Final Paper Reflection

My writing process began when I was talking with my family about ways that a person could make a difference in society, specifically ones that are not thought of that often. So as we began to think of ways to make a difference in society, we kept coming back to the topic of adoption and foster care. I think that this topic stuck with us the most because my family has always considered adopting a child, but we have not had the resources to take on the commitment of another child. Through the years, we have also had many friends that have adopted a child or have been apart of the foster care process, so that may have been another reason why this specific form of activism stuck with me so much. Once I decided that adoption and foster care was what i wanted to write about, I began to gather information that I felt was necessary to get my point across.

During the process of writing this paper, I learned many new things about myself and the world. For instance, when I mentioned the statistic about a person from half of the churches in America adopting a child, this gave me a new perspective on how one person could make a difference and how the world has an opportunity to give homes to all orphans. As I learned more about myself, the impact of an individual person, and the impact the world can make, I began to have a clearer view of what I wanted to focus on in my paper. This paper showed me that all it takes is one person to make a difference and it can cause a major change in our world.

When I started writing this paper, I never really thought about the impact that adopting a child or participating in the foster care process, could have on both the life of that specific child, and in the world as a whole. As I continued writing, I began to see the impact of adoption and foster care more clearly. I began to see it as not just something that changed the life of one specific child, but as something that could make a difference in our world altogether. Now that I have finished writing this paper, I am glad that I was able to write about this topic, and I am happy by the way that it turned out.