
Information on Visas for Travelers to the US

International visitors coming to the United States require a passport. Visitors from some countries can use the U.S. Visa Waiver Program. Otherwise, an advance visa is required from a U.S. Diplomatic or Consular Mission.  It is your responsibility to determine if you require a visa and to provide the appropriate paperwork.

We highly recommend you apply for your visa or travel document before August 1 as it can take a long time to get a visa in many countries!

Business Visa Invitation

If your org has designated you as their delegate then you can request a Business Visa Invitation from Google. Do not request the invitation if you are on the waitlist, please wait until you are a confirmed attendee.

If you need to obtain a Business Visa to attend the Mentor Summit, the process for requesting visa letters has changed and is more extensive than in previous years so you’ll want to get started as soon as possible. Please submit the form to request a business visa invitation from Google as soon as you know you are a confirmed attendee for the 2023 Mentor Summit.

After you complete the form, we will send you a Business Visa Invitation Letter addressed to the Embassy/Consulate requesting that they grant you a visa.

Please allow  at least 1 week to receive your letters.  If you have any questions contact us at