Creative Works


"Cosmotherapy" is a science web series that I created to promote science communication. I designed, edited, and produced the series myself with the goal of making science more accessible and enjoyable for the public. The series explores various topics in Physics in a fun and engaging way, with the aim of demystifying complex scientific concepts and making them more relatable to a wider audience. The series uses a mix of animation and humor to create a dynamic and entertaining viewing experience. Overall, "Cosmotherapy" is my way of demonstrating how science can be both fun and educational.

Lecturer for Physics and Astronomy:

I had the privilege of participating in the LUMS National Outreach Program in July-August 2022, where I was presented with a valuable opportunity to gain experience in high school teaching and inspire students with my knowledge and enthusiasm for Physics and Astronomy. Through this experience, I was able to gain practical knowledge of teaching methods and techniques, as well as familiarize students with Modern Physics through the use of various tools. My lectures on Astronomy were well-received by students and were described as engaging and informative, with a significant proportion expressing interest in pursuing Physics as a college major.

ATLAS Lectures of Cosmology:

I had the honor of making my public speaking debut by presenting lectures on Cosmology and our place in the Universe at LUMS. The lectures were widely regarded as highly engaging and interactive and served as a foundation for my future endeavors in science communication. The lectures were attended by over 100 high school and university students and were instrumental in the formation of a Science Communication department within the student-run Science society at LUMS. I was subsequently appointed as the Director of the department for its inaugural year. This opportunity also allowed me to host a session on the Cosmological future of the universe with esteemed Science Communicator and Professor Dr. Salman Hameed.