

In this topic, the main objectives are to know the flora of each country and learn more about it, taking into account the different topics chosen. In our case it is the bushes.

Flora of Spain

The flora of Spain is recognized for being part of the great vegetation that the country has, being the one that has the largest within the European countries. Shrubs, in particular, have a variety of flowers and colors, as well as sizes and types.

Flora of Turkey

The Turkish flora is renowned for its long, lush forests, and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. The bushes, in particular, are lush and colorful, completing the vegetation and giving variety to the country.

Flora of France

The French flora is recognized by a great variety of trees and its vegetation is so varied that 40% of the European species are found here. Shrubs, in particular, tend to have a predominance of green color and peculiar shapes.