GP3 Overview 2022-23

Welcome to GP3

We hope that you enjoy your GP3 placement with our fantastic GP educators.

ATTENDANCE - Contact Kate Scurr if students are not attending asap

COVID -Please ensure you can contact your students quickly if necessary (e.g. text / WhatsApp). Please ensure that you request students’ mobile numbers at induction (if they agree) and then delete them at the end of the placement (for GDPR). Please also let the medical school know about any changes in the situation at your practice as soon as possible (contact Kate Scurr)

- Please follow local guidance regarding PPE and lateral flow testing for frontline medical staff. Please check your students’ vaccination status and encourage them to get vaccinated (flu vaccine and COVID booster) as per national guidance. If there are any issues regarding student vaccination please contact us directly.

Louise, Vidya, Kate, and the CBME team

Aim of GP3

The purpose of year 3 is to help you develop fluency in history taking and examining patients whilst maintaining patient-centredness and compassion. 

Learning outcomes GP3


Structure - students should attend practice for minimum of 6 hours. All learning is face-to-face, but we provide resources for virtual teaching in case students or tutors need to isolate during the placement or for pilot students.

There are GP3 specific clinical conditions which students will be tested on in their summer exams. You can access this here.


The placement activities you engage in should follow these themes.

See learning agreement and suggested timetables and pre-placement email templates here.

You should have a mid placement check in with the GP and the opportunity to feedback anonymously to the GP3 team should there be any issues arising in your placement, which we will then deal with.  


For specific outcomes and instructions for these assessments, click here.

There are GP3 specific clinical conditions which you will be tested on in your summer exams. You can access this here.

GP Tutor Assessment:

NB: students are also required to write an individual 500 word reflection, but this is       submitted centrally.





Term 1,

W/c 10-Oct-22, 17-Oct-22, 24-Oct-22, 31-Oct-22, 07-Nov-22,14-Nov-22, 21-Nov-22, 28-Nov-22, 05-Dec-22 

Term 2,

W/c 30-Jan-23, 06-Feb-23, 13-Feb-23, 20-Feb-23, 27-Feb-23, 06-Mar-23, 13-Mar-23, 20-Mar-23

Term 3,

W/c 17-Apr-23, 24-Apr-23, 1-May-23, 08-May-23, 15-May-23, 22-May-23, 29-May-23, 05-Jun-23, 12-Jun-23, 19-Jun-23

Training and support


Administrators: Kate Scurr 

 (Kate is your first port of call for any day to day queries about the module)

Academics: Dr Louise Younie  Dr Vidya Mistry