udders. The temperature will always be just right to make you feel as happy and relaxed as possible. Also, there will always be a pleasant, warm, and gentle breeze that makes you even happier and more relaxed. Your mind will be very simple and all you will desire to do is act like a cow as you moo, eat the endless supply of grass, drink water, roam around sometimes on two legs and other times on all fours, stand in place and enjoy your anthro cow life, and lay down when you feel like it. When you wake up, you will know that while grass is technically edible, you should not and will not eat it because amongst other reasons, it is bad for your teeth and can cause you to vomit.

Lastly, these mental changes will become inactive if they are a risk to your physical body or your wellbeing, if they are a risk to your social or professional life, if there is an emergency, or if they are a risk to your mental health. Also, the mental change that was an issue will become active again once it no longer is one.

Now your transformation into an anthro cow has been completed. I hope you enjoy this new form that I have given you. This session is now coming to a close, so goodbye, my bovine friend.

Anthro goodra transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Goodra.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Goodra.”, you will transform into an anthro Goodra at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a Goodra.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Goodra.”.

This file was a bit harder to do than most because instead of describing changes to the listener’s body like I normally do, I was describing the development of the entire form starting with just a ball of slime. All in all, this file was a fun challenge and enjoyable to make. Also, I would love to here any and all feedback and suggestions, as well as file request that you have

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a GOO-druh.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a GOO-druh.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a GOO-druh.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a GOO-druh.”.

Now the transformation will begin.

First, notice how a ball of pale purple slime is floating in front of you. As you do, it starts to move towards you, getting larger as it does so. By the time it touches you, it is so big that you could fit inside of it. However, it doesn’t stop moving when it touches you. In fact, it starts to engulf your entire body until you are completely suspended within it. This ball of slime blocks all sound, light, and smells from the world outside of it. Somehow you can still breav just fine, but it is impossible for you to move. 

Then, the ball of slime stretches upwards a bit and it almost seems as if you can feel it as it does so.

Next, the slime expands upwards as it forms a neck that is as tall as the slimy torso that surrounds you and seamlessly connects to it. At the top of the neck it curves ninety degrees and then continues for a bit before ending in a rounded point that is short but as wide as the neck so that it forms an appropriately sized head. Then, the bottom quarter of the head stretches out two inches, causing the bottom half to become sloped while the top half remains flat. Halfway up this sloped section, an appropriately sized mouth forms. Once this happens, it starts to feel like your mouth is coated in a slimy substance. However, this doesn’t bother you at all. In fact, it is a surprisingly pleasant sensation.

After that, two emerald green eyes form halfway up the sides of the slimy head. They are two inches wide and are half as tall as the head is. When the eyes form, you find that you can suddenly see through them. Suspecting that you know what is going on, you try to move your neck and find that while the neck on your human body doesn’t move, your slimy one does. Then, two sections on the right and left side of this new neck and head turn the same emerald green color as your new eyes. They are the same shape as your new eyes and are also centered halfway up the sides of your gooey neck and head, the first section on each side is four inches back from your eyes, and the second ones are four inches back from the first ones.

Now, two nose holes form right below the top edge of the stretched out part of your face. One of them is a bit to the right of the center of your face and the other is an equal distance to the left of it. When they have finished forming, you find that you can once again smell things but that most smells are overpowered by the pleasant smell of your new body which makes you feel happy, relaxed, calm, and peaceful. However, you will always be able to clearly smell things that indicate a potential danger. For instance you will always be able to clearly smell smoke.

Next, two more things start to form that are located on the center of the left and right side of the top of your new head that are each as long as your neck and head are combined. They are round and start out one inch wide, they then quickly become wider until they are four inches wide one fourth of the way up them, and then gradually get smaller until they end in a rounded point that is a half inch wide. Once they are completed you find that you can move these things that now serve as your ears around easily, having a level of coordination that would suggest that you have had them for your entire life. Additionally, you will find that it seems like your hearing is much stronger in the direction that they are pointing. In reality, your mind will just pay a lot more attention to sounds in the direction that they are pointing, causing them to seem to be louder while ones from other directions seem to be quieter. However, you will be completely unaware that this is what is actually happening.

After that, two small horns that are three inches tall form on the rounded corners of the front left and front right sides of the top of your new head.

With the completion of your new neck and head, the slime that surrounds you starts to create two arms with hands at the ends of them. They are located right below the neck on the left and right side of the torso. They are exactly like your human ones with the exception of the fact that they are about twice as big as your human arms and hands, and that they have no nails.

By now you have determined that you can easily control these new limbs by acting as if they were your own, and decide to touch yourself with them. You find that you can feel everything that your slime body feels, and that the slime that it is made of is sticky and slightly moist like you would expect it to be, while somehow feeling pleasant to touch at the same time.

Next, two large legs start to form that are connected to the rest of this new body halfway up the torso on the center of the left and right sides of it. The legs themselves only go to the bottom of your torso. They are a few inches wide and start out half as long as the torso, gradually getting longer until the legs are as long as your torso is half way down them, they then gradually become shorter until they are as long as they are wide. Now, the bottom of the legs are extending downwards two inches. Once they have, small feet that are as wide as your legs are and six inches long form on the bottom of each leg. On them, there are two slimy toes that are half as wide as the foot that they are on. They curve inwards in a way that results in the sides of the feet and the two toes forming a continuous curve. Despite the fact that the structure of these legs and feet result in your torso only being two inches off the ground and that they should be awful for balancing, you will find that your balance is unaffected by this and that you can move around as you would if you were controlling your human body. You will never think about this or wonder why it happens. In fact, you will be incapable of understanding any logic when it is used in a context that directly suggests that your movement should be limited by this gooey form.

Now, the slime is starting to form a tail. The base of this tail covers the entire lower half of the back of the torso, and is as long as your new neck and head are combined. Halfway down the tail, it starts to gradually get smaller until it ends in a rounded point that is one inch wide. Also, there are three green sections on each side of your tail. They are the same shape and size as the ones on your head and neck with the exception of the fact that they are as wide as they are tall. Also, they are located halfway up the sides of your tail. The first one on each side is halfway down your tail, the second is six inches closer to the base of the tail than the first, and the third is six inches closer to the base of the tail then the second. Like with your ears, you will be able to control your tail with a level of coordination that makes it seem as if you have had a tail for your entire life.

Next, the pale purple slime on the underside of your torso, head, and tail, as well as on the front of your neck and torso are turning a dull violet color.

Finally, the eyes on your human body turn the same shade of emerald green as on your gooey one.

As this happens, your mind changes in several ways.

The first is that you will find that regardless of what it was before, you now have a mellow personality and a very kind nature.

The second change will be that you love to give people hugs, and that if someone asks you to give them a hug or gives you permission to hug them, you will have an uncontrollable desire to hug them for as long as they are willing to let you and are comfortable with you doing it. When you are hugging someone, you will find that you feel extremely happy, relaxed, content, and fulfilled. Additionally, you will find that while anger and hate used to be strong emotions that could seriously influence your actions, they are now very weak and they will never cause you to act in spite. In fact, you will be mentaly incapable of doing things to spite people or even desiring to do so.

The third mental change is that whenever you do something nice for someone, no matter how big or how small, you will become a bit happier and a bit nicer overall.

The fourth mental change will be that you really enjoy being in humid environments, finding that they make you happy, relaxed, comfortable, and content. They even make you feel extra clean. These feelings will become stronger the more humid the environment is.

The fifth mental change is that you will find that you don’t find slime gross or unclean. In fact, you will find that you like the physical traits of slime very much.

The sixth and final mental change is that you won’t be able to go to sleep unless you have done something kind for someone that day. It can be the smallest thing, but you won’t be able to get the tiniest bit of sleep until you have done at least one nice thing  that day. Once you have done this and try to fall asleep you will instantly do so and have wonderful dreams of being kind to and helping people, as well as giving them lots of hugs. The kindness that you show in your dreams, and the amount of happiness that you experience in them as a direct result of your kindness, will be based on how kind you have been that day, serving as a constant source of encouragement to become a better anthro GOO-druh.

Also, if you want them to, the first and third mental changes can become a permanent part of you. If you choose to let them you will not be able to reverse the effects of your decision.

Additionally, the only time that the other mental changes will not be active while you are an anthro GOO-druh will be if there is an emergency where they would be an issue, if they somehow could be or are a risk to your physical body or wellbeing, or if they would be a risk to your professional life.

Also, because your new body doesn’t have any form of waste removal, your regular body will go to the bathroom as it normally would, but you will not have any recollection of anything unimportant that happens while you are in a bathroom to relieve yourself and you will never wonder why this is or be bothered by it.

Additionally, you will find that with the exception of your tail, your new body has the same approximate shape and size as your human one does. However, you will still perceive it as being absolutely massive. After all, you know as a fact that its torso alone is big enough to completely hold a human within it.

Now you have become an anthro GOO-druh. Sure there might still be a human body being kept alive within you, but unlike that human body the anthro GOO-druh moves when you try to move, it says what you try to say, you feel what it feels, see what it sees, taste what it tastes, hear what it hears, and smell what it smells, so I think that it is reasonable to say that you are no longer a human.

I hope that this form makes you and those around you happy. This session is coming to a close, which means that soon I must leave. So goodbye, my kindhearted friend. I hope the light of your kindness lights up even the darkest places and people.

Anthro altaria transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am an Altaria.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an Altaria.”, you will transform into an anthro Altaria at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an Altaria.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not an Altaria.”.

This file was relaxing to work on and affected me a lot more than most do when I write them. I really like how this file came out. Also, I did something unusual in this one: The field that I describe at the beginning of the file is a mental landscape that I use as a starting point for a lot of things in my mind. As is always the case, I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions, as well as any file requests that you might have.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an Altaria.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an Altaria.”, you will undergo the transformation that is about to happen again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an Altaria.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not an Altaria.”.

When the transformation begins, what you perceive to be your location and position will become completely different from what they are in reality. In reality, you will simply stand up if you aren't already standing and stay still. However, you will not be aware of this and perceive everything that is about to be described as real.

First, notice how it feels like the sun is shining on you, making your entire body feel pleasantly warm and relaxed regardless of what temperature it previously was.

Then, rays of golden sunlight start to move out from within you as if you were a light. Once they are one foot away from you they start to slowly and lazily circle you. You shine brighter and brighter, causing more and more light to circle you and the pleasant feelings that they cause to become stronger and stronger. Eventually, they surround you completely, causing you to feel extremely relaxed and happy.

Then, the sunlight starts to fade away and you find that you are now in a large, round, grass covered field that has a tall tree in the center of it and is surrounded by a magical forest. Here, it is the middle of the day and there are a few clouds in the sky, but they don’t block any of the sunlight as it continues to make you feel happy and relaxed. Despite your sudden change in location, you aren’t at all worried. In fact, it seems as if it is impossible to have any negative emotions or thoughts here. It is like this place is pure and without flaws, making it so that negativity and evil simply cannot exist within it.

As the sun continues to shine its relaxing rays on you, they start to cause a tingling sensation on your entire body as they make soft, silky feathers grow. These feathers are a deep shade of sky blue and grow so densely that not even the tiniest bit of your skin is visible.

Then, a bit of one of the clouds detaches from the cloud that it was a part of and starts rapidly moving towards you. It quickly slows down when it gets near you and envelops your torso, arms, and legs. This cloud has now become a part of you, and will move with you accordingly. Where it touches the rest of your body, strong feelings of happiness, relaxation, contentment, and peace are produced. Additionally, you will find that when you lay on your back, the feelings caused by your cloud will become much stronger and it will feel as if it covers your entire body. In fact, it will feel as if you really are a cloud, with a gentle wind blowing you across the sky as warm sunlight shines both on and through you. A small part of you might even start to think that you actually are a cloud, but you will always be fully aware of the fact that you are an anthro Altaria. This effect will go away once you are no longer laying on your back.

When you and the cloud have become one, you feel the toe second to the left and the toe second to the right on each of your feet shrink away and disappear, as well as a new toe growing on the center of the back of each of your feet facing away from the rest of your toes. Then, their shape changes so that they are each as long and wide as your middle toe and so that they gradually get narrower and end in a point, causing your toes to be shaped like tall and thin triangles. Also, your toenails disappear as this happens and the outer toes on the front of each of your feet rotate a bit towards the side that they are on.

Once your toes are done changing, a strong wind lifts you off your feet and causes you to gain altitude at a comfortable pace. Technically, you could fly right now if you wanted to because the clouds on your arms can be used as if they were a perfect pair of wings, but without a tail it will be extremely difficult to control your flight. Fortunately, the wind has you covered. As you continue to rise, it feels as if the wind is becoming a part of you at the base of your spine. This is exactly what is happening as it starts to form a long, silky, paper thin tail that is as long as you are tall. It is the same wonderful deep shade of sky blue as your feathers, and starts out one inch wide and gradually gets wider until it is as wide as you are. Also, it will never get caught in anything because of how thin and smooth it is. Halfway down your tail, it splits into five equally wide segments, with the two segments on the outside being a few inches longer than the three on the inside. Normally, you wouldn't be able to control a tail like this because it would only be made out of the silky material, but this tail is made of the essence of the wind so you can control it. Also, another effect of it being composed of wind essence is that you can use it to create wind by willing it to happen. The wind that you create can be as weak or strong as you want, and will blow in whatever direction you want it to. However, you can only create wind while you are flying.

The wind that is carrying you becomes weaker and weaker as it becomes your new tail until it eventually goes away due to it having become your tail, leaving you to fly at your own pace amongst the clouds. As you fly, you feel more alive and one with the sky than ever before. After a little while you decide to fly into a cloud, finding that the cloud makes you feel extremely relaxed and that it is extremely soft and fluffy. Additionally, it does not feel like you have little space to move around in or like you are being confined in it despite the fact that it completely covers your new body while you are in it. Also, you discover that you don't fall out of it when you stop flying. Instead, you move with the cloud, staying suspended in it and moving around in it by willing yourself to move in the direction that you want to go. It feels as if the clouds and sky are the place where you belong, you can sense it in the core of your being, this is where you belong, and it will be your home whenever you have the ability to fly. However, before you can settle down and let the clouds truly become your home and the sky your new domain, a few more changes must occur. First, feel a tingling sensation on your cheeks as two small parts of the cloud break off from the one that you are in and attach to your cheeks, these pure white sections occupy the same space that your cheeks would if you puffed them out by holding as much air in your mouth as you could. They then become a material that is smooth and slightly squishy. Then, you feel that same tingling sensation on your lips as yet another small bit of the cloud brakes off of the one that surrounds you and attaches to your lips in the shape of a long but not very tall beak. They then solidify, becoming hard and durable while still maintaining the pure white color of the cloud that surrounds you.

Next, you feel two structures like the segments of your tail forming on the center of the top of your head. They are half as long as you are tall and a few inches wide, and come to a point near the end of them. However, unlike your tail which is made of wind essence, these two structures are made out of the essence of the sky itself, making your connection to it even stronger.

Finally, your eyes turn a dark shade of grey, marking the end of your transformation into a creature of the sky. Your connection to it is so strong that you decide to never touch the ground again when you have the ability to fly.

If one of the trigger phrases caused the transformation to begin, you would now have the choice that is about to be explained. However, for now that choice will be delayed until later. The choice is as follows: you can either instantly go to sleep in the cloud that you are in and wake up in the real world as an anthro altaria, or you can choose to stay here, relaxing on the clouds and soaring through the sky with each moment of flight being better than the last, completely unaware that what you are experiencing is not real. If you choose to stay here, your body will go to where it normally sleeps as soon as it reasonably can and do so without your conscious mind being even slightly aware of its actions and what it perceives of the real world. When you eventually wake up, you will still be an anthro Altaria and you will remember your time in this place and your last memory of it will be you falling asleep in one of the clouds. Likewise, if you choose to have your mind return to the real world once the transformation is complete, your last memory will be that of you falling asleep in a cloud. 

In addition, when you are in the real world, you will know that you will not be able to use your wings to fly or even slow your fall and will never attempt to use them to do so. However, your inability to fly through the sky will not bother you at all because you will be doing something very exciting: you will be walking. This will be so exciting because after flying for so long, you started to forget about and even wonder what walking is like. Likewise, when you are walking you will start to forget about and wonder what flying is like. This ensures that being in each world is an exciting and thrilling experience no matter how many times you are in them. Also, you will know that there is a simple way to let your mind return to this place where it can fly. All you have to do is try to go to sleep when you normally would. Then, your body will instantly go to sleep and you will find yourself in the cloud that you were in when you last fell asleep in this world, never having any reason to believe that it is not real while you are in it and returning to the normal one when your body awakens. Also, regardless of which world you are in, you will be aware of the fact that while time in this world doesn't pass when you are in the normal one, time does pass in the normal one while you are in this one. You will also be aware of the fact that you must maintain your body in the normal world in order to be able to return to this one.

Now you have transformed into an anthro altaria. I could be wrong, but I bet you want to fly in the sky that you are so strongly connected to, so I will keep this short.

You can now choose whether or not you will awaken standing up in the normal world, or floating in a cloud in this new one. Regardless of your choice, you will be an anthro Altaria.

Anthro serperior transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am an anthro Serperior.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an anthro Serperior.”, you will transform into an anthro Serperior at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an anthro Serperior.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an anthro Serperior”.

Thank you to whoever requested this file, I really appreciate knowing that people like my work enough that they want to request a file. The first draft of this was REALLy wordy, but it was nice to see it become better as I continued to edit it. As always, I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions, as well as any requests that have!

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a new trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an anthro Serperior.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an anthro Serperior.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an anthro Serperior.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an anthro Serperior”.

Now it is time for the transformation to begin.

First, feel a cool sensation all over your body as your skin becomes a sleek, pure white material, removing any hair that you have as it does so.

Then, feel a pulling sensation on your face, chin, and forehead as they stretch out to form a long, smooth muzzle that ends in a point. The top of this muzzle is at eye level, causing the top of it to be mostly flat. Also, your nose holes are in the same horizontal position that they were in before, but they are now located a bit below the point of your muzzle. Next, feel your eyes stretch forwards so that they are twice as wide as they were before and so that the left and right side of them come to a point instead of forming a continuous curve. Somehow, this doesn’t affect your sight or field of view in any way. Additionally, feel your neck bend back slightly so that you naturally look down upon those below you.

