Computer Science.pdf

Computer Science

Computer Science and Software Development is for students who have an interest in writing their own computer programs and/or applications. In the introductory courses (AP Computer Science Principles or OnRamps Computer Science), students learn about block-based programming using Scratch and text-based programming using Processing. OnRamps Computer Science students have the potential to earn both high school and UT Austin college credit simultaneously. In Computer Science 1, students learn about programming basics in the Java programming language. In AP Computer Science A and Computer Science 2, students learn object-oriented programming concepts in the Java programming language. In Computer Science 3, students learn about advanced data structures and cover a survey of different programming languages. The recommended course sequence for Computer Science is as follows: Year 1: OnRamps Computer Science (earn high school and UT Austin college credit) OR AP Computer Science Principles Year 2: Pre-AP Computer Science 1 Year 3: AP Computer Science A (2 period block) OR Honors Computer Science 2 (1 period) Year 4: Honors Computer Science 3




Engineering is a great opportunity for students to gain knowledge and skills of the design process as it applies to multiple engineering fields. Students use multiple software applications and tools necessary to produce and present working drawings, solid model renderings, and prototypes. Students can obtain industry certifications such as Solidworks CSWA, Solidworks Additive Manufacturing, and OSHA General Safety. Students will use a variety of computer hardware, software applications, and fabrication lab to complete assignments and projects that display original design or re-engineered concepts. Through implementation of the design process, students will transfer advanced academic skills to component designs. Additionally, students explore career opportunities in engineering, technology, and drafting and what is required to gain and maintain employment in these areas.


Manufacturing Engineering Tech- OSHA 10 Hour General Industry

Engineering Design and Pres 1- Solidworks additive manufacturing & Solidworks sustainability

Engineering Design and Pres 2- SOLIDWORKS (CSWA) Associate in Mechanical Design


LEARN MORE: Engineering Video