Candy Dungeon



The candy dungeon can generate anywhere within the candy plains and candy forest biomes of the candy dimension.

Spawn Rate

250 per 1,000,000 chunks


The candy dungeon has four spawners on the bottom level, both of which spawn red gummy bears.
On the second level is four more spawners, this time spawning candy skeletons.
The candy dungeon is also home to the candy boss, found on the top floor.


The candy dungeon contains two chests on the bottom two floors, and three on the top, guarded by spawners and the boss. These chests can contain any of the following:

Vanilla: Diamonds,  Iron, Iron Sword, Iron Chestplate, Diamond Helmet, Diamond Chestplate

HFE: Fruit Gummies, Chocolate Bar, Cheese, Burger Bun, Hotdog Bun, Pizza Base, Pancakes, Gelatine, Mint Ingot