Consequences & Opinions

Consequences in Daily Life

By learning more about our native flora, we can learn to care for and respect it in order to maintain it over time, avoiding unnecessary damage and consequently, helping to avoid environmental pollution.

Our Opinions

What We Have Learned?

Fernanda Pino: I have learned more about the flora of other countries and the existing diversity on a single topic, understanding its properties and characteristics.

Adrien : I Have Learned about the platns from other countries and the properties of them

Best Thing for Us

Fernanda Pino: Personally, the best thing for me was seeing the great diversity that exists in the same continent, I really liked it.

Adrien : I think the best thing was to discover the different plants which exist troughout Europe

What do We Want to Improve

Fernanda Pino: it would improve communication and attitude towards work. It was minimal and it has been like that during the three challenges.

Adrien : The communication was very hard in general

What I've Done

Fernanda Pino: I made the website, the gallery and I collected the information that the rest gave me, I summarized it and I put it in the virtual gallery.

Adrien : I've done my part.