Fall 2021 End of Semester Championship

$100 End of Semester Championship
Friday, December 3rd @Klaus 1447

  • Non-USCF Rated, General Tournament Rules Followed (such as Touch Move)

  • Notation NOT Required

  • Time Control: G/10 d5

  • Round Times: 5, 5:30, 6:30, 7

    • Break from 6-6:30 to give participants an opportunity to eat and socialize

      • There will be pizza!

        • First slice free

        • Participants can elect to pay $2.50 per slice on top of the first free one. If you're planning on doing so, DM DragonMateZ#3673 on Discord or Venmo Vedic Panda @Vedic-Panda saying that it's for pizza

  • Two Sections: Championship and Reserve

    • Championship: Geared towards (1500+ chess.com)

      • Prizes ($50):

        • 1st: $15

        • 2nd: $11

        • 3 "Class Prizes" (U???? rating, specific rating cutoffs depending on entries): $8 each

    • Reserve: Geared towards players < 1500 Blitz chess.com with no over the board competition experience

      • Prizes ($50):

        • 1st: $15

        • 2nd: $11

        • 3 "Class Prizes" (U???? rating, specific rating cutoffs depending on entries): $8 each

    • if your Lichess is more accurate, we will use a conversion from https://chessgoals.com/rating-comparison/

    • You must be a Georgia Tech student to be eligible for prizes

  • Please bring your own clocks/boards as we have a limited number! Can download clock app on phone if you do not have a clock on an app store of any mobile software

  • Registration @Klaus 1456:

    • Entry Fee: FREE

    • Current Player Capacity: 60

    • To register, fill out the following form by 12/3 @ 12pm: https://forms.gle/k76macQL5T9H7WYY6

    • Players must check in by 4:45 onsite at Klaus 1456, or DM Vedic Panda on Discord that they are on their way. Failure to do so will lead to you being withdrawn from the tournament

  • Questions: Contact Vedic Panda (vpanda6@gatech.edu or DragonMateZ#3673 on Discord)

Registrations as of 12/1 10 PM EST


  1. NM Saigautam Bonam (2515)

  2. FM Iskandar Aripov (2500)

  3. FM Matthew Stevens (2446)

  4. NM Vedic Panda (2365)

  5. Aleksandr Lutsenko (2300)

  6. NM Vishal Kobla (2186)

  7. NM Ganesh Murugappan (2178)

  8. Mitul Pandya (2100)

  9. Arish Virani (2000)

  10. Matthew Ha (2000)

  11. Matthew Stadter (2000)

  12. Jesse Dill (1818)

  13. Ethan Xie (1800)

  14. Siddharth Natham (1713)

  15. Matthew Pleskow (1660)

  16. George Sorkin (1659)

  17. Samuel Zhang (1650)

  18. Anand Tsogtjargal (1600)

  19. Jonathan Luo (1600)

  20. Rishabh Vuthamaraju (1586)

  21. Abhigyan Khaund (1500; Section subject to change)

  22. Vidhur Kumar (1500; Section subject to change)

  23. Sean Aoki (1411; Section subject to change)

  24. Arjun Thangaraj Ramshankar (1405; Section subject to change)


  1. Saatvik Agrawal (1400; Section subject to change)

  2. Joseph Ruth (1400; Section subject to change)

  3. Diego Alba (1391)

  4. Kelvin Matthews (1389)

  5. Luke Roberts (1356)

  6. Sandeed Sikandar (1350)

  7. Sri Krishna Yerramilli (1320)

  8. Alex Kaylor (1300)

  9. Ethan McCoy (1300)

  10. Richard Weng (1300)

  11. Neel Raja (1272)

  12. Jacob Wutzler (1270)

  13. David Teng (1266)

  14. Vivek Mhatre (1250)

  15. Mridul Gupta (1250)

  16. Bryson Bien (1200)

  17. Jared Jordan (1200)

  18. Satvik Katla (1190)

  19. Jason Katz (1100)

  20. Luke LaScala (1050)

  21. Bryson Bien (1000)

  22. Ark Angirish (917)

  23. Andrey Chee (900)

  24. Mustafo Kurbonov (801)

  25. Mohit Garg (800)

  26. Tarun Ravi (721)

  27. Devin Zhang (700)

  28. Richard Zhao (unr.)