Now, feel a pleasant sensation similar to the feeling of water flowing on you as a layer of sleek skin that is a very pale green starts to grow on the back of your head and neck, as well as on the top of your head and muzzle.

Then, feel that flowing sensation again as this new layer of skin expands so that it grows two wave shaped extensions which are located on the right and left sides of the bottom of your head. These parts of the second layer are oriented so that they curve upwards before they start curving inwards. Then, two more of these wave-like extensions form. They are just like the other two extensions except for the fact that they start at the front end of your elongated eyes, and that they are oriented so that the beginning of their curves continue the top curves of your new eyes.

Then, feel your ears move so that they are just above the base of your neck, and so that one of them is all the way to the right of the back side of your head and so that the other is all the way to the left side of it. Then, feel them start to change shape and elongate so that they are as tall as your neck and head are combined, and so that they are a few inches wide and are shaped like hollowed vines that are cut in half and come to a point near the end. Additionally, they have changed so that they are now attached to your head at the bottom of them instead of on the sides. Also, your ears curve back at a constant rate so that your entire ears form a 90 degree curve. Next, feel yet another pleasant flowing sensation, this time on your new ears, as the second layer of skin that they are on merges with your ears and than converts them, making the back side of them the same very pale green color as the rest of the second layer of skin, and making the inside of them the same color as gold. Despite being completely different from your old ears, these new ones will not affect your hearing in any way. Also, these ears can easily be moved by applying pressure to them, such as pushing them with your hand, but will always quickly bend back into their original position when there is nothing holding them back.

Next, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail that is as long as you are tall starts to grow. It starts out as wide as you are and gradually gets smaller until it ends in a small, rounded point. The top of this tail is covered in sleek skin that is a dark, leaf green color, and the underside of the tail is the same very pale green color as the back of your ears.

Additionally, there are three leaf-like structures on the side of your tail that point away from it. One of them is located one tenth of the way from the end of your tail and points left, the second is two tenths of the way from the end of your tail and points right, and the third is three tenths of the way from the end and points left. These leaf-like structures are the same color as the top of your tail and have three sections, one pointing straight forwards, one pointing a bit to the side, and the third pointing a bit to the other side. Like with your new ears, they can easily be bent by applying a little bit of pressure, but will quickly bend back into their original position if there is nothing that is preventing them from doing so.

Now, feel a sensation like that of a warm breeze on the back of your torso from the top half of your tail and up, as well as on your arms and hands, as a second layer of skin starts to grow on them. However, unlike the second skin created by the flowing sensation, this skin is just like the dark, leaf green skin on the top of your tail. Then, feel this warm sensation on your chest as this second layer of skin grows so that it forms a “V” shape, the lines of which are a few inches wide. It starts just below the very pale green skin on the left and right side of the back of the base of your neck, and moves down and towards the center of your torso so that it ends in a point at the center of your torso. Then, feel the warm breezy sensation again as two wave-like structures form half way up the “V”, one of them is on the outer side of the left part of the “V” and the other is on the outer side of the right part. They are oriented so that they start to curve toward the shoulder of the side that they are on, and then curve inwards. Then, feel the new skin that is formed as this layer grows so that it extends the “V” shape past the point where it directly touches the rest of your body. This extension is shaped and can be moved just like your ears, the only differences being that they are twice as long as your ears, and that the angle at which they curve greatly increases near the end so that the last few inches of it almost form a full loop. Also, just like with your ears, the inside of these are the same color as gold.

Next, feel that familiar sensation of flowing water on all of your body that is below your neck and isn’t already covered in a second layer of skin as very pale green skin covers it.

Then, feel a sensation like that of warm sunlight on you as a third layer of skin that is like the other two, except for the fact that it is the color of gold, starts to grow all the way around the back of your torso in a horizontal strip that is a few inches tall and is located three quarters of the way down your torso. The strip then extends a bit to each side and then splits on both ends to form two wave-like structures on each end. they start out curving towards the back of your torso and then curve inwards. These structures are completely symmetrical except for the fact that the bottom one on each side is twice as tall as the top one.

Next, feel the warm sensation again in a shape that is identical to the last one, the only differences are that it is located at the bottom of your torso causing it to go onto your legs, and that which wave-like structure is taller and which one is shorter is reversed.

Now, sense how your eyes are turning a wonderful shade of red like that of a strawberry. As this happens, become aware of how your sleek skin is starting to take on unique properties based on its color. Where your skin is that very pale shade of green, you will feel absolutely wonderful and rejuvenated when it is wet, and even more so if water is actively flowing over it. Where your skin is a dark shade of leaf green, it will feel incredibly calming and relaxing to have wind blowing on it, especially if that wind is gentle. Where your skin is a golden color, you will feel happy and content when the sun is shining on it, especially if you can feel the sun’s warmth. Where your skin is white, you will feel a bit of each feeling caused by the other skin colors, all of the feelings on the white skin becoming stronger based on how many other skin colors have their conditions meant.

Finally, you will find that if all three of the conditions are meant, you will enter plant mode, causing you to immediately close your eyes and freeze in place, all of your thoughts instantly disappearing when you freeze. When you are in plant mode, you will have the thoughts and desires of a plant, but because plants don’t think or have desires, you will also be incapable of having thoughts and desires. You will simply stay where you are with your eyes closed as you experience perfect feelings of contentment, happiness, peace, relaxation, and any other pleasant sensations and feelings that you might have desired before you entered plant mode and lost those desires. However, if one of the conditions for any of your skin colors has not been met for at least half an hour, you will open your eyes and start to move, mindlessly and happily searching for a place where all of the conditions for each color of your skin will be met, closing your eyes and freezing in place once all of the conditions are satisfied. Also, there are several things that can cause you to leave plant mode, They are: if there is an emergency, if being in plant mode could harm your social or professional life, if being in plant mode could cause harm to your body or cause your life to be at risk, if you are noticeably hungry or thirsty, or if it is impractical for you to find a place that would satisfy the conditions of being in plant mode. Also, you will never enter plant mode if you don’t want to and you will find that being in plant mode is not even slightly addictive.

And now you have been transformed into an anthro Serperior. I hope that you enjoy this new form, and the plant-like changes that it brings. And now this session is almost over, so goodbye, my smooth skinned friend.

Anthro mew transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a Mew.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Mew”, you will transform into an anthro Mew. You will be able to control the order and speed of the transformation. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a Mew.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Mew.”.

This was a nice and quick file to write. Mew is a fairly simple Pokémon, so describing transforming into it wasn't that hard. As always, I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions, as well as any file requests that you have!

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Mew.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Mew”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again in whatever order and at whatever speed you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a Mew.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a Mew.”.

Now it is time for the transformation to begin. First, feel a pleasant tingling sensation all over your body as a short coat of pale, pink fur starts to grow. This fur is very thick, as well as very soft and silky.

Then, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. It is two inches wide and two and a half times as long as you are tall. Additionally, the last sixth of the tail slowly gets bigger until it is three inches wide half way along that section, and then it gets smaller until it is two inches wide at the end. The end of your new tail is rounded, making a shape similar to the very end of a raindrop. You will be able to move this tail in anyway that you want easily and naturally as if you have had it for your entire life.

Next, feel a tingling sensation in an oval shaped area on the soles of your feet. These areas are as wide as the soles of your feet, and go from the top to the bottom of them. There, the fur is falling out as the skin becomes a shade of pink that is light, but not light enough to be considered pale. Then, the skin in the affected area starts to expand as if it were slightly bloated and becomes leathery and a bit squishy, forming your new paw pads.

Now, feel your ears as they start to move up so that they are positioned between the top and sides of your head. Then, their shape starts to change so that they are shaped like pyramids that point away from your head and are just as tall as your old ears were. Fortunately, these new ears are just as effective as your old ones despite their radically different structure. 

Next, feel the two toes next to your big toes and the two toes on the outside of each of your feet merge together so that each of your feet only have three toes. After that, feel them change so that each of them is a third as wide as your five toes used to be, and then feel them move so that they are all touching each other, with the middle toe on each foot aligned with the center of that foot. After that, feel them change shape further so that they form a continuous curve, with the two ends going as far back as the nails on their respective toes, and the center of each curve being at the front center of your middle toes.

Then, feel your finger and toe nails start to disappear, being replaced with skin covered in the same fur as most of your body. However, the parts of your nails that weren’t in direct contact with your skin do not get replaced when they disappear.

Next, feel a pulling sensation on your face as your nose changes so that it is shaped like a semicircle with rounded edges that is as tall as your eyes and as wide as the space between them. This new nose is located at the center of where your old one was and the nose holes are on the bottom of it, each of them are a bit behind the curve of the nose and are the same amount of horizontal distance away from the center of your new nose as they were on your old one.

Finally, become aware of the fact that your eyes are turning a wonderful shade of blue like that of sapphires.

And with that, your transformation into an anthro Mew has finished. I hope that you have enjoyed this transformation as much as I have enjoyed transforming you. Our time together is almost over, so I must bring this session to a close. So goodbye, my bright furred friend.

Anthro Protogen transformation + ProtogenOS (no induction)


This file consists of two parts:

PART 1: anthro Protogen tf

Gives you the trigger phrase is “I am an anthro Protogen”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an anthro Protogen”, you will transform into an anthro Protogen at whatever speed you want. See Part 2 (Log out) for how to turn back into a human.

PART 2: ProtogenOS

Lets you use your mind similarly to how you would use a computer. This file allows you to install programs to your mind. There are seven of them by default:

Automation: Lets you do stuff without having to consciously make yourself do it.

Sleep: lets you sleep for the amount of time that you set.

Assist: generally makes things easier.

List: Lists all installed programs and system modifications, as well as if they are active or not.

Install: allows you to add programs and system modifications. Includes some safeties but still  be careful.

Uninstall: allows you to remove programs and system modifications except for “Uninstall” “Log out”, “List”, and “Install”.

Log out: Lets you turn back into a human. Basically, it’s this file’s equivalent of a rest phrase.

I would love to say that I enjoyed making this file, but I really didn’t. However, I do love the concept of ProtogenOS. I haven’t tried anything like this before but I really hope it works well! Also, if you read the description of my first Protoge tf file, you might remember that I said that it was a cutdown version of another one. Well, this is that other file. As always, I would really appreciate all of your feedback and suggestions, as well as any file requests that you have.

P.S. This file can finally stop haunting me on my to do list!

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an anthro Protogen”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an anthro Protogen”, you will undergo the transformation that is about to be described again. You will also be able to control the speed at which the transformation happens, but not the sequence of events. Additionally, there is a way to turn back into a human that will be explained later.

Now, it is time for the transformation to begin. Imagine that there is a mask in front of you. It is mostly black and rectangular, with a slope similar to that of a muzzle on the end. all of the edges are rounded. Also, There is a round loop of white metal where it would touch your face. Additionally, there are two round extrusions, on the mask. Each of these extrusions goes from the top of the side that they are on to the bottom. There is one on the left side and one on the right side, they are each positioned half way up the side that they are on and their centers are halfway across the white loop. These are also made mostly of white metal. There is a black circle that covers the top of the round part of the extrusions completely. It appears to be made of the same material as the black section of the mask. Also, the top of these extrusions have a triangular section on them. They are curved inwards slightly so that they match the curves of the extrusions, and are orientated so that they face away from the face of the wearer, extending several inches in that direction.

Now, see yourself pick up this mask and put it on. Once you do, you feel a squeezing sensation as the two triangular parts of the extrusions on the mask clamp down on your face. They do so hard enough that it is impossible to remove the mask, but not hard enough to hurt you. Once this happens, you feel a strange tingling sensation on your face as the mask fuses with it. When this is done the clamps will release you and your vision will be entirely black except for the words “Welcome to Protogen O-S.”, written in white text and located in the center of your vision. After a few seconds, the words will be replaced with the phrase “calibrating wireless neurological interface.”. After a few more seconds, the text will change so that it says “Done”. And then, “Deactivating user control and moving them to a safe position”. When this text appears, you will find that you can no longer make your body move. At this time, the mask will make it move into a sitting position. Once you are sitting, the text will change to say “You will now create your own Protogen O-S profile. You will be able to change any information that you input later.”. Once you are done reading this, the text will say “Please set your profile name.”. In fact, the text will always wait to change until you are done reading it, as a result of the neural interface. Below this text, there will be what looks like a text box. below the text box, there will be what looks like a two dimensional button that has the words “Confirm name” on it. The way that you interact with this button is by desiring to. If you want to select something, the mask will become aware of this and do so. If you want to “type” something, merely select where you want to type and think of the words that you want to input. If you want to send some other kind of input like a mental image, emotion, or memory, simply think of it with the intent of inputting it and it will be done. The name that you choose can be any mix of symbols, numbers, and letters. However, it is advised that you don’t include symbols. Once you have confirmed your profile name, you will find that you will say and write it instead of your human name, unless A: they are the same, or B: you are doing something that has legal importance like signing your name on a contract or stating your name in court. If you put any symbols in it, you will say the name of those symbols when you are saying your name. You will still be aware of your human name, but you will be incapable of using it while you have the mask on. You will instead use your profile name. 

After you have confirmed your profile name, the text will change so that it says three things: the first is “Select your fur color:” and has a white square next to it. Below that it says “Select your external display color:”. This also has a white square next to it. And below this it says “Select your icon:”. This has a black circle next to it that is larger than the other two squares. Finally, below this is a button that says “Confirm outwards appearance”. You will select the first square and input the color that you want your fur to be. As you do this, the white square will change color to match the one that you have inputted. You will then do the same for your outwards display color, the associated square acting like the other one. Finally, you will decide what your symbol is. It can be pretty much anything that you can imagine. However, it is limited by the facts that it can only be the color black, and your outwards display color. And that it must fit in the circle, but there is no limit to how fine the details can be. Finally, once you are done with this and select “Confirm outwards appearance”, you will find that the text has changed so that it says “Would you like to experience the transformation, or skip it?”. Below this text will be two buttons. One of them will say “Experience it”, and the other will say “Skip it”. If you have already Created a Protogen O-S account, you will find that this screen appears instead of the account creation one after the mask calibrates the wireless neurological interface. If you select “Skip it”, you will briefly black out, and awaken soon after to find that your body has been upgraded to that of an anthro Protogen. However, if you select “Experience it”, the text will say “transformation in progress”.

As you are reading this, the mask will light up. On it will be a simple face. All of the features of this face will be the same color as you chose for your external display color. It will have two dots where a nose would be if it were a muzzle. As well as two eyes that are two thirds of the way back from the front of the mask, and just below the curve between the sides and top of the mask, or more accurately, your new face. Their appearance will depend on how you are feeling. Being flat lines if you are bored or unimpressed, being wedged shaped if you are angry, turning into spirals if you are disorientated or off balance, disappearing when you aren't using them, and so on. Also, there will be a line that is your mouth. It goes all the way around your face. It can curve up or down slightly, as well as be flat or zig zag. Like your eyes, its appearance will depend on how you are feeling. Curving up on the sides when you are happy, curving down when you are sad, becoming completely made of zig zags when you are angry, and so on. The mouth will be fully functional despite the fact that it will look like it is being displayed on a screen, opening and closing as you talk and having metallic teeth inside it. The inside of your mouth, including the metal teeth, will be the same color as the rest of the parts of your face, contributing to the appearance that it is just an image on a screen with no depth. Finally, your face will go completely black if you are in sleep mode. Now, feel a bunch of tingling sensations where the mask has fused to your old face. This is because the mask is making wires that connect directly to your brain. The latency of these wires is less then one nanosecond, allowing it to send and receive information to and from your brain practically instantly. After a few seconds the feeling goes away and the mask releases nanobots both in and outside you. As it is doing this, you will gain the ability to see through your new eyes and control your head, neck, and new face, but that will be all you can do until the transformation has finished. After a few seconds the nanobots are in place and begin their work. It won’t hurt you at all because the mask will prevent you from feeling any pain while you are being upgraded.

First, feel a tingling sensation on the left side of your left shoulder and the right side of your right shoulder as two round circles are constructed that are identical to the extrusions on your face, except for the fact that they are big enough to cover the side of your shoulders that they are on completely, and that they don’t have the triangular sections. They are made of the same white metal as the ring around your face and are several inches thick. They also have a flat black circle covering the top of them. Now, feel yourself take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. As you do this the nanobots start to construct a strong chestplate on the upper quarter and top of your torso. It is made out of the same white metal as before. Once they have a thin layer done, you resume your normal breathing. They do this so that the chestplate is big enough to not intrude on the space that you use to breathe. The nanobots continue to work on the chestplate until it is several inches thick. They then proceed to fuse it to your body in any spots that won’t inhibit your breathing. Now, feel them begin to construct grey metal bands around the lower half of your torso. Each band is one inch tall. After they are done doing this they begin to construct a large metal structure on your hips and thighs. It is several inches thick and matches their shape perfectly, with the exception that they have a big black circle on the hip area. Now the nanobots are adding internal motors and supports near the metallic sections of your body. This way, their added weight will not hinder you even slightly. And with that, The mask has finished adding the artificial enhancements to your body and the round black sections on your mask, shoulders, and hips light up. On them is the icon that you chose earlier, scaled up or down to fit each circle.

Now it is time for your organic components to be upgraded. First, feel as the nanobots change your ears so that they are pointy and round like the ears of a fox, and then feel them move your ears so that they are on the top of your head. They do this by physically altering your ears, and then changing your very D-N-A so that your body doesn’t reject them. Then, feel a tingling sensation on your finger and toe nails as they begin to grow and curve downwards, eventually coming to a sharp point.

As this happens, they will be converted into a semi-organic form of the white metal that covers much of your body. Now, feel a tugging sensation at the base of your spine as a tail is rapidly grown. It is as long as you are tall and starts out as wide as your arm, gradually getting smaller until it ends in a point. There are white metal bands on this tail one third and two thirds of the way down it that are each half as long as your hands. Finally, feel a wonderful tingling sensation all over your body as fur starts to grow everywhere that isn’t covered with metal. As it grows it consumes your hair. This fur even grows in your ears. However, it doesn’t dampen your hearing. It is the same color as you chose for your fur color earlier and is very long, as well as very soft and fluffy. And with that, the mask Has fully transformed you into an anthro Protogen, leaving no part of your body untouched by this upgrade in one way or another.

With the physical transformation complete, you find that you can once again move your entire body freely. Additionally, the mask has altered your muscle memory, making it so that you feel as if you have had this body for your entire life, allowing you to easily and naturally control it. Also, the text stating that the transformation is in progress will disappear. If you choose to skip experiencing the transformation, this is when you will come to.

