Virtual resources


Please see the following virtual resources (may be useful to support learning, especially in the event of needing to isolate) which you can request access to:

1) Virtual Primary Care (VPC) platform - real unedited primary care consultations

2) Speaking Clinically - a video archive of patients talking openly about their medical conditions

3) CAPSULE a quiz-based learning resource, with over 680 clinical cases


If you do not already have access to the above resources and would like them, please could you complete an online JOT form ( ) a.s.a.p. to provide:

  • Names of the GP Tutors at your practice who would like access

  • NHS email address for each tutor

  • Which resources they would like access to

See below - more details about each Virtual Resource

  1. CAPSULE a quiz-based learning resource, with over 680 clinical cases

CAPSULE is a quiz-based learning resource designed to support undergraduate medical students in the application of medical knowledge in a clinical setting. The resource contains over 680 clinical cases which are mapped to the GMC’s Outcomes for graduates and linked to more than 3500 questions across 39 disciplines.

  1. Speaking Clinically - a video archive of patients talking openly about their medical conditions

Speaking Clinically is a video archive of patients talking openly about their medical conditions. It can be used as a teaching aid or for self-directed study.

  1. Virtual Primary Care (VPC) platform - real unedited primary care consultations

Virtual Primary Care (VPC) is an innovative, general practice based educational resource offering fly on the wall access to 150 diverse, real life primary care consultations recorded in Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol and London. Every consultation has been tagged for clinical and educational content and is accompanied by a brief summary, associated learning points, references and suggested student activities.

Please note, there are 150 videos available and playlists have been set up for each year group’s modules on the Virtual Primary Care platform. As a tutor, you will be able to see them all, but your students can only see the playlists for their modules. The playlists are named QMUL CBME "module name" "theme" e.g. QMUL CBME MedSoc Chronic Pain. We ask that you only use the videos on the playlists for your module/placement; this is to ensure that students are not repeatedly shown the same videos and also that they are not shown videos which may later be used for assessment purposes.

Role Play or OSCE Scenarios

GP3 OSCE Station 1.docx
GP3 OSCE Station 2.docx
GP3 OSCE Station 3.docx
Examiner briefing .docx