Soul of Osiris


Team: Golden Scarab

Role: Lead Designer/Producer

Year Created: 2020

A first person Egyptian horror where the player must locate artifacts to escape a cursed temple whilst being stalked by a creature of myth.

This Game was created as a student project during the first year of the Design and Production course at AIE.


This was the first major game project I had ever worked on at the time, this was also the first time I had the opportunity to work alongside both Artists and Programmers.

The beginning of the project started off a little rocky, Melbourne was in lockdown at this point so we never actually had the opportunity to work together in person. I was also a solo designer/producer for this game as the other designer left the project before production truly began.

Overall I think the project went better than I expected in the beginning. Our team overall had decent communication with each other. Besides the teammate who left the project I don’t think there was anyone who went radio silent. I believe that visually the game also looks very nice, my expectations were blown away.

The game as a whole also works, we managed to finish the game with a win and lose state and the level is populated with assets due to the combined efforts of the team. Everyone was willing to help each other out. The larger and smaller tasks were all mostly done, even if they took a little longer than expected. Everyone in the team contributed to the project in some way. Overall people were generally respectful and if they weren’t it was never intentional, usually something like talking over one another or interrupting.

I think that there was a good team dynamic and in the end the project is something that every one of us is proud of in the end. In the last two weeks of the project everyone was really buckled down and dedicated which goes to show how much people in the team really cared about the project.

The amount of valuable experience I gained from this as a first project is immense. I'm glad the project turned out the way it did. It could of course still use a few tweaks here and there but the overall gameplay experience is fairly smooth.