Please join.
Membership will give you discounted rates at concerts and dances.
Your membership benefit discount will extend to other affiliated organizations like Country Dancing in Kalamazoo , The Looking Glass Music And Arts Association, and Allegan Woods Folk Arts Cooperative.
Price: $ 15 for a single
$ 25 for a family
Feel free to join at any event.
You will be given a wallet card with an expiration date.
Dues paid after July first are good for the next year.
2024-2025 GRFAS board officers
President - Roger Kohlenberger
Sec - Cal Lamoreaux, Treasurer - Roger Plaxton
Other board members
Dance Sound - Roger Plaxton
Concert Booker, local - Roger Plaxton
Snacks - volunteer
Web/ IT - Cal Lamoreaux
Dance Booker - ?
Grants - ?
Concert Sound - Roger Plaxton, JF
At Large - Diane Loomis, Sandy Johnson.
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A copy of the bylaws is here.
Any interested person may attend board meetings.
Board meetings were usually the second Tuesday7:00 pm. But starting Feb 2025, TBA
We are an all-volunteer organization. We have many opportunities for volunteers. You may use the Membership Application form or just step up to volunteer.
At Concerts:
We usually need someone to bring some snack bars, cookies, etc. we can sell.
We usually need someone to watch over and sell the music CDs the artists bring.
We usually need someone to help set up the snack table and take it down.
We usually need a few folks to help set up the room, chairs, stage, and sound equipment.
You could volunteer at a Saturday concert
You could volunteer to host a concert performer overnight
Contact: our president or
At Dances:
We usually need many folks to bring some snack bars, cookies, candy, etc.
We usually need a few folks carry sound equipment up the stairs and some to help set up the room, chairs, stage, and sound equipment. And help clean up after the dance and carry equipment back down the stairs.
You could volunteer to call or join the band at a Friday "Open" dance.
Hospitality -
Marketing -
Membership -
Snacks - Sandy Miles
Venue mgr ?
Volunteer Coordinator ?
Facebook - Laurie P and Cal
AACTMAD liason - Laurie P?
Venue mgr ?
Concert tickets - Gary Marsh
Concert snacks - Diane Loomis and Sandy Johnson