Psychology Research
GALE Database & eBook Powersearch
GALE Health & Wellness Database
The GALE Encyclopedia of Mental Health (2024) eBook
ProQuest Central Student (Log-in info here) - be sure to filter by "full text"
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Includes: Mental Health Topics, Clinical Trials & Research, Statistics, Brochures and Fact Sheets (all under "Mental Health Information") can help with an overview of topics and direct you to specific studies and more details as well.
American Psychology Association (APA) Topics Pages
Most articles will cite sources at the ends with links or ways to follow up on the primary sources. Occasionally links to studies from the Pew Research Center which is another great source.
Medline Plus - Health Topics: Mental Health & Behavior
Health database that provides an overview of health topics but also links to other valuable resources to learn more about each topic.
Association for Psychological Science - Topics Page
Information does not go as in-depth as some sources, but cites sources that may be helpful, and includes summaries of research that may be inspiring to crafting your research question.
Reminders for evaluating sources to determine credibility and appropriateness to your research task. You can use the "CRAAP" test:
Currency: How current is the information? When was it last updated? Consider the answers to those questions as it pertains to your research task.
Relevance: Does the information meet your needs? Is it simplified or in-depth? Is there important context or details missing?
Authority: Who is the author of the resource? What are her or his credentials and do those relate to the subject being discussed?
Accuracy: Is the information presented factually accurate? Is there a list or link to the sources that informed the source?
Purpose: What is the purpose of the source? Is it to educate and inform, or to persuade?