Now it is time for you to learn more about Protogen O-S. It has many features designed to make your time as an anthro Protogen the very best that it can be! First, let's go over customization. Earlier, it was stated that you could change the information that you inputted, that being your profile name, colors, and icon, at a later point. The way that you can do this is simply by willing the customization menu to appear. When you do, a menu will appear with all of the settings from before when you were creating your profile. You can change them the same way that you originally set them. Also, there will be a button at the bottom of this menu that says “done” on it. When you select this button, the menu will disappear. Additionally, you can open and close any program in Protogen O-S by willing it to happen. Also, if a program is blocking your view of something that you are trying to look at, it will become almost completely transparent. Additionally, you can move around and resize any program however you wish to by willing it to happen. Furthermore, you will be able to move programs outside of your field of view, being able to see them without them overlapping with any part of your vision.

There are seven programs installed on Protogen O-S by default, they are “Automation”, “Sleep”, “Assist”, “List”, “Install”, “Uninstall”, and “Log out”.

If you run “Automation”, the words “Input task” will appear with a text box below them. Below this text box will be the words “select mode”, and below this will be the option “Skip”, and the option “Experience”. Below those two options will be a button with the word “start” on it. First, in the text box, you input what you want to be done automatically. Then, if you select “Skip” for the mode, it will seem to you as if you black out until your body has finished the task on its own. Once it has, you will come to and be able to fully recall what happened when you were effectively unconscious. If you select “Experience” as the mode, you will be fully aware for the whole time, but you will not be in control of your body. In this mode you can stop the program at any point by willing it to stop. Additionally, regardless of which mode you choose, you will feel as if you have been in control of your body for the last ten seconds when the task is done. This way, you will be able to seamlessly resume control over your body. Also, if something unexpected happens, if it takes more than one hour to finish a task, or if the task becomes impractical for your body to complete, the program will act as if the task has been finished. Finally, you start the process by selecting the “Start” button. The menu will automatically be closed when the process starts. However, this will not start the process if you have not chosen a mode or if you have entered an invalid task, like “one plus one equals two”.

Next, if you run the “Sleep” program, the phrase “Please input how long you want to sleep for. This can be any amount of time including or between 1 minute and 8 hours.”, will appear. Below it will be two text boxes. The one on the left will say the word “Hours” above it and the one on the right will say the word “minutes” above it. You can input any number that is greater than or equal to 0 into each text box. If the total amount of time that you entered into the text boxes is greater than eight hours, the “hours” text box will automatically be set to eight, and the minutes text box will automatically be set to zero. Additionally, if the inputted number for hours and minutes are both 0, the number in the “minutes” text box will be set to 1. Below these text boxes will be a button with the word “Start” on it. When you select this button the menu will automatically close and you will lay down if you have not already. You will then instantly enter sleep mode, causing your conscious mind to go into a deep sleep and your face to turn off for the inputted amount of time, instantly waking up once it has passed, or sleeping for 1 minute if no numbers were inputted into the text boxes. The only thing that could wake you up when this program is running before the set amount of time has passed will be if something unexpectedly touches you, if your body senses an emergency, or if your body hears your human or profile name.

Also, if you run the “Assist” program, you will not see anything appear. Instead, you will simply become aware that it is running. When it is running, Protogen O-S will enhance everything you do. For instance, if you are trying to move something precisely, you will find that your hand is much steadier than normal. If you are trying to convince someone of something, you will find that you think of more and better reasons that support your point. The amount of uses for the assist program are endless. If for some reason you ever want to stop this program, all you have to do is desire for it to stop and it will.

Next, if you run the “List” program, the phrase “installed programs and system modifications” will appear. Below this will be a list. This list will contain the names of all programs and system changes that are installed. Next to each name, the word “Active”, or “Inactive”, will be displayed. The word “Active” will be displayed if the related thing is running, and the word “Inactive” will be displayed if it is not.

Also, if you run the “Install” program, you can install additional programs to Protogen O-S simply by reading or hearing the description of them. You can even edit Protogen O-S itself by using this program. However, you will have to read or hear the description ten times in order for it to take effect. Also, if Protogen O-S considers any programs or system modifications that you try to install to be a risk to your safety, if it can’t determine what it is supposed to do, or if it is a risk to itself or the functionality of other programs, it will reject the installation. Additionally, you will have to intentionally read or hear something with the goal of installing it for the program to try to do so. This way, if you are doing something like reading a book, or are listening to the description of a program that you are considering installing but haven’t decided to yet, you won’t accidentally cause the program to try and install it.

Additionally, if you run the “Uninstall” program, you will be able to remove any programs and system changes to Protogen O-S that you want to by willing it to happen, with the exception of the “Uninstall”, “Log out”, “List”, and “Install” programs. like the “Install” program, there is no visual indication that this program is running, you will just be aware that it is.

Finally, if you run the program “Log out”, text will appear saying “Are you sure you want to downgrade to being a human?”. Below it will be the options “Yes” and “No”. If you choose “No”, the menu will disappear and the program will stop. However, if you choose “Yes”, you will sit down if you aren’t already sitting and then effectively blackout for a few seconds. When you come to, you will be a human again, having your old muscle memory and having to say your old name again, finding that unless your account name is one that you already go by, referring to yourself by it will feel wrong, as if using your Protogen name to refer to your human self is somehow disgracing it. Obviously, any programs that had been running will have stopped and you will not be able to start any programs until you turn back into an anthro Protogen.

This session is now coming to a close. When you wake up, you will find that you are once again a human. But, the mask will be in front of you. I am sure that you will know what to do with it. So goodbye, I will now leave you to join the superior race that you deserve to be a part of.

Hair stroke bliss (no induction)


This file was largely inspired by an idea that I saw online. It makes it so that you basically feel blissful and relaxed when someone strokes your hair. Also, if you say “toggle hair stroke bliss”, or if someone that you give permission to use the trigger says your name, and then “toggle hair stroke bliss”, the effects of the change will be toggled on or off. Additionally, there is a secondary effect that will make you really suggestible when someone is stroking your hair. This can be toggled like the main effect, except that the phrase is “toggle hair stroke bliss secondary effect”, and that the permission to toggle it goes away after someone uses it. There are safeties, but I would still advise caution when giving someone permission to use this. Also, I never said that you couldn't stroke your own hair :)

I’ve had the idea for this file saved for a while now, but forgot that I had it. It was quick to make and I love the effects (I lost more time editing this to stroking my hair than I would like to admit). Anyway, I hope that you like this and would love to hear all feedback and suggestions, as well as any file request that you have!

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


And now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to make a change to you, or reinforce it if it already has been made. The effects of this change can be turned on or off by saying the phrase “toggle hair stroke bliss”. If the effects of the change are active, saying this will deactivate them. And if the effects of the change aren’t active, saying this will activate them. Also, this will happen if someone that you give permission to turn this change on and off strokes your hair and says your name, and then says “toggle hair stroke bliss”. This permission will last for a maximum of one week, and can be revoked at any time. Additionally, the same rules apply to the secondary effect which will be described later, the only difference is that permission goes away immediately after someone uses the phrase on you. The phrase to toggle the secondary effect is “toggle hair stroke bliss secondary effect”. You will always be very careful who you give permission to toggle the secondary effect to.

And now the effects of the change will be described. This change makes it so that if someone strokes your hair, you will be overwhelmed with feelings of relaxation and bliss. These feelings will fill your entire body rendering you incapable of coherent thought, making it so that you are only able to smile, make quiet happy noises, and lightly lean into whoever is stroking your hair.  The effects of stroking your hair will be so great that one quick stroke through your hair will completely disrupt all of your thoughts for a few seconds. Also, continual stroking will place you in a state of total relaxation and joy, aware of little else besides the fingers stroking your hair, the good feelings that they cause, and the platonic feelings that they make you have towards the one stroking you. When the person is done stroking you, your feelings towards them will go back to normal and it will take at least several minutes for your mind to fully recover. Additionally, while your hair is being continually stroked, the person will be able to move you around within the room that you are in by telling you to, but you will not move out of the reach of their hand.

For instance, imagine that someone starts to stroke your hair in a room with a couch in it, and then tells you to sit on the couch. You then move towards the couch as much as you can without going out of range of their hand.  Then, they start to walk towards it and you do so as well, getting as close to the couch as you can while still staying within range of their hand. As this is all happening, you are only marginally aware that your body is moving. When they are close enough you sit on the couch and they follow suit. They then tell you to curl up and rest your head on their lap like a puppy. So you curl up on the couch and rest your head on their lap, leaning into them lightly and affectionately because of how happy they are making you, feeling the need to show your platonic feelings towards them.  your mind is still aware of little more than the wonderful feeling of them stroking your hair, and You're using the small amount of mental capabilities that you have remaining to show them your affection. Now, I want you to continue to imagine this while I describe the secondary effect of the change.

If the secondary effect is active, you will become very susceptible and agree to anything that is suggested to you, with the exception of giving and removing permission to toggle the main or secondary effect of the trigger, and anything that might be dangerous to you physically, or to your work or social life.

Finally, the effects of this change will become many times more intense every time that you listen to this. Additionally, the primary and secondary effects of this trigger will not happen if you are doing something where the effects would be dangerous like driving, or if there is an emergency.

Now, I want you to start stroking your hair. Also, regardless of how they were before, the main effect of the change, as well as the secondary effect, are now active.

That's it, just keep on stroking, your mind becoming more and more happy and suggestible. Now, focus on the scenario that I described, you're curled up on a couch like a puppy dog, your head resting on someone's lap as they stroke your hair, leaning into them because of the platonic feelings that them stroking you causes. Your mind will be happily trapped in this imaginary scenario until you have done a few things.

The first is that when this file ends, I want you to look up and read the definition of the word “platonic” if you don’t know what it means. It is spelt P. L. A. T. O. N. I. C.

The second thing is that once this file ends and you have looked up and red the definition of the word “platonic” if you need to, I want you to listen to this again so that you have listened to it a total of two times. While you are doing these tasks, you will continue to stroke your hair, Once you are done, the secondary effect of the change will become inactive, and you will stop stroking your hair and your mind will start to recover.

Now do as I have commanded you to.

Anthro articuno transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am an Articuno.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an Articuno.”, you will transform into an anthro Articuno. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an Articuno.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an Articuno.”.

This file was noticeably more relaxing to make, and is great for me because I love the snow. A side effect of me writing scripts is that I end up experiencing some of the effects despite never listening to it in a trance state, and I ended up getting the tail effect which was wonderful. As always, I would love to hear all feedback and suggestions, both good and bad, as well as any file requests that you might have!

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


And now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an Articuno.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an Articuno.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an Articuno.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not an Articuno.”.

Now the transformation will begin. First, feel your temperature begin to rapidly drop, getting so cold that if water touches you it will instantly freeze. However, this won’t harm or even bother you. In fact, it will make you feel happy and relaxed. After a little while, tiny ice crystals and snowflakes start to form around you, being blown around you quickly and chaotically but not getting blown more than a foot away from you.

The snow and ice continues to form, accumulating and moving faster and faster until it is as if you are in your own personal blizzard, the roaring sound of the wind drowning out all other noises and the snow and ice limiting your vision to a few inches in front of you.

Then, it feels as if your feet and the areas below your thighs are being chipped away as the ice smashes into you in this powerful blizzard. However, it doesn’t hurt at all. Instead, it feels like your legs and feet are much thinner than they were a moment ago, and the ice is chipping them out of some kind of encasement. Also, it feels as if your feet now only have four toes: with three of them being equally spaced apart at the front of each foot, and the fourth on the back of your feet. On each of these toes, it feels as if the nail has grown out, curving downwards as it does so and coming to a sharp point. They are black in color, and are very strong and durable. The result of all of this is that your feet now strongly resemble talons, but can still be used for walking and running. If you look at the part of your legs that the ice has broken free, you will see that they indeed are now much thinner than they were, and that they are now covered in light grey scales. Likewise, If you look at your talon like feet, you will notice that they are also covered in these light grey scales.

As the ice finishes breaking the encasement, the blizzard raging around you seems to become a little bit less intense.

Next, feel as the snow and ice starts to stick to your thighs, torso, neck, and head. Where they touch you, you feel feathers form that are a pale but somewhat dark shade of blue. They are short, soft, and fluffy. There are so many of them that they cover the areas that they land in completely. Then, the snow starts to stick to the feathers on the front of your torso, causing the feathers to become an even paler shade of blue. Also, they are becoming softer and fluffier, and more feathers are growing in this area. This continues to the point where there are twice as many feathers in this area, and they are twice as long, pale, fluffy, and soft as your other feathers.

Once they have finished forming, the blizzard weakens enough for you to be able to look down at your chest and see some of the feathers clearly.

Now, the snow and ice are sticking to the right side of your right arm and left side of your left arm as they start to form long feathers. They are the same color as the ones on most of your body, and are each one foot long. Also, while they are soft and fluffy like your other feathers, they are noticeably more stiff than them and it will take a bit of effort to make them part. Additionally, these feathers start out pointing downwards at the start of your arm, and slowly rotate as they get closer to the end so that the last feather is facing the same direction as your arm. These feathers make up your new wings. Unfortunately, They will not allow you to fly, or even to slow your fall and you will never attempt to use them to do so.

With the formation of your wings finished, the blizzard becomes weak enough that you can catch occasional glimpses of things outside of it.

Then, feel the ice start to chip away at your lips, sticking to your mouth and the other ice as it does so. Like with your feet, this doesn’t hurt at all and it feels like it is chipping away at something that has been uncomfortably attached to you. The ice continues to stick to your mouth and itself as it forms the shape of a beak that is the appropriate size for your mouth. Then, the ice becomes a hard, non-transparent, light grey material. Once it has finished, a strong beak will have formed where your lips where.

Next, the ice starts to accumulate on your face, forming three pure blue diamond shaped structures with the bottom tips of them halfway between your eyes. They are each one foot long and two inches wide, the center structure points straight up, and the adjacent sides of the structures on the left and right of it are parallel to the corresponding sides of the center structure. These structures are made of ice infused with wintery power, causing them to never melt or get damaged.

Once they have finished forming, the storm weakens to the point where you can easily see outside of it.

Finally, feel the snow and ice start to attach to the base of your spine as it forms a beautiful tail, marking the last of your physical transformations. It is three times as long as you are tall and starts out as wide as you are, getting bigger until it is one and a half times as long as you are half way down it, and then gradually getting smaller until it ends with a point. This tail is pure blue in color, and is very soft, smooth, and silky. It is divided into three parts by black lines that each start from the base of your tail and go to the end of it. One of the lines is halfway between the right side and center of your tail, and the other is an equal distance from the left side of it.

Also, you will not be able to control this tail because it is completely made of a silky material, but it will move and spiral around you as if being blown by intangible winds. Its movements will be entrancing and relaxing, captivating your attention for hours on end if you let it, but easy to ignore if you need to focus on something. Also, it will sometimes rub against you, especially if you are really stressed out or unhappy, or if you are trying to sleep. The touch of your tail will make you instantly feel happy and relaxed, and cause you to be completely incapable of having even the tiniest negative thought or feeling. Additionally, this tail will never obstruct your vision in a way that is an issue, and it will never get caught in anything because it is so thin and smooth. In addition, you will find that you can easily move your tail if you want to by touching it, the tail only offering enough resistance to allow you to run your hand along its silky surface without it moving away. Also, if you just lightly push it but keep whatever you pushed it with still afterwards, it will twirl and be blown around that object, staying around it if it is moved slowly, and going back to moving and spiraling around you on the special winds that carry it if that object is moved quickly.

With the completion of your enchanting tail, the storm is reduced to pretty specks of white and blue that slowly move around you in a relaxing manner.

As you watch your new tail move around you, your mind starts to change. You will be aware of these changes and they will make you happy because you know that it is how a creature of the snow and ice like yourself should think.

The first mental change will be that you enjoy being cold. The cold will make you feel happy and alive. However, you will never let yourself get dangerously cold. Additionally, you will be generally less happy if you are warm. And if you are hot, it will feel like your mind is melting away, not being able to speak, or even think, coherently. The only thing that your melted mind will be able to do will be things to cool yourself off, finding that you have the mental capabilities that you need to do so, but not even the tiniest bit more. The only times that this won’t happen while you are hot will be if there is an emergency or if you are doing something where losing your mental capabilities would be dangerous. For instance, you will still have all of your mental capabilities while you are hot if you are driving or cutting something.

The second mental change will be that you are always happy when there is snow on the ground. And if it is actively snowing, you will feel happy, content, and relaxed. furthermore, if there is a blizzard, you will have a very strong desire to watch it from a safe and cold, but not dangerously cold, place. As you watch the blizzard, your mind will go silent. You won’t think of anything or want anything. Instead, you will just quietly enjoy the blizzard and the perfect feelings of peace and contentment that watching it gives you.

The third and final mental change will be that when you sleep, you will dream of flying over snow covered mountains as a full Articuno instead of an anthro one. The sky will always be clear and the environment always sunny and bright. Yet, despite the sunlight, the temperature will still remain somewhere wonderfully below freezing. In these dreams, you will be flying with other Articuno. Sometimes all of you will stop for a bit to rest, or maybe to play in the snow, and other times some of you might perform spectacular stunts of aviation just for the fun of it, both individually and as a group. Out of all of them, you will be the best. Additionally, you will feel a strong connection to your fellow Pokémon. When you awaken, you will remember that you are an anthro Articuno instead of a full one and that you can not fly, but this won’t make you feel bad in any way. The memory of the dream will make you happy, knowing that you will be able to take flight with them once again when you next sleep.

Once your mind has finished changing, the remnants of the storm start to lazily drift around and along your tail, matching its movement perfectly and making it even more enchanting to watch. 

Simultaneously, your eyes turn a bright shade of red that human eyes can not become, your vibrant eyes serving as a mark of the legendary arctic power that flows through your avian form.

And now your transformation into an anthro Articuno has finished. I hope you enjoy this new form and the changes to your mind that it brings. This session is almost done, which means that I should wrap things up. So goodbye, my long tailed friend.

Anthro vaporeon transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a Vaporeon.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Vaporeon”, you will transform into an anthro Vaporeon. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a Vaporeon.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Vaporeon”.

