Staying Motivated


Staying motivated is job one when it comes to achieving your goals.

Here are some great motivational resources to inspire you in your goal setting.  Getting motivated and staying motivated is a daily and sometimes hourly necessity.  Many goals take years to achieve.  Some a lifetime.  Learn from others how to set and achieve goals in your life.

SCROLL THROUGH this listing of motivating videos and enjoy what others have to say about setting and achieving goals in their lives!

GARY NORTH – An economist, historian, and avid blogger and news-letter writer.  His main emphasis is finance, economy, and wealth building.  He gave this talk at the Mises Institute and discusses the difference between a calling and a career.  This instructive video can help you decided what your mission or calling in life should be and how that can be very different from your career.

GARY NORTH – An economist, historian, and avid blogger and news-letter writer.  His main emphasis is finance, economy, and wealth building.  He gave this talk at the Mises Institute and discusses the difference between a calling and a career.  This instructive video can help you decided what your mission or calling in life should be and how that can be very different from your career.

JOHN GODDARD - An Interview with world famous goal setter and explorer.  John started his Life List when he was only 15 years old.  He has spent a lifetime pursuing those goals.

With profound simplicity, Coach John Wooden redefines success and urges us all to pursue the best in ourselves. In this inspiring talk he shares the advice he gave his players at UCLA, quotes poetry and remembers his father's wisdom. 

The Spirit of the Goodwill band.  These people will rock your world. If these people with severe disabilities can do it ... SO CAN YOU!  Music makes a difference.  

I watched the documentary entitled “For Once In My Life” on Netflix.  Their description of the film simply caught my attention.  You don’t see the word “INSPIRING” very often.  On this point the film does not disappoint!  Netflix describes it like this, “This inspiring documentary about overcoming the odds showcases the Spirit of Goodwill Band, an eclectic and talented ensemble comprised of musicians who suffer from a variety of physical and mental disabilities. As the band rehearses for an important upcoming concert, the members reveal not only their amazing musical chops, but also their stirring joie de vivre in the face of difficult personal challenges.”

The maladies that the folks live with everyday fill a range, from blindness to severe autism.  Many were abandoned as children.  Some suffered the effects of careless accidents or direct abuse.  All of them are experts in how one copes with life’s challenges at the most fundamental levels.

So, the next time that you or I set a goal only to decide that it’s too hard, that its beyond our reach, then it’s time we listen to these people,  its time to watch this great film one more time.  You will be inspired to carry on with your struggle because whatever it may be, it surely will pale when compared to what these wonderful people deal with 24/7.   Watch this and you will make a stronger effort to Get Where You’re Goaling.  After all, if THEY can do it so can you!