The Real Name of God Chants
Sung by
Cantor Kathy Robbins
Sky Ladd, keyboard
narrated by Ellen Kaufman Dosick
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1. Introduction

2. Anochi - Meditative Chant

3. Anochi - Joyous Chant

4. Harpu - Be Still

5. Anochi Elohim - Anochi is God

6. Shiviti - I Place Anochi Before Me

7. New Blessings

8. B’rachot - Blessing & Gratitude

9. Sho'meah -Listen to My Prayer

10. Ani Ma’amin - I Believe

11. I Am

12. Bo’rei V’Go-el - Creator & Redeemer

13. Ruach - Breathing

14. Bakshu - Seek Anochi

15. Kadosh - Holy, Holy Holy

16. V’Shavti - I Place MySelf in Anochi

17. Grace & Love & ComPassion

18. Darshu Tov - Seek Good

19. Anochi, I Love You

20. With Greatest Love, Eternal Love

21. B’OrChach - In Your Light

22. Emet V’Emunah - Faith & Reason

23. Chai-ei Olam - Life Eternal

24. Anochi Tamid - Anochi All-Ways

25. Panim el Panim - Face to Face

26. Elijah - Sky Blue Is Coming

27. And Then

28. One God. One World. One People

29. Baruch Shem - Blessed Is The Name

30. Bonus - Anochi

31. Anochi Reprise
The Care and Feeding of Your GodSelf
Lyrics, transliterations, and translations of the Chants CD, along with texts, teachings, newly-written prayers and poems, and guided meditationsfor your own spiritual journey available in the booklet:
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