Professional Experience

Research Assistantship:

I have had the privilege of working as a research assistant for two esteemed Physics researchers and professors, Dr. Sabieh Anwar, Dean of LUMS School of Sciences and Engineering, and Dr. Cassandra Fallscheer, Assistant Professor at Central Washington University. 

Under the guidance of Dr. Sabieh Anwar, I had the opportunity to explore the field of Radio Astronomy, specifically, the project of collecting and analyzing radio waves emitted by the Sun. I was responsible for assisting in the establishment of the university's first Astrophysics laboratory, a project that I continue to be involved in.

Working with Dr. Cassandra Fallscheer, I had the opportunity to delve into the field of Computational Astronomy. I successfully completed the computational reproduction of the research paper, “A Geometric Method to locate Neptune” (Bhatnagar et al, 2021). My research included extending this project to the discovery of other exoplanets. Additionally, I gained valuable experience in the operation of the ACE 0.6-meter telescope and learned about the research being conducted by my peers on extragalactic supernovae.

(For more information about my research projects, please visit the "Projects" tab of this website.)

Teaching Assistantship:

I have previously served as a teaching assistant for several undergraduate courses, including Multi-variable Calculus, Modern Physics, and Linear Algebra. My responsibilities included conducting tutorial lectures to aid students in problem-solving, hosting weekly help hours and study sessions, and assisting the professor in course material design and the evaluation of quiz papers, homework assignments, and exams.

In the Spring of 2023, I am honored to continue my role as a Teaching Assistant for the course of Computational Physics at LUMS.

Multi-variable Calculus

Handling the TA position for Calculus 2 (Multivariable Calculus) with Dr. Mudassar Razzaq ( at LUMS, I was tasked with making and marking quizzes, and alongside I designed and conducted two tutorials, each attended by 50 students. Moreover, I held help hours twice every week which were attended by over 200 students during the semester.

Modern Physics

My second Teaching Assistant position was with Dr. Rizwan Khalid ( and Dr. Tajdar Mufti ( for Modern Physics at LUMS. Apart from holding help hours twice each week, I committed myself to conducting live tutorials on special relativity and statistical mechanics which were very interactive, and the students left exceedingly positive remarks. These experiences helped me to exceptionally improve my Communication and Interpersonal skills.

Linear Algebra

I served as a Teaching Assistant for Dr. Haniya Azam ( for Linear Algebra. This position demanded the responsibilities of conducting weekly help hours as well as live in-person tutorial lectures for the students alongside marking assignments. This position helped me sharpen my own Linear Algebra skills essential for understanding the wide realm of Quantum Mechanics.

Director LUMS Space Observatory:

I am proud to have served as the longest-serving director for the LUMS Space Observatory, with my tenure spanning over 3 years. Despite facing various challenges, I successfully revitalized the Observatory and organized various public sighting events that were attended by over 500 students from the University. Even with limited resources, the events were successful, as I creatively utilized a DSLR camera to replace the eyepiece and employed manual tracking techniques. In addition, I also organized and conducted various workshops on the basics of Astronomy and telescope usage for the students. Furthermore, I have laid path to establish collaborations with other universities and research centers to provide access to more advanced telescope facilities.