PCB Designs

Golden Arduino Board - Designed a micro-controller board compatible with the Arduino framework. Utilized best design practices and was able to produce a board which has a 60% reduction in power rail noise and 80% reduction in near field emissions compared with a similar commercial Arduino board. 

Sensor Shield - Designed a shield for the previous board that is also compatible with any other commercial Arduino.  The shield implemented Hall effect sensor, temperature and humidity Sensor, photo-transistors, CO sensor, microphone, 4 programmable LEDs, buzzer, 12-bit DAC, and a 16-bit ADC. All components were populated by me. 

My Golden Arduino  Board running code to control the sensor shield. Demonstration of both boards working in conjunction.


-> Play with Sound

** Note - The one component that is not populated is done so due to a power limitation not because of a design flaw. I was utilizing a raspberry pi to flash the micro-controller. I was running into an issue that when I had the micro-controller plugged in the pi would give me under-voltage warnings and become buggy. The sensor which was removed was the carbon monoxide sensor. The CO sensor (MQ7) has a heating element in it that is effectively a 30 ohm resistor between VCC and ground. As such, removing it reduces the current draw of the board by about 150 - 200 mA. 

Guitar Pickup Winder

ATMega328 based guitar pickup winder. Incorporates a reversible motor driver, USB interface, breaks out I2C to an external LCD display, breaks out GPIO pins to a motor encoder and control interface.

Thevenin Resistance Measurement System

Created my own tool which can measure the parasitic series resistance of a bench-top power supply. This parameter is not easily gained from a datasheet. The measurement system is controlled via micro-controller. User can interact with the board using a serial terminal monitor and view the measurements on the PC.