CHM 245 - Pet Molecule Project

Important Notes

Find Books and eBooks in the Library Catalog

The search field for the library catalog is located on the NOVA Libraries homepage. The default settings are to search for books and ebooks by keyword. In addition to searching for books and ebooks, you now have the option to search for items in other formats: videos, audio recordings, and articles. You can search for items in these formats either individually, by selecting the desired tab, or all at the same time, by selecting the Everything tab. However, I still recommend going to the databases directly to search for articles. One reason is that some databases are not searchable from the library catalog search field. Another reason is that many databases have unique features that are not available when searching from the library catalog search field.

To search the library catalog, type your keywords into the search field and click on the magnifying glass icon. For videos on how to use the library catalog, see the Video Tutorials: Library Catalog & Services page on the NOVA Libraries website. 

Find Articles in the Library Databases

Reference Databases

Reference databases contain collections of reference books. Examples of reference books are encyclopedias and dictionaries. These are helpful resources when you're first starting your research because they provide basic, introductory information. Search the databases for the name of the molecule that you're researching. 

Single Subject Databases

Multi-Subject Databases

Public Websites with Chemistry Information

Find Public Websites on a Specific Domain

You can use Google to limit your search to a specific domain. Follow these instructions: 

Here's an example: site:org nanotechnology This will search websites on the .org domain for the keyword nanotechnology. 

Find Citation Resources

The American Chemical Society publishes The ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication. The library catalog record contains a link to the Guide. Citing sources in ACS format is covered in Section 4.3 of the Guide.  

Find Help

Searching library databases is not as easy as searching the Web. You might have questions or run into problems while searching. Please ask for help! That's why I and the other NOVA Librarians are here. You can use any of these options:

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash