Escape Room


Pre-Program Minecraft Introduction

Word Doc  |  GoogleDoc Template


During Visit #1, Sarah will go over how to use the camera and book to document learning. It's strongly encouraged to remind students to either record facts from the Virtual Tour in their in-game notebooks, or in an out-of-game alternative (Docs, OneNote, etc.), as the learning will be important to the Sustainable City/Sustainable School culminating activity. Every stop in the virtual tour contains a mixture of content types. Lifers icons indicate climate solutions.  

Periodic check-ins are advised to make sure students are documenting this information, particularly if they appear to be speedrunning through the escape room section.

Part 1: Escape Room - Problems & Solutions

Introductory Room


Hi! I'm Noelle, and I created the Lifers Exhibition at ROM. 

Welcome to your first challenge! We're on a cargo ship that was transporting fast fashion across the ocean when it sank. Use the clues in the virtual tour to help find your way out. For the first door, you might want to talk to the Lifers.

Security on this boat is a bit weird.

"Climate change is..."

Noelle and the Lifers in the Introductory Room
Green arrow pointing at the label that gives the solution to the problem.
Label card showing the solution text


The solution is found in the Climate Change label in Stop 2 of the Sustainable Style tour. Students must flip the levers over the bold signs

Students must flip only the two correct switches. If they switch others, the door will not unlock even if they change the switches back to the correct configuration later. 

If students have switched an incorrect switch, they must return ALL switches to the off position and start again.

Water - Antechamber


Oh, yeah, security is really big on this ship. You'd think they'd lighten up after the ship sank, but noooo.

When the boss was programming the door in the next room, he said something about how many years a person could live on the water used to make one t-shirt and pair of jeans.


The solution is found in the Water section of Stop 1:

Crew Member outside the antechamber.
Green arrow pointing at the label that gives the solution to the problem.
Label card showing the solution text

Water Room


Phew! Good luck. The boss says they're tired of all these unsustainable clothes and deleted all of them from the sorter that opens the door. 

If you want to get out, you need to look through the barrels for a more sustainable fabric and throw it into the sorter over there.


It is often used to make clothing for special occasions like weddings and funerals. It is both biodegradable and sustainable, uses little water and does not pollute water during its production in the same way as the fashion industry.

The key to sustainable fashion lies in finding ways to reduce waste during the manufacturing process, reducing or eliminating pesticide use on cotton and other crops, using natural dyes such as indigo, cutch, and weld whenever possible, and reducing water use and water pollution during production.

Textiles like this tapa cloth point us in the right direction.

Clothing Sorter in the water room
Green arrow pointing at the label that gives the solution to the problem.
Label card showing the solution text
A sample of tapa cloth in a barrel

Waste Room


Oh gosh. I know that to open the door you have to take a piece of paper, then click on the anvil, put the paper in the first spot, and rename the paper as a number....  

I just don't remember what the number is. Maybe somebody else does.

The door code? Oh gosh, I don't know. I haven't had time to leave this room in ages. There's way too much paperwork to do!

I think it might be in one of the books on the shelf though....


Door Keeper next to the exit door. Green arrow points at the dispenser.
Path to the Supervisor's Office
Security codes are in the green book on the shelf behind the potted plant.
Instructions on how to find the correct door code.
Green arrow pointing at the label that gives the solution to the problem.
Label card showing the solution text.

Workers Room


Ohh, what a lovely pot! I never noticed it before. Sorry? Oh, you're wondering how to get out?  Well if you read my newsletters, you'd know. Oh fine. Go back and read about the number of garment worker organizations that were connected by the Clean Clothes Campaign.


Union rep near the gaming system
Green arrow pointing at the label that gives the solution to the problem.
Label card showing the solution text.

Warming Room


This here's a material reducer. Put things into it, and elements come out.

To get out, you need to check containers in this room for things to reduce to make one of the main greenhouses gasses causing climate change.


Molecules are made of building blocks called atoms. You can think of atoms a little like Lego bricks or Minecraft blocks. They come in many varieties, and you can combine them in different ways to create different things.

A molecule of carbon dioxide is made of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms (dioxide means “two oxygens”)

Most of our planet’s atmosphere is made of oxygen and nitrogen. But unlike both of those gases, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide absorb heat coming from the surface of the Earth and re-release it in all directions, including back toward the Earth’s surface. So the more greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere, the hotter the overall temperature of the planet.

Elemental scientist behind the large furnace. Green arrow points to the material reducer.
Green arrow pointing at the label that gives the solution to the problem.
Label card showing the solution text.