Latest News

(Upcoming Schedule) 7/18 2024  Lecture for Tokyo Residents

I am looking forward to giving a lecture, having a discussion, and interacting with the citizens.


7/6 2024 Thesis research presentation by Arai-san

Arai-san prepared well to represent our lab's research, and his presentation attracted many students and staff scientists.


4/9 2024 Welcome party for Kuroiwa-san and Wang-san

We are delighted to kick off the new fiscal year with the addition of two motivated master's students!


4/9 2024  Our paper is out!

Our long-standing effort in addressing the regulation of cortical interneuron development by FoxG1 has finally been published. Many thanks to my former mentors, now in Tokyo and Boston, for their continuous support.

Miyoshi, G.*, Ueta, Y., Yagasaki, Y., Kishi, Y., Fishell, G., Machold, R., and Miyata, M. (2024). 

Developmental trajectories of GABAergic cortical interneurons are sequentially modulated by dynamic FoxG1 expression levels. 

PNAS, vol 121. No.16 e2317783121


群馬大学 プレスリリース

3/8,9 2024  Japan Neural Development Joint Meeting@Nagoya City Univ

Hayato and Aito presented, Masaya and Goichi  attended the meeting. We met many energetic researchers in the field.


1/27-28 2024  UNG meeting @ Tokai Univ

Goichi presented in the meeting. Interesting researchers and stimulating talks!


1/25 2024 Ming-Chia san farewell

She has contributed a lot to the lab. We all miss you and wish you the best for your future! 


1/24 2024  GUNS meeting Winda san

Presented the current research project and the work in former lab.


1/10 2024 Takayuki Kuroiwa joins the lab


12/21 2023 Lab end-of-year party


12/13-15 2023  International Kumamoto Medical Bioscience Symposium

Goichi's first experience in Kumamoto was fantastic! It was great to see former lab mate Natalia in Japan.


12/4 2023  Dr. Ming-Chia Chu joins the lab

A research collaboration through the support of Japan-Taiwan exchange association. 


11/28-29 2023  The second annual lab retreat @ Ikaho

Active discussions and progress during the Thanksgiving period!


10 2023  The book "Nou to Kokoro"

The serialized article in the Gunma local newspaper is now released as a book!


10/2 2023 Dr. Winda Ariyani joins the lab as an assistant prof

She obtained her PhD at the physiology lab and continued with a postdoc at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Regulation at Gunma Univ.


9/16 2023 The 2nd Japan FOXG1 family meeting @Rapport Yokohama, Kanagawa

It was very nice to see everyone in Yokohama. Great effort by the organizers, Maki-san and her sister! 

日本FOXG1患者家族会の第二回会合に 参加しました。コロナ明け久しぶりや初めての皆様方との充実した時間。まきさん姉妹は企画実行お疲れ様でした。

9/15  2023  Goichi gave a talk at Aichi Developmental Disability Center


8/30- 2023 iPlasticity annual meeting @ Chiba

Goichi and Hirofumi presented at the meeting.

学術変革領域 臨界期生物学の班会議に三好と淺野が参加しました。とても有意義な時間を過ごしました。

8/17 2023 Visiting day at Gunma Univ

Goichi introduced the lab research project and the experiments to high school students.


7/31- 2023 The Japan Neuroscience Society Meeting @ Sendai

I was so happy to co-chair a session with Hiroki Taniguchi and to have speakers, including Hiroki, Emilia Favuzzi, Laurent Nguyen and Theofanis Karayannis. We recieved great feedback! Thank you for flying all the way to Japan, Lo and Theo! Looking forward to seeing you at the next opportunity, Hiroki and Emilia.


6/19- 2023 Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry meeting @ Singapore

Thanks for organizing the symposium, Shen-Ju Chou! Lee Kong Chian SoM was an amazing inst. 


6/8  2023  New setups and a pizza party!

The animal facility and many equipments were renewed, and we celebrate with pizza to acknowledge the lab's effort.


5/23  2023  Moving into a new lab space!


5/9  2023  Goichi gave a talk at Takasaki Univ of Health and Welfare


5/1  2023  Lab renovation is beautifully done!


4/19  2023

Goichi gave a talk and a lecture for grad students at Nagoya City Univ
