Section 2

Personally, my family has never adopted a child, even though we have strongly considered it. Though through the years, we have many friends who have adopted children and I can see the positive effects that adoption has had on both the child and each family. I know that for each of our friends, adoption seemed like an impossible action, it seemed as though it would be too hard for them to support both the child and themselves; but now, each of them has realized that the sacrifices they made were to better the life of a child and to show them the love of God.

The topic of adoption and foster care stood out to me not only because we have so many friends that are changing the lives of children they adopted, but also because my church recently discussed this topic and it caused me to want to write this paper about it. In my church’s discussion about adoption and foster care, my pastor made a point that stuck out to me above everything else. He said that all it takes is one person/family to adopt a child to make a difference. He put this statement into action by saying that there are 315,000 churches in America and there are 108,000 orphans in the foster care system that are available for adoption. So if a family from half of the churches in America adopted a child there would be no more children left in the foster care system in our country. I found this stat extremely mind blowing because it is just one family from only half of the churches in America, and I personally know like ten families that have adopted children or that have participated in the foster care process.