Genius Hour

The following resources may help you on your learning journey:

Where to find information?

This page can help you decide which Gregori GALE Database might be right for you.

This MJC Resource is a great spot to learn more about using Google effectively.

This page details some online learning available through Khan Academy and other sources for self-guided learning experiences

Reminders from your Inquiry Guide on how to pick a topic:

Pillar 1: Explore a Passion

What are you already deeply passionate about?

What are your talents or natural abilities?

What motivates you? Engages you? Excites you?

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

What topics do you find yourself consistently arguing or defending to others?

Pillar 2: Aim for a Goal

Where do you want to be in five, ten, and twenty years?

What steps can you take now to ensure the future you see for yourself becomes a reality?

Is there an area of your work you want to explore more deeply?

What steps can you take now to allow you to develop and grow professionally?

Pillar 3: Delve into your Curiosities

What are some things you really want to do but you haven’t done yet? What’s holding you back?

If you had to move to a different country, where would you move and why?

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

If you could have been a child prodigy, what skill would you have wanted?

What experience would you be most disappointed to never have?

At what time in your recent past have you felt most alive?

Pillar 4: Take on a new Challenge

What is something you’ve been wanting to dive into?

How would you like to make a difference in other people’s lives?

What challenge has been calling your name?