Orgs and Projects

    Below is the list of the organizations that will be represented at this year's Mentor Summit. We took the short descriptions you all contributed and listed them below - you can read through the descriptions to see who might be working on "stuff" that you find interesting.

52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH

Geoinformatics sensor web, web-based geoprocessing and earth observation in the field of geoinformatics.


Scan code for origin, license and vulnerabilities

AOSSIE - The Australian National University's Open-Source Software Innovation and Education

We are an open source org with focus on machine learning, electronic voting, blockchain and social science. 

Apache Software Foundation

Software for the Public Good. ASF’s open source software is used ubiquitously around the world with more than 8,400 committers contributing to more than 320 active projects.


The most versatile autopilot software for autonomous vehicles

We make open source hardware for educators and makers. 


3D solid modeling & raytracing, over 40 years in development! 


cancer imaging data display and research support

cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics

Enables users to visualize and analyze data across thousands of cancer patients

CCExtractor development

Media accessibility (subtitles). Rust. Flutter.  Extract subtitles from video streams


Software Defined Storage for Object, File and Block store.


Umbrella for Particle Physics-related projects. 

CGAL Project

C++ library of Computational geometry and geometry processing algorithms and data structure for  meshes, point clouds, polygons, and geometric objects in general.


Helps developers write code that adheres to coding standards 

CHIPS Alliance

The CHIPS Alliance develops high-quality, open source hardware designs relevant to silicon devices and FPGAs. By creating an open and collaborative environment, CHIPS Alliance shares resources to lower the cost of development. Companies and individuals can work together to develop open source CPUs, various peripherals, and complex IP blocks. CHIPS Alliance is open to all organizations who are interested in collaborating on open source hardware or software tools to accelerate the creation of more efficient and innovative chip designs. 


Chromium's mission is to provide Fast, seamless, safe and reliable computing experiences accessible to all.

Build and learn logic circuits in the cloud!

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)

CNCF promotes sustainable cloud-native computing, hosting projects like Kubernetes.


CloudCV builds tools that enable researchers to evaluate state-of-the-art algorithms in AI.

Creative Commons

Open licensing and advocacy for better sharing

DBpedia /DBpedia Spotlight

Global and Unified Access to Knowledge Graphs 

Dept of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University

As an academic department and a part of medical school, we research biomedical informatics solution for healthcare. We also excel in open source software development for healthcare.


Drupal Association: Empowering collaboration and innovation for a thriving digital community.


A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.


Malware analysis to support Mandiant's threat intel, incident response, and forensic investigations. 


FOSSology is a open source license compliance software system and toolkit. As a toolkit you can run license, copyright and export control scans from the command line and UI.


FreeCAD is a cross-platform parametric 3D modeling application.


Community wireless mesh networks

GCP Scanner

We support a comprehensive CLI tool for Google Cloud scanning


Gentoo Linux is a highly flexible, source-based Linux distribution.


Software for data science, optimization, geometric, and statistical computing

Git Development Community

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system


The GNOME Project produces a free software desktop and application ecosystem

GNU Compiler Collection

GNU Compiler Collection is a major open-source compiler.

GNU Octave

We produce free software for interactive numerical computations.

GNU Project

Respect user freedom

GNU Radio

A FOSS development framework for software-defined radio. 


We develop and maintain GnuTLS, a free software library that provides support for secure communication protocols such as TLS and DTLS, as well as an interface to cryptographic primitives. Our library is particularly popular in GNU/Linux desktop stacks to protect user's privacy and security.


Operating system inspired by BeOS, targeting personal computing


We accelerate neuroscience research and remove barriers to access and reproducibility with open—source tools, platforms and workflows that boost collaboration, transparency and quality at a global level.    

International Catrobat Association

Catrobat promotes computational thinking via free, visual coding mobile apps. 


3D Medical visualization and neuronavigation tool

Ivy (

Unifying all AI Frameworks, Infrastructure and Hardware

JdeRobot - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Robotics software platform fostering education and research

Jina AI

Jina AI, Your Portal to Multimodal AI


KDE develops a desktop environment for Linux with over 200 applications


Open source API Test Generation Platform for Developers. AI test generation platform that also creates data stubs. 


Offline solutions for Wikipedia, Stack Overflow, Gutenberg and many more

Kotlin Foundation

Advance the Kotlin programming language and its ecosystem 


We extend Kubernetes to natively run and manage VMs

Learning Equality

Bridging the Digital Divide to Foster Effective Learning


Open source camera stack and framework for Linux


LibreHealth is collaborative community for free & open source software projects in Health IT.


LibreOffice is a free and open-source office productivity software suite.

