Scope of Services 

I feel that these services combined will help us work together on a long-term basis to consistently improve the performance of your marketing dollars. 

Google PPC (Search) Ads Management 

Comprehensive performance management of all your Google Ads search campaigns, including - 

Google Ads management includes, but is not limited to - 

Google Display Campaign Management

 Custom-designed image/flash/gallery ads in all major sizes (one new ad set per month). Display network advertising could be a very effective way to bring in traffic at scale and to increase awareness cheaper than the other campaign types. My recommendation would be to hold off on display ads until after I am running highly profitable campaigns across all search and remarketing channels. 

Dynamic Remarketing 

Remarketing ads tailored to the specific pages your visitors spent time engaging with. While these types of ads don't always perform better than traditional remarketing ads, it's always something worth testing. Dynamic remarketing works especially well with e-commerce websites, but it can be a great strategy for traditional lead-gen campaigns as well. For example, ads can be tailored to visitors who spent time researching specific services or service categories. Dynamic remarketing ads will be designed using the Google display ad gallery unless otherwise agreed upon.

Remarketing Audience Management

Creating sophisticated remarketing audiences based on data from Analytics. Custom audiences account for the inherent differences in the visitors coming through your advertising channels. Custom audiences include segmenting by traffic source, campaign, ad clicked, keyword, and behavioral patterns such as which pages they viewed, how long they spent on your site, which links they clicked, and more.

Google Analytics Integration 

I Will make sure Google Analytics is properly installed on your website and landing pages, and link the account to AdWords (if it hasn't been done already). I Will also be setting up custom Analytics dashboards to more easily analyze AdWords traffic inside Google Analytics. 

Google Tag Manager Implementation 

I Will send you your Google Tag Manager container code for your developer to install, or I can install it ourselves after being granted backend access to your website. I Will also use Google Tag Manager to install additional tags, like the Facebook pixel, remarketing tags, conversion tags, etc.

User Behavioral Analysis

I will be using tools like Hotjar to get a deeper insight into how your visitors are interacting with your pages. Depending on your volume and other tools I am using, this may not be necessary, but I like to have the click-maps and heat-maps to be able to cross-reference your landing page tests.

Get In Touch

📍 Matlab, Chandpur, Chittagong, Bangladesh-3640                                              📞+8801748077510