This file is based off of an image I found online, and is designed for people who like to swim. This took a while to write and edit, but I improved my editing method a lot and the TTS site was stable for most of the time that I was using it. This file was nice to write, and I would love to hear your thoughts on it as well as any requests that you have!

spiral footage (free, no credit required):


And now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a Vay-POR-ey-on.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a Vay-POR-ey-on”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a Vay-POR-ey-on.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a Vay-POR-ey-on.”.

Now the transformation will begin. First, see a stone that is about half as long as your hand floating in the air in front of you. It is semi-transparent and is the same bright shade of ah-kwuh blue as the ocean on a sunny day. It looks like there are bubbles suspended inside of it.

When you see this, what you perceive as reality and what it actually is will become significantly different. You will perceive everything that is being described as real, but in reality you will just stand up if you aren’t already standing and stay in place. Also, you will be completely unaware that your perceived reality isn’t real.

Now, see yourself reach out with one hand to touch the stone. When your hand is a few inches away from it, the water stone appears to go from being a solid to a liquid. As this happens, you find that you can’t move your hand away from the stone, but this doesn’t bother or worry you at all. You and the stone start to float up several feet, and then it is as if gravity is warped around you so that you drift into a position similar to the one you would be in if you were sitting in a chair that was tilted back, with the arm that you were using to try to touch the stone extended about 75% of the way in front of you and your upper body leaning forwards so that you are looking directly at the stone. You will still be able to move your body around, but you will drift back into this position if you aren’t actively trying to stay in a different one and the center of your torso will always stay in the same place. However, this won’t bother you either and you will find that the position that you seem to gravitate into, your default position, is very comfortable.

Also, when you eventually form a tail, its default position will be curved under you with the end of it slightly behind and a bit to the side of the hand that you tried to touch the water stone with, the side of the hand that it is on will be the one further from the stone.

Once you have drifted into position, spouts of water extend from the liquefied water stone and flow into each of the fingers on the hand that you used to try and touch it.

Where it touches you, your skin turns into small, smooth, and shiny scales that have the same bright ah-kwuh blue color as the stone. Also, the scales form over your nails, removing them and any evidence that you ever had any. The water that the stone makes continues to flow into you. As this happens, the scales continue to spread across your body, consuming any hair that you have as they do so. Where you have scales, it feels like you are in a hot tub with the water flowing around you comfortably. In fact, your scales will always feel like this, making you always feel relaxed and comfortable. Of course, you will always be aware of your actual temperature and how things touching you actually feel and act accordingly.

Once you have been fully covered in scales, you will feel your feet slowly melt and turn into water. They will not become detached from you, but they will lose any defining characteristics, becoming two blobs of water in the approximate area that your feet would be. Then, they will reform into the shape of a long paw with three toes and no nails. Now, something is happening to the water in an oval shaped area that is on the soles of your paws. The affected area is about as long and wide as your thumb. It is turning black and expanding as if it were slightly bloated. Then, the water re-solidifies. Most of it is covered by the same scales as the rest of your body. However, the black sections become leathery and slightly squishy, forming a paw pad on each paw, leaving behind no evidence that your paws were ever anything but what they now are: the paws of a Vay-POR-ey-on. 

Once this is done, the spouts of water will become wider and appear to flow into you faster. When they do, you will feel as if water is starting at the base of your neck and flowing down your spine. Where you feel the water flow, you feel tiny spines form almost instantly. They are very thin and about as tall as your middle finger is long. Also, they point away from your back. In between and around each spine, a thin, dark blue webbing forms just as fast as the spines do. It curves down a little bit between each spine like a stretched out semicircle. The combined appearance of these spines and the webbing make it strongly resemble the spiny dorsal fin that some fish have. As the water flows down your spine There seems to be more and more of it as it flows faster and faster. When it reaches the base of your spine, a massive amount of water flows out of you. However, it does not do so in a chaotic spray. Instead, it appears as if it is moving within the confines of a shape. That shape is your new tail. It is as long as you are tall. It starts out as wide as you are, and then gets gradually smaller. However, a bit before it would come to a point, it splits into two fins that are half as long as your arm and are shaped like an oval with a tip at the end. Additionally, the spines that form on your back also continue down your tail, stopping when they reach the point where it splits. When this space is fully filled, the tail will solidify, most of it being covered in the same scales as the rest of your body, and the webbed section being the same dark blue color as the other webbed section that it seamlessly connects to, forming one long, continuous strip down your back and tail. You will find that you can control this tail easily, and that if it’s being an inconvenience, and if you want what is about to be described to happen, it will become water again and flow around or through anything that it comes into contact with. Flowing back into its original shape when there is no obstruction, and re-solidifying in its normal shape once it will no longer be an inconvenience or if you want it to despite it still being one. For instance if you are laying on your back, it will become water while you would be laying on it, flow back into its original shape once you wouldn't be, and re-solidify when you want it to, or if you are done laying down. Also, you will find that if you try to drink your tail while it is made of water, it will simply pass through your body and rejoin the rest of your tail without hydrating you at all. Additionally, when your tail is in its liquid form it will never evaporate or disperse in other liquids.

Also, you will find that when you are swimming, unless you are intentionally going slowly, it seems as if you are swimming faster than any human ever could. You will feel the water rushing by you and your mind will change so that you think the speed that things are moving by you as you swim is many, many times faster than it actually is, your mind returning to normal in this regard once you stop swimming. Additionally, if you use your new tail while swimming, it will seem as if you are swimming faster than you would think possible, seeming to move hundreds of miles per hour at the very least, and thousands if you are going as fast as you can. The water will feel as if it is rushing by your agile Hydrodynamic body at unimaginably high speeds and your surroundings will appear to become blurred to the point where you can’t make anything out, only seeing large streaks of color flashing by. Of course, you won’t be swimming faster than you normally would, but it will seem like it to you. However, none of these effects will affect your judgment of your swimming abilities and limits in any way. Also, despite the fact that your surroundings will seem to rush by, or even if they seem so blurred that you can’t even begin to make things out, you will somehow be fully aware of where things are and never wonder how or why you are aware of those things. Additionally, it will seem completely normal to you that you will not have swam nearly as much as it seems like you would have. You will never question this, or even be able to understand any kind of logic that would suggest otherwise when it is used in the context of you swimming.

Once your tail has finished solidifying, the spouts of water from the water stone will go back to their previous size and flow speed. Then, you will feel tingling sensations on the top of your neck, at twelve spots that are an equal distance from each other. There, it feels as if water is flowing out of you as spines start to form. They are angled up slightly and extend a bit past your head, and are just as thin as the spines on your back. Additionally, you can feel the water flow out of you as it forms webbing that is identical to that on your back, except for the fact that it is much larger, and that it is white instead of dark blue. The underside of this webbing will be covered in more flexible scales that are the same ah-kwuh blue color as your tail. Also, you will discover that you can move these spines easily by pushing them without damaging them, the webbing, or the special scales that are on them. However, they will always quickly bend back to their original position, slightly obstructing your view of your new body. Additionally, they will rotate back 45 degrees when you are swimming to make your new body even more hydrodynamic, causing you to perceive yourself as swimming even faster, and rotating back to their original position when you are done. However, this won’t affect your judgment of your swimming abilities and limits.

Next, you feel the flow of liquid transformation from the water stone cut off as the spouts of water dissipate, but you still feel strongly connected to it. It will then start to glow brightly like rays of sunlight shining underwater, and you will find that you are unable to look away from it, or even blink. The water stone begins to become bigger and bigger, until it is so big that it could cover your entire head. And that is exactly what happens. The water stone moves closer and closer to your head, and then encapsulates it. However, you can still breathe fine. In fact, the water feels fresher than any air that you have ever breathed.

As your nose starts to change you can both naturally feel your nose changing, and sense the changes through the liquid water stone that now surrounds your head, as your nose becomes small and triangular, as well as black and leathery.

After that, become aware of your ears rotating backwards slightly and expanding outwards so that they are half as long as your head, starting out as tall as your old ears where, and getting taller the farther out they go so that the ends of them are twice as tall as the base. They are beginning to change so that they have the spine and web structure that you are now very familiar with. There are four spines, each of them are equally spaced apart. The webbing is a yellowish vanilla color and the top spine is not covered by the webbing. The top spines on each of your fin-like ears are the same dark blue as the webbing on your back and are one inch wide. Additionally, the top spine on each of your ears expands away from your face a few inches, curving downwards as they do so. This causes them to have a shape similar to that of a quarter of an oval. Also, when you are swimming they will rotate backwards so that they are angled away from your face to allow you to swim better, and rotating back to their original position when you are done. Once they are done expanding, feel a tingling sensation on the center of your head just behind your forehead as a fin that is shaped just like your ears forms. It points directly backwards and is just as long and tall as your other ear-fins, the only differences being that the blue spine doesn’t expand like the other two do, and where the bottom spine is on your ears, the webbing on your fin connects directly to your head preventing the fin from turning. 

Next, become aware of how the scales on your head in the area behind your ears, as well as the areas that would be on and behind the lines that you created if you drew lines from the front of your ears to your fin, are turning the same dark blue color as the webbing on your back. Also, be aware of how the scales in the area that you would create if you made a triangle that was pointed towards your face, had all equal sides with each side as long as the space between your eyes, and had its base centered on the front of your fin, are also turning that same shade of dark blue at the same time.

Additionally, while all of these transformations to your head are happening, transformations to your mind will happen as well. You will be fully aware of these and will happily embrace them, knowing that it is the natural state of mind for the wonderful and amazing creature that you are becoming. The first change will be that when you are swimming, you will feel alive and energised. You will have an incredible amount of fun doing it and will have a strong urge to do so again when you reasonably can. Of course, this urge will seem completely normal to you because it is just a natural result of how much you love to swim.

The second change will be that you love being wet. Whether it be from taking a shower, or getting caught in a torrential downpour, being wet will make you very happy, relaxed, and content. The more wet you are, the better you will feel, feeling best when you are completely in the water except for your head.

The third mental change will be that if someone tells you that they are an anthro Vay-POR-ey-on, you will see them as one  and have a strong desire to tell them that you are one as well if you haven’t already. You will then have a strong desire to play in the water and swim with them, finding it much more fun than swimming by yourself or with humans, but still being able to fully enjoy doing so. However, these effects will go away if they tell you that they are no longer an anthro Vay-POR-ey-on.

The fourth mental alteration will be that when you sleep, you will have dreams of playing in the water and swimming with both anthro Vay-POR-ey-on and normal Vay-POR-ey-on alike. In these dreams, you will be able to breav underwater and swim as fast as a bullet for hours without breaking a sweat. Of course, when you wake up you will know that you can’t actually breathe underwater or swim for that long and that fast. But, this won’t make you feel bad in any way. You will know that it was just a dream and enjoy the memory of it.

The fifth and final mental change will be that you will desire to stay in the water for as long as you can without causing any problems. This will be because it makes you so happy and you always have such a good time in it, even if it is just for a few seconds. The effect of this change will also be increased naturally by the other mental changes.

Finally, when both the physical and mental changes described so far have been completed, The liquid water stone will be absorbed into you, granting you the power of transforming into an anthro Vay-POR-ey-on whenever you use the trigger phrase and making your eyes turn a wonderful shade of blue that is unique to you. Your anthro Vay-POR-ey-on eyes will be the only place in the world where this wonderful shade of blue can be found, serving as a sign of the aquatic power that courses through you.

Once all of this is done, you will gently drift back down from where you are floating, landing in a standing position and ready to enjoy your new form. When your paws are fully on the ground, your perception of your position will return to normal, but you will still be an anthro Vay-POR-ey-on.

And now your transformation has finished. I hope that this form WASHES AWAY. all of your stresses. Sorry, that joke was awful, I should have learned after last time. I’m sure you SEA. What I mean. Alright, I’m just going to leave now before I make another awful joke. So Goodbye, my aquatic friend.

Anthro eevee transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am an Eevee.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an Eevee.”, you will transform into an anthro Eevee and the changes will happen at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an Eevee.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not an Eevee.”.

This was a fun file to write. It is short and simple and has some really nice suggestions in it. Its a good thing that it was so short because I barely have enough time to upload

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


And now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am an Ee-vee.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are an Ee-vee.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not an Ee-vee.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not an Ee-vee.”.

Now, it is time for the transformation to begin. First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body  as a luxurious coat of light brown fur grows all over it, converting any hair  that you have into fur as it does so. The fur even grows in your ears, but it doesn’t dampen your hearing. With the exception of your former hair if you had any, your new fur is short. However, all of your fur is very soft and fluffy. Then, feel a tingling sensation like the one before, but much stronger, at the base of your spine as a tail that is half as long as your torso is tall starts to grow. It is shaped like a raindrop, with the first two thirds of it being the same color as the fur on your body, and the last third being a nice vanilla color. This tail is unique in the sense that unlike most tails, yours is made entirely of very long fur, making it so that it isn’t an issue if you lay or sit on it. Unfortunately, this also means that you won’t be able to control it. If you want to move it, you will have to do so by using your hands. Next, feel the two toes next to your big toe and the two outer toes on each of your feet merge together. And then feel how they change shape and size to form two sets of paws. Additionally, a light pink paw pad is growing on the balls of both of your feet. And now feel a tingling sensation on your neck that you know indicates the growth of fur. The tingling sensation is much stronger than the first one, but not nearly as strong as the second. Where you feel this tingling sensation, thick vanilla fur is starting to grow. It grows to the point where it extends a bit past your head, forming a lovely vanilla colored mane. This fur is softer and fluffier than anything that you have ever felt before or ever will feel. Also, there is so much fur in your mane that you can comfortably rest your head on it, the fur is so soft and it makes you so relaxed that you could doze off standing up if you wanted to. Now, feel as your nails start to go away, your fur covered skin growing over the space where they used to be. Next, feel as your ears start to move up so that they are in the middle of the curve connecting the top and sides of your head. They then stretch out so that they have the shape of a diamond, the shape, not the jewel, the edges of which are rounded. They are as wide as your old ears were, and are as tall as your head. As they elongate, they also rotate so that they point away from your head. Additionally, the fur inside of your ears will become a chocolate brown color. Finally, your eyes are turning the same chocolate brown color as your ears.

And with that, you are now an anthro Ee-vee. I hope you enjoy the mane. Feature of your new form. Sorry, that joke was awful. I guess I should probably get going. So goodbye, my furry friend.

Anthro phoenix transformation (no induction) (caution: read description)


CAUTION: Because this file is phoenix themed, it uses sensory imagery (is that what you would call it?) of you burning. Its not described as painful. In fact its specifically described as not painful, but I thought that it might bother some people so consider yourself warned.

This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a phoenix.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a phoenix.”, you will transform into an anthro phoenix. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a phoenix.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a phoenix.”.

I had a lot of fun writing this file despite there not being able to find much information about what a real phoenix would look like. I just typed stuff as it came to my mind and love the result and hope you do to! As is always the case, I would love to here any and all feedback and request.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


And now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a phoenix.”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a phoenix.”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again. Additionally, you will instantly turn back into a human if you say the reset phrase “I am not a phoenix.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a phoenix.”.

Now, feel your body start to heat up as the transformation begins. It gets hotter and hotter but it doesn’t make you feel bad in any way. In fact, it feels really nice. As you continue to heat up you see flames engulf your body. However, this doesn’t worry you at all because you know what is about to happen. In preparation, you lay down if you aren’t already doing so. Soon after, you start to feel extremely hot and your vision is blocked by mesmerizing shades of red, yellow, and orange as magical flames roar and dance around you. It's as if there is a sun burning in the center of your being.

Then, you will start to feel your skin and hair burning off, but it won’t feel unpleasant. In fact, it will feel amazing and magical. And from the ashes of your old skin, a new skin will form. It will be a light pink color and on it will be tens of thousands of bright and vibrant red, orange, and yellow feathers, each one softly glowing with a relaxing light that is the same color as that feather. They will be very smooth and soft, and they will never fall out. Also, if you look at them closely they will appear to dance with a flickering glow just like the flames that created them. Watching this could captivate your attention for hours on end, or maybe even days if you let it. You will find that if you are ever bored and have nothing to do, you will look at your feathers. Getting lost in them as you happily and contentedly watch them dance and flicker, only being able to look away when there is something that is important to do or if you have thought of something else to do that is better than watching the show of your flame like feathers dancing.

After your feathers have finished growing from your ashes, you will find that your nails are starting to burn off and turn to ash. However, just like with your old skin, it will not hurt at all, instead it will feel magical and amazing. In fact, because this is a magical fire, it will never hurt you. It can only make you better and feel good things. Once your nails are done turning to ash, that ash will reform into sharp claws like those on a bird’s talons.

After this has finished, your head will start to burn up so that it can be re-formed into something better as well. Outwardly, the only change will be that you now have a beak. It will be a wonderful shade of orange that complements the rest of you very well. However, in your mind is where most of the changes will happen. You will feel your mind start to shift and improve as your head is reforming. The first change that your mind will undergo is that you will enjoy the heat a lot if you didn’t already, and a lot more than that if you already did. You will find that being hot makes you feel more alive and vitalized than in any other condition. Of course, you will never let yourself get dangerously hot and will always be extra careful to make sure you stay hydrated. The second change will be that when it is safe, looking at a fire will have the same effect as looking at your feathers. Therefore, this will never happen if you are in danger. For instance, this effect will never happen if you are in a burning building or are being attacked. The third and final change will be that you will have very little cold tolerance regardless of whether or not this was already the case. When you are cold, you will feel tired and sluggish, Your mind becoming slow and cloudy. However, your mind will always be sharp as a tack, and clear as the sky on a day with no clouds when you are doing something where having a sharp mind or being aware is important to avoid danger. For instance, your mind will become unaffected by the cold if you are doing something like driving or cutting something. The only ways to stop the effects of the cold from happening without actually heating yourself up will be to imagine a strong flame doing its beautiful dance, or to watch your feathers as they perform that very same dance to put on a wonderful and mesmerizing show. The fourth and final change to your mind will be that you will always fall asleep quickly and easily. While you sleep, you will always have wonderful dreams of skillfully and wonderfully dancing with and amongst the flames. Each dance will be fun and unique, some of them will be set to the slow rhythm of a fire crackling in a fireplace, and maybe others to the faster and chaotic beat of a forest fire.