Liquid Galaxy Project

Liquid Galaxy is a panoramic system to run Google Earth across a small cluster of PC's 

LLVM Compiler Infrastructure

Develop modular and reusable compiler toolchain technologies. 

Machine Learning for Science (ML4SCI) Umbrella Organization

Machine Learning for Science


Open-source database management system


Mathesar is a straightforward open source tool that provides a spreadsheet-like interface to a PostgreSQL database. 


Analysis of molecular simulations data with Python

MetaBrainz Foundation Inc. - MusicBrainz

A non-profit that believes in free and open access to data. 


The world’s most used penetration testing framework

Micro Electronics Research Lab - UITU

MERL is a non-profit organization that works on designing of computer chips and software that run on it.

MIT App Inventor

Visual programming environment that allows everyone to build smartphone apps

mlpack: scalable C++ machine learning library

mlpack aims to provide fast, extensible implementations of cutting-edge machine learning algorithms.


United efforts of MZmine and MS-DIAL open-source software for mass-spectrometry

National Resource for Network Biology  (NRNB)

Advancing biological networks with tools, databases, and visualizations for research. Understand biology based on machine learning and network structures.


NumFOCUS promotes open practices in research, data, and scientific computing.

OmegaUp helps students improve their competitive programming skills

Open Genome Informatics

Use online bioinformatics tools to analyze and present biochemical data.

Open Robotics

We support the development and adoption of open source software in robotics.

Open Technologies Alliance - GFOSS

GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance  is a platform for Open Standards, Free Software, Open Content, Open Data & Open Hardware in Greece


Open Source data analysis software for astronomy and heliophysics 


We maintain open free code and provide couseware, competitions etc for beneficial uses of computer vision.


Open-source medical record system for healthcare management


Provide a free and open database of physical and administrative entities in the world


We create Linux operating systems and tools around it 

OpenVINO Toolkit

We made AI deployment easier and faster!


Network Management System for OpenWrt

Oppia Foundation

Oppia is a learning platform

Organic Maps

Organic Maps develops a free and open-source mobile maps & navigation app for Android & iOS powered by OpenStreetMap data 

OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to foster global adoption of open geospatial technology by being an inclusive software foundation devoted to an open philosophy and participatory community driven development.

OWASP Foundation

Provides educational publications & resources enabling developers to write better software.

Pharo Consortium

Pharo's goal is to deliver a clean, innovative, free open-source Smalltalk-inspired environment.

PostgreSQL project

The world's most advanced relational database system


Postman simplifies each step of API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration.

Processing Foundation

Empowering marginalized communities through software learning and artistic education.

Python Software Foundation

Promote the python programming language. 

R Foundation for Statistical Computing (R project for statistical computing)

R is a language dor computing on data, specializing in advanced statistics.


Rocket.Chat is an open source team chat and communications platform. 

RTEMS Project

Real-Time Operating System for Embedded Systems (not Linux derived)

Scala Center

Steward the Scala community; develop libraries, tools; provide educational materials.

SCoRe Lab

Research and engineering backed Sustainable, low-cost computing solutions for developing regions.


ScummVM is a program to revive classic Adventure and RPG games. 

Society for Arts and Technology (SAT)

SAT/Metalab's mission is to research and foment immersive experiences.

SPDX - Software Package Data Exchange

Open standard for communicating software bill of material information, including provenance, license and security.


Automated testing and grading and other course management tools.

Sugar Labs

Free/libre open-source software learning platform for children


Building the Swift programming language


Symbolic mathematics library in Python 


TARDIS explores how stars explode in the Universe

The Honeynet Project

The Honeynet project conducts research in cyber-deception and honeypots. 

The JPF team

JPF is an extensible software analysis framework for Java bytecode. 

The Julia Language

We develop the Julia Programming Language and it's libraries

The Linux Foundation

Non-profit consortium fostering growth of Linux. OpenPrinting.

The Mifos Initiative

Open Source Building Blocks for Banking & Fintech to Achieve Universal Financial Health 

The NetBSD Foundation

NetBSD is a multi-architecture open source BSD operating system along with pkgsrc, a universal packaging system.

The ns-3 Project (ns-3 Network Simulation Project)

Develops and maintains a wireless and computer network simulator

The Palisadoes Foundation

Developing open-source software to help community groups organize their activities. Strengthening local community interactions with their memberships 


Amplifying Research Impact through Open Source


Your cloud application. Transparently accelerated.


Open source multimedia for everyone 


A Django-based CMS with a particular focus on user experience, accessibility, and sustainability

Wikimedia Foundation / MediaWiki

Empowering free knowledge for everyone through collaborative platforms like Wikipedia. 

XMPP Standards Foundation

XSF develops an open-standard messaging protocol

Zulip Open Source Project

Building a modern team chat app designed for efficient communication.