Section 1

When you think about it, Community and Citizenship can go hand in hand. For instance, Community is, “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common” or “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals” and Citizenship is, “the position or status of being a citizen of a particular country” (Citizenship; Community). Based off of these definitions we can see that a person has Citizenship when they are a legally recognized member of a country, and a Community is a group of people who have similar goals, so that means that Community can be a group of people that have Citizenship in the same country because they all have the same goals of obtaining what is best for the country. Basically, Citizenship shows that you have become a member of a Community, and you are willing to share common beliefs with the other members of the Community.

In a Community, people must engage in discussions and act to fix social issues. One major social issue that affects not just our country, but our entire world is the amount of orphaned and homeless children that have no families to be with. In order to make this situation right for homeless and foster kids, we should consider to be apart of the foster care process and or adopt a child who may not know what being apart of a family is like. Foster care and adoption are both positive ways to make a huge impact on a child’s life, because it gives an orphaned child opportunities that they may not ever experience otherwise. When it comes to children being orphaned, there are some misconceptions of why children are not raised by their birth family. For instance, many people believe that the reason there are so many orphans is because the parents just did not want the child. Though this reason may be true in some cases, there are also times where the parents do not have the money or resources to care for the child, so they give the child up for adoption because they cannot provide for it. According to, “Birth parents or a single parent may place a baby up for adoption if they lack the financial means to raise a child and may not be aware of resources available to low-income families. shares that the parents may feel that a child deserves a family who can offer more financial stability. If a woman is in an abusive relationship or environment, she may not want her baby to experience the related hardships, particularly if she doesn’t receive support. shares that in some cases, one or both parents may have a physical or mental disability that makes raising a child difficult without outside support” (Richards-Gustafson).