Collaborations including students, colleagues, supervisors, etc.

[PhD Students]

       Research Focus:  Representation Learning, Topic Modeling, Neural Composite Modeling, etc. 

[Master Students]

       Research Focus:  Federated Continual Learning for Natural Language Processing

[Former PhD Students]

Research Focus:  Information Extraction, Entity-relation extraction, bootstrapping, etc.

[Former Master Students]

      Master Thesis: Combining BERT and Topic Models for Document Classification

       Master Thesis:  Lifelong Neural Topic Learning in Contextualized Autoregressive Topic Models of Language via Informative Transfers

       Master Thesis: Neural Architectures for Relation Extraction Within and Across Sentence Boundaries in Natural Language Text  

[Former Interns]

[My Academic Advisor / Supervisor / Industry Colleagues]

[External Collaborations]

[Funded Projects]

       Our Contribution(s): Publications,  Developed AI-driven Slot-filling / Information extraction pipeline for Knowledge Graph Construction / Population. 

     Our Contribution(s): Publications,  Industrial Technology and Supplier Extraction, reading WWW, build ontologies for Industrial Technologies used in Supply Chain Intelligence and Knowledge Graph Construction / Population. Deep Learning AI-based end-to-end pipeline in extracting relevant industrial knowledge from WWW.

I am always open to collaborate with renowned research groups in NLP/Deep Learning, and often looking for good Master and PhD students.  Please write me, if interested.