Is this a charity rating site?

No, it is simply a record of an organization's purported existence.  

What is the point of the database?

As my understanding of the NGO landscape in Haiti grew I noticed that there was a silo mentality between organizations that could be sharing resources and reducing costs.  But due to governmental and communication issues it was difficult for organizations to learn of each other.  So this database and website were created to fill that need.

Who is the audience for this tool and website?

Leaders, members and large donors to organizations.

How are organization's selected for the database?

A number of these organizations came from a disparate assortment of lists generated by international NGOs after the earthquake.  News stories, journal articles and books, UN reports, and Google Alerts are other sources.  Before inclusion in the database I make a judgement call on whether or not the organization is active. I base this on the website and documents filed at the IRS.  I err on the side of inclusion.

Why are orphanages included if they are not the best way to care for vulnerable children in Haiti?

Many orphanages support a school that also enrolls community children. The focus of this database are schools - hence the inclusion of orphanages.  Dismantling the orphanage system is going to take years so it is in the interests of the children to improve their current educational options today.

How is the data gathered?

Most of the data is gleaned from the  organization's website and the organization's tax documents filed with the IRS.

Why do some organizations not have any financial data?

It usually because the IRS or Pro Publica are not showing any.  This may be due to a backup at the IRS, they are very new and have not yet filed tax reports , they haven't filed tax reports recently or they are registered with the IRS under a different name than the one listed on their website (and have not indicated that on their website.) Or the organization's database entry is not finished.

Why is some financial information dated?

It may be most recent information the IRS is showing when the database entry was made.

Why do you focus on American NGOs - why not more organizations created  by Haitians?

Due to cultural reasons it is better for Haitians to provide assistance to other Haitians. But most of them do not have websites. So I focused on organizations that had publicly available information.

Can I ask to add my organization or another to the database?

Yes - if it has a website. I also do a brief search for mention of the organization and sometimes officers on the web. If information comes up that indicates serious issues like child abuse allegations I will not add those to the database.  That being said, there is no 100% guarantee that all of the organizations listed are free of allegations of wrongdoing. Send info to me: winifred dot flint at gmail dot com.

How often do you update the database?

About every 6 months.

Is this website and database part of a nonprofit?

No, it is a passion project but I am open to strategic partnerships.