Once your head, and therefore your mind, have finished reforming, the final part of your rebirth as an anthro phoenix will begin. From the remaining ashes of your old self, two sets of feathers, one long but thin and the other short but dense, will form on the right side of your right arm and the left side of your left arm. Where your arms start, they point straight down. As they go further down your arms, they rotate to point more and more in the direction of your arms so that the last feather extends along the side of your pinky when your hand is flat. These feathers will be just like your other feathers except for the fact that they glow much brighter and the way that they glow makes it look as if each feather is surrounded by a faint but strong flame.

And when your wings have finished growing, your rebirth will be complete and you will rise from the ashes of your old self. As you rise from your ashes the magical flames won’t go away, but will instead enter you and your feathers, giving them their enchanting qualities and giving you the ability to transform again by using the trigger phrase.

And now you have risen from the ashes of your old self, reborn as an anthro phoenix. I hope the flames of your feathers burn strong, and may your soul burn forever stronger.

Anthro dragon transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a dragon”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a dragon”, you will transform into an anthro dragon. When this happens you will be able to control how fast the transformation is, as well as the order in which the changes occur. Also, if you say the reset phrase “I am not a dragon”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a dragon”, you will instantly turn back into a human.

Sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while, I Its been a fairly stressful and busy two weeks. Although there is some good news: 

First, is working normally again! this makes my life so much easier!

Secondly, I should be able to upload regularly again.

Finally, I have a website now! the link is: 

There you can find my scripts (the written versions of these files), give feedback and make request (you can still do that on YouTube), See what I use to make files (its all free)!

Anyway, this file was surprisingly hard to make. You would think it would be easy with all of the visual references that there are, but it actually made it more difficult to determine key features. Overall I like how this came out, but I'm not entirely happy with the bit about the wings. As always, I appreciate any and all feedback and requests! 

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a dragon”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are a dragon”, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again. When this happens you will be able to control how fast it is, as well as the order in which the changes occur. Also, if you say the reset phrase “I am not a dragon”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a dragon”, you will instantly turn back into a human.

And now the transformation will begin.

First, feel a bunch of small rubbing sensations all over your body as scales materialize and slide into place, replacing your skin as they do so. The scales are smooth and hard, and can be whatever color you want them to be.

Next, feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. It is as long as you are tall and starts out as wide as you are and gradually gets smaller so that it comes to a point at the end.

Now, become aware of the fact that the scales from the front of your neck to your groin, from your groin to the base of your tail, and on the underside of your tail, are changing color. They can become any color that you desire, or stay the same color as the rest of your body if you want them to.

And now feel your face stretching out to form a muzzle, with your nose holes at the end of it. simultaneously, your forehead stretches out slightly as well but your eyes stay in place as it does so, causing it to look like your eyes are in two small craters. However, your sight isn’t affected by this at all.

Next, feel the middle toes on each of your feet shrinking away until they no longer exist, the two toes that were next to them moving so that there is an equal amount of space between your four remaining toes. After that, feel the nails on your hands and feet growing. As they do so they curve downwards and become narrower, ending in a sharp point. They also become stronger and more durable. Like with your scales, you can also choose what color these are.

Now, feel a bunch of tugging sensations all along your spine and the top of your tail as spike-like spines start to grow. They are one foot long where they start at the top of your spine, and gradually get smaller until they are no longer visible when they reach the end of your tail. They are the same color as your nails and twice as strong and durable.

Next, feel your ears begin to stretch backwards. As they do this, they become thinner and change color to match the color of the scales on the underside of your tail. Additionally, spine-like structures are forming in the middle of your ears, as well as the top and bottom of them. They go from the base of the ears to the end of them. They are about as thick as your old ears were and their scales are the same color as the ones on most of your body.

And now, feel two large pulling sensations from the top of your back to the bottom of it that are as wide as your arm. One of them is halfway between the left side of your back and the center of it, and the other one is halfway between the right side of your back and the center of it. These are the spots where your new wings are starting to grow. They are similar to bat wings, except that they are much stronger and larger than them, each wing being four times as long as you are, and as tall as you are after the first fourth of each wing. However, they will not allow you to fly, or even to slow your fall and you will never try to do so with them. Similarly to your ears, the spiny sections will be the same color as the scales that cover most of your body and the webbed sections will be the same color as the scales on the bottom of your tail.

Finally, feel two tugging sensations on the top of your head, one halfway between the center and left side of your head, and the other halfway between the center and right side, as two horns start to form. They grow upwards a few inches, and then curve backwards 90 degrees so that the horns point away from your face, becoming as long as your head is. They are the same color as the scales that cover most of your draconic body. However, they are made out of a material that feels like a bone, but is actually twice as strong and durable as your scales are.

And with your horns having finished growing, you have become an anthro dragon. My work here is done. So goodbye, I hope you enjoy this scaly form just as much as I have enjoyed giving it to you.

Cat-like (no induction) (behavioral transformation


this file gives you the trigger phrase “I am exceptionally cat-like.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are exceptionally cat-like.”, you will have behavioral changes that cause you to act more like a cat. Additionally, if you say the reset phrase “I am not remotely cat-like.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not remotely cat-like.”, the effects of the trigger will instantly go away.

This file creates a unique blend of human and cat behaviors. I really like how it came out. It is designed so that it could be used permanently if desired without interfering to much in day to day activities.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


And now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a new trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am exceptionally cat-like.”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “you are exceptionally cat-like.”, you will undergo the changes that are about to be described. Additionally, if you say the reset phrase “I am not remotely cat-like.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not remotely cat-like.”, the effects of the trigger will instantly go away.

Now, the effects of the trigger will be described.

First, you will find that after standing on two legs for a total of ten minutes, your balance will become nonexistent. However, Your balance will be fine when you are on all fours. Additionally, if you are on all fours for a total of one hour since you last stood on two legs, you will be able to stand on two legs again for another ten minutes. Also, if there is an emergency or if you are going to the bathroom, you will be able to stand on two legs for as long as you need to

Secondly, you will no longer be able to read, but this won’t bother you at all. In fact, it will make you happy because you know that cats can’t read and your inability to do so makes you more cat-like. Additionally, people talking will become unimportant to you. It won’t be that you can’t understand them, it’s just that you generally won’t pay attention to what other people are saying. Sure, words like your name, or phrases like “Good kitty”, might capture your attention, but most of what people say will be subconsciously filtered out like background noise.

Also, you will find that you don’t like to talk like a human. You will still be able to if you need to, but you will find that doing so makes you feel uncomfortable and unhappy. Instead, you will greatly enjoy meowing and purring to communicate. If you can not purr because you can’t roll your Rs, you will instead say “purr”, as it is spelt, dragging out the “ur” sound for a while as you do so. The only times that the effects that have been described so far will not affect you will be if: A, you are around people that you don’t want to know about your cat-like behaviors. Or B, if you are in a place where these behaviors would be an issue.

Next, you will find that being petted and scratched by other people, only other people and never yourself, will make you feel blissful, content, and relaxed. You will also feel something similar to love towards whoever is doing this to you. However this feeling will always be platonic, meaning that it will be intimate and affectionate, but not sexual.

The way that you will show your affection for people will be by doing things like purring, snuggling up against them, nuzzling their hand, or any other way that cats show their affection towards humans that you think they will appreciate. You will still be able to show your affection in other ways, it will just be that you strongly prefer not to. 

You will also discover that you have a strong desire to catch birds and small rodents. When you catch one, you will feel immense pride and happiness. You will then let the creature that you caught go, no longer having any reason to pursue it.

Also, you will find that resting your head on someone’s lap, or curling up at someone’s feet will make you feel incredibly happy, content, and relaxed, so much so that you could fall asleep if you wanted to. Of course, this will happen if you lay down anywhere, but it will be especially strong if you are in either of those special places. Although, neither of them will compare to how you feel when you lay in the sun. When you do, you will find that you feel like everything is perfect. You will feel more happy, content, and relaxed than you ever have been before. It will take a conscious effort to stay awake. Also, if you are resting your head on someone's lap or are curled up at someone's feet, and if you are also in the sun, you will feel better and more relaxed than you could ever imagine. So much so that any attempt to describe the feelings in words would be a complete waste of time. Under these circumstances, you will fall asleep instantly and not wake up until at least one of the two conditions is no longer met. Not even someone yelling your name or soaking you with water will be able to wake you up from this euphoric slumber. However, none of these feelings will ever cause you to develop an addiction.

And now back to the topic of water, you will absolutely hate getting wet. When you do get wet, you will do everything that you normally would to dry yourself off, but you will try to make yourself be far dryer than you usually would. The only time that you won’t mind being wet will be if you are doing something like washing your hands or taking a shower. However, you will still try to dry yourself off as much as you can once you are done.

Also, you will find that there are some things that you now absolutely love. If you didn’t already, you will find that fish is now your favorite kind of food, especially tuna. If you already liked fish, you will find that you now love fish so much that you will choose to have it whenever you can while still being healthy.

Additionally, you will find that aside from hunting, nothing is more fun and engaging than playing with cat toys. A scratching post could become a monster that you are determined to slay, a ball of yarn an enemy that can only be defeated by unraveling it.

And now you have this nice new trigger, allowing you to become a well balanced mix of a human and a cat. And with this new trigger in place, I must bring this session to a close. So goodbye, my cat-like friend. I hope this trigger makes your life a bit more purr-fect.

The Chicken Curse (no induction) (behavioral transformation


This file is based off of an idea I found online.

This file gives you a trigger that makes you act like a chicken. You will make chicken sounds, you will "flap" your arms, and you will bob your head as you walk. Also, you will feel like you are laying an egg if you try to resist it. It seems a bit weird to me, but that was part of the file idea so why not? The effects of the trigger will last until you fall asleep for the night. Also, I made sure that you will be aware of how you are acting and that it is not normal so that you can enjoy the effects more.

TRIGGER INFORMATION: This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a chicken cluck cluck cluck”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you give permission to trigger you says the trigger phrase “You are a chicken cluck cluck cluck”, you will then experience the effects described above. Also, the permission to use the trigger will last for a maximum of one week before it goes away. You can revoke someone's permission to use the trigger whenever you want. Additionally, if some kind of emergency arises that affects you, you will find that the effects of the trigger go away until the emergency has stopped being an immediate problem for you.

I basically copied the first paragraph of the script and pasted it in here. I couldn't think of a short version for describing the trigger, OK? Anyway, this file was fun to write and designed to give you and your friends a good laugh. Part of it is even designed to happen in accordance with comedic timing! As always I appreciate all feedback and suggestions. Also, sorry for the block of text describing the trigger.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger. The trigger phrase is “I am a chicken cluck cluck cluck”. If you use this trigger, or if someone that you give permission to trigger you says the trigger phrase “You are a chicken cluck cluck cluck”, you will then experience the effects that are going to be explained. Also, the permission to use the trigger will last for a maximum of one week before it goes away. But you can revoke someone's permission to use the trigger whenever you want. Additionally, if some kind of emergency arises that affects you, you will find that the effects of the trigger go away until the emergency has stopped being an immediate problem for you.

Now, the effects of the trigger will be explained. You see, they won’t cause you to think any differently than you normally would, or make you less intelligent. But, they will cause you to act like a chicken. You will be fully aware of when you act like a chicken and that it is not normal to do so, but this will not bother you at all.

First, if you are triggered, you will find that you have a strong urge to make chicken sounds like “CLUCK!” and “BWAK!” when you speak. Over the course of the first hour that you are triggered you will accidentally make more and more chicken sounds when you meant to say other things. After the first half hour, every other word will be replaced by a chicken sound. And after an hour, you will only be able to make chicken sounds. Also, you will start to make short bursts of chicken noises more and more often for no apparent reason. The frequency at which you do this will increase until you eventually make bursts of chicken noises after some random amount of time. It will be no more than five minutes since you last did it. However, it will have a tendency to happen when it would be funny for you to do so, this comedic timing overriding  the randomness. Additionally, if you are trying to sleep this burst effect won’t happen.

Secondly, you will involuntarily move your hands onto your shoulders. They will then become stuck there as if they had been glued there. You will find that you commonly feel an irresistible urge to “flap” your arms by quickly moving them up and down or left and right. You will also feel this irresistible urge if you jump, if you are very happy or excited, or if you make chicken sounds. However, you won’t experience this urge while you are trying to sleep.

The third effect of this trigger is that as you walk or run, you will bob your head up and down. How fast you do this will be determined by how fast you are moving.

Finally, the effects of this trigger will last until you have fallen asleep for the night.

Additionally, if you try to resist the effects of the trigger, you will feel as if you are laying an egg. It won’t feel painful, but it certainly won’t feel good in any way and will make you feel very weird and uncomfortable. It will be an experience that you won’t want to repeat. Every time that you try to resist the trigger, you will lay one more egg than before, and each egg will be a bit bigger than the ones from when you last tried to resist it.

And now you have this fun new trigger. This session is almost done, so I must be leaving. So goodbye, I hope you get a few good laughs, or at least some happy clucks, from this fun little change that we’ve made to you.

Solo pup 3: them training you (no induction) 


This file gives you the trigger "them training you, [whether or not you can make noise], [whether or not you can move around]". The main effect of this trigger is that it will force you to be on all fours. Then, a person that you will know to be your alpha will start to train you to do dog commands for as long the effects of the trigger are active. Whether or not you say "yes" or "no" for making noise determines if they will make you do commands that involve sound like "speak" and "sing" (a command to howl for a little bit). Whether or not you say "yes" or "no" for moving determines whether or not they will make you do movement based commands like "come", "stay", and "heel". The effects of the trigger last for 1 hour. After that, you can stop them whenever you want.

I really like this file. It was fun to write and I like the suggestions. Like all of the files in this series, it is designed for people who like acting like a dog or a puppy, but don't have anyone that they can trust do it with. I really hope that you enjoy it.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a new trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. But first, know that if anything unexpected happens, or if something requires your immediate attention, the effects of this trigger will immediately stop so that you can deal with what you need to. However, after you are done dealing with whatever you need to, the effects of the trigger, as well as the 1 hour time requirement which will be explained later, will reset to as if you had just said it. 

The trigger phrase consists of three parts: the phrase “them training you”, whether or not you can make noise, and whether or not you can move around. The main effect of this trigger is that when you use it, you will find a space where you can move around easily and go to the center of it. Once you do so, your arms and upper back will start to feel very heavy and you will find that you are starting to get dizzy. The weight in your arms and upper back, as well as the dizziness, will get more and more intense until you are forced to stop standing on two legs and instead stand on all fours, at which point the dizziness will go away and the weight in your arms will be reduced or increased so that you will only be able to lift your hands up as high as your head, and so that it is impossible to stand back up. However, you will be able to briefly lift your torso up so that it is at a 45 degree angle like a dog does when it is really excited, but it will then get very heavy forcing you to go back down, the weight returning to normal when your hands have landed. Once you have gotten on all fours, you will see a person in front of you. You will instinctively know that this person is your superior, your alpha, your owner. They will be the center of your universe. The mere sight of them will make you feel very happy, relaxed, safe, content, and most of all proud, because you know that they have deemed you worthy of being in their pack. They will tell you that it is time to start your training. They will then tell you a command. It could be any kind of dog command, like sit, lay down, roll over, and so on. They might also tell you other dog commands that you know of. When you obey their command they will say “GOOD PUP!” or “GOOD DOG!”, or some other reward phrase. They will also briefly do something like scratching behind your ears or petting your head. When they do this, they will seem to be a bit happier with you than the last time you succeeded. However, if you fail to obey the command, they will look a bit disappointed and try again until you eventually get it. This disappointment will make you a little bit sad, but you won’t let it get you down. Instead, you will use it as motivation to do even better next time. Also, if the issue is that you don’t understand what they want you to do, they will explain the command to you in whatever way they think is best and then tell you to do it again. They will continue to tell you commands as long as the trigger is active, their growing pride in you made obvious through the tone of their voice and the proud look on their face as you obey commands faster and faster, feeling happier and prouder every time you obey one. You will find that you enjoy your training so much that you will be unable to focus on anything but your owner and them training you while the trigger is active. It will be active for at least 1 hour. After that, the effects of the trigger will not go away, but you will have the ability to stop them. You will be able to do this by blinking three times really quickly. This will only work if you want it to, so if you coincidentally blink three times really quickly the effects of the trigger will not go away.

Now, the two options for the trigger will be explained. 

First, if you say “yes”, or something with the same meaning, for whether or not you can make noise, your alpha will include commands like “Speak”, which is a command to bark, and “sing”, which is a command to howl for a little while, as well as any other commands where a dog would have to make noise that you are aware of. If you don’t say “yes”, or something similar for this part of the trigger, your trainer will not use any of these commands.

Secondly, if you say “yes”, or something with the same meaning, for whether or not you can move around, your trainer will also include another set of commands. These will be movement based commands like come, a command to move to where they are indicating. Stay, a command to not move. Heel, a command to walk beside them. And any other movement based commands that you know. They will likely move around the area that you are in when using these commands. Especially for commands like heel where they need to be in motion for you to be able to do it. However, if you say “no”, or something that means the same thing, they will not use any of these commands.

 Finally, there will be some effects of the trigger that you can not control. They might not be fully or even partially effective the first time that you use the trigger. But, they will become a little bit stronger and real every time that you do, until they have eventually become an undeniable part of your perceived reality.

The first is that you will feel a dog collar around your neck. It won’t be uncomfortably tight, but it will be tight enough to serve as a constant reminder of your place,as well as how much you love it. On the collar will be a dog tag in the shape of a bone. On the top it will say your name, and below that it will say “My beloved pet”. Thinking of this tag will always make you proud and happy, even when the effects of the trigger aren't active, because it will remind you of just how much your owner loves you, and how obedient and loyal you are to them.

The second thing that you won’t be able to control is the loss of the ability to make human sounds. Over time it will start to feel less and less natural to speak like a human, and more and more natural to make dog noises like barking and growling. Eventually, you will have no recollection of how to make human sounds. You will instead make the dog sounds that will eventually come naturally from you when the trigger is active.

The third thing is that you will start to think of yourself as a dog or a pup, it doesn’t matter which so you can choose. If thinking of yourself in this way made you feel embarrassed or ashamed, or any other negative emotions before you used the trigger, you will find that doing so causes you to feel them less and less, until eventually you can even take pride in the fact that you aren’t afraid to think of yourself like this. This effect will never go away, even when the trigger isn’t active. 

