GP3 themes

GP3 Specific Presentations and Single Best Answer exam 2023

Exploring patient presenting complaints

Acute infection e.g. COVID 19, URTI, UTI

Chronic disease e.g. hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, CKD

Cardiovascular presentations e.g. Atrial Fibrillation, Angina

Respiratory presentations e.g. Asthma, COPD

Musculoskeletal conditions e.g. knee, hip, back pain

Possible stress-related symptoms e.g. IBS, headache (tension, migraine), indigestion, eczema

Skin presentations e.g. eczema (see dermatology websites below), shingles, fungal infections

GP3 Data interpretation exam Summer 2023

This year there will be GP based data interpretation questions in your year 3 exams. Please take all opportunities to review blood test results, ECGs, lung function tests (e.g. spirometry). Learn to link patient symptoms and signs with data e.g. ECG showing atrial fibrillation. 

Helpful websites 

Used by GPs  Really helpful clinician and patient information, GPs use this a lot. Helpful for GP information on diagnosis and managment, you need to make an account. Primary care, best practice scenarios useful dermatology website  useful dermatology website