Consequences & Opinions

Consequences in Daily Life

The appearance of a new species of Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, radically marked the life of humanity in the past year 2020, changing our lifestyle and becoming a pandemic. Despite the measures that have been taken to protect citizens and curb the levels of contagion, the virus continues to mutate and attack, so it only remains to be aware of this, respect the measures imposed and trust that the new vaccines ( Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and Moderna) succeed in immunizing the entire world population.

Our Opinions

What We Have Learned?

Fernanda Pino: Personally, I have understood more about COVID-19 and its way of infecting, which has made me more aware of it, as with viruses in general and their lethality if they are not treated in the correct way or do not have the means defense.

Stefanía Miranda: Thanks to this challenge I have been able to learn how viruses behave in our organism and delve deeper into the process of fertilization and pregancy. I found it very interesting!

Best Thing for Us

Lizeth Loaiza: I found this topic very interesting, as it was something new and what I liked the most was the challenge, in which we did an experiment and it was really fun to see the DNA of a fruit, it was incredible.

Fernanda Pino: The best thing for me has been to understand about SARS-Cov-2 and complement the rest of the topics on the website with what I have seen in class. It has been an enriching knowledge.

Stefanía Miranda: I think the best thing about this challenge has been to make the model of the process called mitosis because I had great time planning it and doing it. Also, I think doing the experiment on DNA extraction has also been the best, as I found it very amazing and it was just amazing.

What do We Want to Improve

Fernanda Pino: Personally, it would improve communication and work times, since the disorder of these only causes more stress and a slower work process.

Stefanía Miranda: For the following investigations, what would improve is the organization and communication so that the work can be more fluid.

What I've Done

Fernanda Pino: I have made the introduction section, viruses, about COVID-19, the kahoot!, I have participated in the development of the model and the experiment, and put the consequences in daily life, in addition to ordering the information on the website.

Stefanía Miranda: I have participed in the developmentt of the model and the experiment, I have made the section on cell division mitosis, reserched the scientists who discovered the virus, and added the information to the padlet. I have also helped in guidance and planning for the job.