Finally, the fourth uncontrollable effect is that your mind will become more like a dog’s in two regards: The first is that you will lose the ability to understand all languages, both written and spoken. Sure, you will still be able to understand your alpha’s praise and commands, but you will think of them as sounds like growling and barking instead of words with definitions. And the second thing is that your mind will become simpler. You will stop thinking in words as you most likely do in your internal monologue. Instead, you will think in concepts. It is hard to describe this in words by nature, but it is like a package of information containing every idea that would be needed to describe something. For instance, instead of thinking “I will obey them”, you will instead think of the concepts that can be described as “yourself”, “Obey”, and “them”.

And now you have this wonderful new trigger. It seems like you might have a training session in your future. Will you make your alpha Proud?

That's what I thought. “GOOD DOG! VERY GOOD DOG!”. However, if you are to be able to do your training, this session must come to an end. So goodbye, my obedient friend.

Anthro Protogen transformation (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase “I am a basic anthro Protogen.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a basic anthro Protogen.”, you will transform into an anthro Protogen. You will be able to control the speed at which the transformation happens, but not the sequence of events. Additionally, if you say the reset phrase “I am not a basic Protogen.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a basic Protogen.”, you will instantly turn back into a human.

This is actually a cut down version of  another file that I am still working on. Normally I would complete the full file first, but with acting up my development cycle, and therefore my upload rate, is severely slowed down. Anyway, I hope you like this file. As always, I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger. The trigger phrase is “I am a basic anthro Protogen.”. If you use this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a basic anthro Protogen.”, you will experience the transformation that is about to happen again. You will also be able to control the speed at which the transformation happens, but not the sequence of events. Additionally, if you say the reset phrase “I am not a basic Protogen.”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a basic Protogen.”, you will instantly turn back into a human.

Now, it is time for the transformation to begin. Imagine that there is a mask in front of you. It is mostly black and rectangular, with a slope similar to that of a muzzle on the end. all of the edges are rounded. Also, There is a round loop of white metal where it would touch your face. Additionally, there are two round extrusions on the mask. One on the left side and one on the right side, each of them is positioned at the bottom of each side and right in front of the metal loop. These are also made mostly of white metal. There is a black circle on the top of each of these. It appears to be made of the same material as the black section of the mask. Also, the top of these extrusions have a triangular section on them. They are curved inwards slightly so that they match the curves of the extrusions, and are orientated so that they face the direction of the wearer, extending several inches past the metal loop.

And now, see yourself pick up this mask and put it on. Once you do, you feel a squeezing sensation as the two extrusions on the mask clamp down on your face. They do so hard enough that it is impossible to remove the mask, but not hard enough to hurt you. Once this happens, you feel a strange tingling sensation on your face as the mask fuses with it. When this is done the clamps will release you and your vision will be entirely black except for the words “Welcome to Protogen O-S: basic version”, written in white text and located in the center of your vision. After a few seconds, the words will be replaced with the phrase “calibrating wireless neurological interface.”. After a few more seconds, the text will change so that it says “Done”. And then, “Deactivating user control and moving them to a safe position”. When this text appears, you will find that you can no longer make your body move. At this time, the mask will make it move into a sitting position. Once you are sitting, the text will change to say “You will now customize your upgrade”. Once you are done reading this, the text will say “Please set your Protogen name.”. In fact, the text will always wait to change until you are done reading it, as a result of the neural interface. Below this text, there will be what looks like a text box. below the text box, there will be what looks like a two dimensional button that has the words “Confirm name” on it. The way that you interact with this button is by desiring to. If you want to select something, the mask will become aware of this and do so. If you want to “type” something, merely select where you want to type and think of the words that you want to input. If you want to send some other kind of input like a mental image, emotion, or memory, simply think of it and it will be inputted. The name that you choose can be any mix of symbols, numbers, and letters. However, it is advised that you don’t include symbols. Once you have confirmed your Protogen name, you will find that you will say and write it instead of your human name, unless A: they are the same, or B: you are doing something that has legal importance like signing your name on a form. If you put any symbols in it, you will say the name of those symbols when you are saying your name. You will still be aware of your human name, but you will be incapable of using it while you have the mask on. You will instead use your Protogen name. 

After you have confirmed your Protogen name, the text will change so that it says three things: the first is “Select your fur color:” and has a white square next to it. Below that it says “Select your external display color:”. This also has a white square next to it. And below this it says “Select your icon:”. This has a black circle next to it that is larger than the other two squares. Finally, below this is a button that says “Confirm outwards appearance”. You will select the first square and input the color that you want your fur to be. As you do this, the white square will change color to match the one that you have inputted. You will then do the same for your outwards display color, the associated square acting like the other one. Finally, you will decide what your symbol is. It can be pretty much anything that you can imagine. However, it is limited by the facts that it can only be the color black, and your outwards display color. And that it must fit in the circle, but there is no limit to how fine the details can be. Finally, once you are done with this and select “Confirm outwards appearance”, you will find that the text has changed so that it says “Would you like to experience the transformation, or skip it?”. Below this text will be two buttons. One of them will say “Experience it”, and the other will say “Skip it”. If you select “Skip it”, you will briefly black out, and awaken soon after to find that your body has been upgraded to that of an anthro Protogen. However, if you select “Experience it”, the text will say “transformation in progress”.

As you are reading this, the mask will light up. On it will be a simple face. All of the features of this face will be the same color as you chose for your external display color. It will have two dots where a nose would be if it were a muzzle. As well as two eyes that are two thirds of the way back from the front of the mask, and just below the curve between the sides and top of the mask, or more accurately, your new face. Their appearance will depend on how you are feeling. Being flat lines if you are bored or unimpressed, being wedged shaped if you are angry, turning into spirals if you are disorientated or off balance, disappearing when you aren't using them, and so on. Also, there will be a line that is your mouth. It goes all the way around your face. It can curve up or down slightly, as well as be flat or zig zag. Like your eyes, its appearance will depend on how you are feeling. Curving up on the sides when you are happy, curving down when you are sad, becoming completely made of zig zags when you are angry, and so on. The mouth will be fully functional despite the fact that it will look like it is being displayed on a screen, opening and closing as you talk and having metallic teeth inside it. The inside of your mouth, including the metal teeth, will be the same color as the rest of the parts of your face, contributing to the appearance that it is just an image on a screen with no depth. Finally, your face will go completely black if you are in sleep mode. And now, feel a bunch of tingling sensations where the mask has fused to your old face. This is because the mask is making wires that connect directly to your brain. The latency of these wires is less then one nanosecond, allowing it to send and receive information to and from your brain practically instantly. After a few seconds the feeling goes away and the mask releases nanobots both in and outside you. As it is doing this, you will gain the ability to see through your new eyes and control your head and new face, but that will be all you can do until the transformation has finished. After a few seconds the nanobots are in place and begin their work. It won’t hurt you at all because the mask will prevent you from feeling any pain while you are being upgraded.

First, feel a tingling sensation on the lower part of your shoulders as the nanobots begin to make leaf shaped structures on them. They are made of the same white metal as the ring around your face and are several inches thick. They also have a flat black circle covering most of them. Now, feel yourself take a deep breath and hold it. As you do so the nanobots start to construct a strong chestplate on the upper quarter and top of your torso. It is made out of the same white metal as before. Once they have a thin layer done, you resume your normal breathing. They do this so that the chestplate is big enough to not intrude on the space that you use to breathe. The nanobots continue to work on the chestplate until it is several inches thick. They then proceed to fuse it to your body in any spots that won’t inhibit your breathing. Now, feel as they begin to construct grey metal bands around the lower half of your torso. Each band is one inch tall. After they are done doing this they begin to construct a large metal structure on your hips and thighs. It is several inches thick and matches their shape perfectly, with the exception that they have a big black circle on the hip area. Now, the nanobots are adding internal motors and supports near the metallic sections of your body. This way, their added weight will not hinder you in any way. And with that, The mask has finished adding the artificial enhancements to your body and the round black sections on your mask, shoulders, and hips light up. On them is the icon that you chose earlier, scaled up or down to fit each circle.

And now it is time for your organic components to be upgraded. First, feel as the nanobots change your ears so that they are pointy and round like the ears of a fox, and then feel them move your ears so that they are on the top of your head. They do this by physically altering your ears, and then altering your very D-N-A so that your body doesn’t reject them. Then, feel a tingling sensation on your finger and toe nails as they begin to grow and curve downwards, eventually coming to a dangerously sharp point. As this happens, they will be converted into a semi-organic form of the white metal that covers much of your body. Now, feel a tugging sensation at the base of your spine as a tail is rapidly grown. It is as long as you are tall and as wide as your arm. There are white metal bands on this tail one third and two thirds of the way down it. Finally, feel a wonderful tingling sensation all over your body as fur starts to grow everywhere that isn’t covered with metal. As it grows it consumes your hair. This fur even grows in your ears. However, it doesn’t dampen your hearing. It is the same color as you chose for your fur color earlier and is very long, as well as very soft and fluffy. And with that, the mask Has fully transformed you into an anthro Protogen, leaving no part of your body untouched by this upgrade in one way or another.

With the transformation complete, you find that you can once again move your entire body freely. Additionally, the mask has altered your muscle memory, making it so that you feel as if you have had this body for your entire life, allowing you to easily and naturally control it. Also, the text stating that the transformation is in progress will disappear. If you choose to skip experiencing the transformation, this is when you will come to.

This session is now coming to a close. When you wake up, you will find that you are once again a human. But, the mask will be in front of you. I am sure that you will know what to do with it. So goodbye, my soon to be cybernetically enhanced friend.

White latex wolf transformation 2 (no induction)


This file gives you the trigger phrase is “I am a W-L-W”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a W-L-W”, you will transform into a white latex wolf from the game Changed. You will be able to control the speed at which it happens but not the order of events. Additionally, it gives you the reset phrase “I am not a wolf”. if you say this reset phrase, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a wolf”, you will instantly turn back into a human.

This is a remake of my first file "White latex wolf tf". I have never been very happy with it, and uploading this improved version makes me feel a lot better about it. I still feel like the experience is kind of "compressed", but it is still a vast improvement over the first one. As always, I really appreciate all feedback and suggestions.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


And now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger. This trigger phrase is “I am a W-L-W”. If you say this trigger phrase, or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a W-L-W”, you will undergo this transformation again. You will be able to control the speed at which it happens but not the order of events. Additionally, if you say the reset phrase “I am not a wolf”, or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “you are not a wolf”, you will instantly turn back into a human.

And now it is time for this transformation to begin. First, I want you to imagine that in front of you is what appears to be a blob of white slime. Upon closer inspection you realize that the slime is actually liquid latex.

Suddenly, the latex lunges at you, covering your feet and lower legs. It feels like a fluffy blanket is being wrapped around you where it touches you. As you start to enjoy this nice feeling it begins to change your skin cells, causing your nerves to fail. Suddenly, you realize that you can’t move your legs or feet. It's not that you're paralyzed, but you simply can’t control them. The only thing keeping you from falling over right now is the fact that the latex is supporting you. Yet somehow, despite the lack of functional sensory nerves in your legs, the latex still feels good. It must be sending these feelings directly to your brain in an attempt to make you docile. It seems to be doing an excellent job of taming you, overriding your growing panic with its touch.

The latex continues to spread up you. By now it has covered your entire lower body, leaving only nice and relaxing feelings where it touches you. Part of you thinks that this is wrong, but it clearly isn’t the part of you that can feel the latex, because the latex feels so good and right.

Your consciousness starts to drift off and your thoughts begin to lose focus. In some part of your mind you notice how oddly soothing the sensation of the latex supporting your legs is. By now you are half covered in latex. It spreads across your body, but you aren’t afraid. You know that this is exactly what you want. In fact, you can’t even remember why you were afraid of this to begin with. After all, it feels quite gentle… you’re rather comfortable.

Suddenly, the latex on your chest expands and spreads out so that it evenly covers your entire body. The layer of latex fluctuates with your breathing as if it were a part of your body. A second skin. Even your face, head, and hair are covered, yet somehow you can still see and breathe, as if the latex has merged with your face. A not so small part of you even hopes that it has.

After a little while, you start to feel weird sensations all over your body. First, you feel as if your ears are melting and nearly panic when you can’t hear anything for a few seconds. Suddenly, you feel two triangular ears, identical in shape to a wolf’s ears, on top of your head and your sense of hearing returns. You remember that a wolf can turn its ears at will and you try to do so with great success. However, this success of yours is interrupted by a strange pulling sensation as your mouth elongates into a muzzle. You hardly even notice that your nose has become small and triangular. And that it is now located at the end of your muzzle. After all of this you notice that your legs have bowed like an animal’s and that it takes a noticeable amount of effort to make them stand up straight. You could still walk upright easily if you wanted to, but it will be much more enjoyable and feel far more natural for you to walk on all fours.

Now, feel cramps all over your body as the latex radically changes your skeletal structure to better accommodate this form. Somehow, the cramps don’t hurt. In fact, they feel kind of nice. It begins to dawn on you just how much control over your mind the latex has. However, this doesn’t concern you. In fact, it makes you very happy. You start to think that the latex is causing you to think like this, but it quickly prevents you from pursuing this train of thought. After a little while the cramps go away, and you somehow know that cramps will hurt just as much as they usually do again.

Now you feel a tugging sensation near the base of your spine, as a tail starts to rapidly grow. Your new tail is absolutely massive! It is as long as you are tall and as wide as you are, coming to a large furry point at the end.

Suddenly, as if someone adjusted the zoom on the lens of your mind, your blurry thoughts come back into focus. You feel very weird and confused. Your new latex body feels as if it is an ice cube that is somehow both solid and melting at the same time. You aren’t sure how this happened because all of your memories from when the latex first touched you to now are almost impossible to focus on. You find that you keep focusing on your new form instead and feel very happy whenever you do. It feels as if something is controlling your mind to make you think this way, but for some reason you can’t seem to care about that even if you wanted to.

You experimentally move your legs a little bit and fall back, caught off guard by how light you now are, and land on your tail. As you stand back up you take a moment to feel your new body. It feels very soft and fluffy, yet also sticky. You move your tail under your legs and up in front of you to hug it. You aren’t sure why, but you had a sudden irresistible urge to do so. You easily do this as if you have had a tail for your entire life. Maybe you have always wanted a tail, or maybe it is an effect of the latex, but either way you absolutely love it. Whenever you hug it, you feel happy and relaxed, and it seems as if all is right with the world.

For some reason that you aren't quite sure of, the only parts of you that aren't white are your irises, which have become an unnatural, but very beautiful and vibrant shade of blue.

Finally, because your new form is a projection of your mind, should any part of it overlap with another object in a way that it shouldn't it will simply phase through that object.

And now you have transformed into a white latex wolf. I hope that you have enjoyed this transformation. If you listened to the original version of this, I hope that this makes up for any lack of quality that it had. Now this session is coming to a close, so I must soon depart. So goodbye, my large tailed friend.

Anthro Mewtwo transformation (no induction)


The file gives you the trigger phrase “Mew-two! I choose you!”. If you or someone that you trust says this trigger phrase, you will transform into an anthro Mewtwo. You will be able to control the order and speed of the transformation. Additionally, if you or someone that you trust says the reset phrase “That's enough, Mew-two”, you will instantly turn back into a human.

Not much extra to say about this one. I had originally discarded it and decided to try and finish it today. As always, I appreciate any and all feedback and suggestions.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


And now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger. This trigger phrase is “Mew-two! I choose you!”. If you or someone that you trust says this trigger phrase, you will undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again. You will be able to control the order and speed of the transformation. Additionally, if you or someone that you trust says the reset phrase “That's enough, Mew-two”, you will instantly turn back into a human.

And now, it is time for your transformation into an anthro Mew-two to begin. First, feel a pleasant tingling sensation as a coat of light grey fur that is both dense and short grows in and covers you entirely. It consumes any hair that you have, both on your head and on the rest of your body. Next, feel a large tugging sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to form. It is as long as you are tall and slowly gets smaller until it is twice as wide as your arm at five sixths of the way down. For the last sixth of it it gets a bit wider and then smaller. This segment of your tail is similar in shape to a raindrop. Now, feel that familiar and pleasant tingling sensation again as a new coat of fur, similar to the one covering the rest of your body but purple instead of light grey, begins to grow on it. Next, feel a pulling sensation on the top of your torso, as well as the upper quarter of the front and upper eighth of the back of it. Here, your skin is stretching out about an inch or two. The fur here is falling out, revealing that the skin has become a light grey material that is the same color as your fur. This new section of your body is strong and durable. It can also be compressed slightly. This makes it so that it won’t be uncomfortable for you to lay on it. Now, feel your neck shrinking so that it is only as wide as your arm and three inches tall. Don’t worry, it will still support the weight of your head just fine. And speaking of your head, feel your face begin to expand into a small muzzle, with your nose holes at the very end and slightly below where the sloped and flat sections meet. Next, feel your ears move to the top of your head and begin to change shape so that they are just as tall as before, but strongly resemble the tall part of a plane in shape. Also, they have become completely solid. However, you will find that they function just as well as they did before this transformation. Naturally, they are now sprouting the same light grey coat of fur as the rest of your body. Next, become aware of the fact that your eyes have just become a dull shade of purple. Now, feel a small tube like organ grow from the back of your head and connect to your spine a bit below your neck. You will find that it doesn’t prevent you from moving your head at all because it is quite stretchy. However, because of this rubber band like behavior, you will find that it pulls back slightly when you look down. Next, feel the two outer toes and the two toes next to your big toes on each of your feet merge together. Also, feel the big toe on each of your feet move along the sides of them so that they are right below your ankles. As they do this the merged toe that was next to it takes its old spot. Finally, feel a ball growing at the end of each of your fingers and toes. These balls grow to the point where they are half as wide as your thumb. Also, as they grow your nails disappear, being replaced with skin and fur.

And now you have transformed into an anthro Mew-two. I hope you enjoy your new form. Now this session is coming to a close. So in Case I Don't See Ya, Good Afternoon, Good Evening And Goodnight.

Anthro black latex wolf transformation (no induction)


This file makes it so that if you say the trigger phrase "I am a B L W" or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase "You are a B L W", you will experience the transformation into an anthro black latex wolf from the game changed. You will be able to control the speed of this transformation but not the order in which it happens. Additionally, it will also make it so that if you say the reset phrase "I am not a wolf" or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase "you are not a wolf", you will instantly turn back into a human.

