Event-based Robot Vision (Spring 2020)
Here is the material of the course "Event-based Robot Vision" taught at TU Berlin, Germany, during Spring 2020.
Survey paper (overview of the field) - 9MB, Gallego et al., IEEE TPAMI 2020.
List of Event-based Vision Resources: It collects relevant resources in the field: links to information (papers, videos, organizations, companies and workshops) as well as drivers, code, datasets, simulators and other essential tools in event-based vision.
Week 1 (2020-04-21) About the course
Week 2 (2020-04-28) Introduction to Event-based Cameras
Frame- vs Event-based cameras - the curious case of the spinning dot (Slides)
Event-based camera companies and devices (Slides)
Reading: Section 2.5 of the Survey paper (TPAMI 2020)
Event-based cameras: Advantages, Disadvantages and Challenges (Slides)
Reading: Sections 2.2 and 2.3 of the Survey paper (TPAMI 2020)
EE Times article: On the rise of event cameras, by T. Delbruck. (On the history of event-based cameras and their current stage of development)
Week 3 (2020-05-05) Camera designs, Event Representations and Event Processing
Three main event camera designs (Slides)
Paper to read: Posch et al., Retinomorphic Event-Based Vision Sensors, Proc. IEEE, 2014.
Reading: Section 2.1 of the Survey paper (TPAMI 2020)
Event-based data representation (Slides)
Reading: Section 3.1 of the Survey paper (TPAMI 2020)
Methods of event processing (Slides)
Reading: Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of the Survey paper (TPAMI 2020)
Week 4 (2020-05-12) Image Reconstruction from Events
Event Generation Models (Slides)
Reading: Section 2.4 of the Survey paper (TPAMI 2020)
Image Reconstruction from Events
Methods (3 videos): 2011-2014, 2016-2017, 2018-2020 (Slides)
Reading: Section 4.6 of the Survey paper (TPAMI 2020)
Case Study BMVC 2014: image reconstruction and tracking of rotational motion (Slides)
Exercise 3
Problem Statement: Event Visualizer in ROS
Here is an introductory video about ROS (there are many online)
Week 5 (2020-05-19)
Discussion of Exercises 2 and 3, and holiday (Himmelfahrt).
Week 6 (2020-05-26) Feature Detection and Tracking
Feature Detection and Tracking with Event Cameras (Slides. For animations, please take a look at the YouTube videos linked at the bottom of the slides).
Tracking blobs of events. Ingredients of the per-event processing paradigm
Reading: Section 4.1 of the Survey paper (TPAMI 2020)
Week 7 (2020-06-02) Optical Flow
Week 8 (2020-06-09) Monocular 3D Reconstruction
This week we change the lecture format. We read in advance a paper and discuss it in class. This will give a closer feeling to research (as in a reading club or seminar).
Paper to discuss: Rebecq et al., EMVS: Event-based Multi-View Stereo, BMVC 2016. YouTube (BMVC'16 Best Industry Paper Award)
- Longer version IJCV 2018 (for more details)
- Please start early; you will not read and understand the paper in two hours.
- CodeReading: Section 4.3 of the Survey paper (TPAMI 2020)
Week 9 (2020-06-16) Stereo 3D Reconstruction
Paper to read in advance (before the lecture): Carneiro et al., Event-Based 3D Reconstruction from Neuromorphic Retinas, 2013.
Related videos: Face (data), Face 3D, Hand, Grasping, Fan
Reading: Section 4.3 of the Survey paper (TPAMI 2020)
Week 10 (2020-06-23)
Tuesday: Q&A about midterm. Please write questions that you want to discuss during the zoom meeting.
Thursday: Midterm. Then, on-going questions about Exercise 6.
Week 11 (2020-06-30) Contrast Maximization Framework
Papers to read in advance:
Contrast Maximization Framework (CVPR 2018), YouTube, Poster
Section 2.1 is, from a global level (using the events in the whole image plane rather than in a local neighborhood), what we are implementing in Exercise 6Motion Segmentation using Contrast Maximization (ICCV 2019), YouTube
This paper extends the contrast maximization framework to solve the problem of motion segmentation (Section 4.7 of the Survey paper (TPAMI 2020))Open the pdf files with Adobe Acrobat Reader to see the animations in the Figures.
Discussed the solution of exercise 6 and difficulties found while completing the exercise.
Preview of Exercise 7: creating a panoramic image (of reconstructed brightness) using an event camera.
Week 12 (2020-07-07) Case Study on Image Reconstruction from Events
For Exercise 7, please review the following material from week 4:
Video from BMVC 2014: http://www.bmva.org/bmvc/2014/papers/paper066/ (BMVC'14 Best Industry Paper Award)
Additionally, there are more details in Chapters 4 and 5 of Kim's PhD thesis
Exercise 7
Week 13 (2020-07-14) Course Review
We meet via Zoom for Q&A about the whole course and Exercise 7.
Week 14 (2020-07-21) Final Exam
Exercise 7 is due.
Final exam.