
Orientation delayed estimation data (Bae & Luck, 2018, JNeurosci)

Feel free to download behavioral data for orientation delayed estimation task used in Experiment 1 here.

EEG Data and Matlab code for EEG decoding (Bae & Luck, 2018, JNeurosci)

Feel free to download the step-by-step guide for the ERP decoding analysis and the data and the Matlab code for the ERP decoding from here.

Category structure of the color space used in Bae et al.(2015)JEP:G

Bae et al.(2015)JEP:G measured the category structure for 180 continuous color values via color categorization experiments. You can freely download the results from the experiments below.


180 Color values: 180 stimulus RGB values and a background RGB value. Note: these colors may not be isoluminant depending on display devices, etc.

Best exemplars for 6 color categories: This file contain information about what color was selected as best exemplars for each of 6 color categories. The value in this file corresponds to the Color ID in 180 Color values.

Best color category for 180 color values: This file contains information about the number of times that each of 180 colors were selected for a certain color category.


Bae, G. Y., Olkkonen, M., Allred, S. R., & Flombaum, J. I. (2015). Why some colors appear more memorable than others: A model combining categories and particulars in color working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144(4), 744.