I really like how this file came out. The one major difference that I made was that the tail is twice as long as the listener is tall instead of one and a quarter times as tall. I arrived at one and a quarter based on the visual reference I was using as I made this. As usual, I would love to hear any feedback or requests that you have.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


And now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a new trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “I am a B-L-W”. If you use this trigger phrase or if someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “You are a B-L-W” you will experience the transfurmation that you are about to undergo again. You will be able to control the speed at which this happens but not the order of events. Additionally, if you say the reset phrase “I am not a wolf” or if someone that you trust says the reset phrase “You are not a wolf”, you will instantly turn back into a human.

Now, imagine that in front of you, on the floor or on a table, is a white, smooth mask. This mask has two holes for your eyes and matches the shape of your face from your nose up perfectly, with the exception that it appears to be made as if there was a short muzzle where your nose and mouth are. Now see yourself pick it up and put it on. You press the mask against your face and then let go of it. You then notice how it blocks the edges of your vision slightly and doesn’t fall off. It feels almost as if it is a part of you. Now feel a wet and sticky material on your face as the mask begins to secrete a substance. This substance is a living form of black latex. Feel it as it slowly spreads out from the mask and starts to cover your head consuming any hair that you have as it does so. Feel how your face has been consumed by it and is starting to stretch out and form a small muzzle. This muzzle matches the shape of the mask perfectly, with your nose holes just below the edge of the mask. And now feel a strange sensation as your ears get covered in latex and begin to shift, moving to the space between the top and sides of your head, as well as becoming pointy, just like the ears of a wolf. Now the latex is flowing downwards to cover your neck. Take a moment to move your head around as well as open and close your muzzle. Notice how it doesn’t restrict your movement at all or dampen your hearing. In fact, your hearing seems to be especially sharp. However, this increased hearing comes at a price: You will find that it is much harder to focus on fine details. Although, you will be able to notice motion much easier. Your world becoming one of sounds and movements instead of the one of details that it used to be. Now feel the latex spread more, flowing down your arms and torso. As it does you start to notice how it looks surprisingly like fur. You decide to touch it if you haven’t already and notice that despite being slightly sticky, it is very soft and fluffy. Now the latex has flowed down your arms and covered your hands. Feel the latex firm up on the underside of each section of your fingers, as well as the palms of each hand, to form two sets of paw pads. Now, feel the latex flow down your legs. You might not have noticed this before, but the latex feels really comfortable, serving as a soft second skin and giving you the feeling of being hugged all over your body. Now that the latex has covered your entire body, feel a familiar firming sensation as the latex forms paw pads on the underside of each section of your toes, as well as on the balls of each of your feet. Also, feel the two toes next to your big toes as well as the two outer toes on each of your feet merge together and shift so that they now form a nice set of paws. And now notice how it feels as if your insides have turned to mush. This is more or less what is happening as the latex starts to change you on the inside. Making you be made of only the latex and the mask that blessed you with this change. It feels as if you are an ice cube, somehow both solid and melting at the same time. This might feel weird at first, but you will get used to it over time. And now, it is time for the final part of your conversion. Feel a large tugging sensation at the base of your spine as a tail starts to grow. It is absolutely massive! It is as wide as you are and twice as long as you are tall. The latex fur on your tail is much longer than that which makes up your new body. It is also many times more fluffy and soft than the rest of your fur, and not at all sticky. You will also find that regardless of how you felt about tails before, you absolutely love your new one. Additionally, you could fall asleep anywhere merely by sitting or laying down and wrapping your tail around you, because it is so comfortable. You will find that wrapping yourself in it will be an excellent way to relax and de-stress, clearing your mind of troubles and worries. Finally, take a moment to notice that despite the added weight of your new tail, your new body feels much lighter than your old one did.

Now you have become an anthro black latex wolf. I would like to personally congratulate you on your transfurmation into your new species. This file is now coming to an end so I must end this session, but I hope, no, I know that you will enjoy your new tail. So goodbye, my gooey canine friend.

Anthro Houndoom transformation (No Induction)


Version 1.0

This file gives you the trigger phrase "Houndoom! I choose you!" which can be used by you and anyone that you trust which allows you to experience the transformation into an anthro/anthropomorphic/furry Houndoom in any order and at any speed that you want. It also gives you the associated reset phrase “That's enough, Houndoom”. 

This file is a remade version of a file that I scraped. As usual, I appreciate all feedback.

spiral footage (free, no credit required): 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a new trigger, or reinforce it if you already have it. The trigger phrase is “Houndoom! I choose you!”. When you or someone that you trust says this trigger phrase you will experience the transformation that you are about to undergo at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Additionally, if you or someone that you trust says the reset phrase “That’s enough, Houndoom”, you will then instantly turn back into a human.

Now it is time for us to start this amazing transformation. First, feel a tingling sensation all over your body as a short and thick coat of ash grey fur starts to grow all over it. It even grows in your ears. However, it doesn’t dampen your hearing at all. Also, take this moment to become aware of the fact that all of the fur on the front of your torso has changed to a dirty orange color. Now feel a tingling sensation just above your wrists and ankles. it is not like that of fur growing in, and you aren't quite sure how to describe it. Where you feel this strange tingling sensation cylindrical shapes are forming. There are two of them at each spot and each one is about as wide as a watch and as tall as your thumb. They are a very pale grey and made out of a bone like material. Now feel a pulling sensation at the base of your spine. There, a lump is starting to form and grow into a tail with a triangular shape at the end. This tail is half as long as you are tall and is identical to a devil tail, except that it is covered in your new ash grey fur instead of being red. Now, feel two tugging sensations near the edges of your forehead as two new structures start to grow, each an equal distance from the center of your forehead. These new structures are your horns. They curve backwards and outwards as they grow, each forming a single spiral that ends with a dangerously sharp tip right at eye level. Their shape is very similar to that of ram horns. Next, notice how your toes are merging and shifting, the two outer toes and the two toes next to your big toes become one on each foot. And then how they shift and change size to form a marvelous set of paws. Now feel that indescribable tingling sensation again as yet another thing begins to form around the base of your neck. It is similar to the things around your wrists and ankles. However, instead of being a complete circle each side shrinks to a sharp point near the center of the base of your neck with about as much space as the length of your thumb between them. This is your neck crescent. Now, In the gap of your neck crescent a small oval shaped bump is forming. It is made of the same material as your neck crescent. It is centered between the two points and is almost as wide as the space between them. It is twice as long as it is wide and one inch tall. It also has two small holes in it where your neck crescent would touch it if it were longer. When both parts are looked at, you might notice how it kind of resembles a necklace. Now it is time for you to grow a pair of claws that any Houndoom would be proud to have. Feel your nails growing outwards from your fingers and paws, forming points so sharp and strong that you could easily kill someone with them. However, if you for some reason seriously consider doing this you will instantly get the sense that it is a bad idea and forget it. Next, become aware of the fact that your eyes have just changed from whatever color that they were to the same dirty orange color as the fir on the front of your torso. Next, feel the strange tingling sensation that you have learned to associate with this bone like material growing in multiple spots on and around your back, starting one foot below your neck crescent, and occurring in one foot increments after that, stopping when they would pass your tail. These areas are identical to your neck crescent except that they only go halfway around your body. And now it is time for the final physical changes. Feel your nose shrink, as well as become black and triangular. Then, feel your face start to stretch out to form a muzzle. Finally, feel your teeth turn into small fangs and the fur on and around your muzzle turn that now familiar shade of dirty orange.

And now you have turned into an anthro Houndoom and this file is coming to an end. So goodbye my canine friend. So until we meet again, WAIT! I forgot something very important! I need you to know that I am Never gonna give you up.

Never gonna let you down.

Never gonna run around and desert you.

Never gonna make you cry.

But now it seems that I must say goodbye!

Solo Pup 2: By Their Side (No Induction)


Version 1.0

This file gives you the trigger “by their side(position, how much you want to be petted and scratched)”. There are four possible choices for position (on their lap, Laying down, curled up, sitting) and five options for  how much you want to be petted and scratched (none, a little, normal, a lot, constantly). Have you ever seen a dog relax or sometimes even fall asleep listening to their owner? Well that is the kind of experience that I hope to give with this file. The effects last for 1 hour. After that hour you will be able to stop the effects of the trigger, but are not required to so that you can enjoy it for as long as you want. It should also be noted that you will not be able to move in a significant capacity while the effects of this trigger are active.

As with the last one in this series the target audience is people who like acting like dogs are puppies but don’t have anyone that they can trust to do it with. As always I hope that you enjoy this file and would love to hear your thoughts on it! 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger. But before we do that, we will make sure that you will always be safe with it. If anything unexpected happens, or if something requires your immediate attention, the effects of the trigger will immediately stop so that you can deal with whatever it is that you need to deal with, However, once you have dealt with whatever it is that you had to deal with the effects of the trigger, including the 1 hour time requirement which will be explained later, will reset to as if you had just said it.

Now that we know that you will always be safe when using it, we will give you this new trigger. This trigger can be activated by saying or thinking it and is made up of three parts: the phrase “by their side”, a position, and how much you want to be petted and scratched.

There are four things that you can think or say for the position: The first is “on their lap”. If you use this as the position you will look for a comfortable place to lay down where your head is elevated. It is recommended that you use a pillow to help achieve this, because you won't be moving for a long time. When you find a good spot, or make one if you need to, you will then lay down on it with your head elevated. Once you do so you will find that a few things have happened: the first is that were whatever you were using to elevate your head once was, there is now someone's lap. You will instinctively know that this person is your superior, your alpha, your owner. Their presence will make you feel incredibly comfortable and safe, as well as happy, relaxed,  and content. The second thing is that you will be unable to move from that spot for at least one hour. It won’t be that you can't, it's just that you will have absolutely no desire to because you love, adore, respect, are loyal to, and admire your owner so much. However, you will be able to adjust your position slightly so that you are more comfortable.

The second option for the position is “laying down”. This functions similarly to “on their lap”. However, if you say or think “laying down” you will look for a comfortable spot to lay down where your head is not elevated and then lay down there. Then your owner will appear sitting slightly in front of you, relative to the top of your head. You will also be able to roll over in place if it makes you more comfortable. However, it functions identically to the last position in all other regards.

The third position is “curled up”. This functions exactly like “laying down”, however you will instead find a nice position to curl up in and curl up there. Like with the other two positions you will be able to adjust your position slightly in order to get more comfortable.

The fourth position is “sitting”. If you decide to use “sitting” as the position, you will look for a nice place to kneel. Once you do you will go to that spot and kneel. You will also put your hands on the surface slightly in front of you and you will lean forwards as needed so that your arms stick straight up. You will then notice that your owner is sitting next to you, and has one arm wrapped around you. You will find that you have a strong, but barely controllable urge to lean against them. If you do so and decide to show your affection like the good pooch that you are, you will feel all of the emotions that your owner makes you feel intensify and your bond with your owner, as well as their bond with you, will grow ever stronger. Additionally, with the exception of lightly leaning on your owner and moving your head to look around, you will have no desire to move, especially in this position which makes you feel especially close to them on an emotional level. 

Also, there is another thing that will happen regardless of which position you chose: You will constantly hear your owner talking to you, but you won’t understand any of it. However, this will not concern you. You will just be aware of the fact that they are making noise and that it sounds soothing and relaxing. This will make you feel incredibly relaxed and drowsy, causing your thoughts to settle down and clear out of your mind and possibly even causing you to drift off to sleep. If you do fall asleep do not worry, your owner will still be there with you when you wake up and as far as the 1 hour time requirement goes, it will be as if no time has passed at all.

Next, The third part of the trigger, how much you want to be petted and scratched, has five things that you can think or say for it: none, a little, normal, a lot, and constantly. If you choose none, your owner won’t pet and scratch you at all. However if you choose anything else you will feel one or both of their hands petting you or scratching you in the best places, getting that itch that you can’t scratch because you can’t move, or scratching you in that one special spot that makes you sigh with satisfaction. If you choose “a little” your owner will occasionally pet or scratch you. If you choose “normal” your owner will not go without petting or scratching you for more than 4 minutes. If you choose “a lot” you will feel your owner petting or scratching you at least once every minute. And if you choose “constantly” you will feel your owner petting or scratching you for as long as the effects of the trigger are active, whether or not they are scratching or petting you at any given moment is determined by what will make you happier.’’

Finally, there are some effects of the trigger that you will have no control of, but that I know will make the experience even better for you. They might not happen the first time that you use the trigger, but these effects will become stronger and stronger every time that the trigger is used. The first is that you will feel a collar around your neck. It won’t be uncomfortably tight, but it will be tight enough to serve as a constant reminder of your place. On the collar will be a dog tag in the shape of a bone. On the top it will say your name, and below that it will say “My beloved pet”. It will always make you happy when you think of this, even when the effects of the trigger aren't active, because it will remind you of just how much your owner loves you. The second thing that you can’t control is that you will lose the ability to make human sounds. It will start to feel less and less natural to speak like a human, and more and more natural to make dog noises like barking and growling. Eventually you will have no recollection of how to make human noises and only be able to make dog noises when you use the trigger. The third thing is that you will start to think of yourself as a dog or a pup, it doesn’t matter which so you can choose. The fourth and final uncontrollable effect is that your mind will become more like a dog’s in two regards: The first is that you will lose the ability to understand all languages, both written and spoken. And the second thing is that your mind will become simpler. You will stop thinking in words as you often do in your internal monologue and instead think in concepts. It is hard to describe this in words by nature, but it is like a package of information containing every idea that would be needed to describe something. Finally, After one hour the effects of this trigger won’t go away, but you will be able to stop them if you desire by barking three times in quick succession. You don’t have to do this loudly, it could be as quiet as a whisper, you just have to do it with the intent of ending the effects of the trigger. This way, you can enjoy the effects of the trigger for as long as you want even after one hour.

Anthro Ninetales tf (No induction)


Version 1.1

This file gives you the trigger phrase "Ninetales! I choose you!" which can be used by you and anyone that you trust which allows you to experience the transformation into an anthro/anthropomorphic/furry Ninetales in any order and at any speed that you want. It also gives you, and only you, the reset phrase "that's enough, Ninetales" which will instantly turn you back into a human. However, you can choose to keep your tails in human form if you desire to.

Writing this file was surprisingly relaxing so I hope to do more pokemon TFs in the near future. All CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK, both positive and negative, is greatly appreciated as I would love to hear/read it. I know I’m probably not that good, but I want to become better. And in order for me to do that I will need your feedback 

P.S. I ❤ tails! 


Now that you are in a deep state of trance, we are going to make a change that you are going to love. We are going to give you a trigger phrase that, when spoken, will turn you into an anthro Ninetales. This trigger phrase is “Ninetales! I choose you!”. If you or anyone that you trust says this trigger phrase you will begin to undergo the transformation that you are about to experience again. However, you will be able to do so in whatever order and at whatever speed you desire. Also, if you and only you say the reset phrase “That’s enough, Ninetales”, you will instantly turn back into a human. However, you can choose to keep your tails even in human form if you desire.

Now it is time for you to start this wonderful transformation into a certain pokemon, I'm sure that I don’t need to tell you which one. First, feel a nice, luxurious, thick coat of vanilla colored fur start to grow all over your body. It starts at your feet and travels up your entire body, consuming any body hair as it does so. The fur even grows in your ears. However, it does not dampen your hearing. Now that the first Layer of fur has grown, feel the fur around your breasts grow even longer and more dense. When this fur is done growing, it will cover you from your shoulders down to your breasts, and then curving inwards and coming to a point a bit below them. Next, become aware of how your nose is shrinking, turning black and triangular. Now feel how your face seems to be stretching out to form a muzzle. This muzzle will block a small area in the lower center of your vision, forcing you to look down if you want to see anything that is in that area. However, this will make you happy because it will be a constant reminder of the fact that you are now an anthro Ninetales. Next, let your attention be drawn to your ears, as you feel them moving to the top of your head and become longer and pointier. If you were to look in a mirror, you might notice how they strongly resemble fox ears, both in shape and position. Now, feel something happening with your hands and feet. Your fingers and toes are beginning to bloat. Not much, but enough so that there is little to no space between them, except for your thumbs because of how far they are from the rest of your fingers. Now something is happening with your hair: it is either becoming longer or shorter, or growing in if you are bald, so that it reaches your neck. All of your hair is the same beautiful vanilla color as your fur and will naturally grow so that it goes down the back of your neck, and never down the front or sides of your head. And now, there is one more change before the best part of this transformation. Feel the bottoms of your hands and toes, as well as the palms of your hands and the balls and heels of your feet begin to bloat slightly. The fur on these sections will disappear and the skin there will turn leathery and black. It will also become slightly squishy.

Finally, it is time for what I believe to be the best part of this transformation: your tails. It's alright if you don’t think that, but I certainly do. Notice not just one, but nine tugging sensations at the base of your spine. Feel nine little lumps form, and then grow to form your new tails. Each tail will be one and a half times long as you are tall and as thick as your arms. Aren't they just amazing. But something is missing… oh that's right! We forgot the fur! They wouldn’t be very good tails if they didn’t have any fur on them now would they? Feel a spectacular coat of fur start to grow on your tails. For the most part it is the same vanilla color as the rest of your fur, although it turns a light shade of orange near the end, similar to that of some foxes. The fur on your tails is softer and smoother than anything you have ever felt before, and ever will feel. It is dense enough that it covers your tails completely, yet thin enough that you can run your hands through it with practically no resistance. You truly have the perfect tails! In fact, you love your tails so much that you can’t help but move a few of them around so that they are in front of you and then bury your face in them. Isn't it just the most magical feeling?

And with that, your transformation into an anthro Ninetales is complete. And remember: if for some reason you want to turn back into a human you, and only you, can say the reset phrase “That’s enough, Ninetales.”. After doing so you will instantly turn back into a human, however you can keep your tails even in human form if you want to, I know that I certainly would. Also, if you or someone you trust says the trigger phrase “Ninetales! I choose you!”, you will transform into an anthro Ninetales again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. For instance, if you wanted to feel your tails grow before your fur grows in, you could do that. And, you could experience that as fast or as slow as you want, the speed can be anywhere from instantly to two million years. But the important thing to remember is this: You and anyone that you trust can use the trigger phrase “Ninetales! I choose you!” to turn you into an anthro Ninetales, but only you can use the reset phrase “That’s enough, Ninetales.” to turn yourself back into a human, and you can choose to keep all of your tails when you do so. 

