
GVRL - eBooks of primarily reference books (counts as print sources), fully searchable and downloadable

Student Resources in Context (SRIC) - Contains many historical topics, also includes current information and primary documents... fully searchable and downloadable.

For example-- the SRIC topic page for "Black Death" was recently updated, and includes: an encyclopedia entry, information from 2017 about a plague vaccine, and also a primary source written in 1348 (and translated in 1948), in addition to much more.

Both Global Issues in Context and Opposing Viewpoints are primarily for current issues that are argued, though you may still find something of value depending on your research question.

The CA Dept. of Ed. has provided resources as well (links on our "Digital Library" page), which also provide APA entries & searchable features and ability to download. The most helpful resource for this assignment is probably the PROQUEST ELIBRARY.

The Proquest Research Companion has tools that may help you if you are struggling.