Kreyol  Research

Mother tongue matters: Local language as a key to effective learning UNESCO. Dorothe Buhmann, B. T. 2007

The following are authored by Prof. Michel DeGraff of MIT

“Language is wealth. Children learn better in their own language,” Linguistics professor says

University of Massachusetts News, April 4, 2019.

Against apartheid in education and in linguistics: The case of Haitian Creole in neo-colonial Haiti

Foreword to: Decolonizing foreign language education: The misteaching of English and other colonial languages

edited by Donaldo Macedo, Routledge, 2019

Kreyòl, pedagogy and technology for opening up quality education in Haiti: Changes in teachers’ metalinguistic attitudes as first steps in a paradigm shift

(co-authored with Glenda S. Stump)

Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society of America, vol. 94, no 2, 2018

Linguistics’ role in the right to education

Science Magazine, volume 360, issue 6388, page 502, May 4, 2018

Mother-tongue books in Haiti: The power of Kreyòl in learning to read and in reading to learn

Prospects: Comparative Journal of Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment.  March 2017.

Image source: Public Domain