Bicycle Clubs
Use GRouteLoaderIQ to put your club ride schedule on Garmin devices.
GRouteLoader IQ is designed so that it's easy to write a web page that lets club members see scheduled rides and download the routes directly from their Garmin device. This makes it easier for your members to download routes and it's very cool besides.
If, after reading the PDF documentation, you still have questions, contact me (grouteloader <at> gmail <dot> com). If you are interested, I can send the php file used by my club (BTCNJ).
The above image shows GRouteLoaderIQ being used by BTCNJ (a large cycling club in northern NJ).
Here is how the app works for BTCNJ
The first time a member accesses the website from the app, they are given an option to register their device.
Clicking the item has Garmin Connect to open the club's device registration page. The user logs in using their club account to save (register) the device's unique code (associating the unique code with the user's account). This lets the user access the ride schedule as a member without needing their club account.
The next time the member accesses the club website from the app, they see a list of days with rides.
Clicking on a day will show the rides scheduled for that day.
Clicking on the ride lets the member download the route.