GP3 Overview 2021-22

Welcome to GP3

This year we hope to return to ALL students in the GP practice every week of the placement (COVID allowing). In 2021-22 students or tutors may need to isolate, so we have kept information regarding virtual tutorials, virtual patient encounters and GP3 themes available in the 'COVID' section.

Thank you for all your hard work and for inspiring the next generation of doctors.

Louise, Vidya, Kate, Chloe and the CBME team

****Please note on Friday 28th January students have a compulsory progress test scheduled in the morning so will not attend the surgery in the morning but they are able to attend in the afternoon on Friday 28th January, and should be able to attend your practice from 1pm.****

Aim of GP3

The purpose of year 3 is to help our students develop fluency in history taking and examining patients whilst maintaining patient-centredness and compassion.

Learning outcomes for GP3

  • Meet, consult and examine patients and receive feedback

  • Develop understanding of the generalist nature of primary care, the lived experience of GPs and the kinds of patient presentations and consultations seen there.

  • Explore the concept of compassionate practice, collaboratively, reflectively, creatively.

Overall learning outcomes for year 3

By the end of Year 3, students may be expected to:

  1. Assess a patient who is acutely unwell

  2. Assess a patient with a long-term condition and complex needs

  3. Have developed appropriate practical skills (ref to GMC procedures)

  4. Have demonstrated skills in diagnostic reasoning, critical thinking and professional judgement

  5. Show the ability to understand the healthcare environment and to participate adaptively in the work of the healthcare team


Administrators: Kate Scurr and Chloe Millan (Kate and Chloe are your first port of call for any day to day queries about the module)

Academics: Dr Louise Younie Dr Vidya Mistry

Key elements of GP3 2021/22:-

What is GP3?

  • based on a longitudinal clerkship model

  • whole day placement (approx. 6 hours)

  • students attend the surgery one day a week for 8-10 weeks (same day of the week, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday)

  • focus on patient contact and clinical skills

  • 4 students

  • Payment £3040 for 8 weeks (increases for 9 or 10 week placements)

GP3 Dates


Year 3 Progress Test 1 – Friday 28 January 2022 – 1st Friday of Term 2 GP3

Year 3 Progress Test 2 – Friday 06 May 2022 – 2nd Friday of Term 3 GP3

Year 3 OSCEs - 12th, 13th, 14th July 2022

Term 1,

W/c 25th Oct 21, 1st Nov 21, 8th Nov 21, 15th Nov 21, 22nd Nov 21, 29th Nov 21, 6th Dec 21, 13th Dec 21.

Term 2,

W/c 24th Jan 22, 31st Jan 22, 7th Feb 22, 14th Feb 22, 21st Feb 22, 28th Feb 22, 7th March 22 ,14th March 22, 21st March 22, 28th March 22

Term 3,

W/c 25th April 22, 2nd May 22, 9th May 22, 16th May 22, 23rd May 22, 30th May 22, 6th June 22, 13th June 22, 20th June 22.

1) Group-based Assessment

2) Placement Grade form including Professionalism Form

3) Logbook (CEX, DOP, CBD, Continuity exercise)

Common GP presentations, Cardio-respiratory, Renal, Urology, Breast, Gastro intestinal tract

GP3 data interpretation

This year there will be GP based data interpretation questions in your year 3 exams. Please take all opportunities to review blood test results, ECGs, lung function tests (e.g. spirometry). Learn to link patient symptoms and signs with data e.g. ECG showing atrial fibrillation.

  • Wider/social determinants of health

  • Multimorbidity and shared decision making

  • Medication review and polypharmacy

  • Undifferentiated presentations, uncertainty

  • Compassion and person-centred care

  • Multidisciplinary teams