GALE DatabAses

Here you will find current and credible information for your research or to satisfy your curiosity. Databases contain e-books, overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary sources, images, videos, audio, or links to informative and relevant websites. 

** You can also access our school GALE resources through the MCS App Portal **

Current and informative content  and opinions on various social issues. 


Continuously updated reference material for a variety of subjects.


Integrates case studies, news, reference materials, academic journals, videos, and more; updated daily with relevant information.

Viewpoints offered on a variety of Global issues, topics and current events. 


Specialized reference sources, e-books, and encyclopedias. 


(*GVRL looks & functions slightly differently than the other databases)

(If you have trouble accessing any resources, log in to your MCS Google account and access this document. )

A targeted search in a database listed above is usually your best option for research, but if you want to search ALL available GALE products, use  POWERSEARCH.

Download & Share content with Google Drive - even annotations!


<-- Click HERE (or on the document preview) for Search Tips for GALE Powersearch

NOTE - It's often best to start with a targeted search within the database that is best suited to your needs/topic. THEN try a Powersearch if you don't have luck.