
This section is designed to help you prepare for the GP3 modules. Please find links to resources you or your practice educational co-ordinator can use to help organise the placement.

The student induction handout (below) can be amended and includes information regarding the local area which will help students prepare for their tutorial on Community Diagnosis. There are also resources for lesson planning, learning needs assessment and learning and teaching with patients. You will also find a copy of the Risk Reduction Checklist and Student Learning Agreement.

Before the Placement

  1. Introductory email example

      • you may like to include the Student Learning Agreement for students to sign and return/discuss at the first tutorial (see below)

  2. Covid Risk Assessment (see below)

  3. Practice Student Induction Handout

      • information regarding local area, social factors, areas of inequalities - links in with the GPCD, GP Community Diagnosis Module

At Induction

  1. Preparing for GP placements in the time of COVID - see attachment below

  2. Learning Needs Assessment

  3. Please ask regarding SSC3a (ONLY if teaching in Term 2)

  4. Student Learning Agreement (see below)

  5. Ground rules & small group teaching


  1. Learning and Teaching with Patients

  1. Lesson Planning

  1. Teaching on the run - Australian clinician educator series with brief summaries on different themes such as effective use of questions, giving feedback.

2021-22 QMUL GP Placement Risk Reduction Checklist FINAL.docx

Resettling and Risk Reduction Checklist 21/22

Year 3 Student Learning Agreement.docx

Student learning agreement

To be completed by student and emailed to GP tutor