
Welcome to the VCN Lab!

Thank you for your interest in our study. The study is currently available! Please visit this webpage ( to sign up for a study. Or you can send us an email at about the date/time that works for you! Before you sign up, please read through the participants guide below.

Participant’s Guide

We are so excited to have you with us. There are a few things you should know before you come and this document will lay it all out for you. 

Please read carefully and reach out to us if you have any concerns or questions.


If you are 18 or above, you can participate in our study. People with difficulties in seeing colors and/or using a computer mouse/keyboard cannot participate in the study. Color-blind and people with neurological disorders (current or past) will also be excluded.

Time Commitment

This experiment is expected to take 2.5-3 hours to complete, as there is a lot of preparation for attaching electrodes to the scalp. The task itself generally takes about an hour. Also, it is better to avoid scheduling anything immediately after the experiment, since you will have wet hair from washing out the gel. 

Preparing for the experiment

Please do not use ANY hair products before coming to the lab. This is extremely important. Not only will the experiment work better, but it will make it easier for you as a participant. Plus, you’re going to be washing your hair after anyways so we wouldn’t want to waste it! 

If you wear corrective lenses please wear glasses on the day of the experiment if you can. We don’t want your eyes drying out while looking at the computer screen, and lots of blinking will have an effect on the data we are collecting. 

What you’ll be doing 

A very simple computer-based task that deals with attention and memory. More instructions will be provided on the day of the experiment concerning the task. 


Upon completion of the experiment, participants will receive $40 cash

What about after the experiment?

Since we have to use gel (which is basically salt and water) on your hair in this experiment, you will have to wash your hair. Don’t worry though, we provide shampoo, towels, and a blow dryer for your convenience. Of course, you are not required to use our hair washing station and are welcome to go home to wash your hair. You may also bring your own hair products if you prefer. 

Other details

Your participation in this experiment is voluntary and you may choose to opt out at any time. You can also feel free to check out our website if you are curious about what we do and who you will be working with. 

Researchers will be using gloves and masks as precautionary measures and we invite you to wear a facemask when you come to the lab. High touched items will be sanitized frequently as well. If you feel sick on the day of the experiment, please reschedule with us and we will be happy to work with you.

See you soon! 


VCN Team