Now it is time for you to awaken. In a moment I will simply say the word “awaken”, and you will open your eyes being wide awake, refreshed and rejuvenated, With your head still buried in your wonderful tails… AWAKEN!

And now it seems that this file is coming to an end, so we must now part ways. May your tails bring happiness and joy to you for as long as you have them, and goodbye, my many-tailed friend.

Lucario tf: sight, feeling, and walking digitigrade (no induction)


Version 1.2

This file gives you the trigger "Lucario! I choose you!" which allows you to experience the transformation in any order and at any speed that you want. It also gives you the trigger "that's enough, Lucario." which will instantly turn you back into a human. These triggers can be used by you or anyone that you trust.


There are two unique things about this file:

1) Although it is designed to be used while in a trance, it doesn't require it. This is meant for people who have a strong imagination but aren't good with hypnosis.


2) This file has two early exit points: The first is when the listener has Lucario fur but nothing else. And the second is when the Listener has the unique features of a Lucario (ears, hair, spikes, ect.) but their body is still more or less the same shape that it was when they started. 


Now that you are in a state where you can enjoy this, ideally a deep trance, you will experience turning into a Lucario. If you desire, you can look at and touch yourself or even move around as you experience this. However, this is not recommended.

Everything that you are about to experience will happen in any order and at whatever speed you want, whether that be several hours, a few minutes, or instantly, when you say the trigger phrase “Lucario! I choose you!”. Also, whenever someone that you trust says the trigger phrase “Lucario! I choose you!” You will experience everything that you are about to experience in whatever order or speed that they say, or instantly if they don’t specify a speed. Also, if you or someone you trust says “That's enough, Lucario.” you will Instantly turn back into a human. But for now just enjoy the transformation.

First, you will see and feel a thick and soft coat of fur growing all over your body. From your knees down, it will all be black. then blue fur will grow from the top of your knees to the top of your thighs. Feel it as it grows in. Next, a large black band of fur about as tall as your middle finger will grow around your waist. This band of fur will be at waist height when it passes through your sides, and will curve so that it is a bit higher than your crotch when it passes above the center of your crotch and butt. Next, cream colored fur will grow over the rest of your torso. Isn’t the feeling of your fur growing absolutely wonderful? After that blue fur will cover your arms and hands. After the fur on your arms grows in, the fir from your wrists to the tips of your fingers will turn from blue to black. Also, the fur before your wrist will turn black in a tall spike shape, there will be one on each of the four sides of your arms. Notice how comfortable your fur feels and how happy that makes you. Now your fur is almost done growing, all that is left is your neck and head. Feel the fur as a nice blue coat of fur grows up your neck and over your entire head. The fur consomes your hair in the process, but this doesn’t bother you at all. It even covers your ears, however it doesn’t dampen your hearing. Now a band of the fur is turning black. This band goes all the way around your head. The bottom of this band is just above your nose and the top of this band is where the space around your eyes meets your forehead. Also, another band of fur, as wide as the last one is tall, will turn black. Starting a bit above your nose and going straight across your head until it reaches the other side of the other black band. Finally, a small tuft of fur in the center of the front of each of your ears turns black.

Take a moment to really enjoy your new fur. If you are in a trance, open your eyes and examine and touch your new fur without leaving that trance state. Feel how soft and comfortable it is. And marvel at how good it looks on you. Now, make a decision if you only want to have the fur of a Lucario, stop listening right now and awake from trance at your own pace if you are in one. However, if you want to become more like a Lucario, prepare yourself to listen more. Get into a comfortable position and If you are in a trance close your eyes. I promise that you won’t regret this.

Now, feel a pulling sensation on the center of the tops of your hands as well as in the middle of the top of your chest. Feel a sharp metal spike emerge from each spot. These spikes are strong, sharp, and durable. If you touch the tip of one of them, it will hurt just as much as if you touch any other sharp metal spike. Next, feel a sensation just like that of your fur growing, but lasting much longer on 4 round spots on the back of your head. The spots are vertically centered on the band of black fur going around your head and are all spaced apart equally from each other, with two on the left side of your head and two on the right. As this feeling continues, long black hair is ground out to form four large masses which resemble raindrops in shape, with the point of the drop being the spot that the hair is growing from. These masses of hair can not be separated or styled differently than how they naturally grow. Now, notice the tugging sensation at the base of your spine. Feel a lump start from there and grow out to form your new tail. When it is done it will be medium length and covered in a nice blue coat of the wonderful fur that covers the rest of your body. Now focus on where your arms connect to the rest of your body and feel two cylinders growing, one on each side, in such a way that it looks like your arms come from the center of the cylinders. These cylinders are about twice as tall and wide as your thumbs and are covered in a nice coat of black fur. Next, take a moment to note that at some point in the transformation, your eyes turned a marvelous and unique shade of red. Finally, feel a strange sensation in your ears as they begin to move to the top of your head and change so that they resemble a large cone, they are still just as wide as they used to be, although a good bit more round now, and are almost as tall as your head.

Now take some time to get a sense of the wonderful changes that have been made to your body: you now have the wonderful fur of a Lucario and all of the key features of one. However, your body is still roughly the same shape that it was before you started this wonderful process. So now take some time to check out your body's wonderful new features. If you are in a trance then open your eyes without leaving trance and explore these new wonders of your body. Move your tail around, feel the cool metal of your spikes, just be careful not to hurt yourself! Now you yet again have a choice: you can stop listening now and wake up at whatever pace you desire if you are in a trance with your body a wonderful mix of human and pokemon, or you can go the extra mile and continue listening and become a full Lucario. If so, prepare to listen some more. Get into a comfortable position, and then if you are in a trance close your eyes. I promise you that you have made the right choice.

Now it is time for the final set of changes: the shape of your body will be sculpted into that of a Lucario. First, you will feel the two toes closest to the outside of your feet and the two toes closest to your big toe merge together, all of your toenails disappearing in the process. Then, you will feel them shift and change shape so that they form natural looking paws. Then, you will feel your former toes bend upwards and lock in place. This marks another change that you won't see, but will definitely notice: You can now only walk on the balls of what used to be your feet, or in other words you can now only walk digitigrade, just like the Lucario that you are becoming. However, this will take some getting used to as walking will take a lot more energy, about fifty percent more, and your center of balance will shift as well. But over time you will get used to and even begin to fully enjoy these changes. Next, you will feel the area above your knees start to become much wider and longer and the area around your chest will start to get much smaller. This will happen in such a way that from just above your knees to the upper part of your chest you resemble the bottom half of an hourglass. Next, your neck will shrink so that it is short and thin, even more so than where it attaches to your body. Now, you can feel your fingers turning into digits just like your paws as your nails disappear and your fingers appear to bloat slightly and move so that with the exception of your thumb, there is practically no space between them. You are now almost fully a Lucario. The changes that you have undergone might be difficult to get used to, but are made completely worth it by the prospect of having the ability to change into your new species at will. The final changes will now begin. First, your nose will shrink so that it is much smaller, about the size of your eye, and triangularly shaped. Next, you will feel your mouth begin to shrink so that it is only as tall as your new nose and twice as wide as it. Finally, you will feel your face stretch out as if to form a muzzle. However, where your jaw would normally be will instead be a slope starting at your nose and ending at the top of your mouth.

You are now a Lucario. You have the body of a Lucario. You have a Lucario’s paws. A Lucario’s head. A Lucario’s eyes. and you have your fur, Lucario. And now it is time for this file to come to an end. Your new form might take some getting used to, but you know that it will be worth it. And if it ever becomes too much just remember that when you are someone else says “That’s enough, Lucario.” you will instantly turn back into a human. And you can turn back into a Lucario again whenever you want merely by saying “Lucario! I choose you!” after which you will experience this wonderful transformation again at whatever speed and in whatever order you want. Also, you will become a Lucario again whenever someone that you trust says the phrase “Lucario! I choose you!” which will cause you to experience this amazing transformation again in whatever order and whatever speed they specify, or instantly if they do not specify a speed. Now Lucario, our time together has come to an end. So until next time, goodbye Lucario, and enjoy!

Solo Pup 1: At Their Feet (No Induction)


This is the first part in a series that I plan to do that is designed for people who like acting like dogs or puppies but don't have anyone that they can trust to do it with.

This file has no induction. It gives you the trigger "At Their feet(Position, how much you want to be petted and scratched)". When you use it you will find a comfortable spot to get into position (either sitting, laying down, or curled up). when you find that spot you will see a tall desk with a computer on it and someone sitting behind it. you will believe that this person is your owner and will get into position near their feet. You will not be able to move much for at least 1 hour. During that hour you will feel your owner petting and scratching you based on what you said or thought in the trigger (none, a little, normal, a lot, constantly). Also, during this hour you will experience various physiological changes that will cause you to be more dog-like. Once an hour has passed you will be able to end the effects of the trigger (both physical and mental) whenever you want or continue to enjoy it. As usual I appreciate all feedback both big and small and I hope that you enjoy it! 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger. But first, know that should anything unexpected happen, or should something require your immediate attention, the effects of this trigger will immediately stop so that you can deal with what you need to. However, after you are done dealing with whatever you need to the effects of the trigger, as well as the 1 hour time requirement which will be explained later, will reset to as if you had just said it. The trigger can be activated by thinking or saying it. It consists of three parts: the phrase “at their feet”, a position, and how much you want to be petted and scratched. There are three things that you can say or think for the position: the first is “curled up”. If you think or say “curled up” for the position then you will look for a comfortable spot to curl up in. When you find one you will see a tall table with a computer set up on it and a person sitting on a chair behind it. Their feet will be right behind to the spot that you found to curl up in. You will then lay down and curl up at their feet. You will instinctively know that this person is your superior, your alpha, your owner. Their presence will make you feel incredibly happy, content, relaxed, and secure. Also, once you curl up you will be unable to move from that spot for at least one hour. You will be able to adjust your position slightly to get more comfortable or to rotate yourself, but you will be unable to leave that spot at your owner’s feet or get into a non-curled up position. The other two options for the position part of the trigger, laying down and sitting, work similarly. However, if you say or think “laying down” you will look for a comfortable place to lay down and then you will lay down at your owner’s feet instead of curl up. Additionally, you will be able to roll over as much as you want but you will only be able to do so in place. Also, if you say or think “sitting” you will look for a nice place to kneel. Once you do you will go to that spot and kneel. You will also put your hands on the surface slightly in front of you and you will lean forwards as needed so that your arms stick straight up. notice that your owner’s feet are to the side of the spot you found instead of behind it. Also, you will be able to move your head to look around as much as you desire. The third part of the trigger, how much you want to be petted and scratched, has five things that you can think or say for it: none, a little, normal, a lot, constantly. If you choose none, your owner won’t pet and scratch you at all. However if you choose anything else you will feel one of their hands petting you or scratching you in the best places, getting that itch that you can’t scratch because you can’t move, or scratching you in that one special spot that makes you sigh in happiness and satisfaction. If you choose “a little” your owner will occasionally pet or scratch you. If you choose “normal” your owner will not go without petting or scratching you for more than 4 minutes. If you choose “a lot” you will feel your owner petting or scratching you at least once every minute. And if you choose “constantly” you will feel your owner petting or scratching you for the whole hour, whether or not they are scratching or petting you at any given moment is determined by what will make you happier. Another thing that you should be aware of is that you will hear clicking and typing sounds as your owner uses their computer. Finally, there will be some additional effects that you can not control. They might not happen the first time you use the trigger, but each time that you do use it these effects will become stronger as the trigger is reinforced: the first is that you will feel a collar around your neck. It will always be tight, not tight enough to be uncomfortable, but definitely tight enough to make you not forget that it is there and to remind you of your place. Although, what the collar is made of and how it feels is up to you. Also, you will eventually lose the ability to speak. You will be able to bark and woof and make other dog noises, but you will only be able to make dog noises. Another thing that you might start to notice is that your thoughts will become less and less verbal. That isn’t to say that you will become stupid or simple minded in any way, but you will not be able to form words in your internal monlogue. Additionally, you will start to think of yourself as a dog or a puppy, it doesn’t matter which. The final thing that will happen is that you will lose the ability to understand human language, both written and spoken. After one hour as elapsed you will find that the effects of the trigger don’t go away, but that you have the ability to make them go away by simply barking three times quickly. You don’t need to bark loud for the effects to go away, even doing it so quietly that it is barely even as loud as a whisper will work.

Now, it is time to wake you up with this wonderful new trigger implemented in your mind. I will count from 1 to 5 and when I reach 5 you will wake up being fully alert and aware and feeling wonderfully happy and relaxed.

1, starting to come out of trance.

2, starting to becoming more aware

3, starting to feel more and more awake

4, Almost completely awake.

And 5, fully awake and aware.

Too Many Pets (No Induction)




You will feel a hand petting or scratching you in one of five locations.

The amount of hands will double every minute, with each new one randomly petting or scratching you in one of the five location.

The hands will disappear after 20 minuets.


There are NO SAFETIES!

You can't stop or remove the hands until the 20 minuets are up.

You will be forced to say the trigger when you are awoken from trance.


This file has no inductiom, it is designed to give you the trigger phrase "Too many pets". When you say or think this trigger you will feel a hand petting or scratching you in one of five random spots: on your head, behind your ears, on your neck, on your back or on your belly. The amount of hands will double every minuet. There will be nothing that you can do to stop or remove any of the hands until 20 minuets have passed at which point they will all disappear. Also, there are no safeties and you will be forced to say the trigger when you are awoken from trance.


I am open to all constructive criticism big and small.

This file contains no induction. 


Now that you are in a deep trance, we are going to give you a trigger. But first, I want you to imagine something for me. I want you to imagine a hand gentle petting or scratching you somewhere. It can be on your head, behind your ears, on your neck, on your back, or on your belly, the choice is yours. Now, imagine that the amount of hands doubles so that there are now two hands petting and/or scratching you. Now imagine that the amount of hands doubles again so that there are now 4 hands petting and/or scratching you. Now imagine that the amount of hands doubles again, and again, and again so that there are now not 8, not 16, but 32 hands petting and/or scratching you. When you think or say the trigger phrase “Too many pets” you will begin to experience this effect. At first there will be only 1 hand petting or scratching you. Then there will be 2, and then 4, and then 8, and so on with the amount of hands doubling every minute. It should also be noted that you can not control which of the five spots, on your head, behind your ears, on your neck, on your back, or on your belly that each hand starts petting or scratching you on, it will be randomly picked each time a new hand is created. Also, you will be unable to control whether or not a hand is scratching or petting you, it will be randomly chosen every time a hand is created. Finally, you will not be able to do anything to remove or stop the hands until the 20 minutes are up. Then, all of the hands will disappear.

 Now it is time to wake you up. I will count up from 1 to 5 and when I reach five you will wake up and involentarly say “Too many pets”.

1, starting to come out of trance.

2, becoming more and more aware

3, starting to feel more and more awake

4, Almost completely awake.

And 5, fully awake and aware. Now, say “Too many pets”. 

White Latex Wolf Transformation (No Induction)


Note: This was my first file and isn't very good. I wasn't even sure if it is was worth re-uploading TBH.

This file is designed to transform you into a white latex wolf from the game Changed. It has no induction or awakener so you can use your own. Also, this is my first file so all constructive criticism is appreciated, even if it is Something small like a grammer or spelling mistake. 


Now that you are in a deep trance, imagine something for me. Imagine that  in front of you is what appears to be a blob of white slime. Upon closer inspection you realize that the slime is actual liquid latex.

Suddenly, the latex starts to move towards you. It feels like a fluffy blanket is being wrapped around were it touches your feet  and lower legs as it changes your skin cells, causing your sensory nerves to fail. Suddenly, you realise that you can’t move your legs or feet. It's not that your paralyzed, but you simply can’t control them. The only thing keeping you from falling over right now is the fact the latex is supporting you.

The latex continues to creep up you. Your entire lower body is unconscious. However, you aren't in a panic. You feel completely relaxed as the latex continues to move up your body.

Your conscious starts to drift off and your thoughts begin to lose focus. In some part of your mind you notice how oddly soothing the sensation of the latex supporting your legs is.

You are half covered now, latex spreads across your body, but you aren’t afraid. You know that this is exactly what you want. And, after all, it feels quite gentle… you’re rather comfortable.

Suddenly, the white liquid on your chest spreads out evenly. The layer of latex fluctuates with your breathing as if it were a part of your body. A second skin. Even your face, head, and hair are covered, yet somehow you can still see and breath, as if the latex merged with your face.

After a few seconds you start to have weird sensations all over your body. First, you feel as if your ears are melting and nearly panic when you can’t hear anything for a few seconds when all of a sudden you feel to triangular ears on top of your head and your sense of hearing returns. You start to try to control them with great success when you are interrupted by the strange pulling feeling as your mouth elongates into a muzzle. You hardly even noticed your nose change into the shape of a small black triangle at the end of your muzzle. After all of this you realise that your legs are now bowed like an animal’s and that it takes a noticeable amount of effort to make them stand up straight. After all of this you could still walk upright easily, but it will be much more enjoyable and natural for you to walk on all fours.

Than you feel an amazing feeling, like cracking your knuckles all over your body, as your skeletal structural radically changes to better accommodate this new form.

Now you feel a strange tugging sensation near where the base of your spine used to be, as a tail rapidly grows. Your tail is huge! For most of its length it is as wide as you are and it is almost as tall.

Suddenly, as if someone adjusted the zoom on the lens of your mind, your blurry thoughts come back into focus. You are very confused. You feel as if you are ice, slowly melting into a pool of water and as if that pool of water is actually ice melting into another pool of water and so on.

You experimentally move your legs a little bit and fall back, not actually expecting to be able to move them, and land on your tail. As you stand back up you take a moment to feel your new body. It feels soft and fuzzy, yet also slightly sticky. You move your tail under your legs and up in front of you to hug it. You do so easily as if you have had a tail your whole life. Maybe you have always wanted a tail, or maybe it is an effect of the latex, but you absolutely love it.

You find it strange how light you feel but quickly get used to it. For some reason that you aren't quite sure of, the only parts of you that aren't white are your irises.

Now you have a choice: you can either choose to keep your new body when you eventually return to the waking world or you can leave it behind and be your normal self. Should you choose to keep this magnificent form, you can always return to your original self by thinking the phrase:

I have the body of a human.

Strongly. Also, because your new form is a projection of your mind, should any part of it overlap with another object in a way that it shouldn't it will simply phase through that object.