Section 4

None of the families that I know that have adopted children have immense amounts of money, they just felt that adoption was something that they were called to do and they made a commitment to adopt a child. Along with the other commitments, the adoption process can take a very long time, it can last anywhere from a couple months to a couple of years. I found an in-depth reason for why process takes so long, according to, “...the answer boils down to the need to determine that the parents will be suitable parents before children are placed in their homes. Prospective parents are subjected to extensive background checks, social workers interview them and anyone who lives with them, their finances and medical histories are investigated, etc. Agencies, birthparents and any involved governmental bodies all want to ensure that no child is ever placed in a home that in any way will be unacceptable for a child” (Hahn-Burkett).

In this quote, Hahn-Burkett states that the reason why the adoption process takes such an extensive amount of time is because the social workers want to make sure that the home of the possible parents is suitable for a child, and that the child will not be in any sort of danger. I feel that the amount of background checks that are run in the adoption process are completely necessary because they need to make sure that the child will be safe. They need to make sure that they are not putting a child in a home where the living situation, such as the house or behavior of the parents/birth children, is not going to bring harm to the child. To make it through the adoption process, the possible parents need to have perseverance, and I as well as the people that I know that have adopted children know that perseverance can be found in the Lord. I believe that perseverance can be found in God alone and James 1:12 is a perfect reminder of that, it states, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12). So after all of these possible trials that parents that wants to adopt go through, I believe that commitment and perseverance is all it takes, and then God will provide the rest.

I believe that every person deserves to be shown God’s love. It does not matter if they are an orphan or a person who has everything that they could want, everyone deserves to know how much God loves them. That is the main reason why I chose to write about adoption. Adoption is a way that we can show God’s love to someone and in turn make a huge impact on their life. Through adoption, we can fulfill what God commanded us to do in Hebrews 13:1-2, “Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it” (Hebrews 13:1-2). I felt like this specific verse applied to adoption because it says to show hospitality to to strangers. So I felt that the orphans are strangers and we show hospitality to them by opening our homes and showing them love as if they were our brother or sister.