DeepTech AI Product | Technologist | Scientist | Speaker | Leader | Programmer | Entrepreneur | Advisor 

Artificial Intelligence | Natural Language Processing | Deep Learning  | Information Extraction  Document & Image Analysis | Federated Machine Learning | Edge AI


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Managing Director | Founder | Chief Technologist | Chief Scientist | Chief Product Officer at DRIMCo GmbH

OpenFLaaS Principal Investigator, funded by BMWk Federal Ministry Germany

Teaching "Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence" at LMU, Munich



Professional Hands-on (13+ years)

Research (10+ years)

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AI-NLP Shared Tasks  Patents  

Research & Applications


Information Extraction, Entity-Relation Extraction, Static and Dynamic Topic Modeling, Representation Learning, Semantic Textual Similarity, Document Layout Analysis, etc.


Deep Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks, Probabilistic Graphical Models, Unsupervised Representation Learning, Semi-supervised Bootstrapping, Transfer and Domain learning, Lifelong Learning, Multi-tasking, Explainable AI, etc.


Federated AI Learning, Edge Computing, Lifelong Continual Learning, Cross-client transfer learning with data privacy, Multi-modality (text + images) Document analysis, etc.  

Dr. Pankaj Gupta, a  is a Founder, CTO and Chief Scientist at DRIMCo GmbH Munich, building innovative enterprise product to digitalize industrial requirements, optimize business processes and bridge innovation and industrial applications powered by the state-of-the-art AI-NLP (Artificial Intelligence-Natural Language Processing). Dr. Gupta is leading the vision, AI research and technology stack of DRIM product [The Next Generation Tender Assistant, #SmartTendering].  He is also leading the OpenFLaaS project [Germany's Answer to AI Sovereignty]- funded by BMWk (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Germany), and offers lectures about "Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence" at LMU along with primary supervision to PhD and Master students.  Formerly, he worked as a Lead Research Scientist (AI-NLP) in research group at Siemens AG Munich, Germany and IBM Research lab, Zurich.

My mantra: "Science -> Technology -> Product led Growth" AND "Great Product makes Great Business"

Pankaj Gupta actively contributes in NLP, machine learning and AI conferences, and has peer-reviewed publications in the top tier conferences, such as ICML, ICLR, AAAI, NAACL, EMNLP, COLING, ICASSP, etc. He has served as an "expert reviewer" for ICML, Senior Program committee member at CoLLAs, program committee (PC) member for several conferences (e.g., NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML, ACL, AAAI, EMNLP, IJCNLP, AACL, CoLLA, CLAI, etc.), and journals (e.g., IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing).  He has won several shared tasks based on machine learning, information extraction and information retrieval. If interested, please checkout his talks and lectures here. Dr. Gupta also holds 15 patents on the topics at the intersection of applied artificial intelligence, natural language processing, deep learning and machine learning in industrial applications and usecases. 

His research contributions span from information extraction, textual representation learning to document analysis, including lifelong learning of AI, federated learning, entity-relation extraction, neural topic modeling, representation learning,  semantic textual similarity and interpretability of neural networks.   Beyond research, he also builds cutting-edge enterprise product based on the state-of-the-art technologies. Towards Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI core research, Dr. Gupta enjoys building state-of-the-art neural computational models, for instance, composite neural language models at the intersection of the probabilistic graphical models, deep learning, transfer learning, continuous lifelong learning, federated AI learning, topic and language modeling techniques, especially in  unsupervised and self-supervised learning paradigms. 

Pankaj Gupta earned his doctoral degree PhD (thesis title: Neural Information Extraction from Natural Language Text, 2019) in Computer Science/Computation Linguistics, advised by Prof. Hinrch Schütze (LMU, Germany) and focused on neural relation extraction and neural topic modeling for document semantic extraction and representation learning. During winter 2016, he did a PhD research internship at IBM Research Zurich with Dr. Angela Fahrni and Dr. Abdel Labbi. Dr. Gupta earned Masters (Computer Science) with Distinction from Technical University of Munich, Germany in Nov 2015.  His Master thesis titled: "Deep Learning Methods for the Extraction of Relations in Natural Language Text " was supervised by Prof. Thomas Runkler, Dr. Heike Adel, Dr. Bernt Andrassy, Dr. Hans-Georg Zimmermann, and Prof. Hinrich Schütze.  Before coming to Munich, he worked with Wipro and Aricent Technologies, India as a Senior Software Developer (C programmer) during 2010-2013.  In 2010, he obtained Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology with Distinction from Amity University, Noida India. His Bachelor thesis is "Summarizing text by ranking text units according to shallow linguistic features". 

Pankaj Gupta often looks for good master and PhD students in research and applications. If interested in working student, inter-disciplinary project, master thesis, intern or PhD position, please write him.  Checkout his current/past students here.

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