Halloween dinosaur costume

Halloween dinosaur costume

As fall approaches, many people start looking for the perfect Halloween costume. Kids want to get attention during trick-or-treating. Adults want to be the life of the Halloween party.

The internet is full of great ideas for Halloween costumes, but some of them require you to be either a seamstress or a welder to finish your costume. If you're looking for a DIY costume that's easy and original, you need to go back to the stone age and check out these dinosaur costume ideas.

Hoodies are your friend when it comes to Halloween costume ideas. Since they have a built-in hat, they are versatile and can be turned into anything from horns to (worn without your arms in the sleeves) a makeshift hooded cape. A hoodie (or a hooded sweatshirt) can be a huge help in making a dinosaur costume. If you can find a green hoodie, you have more power. If not, that's okay. Your dinosaur can be any color you want.

In addition to a hoodie, you'll need the following for your dinosaur costume: felt (in a color that contrasts well with your hoodie), scissors, and a hot glue gun. The first step is to cut out matching triangles that will be the spines along your dinosaur's back. When you want to size your "spine" to figure out how big they should be, add an extra inch or two to the base of each triangle (this will give it room to attach to the hoodie). Also, cut out a long, narrow triangle to create your dinosaur's story.

To make each spine, glue two triangles together, leaving that extra inch at the base of the spine. If two triangles are glued together, the spines stand up better. Once they have dried, start at the top of the hoodie (on the hood) and glue the first "back" to your hoodie through the extra material you left off.

That material is spread out and glued to each side of the triangle; this will help keep it upright. Glue them in a straight line with a few inches between each - all the way down the back of your hoodie. On the bottom/back of your hoodie, glue the "tail" of the dinosaur to the bottom so that it will hang down and behind the wearer.

You can wear the costume as it is, or you can deal with it in even more detail. Additional options are to cut triangles in contrasting colors and glue them to each side of the existing spines to really make them pop. Do you want to turn your hood into a whole dinosaur head? Make dinosaur eyes with white and black felt and glue them on each side. For a fierce look, glue white triangles around the inner edge of the hood. Pull the hood over your face and you're instantly a meat eater.

Thanks for reading about Halloween dinosaur costume