Contra Dances
Also see the calendar on the bottom of the Home web page:
Contra dances resumed in January 2024.
Bring a friend! Or come alone. Lots of fun for folks aged 6 to 92.
In the Fifth Street Hall (St Adelbert's), corner of Davis, a block west of Seward. Upstairs.
Beginners' dance instruction starts at 7 pm. Dances are 7:30-10:30 p.m.
Adm: general $12, seniors $10, members $8, Students $6. Family, $20
Contra dances are on Fridays. Feb 21 2025 with the Brook Farm String Band, March 21, April 18, May 16. Artists TBA.
We do not have a contra dance on Labor Day weekend. But that is when we all go to Ann Arbor to dance (free) in the streets. (above) Dancing in the Streets is an annual free festival on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend in downtown Ann Arbor. It offers local residents a chance to sample lots of different music and dance traditions, enjoy the downtown, and see some friends and neighbors in the process. Multiple stages offer visitors a chance to try many different styles of dancing, as well as enjoy mini-concerts and entertain their children with special activities. For more information, visit
Volunteers may play music, call, or join the dance.
Folks from 6-92 may twirl and swing to the great music.
It is all about dancing and learning; this an opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people. There will be new callers, new dances, new musicians and fun for all. No partner required.
It is traditional to change partners after every dance set. And anyone may ask anyone else to dance.
Video of a good contra dance here.
Contra location: Way upstairs at Fifth Street Hall :
701 5th Street NW in Grand Rapids
Corner of 5th & Davis
It is a very long staircase up to the second floor dance hall.
What is contra dance?
If you want to call a dance, call 10 days ahead.
Please call ahead 616 691-8243
Questions? Email
See also the: (Grand Rapids) Happy Soles Square & Round Dance Club.
Grand Rapids Original Swing Society. Country Dancing in Kalamazoo
Listing of contra dances, square dances and waltzes all over Michigan is here.
Weekly calendar of local free and low-cost dances is here.
And the AACTMAD (Ann Arbor & MI) listing is here.