Julia's Clock

A clock based on the Julia Sets. The idea of this quick coding project was to parametrically draw out a unit circle in the complex plane with a discrete set of values, find the corresponding Julia Set for every number on the unit circle, and integrate it into a clock that allows the user to tell time. In short the clock functions as follows: each Julia Set found on the unit circle corresponds to the minute hand on the clock, each color mapping denotes a different hour in the day, and, thus by using python to automatically update the desktop wallpaper we have a method that lets us tell time via the Julia Sets.



Simple Smart Light Bulb Script

Made my smart light bulb automatically dim the lights and switch to a nice hacker green every time I open a Kali Linux box in WSL. When the Kali box is closed the normal white color is restored.


Electricity Demand Forecast 

Deep Learning Model

Utilized data from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) API and constructed a LSTM Deep Learning Model to create a 24hr look ahead forecast which predicts US Energy Demand in the lower 48. Additionally, created multiple interactive graphics utilizing the Plotly library in order to analyze the data as well as present the forecast in a dynamic way.
