
This website is designed and managed by Win Flint in the United States. I'm a librarian with 13 years interest in Haitian education and a former math teacher. Education got me out of poverty and I'd like to do the same for others.  I choose Haiti to help repair some of the harm done by my country.

Like many I became aware of Haiti after the earthquake. A teacher friend needed statistics on Haiti and asked me to do what I considered a simple search. Because the statistics that could be found were minimal and random, I began a deeper search and ended up very interested in Haitian education.

 This is  an audio of how I came to know Haiti.

I am specifically interested in aiding any appropriate knowledge transfer to Haiti. One area that appeared lacking were resources  for those folks who are running Haitian schools. To help remedy this I built a tool that will help them share resources across the many schools and NGOs in Haiti. 

I support a thriving public school education system in Haiti - a national right for any democracy.

I appreciate any comments or corrections:  winifred dot flint at gmail dot com. I especially welcome comments, corrections or additions to the NGO database. 

You can also message me on Linkedin or join the Linkedin group: Haiti - Nonprofit Educational Programs. 

Image Source : pixfuel.com (computer hands African American)